HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-02-19, Page 6ii{lll lli 111 ll11 11lIISoimul!l IIIIIb1116.1101.4
eta Uh
ane T+arxza for Sale ata yeas„ tti
enable price •with leading roadsm'
leje,s of it. Good Build-
ixxgS, Rural Mail and Telephone •"PAPTAt11t: Rla,00P." s vitajraph plows with ,J, Warren Y{Yrr,
mites, Market, School and @ Haan In `tile tate mein. is an adaptation of thio triiaanir novas.
urches convenient. If You tilCHAPTER XXIV means a,wiser Man,
= want a farm it will pay you to t
CARTAGENA He was awakened at dawn by the
enquire into this. re
thunder of guns. Emerging
I -I ving crossed the Caribbean in z^p1.1ia1 g'
the teeth of contrary winds, it was upon the poop in nightcap and slip. -
Cd Sen Pers, he beheld a sight that increased
i Insurance A Real Estate not until the early days of April that point French fleet hove in sight of Car- fns u yeas fourl Due id urtreasomn -
Ins e as
I fdEld�illi l$Il�dldi 611lldlllillklll gid>NEliII {dl ElElplldl lli tagena, and M. Rivarol summoned a yr ships un-. men are on the ]. oint of mutiny..
to deter- der canvas' were half a mile off the They demand to know when this
council aboard, his flagship'
BUSINESS .CARDS mine the method of assault. Boca Chica and little more than a sharing of the spoil is to take place,
„ mile from the remainder, of the fleet, and when they are to receive the fif-
It is: of importance, messietirs' and from. their flanks: ficins" and th for ,which their articles tarovirl:e•
WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE he tolduthem, "that we take the: pity smoke -were belching each time they. The men know that it . exceeds the.
INSURANCE C •d enortnotis total . of forty. 'millions.
by if in oe; not only before it butan put swung broadside to'the great roue
Establislied aS4o• itself into a state e defense; be- fort that guarded ,that narrow en -They insist that the treasure itself be
'.t'lead Office,, Guelph, Ont. fore it can remove its treasurers in -
Risks taken on all classes of insuretrance, The fort, although returning produced and weighed in their pres-
land. 1 ac hien to land a force ruff the fire vigorously and viciously, ence, I warn you that . unless. you
ante at reasonable rates: ficient to achieve this to the north of
6,gtT3ER COSENS, Agent, Wingham the city tonight after dark." ' tivas suffering badly. Yet for all their
He was heard respectfully and ata -
maneuvering escaping thpue buccane r§ were stagy
Jo W. DOD provingly by his officers, • scornfully
by Captain.oowas Blood. Blood the on- "b""oard gunwale . of the Atropos had
office in Chisholm Block been hammered into splinters, and a
AND HEALTH ly ane amongst them who knew ex -'shot had caught her astern in the
actly what lay ahead: Two years ago coach. The Elizabeth was badly bat-
he had himself considered a raid upon
.-•- INSURANCE tercel about the forecastle, and the
AND REAL ESTATE the place,' and he had actually blade tered la's maintop had been shot
P. O. Box 366. Phone 198,
a survey of it. The Baron's proposal away, whilst towards the end of that
64TING1IA1V1, - ONTARIO was one to be expected from:a rota engagement the Lachesis carne 'reel
wander whose knowledge of de-
Carta- ing out of the fight with a shattered
DUDLEY ®LES gena, was only such as might be cls -
a rived from maps, rudder, steering herself by sweeps.
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. There was a terrific explosion; half
i the fort went up in fragments. A
Victory and Other Bonds Bought and lucjcy shot from the buccaneers. had
sold. �.�., . � ,. �
Office—Meyer Block, Wingham .. - found the powdtr magazine-
_ _ It may have been a couple of hours
\�� : later when Captain Blood, as spruce.
�\ 11 and cool as if he•had just come. from
a levee, stepped upon' the quarter-
`deck of the Victorz•eusc, to confront
M. de Rivarol; still in bedgown and
"I have to report, M. le Baron,
that we are in possession of the fort
on Boca Chica. The• standard of.
France is frying from what remains of
its tower, and the way into the outer -
harbour is open to your fleet.
"You behold there the scene of our
coming action. , It is spread before
you like a map.
Blood pointed out the fort at the
mouth of the inner harbour and of-
fered a plan of certainvictory with
Cartagena's gold insured the hayed-
B.Sc., M.D., C.M. ;hG . ers.
Special attention paid to diseases of At noon on the morrow, shorn of
Women and Children, having taken A lucky shot > from the buccaneers . Idefeuces and threatened with boni-
postgraduate work in Surgery, Batt- had found the powder magazine i bardmeCartagena sent offers of
eriology and Scientific Medicine..
Office in the Kerr Residence, bet- Geographically and strategically I surrender to M, de Rivarol. The
ween the Queen's Hotel and the Bap- considered, it is a curious place. It ,plunder was enormous. In the coma
fist Church. stands almost. four-square, screened' se of four days over a' hundred mules
All business given careful ,attention. east•and north by hills,` and it may be iladen with gold went out of the city
Phone. 54.' P. O• Box Y13• said to face south upon the inner of 'and down to the boats waiting at the
• two harbors by which it ii normally beach to convey the treasure aboard
ra RrbL:® C. edm tind approached. The entrance to the out- the ships.
er harbor, which is in reality a lagoon •CHAPTER XXL'
some three miles across, lies through THE "HONOUR OF M. DE
a neck known as the Boca Chica—or RIVAROL
Little Mouth—and defended by a During the capitulation and for
,, fort. A. long ;trip of densely'wooded
DR® "�'' ® L. `S'�'E%,� laird to westward acts here as a iia -
Graduate of University of'Toronto, turas breakwater, and as the inner
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the, harbor's. approached, another stripof
Ontario College of Physicians and pp ,
Surgeons., ' land thrusts across at right angles
Office in Chisholm Bleck from the first, towards the mainland
Josephine Street, Phone 29. on the east. Jeust shah of ,this it
ceases, leaving a deep butvery nar-
Dr. 1 . ^ aret C4 Calder row channel, a veritable gateway, in -
General Practitioner to the secure and sheltered inner
Graduate University of Toronto harbor. Another fort defends this
Faculty of Medicine second passage. East and north of
Office—Josephine St., two doors south Cartagena lies the mainland, which!.
of Brunswicic Hotel. may be Left out of account. But to
Telephones: Office 281, Residence 151.the west and northwest this city, so
@o well guarded on every other side, lies ,
directly open 'to the sea.'It stands ,
OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN directly back beyond a half -mile of
All Diseases Treated beach, and besides this and the stout
Office adjoining residence next to
walls which fortify it, would appear
Anglican Church on Centre Street. to have no other defenses.
Open every day except Monday and
Wednesday afternoons. It remained for Captain Blood to
Osteopathy Electricity explain the difficulties when M. de
Telephone 272, Rivarol informed him that the horrorTO TOUR WORLD?
of opening the assault in the manner . A London . (England) newspaper
DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS . which he prescribed was to be ac- has published a report `tlaat Pope
corded to the buccaneers. Pius contemplates making a tour of
• .. ">:t; is ulydorstooct in
CHIROPRACTIC Captain Blood smiled sardonic rag- the world. Roman Catholic circles in Great
. J. AL B' IN FON preciation of: the honor reserved for , Britain," says the newspaper, "that
Fully Qualified Graduate his men. It was precisely what he ' there is considerable likelihood of
a concordat being. shortly reached
Drugless Practice being in absolute would have expected. For the Dui- between the Pope and Premier Mus -
accord with the Laws of Nature gives cancers the dangers; for M. de,Rivas- I solani, in which case His. Holiness
the very best results that may be ob of the honer, glory' and profit of 'the proposes to make' a - tour of the
tallied in any case: enterprise. • , rorlci'"
Hours; raw 12 a.m., 2 --5 and i -8 p.m. «It is an. honor which 1 must de-
Telephone 19x. cline," said he quite coldly. , Wol-
verstone grunted approval and Hag -
DR . D. 11. 114cInnes thorpe and Yberville nodded, "h will
CHIROPRACTOR not lead my men into fruitless clan: -
Qualified Graduate ger."
Adjustinents given for diseases ' "Look, you, M. le Capitaine, since I.
an kinds; ,specialize rn dealing r you are afraid to undertake this'
children. Lady attendant. Night cal'. thing, I will thyself undertake it, M.
responded to. de Rivarol declared. '"If I do so, 1
Office oft Scott St., Wingham, Ont.,
in house of the late Jas. Walker. shall have proved you wrong, and ;I
Telephone 150. shall have a word to say to you :to
Morrow' which you may not like. I'
am being very generous with you, sir.
You have leave to go."
It was sheer obstinacy and empty
pride that drove him, and he received:
the lesson he deserved. Close upon.
fifty lives were lost in the adventure
together with: half -s -dozen boats
stored with ammunition and light
guns. The Baron went back to his
flagship an in'furrlated, but by no , J. 1 14 ,,
min,,,m-�nII" Yui
,f"!�Il�illtlli Illi
?1,ANt',:,l w I141CI M
1„wT ' ;.7,7, P 11'.1
sante tune'ter, �:.Captain Blood an
the greater portion of his lmecca-
necrs had been at their post on the
heights 01 Nuestra Senora de, la I'otl-
pe, latterly, in ignorance of what was
taking place, R.esentn7ent smoulder-
ed amongst his men for a while, to
flame out violently at the end of that
week in Cartagena. It was only by
lrndcrtalcing to voice their grievance
to the Baron that their captain was.
able for ,tile moment to pacify tltenli
that done, he went at once in quest
of ,M• de Rivarol.
• ,'M le Baron, I must speak :fratik-
ly; and you must suffer. it, My
Tii z'e4a.lx R bru+ary ttp't11„
opyrtglttel,'032, acct t1.arani Sabatin
T fLoor flOOT'S or
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates.
Wingham, Ontario
J. A. M 1u RTON
Wingham, - Ontario
D 0 G.,:. ROSS
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry.
Office Over H. E. Isard's Store.
W. R. .AML
M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P.. (Lond.)
Dr. Chisholm1s .old stand.
honest Ctfficeaa6, Resid. 224.
Motor Equipment
tIR't'abteita iatep Me[i hsadaehas,
roilevc htlioue nttao ta, tubo s all
roguiste the elirninetiyo etrfana,
atako you 1?ceB fine.
"Better Than Mb poly I„lver .!Blue"
and get an
esti, ;fete ' from
.OW cost, ease in lay'
ing and everlasting
durability are fea-
���� tures . that you will enjoy`
along with ' the .exquisite
beauty of Seaman Kent
I-ardwood Flooring. Many
charming houses lack only
this `improvement to mod-
ernize and place them in
the most marketable class.
A small outlay will do it
and you can lay'' -the floor
yourself. Measure your
floors. An estimate from
us will cost you nothing.
"Damme! What's to laugh at, you
,porpoise?" spluttered mulberry-
yield to a demand that:I consider jut
and therefore" uphold, you may look
for trouble, and it would not surprise
me if you never leave .Cartagena at
all, nor convey a single gold piece
home to France."
"Any .1..to understand that you are
threatening nae?" " -
"You db not know the ways of
buccaneers. If you persist, Carta-
gena will be drenched in blood, ,cud.
whatever the outcome .the -, King ' of
France will not have' been well serv-
The end of it all was that M. de lapprehension that' M. 'de Rivarol the Blue Mountains whose peaks were
Rivarol gave a promise at once to
and might escape them altogether. thrust into, the clear upper air.. above.
male he iecessazy preparations, They had ''Jamaica on their lar- the low-lying haze., The wind was,
if Captain Blood and his "officers
would wait upon hint on board the board beam some thirty miles to westerly, and it bore to their ears a,
torreuse to -morrow morning, westward, and, indeed, away to the booming sound which in less experi-
Vic have passed for the
the treasure should be produced, northwest, faintly visible as a; bank enced ears might
weighed in their presence and their of clouds, appeared the great ridge of I (Continued on following: page)
fifth share surrendered there and then eeee—°eeeem
into their own keeping.
Among the buccaneers . that night
there was hilarity over the sudden
abatement of' M. de Rivarol's 'mon-
strous pride. But when the next
dawn broke over Cartagena, they had
the explanation' of it. The only ships
to be seen in the harbourwere the
Arabella and the Elizabeth riding at
anchor and the Atropos and the Lac-
hesis careened on the beach"for repair
of the damage sustained, in the bom-
bardment. The French ships were
Blond was reduced to despair. If
he followed now, Heaven knew'what
would happen tothe town. Unable
to reach a decision, his own men and
IIa;thorpe's took the matter ,off his
hands, eager togive chase. to Rivarol,
Within an hour, the water -casks at
least replenished and stowedaboard,
the Arabella and the Elizabeth put to
sea upon the angry chase.
"What now, Peter?" 'cried : the
young. Jeremy Pitt. "Lord,' man what
is there' here to fret yoti? Surely
'tisn't the thought of Rivaroll"
"No," said Blood thickly. .And for
Once he was communicative. It may land, is operated by moving levers to and fro, which operate a sere~;
well be that he must vent the thing propeller. Some of the advantages of this type ofmediately it clay reare quiit
that oppressed him or be driven ma& earl be got away fn. The averagepside unci lubber is more or less, awe^'.
one trained seaman.
by it..And Pitt, after all, was his one
ala. taenipulating para at anytime let -.alone during a catastrophe
friend' and loved him, and, so, n pro- .�t 'sea,
per bran for'"confidences. "But if she
knew!. If she knew! Oh God! T
had thought to have done with, piracy;
thought to have done with it for ever. ;'•p ® ""�
Yet here have I been committed byys a�y t iA"` X ° a `tl �e
this scoundrel to the worst piracy"" 11� i':
that ever I was guilty of. Think of l� matters Off' foreign C ICl1.
Cartagena! Think of the hell those rr .,
devils will be making of it nowt And ;' At1°"� our arrangements fbr ��'O�'Rl, t ,
touch with the world's exchange
T, Seat have that e, n1 soul!"
,.Hispaniola, assure you,%i�: Sal"tTiC 10
Setting a judgede' for ' thither
P iters p l�
Se g
since they that frillier" must ;;, I��:vJ',' � 7: wire connections with the large + ., `•l'^
.^G G,,iv .c"
Rivarol go to refit before attempt- , �r aaar +, cial Cetltr s enable tis to quoav' E'4E1�
ing; to cross to France, the Arabella °'rn7m
and the Elizabeth' ' ploughed briskly closest possible rates,
northward with a• moderately favour~
able ward for two days anal nights
without ever catching a glimpse of
their gttatry. The third dawn brought ,•>gr:lPl
with it a haze which circumscribed
"' Tenn " their range of vision to something be-
Yr,a Nasi
,rttt ca, tween two and three miles, and deep- .i
GOIST cured their growing vexation and their
Ask t ,.
for rices o Seaman- gent
Floor Finish
GC= a a.� �: :�NTn �iID WOO p ..�,a.•F�0 o R ,..n,.�GA...^m'
This new type of lifeboat which was recently tried out in End*
L n,. ,,i, .�::wxlil,. iNu1li�NweialNiinwiail• ddaxu,w,ti':ii„enxuvlIdw,eA
rlW6J umanuJe iuu d.WNaNUWh,eaumn,n
Maneige .