The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-03-26, Page 8It'ettit
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j 'iAts le're 11;1,4 ,„, Cut ting \et/ od mitt syiu m is
) I / 4,04N.
poo r le t for snirrie • ine 'll,t'Ai40,1,.,:dtrtir • •
soinewtritt -11 1, .10 .1,1.P. 1 t 1 1-0 )
•Afklic,, c a to itets t,tkceli stAriotis. 3 , cs 0 , . tta, r. re.e.
hoe s
5 ly 011: .'litindiev last with • ' ' 0 S , _
, tilgesiton, :tlit)tig,it not atm cal dakiger Tit,71:or 'T0,1,.040,, is '
our ,s,/id to' hs, siinie better at i)res. at Pre$eillt visiting it Mr. Tho inha k.," )f f\„,LtL)esciitioris
Made to Me sure
nits, Top Coats
at reason, bte IIr1Crs
Your Fit Guaranteed,3
Exclusive Agents for
W. H. Leishrnan & Co.
Lowndes. Co. Ltd,
Society BrandClothes
eut writieg.
'74 Norman Wade -tvent to Wiughtim
Hospital on IM,oucley evening for en
operation 101' 0p1V11.(1/6.1 is, •we hope
the operation will prove sitecessiul,
We reertit to report the death of
Mrs. IR, H. Carson on Monday aboet
noon, ' She vvas confined to bed For
about three weeks with heart and
nerve trouble. and 'althotigh all that
medical skill could do and all possi.
bip attention given, she continued to
sink until the end came.
She .was a women highly thought
of by all wlio had enjoyed her ac
quaintauce and inany 'friends will re-
gret her passing.
Samuel blyndrean accompanied by
his nephew, have been visiting tiith
the foriner's twin brcither, James and
other relatiVes in and. around Gorrie
during the last six -weeks. They re-
turned to their horne on Tuesday of
/l111111111111 1131111 1111111111111111111111X11111111121111 111 111 II41Hi111NIIILI111111111
III 111111l11
syrup this year and report a good run.
Mrs. Arthur Shaw spent a fevit days
Gorrie,'March 18th., 1925. with her son,. Dr. Shaw at Drayton.
'Council met in the Township Hall, Mr. Howard Stewart made a bust-
purs.tvant to adjournment. All mem- ness trip to Brantford this week.
bers."were present, the Reeve in the Mrs. Wm. Duff is able to be about.
chair. Minutes of last meeting were again after a week's illness.
read and on motion of 'Taylor and &a- Mrs. Frank Mexsori returned to
aeabie were adopted. • Windsor on Saturday, after spending
tatei '
"1 nand arid Taylor that a week- with her parents, Mr. and
No. .3 for year 1925, to bor- Mrs. Robt. Sharpin.
ave;?'uoney to r 'et tt. current ex- Mr. John Pointon of Toronto, vis-
pendkure be read. the third time and ited relatives around here,
,passed. -Carried. Maple Syrup is the order of the
The Engineer's report On the Tem-
•ash and Johann Municipal Drain and
the Armstrong Drainage Eidargment WHITECHURCH
-were read and provisionally adopted
nU Ay -laws for each of the drains
were ordered to be prepared.
it...loved by Leonard and Gamble that
• :Engineer Edgar be instructed to am,
his report on the Bolton Munici-
pal Draito include the lands in the
in this district, six poles were snapped
Township of Wallace, -Carried. off over Zetland hill and the wires
Diloved by Taylor and Gamble that were badly broken,
rareirld Denny, collector, for the East Airs, jas. Robinson and Frances of
Division be given anextension of \iVingitam, sPent a few days last week
with her, Mrs. Wm, Bee-
ltneehe to return his roll at the April
cetino. -Carried ero ft.
• Moved by: Hubbard and Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Alec, Butler and son,
l'hat the following accounts be paid; Alec, of Clintoa, spent the week.end.
Oliver Stewart, opening read $4,,50; j, with Mr, and Mrs. Orval. Tiffin.
:Sanderson, work on Winter roads Sorry to report that. Miss Margaret
.Addie •underbrushing lot Ferrie is •very ill at preSent. ;
Our genial mail carrier, ,Mr. Chas,
no, con. 'le, $.s5.00; R. .1?. Edgar, ex-
Rintoul, is 'again on the sick list.
• Perises to Toronto, Good Roads Con-
vention, $i.00; G. W. Walker, exp.. Making maple syrup is the order of
ress on supplies 80c; Ernest King„ the day in these parts,
tile doe; C. E. Walker, births, marriag. Mr. Herson Irwin is tinder the Dr's.
,,as arid deaths 1924, $24.75; wm, Reis, care at present.
Miss Alba box spent a few days vi-
plotring Winter roads $3,0o; J. Rog'
arre, ex. st. $5, note heads 4.50, E. Cor- siting with her friend, Miss Lila. Em.
beta assessor, part salary $40,00; S. erson.
H. Rogers, eervices Municipal tele. t vqrYbodY conie to the Metbodist
seeviees. Church on Monday evening, March
phone $9.90; C. E. Walker,
Ittinicipat telephone $9.,,e; E, Carson, 3oti4 and hear Rev, 0. MeTaviell give
retelectai• services Municipal telephone ids failloits lecture "The Luggage of
$4,9,5; Earld Deeny, eollector, services tale.
Niunicipal telephone $4.95; Dominion •
;Stationers, Toronto, sWROXETERuP011es
John Saegsterk repair to grader and The remains of Robert iflastie, who
StiPPlies for sited, Thardwiell died in a Hamilton hospital, were
Vt3.1o; Thos, Inglis, Reeve, expense buried in the Wroxeter Cernetery on
ic Tolioltta: ire Cathers and Beltell :Thursday afternoon.' Deceased had
JLu.Drains $1540, been suffering from, 'He
Moved by Gamble and Taylor that 'went to I-Iantilton for treatment, bet
• this council adjourn ta Ineet, in Ford- .failed to ±ally. He -wae in Itis 57th
lvich on the third Wednesday in Atril year and had been a prosperous far -
„mar of I-10wick Township. He is
_ ait
'wer, , survived by his widow, forinerly Miss
E. Sinitla, of Gorrie, and a young
Mrs „:1, W. King was home from 'Cruder tile auspices of the Willing
'Ottawa for a few etays this week. • Workers of the Prbsbyterian Church,
•The Cookburn-lActille.r Co. of Gael- an ifiteremting, debate. was given on
allip.ped three Cars of lumber Wednesday eVeraing before ri large
loom• Item thiis wiek. audience, The st.tbject, "Which has
• Mr, Xing MeDonald aud Mr, Har- done the most for Canaria, the Eng-
ve.,„? 'Messpr of Toronto, were borne Hsi], Irish or Scotch,” The cause of
Oialer the week -aid. •the English was upheld by Rei, Mr.
ehipped a carload of 1Laing, tordwicit; the Irish, Rev. Mr.
exoert cattle to ”ottati on Saturday irotranstronig, Wtoxcter4 and tbo. Scotch
.a.ncla caller -ad of litiga to Toronto, by Dr. 1ovi1er Tetworater, 1.`,141e Scot-
'poke $13.25, !ch won out. The% judges were ,Dr,
.t'larrled here by n'Ateteod W. t, Van Voloor A. Gar.
'rtsaioritsr 05 dglitoolt/ Polls elosed ratt and Dr: Brown. Between tha'ael-
ott ' lo.oloclay afternoon. idresscs, national songs were sung lay
nt, 'Miller •Procter recieved. amide-J:111e c1iir. TI)ontas Gibson, jetoco,
liveree, 11, oar of fertiliser on Monday. !Allan ,altd'Ufss Van VeIsor, while .1),
o tutnibt:T alt. makine", nevelt', 1), Sttdersoli acted as timid)) 'f I 11,
Mr. Gersom Johnston had a wood
bee last Monday getting his wood
The storm on Wednesday night
played havoc with the telephone wires
Quite a large number in this vicin-
ity spent art enjoyable evening at Mr.
C. H. Leaver's on Wednesday even-
ing last and report a grand thrce.
The 13oyle brothers delivered some
fine bailed hayit t Mr,C F
recce o
Martin who can, and is, grinding 'it
up into meal for to feed the stock.
Those who have used claim it to be
grand feed.•
Mr. and Mrs. A. -I -levies and family
visited. • under the parental roof 'at
Fordyce on Sunday. last.
A pielted few from Othis locality,
spent a social evening- at Mr, Dun-
can McDonald's an evening last week.
Our assessor, Mr. Murray is around
again as usual, keep your dogs 'tied
or out of sight or you will be taxed,
Mr. Wellington visited at Fordyce
for a couple of days recently,.
•Glad to hear that Mr. )1anies Mar-
tin, who was riot very well for a few
days is around again as usual.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jamieson and
son visited relatives around St Hel-
ens on Sunday last.
Miss Whinne/Haines visited at
Mrs. Champion's on Monday last,
Ail,r. Crearge• Riitherb,),rd' of : Wing-
ham, 1)1 Sit present spending a few.daysei.,..„;-
lee' P0111010mid 041 the iBourniarye, '
Mr... and: Mrs, SosePh 'Kerintith and I —
babe -speet, Suielay with friends in gl
Howiek, ,
i&.1.r. and Mrs. •Sameel Marshall were
Sunday visitors at ',Mr, Wm. 151, Mar-
shall's. . •
Card of Thanks - • Ay'
554, Charles Procter : and • family,
O 151
wish to express their heartfelt thaelc-, Ili A
= es
to their many friends and neighboi s L'in ifirt
to help during the short illeess and "- The x -ie -w Spring Shoes are much cheaper than foi-merly iri
who by word and aced aid so nio,ch
death of tvife and mother. Such Ifi' and much more attractive in design. in "VVomen's j'
kindness can never be expressed in
words. 1.7--- lines in particular our variet), is so extensive
-_-,- • as to be much out of the ordinary,
and prices most reasonable.
511LL d.
Regular monthly council meeting
was held in the Township Hall on
March 16th. All the members were
Moved by 5. Breckenridge and R.
Grain that we hold a Court of Revis-
ion on the Armstrong Drain Enlarge-
ment at 3 o'clock on the gth day of
April • at Bluevale.--Carried,
Moved by R. Grain and, D. Fortune
that we provisionally, adopt the en-
gineer's report on the johann-Temash
13tain. -Carried,
Moved by D. Fortune and R. Grain
that we provisionally adopt the engin-
eer's report 011 the :McDougall
Moved by W. Marshall and. 5, Bre-
ckenridge that by-law No. 4applying
for the. grant from the Ontario Gov-
ernment' for work done on the high, -
ways be passed. -Carried.
The following aecounts were passed
Municipal World, St. Thomas, print-
ing $5.65; Mat Company, supplies $x,-
50; Dell Telephone Go., tolls $4.92; T,
Fells $1.5o, township's shar6 of filling
pitch holes; W. R. Cruikshank, fees
and by-laws for drains $65.
Council adjourned to meet ou April
The council mot at the 11011 on 3)Ion. :•-"at
March 16th. Members all present, the _
Reeve presiding. Minutes read and Tr,
The following pathmasters were ap-
pointed for 1925, W. Jos. •Henderson,
John Fowler, David Jewitt, Geo, Mc- 2.
Donald, David Patton, Anson Thorn- -ea:
ton, Peter Moffatt, Victor Haines, G.
Many new lines in Men's—attractive in appearance
Edgar, D. Campbell, J. Gray, R. John -
Mr. and MIS, Alex, MolTatt of Mor.
risbarik, spent Sunday at Mr. Joseph
Casemore s.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Robertson and
family of Belgrave, spent Stindey at
ivtr, Thos. Abraham's. •
Miss Lila Wray of Harriston, is
spending a few days with Mrs. john 14
Mr. and, Mrs. Jack Rittotil and fam-
ily visited at Mr. James f;olley's last
Sunday. •
Wood cutting and makitig maple sy-
rup is the order of the day,
Miss Pearl Boyle of Kinlougli, spent
a few clays last week with her cousin,
Mrs. Vraiik Irwin.
Mrs. D. I<„ Alton, 50 con., is spend-
ing a few weeks, with lter 'daughter,
Mrs, 'Percy Graham, neer Sheppard-
and moderate in price. •
ter, A. Hastings, Win. Garniss, C. Ag. =•-•'
Forest, R. Forest, R. Galley, G. Coul- ston, Ed, Johnston, J. Peacock, C. B.
NI We ask' of everyone the favor of showing these new
ar, A. Shaw, Win. Moses -A, Ccaultes,
Carl Procter, F. McCallum, J. Gari Souelt, J. J. Selle'rs, Joel I-1 - =
Sellers, George Bone, jos. Shaw -J. Pi
J. Clark, Win. McMurray, Wm. Hendi
, -
T. Brydges G. Nicholson R. Procter,' `
derson„ Alex. Brewer, L. E. Cardiff,
C. Davis -H. Grasby, John Anderson,
J. Noble, Bert Young, J. Cook,' Peter Phi° e 129.
I .7•-•
lines Of shoes before purchasing elusegw:laerme,,,
11.1cD/Tab, Jos. Smith, Wm. Smith, R.,
•Smith., Harvey McCutcheon, W. I-1,11 ,
MeCutc0eon, L. N0e1-J.01, 1747in. .11111111111R1111111 110113PM 111M111111111111111 11111111fi 111,11111E111•
A. Nesbitt, m. Haley, Wm. craig., nonnoutosimisestordaitagameetunnoranciesamatoonsumanermumnocromumsedoetemensonmetwasontomotimprammeataartrom; Immaingstotammaticamermataimartarnolea
Cunningham, Wm. Kelly, F. I3eirnes, Richmond, H. Brown, R. 'McDonald, McKibben, fumigators $.3,00;Th. H.
Geo. Alcock, R. McLean, A. Russell W. Searle, 5, Taylor, f; Shortreed, W. Shortreed, telephones 1924, .$2.90; W.
-5. Craig, J. Yeo, 5, Richmond, T.rA. McCall, Wrri. Anderson, J.
Laidlaw, G. Skelton, P. Haley, N. Ni- 55. Wheeler . • ,
cholson, J. J. IVICCaughey, R 11icCan- __The following accounts were paid:
ghey, F. Bell; G. McCalleme'E, Bry- Mun. World, ',supplies $16.,32; E. J.
ans, j. Lawson -- Win. Merritt, R. Mitchell ftimigators':$7.00; j: Walton
Mar.MM MM -MM .11p134
Brydg-es, collector, pt. salarr 417100.00. •
The next meeting will be held :it
the Township Hall on Monday, April
6th., 1925. •
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
hfP8S dit h J0111118011, Oth con,, is
speeding a few days in Godericli.
Mr. 11103rd Campbell and his mother
arrived, home Wed.neeclaY, from Alga -
14144, veltere they have' been all 'winter,
NlY,X•IliTtelitIllel -'
David Tis.dak ,,vv110,11145.1) 0 en
541114 "Virit it 1011451005 in et Its 'yletnIty
4,04.111tc.d. to hi's, ixoltv, 5101,115„
51117 0 ok, tit vvas acconipakiieti batik „
1)17 his 11kt/titer. : •
1.011.11=6,11110111M11 inwantammunmeamammatmlnlitzrommeg
) '
Desirable Models in the New Fabrics of Ka- 'Fa°
sha, Prunellas, Kaslialaines„, etc. are now being p.•
• shown. They COnae in pretty checks, plaincloths
and stripes and in color conilainations, that are the
Season's Choice. The weigh,t and texture are
• such as to nieet your needs between the chill of
O Spring and the warns weather later.
, .
'Priced 1$0,75 to '2150
For' bias Froelts Viade
11/ ICashas in neat checks and stripes; pring weight Flannels, plain and pat-
terned; Satin Cantons, Crepe Satins. and Crepe de C.,henes, our
• prices are from 2.00 to 4.50 per yard.
',„-oas andSuits
NorthvFay oartnents„. the standard of
excellence are Imre for your approval
rand. as usual you will note the distinc-
• tiveness and quality value that Char-
' acterizes the man new styles. Pric-
es range from
, $15 00 to 55.00.
• Corsets and Brassieres
Do not overlook these.
Tobe well dressed you must be well
corseted and you will find that partic-
ular style that is wanted in our large'
stock of Clossard and Nemo Corsets.
NO4 Gloves, Nev,7 Hosc, New Collar Sets, New Underwear, New Lingerie,
New Stub 1;.)t,tsi,,,I;01.8,
Eager in Two Weeks --- Prepare Now.
Phone 71.