The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-02-26, Page 3.w d the ° raiilion and More wise sholipeae have alteacbr four d out how eaell.y this can be clone, there .aresome who still worry and scraps tocut expenses on foodstuffs. Donrinioxs Stores solved this problem, for yen, long ago, and the best way to prove it is shop at your -nearest .l onxinfon store this week. tr *berries cold Bar Spina 4,a' it 2 CANNED GOODS''r''EEK Special Sale of Canned Goods. Take This Opportunity of Replenishing Your Stocks at a cal Saving SPECIAL SALE:— - BUY Y' THE DOZEN AYLNIElt er RIVERSIDE CHOICE CANNED No. 3 EARLY JVJNE ii i II C $ . 5 TIN DOZ. AT all' Dor. J' 1- 2 TINS C $1.120z. 1 C ;Ji!EANSGOLDEN WAY C $INCA 'ORE C $ .®5 g I L -[ TINS L� ElD DOZ. GREENGAGE t Tv t .45 erLOMEARD �l' w DOZ. 25c $1 CHOICE $2t5 YELLOWK ," 'l°il� hoz. ASIC FOR HAND BILL FOR FIJRTFIER OFFERINGS Uy is s MADE IN CANADA c TIN. AYLMER BRAND VEGETABLE, TOMATO. • PEA, OXTAIL LL LB 9 WHITETRY SATIN 24 lb. BAG .DO.l�MlIN�dlON C IPASl~` deIN 1 its• -$1.39 aPOWDER lb TINNO ALUM 3 STORES ' SAVING CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WEEKLY 51c 11111, otin11,01t 11111 ,1,,,1111, t1111Ct111ttt1111tIt111111n1 1, ,1 flI,(Illlit,Itlflltll,ffl ftllfltltlltllllllllfttll l I,,lullnlnlfitltft 111(1,(11 • EGGSand b. m C EAM .x rk t Price Paid at All Times gi(tfflc, Expect to receive hatching E. eggs of O. A. C. bred to lay. Barred Rocks the last of this week. Will be able to fill orders for Baby Chicks of the same breed after March istht -Please order now. .Phone or call for prices. Office Phone 6aw. Residence Phone 62j WINGHAM The Whyte . cid g C Ltd. :11,11111111f11111111111JI❑"i1111I llllll,Ill Il ,, ,,t.I,,,,I191 ( , 1 uMIl,,tl,1f1110111,1111Itil1/t llll f�0al1.-6�1,11f1111I,SI1II, I1,Ulflt,,,1 A VERY k.A.WTHp'UL sEE'VANI" "You shave ervedua�.well and taitiieully for many years—sr, Ox - rd ---and you carry vr1t r you ottr Warmest regard now that you a c, clog' to **motherplace.' ' .-London Opinion. SU A DE.1V I'I iJ.w lac wci ed for our nSgxcssio71ta,, ha was lrruiked for our iniquities—iia, 53t5, F iiSON I:N :CPS iirl4i ^-+From ,t. to c,; irr ttlC morning Of hridav ;unit ', A. I). 3o. J?Iacte. '.L'iic. place oi i .upas and=t}`a iuphas, the palace and ,jndganrent hall, of J,'il al c:, BL+'llORl THE ROMAN AUTHORITIES The Sanhedrin had voted death for Jesus, .but they lacked the power to, canary out their decision, and their conquerors, the Romans, did not al- low tale Jews to eondeimi anyone to death. Deeply did the Jews feel this htuniliation; _ it deprived their; nation of one of the . chief attributes of sov- ereignty. Therefore it was necessary for the. Jewish rulers to hurry their prisoner to the Roman governor, and. get him to ` confirm their verdict. 'Now Jesus stood' before" the gov- ernor. The Roman • procurator . or governor of Judaea was 'Pontius 'Pi- late. eThe Jews hated him because he brought the Rotnan, army into Jerus- alem, sacrificed Galileans, and seized the temple (Honey. After he had been Jural:lavas, of je tt wprllo 1i cstlled Christ? °`;?oanl cif' rhtt 1neit rtt dPTem tri insread nje ,tr., luraLe, 'Las," and if tJiis 'wccS the ,lame of tilt: ,7r attr•r6.' e boar s.t ewIt .Vidal gadded `who it, r:relled ('hr'51," I ' For He kite w that for envy they 'had delivered Writ rip. Pilate saw the . truth, that :the Jewish rulers were jealoits of Christ's influence and, ;following among the 'people, and am fitted from that that: the people would at oncejump at the chance of freeing ,their favorite from death. Ana while he was sitting on the judgment -seat, The "tribunal," fie -n - orally a raised platform iv the Basi - lice or asi-.lica-or court where the judges sat; here, a portable ,tribunal, from which. the sentence was 'pronounced; it was placed on a tesselated pavement call- ed Gabbatha. His wife , sent unto him. In .former days the governors of Rornan provinces were not allow- ed to take their wives with them, but this rule had fallen into disuse: }'i- late's wife was Claudia Procura . or Procia, and it is the tradition that she was a proselyte to the Hebrew refl.. ' gion. Saying, Have thou, nothing tv' do with 'that Righteous Man, Clau- dia Procia must have known Jesus be - DE 19 e- governor ten years the charge wasfore, and perhaps she had become brought against Pilate 'at , Rome that His : follower, at least ' in her. heart. he was cruel to the Samaritans, and tAt any rate, she 'realized the upright he was dismissed from office and.died nes of His character. For 7 have ,• miserably. Pilate ' usually: lived ' lr. � suffered many things this day in a Y b Caesarea, but felt obliged to visit Jer-' dream because of Him. usaleni at the times of the Jewish Now the chief priests: and the old - feasts. It was a kingly :palace, and'ers persuaded the multitudes. Tliey. now a greater .than any king was to were busy with the people while Pi - visit it—in what lowly guise!. And late. was listening to the messenger the, governor asked Him, saying, .Art frons, his wife. Without this persu- Thou the King of the Jews? Pilate asion, we may believe, the crowd was not content merely to confirm would have chosen. Jesus. That they the Jews' verdict; hie knowledge of 'should ask for Barabbas,'and destroy their fierce bigotry and intolerance Jesus. Peter, a fewweeks after this, and the injustice that was .likely to in his notable sermon. in Solomon's characterize their trials; ,led hint to Porch of the temple, .having doubt- hold a trial of his own. His Roman less in his audience some of this very sense : of fairness was, shown at the crowd, reminded them of this terrible start, a's all through ,the trial. His choice. ;"Ye denied the Holy and question shows that the Jews ` had Righteous One, and asked for a mur- transformed their charge against Jes-' clerer to be granted unto you, and us, since they knew well that Pilate killed the Prince of life." would condemn no one to death on But the governor answered and the charge of blasphemy; therefore said unto them, Which of the two they gave it a political color, and will .ye that I release unto you? charged that Jesus was seditious; he Pilate has virtually condemned res. - had -claimed to ,be; Messiah, they us, and so he.classes Him with • Bar - declared that he hadlaid claim to abbas, the :convict; but the ..govern - royal power. If that had been true, or's conscience and his superstitious.. it would of course have been rebellion fears have beenaroused by his wife's against Rome, and such. treason dream, and so gives his innocent. would be punishable by death. Prisoner another chance. And they And when He was accused by the said, Barabbas. Remember how ear - chief priests and 'elders:. That is, thely in the morning it was, and . how members of tltfe Sanhedrin, the chief secret the arrest of Jesus was at the priests being the high priest and for- .midnight before. Doubtless Christ's disciples and friends slid not expect such rapid action, anus it was ve T easy for the Sanhedrin to bring to- gether a mob of their dependents. naer high priests, and the elders being representative heads of the Jewish fa- milies. Luke states the charge most, clearly under three heads: (a) the general charge of sedition,' (2) for- Most of Christ's disciples were Galt bidding to pay the Roman taxes, (3) leans; strangers in Jerusalem, and i - claiming to be a king. 'All were the norant of its ways. very ereverse of ,true, •He answered; Pilate saith unto them, What then nothing.. He had spoken freely when shall I do unto Jesus who is •called. alone with the governor, 'but he did Christ? Again the governor showed not deign to reply to the lying accusa-;his weakness and cowardice; a judge tions of his foes. 'asking the crowd in his courtroom Then ;saith Pilate unto Him, Hear -;what he should do with the prisoner! est Thou now how • many things they They all say, Let Him be crucified. witness against Thee? Pilate could The Jewish punishment for , blas - not understand Christ's silence; here pherny was.stoning, but this would was a new kind of prisoner!: "Where not satisfy Christ's bitter foes. They there is so much smoke there must `asked for the Roman penalty, partly be some `fire," Pilate said to himself. because they wished 'the Roman an And He gave him no answer, not thorities to inflict it, probably fear - even one word; insomuch that the ing rescue, -if Christ were• placed in governor marvelled greatly. In their their hands to Lill, and they hated charges the Jews had said that Jes- Christ so bitterly that they sought us had taught beginning from Galilee for Him the most horrible form of even unto this place, s.o that Pilate death. saw a way out of his dilemma. If of And he said, Why, what evil hath: -Galilee, Jesus must be a subject' of He done? Over and over Pilate pro -1 Herod Antipasl the wicked ruler who claimed Christ's innocence, and , Ends`... ,q. d us we l f you have not visited our store tlris month and shared, irr the bargains we are offering, it will' be to your,tdvaiit- age to ao so in the next couple of days. Discounts31-3 Per CetiL an d Many purchasers have expressed surprise at the Prices we are quoting, If you do not want anything in olir store at present, you will eventually; it will be well worth your, while to buy now and put the article away. Chinaware, Glassware, Silverware, and .Heti.elts and Je e e r' . The Hamilton Guarantee is behind everything we sell y "The. Gilt Shp"9 Wl g`I,,am Direct Importer of Fine' China, Silverware, Diamonds, Etc.' ANOTHER GREAT CATHEDRAL IN DANGER. Large fissures, up to ten inches in width, have opened up it Lincoln Cathedral, England. This structure is one of the most beauti- ful examples of Gothic architecture in the world. The photo shows the north-west tower encased with scaffolding where some repair work is going on. have joined his name in condemna- tion ondern tion with Caiaphas and Judas Iscariot. And all -the people answered and said, His blood be on us, and on our. children. na- DIED • i Hazelwood—In Wroxeter, on Fridays 1 Feb. x3th., 1925, W. C, Hazlewood, in his 79th year. Lynn—In Howick, on Wednesday,. Feb, IT, 1925, James Lynn, con. 5g I aged 73 years, 5 days. Htibbard-In Howick, on Saturday, Feb. I4th, 1925, Harold Lloyd Jack Hubbard, son. of Mr. and Mrs. James Hubbard, of Harriston, agr-d 14. months. Willis—Tn Kitchener, on Saturday, I Feb. ,14th., 1925, James Willis, for- , merly of Fordwich, aged about So y, ears. Then released he unto them Barab- bas. Barabbas would probably have Occupied the central cross of the three on Calvary, the one which held Jesus. Our Lord took the place of Barabbas literally. But Jesus he scourged, and delivered to be cruci- fied.. Pilate, of course, did not him- self scourge Jesus, but he had Him scourged, as was customary before crucifixion. 11111(11"111"/1„ 1.111 - It l"1111"tIt"•!! 1/Itltt , ,uso,+., U,,a, ,1 .t.4.H/N1,1n111p"1111fl" 11eit111 llllllIIC1111111IIltlllltll111)IIIIQ ott h 'SpeciaP FeretilizeIs had. slain John the Baptist. This therefore his own infamy in coir i Herod was in Jerusalem at the time, clemning Hint. But they cried out and was glad to see Jesus when Pi -'exceedingly,•• saying, Let Hine be late sent Him to him, hoping to see crucified. The clamour and shriek - the famous Teacher work a miracle; .ing of an Oriental mob is wild and but when Jesus' refused to answer his terrifying. It • leaves no doubt of questions ,and would not work a mir- their earnestness and their anger. acle, Herod and his soldiers mocked , So when Pilate saw that he pre - the Prisoner, arrayed Him,in gorge-'vailed nothing, but rather that a tu- ous apparels, and sent Him back to must was arising. Luke 23:22, gives Pilate. This was the fifth of. Christ's one more proposal of Pilate seeking trials. to free .Jesus: "I. will therefore chis- Now at the feast (tlie 'great feast, tise Him and release Him." A Ro-, the passover) the governor was wont Iman scourging was a cruel punish - to ,release unto the multitude one merit, but that was not what the Jews prisoner, whom they would. This wanted; they could inflict that pun - release of prisoners wast common at ishinent theinselves. To Pilate's the public festivals of Greece and cowardly soul nothing was worse Rome, and 'inay have . been establish- 'than one of the fierce Jewish insur- ed as a custom by Herod the Great, rections; his own life would be in who introduced so many foreign cos- ;peril, and it would give his enemies toms. 'a chalice to charge at Rorie that he And they had`been a notable psis- was an inefficient governor. He over, • called Barabbas. His name ' took water, and washed his hands means "Son (Bar) of a ''Rabbi (or) ;before the multitude. This symbol Father)." ' lie had been leader of 'a is alluded to by Herodotus and Ver- popular insurrection against Roane / gil, and is also found • in Nut. 21; 6. in the course. of which he had corn- Not often in history has an import- rnittcd murder, and•.so he was a hero ant public official so humiliated him - in the eyes of the people, 1 self. Saying I am innocent of the When therefore they were gather -!blood of this. Righteous Man; see ye ed together. Probably this was . alto it. Taut no disclaimer could ab - popular ,assembly gathered for the solve Pilate of responsibility. He 1111 Always Be A,v 'abi Ontario Farmers Recent newspaper reports of an interview with Sir William Coats Cross on his arrival in Canada might give some the impression thar we contemplate closing our Welland factory. Let us assure yon we have no sudh intention. Mr. Robb was right when he had the impertinernce to tell us that we had too much money invested to ever quit, On the other hand we are making satisfactory progress as far as tonnage is concerned. Ontario farmers are coming to realize the superiority of Scottish "Special" Fertilizers over any .imported goods and are backing this up. with increased orders. With such loyal sup- port we just have to continue the fight and stand. the racket meantime. Our stocks prepared for the spring trade are fifty per cent. more than last season's sales, which, by the way, was over fifty per cent, in advance of the previous year..;....So you will see we are bolos enough to prepare for bigger things and right here let us say that - sales to date are ahead of our expectations. Vou may rest assured that any orders placed with us direct or through any of our -local agents will be filled as required.. -...Cif course; you can understand that if you delay until the last minute! there is al- ways the possibility of our stacks being depleted. Please, therefore, figure out your requirements and let us have your v'rders as soon as possible, .e•.+1etimulepmMi..q Scottish Fertilizers Lit it Welland, 'Ontario purpose of naming the prisoner who 'was the judge, and his was the power should be released; and this gave Pi.,of life or death. It was his husintss ° J. D. BQi eer'�'ft & Gordon McGee, Ili'''e t Agents late the chance to appeal to the eo -to do justice and by his own ad n _ We well be ordering a car in the near faaau>inee plc as against the Sanhedrin. Pilate mission he did horrible injustice. said unto them, Whom will ye that 1 With perfect right all the ages since a g � 7lnuut"nunnunm"tnnungle,u+luuntnit/11,1....fn,nun,nmu+uaannnnu,nnultreufa,ewauulununtlu mtiJi epw�do m we morupWWtiiltlou IiaWol �� ldlsiNli�iIN@a@ItE�I 111 NIMH ri'j ac