HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-03-05, Page 6'M7
1 imp !llaill l wo mo
ta Uoirn
ata reds
eadiug roads
Good i3tx%lci.
ill, atzd Telephone
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itvenient; If you
it Will, pay you to
ItplllR!aClll'•; ellen
Real Rotate
Il!llb�,;llltill51illl'1!I! !N
Established 1340,
Head Office, rruelph, Ont,
Risks taken on all classes of insur-
tnee at reasonable rates.
ABNER COSENS, 'Agent, Wingharra
.VV. 'l OD
Office in Chisholm Block
INSURANCE .,,._- a
P, Q. Box 366,. Phone 198.
Victory and Other Bonds Bought and
Office—Meyer Blocic, Winghani
Money to ,.Loan at Lowest Rates.
-. Wingham, - Ontario
A. a ; ORTON
Wingham,. - Ontario
DR. G. i � ROSS
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry.
Office Over H. E. Isard's Store.
B.Sc., M.D., C.M.
Special attention paid to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken
postgraduate work in Surgery; Bact-
eriology and Scientific Medicine.
Office in the Kerr Residence, bet-
ween the Queen's Hotel and the Bap-
tist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone. 54 P. 0. Box 113.
Dr. bt. C. 6edni nr�ll
M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Londa
Dr. Chisholm's old stand.
Graduate of University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Surgeons. •
c in Chisholm Block
Josephine Street. Phone 29.
Dr. Marg ref C. Calder
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine
Office—Josephine St., twodoors south
of Brunswick Hotel.
Telephones: Office 281, Residence 151:
All Diseases Treated
Office adjoining .residence next to
Anglican Church on Centre Street,
Open every day except Monday and
Wednesday afternoons.
Osteopathy Electricity
Telephone 27x. ,
Qualified d
Daugless Practice being in absolute
co d with the Laws of Nature gives
the very best results that may be ob-
tained in any case.
Hours: to- zz a,m,, z :-S and 7-8 pan.
Telephone 191.,
DR. D. H. Me$l ' r c
Qualified Graduate
Addustzxients given for diseases
all kinds, specialize in dealing
children. Lady attendant. Night cal,'
responded to.
Office on Scott St,, Wingharn, Ont.,
in hoagie: of the late Jas. Walker.
Telephone iso.
tal�s Ofiac re4; Resid 22,,4
A. .
J"� ap( W • Lq, J:i
KJ f .WiJ7'.tALt
i9,r:.,.l�"i,AA4a. a7,JAll' F..; TOR
A - TAR/0
Ali Anvp.vie ''-."riGM:
5 . ., TI `I ,
apyrlghtod, 11/22, by Rafael sa,battnt. her. IIer face flarixod, and her eyes
''oAPTAIIV aLOOP,'';a vitasrapt, inctueo with 4. warren Ke stabbe him ^li!{e daggers, 'These
Open In the' title, rote, •is rro ,adaptatio4 or thirty thr111t alovmt. are pirate's ways, I think!; Release
me!" •
CHAPTER XX VIZir—Corttnued tlfere's no more to be said, unless it "Arabella!" he cried on a note of
"If you want your 'past forgotten. be to add the assurance that Lord Ju- pleading. "Ate ye rneaixing" it?' Must
and your future assured, this is your Basi 'fade has also nothingto a r - I let . e go and
chance. Your dutylies hero". at least pp• e Y �, never set eyes on ;3 e
r fiend from rixe: That, no doubt, will again? Or 'will ye stay and make
for as long as the war lasts, When be the assurance that your peace of this exile endrirable un it ;w.
the war's over, you may e t e can ao
y get back to •inznd requires? lxanxe together? Qelh ye'rc cryiixg
Somerset and cider or ybur"native "For your own sake-- es. But. now! hat ha
Ireland and its Y Coi W vc I said tv uzake ye
potheen but until then your own"sake :only, T would not cry, my dear?;,
you'll make the best of Jamaica and have you do anything mean' or dis ",T . , . I thought you'd never say
rum,r, honouring." (its," she mocked him through her
Van der Kuylen exploded into "Thief 'ancl pirate though I be?" tears. "There was never, never any
laughter.But Blood remained sol- She clenched her hand, and made body but you, Peter."
'cram to the point of glumness. I=lls a little. gesture of despair and intpat:4,, They had, of course, a' deal to say.
thoughts were on Miss Bishop, : who ieuc'e.
• thereafter, so much, indeed, that they
zne thosesat down to say it, whilst time sped.
ion, and Governor Blopd forgot the
duties of his office. Ile diad reached
lxore at last, His obyssey was end-
And meanwhile Colonel Bishop's
fleethad '" cone to anchor,' and .the
'JColonel had landed on the mole, a
disgruntled man to be disgruntled
furthe yet. He was accompanied
ashore by Lord Julian Wade,
A corporal's guard was drawn tap
to receive hips, and " in advance of
this stood Major Mallard and two
ethers wlio were', unknown to the De -1
puty-Governor; one slight and ele-
gant, the other big and brawny,
Major Mallard advanced. "Colo-
nel Bishop, I have 'orders to arrest
you. Your sword, sir!"
' Bishop stared, empurling. "What
the devil? Arrest • me, d'ye say?: Ar-
rest me?"
"By'order of the Governor of Ja
i maica," said the elegant little„ snap be-
hind Majoh Mallard: Bishop swung
"And you? Glory be, . ye'11 not' be to him. '
telling me ye refused. to .become "The Governor? You're mad!" He
'My 'LadY ." looked from . one to the other. "I am
the Governor."
"O'h! You :are insufferable!" She
tore her hazed free and backed away
from him. ' "I should not have come
,Good-hye!" She was speeding to
tate door,
Ile sprang after her, and caught
lwas somewhere here in this very Will you never forgive
house in . which they stood, but l;words?
whom he had not seen since his ar-
rival. Had she .but shown hizn some
And then the rasping voice of Wil-
lougixby cut in again, upbraiding him
for his hesitations; pointing out to him
his incredible stupidity in trifling 'with,
such a golden opportunity as this
He stiffened and bowed.
"My lord, you are in the right. It
shall be as you wish; and very grate-
fully, let' me assure your lordship. T
shall know how to earn his n'iajest5's
approbation. You may depend upon"
my loyal service."
Tli.us is was settled. 'Blood's coni-
mission was made out .and sealed in
the presence of Mallard, the comman-
"We sail tomorrow morning," his
lordship announced. Blood was
"And Colonel Bishop?" he asked.
"He becomes your affair. You are
now the Governor. You will deal
with hiin as you think proper on !i`s
return. Hang him from - his own
yardarm. He deserves it,"
"Isn't the task a trifle invidious?"
wondered Blood.
"Very well. I'll leave a letter for
him. I hope he'll like it,"
Captain Blood took up his d
"I'm finding if a: trifle hard, 1 con-
fess. But what does it matter, when . "You were," said the Iittle man dry
all, is said?" ly, • °But we've changed that in your
vases at
Iler. clear hazel eyes considered absence. You're` broke for abandon -
once. With the sanction of Lord him a moment wistfully. Then she ing your post • without due cause and
Willoughby he marshalled his buc- 'put out her hand again.' therefore imperiling the settlement:
caneers and surrendered to them one- "I am going, Captain Blood. Since over which you had charge. It's a
fifth of the captured treasure, leaving you are so generous to my uncle, 1 serious matter, Colonel Bishop, a
to their -choice thereafter either to de- shall be returning to Barbados with you may. find. Considering that you
part or to enrol themselves in the ser- him. We are not likely to "robot again 'held your office -from the Govern-'
v ce'of King. William. ..,ev'er; Is it imjossible that. we intent °f King James, it is even possi
A score of them elected to remain,should part friends? Once I wrong- I ble that a chargeof treason may lie.
and amongst these were Jeremy Pitt, ed you, I know. ` And I have said against you. It rests with your sue
Ogle, and Dyke, whose outlawry, like;that that I am sorry. Won't you .. , ; ieessor entirely whether'ye're hanged
Blood's, had come to an end with the 'you say `good-bye'?" or not,"
He took the hand she offered. •
Bishop" rapped" out ,an oath, ''an
Retaining it, he spoke, his ay es som- then, shaken by a sudden fear: "Wl+
brely, wistfully considering. her, /the devil may you be?" he asked:
"You are returning to Barbados?" "I am Lord Willoughby; Governor
downfall of King James. They were -
—saving old Wolverstone, who had o ernor of Jamaica, which was the face A
been left behind at Cartage:a—the, dmiral s flagsixip,
only survivors of that band of rebels= id the pian he had been hunting in "Id is fery boedigall" he said, his,
convict who had left Bardados overGeneral •of Hzs Ma ' - Tortuga to his present undoing. blue eyes twinkling. "Cabdain'Blood
be sand slowly, Will Lord Julian be Majesty s Colonies in The situation was best expressed is fond of boedr - e
three years ago in the Cinco Llagas. going with your' !General
West:Indies, You;were inform- Y y remember de
On the following morning, whilst ed. I think of my coming, to Lord Willoughby by Van der Kuy-rabble blossoms. So, Ha, ha!"
Wh do
van der Kupien's fleet was ,malein y you ask me that?"she , len as the pair stepped' aboard. the THE END •:
g confronted him quite fearlessly. + The remains of Bishops anger fell
finally ready for sea, Blood sat in the I "Sure, now, didn't: heYou ive ray I from him like a cloak. He broke in -
spacious whitewashed room that was message, or did he bungle it?" • ,to a sweat of fear. Behind him. Lord
the Governor's office, when Majora
"No. .Ile . didn't bungle it, He Julian looked on, his handsome face
Mallard brought him word that Bis-' gave it to me in yoursuddenly white and drawn.-
hop's homingsquadron i y own words..- Tt. <, •
was in sight. g ;touched me very deeply. It made me � "But, nxy, Lord—" began the Colo-
"I am glad he comes before Lord see clearly my error and my injustice. nel.
Willoughby's departure. The orders, !I owe it to you that I should say this I "Sir, ,I am not concerned to hear
Major, are that you placehim' under !by way of amend. I judged too har- your reasans," his Lordship, interni
arrest the moment he steps ashore." I p P
slily where it was a'presum tion to ted 'harshly. "I am on the point of.
Peter Blood sat back in his chair l ud t 11," 'sailing d T 1 e
Thursday, March
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a N' -T ......Fi R WCO 5 .'F L. Ca pR, N G.
a a g an rave not the time Th
and stared at the ceiling, frowning. I He was still holding her hand. ,Governor will hear you and no doubt
Came a tap at the door, and an eld, "Asad Lord Julian, then?" he asked,deal justly by you." He ..waved to
erly negro slave presented Nims'e,f. ,his eyes watching her, ,bright "as ,sapMajor Mallard, and Bishop, a crump-
Would his excellency receive M'ss phires in the co .led broken maxi
Bishop? He sat quite still, conscious "Lord Julian will no doubt, bec go- , Y• alloyed himself to
be ledawa
that . his pulses were drumming in a ing home to England. There is noth-To" Lord Julian, who , went with
manner wholly unusual to them. ThR ti f ing more for him.to` do out here," �•hian,' since noire deterred him, :bishop
quietly he assented. 1 "But didn't he ask you to -go with expressed "ltinxself when presently he
He rose when she entered, and if him?" had sufficiently 'recovered,
because s his tan disernbled it, For a tinence." count of -that scoundrel'• Blood;" he
he was not as pale as she was, it was I He i
did, I forgive you the sniper- "This is one mole stern to . the ac -
moment there was silence. betweenl. A wild hope leapt to. life •within said thr`otigh his -teeth, "My God.
thein, as they stood looking each at tiro
what a *reckoning there will lie when
the other. Then she moved forward, "Anel you? Glory be, yell not be we meet!"
and began at last to speak, haltingly, telling me yerefused to become my Major Mallard turhed, away his
in an unsteady voice, amazing in one llady, when. face that he might concealhis smile;
usually so calm and
deliberate. e. - and without further words led_ him a
"I , , , 1 ... Major Mallard has just prisoner to the Gove'T•nor''s house
told me , ..." . ; , , that so longhad
"Major Mallard exceeded his duty", �' c been Colonel .Bis-
i hop's own .
• p tx h residence,He
said Bl `,� • t � was left to
Blood, and because of r
the of `l:
f rt
r '� � '' t •... a» ,,, y.•. wait raider nerd in the 1111
lie made , ghall, whilst
ade tosteady ad his'``t
vol Vii" ,
voice ��•.
YS nd r
r p
M r.
!� oMallard
ed harsh ,,
and unduly loud. "You.r`:`' � �+a; ;i e
.ce.:lni.aldrnyourself without reason, Miss .hwr,
ss Bishop still
with Peter
Bishop. Whatever may lie between ';.: s p t Blood when ` Major Mallard entered,
me and your uncle, you may bo sure l ,a well
His announcement startled" them back
that I shall not follow the example s f A a.
t td realities, he has set; me. I shall not abuse my ��1Lj- "You will be xixerciful. with him.
position to prosecute a private vetlge- C reateszbu have FOEt Nature's * You_will spare him all
once. On the contrary, I shall abuse leinosr (l Ttlble,$) m p you can for
vegetable teh tonics my size leaded,
it to protect him, Lord Willoughby's '1 a7"' ' "' tbG Organs and rohev, s "To sake, Pater,"
be sure 1 will, said 'Blood,
recommendatioat to ane is that 1 shall
Constipation, Biliousness, , „bn I'm afraid;the circa st
treat 'hila Without mercy. My own. S" Headaches. tnz duces
ani[ so necessary beingood and wfl c c
intention is to send him slack to his happy.She effaced . herself, escaping'
" '• Vega' for Over , Ping*° into
plantation in Barbados. Bxata ae„, '�; 3':;;,. s,aEGeupn the garden and Major Mallard,fe -
She came slowly forward now. "1 seed»pw;"rr fetch
Jti } cd the Colonel,.
Gla I ani glad that you will do that, ( Yflxa t { "Ills Excellenby, the Governor,
Glad, above all, for you own sake.” i ,mf �t,?G� tc w r� ".,3,+,.,� , i
She held' out her hand to him.
W t ,b :,, will 'see you now, said he, and stood
vi•;*ss d�<�,^ tivaitizag,
He considered it critically. Then ,� .i
r rt s,.p At i ihe table sat a man of who=
he bowed over it. ""III t1a4: presume ' Nrop� , , �r
' • ` I nothingwas, visible but the top of a
to take it in the hand of a thief and l$ earefitlly curled, black head,. Then
pirate," said he bitterly. ChiPa off the OW lock this head was, raised, and ,a pair of
"You aro no Ionger that", she said, l ...Mcdtork s..W„ ttGo q�;ada bine eyes soxe;rimy' regarded the pr'.i--
;d strove to 'smile, 'rho retain Ng --in orio-tbirc1 doted,
Por children and adults. :, lJt t;f, Colonel Bishop made a Boise
het I Bowe no thanks to you that, .un 4tiid lar Your 1f46'eagtrost eta,,.iznleis throat, mid, stared into the faee
am not," lacanswerrrd, "I think E. j,' MXTCji;]ML;'»XI,UGG7ST of His Bxcellexcy,'the t)eputy-Gov-
;i, eneUindt s
In about two weeks King George
go on a cruise raise of the
Mediterranean ean
by orderQi
s will
give him
to recuperate from' the uranchitis' attack and escape the
rigors of English winter weather, The photo shows the Royal Yacht
"`Victoria and Albert" . on winces the Zing will sail in 'Mediterranean
Waters, A11 work is being rushed in order to have the yacht ready
to leave as soon as the King's health permits:
e i �';'i! sits
HOSE who find it: c oreconvenient to:
do their banking b ;. .
i',' jT mail, will. find that
the co-operative >t rvipes o .this' tank' rivet.
all requirements. Write our nearest branch
to -day and arrange to do your 'banking by
rti0il, You will save the trotable of ivr'eciuerat
trips to town, .
A WALLACJ", fix' tr
agataih alftlaMattl m esf IS M k wiBl Nei