HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-02-19, Page 5t nor th z9 JI Ill I ILII I i�I I I�1118Ni Cll�l llgl�l l lel l l�llll l Ill I 1 11 wIbiGkTAMY4Aixim kcE. 111111111E111110111141111E1111$11111111111E111111011.11111111111111111111 enc° to God involves obedience to law. Set�j For this cause we pay tx+lite also, For the sake of conscience,. but. means taxes ptud to the Ront,trt: • = emperor, Xt seems to 1alive beep a matter of principle in the Christian AND T 61011.10.1.911. IS T.., GOING. ON CONTINUE TILL END PF To ' alie room tor New Spring Goods that re x relying daily,' we will co ti l e i i sell all heavy Wi,, oler Goods 1 great reductions A nice line of Flannel Dresses, Wool Caps and Scarfs, Sweater' ranging in, price from Coats, Heavy Wool Underwear `to $xo.5o less . 20 per cent. off A few Ladies' Winter Coats at Heavy All Wool Hose, regular Bargain Prices. $x.00, now _ .... _ ._....75c All en's.. red' w;;,,, ys' h' a.vy Winter Over- e'i a s, Sweater Co ,:Is ,', nil Winter Un® derwear less 20 per c nlm Men's Good Wearing Tweed Good, Strong Working Shirts re- Pants reducedto.__-.$1.39, $3.29 duced to ._..$x,00 Men's Worsted Hose, regular 75c, sale A line of Fine. Print Shirts, reg. $1,50 to $x.75, sale Overalls„ Black or Blue, ` will give good wear -., _ _ $x.95 15 pairs Boys' Shoes, sizes x to 5, reduced to _...:. _ _........._ ..,$2.4.9 A few pairs Boys' Hockey Shoes left, sizes • 1 to 4, sale_._.,. _.4.$2.35 All Men's nd goys' envy zS1 less 15 per. een10 I -�� Isard 111®IIIB�IIi�ill®111111®111®IIl�iil�lll ers church to pay tees 'without question ox' complaint, probably, in obedience to the 'command of Christ, For (hey are ministers of God's service; attend- ing continually upon this verything. (+.ender to all their dues. To ali men; but here, to all persons n posi- tions of authority; to all pttblic'.offic- ers or rulers, Tribute' to whom tri- but is due, "Tribute"means a tax levied on one's property, or, op one's 12 self—a poll ,tax: Custom to wliotn custom. "Custom" is a tax levied 011 goods sold or transported f;om one place to another, import and export ®, dues or trade taxes. Fear to whom Ili feaYr, Not the fear that an evil -doer 'av8uld feel toward the judge who could condemn Bien, but the respect and awe that any citizen would inev- - itably feel toward id the possessor of great powers over the liberty and liv- ftra ttm El Fil Mr, Wm. Smith, $tarnffer St, who • has not been enjoying good „health = for a few months, was taken to Wing ham Hospital a week ago; to undergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McLeod, McLeod,, wish to thank all those who so kind- ly gave their assistance and sympathy at the time of their recent bereave- ment. es of others. Honor to whom hono,.. Respect for all officers of the law in the performance of their ditties, whe- ther those duties were pudicial, and so inspiring fear, or merely admini- trative or legislative, and so calling for'respect. LUCINOW Miss Francis Cain is attending the Millinery Openings in London and Toronto:" Miss Belle Robertson is visiting in Windsor, and will attend the'tnilinery openings at Toronto and ondon: be- fore returning, home. Mr. and Mrs. F. 'E. Smith are home after visiting for a month with friends at Bay City, Mich. Misses Helen 'Thompson and Myra McDonald, who are going, to -Normal in Stratford, spent the week=end at their homes here. Miss MacLennan:, who has been nursing in .Ripley, returned hone this week. 211 III' 11IE1I1I14ill111lli1@I1111111111111®II1` 1111111111111111111,1111111E1111 11111111111 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON GOLDEN TEXT—Thou' shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. --Rom. 13:9, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time -Paul wrote. Romans. in A: D. 59, in the middle of his third mission- ary tour. Place—The Epistle was written t Corinth, the chief commercial city of Greece.. Obedience to Law The Church never ceased to praise and admire, even whereit slew het- the erthe imperial justice of Rome, her apol7 ogists, even when pleading' before it for their lives, turn to it as to a friend they appeal to it from the blind fury of the mob, with the proud assurance that it cannot, if it be true to itself, be against them, The following pass- age, with the exception of Christ's command that His followers "render to Caesar the things that at -e Caes- ar's," : is perhaps the strongest ex- pression of this Christian loyalty to law in all the New Testament,. Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers. By "pobvers'•' is meant authorities, rulers. By "high'- er" is' meant "supreme," not higher than others. "Every' soul" - means "every person." "Subjection" implies` no degrading slavery, but inecely the proper obedience that a subject owes his sovereign or a soldier his superior officer. For there is no power but of God. God is the source of authori. y. He is law, He ispower, and every human law and power is ,a part of the reign of law which God has iiistittrt- ed, And the powers that be are or- dained of God "The powers that be" meant to Paul and his readers the Ro- For he beareth not the sword iii vain, plan emperor: and his subordinate 0£ The Roman emperors woke a sword ficers; we are not likely' to have wort• or a dagger as a token of lsower. The se in our day God did not ordain literal applications is to the power of their wickedness, but He did .ordain capital punishment, but the authority. the system of civilization, of orders:d. 'for this includes, of course, atithori rule, of which they were a part. ty for all lesser punishments. "In Therefore he that resistetih the pow. vain"' signifies "meaninglessly." For er, withstandeth the ordinance of God lie is a minister of God, an aveng•P1• The Christians to, whom Paul wrote for wrath to Kinn that doeth evil, The would be tinder severe temptatioi,, ruler, when he punishes the evil, very often, to resist the ciwril officers avenges God's outraged laws' and car - When they persecuted them and harm- ries out the decrees of God's just ed their ° dear ones; but resistance wrath, He does this as God's set - would Have done no good and would rant, God's deputy, have led' to the destruction of Christi- Wherefore ye must needs be in sub- anty, whereas patient endurance acrd jection, not only becautle of the wrath :meek obedience in the end won over but also for COnsoieitee's• sake.. ; Not the Emperor himself and eaptnred the only to avoid the penalty, but from Roman world, God's way was best econsciexitietts Conviction that obedi. And they that withstand shall receive to themselves judgment. The con- demnation of the secular judges often and always the condemnation of the divine Judge whose ;laws had been scorned. For rulers are not a 'terror, to the, good work, but to the evil. Paul, of course, would not deny that a Nero was a terror to the good far more than to the evil; but he is speaking of rulers in general, and especially of the institution of law and order, whichis always, as an institution, on the side of the good and opposed to the evil in this connection it is well to re member the uniformly high characte of .the Roman centurions ntentione in the New 'Testament: And would est thou have no fear of the power Qf course every citizen would be gia to be free from fear; fear is one of tit most weakening and miserable feel ings. Paul would have us reverent laws and rulers, but not tremble be fore them servilely. Do that which is good,, and thou shalt have praise frog the same, The rulers' will commend good citizens, and shower upon thein the honors of the' state. So far will a good man be from fear of magi- strates that he will be under' obliga- tions to them. For he is a minister of God to thee for good. The "power" . is personi- fied. The ruling power is Ito tyrant to the good, but a tli.oughful and help- ful servant, protecting him from harm and adding to his life many comforts and utilities, But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid, That is, you have good reason to be .afraid, fear will become you, will fit your case, MAPLE GROVE A sleigh load of the.officers of Ma- ple Grove L. 0. L x044, :attended the meeting of West. Bruce County L. 0, L, held at Ripley last Tuesday, Feb. 3rd., and report a very enjoyable and enthusiastic meeting, reports, from various lodges indicated nearly all in a. flourishing condition and an optimi- stic spirit shown in the '"various ad- dresses d'elivered. The County Lodge recommended Bolding the 12th July celebration in Bruce County and a grant $25.00 to any. town putting cin such celebration. Election of County Officers resulted as follows: County Master—Rev. Langford, Lucknow. C. Deputy Master -W. H. Mahood, Kincardine. County Chaplain—Rev. Dixon, Rip- - ley. r' County Rec, Secy...—Saul Graham, d Ripley. , County Marshall -John Miller, dLucknow. County Lecturer—Charley McDon- ` agh, Maple Grove, 2nd Lect.-Win. Welsh, Bervie. e Fin, Secy, Harold Parker, Luck - now, Trews,—\Vat. Emmerson, Beivie. Jolt p nw ...,,,.•.. 1•.,..,�,w�u�:.I,�• NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY given, pur- suant to Section 56, Chap, 121, of th Revised Statutes of Ontario, that a persons having claims against 111 Estate. of William a Ferguson, deceas ed, who died on or about the thin teenth day of December, A, D. 192 at the 'Township of Howick in. th rovince of. Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or be• fore' the sixteenth day of March, A. D. 1925, their names and address With full particulars in writing , of their Chains, and the nature of the se- cttrities (if any) held by thein duly verified by- a statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTH- ER, that, after the said sixteenth day of March, 1925, the said executors will proceed to distribute the 'assets of the said estate among the parties entitled' thereto, having regard only o the clamps Of which, they shall then have had notice, and the said Execu. tors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any Per- son of whose claim they shall not theft have received notice. DATED at Winghain this seven- teenttli day of February, A, D; 1925, ` )k. Vanstone, Winghann, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors Z GINGHAj 340--,A full range' of new patterns. in small ;and medium checks and stripes from the best ,Canadian and English makers, 32 in,. wide, 'Exception- al val".es at g2c yd,. VICTORIAN FABRIC 35c — A new cloth with a print finish absolutely fast colorings in small dot, spray and) check patterns of the latest shades for the Spring wear, 32 in, wide, Special..,_..;35c ART SATEEN 6gc—Pixie qual- ity English Art Sateen in floral and Paisley designs for Com- forters, etc., light and medium colorings; 36 in; wide, extra val- ue at this price -., .-,:,.„6gc ytl. SILK LAND WOOL CREPE $x.6g--A wonderful wearing qua- lity of SiIlt and Wool Crepe in plain and checks, ` Sand'Fawn, Orange,; Henna, Nigger arid Na- vy. 4o in, wide, Regular $2.25,` special _ $x.69 yd. ILLS �' :,li lSe +ljl�liiell'.N�S r2't.,' O_-____ ROADS 11 111E111 111E111 111: 111E111E111ri;a11E111111 111E1111 11 hone 89 (Continued from. page three) 2. Stewart's ;bridge, opposite Lot 3r, L. R., Ashfield Tp„ in foot span reinforced con trete -slab 673.79 PI 3. Silver Creek Bridge, .op,„ Lot ,111 • -27, L. R,, Ashfield; 12 foot span 5867. 7, ,11 1111E11111/11111 11111112111 4, Wood's bridge, -op. Lot 2, L. R., Stanley To., 15 foot span extension Bridge opposite Lot so, L 5 .325.52 I E. E R., Hay T x2 ft.” span P,a5g8o0 P ,Lit 6. Heyrock bridge, op. Lot 12, _ L. R., Hay Tp. 5o ft. rein- : forced con,' beani bridge .::7516.32 • ® $xg23o fr —_ (b) County Roads i=', 1 Scott Drain bridge opposite Lot 25; Thames Road 2. Bridge opposite Lot 15, Con. 1 rs 7,. Turnberry Tp .... 652.2o $1,27172 The machinery account shows that there was purchased during the year: road plow I pick plow 65.00 ' h` 3 road hones 167.62 III( III>IIDIII1111III:°+H1E111E111E1111 s:1111/11191911121111111111111/1111E111 3 graders, highway patrol . _527.S2I ----- i wheel scraper . ,„,.,_. 84 oo coming session .HEAVY BLEAC:rrfED SI II!".TI;.• TIM c'- fix in, shertxxag fully bleached, Wabasso best snake, fine weave au;cl free from greas- ing, extra vain* yd FACTORY : COTTON 25e — Special value in the factory cot- ton, fine weave ,and good weight I 40 in, wid, at ..250 ycl. ENGLISH FLANNELETTES` 35c—Extra heavy quality Eng- lisp Flannelettes' in narrow and medium stripes of Bute and pink also plain white, 36 in. wide, special _.t yd. IN SHIRTING 35e—Rock fast drill shirting in stripes and assorted spot , patterns,, none better for work shirts; special _:..„„_:3Sc yd. FLANNEL. DRESSES $7.95--6 only Flannel Dresses, neatly tri- "l named in a one piece style, .in tit Fawn, Henna, Blue arid new t;! Green. _These are sample dress- es and exceptional value at this low price .. .-$7.95 111111 131 i l ' fie + ur[a Lida �ih,� It'41411 SI ry 111E111E111)1111;.� 111E111 by Robert J. C. Stead Author of ``The Cowpuncher", etc, which story will appear weekly in this paper beginning in a few Weeks. Mysterious adventure and thrilling suspense with a back-, ground of Western atmosphere and color, and faithful pen picturesli of the people and the life of the prairie homesteads and farms. '.k "A great piece of writing" says 3. Vernon Mackenzie, editor of MacLean's Magazine. "It is such a thoroughly healthy worth while yarn with no atternpt at the melo-dramatic, that it should have a very strong appeal to every thoughtful citizen of • the Do: $ 51.30 = minion 4 drag scrapers 4 snow plows Tools 58.25 101.10 83.63 $x,138.42 Repairs to machinery, 1924 1.025 41 Superintendence Salary, Co. Engineer and Road Superintendants Railway fares 17.50 Hotel bilis 56:85 Auto expenses 4.1.2,, Clerical assistance Stationery Telephone and telegraph w........ Expenses to conference $2,163.8;; 780.00 254.51 92.00 31.45 ' $4,652.56 During the year 1922 all County Bridges, maintained formerly under .Sect. 436, Chap. 192, R.S.O., were in- corporated into the County Highway System, and the following expendi- tures have been incur reci: Stanley Bridge w, Varna Bridge Sauble River Bridge McXCenize Bridge Hanna Bridge (one-half cost) • 489.23. Bruce 13otuadary: Bridge 877 37 Holmesv.ille Bridge ,.,, 7.20 :'1;1,9x8,13 III or the Legislatur following the report of the Adviso Board. It is probable that our ro •progranune for the coning year will be; influenced by these ` changes and that many decisions will have to be postponed until the text of the Leg- islation is received. However, I would direct your attention to the large amount of the resurfacing wa required over aoll the County. The are at the present tirtre 275 miles. County Highway in need of resurfa ing to a greater or less degree. Th usual amount of maintenance will necessary, that is, dragging, gradin snow road repairs, bridge and culve repairs etc. This County has tl facilities for doing alI of this requi ed maintenance work. It has th organization, the labor, the gravel an the machinery, but the funds are lily required. With regard to road constructiot it will be logical to continue the work on the Lake Shore between Bayfield and Grand Bend, and on the 1 'rovin „•$ 53.50 cial County Road' between White 5.00 369.75I16,o8 111E1111E111 1s 11111111 Il l0IUI Iii12ll1E11111®191 • e, ' A judge of the frontier days oper- ry ated a private bank incidental to his ad rather light duties, on the bench. A er g strap 'one day presented a check and was asked for 'identification, let- ters, telegrams, key ring, tags all pro- ' ved insufficient. "Why judge,” the man protested, "you have hung people on less ident- k ification than what I show?” w re "That may be true," replied his of honor, "But in money matters we c- ' must be careful, el be 111111IIIIIVIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lll11111111ll1111IIIIIIIIIIIIII121iM rt te, r- e d 0 OE gyp. You wouldn't e slay. the door church and Wingham, while there at some other sections that will wa'rran consideration. Careful attention should be given this year to the prat- tei of reconstructing the Bayfield' Bridge—this may be the last year' that a 6o per cent. subsidy will be available which situation will have an II niportant bearing on the case. This r ntprovennent will involve 'a.n expendi- ) ure of about $29,000,00 of which $17,-1 00.00 would bepaid by the Province. The fill over Galbraith's Bridge in Goderich Township, should be widen- d this year, and the dangerous Gull- y ' Bridge given attention. The fill at the bridge at Dunlop in Colborne Township, should be widened, Manny. titer such points should receive at- ention, and a number of small brid- ges and culverts reconstructed. Manyld guard fences are in a dilapidated onditicn and should be rebuilt, if ossibleth, For e removal of ice and snow lin the spring and for general work; I I would recommend the purchase of a • i heavy road plow for each patrol sec- tion of the Highway. Ordinary farm aws are not sufficiently strong for is •work, and each year . many are alien. Not much other ntac.hinery 11 be required. Respectfully sub-' tted; T, R. Patterson, County En-, The summary of t expenditures for the annual returns to the Departrnelit of Highways is as follows. 11t Provincial County Roads !4 Road construction $20,982.55 Bridge construction .. 10,230.71 ,e Maintenance and repair 27,716.72 e Special grants County Roads Road construction 2,2744,3 1 I ,,..$x x,369.13. 0 Bridge construction ... ,._.,... • 2,x99,64 jt Maintenance and repair ,.,.-44,304,99 Machinery 2)/63.83;o o Special grants , 33,419.60•' c ySuperintendence . .6 p $x78,213,161 On this expenditure the Govern- ment grant should be $87,041,46, which, with $31686.0p due from bound- ary Counties, and the ' ordinary re. ceipts, will leave a small surplus at the end of the year's financing. It is expected that some important changes in legislation respecting thpi ibr rvt 11111 Highways will be made during the `gineer and Road Superintendent. LL�iive�i W.,..L1 a••. �i•rA1x1“1. their fices Every business has two doors, the street door and the telephone door. Those people who are .pre- vented from. visiting your store -- are you waling it easy for them to buy from you by telephone? Many of therm would like to. Would a polite, intelligent, cheerful voioe answer thein ? Would the eviler lento° be such a pleasant onto that they would wish t4: repeat it;? We have helped many stored to successfully organise their telephone departments for such trade, It would be a, pleasure to help you. Arsssa' hsr Arleta to it rtr 10tnr ,i"eln7nhotly ea