HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-04-23, Page 3' C"hlrai Apri1 axd„ o.2 n r the 01 HOUSEHOLD HINTS' FOR APRIL By Betty Webster Question: "What is added to whipped cream to make it stay firm like other icing when added to top of cake? Answer:—There are two additions which can be added to whipped cream to make it firm. A—The white of egg. 13—Gelatin. Met11ud (A): Feat white of egg very stiff. Add gradually to eream which ' has been whipped' very stiff until right consistency is reached. Method (13');.—Cover a little ,getlatin with cold water. Add scant cup of boiling water. Stir well, When this starts to thickten, inix with whipped cream. This is what some bakers put in their cream filling for cream puffs. To Keep Meat Moist, If ham or corn. beef are allowed to ` cool in water in which their are boiled they will keep moist for a .long while. COOKING 'HINTS Lemon ' Sherbet 6 lemons, juice of all, and grated rind of 3. 1 orange, juice and grated rind. -ax pint of hot water (2 cups). pint of sugar. Method; Mix juice, powdered ..su- gar and rind. Pour hot water over WXNORAlvf ADVA1+ CE TIMES mixture. Strain through cheescclpth' and freeze. To Make Frappe f After freezing, add x pint cold.wa- ter to sherbet and you will have a delicious frappe. How to Prepare Sweetbreads Soak in lupe warm salted water for '2 hours. Change water several tinges dt r'ing this period, Pour on water: Place . sweetbreads in boiling water. Simmer for to to -15 minutes, Be sure they are firmbut not hard, Put in cold Water for zo minutes. Tale out, Wipe dry,,'. Set aside until cold. They ,are now ready to cook any .de- sired way, BAKING HINTS Coffee Cake i cup of brown sugar. x h. tablespoon of shortening, x cup of milk. 2 cups of flour. 2 teaspoon of. baking powder. Little salt. Frosting: Butter, brown sugar and ®1Xaw�l/XXX X XX Are little cinnamon. Method; --'Mix brown sugar and shortening, Add milk, flour, salt and baking powder. Mix well and- pour into shallow bread pan. Jot top plentifully with butter and sprinkle with brown sugar and little cinnamon. Lenton Pie Different than you ever tasted. 3 eggs., x cup of sugar. x iemon.(juicc). Method: ---Separate eggs. Beat egg yolks, Add sugar. Then put juice of x' lemon in saucepan. Boil well, Slowly add whites -beaten stiff. Then pour into baked pastry shell. You can hold out enough white of egg just to dot top of pie artistically. Baked Calve's Hearts VROLET D.a1ers for ingham and District 9. other a all car yeaa' 7 c11�:. ��w t•.l. fe tl+t. t iiL }r . Yi. '. ''a.. t h e 1 r let The new Fuel Tank is rigidly fastened to the rear"of the steel channel frame. A steelcover protects the tank and adds to its appearance. New, Larger 13rakes,.eleven inches wide. Positive brake oper- ation is applied through strong steel pull rods. The brake ad- justment d- an' dt ent is veryeas to-regulateulate radily accessible. Rear Axle completely new. A big, sturdy rear axle that will handle all the famous power of the Chevrolet Motor under any conditions. Larger, stronger, bevelled driving gears quietly deliver :the power to the axle shafts. One-piece banjo type rear axle housing. New automatic brake equalizing device entirely distributes the power to the service brakes. New semi -elliptic Rear Springs —underslung for better road- ability. The New Name. is strong and sturdy. St has five heavy cross Vis' members, one more than was previously used. D-316 New Disc Clutch—completely en- closed. Four friction surfaces instead of two ; it has no internal adjustments ; it requires no lubri- cation. Simple yet delivers all the power to the rear axle with- out slippage. New steering control of semi- reversible type worm and gear construction with fore-and-aft linkage to front wheels. 0 The Chevrolet Motor—Refined— has unusual power at all speeds under every driving condition— quick get -away in traffic—low fuel. consumption. Practically all moving parts . are completely en- closed. ir)0 Cord tires on open models ; 29- 4:4;11 Low Pressure tires on closed models. 41) New, Honeycomb Radiator. With a new, more beautiful nickelled radiator shell. New, semi -elliptic front siftings of chrome vanadium steel. E NEW CHEV See it ET Before you buy_ a car at any price see, and know the facts about the New Chevrolet. Examine the New Chev- rolet from a mechanical standpoint, investigate its economy and dependabil- ity. Not i c e its many new features. the beauti- ful Fisher bodies on the closed models, the hand- some Duco finish arid' many other refinements. We are equipped to give service as good as the car womatimmosessamtsmasomettarsistms t t Our Showrooms RA ,114 Chevrolet Dealer, win sham ,A7 OP LIVING! Q� ,,• 1 N%iM. 0.0 tot XXXXxm 4 hearts.. . Stuffing: i loaf bread, broken into pieces. I' onion, cut up. Seasoning. Pour a little boiling' water over mixture. Mix well. Method: .Wash hearts well. Re- move fibrous tissues.. Fill with dress- ing. - SaIt. Roll in flour and sear. Add salt, pepper•and butter, and bake 2 or 3 hours. Baste frequently. (Readers, Note: If 'you have any questions concerning Recipes and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Webster—address her in care of this paper.) Copyright, 1925, by the Bonnet - Brown Corporation, Chicago.) SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON IV --APRIL 26 Stephen the First Martyr.—Acts 6: i-7 :6o Golden Text—Be thou faithful un- to death, and I will give thee the crown of glory,—Rev. 2:10. Tune—A. D. 36. Place=Jerusalem. The stoning may have taken place just east of the wall bounding the temple area, on the edge of the Kidron valley, near the present St. Stephen's Gate, named from the first Christian martyr. STEPHEN THE PREACHER And Stephen. His name, which means "a crown," is significant in view of the crown of Christian mar- tyrdom which he was the first to wear. According to tradition both he and Philip were among the sev- enty.chosen by Jesus. On the other hand, Plunzptre argues that he was c br r.. `�:q HEN you keep in`your home or poi* V If office important papers, negotiable securities, jewelry and other valuables, yon. runa daily tisk of eoznpiete loss through firms or theft: A Safety Deposit Box in this Bank affords yore xt place of absolute safety foryour valuables. The moderate rental is a small price to pay for securiitty. WINGHAM BRANCH, J. A. WALLACE, Manager.,. rtesesemasee mmmtto 111,111!111111111,/111/11Y1411`IIIIIIII,11llll ttllltllllll111111 it,Y.l 111 ttl trt111Y1,111„Ilt,tii/1l11t1„.t1i 11141,1111,[11111, 11111,It11t/t1ttitt11l1Ytt $25- in Cash Prizes $25 ' For the best pair of Bred -to -lay Barred Rock birds raised from setting eggs or chicks purchased from F. W. McAndless of The Whyte Packing Co. Ltd. ” A Cash. Prize of $15.00 will be Given.. A Second Prize of $10.00 will be given for the next best pair of birds under the same condi- tions. ondi tions. The cockerel of the first prize birds and the pullet of the second prize birds to go to the donor of prizes. Prizes awarded at Winghant Fall Fair. Phone or call et the warehouse for further particulars. e Whyte exiting Co. Ltd. Office Phone 62w. Residence Phone 62j Branch Mgr., F. W. McAndless. .,"t"111ltltltillit„tltllunttl,tttttl tttttt tint[[ MIS11101,1. i,141 t.tt1,ittttttl" 11"1111pMMtt tt1i"11. tttttt11111/1111„Ittgllal, ...� lived there, possessing wealth and in- law, had become already incensed. fluence. The Simon who bore against the apostles because of their Christ's cross was from Cyrene, and influence with the people, and now Jews from Cyrene helped to swell the the common people were added to throng at Pentecost. And of the the enemies of the Christian: by the Alexandrians. The great Egyptian lie that disrespect had been shown city of Alexandria contained many to their glorious temple in which- Jews, and Josephus describes what they took so much pride, the centre was probably their meeting place in and symbol of their race and nation. most luxuriant terms. And of them And came upon him, and seized him., of Cilicia and Asia. Asia was the The language is similar to that de- Roman province of that name, what scribing the attack upon Christ him- we now call Asia Minor, and Cilicia self by the scribes and Pharisees in: iwas its southeastern division. Paul the temple. And brought him into pis the most famous of the Jews that the council. The Sanhedrin or anci lived there, but Antiochus the Greek ent assembly of seventy-one Jewish leaders and rulers, the chief judicial. body of the nation. And set up false witnesses: Who, said, This man ceaseth not to speak: words against this holy place, and. Stephen of the Acts was_ active in { elements of the population of Jeru- the law. They no longer charge Ste -- the synagogue of the Libertines; salem would need its own synagogue phen, with blasphemy against God,. (Freedman). ',In this case Stephen)in the city, for they would differ in but against the temple and against languages, in customs, in education, the law :.of Moses (and therefore and in associations. Disputing with against Moses). Stephen. "Disputing" implies public For we have heard him say, that. discussions of an earnest sort, begun this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy usually in a spirit of captious crtti- this place., Thus the false witnesses, cisco akin to the "heckling" of a mo- called against Christ (Matt. 26:6o, dern political gathering. And they were not able to with- stand the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spake. This was in accord- prophecy that the temple of his body ance with Christ's promise, which mo- would be destroyed and that he dern Christians do not often enough would raise it up again in three days. claim: "I will give you a mouth and And shall change the customs which wisdom, which all your adversaries Moses . delivered unto us, Stephen a Roman goldsmith, whose name, took two thousand Jewish families to Stephanus, is found in the Colum- Asia Minor as leaders of the people barium, of burial -place, of the house -lin peaceful ways, and their descend - `hold of the Empress Livia. oThatlants in 'great numbers dwelt there Stephen was a freedman, and the,at this time. Each of the foregoing was one of the Roman freedmen, vis- iting Jerusalem at the time of Pente- cost; and the appointment of the se- ven may have had its origin in the customs of the trade -guilds of Rome, such as that to which the goldsmith Stephanus had belonged. Full of grace and power. "Grace" signifies the evidence of God's favor; "power" means the ability to work miracles. This "fulness" is a sequel and result of what an abounding life was ,Ste- phen's, and how it overflowed with fruitfulness. Such may be the life of every one in .whom Christ dwells. shall not be able to withstand or to may have been repeating some of Wrogght great wonders and signs gainsay." No one likes to be de• Christ's sayings' such as those in among 'tile people. The wonders feated in an argument, and these en- Matt. 6 and 2:.); but Christ aimed. at were signs; that is, they were proofs counters added rapidly to Stephen's fulfilling and completing the cus- and tokens of the reality of his testi- enemies, while doubtless they won at toms which Moses established by his mony, that Jesus was the Son of the same time many new members regulations, not at all destroying God; for doubtless the miracles were for the church, and so he was well then[; he came, as he said, "not to, worked in Christ's name and with the content. destroy but to fulfil." power whichaGhrist conferred through Then they suborned men. . They And all that sat in the council,. the Holy Spirit. Stephen seems to be in no degree inferior to an apostle "provided" men, but the implication fastening their eyes on him. They is that they provided them for an wa- in r were his judges, and were gazing Fit— ments. n in his spiritual ability and achieve- , yl tcntly upon him as if to read his. ments. But there arose certain of zl purpose nantel to lie on the wit- thezn that were of the synagogue call- ness stand. Who said, We have Very soul. Saw His face as it had heard him speak blaspheznus words been the face of an angel. It was. ed the synagogue of, the Libertines. against Moses, and against God, So such an inward, illumination of the: The Libertines were most likely beenthe deeply did the Jews revere Moses (Holy Spirit as Moses had after he children off some Jews who had that to speak slightingly of him or !lad communed with God, and it was carried captive to Rome by Pompeyof itself to free Stephen from(13. C. 63), and had been made freed -'1a writings was counted equivalent �•naugh men (Ilbertini) by their captors, and to profaning the noly name of JC- all suspicion of blasphemy. It is a after their return to Jerusalem had hovala stirring• suggestion that Luke may. formed one congregation and used And they stirred up the people, and have owed'this beautiful touch to the one synagogue especially. And the the elders, and the scribes, The el sorrowful tncmory of the persecutor Cyrenians.. Cyrene was an itnportant.'ders, or heads of clans, and the Paul, who was probably present at the city in northern Africa. Many Jews scribes, men versed in the sacred trial. 61) brought substantially the same charge against him, the statement. being a perversion of our Lord's 11SSEN ,IIIDIaGI Y 41151" WONTED tN'%O A pRO9041TIONAT LL MAKE WM LOTS OoLLAR%e-VOS, Timt -5€t\m d PRovrr. •CAN% l.0$ .'''AINT GOT NOUN TO Lose - A14'.. Wil '------' :_, = : �L OMD tt ALL I GOTTA DO IS F1N11 %MAE POOR FISH Wtid L LET ME 'TAKE A "CFIOOSAND OR VEAW. GUT WHERE \e' GONNA F1ND THAT VOOR 911/µ -r' LET 'YOU TAKE ALL O TKAT JACK? Woe UNK! 0 t.