HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-03-12, Page 5lVlar::rlr.. 7f2t;lr�,n ' C,kcwa r arndd Timothy, seer ori ,So, by the Most Criti641;FOrnlers leveryulhete UR, Clover and Timothy Seeds Ma: groweb irl: Diatru,ts.rpp�lydn seed that is best suited • to our•Oanadian climate, and the enorrnoua Increase in' 0141 demand fir li.ennie's Seed is cine to t liree o;xtstalatliug featutea; :. Quality and High Gcr~m inatirati• We highly recommend our grajes .of ‘40 followdyeg varieties: teenie'.s Brandy of Medium Red Clover All Northetn Grown ltennfets Brands of Mammoth Red Clever - a. All Nerthero Grown Rennie's Brands of Alfalfa Clover— An loverAll Ontario Grown Rennie's Brands of Aisle Clover - Ail Ontario Grewn ltennie's Brarrd"s of Sweet Clover All Ontario Gromin tennis's Brands of T u othx All Northern Grown Order Rennde's Clover ard7'drrnotl+y Seeds front your local Dealer. or direr frowfl, wg IAM tin bl'a Lel 1 ?i r CX)MPMk 'Cr. a -Pampa and aMRVIS sea. Irogo/410 N If you l cannot ubeain• iocally.. please• pyrite us giving your Dealer's address: Rennie's Seed Anhuat-thr lntxat pompie e,. "Canadian.Seed CatalosuC%--('ret Ora'reci9dxt., Iliplil i11111o11tlin lfmn illy ILII Intal!! l 111 •i11 'Ul®III®III' • III unrairarnmealaanlemaleaciastamma 8 gi ods • onto 33. We—have just pas- sed into stock a ship. went of Ladiesan Misses' Spring Coats consisting of New Models and the lat- est ;Shades, prices are lower this year. Come in and inspect them. i, F„il„l„Ilil1111111,1,I, %111.„11111,11 e i.1i, tt h , Dress G English Broadcloths in Navy, Lavender, Green,, Honeydew Peach, White, Tan, Black and stripe, very' low priced 9oc, $1.00 English and Canadian Prints, tee prices ranging from 25c to 35c TAH 9�0 ods all the different shades, prices from ...-....23c to 4oc yd.. f,2atine, Crimp, Voiles, Crepe, and Esponge. Prices are low. Inspect' them. 's Wear. eel 1 hire Received a Shipment of Mens and Boy's Suits, in Navy, Greys and Herring Bone Stri- pes, See our Boy's Suits with , 2 pairs pants . for Rl01 III 'III !Ill$mon slll • GROCERIES Seeded Raisins ...2 for 25c Seedless Raisins . .._.__ 2 for 25c Shreaded Wheat w _.,.._2 for 25c Corn Flakes roc Good 'red: Salmon tin Palmolive Soap .....—.........3 for 25c 12 lbs Granulated sugar and :x lb. 'of our best loose tea for $1.59 E. Isard lu 1111111110x181116111I111flll®1111111111111611 111"111111111116611111111161111611111B111 ifs d9 Checked. and Striped Gingham in fro 1 WORTH WHILE He rant iI a little sooner than the fellows in the shop and he stayed a little longer when the whistle ordered: "Stop!” I•le worked a little harder and he talked a little less, he seemed but a Little hurried and he showed lit- tle stress;. for every little . moment his efficiency express, thus his envelope grew just a little thicker than the test. He saved' a little xiioney in a hundred little ways; he b,anked a lit- tle extra whett; he got a. little raise, A little "working model" tools his lit- tleleisure” :time; he wrought ;each. little part of it with patience most sublime. Now it's a 'very little won- der that he murmurs with a senile as he clips his little coupon, "Aren't the a, little things worth while?” Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs. Jac). Clubband family wish to thank the many friends and acquaintances. for kindness, during their recent bereavement. 'Trumpet Flower Vines, for Sale Vorbeauty and permanence of Foliage; they cannot be equalled. Besides . the long flowering season make tiler,, a most desirable ottt door ornamental addition to the grounds. Are as a climbing slirub on wood or brick • walls. Intending purchasers' will please leave orders with A. W. Webster Ile Tailor and New Horne and Ideal Sewing Machine Agent, tip stairs over The Advance Times Office. Bull Chases Little Girl Little Ruth Myles of Harriston, had a narrow escape 'from an enrag- ed bull on Saturday, which was be- ing led to the market by three mien, The little girl, who wore a red tarn, was walking down Elora Street, when the buli sighted the emblem of danger, and charged at -the child. The men on. the street called to her to run into a store, which she did. She was not amoment too Soon, for the ani- mal raced right up :to the store door. Peri'OR A M;I;l F'r'om every laughing sunny rtll, VJc'drirll a toast to vale and hill, k o field and wood and prairie broad To every boy that turns the sod, To Junior Boys who drive the plough .11n leisure'time- ihcy milk the cow, And never aced to ask you how, To melte the farm ••vorle go. 11111411111 They'll tell you hpw to snake liexzs lay And when 'tis time to cut the hay And what -a porker might to weight, Millen he is six months old. They know what's good crops grow, And what kind of grain to sow, How and when to rise the hoe, These skilful farmer boys, 0 o make R .•'. M+n 1.9MER AliR6.lAl!&a inI AI�NJ , rte; When morning scarcely has begun These thrifty lads are on the run, To make the farming business hurn 1 These hopeful farmer boys. They guard against needless waste And always tell you they're in haste To hike to `bed at half past eight These happy farmer boys. So here's to the junior farmer boys, A word of hope and cheer y May peace. and plenty be their lot Throughout their. grand career. YOUR SALE BILLS Are you thinking of having a sale? If so the Advance -Times will print your bills for you neatly, promptly, and at a very moderate price. The full list of stock and articles for sale will be published in The Advance - Times for a small extra charge. Ar- rangements can be made with any auctioneer at this office. MORRIS Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Reid and fa- mily visited, last week at Mr. John Hunter's. MORTGAGE SALE OF. VALU- ABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale; there . will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 14th day of March, A. • D., 1925, at the hour of 2 o'clock' in the afternoon, .at the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wingham, the following sproperty, namely:— ti Lot number Thirteen in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Turn 'berry..' Upon the said property is situate the following buildings: One and one- half storey brick house 24x30 and ',20x26, stone foundation with wood- shed Texaco. barn'6ox64 with stabling underneath and part of floor cement- ed; straw -shed 40x40 with pens un- derneath; Driving -shed ; 25x30. The farm is well located on a good road three and three-quarter , miles from Wingham. There are 'two good wells on the premises. .'TERMS: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be .paid' down at the time of sale, balance.,to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to Dudley 'Holmes, K. C., Solicitor for Vendor. DATED at Wingham this 23rd day:, of February, A. D., 1925. NOTICE TO, CREDIDORS NOTICE IS, HEREBY' given, pur- suant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims, against' „the Estate of William .Ferguson, deceas- ed, who died on or about the thir- teenth day of December, A. D. 1924, at the Township of Hawick in the Province of Ontario, are 1. required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingliam, .Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or be. fore the sixteenth day of March, A. D. 1925, their names and address, with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the se- curities (if airy) held by thein duly verified by a 'statutory declaration. ' AND TAKE NOTICi FURTH- ER; that after the said sixteenth day of March, spas, :the, said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties, entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said Execu- tors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose slain they Shall not Hien have received notice; DATED at' Wingliam this seven- teenth day of February, A. D.,1925, R. Vanstone, Winghann, Ont. Solicitor for the, Ezseeutors. RTaas Special values in. Wilton, Brussels and Tapestry Rugs, sizes from /.47.3 to 41041- at Iesa' than, wholesale prices. If you need a new rug, now is thetirne to buy and- save money LINOLEUM RUGS Many new paterns of Linole- um Rugs, added to our Stock, Ideal for Dining Room, Kitch- en, eto., clean and sanitary, ex- ceptional ; wearing qualities, all. sizes from $7.00 to $20,00 a IS109 VIVIA IMO HUHN=rtmwdcrm aslataallen FlI OILCLOTH RT3ciS "For.. bedrooms,. halls,..: etc., oilcloth rugs excel many new designs ,shown in light and me- dium colorings, wonderful . val- ues at special prices LINOLEUMS 11 We are showing a. number of rt w. and exclusive patterns in A2 yd, and 4 yd. linoleums from the best makers, to suit any room • Old-style introduction: "Please permit me to introduce myself." New style: "Gotta Match?" —o_ • Newspaper record the fact that m- oot) girls sent orders through the niails . during thepast year for a book entitled, "What Every Girl Should Know Before _Marriage." Each of the girls,it is said, received a cook book. —o-- , Barber. Shop Note Bit wait until it gets a little thin and the ladies have to have it combed rip over the top. Will wigs come back? We'll say they will. —p_- A man's worst enemy, is often to be found directly under his own hat. _0— IN THE ROGUE GALLERY We register complaint The average stenographer Uses more red paint Than any' lithographer. —0_ "The fellow that proposes to me must get on his knees," declared Gla- dys to her lover. "If that's a hint to me," replied the amorous swain, "you'll have to get off them before I can .get on them." —o— "Yes, niy friends," said the' theolo- gical lecturer, " some admire Moses who instituted The old law; ,some. Paul, who spread the new.. But af- ter. all which character in, the Bible has had the largest following?" as he paused, • a Voice from the back bench shouted, "Ananias!" —c— A New York restaurant waitress is disappointed -and asks for a • divorce. She gave up a job where she worked , twelve hours, a day, got married and then had to work sixteen hours a day. —0_ f�LOTHS All width of oilcloths now hi stock, anew Spring. patterns in attractive colorings and designs CURTAIN MATERIA. S Just received our new spring curtain goods in Nets, 1Vladras, Marquisettes and Scrims, splen- did values in all, lines, ranging in price from 25c to 1.50 yd COMFORTER SATEENS Fine quality English Sateens for Comforters in small floral and Paisley designs, 36 in. wide at 6oc yd. ( i illi 61 Min 1 MB the Atlantic and the Pacific?” ll tlf rl Atli ,ii,,,In„,,,,, —o— x Larne ducks, like chickens, come home to roost. —0- "Yes, we raised ,some flapper corn last fall.” "Why flapper corn?" "We couldn't see the ears," —6 -- Patron -1 --"Did you ever cut a crazy .man's hair?" Barber—"No, but jump into the chair and I'll do my ,best." —o— ff The difference between a tramp and is hiker is that the tramp doesn't !wear putties. —0— "Boss, I must . have 'a ten dollar raise," said a young clerk. "You have had t oraises in the w last -two months," replied- . the Oid ;Man. "Why do you ask for an - 'other?" "Well, sir," said the young fellow, "I know you can't get along without' rue." "But suppose you should die. What then " "Well, you would have to struggle. along without me, I suppose." ' "Then you may consider yourself dead." replied the boss. PROVES EARTH SAFE FOR SEV- ERAL BILLION YEARS The earth, which was scheduled to blow up last Friday night, is go- ing to last about a thousand million million years. This is vouched for by Professor Ray Mdulton of the de- partment of astronomy of the Uni- versity of Chicago, •This is the way Professor Moul- ton explains his theory: "Once every thousand million million years one sun passes another, and there is chaos. The universe existing in the neighborhood of the colliding suns is wrecked. A spiral. of stars is formed from the wreckage, and eventually a new universe is -broughtinto being. "Astronomers estimate that suc a catastrophe happened, to the stars which now are part of this universe some 5,00o,000,000,000 years ago. Hence, with an ordinary run of luck, the lightning" shouldn't strike agar: for several million years." THE. KIDDIES' PARTY Don't dress up the children so 'that they are afraid to move about.. and play.% • Don't load them -.up with rich, tin - wholesome food, which means trou- ble for all when the party is over. Don't invite very small .children with older ones -.--neither enjoy it: Give them each their own littlr. Mother had been reading a Bible story to. Marjory every night before. bedtime, ' affair, • One night she asked. "Well Mar- 'Don't have valuable ornaments jory, . what story shall I read to- about that may get broken, night?" Don't get celluloid toys, explosive "Oh, mother," Marjory , answered, • balloons or•• "sparkling" crackers. "I want you toread me that one Don't force small girls to play with about the ten girls who went out to an -all boys if they don't want 'to. meet the bridegroom and ran out •of Don't keep up the party till a late gasoline."•hour—let .the youngsters leave while _o— they, are fresh and happy. Wife—"I wish you'd bring home a pineapple, Edward. Mother is com- IN MEMORIAM ing today, and. you know, she'd give In loving memorya of my clear mo- ha1f, her life for a` good pineapple." i ther, whom God called , to Himself, Edward—"Really! Then I'll bring .March 14, 1924. home two." Gone, dear 'Mother, gone forever, 7-o— How we miss your smiling face, The -average man, goes through You have left us to remember,' life with ohs hand stretched ottt 0 None on -earth, can, take your place catch the woman who is leading him A happy borne, we,• once enjoyed a chase and the other stretched back blow sweet the memory still, to ward off the woman who is try- But death has left a loneliness, ing to catch him. :This world can never fill. •-0--- .Mrs. Chester Higgins, "Why is it," his wife asked, "that you are not interested in our radio GLENANNAN any more?" • Mr. Albert Simpson of Longhorn, "Why should I be," he replied, } Sask.,' spent Sunday at the home of "Haven't I had .every station between i Mr. and :Mrs, W: A. McGill, s Geo. Williamson and John McPherson, buyers will be in WINGHAM on To buy good, useful, and general purpose horses. From 1200 to 1700 Lbs. Will Pay Good Prices BELGRAVE Mr, and Mrs. R. Owens take this: opportunity to express : their thanks, and appreciation to their 'neighbors. and friends for the many kindnesses shown to them during Mr. Owen's. recent illness, also many thanks to [the Ladies Institute; the Ladies Aid of the Belgrave Methodist Church and the Orange Order for the beauti- ful flowers sent by them.. Special thanks to Rev. Mr. Moores for his. •faithful attendance. IN MEMORIAM 3111.12111114 leek fat,„ l.ed In ever loving memory of Percy Scandrett, who passed. .away,. Mar. 14th.,. 1923: Gone` is the face we loved so dear, Silent the voice we loved to hear; Too far away for sight or speed, 'But not too far for thought to reach, Sweet to remember him who once was here: And who though absent' is just : as: dear, Mother, Sister and Brother..` ba ADVOCATES RETURN TO GC1w STAND.A.RD Reginald McKenna, former C cellar of the Exchequer in .0 Britain, and famous financial pert, who a.dvocates the retur d ' Britain to the gold standard' ,, sees the probabilities of inmm clangers in returning to the " ' da,rd, but declares these nothing compared with the be which would follow. b.).