HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-03-12, Page 1Y w.K
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,Copies, Five Cents.
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Firmly.13y His Convictions
North Huron's member leas spoken
in the Provincial .ov�nu ' �ialParliament, and he
has cl
xplaitned his position fearlessly
to favor of the sale of non -intoxicat-
ing 1.4 beer, believing that by giving.
the thousands of Ontario risen who
want it, a more palitable .beverage
and by eo :doing assisting in doing
awaywith a good amount of boot-
legging and , the manufacturing .of
rotten swamp whiskey, :. which in
many cases is deadly poisonous.
The following is how 'Mr, Joynt
was quoted in a Toronto 'daily.
tOJohn Joynt (.Con. Huron, North),
commenced his address by, referring
to unemployment and the action of
the Federal Government in. throwing
the whole burden;on, the provinces.
If this was the policy of ' the orcin' railwa to keep money in New
he said, • then' they ought to` re- ,that y
gamier and officials, He knew of
no co-operative .society in Ontario
that ever: did the farmers any "good.
Gan anybody in the opposition tell
me of one?" " he. enquired. "NQ?
Then I take it they don't letiow of
any." He cautioned farmers not to be
begttiled by smooth-tongued organ-
izers who wished to form associations
merely in order to get a good ralce
off for themselves: He instanced the
tobacco ,growers of Connecticut.
Re went on to urge the burning of
wood instead of ,coal, wherever possi-
ble, to help, the unernployment situa-
tion, saying that men could be em-
ployed cutting wood. He said he
had noticed . along the C, P. R. lines
piles of wood for use at the stations,
it evidently being the intention of
an Church on h
a w
Ten Hogs Were Sacrificed
Being ed to (7,ha,,e
C rSC)fal
Itm Coluin.
Mrs. Isaac Walker is visiting witty
relatives in Toronto.
Mr. and 'Mrs. David Hamilton,
spent Monday in Wroxeter,
Miss Reynolds is spending a few
weeks with her sister in Galt,`
call all their immigration agents.
After commenting on the burden of
taxation, NLr. Joynt, referred to the
growth of chool taxation. it had
been estimated that the cost of each
pupil in•inany farm sections was $xoo
or more he said. He thought the
"' er should� ive uarticttiar at -
�ihillai - �
ten:tion to this. The U. F. O. Gov-
ernment had taxed about everytivni
but gasoline, on,the
A few years: ago, he went
commission on a car of cattle at West
Toronto Stock Yards was $10. The LJ.
F. 0. brought it up to $17• rib
D. J. Taylor (Progressive, No
Grey): "Are you aware the rate is
' fixed by •a comrnission?" i s -
Mr• Joynt: "Yes, and'the col-amiss-
omm s
ion agents joined together to fix it,,
You know that as well as I do,"' (Ap-
The speaker ne.t said that . the first.
thing that co-operative societies did
Ou the 0. T. A. Mr, Joynt, who
comes from dry riding, said ie ear-
ed nothing about his political future;
but/he, did care about his conscience.
He still firmly believed in the At-
torney -General. That was his ' an-
swer to all his friends and the elec-
tors of his'riding. - "I have complete.
faith in the Attorney -General,'' he
commented, "even- before the bill is
introduced." He knew the electors of
North Huron would not wish him to
vote against the Government. He.
certainly could not support the Lib-
eral amendment or the amendment
coming from the discredited Farmers'
party. "It does seem,to me,", he con
cluded, "afte5 listening to the Attor-
ney -General•, a gentleman who is
above reproach, a gentleman, I might
say, of supe=lative degree, that I
should put -_my faith in him,. instead
of listening to those who would make
a mountain out o'£ a molehill."
Mrs• E. S. Copeland, spent a few
days with relatives in Toronto;
Ivir. Robert Fergie of Whitechurch
was in town on business on Monday.
Mr: and Mrs: Martin, Lucknow, at
tended Miss Elston's funeral ort Fri-
Mr. W. A. Mines of Turnberry,
made a business- trip to Toronto last
Mr. F. Toll, Blyth, was in town
Friday attending Miss Elston's fun-
Mr. R. H. Ding of Toronto, spent
the week -end renewing friendships in
errin has returned, to
ng in' Toronto and
ampbell` of 'Walker
vinetrn t"tier home over the
Miss Lila'P
town aft. a
Brarr, r•.
was to provide salaries for the 01 -
Horticultural Society •Notice
ThemembershipPcommittee is now
beingorganized and canvassers will
. g . r
call upon you during the next few
days, a premium of two dozen choice
gladiolii will be given. Membership
fees may. be paid now to Mrs. E. J.
Nash; Secy. or : Mr. J. A. Wallace,
Police Officer Phippen went to the
lhonhe o.£ Mr. Earl Underwood near
Bluevale on Saturday and placed An-
na Reynolds, nurse in the 'Gnderwood'
home under arrest on a charge of be.,
and dangerous ing insane to be at
The Reynolds wonia,n is said to be-
long on to a sectknown as the Faith of
the Holy Light, with' a tabernacle
or place of meeting in Toronto, She
has apparently exercised great ic1idi-
owers,.. over Mr d
ons ,p Underwood.
and it was because he was /instructed
to do so by her that he sacrificed ten
'hogs as a .burnt offering to drive
away devils. After shooting the hogs.
they were drawn back' into 'a field
about 200 yards from the barn and a
huge pyre was built on which the ani
tn.als were piled for the sacrifice. The
fire was lighted and the large space
banked in with, earth. -The fires were
week -end. .
Mrs. Chas, Gillespie,
spent over the week -end
in Wingham.
Mrs.. Wm. Prince of Kincardine, is
visiting at the home of Mrs. Newell,
Lower Wingham.
Mrs. N. Sanders of Mafeking,
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr:.
Clarence Shackleton.
Mrs. W. Scott Heim of Detroit, is
visiting at the home of her brother,
Mr. J. M. Graham.
Died, in'British Columbia
burned continually, it is said, for
three `.days a ; the odor of the roast-
ing meat coin,,. be smelled for a dis-
tance of more. than amile,
Mr. Underwood is of a most yes
teemed family and he has been deep
ly studying the scriptures for some
The Reynolds lady told Officer.
Phippen.that she as married but her
husband was living at Scugog Island,
and that she was now divorced be-
cause he ill treated her• She says
that she , was arrested about: eight
years ago and that a year ago she
tried to drown herself in Toronto.
When Constable Phippen took the ri-
fle she "told him that a knife could be
used if 'ther'e were any more sacrifi-
ces'to be made. She also said if any
one was troubled with sickness and
brought her.a pig she; would remove
the affliction in one hour.
of London,
with friends
Woman's Missionary Society
Chamber of Commerce Banquet
Keep Friday the x3th., for this spe-
dial`event. The Committee has Spar-
ed no effort to make this banquet a
real - success. 'Mr,. Karl Homutii, M.
L. '�1.' for Waterloo, will be the Prin-
cipal Speaker and there will be short
addresses by local speakers,; plenty of
good music by the High School lr-
chestra and the ladies of. the Wo-
men's Institute will provide a splen-
did dinner. We would like, a' good
representation from our country
friends. A real treat is in store for
you. Banquet to commence at 6.3o.
A forrner resident of Wingham
passed away suddenly at his home in
Kelowna, B. C., on, February 13th in
the person of John Bigger, aged 66
years.; While a resident of Wing-
ham Mr. - Bigger fitted up the skating
rink for roller skating. He was mar-
The regular monthly, meeting of
the Woman's Missionary Society of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
will be held on Wednesday afternoon,
commencing at 3 o'clock: Subject,
'Trinidad, British Guinea, Africa, to
be taken by Miss Clow.
They All Like It
One of the Stratford Hockeyists
while in town on Wednesday remark-
ed to Mr. McKinney of the C. N. R.
staff here, that he had never seen a
nicer or more appropriate war me-
e-moria , than the one at Wingham.
He also made mention of the wonder-
ful sight and grounds.
Mrs. W. J. Rowson is in Milton
this week, attending the funeral of
her neice, Mrs. M. Dixon.
Miss Ena Currie of Toronto, is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Currie.
Miss M. E. Fisher of the Post Of-
fide Staff, is visiting with`her brother,
Peter S. Fisher Mr. r in Toronto.
Miss Sadie Coiling of the Wing -
ham General Hospital Staff, spent the
week -end at her home near Ripley.
Messrs. Wm. and Alfred. Plumstead
of Paris, were in town attending the
funeral of their cousin, Miss Elston.
ried while, here to Miss B. Sinclair, a
sister' of Mrs. A. G. McGregor and
H. J. Sinclair, former wel1.knowr:
residents of Wingham, Mr. Bigger
is survived by his widow and one
'daughter, Mrs. Roy Willson..
Pied in Toronto •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Gr'iy were
in Pete>`boro on Friday, attending the
funeral of their .brother-in-law, the
Discontinue Clerical Office Here --
Subscr9,ptions $2.o9 Per year•
Don't forget to come to the St.'
Patrick Social in St. Andrew's Churelr
alert Tuesday, March x,eth,
Dr.. and :Nfrs, E. E: Hubbards of
Detroit, attended ttended tihe: funeral of the
former's aunt, Miss 'Elston,
,Attend the ,Chamber of Commerce
Banquet in the. Council .Chamber, on
Friday evening, March i3th.
I-Tigla; Class Paper Hanging, Wall
Paper supplied. Estimates gladly gi•;
ven l'' Elmer': Wilkinson at 228.
Ship via 'Dominion Express. Prom=pt.
Telegraph Service, Canadian Pacific
Railway Tickets. Phone 47, G L•.
Baker, Agent.
New Oil and Gas Station
Mr. Murray Johnston of London,
was in Wingham last week. Mr.
Johnston has leased some land beside
the. C. N. R. tracks and intends putt-
ing ingasoline tanks here 'and. open-
ing a station in the very near future
He is a son of Mr. Henry Johnston
of Belgrave and is well and. favorably
known in this vicinity,
Curling Here Last Week
Mayor J. L, Armitage and over
twenty other curlers from Kincardine
came down an the afternoon train to
Wingham on Thursday last and play-
ed a few friendly games with the
Wing1 am curlers. They are all jolly
good fellows and were accompanied
by Kincardine Pipe Band under the
able leadership of W. H. Young. Tlie
Kincardine rinks were slightly down
Mr. Corson Boyce, who is in the
employ of 'McClary's at London,
spent the week -end with his parents,
Mrs. T. T. Leakie of Kincardine,
spent a few days at tfhe home of her.
mother, Mrs. W. 'r. Pattison, John
Stole Horse Blankets
Mr. Jos. - Kerr .and Mr. Russell
Jermyn, .are both members of the
board of the Wingham ' Methodist
Church and both of,, these gentlemen
had horses in the church shed on Sat-
urday afternoon and .some sneak thief
carne. into the shed, and stole the
blankets off the poor faithful animals
and left them to' shiver until their
owners came for ;thein. The Meal
dist*Church does not mind people
ing the shed as a shelter for their
animals but it is not intended to shel-
ter thieves as well. If either of these
blankets are found it will not be well
for the party who has them, although
neither of the above gentlemen would
Ibe,cruel enough to take them off
their horses when their masters are
out of sight, -
It is with regret that - Wingharn
people will learn that the Bell Tele-
phone Co., have decided to. discontin-
ue the business end of their business
in Winghani;;'i and owing to the fact
that all clerical work will be handled
from. their. Stratford Office, .Miss
Maud;-Fletity has severed her connec-
tion with the Bell for the time being.
We understand, a sirniliar situation,
awaits her in Stratford, should she
care to go to that place. It is not
Wingham alone, but also Listowel,
Goderich and St. Marys offices o± the
Bull -have been closed so far as cle;i
cal work is concerned.
Stratford—Wingham Hockey
late W. Howard Waram, who. died
very suddenly on Tuesday, at his
home in Toronto. Deceased was
married to Jessie Gtay, daughter, of
Mr. and Mre, John Gray of Wing'
'ham. He was with the McLean Pub -
I dishing Co" and had been in Listowel
Ili n business for.his firm a week previ-
Min Wingharn
� ions' ' to his death.y
,ao Se be -
IN `
friexids extend sympathy to the 'I" reavedfamily.
Cases Postponed
The hearing of Anna Reynolds on
a charge of insanity and the adjourn-
ed wise of Finley and Walsh was te
have come up for hearing ase•
o'clock., on Tuesday. All the legal
machinery' were here frontthe cotta.
ty town with their club bags and do-
cuments but it was decided to furth-
postpone the Finley Walsh case
until St. Patricks :Day,, as that will be
abetter day for Irishmen to finish a.
scrap. The Reynolds case was post -
potted because that the lady had not
put in an appearance. She arrived; in
town an hour late. Both cases will
conte up on the 17th.
e Dodds—At the manse,
et, on Wednesday, Feb. 25t11�
v� tF.'
15125 by the Rev, D. A. Armstrong,
. ' ati
d P
IS. D„ Miss 'Violet X10d:ds, g
of Mr, and Mrs. Win, Dodds, How -
ick, to William Hatrisort, son of Mr,
and ars. )'., Harrison,. of Gorrie.
Corrie to the St. Patrick's Social in
Methodist Church, 'on Murch 17th,
Proceeds in aid. of Missions, Ad-
mission 25c and 15c.
Radio Licenses All radio licenses
expire Mar. 30. Get your new licen-
se from. W. Cruickshank, Wingham,
Box 65. License fee $1.00.
The Catholic Women's League will
hold a progressive euchre in the chur-
ch hall on Tuesday, evening, March
27th.` Admission ,5 cents. Every-
body welcome.
Mr, W. J. Campbell, Master "ot
Wingharn Orange Lodge, is repi esent-
ing his lodge at the ' Grand, Orange
Lodge of Ontario West, which is in
session at North Bay.
A. large stock of Wall Paper is car-
ried at .Mitchell's Drug Store. Alt
1923 .patterns and colorings. We in.-
vite comparison with city prices and
quality. Seeadvt. on page 7.
Don't forget the St. Patrick's social
in St. Andrew's Church on Tuesday,
March 17th,
Mr. and Mrs.. W. J. Scott; desire to
'thank their friends and neighbors for
kindness and sympathy extended to
on afernoon and evening games. A thein during the illness and death of
(their baby boy.
couple of Lucknow rinks played in and Menthe Du Vat
Wingharn .on Wednesday afternoon Drs. Reg.
and all had. a real enjoyable time. ` (Chiropractic Specialists, Crawford
A:rink of St. Thomas curlers were (Block, Wingharlx. Outside dells re
also iii Wingham on Wednesday Ilsponded to, Phone 300. Consulta-
JL Mr. and Mrs. E. Merkley of Lon-
don, spent the week -end with their
Son, Mr. Cecil Merkley of Wing -
Mr. T. P. D. Marshal of the Aero
Cushion Inner Tire Co., has been in
Pittsburgh, for the past couple of
Mr. Samuel Stirling of Bayfield,
was in town Saturday, while on .his
way hone from visiting; friends of
Stratford C. N. R. Hockey Team
and Wine -tam boys played a fast
game of hockey in Wingharn's . New
Arena; on Wednesday evening of last
week, Mr. M. W;,Telfer, • Manager
of the Batik of Commerce at Blyth.
`made. a very, capable referee. The
Stratford boys are a fine bunch of
good sports and the game was fast
and clean. During the first' period
the visitairs` scored 2 and 'Wingham
scored I. In the second period, the
local boys' woke up and scored :3,
holding the visitors down to 1, which
made the score 4 to 3 in favor of
Wingham. Stratford managed to get
a couple more goals in, while Wing -
ham scored one, and it looked . very
Mrs. A. J. Plourde and son Jimmie,
of Owen Sound, are visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs. D. L. Dins -
ley, Victoria St.
Mrs. ' James Walsh of East Wawa -
nosh, returned home last week, after
spending a week with her daughter,
Mrs. Richard Irwin of town. ,
Master Stanley Irwin, of East Wa-
waanosh, spent the week -end with his
grandparents, Mr.`and Mrs. R.
Irwin of Victoria St.
playing for the Reo. Challenge trophy
but were not successful in defeating
Sandy Crawford's big four.
Skating Party at Arena
The skating party put on in the
Wingham Arena on Friday evening
by the Sunday Schools of the Presby sjof Mrs. Arthur Haines of Wingham.
terian Anglican and Baptist .Church- is. ,as a niece of the famous explore
tion free.
Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Churcliwill hold their annual,
St. Patrick's social on. Tu sday, Mar:
Mrs. John W. Scott 'vvho recently
passed away in Listowel was an atrr t
es was a huge success although the
ice was very soft. After the races
and skating all went to the basement
of St. Andrews Church where lunch
was served. The followingwere the
winners in the racing, ev'ents:B ac -
Boys 10 and under—J.ken-
Lions Club Dinner
The Lions Club luncheon on. Friday
evening was one of the best yet held,
and how could it help but be when
Dave MacDonald was goodfellowship
chairman, The ladies were present
and Mrs. Dow excelled herself in the
preparation of the dinner. Miss Ber-
tha G. Maekay, sang "Lassie 0 Mine"
in her usual splendid voice and Mrs.
W. VanWyck gave • a couple of ex-
cellent readings "Taking the Eleva-
tor" and "In 1492", Few elocution-
ists can surpass Mrs. VanWyck. Mr.
George Spotton gave an address on
"Lions." Miss Alice Williamson was
accompanist. After the dinner V11 re-
paired to the 'Club rooms where pro-
gressive euchre was played A smooth
card and pool player performed some
remarkable tricks which - were very
clever. - Slight of hand tricks with
cards and really scientific pool shots
were interesting to watch.
The Late Miss Elston -
much as 'though. the game would end
a tie 5 to 5, but alas! when' wil:h
about fifteen seconds to go Burke the
big defence for the Stratford boys
made an extra effort and in a longmak-
ingdrive scored the winning goal ak-
ing the play end 6 to 5 in, favor of
Hockey is no*. over for the season
and Winghaahi has the satisfaction of
knowing we had a fast hockey team
although they did not win the' grrin
Let us hope to have an even faster
lot of players next season, not im-
ported players but bona fide residents
of the town,
bury, W. Bunn.
Girls 10 and under—E. Rae, I. Nor -
trop, L. Groves. '
Boys 13 and under—D. Rae, C.
Blatchford, W. Gurney. '
Girls 13 and under—N. Taylor, K.
King, K. Williams.
Boys x6 and under—H. Brown, F.
Celebrated Silver Wedding
Mrs. D. O; Colclough •and little sure
Jack, haue returned to their home in
Burgess -vine,. after sep'nding a couple.
of weeks - 'with her mother, Mrs.
Butcher. '
Mr. and Mrs, Jesse - Button have
Purchased the residence - on Patrick
St. ;which they sold to Mr.. John Hop-
per per and they will move into it, in
near future.
Just before going to' press the Rev.
, Cragg phoned that he and his of-
ficials were tunable to make arrange-
anents. for the tinion services, next
Sunday and the introduction of Rev.
Jnr. McIntosh... Mr. McIntosh willch
however occupy the pulpit on Mai.
land. and 29th,
Lions Carnival Again Off
The Lions intended .to put on a
carnival in 'Wingliatn Arena this win-
ter iti'aid of the Arena building fund,,
have twice •advertised it, but the
weather leas been most unfavorable
on both occasions and; the earmvi
bad to be postponed each time:
er and missionary. Her name -was
Sarah McKenzie Livingstone and was
a highly esteemed citizen of Listowel.
A word about counter check books.
The editor of the Advance solicited a
local butcher for meat slips or coun-
ter checks, The butcher said "1
don't think: you can give me those as
cheap as I . got thein from a tray-
eller." The truthis we have the same
privilege of selling . counter check
books as the traveller, the same price`'
list covers all, no counter check book
printer, allows a traveller one price
and a local, agent another. The only.
difference is that we spend our com-
mission he Wingharnand the traveller'
spends his in Toronto
The Oshawa Telegram of February
25th., contains an interesting account
of the 25th wedding anniversary o
couple of former residents of Wing -
ham, viz., Mr. and Mrs. James Ham-
ilton. Following is the clipping:
"On Monday evening about thirty
friends and neighbors of Mr. and
Mrs. Jaines Hamilton, having learn- t have our bicycle accessories in this.
twenty-fifth anniversary week, tires from $1,0 up. Baby car-
ed of the y
of their marriage, gathered and sur- age' 'heels retired and all general',
prised thein at their home, 102 Ritson . repair worse promptly done.. If you
Road South. The everting was .spent have any castings to weld, we do at
in games and music, during 'which We have also for sale one 5'' pssu
Mr. and Mrs, Hamilton, the brideger Touring 'Ford body, in goodrY
and groom of twenty-five years we"e dition and set Hassler shock exhdr-
presented with a beautiful gift. Mr. bons, nearly new, very cheap. W Ar'
1-1 A. Iivilley read a very appropriate Currie; Wingharn Machine Shop,
redress while his two little daughters.
There passed away at her home in
Wingham on March 4th., Miss Annie
Elston, daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Elston, pioneer resident of
Morris Township here the de -
Mr. j. D. IvlcEwen milk _dealer, leas
rented the Pringle farm, and is offer-
ing his property in Lower Winghanc
for sale. Mr. and Mrs. Pringle will
move to Saskatoon ht the near future.
Boys and Girls : and Men, come
along and pick out your Bicycle, bet-
ter and cheaper than ever. We will
, hip an w
ceased was born.: fifty six years ago ,Misses Margaret and Ada,. presented
coming to Wingham three years ago.
Miss Elston had been in failing heal-
th for the past five years. She bore
her illness with great • patience and
cheerfulness, the last few weeks beins,;
bedfast' and ,in - spite of loving hands -
d away as above stated, She
a beautiful silver sandwich basket - to
the bride and a silver smoking star.d
to the groom. Mr. Hamilton, on l:,c
half of Mrs. Hamilton. and himself
-made a very suitable response, They
were also recipients of many otli r
'beautiful gift. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
leaves to mourn her loss four broth- i Hamilton of Toronto, who
ers aridthree sisters, John 'of Sask., bridesmaid and groomsman -
James, Austin, Man.; Robert, West wedding sweiltof ttoieverears also Mre
Hope, N. IX, William, Morris `Tp., the the guest f Wingham, Mra10 Mrs.
sisters, Mrs, MAague, Winnipeg, Cnmtnifi s o g ionto
sis , Margaret Hamilton of To
Mrs: ' Hubbard;' Detroit and Ellen .Miss iN: g Campbell, ;bell :Iftrris
with whoa, she .resided In religion,land� Mrs. Duncan Ca pbell, broke
Miss Elston was a Methodist, her (Township. The happy
Rev, Mr. Cragg, had charge'up about midnight,' after wishing
pastor, Rmany
the services at the houseandgrave their host and hostess years ef
Interment in WinglianCcn
happiness," pi
Come to the St. Patrick's Social iii
Methodist Church, an March 1704H
Proceeds in aid. of • Missions. Ad-
mission 25c and.. 135. .
,,, 11 n,,r,ra,r„th„uui"nrs,,,,n,u•tl,,,Y,1r,ngY '':
List hu
Sunday , Evening
of Toronto
issionar7; elect' to Africa v,,I
I e speak next Sunday. `A young
young man `with• a reel
'"Voll will be made welconi.ea
: cr.,kenrnula.UNW,,llr"vny,,"hnv,.,Are ae§ nZMAWpur,ar