HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-04-23, Page 5Thursday, A it 230., r9a$ luniIIM IIID ittiot opp111sf1m1npniIIMgIImII pIi1 mitisilli llionamtl ilinglisIIII IIwionit Reliable Goods.Home Journal Patterns ; ig isalotri i iii E. enc..;; ,Anoth-. er Ship ent of Ladies' and Miss SprmCoats Smart and jaunty models in a -charming; range of colors which include all the Best Fa- brics for Spring and Summer Wear. Distinctive styles at very mo- derate prices. See our specials at SPRING" AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS All the new weaves in Dress Fabrics in choice range of col- orings , are in stock which in- clude all the New Bright shades of the Spring season. $12.75, $14.50, $16.50 COMPLETE STOCK OF CORSETS, HOSIERY • AND GLOVES Only the best makes of these lines handled. Increased stock of Hosiery at reduced prices. Big value for quick selling and increased sales in these depart- ments. Our Slogan, "Lower Prices. and Increased Business' ° 1; a 5s Wear Store co ; plete Stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing Hats and Caps, Gents' ra Furnishings, Boots and Shoes — E v e rything here for M e n' s and Boys' Wear. See our Boys' Suits for Spring at 1�9 $8,50, $10.00, $12®00 WI 9HAM AIV NC:E-TIMES readings by Mrs. Michie and Miss E. Procter. The artists cheerfully re- sponding to the many encores A grandmothers drill' by x2 girls was surely an Easter Parade of fashions of 50 years ago. .A Playette 'Mrs. Sullivans Tea 'Party," the leading characters being Mesdames Wheeler, Sturdy, Wheeler, McGill, Mcerae, Wheeler, Geddes and Mr, Jesse Wheeler, The singing of the "Na- tional Anthem" • brought the pleasant evening to a close, The W. I have purchased three more street lamps to be placed on -the Clark eorners of the village in addition to the 3 already in use will help to brighten the dark 'pla- ces of the burg. The W. L will meet on Tuesday, April 28th., at 2.3o_ o'clock in the C. 0, F. Hall. WIIITECHURCH Mr. John McMillan is driving ` a new Chevrolet car. Mrs. Wrn., Prince and Gladys of Ii (Kincardine, are visiting with friends- ® in Wingharn also with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius here, Miss Agnes ,Wilson spent' last Meek with her grandmother, Mrs. Ferguson of Culross. Mr. and, Mrs. Russel Reid of Ili Brantford, spent Iasi week with his parents here: J. D. Beecroft is planting put over 2000 - white and red pine trees this week. Messrs. Charlie and Gibson Gill'es- pie,motored to Detroit• on Saturday for ditcher repairs, Rev. Mr. Curn ening of St. Helens, preached in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Scobie it taking his work. The P'repara'tory Service will be taken here on Friday evening by Rev. nt IVIr..Gollan of South Kinloss. ® Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin and Wes, ley, visited on Friday with Mr, and Mrs, W. R. Farrier. Mr. Gibson Rintoul of Wingham, spent last week with Mr. Malcolm Ross. Mr. Jack Hutchispn and family are moving this week into the Kew Block. E. i rfo 151 Agents for Headlight Overalls—"Outwear two ord nary pair". Try them. E Isard 82 zu®II I�1111111111®111 11111111f�1ill�lll®UII�IIItlillh�lf I ":I 11111111111111111118111 Falconer -Brooks A quiet and pretty wedding was solemnized at' the manse at White- church on Wednesday, April /5th,, at eleven a. m., when Rev. Jas. Scobie united in marriage, Velma, youngest daughter of Mrs. Brooks and Lester Falconer, son of Mr. Geo. Falconer of 'Culross. Miss Clara Purdon and Mr. Geo. Falconer were the witness- es. After the marriage the happy couple motored to Bluevale where they partook of a dainty wedding dinner at the home of the bride's sis- ter, Mrs. Bosman, The many friends of the bride and 'groom wish them a happy and prosperous wedded life, on their farm on the 4th of Culross. ST. HELENS Mrs. R, J. Woods has' returned from a few, days visit with her daugh- t M ArnoldB b F er, Mr ar our at ergus. Rev. Jas, Scobie of Whitechurch, preached in the Presbyterian church R. on Sunday morning. In the evening = he addressed the Y.P.B.C. on "Young m. People and; Life Investments." 11SI111IMI1111111gtlll1S11111111111111I191�1i 1Quite a number -of old friends and neighbors attended the funeral from BLUEVALE Much sympathy is extended to Joseph McKinney and family in loss of a kind wife and mo Gone but not to be forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson Childrenof Wawanosh, called on I. Patterson on Sunday, sorry to Mrs. Patterson is not improving Mr, Frank .Fair of Ancaster, spent the week -end at the home of Geo. Thornton: Mrs. Henry: Cowan has returned to her home in Port Huron, after spend- ing a couple of months with her sis- ter, Mrs. Messer and the Brecken- ridge Brothers. Air. . and Mrs. Robinson of Calgary, also Mrs, J. Musgrove and daughters, called on Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Thorn- ton. Mrs. Robinson was formerly Miss . Mae Thornton. The Annual.`Congregational meet- ing of Ebenezar, Johnstons. and Blue - vale on Wednesday of this week. The Willing Workers, held their annual meeting at the prime of Mrs. . Robert Musgrove on April pth;, after the business'nrieeting came the elec- tion of officers for the coining year: President, Mrs,- Jos. Breckenridge; Vice -Pres,, Mrs, Snell; Secretary, Mrs. Whit Stewart; Treas., Mrs. Jos. Curtis, Organist, Mrs. Stewart; Par- sonage Committee, Mrs. George Ma - tilers, Mrs. Arthur McGee, and Mrs. Wm, Thornton,:Visiting Committee, Mrs. 1.olph and Mrs, Rosman. Missionary Meeting, Tuesday of this week at the : home of Mrs. Eel. Johnston. The Institute Met at the home of Mrs. Aiken's, Thursday of last week. Miss Mabel Johnston of Stratford, is a holiday' visitor at her home. lar, Arthur Shaw and Mr, Will Ito•• -binson were delegates to Toronto io Mr. the School. Trustee Convention. Miss Gertie Robinson of the O. A. the they. C. . Guelph, is a holiday visitor, at her home. and:wish Mr. Jos. McKinney and family wish to sincerely thank the neigh - Mrs. bours eigh-Mrs..bours and friends for the great kind - say ness during their late bereavement. BELGRAVE Mrs. Win, Isbister and son of Tor- onto, were the guests . of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller last week. Mrs. Grassie of Galt, spent a week with her friend Mrs, (Rev.) Moores. A fine little boy has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. _ Harry Mc- Clenaghan. Congratulations. Real Estate has taken quite a, boom in the village, there has already been three properties change hands and now the property belonging to .Mr. Ernest Geddes, has been sold to Mr. Sandy Young; xoth line Wawanosb. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCrae and son, James, left this week for their new home in Londesboro, where Mr. McCrae has a position as foreman on /the C, N. R. track. Sorry to loose them as they were good citizens. I' Tuesday evening, April x4th., a very (successful Pie Social and Concert was held in the C. 0. F. Hall, under the 'held of the W. I. Prettily decor- ated tables, gaily dressed waiters, and a bountiful supply of pie, sandwich and coffee was served to the guests. Followed, by a first class programme rendered by local talent, with Rev.. Mr. Moores as the happy chairman. Music by the Perdue Orchestra, duetts by Mrs. Wade and Miss Van- Camp, duetts by Mrs. Clegg and Miss N. Anderson, instrumentals by Miss Maude 13e11 and Mrs. Rev: Moores, the Anglican Church, Dungannon, on Sunday of the late Mrs. McRoberts, whose death occurred at the home of hei• daughter, Mrs, McIntyre of Dun- gannon, until recent years. Mrs. McRoberts was a much respected resident of the gth con,, where two sons, Edward and. George still reside. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's • Institute, will be held on Thursday,. April 23rd in the Com- munity Hall. Roll Call, "Odds and Ends of Food, 'Cloth and Soap." Sub- ject "Opening Our Eyes to the Won- ders of Nature" with Mrs. D. Todd in charge. Visitorsare always wel- come. Messrs. Torrance Anderson, Lovell: Reavie and Stuart Cameron, motored from Detroit and spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs J. D. Anderson. Members of the C. G, I. T, enjoyed a hike to the woods on Thursday af- ternoon, ending in a marshmallow roast. WROXETER Miss Elizabeth Sanderson who has been visiting her parents here, return.- ed to Kingston on Friday. Mrs. Clarence White, • returned to Brussels on Thursday. Miss Beatrice Howl, returned to Leamington On Saturday after spend- ing the Easter vacationwith her sis- ters here. Mr. Ashton Morrison and Miss Annie Munroe, returned to St. Cath- arines on Saturday. Miss Jean Howe, who attended the Library Convention in Toronto last week, returners on Friday, accornpan• ie -d by her little niece Beatrice Lowe of Islington. Mr. Larrie VanVelsor returned to Midland on Friday; after spending aster: with his mother, here, MOOMINNWOMInnannamaMMXXXIMORRNSOM nt f SPRING DRESS ■ Von will find Our Store Stocked with the Latest Noveltieg ■ ■ l■ in mumommassassomemogot GOODS ■ HERE 1 ■ GOLD MEDAL CLOTH The seasons newest Silknit Fabric for Spring and Summer ■ Sport Wear in the most fash- ionable shades of Stripes„ small and medium Checks, shown in Blue and Fawn, Brown and Fawn, Green and Sand, Black` and Sand, Garnet and Sand, 38 inches wide at $3.75 yard CREPES $2.95 An extra fuze quality Flat Crepe for Spring wear, in the newest shades' and wanted col- ors, Beige, Sandalwood, Maize, Whirlpool, Cocoa, Henna, Navy and Black, 40 in. wide special at $2:95 yard , Gloves, SILK HOSE $1.5o Venus Silk Hose in all the New Shades for Spring, made of Pure Thread Silk, guaranteed to give wear and service, ' :all sizes 8 to .xo, Special at $1,50 FRENCH DELATNES: $1i50 Smart patterns in oriental de- sign of All Wool French De- laines for Blouses and Dresses 31 in. wide at 1,50 yard BROADCLOTHS $x.00 Tremola Broadcloth one of the seasons newest cloths in stripes and plain, with an extra fine mercerized finish 38 in. Scarfs, Neckwear, Buttons wide $x.00 yard Phone 89 _, IN: n■®iononnonn®t61 MEN i ME IWCAlYM W%.11114 Of III III 111111111111111110111Al11K1110111111lllilllfllli®111®1111111111111111InIlln11IIII1111II1211111111111111 'Ill®I112111l11111111111111111111 I11�91t` F 74 MEN'S AND MEN'S SUITS Light Grey Tweed, Dark Worsted and Her- ringbone patterns. Suits up $25.00 and 35.00 Is size 35; 15 size 36; 12 size 37; so size 38; zo size 39; 12 size 40 Saie$IT5O/ J9 Silk Hosiery ..'Sae .. New shade; all seconds reg. $1.00, sale price . 49c a pair. 1 u 1T1B111®II111111 111111611111111118I1111111110l1I111 Illi 111 HANNA COMPA UNG 9,a At last! CLOTHES that are INSURE Smart ba design, with the easy grace that marks the sea- son's triode, the Layton is further enhanced by the policy of insurance which vouches for its quality and wear. "''1) e r y�r�yy Vlr..tS. rY` r t Y, LI 111n1111111111111681111111111E111111111 111®I I I®1111111 irin 1,1 I I98I11 ■ ■ S Et .50 ITE M11 11111911111111111118111111111111111118111 111111211111,111, NE IN El E ■ 1■ en onno T For Men, Young and 'Juniors on no Tweeds and Imported Worsteds are featur- ed in the New Spring Styles 1E: New Tweed Suits at , ... .25.00 Hair Line Worsteds at 25.00 and 35.00 151 Spring Top Coats 17.50, 21.50 and 27.50 g Brock Hats, Borsalino Hats, Eastern Caps 1 Neckwear! New Mogadon Stripes,...1.O0 to 1.50 English Knitted Ties in the new wide shape $2.0o. ■ Broadcloth Shirts, Jaeger Wool Taffeta Shirts. Spring Weight Wool Underwear. Athletic and Spring Needle Underwear. ra Boy& Suits of Spring Tweeds, Worsteds, Navy Serges All have 2 pairs of boomers, are highly tailored and made in the latest styles Priced 9,75, Io.5o and 12.75 A WINNIR—Boys' Navy Irish Serge Suits, 2 bloomers, all sizes 27 to 36, for .$9.75 Boys' Shirts, Blouses, Underwear, Jerseys, Caps, Golf Hose and Stockings. King NEMENEENEE _(Ml l■lt■1�����%<M��111 IMMINMIONSIMINIV tie ingha ir sussonsummenss