HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-02-19, Page 2!'I Ir II „ 14kuwHrvvN«tHNpWI - nillisl t.d at A,M, ONTARRQ "1>ursd tlr,lnrrrirrt; nlit.or and 1, top etor h It Stitbsc_il son rates (. ne,'year'zoo, lentils' Sax*, le ,a k;1raItee, ncl vvrtispx„ rates Qn a.ppneati,On. ' Adve tr��G,latirtts without sgr.;oifie di rlectea. s Brit bt:: inserted until forbid an ace trdgtagly, sae in r%t c?ince are byr tisernent s ot"1day. 5x,excau 924, { t tcp with iti' f: peat . .t„tst cy Fli � at this pragrarn. v'f)C took SOnre pailiS 10 ';‘11.,e illi. ra-.. 4 l'o-irMtener an idea of jllst X00, this stype of broldcsti, r is carded on. 3Fiis explanation was very simple and educational. I "'When one of the Canadian Nati.nri !al ,Railk.r°Ray=s transcontinental: . trains rias approaching Saskatoon one San-, iday reorning recently, an excellent sermon from one of the churches 1' fo. ."()t.: alt L iportant as fare t were a 1- nce:r si it m+,!r r: G, 1C+,1't by i 1tn f�F4y;lrr, 1'„, 4;i1�.11�st'a °6 11'0: k 'd t?i t1 114�ttst;t;ttxit:' tt--"`Sto1,lcar ui xe )oz1 12 I. :I: 1ivessttiek and yt s l tkx�lcert�s, I)1<1.1 h,x,ux 111,1100 iGniut aluiiuulire lc5 was picked up en the radio Saitfit to such an e) -tent by site passengers that no.FEBRUARY 39/. la collection was taken up and for- iwarded to the church when the train I; ri1Sa. arrived'at Saskatoon. Needless to say, the church officials were as- tonished at the contribution from this unexpected source. The last of the important on radio tubes expired on Wednesday, Febru- ary 18th, and radio fans' will be de- lighted to see the price of tubes come tumbling down. .A forecast of the cut prices appeared this week with the anno11ncement of a new price of $3:oo for all types of tubes manufactured by the Radio Corporation in the Sta- tes. A new station has appeared on the air in Toronto. It is owned by the Northern Electric. Company and the call letters are CHIC with wavelength of .35o meters. Many prominent art- ists of Toronto are to appear at this station. E. I 1.5Slilt, iL i, SiYNi,T00041.1ttluf Yl pl :nullt;, xx - A new record for the number of radio broadcasting stations connected Station KDKA-3og.1 meters ufi together arid broadcasting simul- Westinghouse Electric latfeously, will be established: on Manch 4th when thirty of the most Pittsburgh, Pa. powerful stations in the '.United Ste -Thursday, February 19th tes will be linked up for tlie broad- . 5 p. m. -Special program for broad- casting- of President Coolidge's inau- casting and relaying to the English gural address at the opening of Con- speaking colonies in South Africa, Gress. Thestations will be selected given by the KDKA Little Symphony in such a manner that listeners in Orchestra, " under the• . direction of California will hear equally well with ,Victor Saudelc, and the Pittsburgh: those in the Eastern States. It is es- Quartet, consisting of Miss Irma Car- timated that at leasttwenty-f?ve.mil. penter, soprano, Miss Mabel King; Basi. people will hear this important'contralto• Roy Strayer, tenor; Ray- event.mond Griffin, bass and. Earl Mitchell, On Thursday, February 26th at 9 accompanist, o'clock the Victor Company will fea tare their special artists ,program from station WEAF at New York, This program is well worth hearing as only artists who perform for the 6.15 p. m. -Dinner concert by Brou- dy's Orchestra, from the Hotel Sch_ enley, Pittsburgh.' . 7.15 p. m.--F`Stockman " reports' of the primary livestock. and •wholesale oar A large majority , of the smart Spring frocks are adding fullness to their skirts; by means of one or two inverted pleats at the front. Sometimes there is a single pleat inset at the ventre -front, and sonme times there isone at either .side, as in the ehie navy blue kasha frock sketched above. • The only trimming appears in the form of fiat pipings of the ma- terial, which outlines the pleats and also mark the pointed joining of the waist and skirt. produce markets., 7.30 p, in -Uncle Ed. 8 p. nn -.Program arranged by the "National Stockman and Farmer"" sta- . 8.30 p. m. -Concert given by KD - KA Little Symphony Orchestra, un - der the direction of - Victor :Saudek, and the Pittsburgh Quartet. 9.55 p. m. -Arlington time signals; weather, forecast. i1 p. m. -Concert from The Pitts- burgh Post` studio. • Friday, February loth WOODEN SHIP w$1Cia H S BEEN lin :,i nVIOE C. TEB. ONE HUNDRED YEARS $141.5. Eaglet, for many years has been a training ship for the, Royal Naval 'Volunteer Reserve, 14terseiy division at Liverpool. Recently . this vessel was condemned as dangerous and .unlit for further write and is to be "replaced by a new acne. The Eaglet was launched more than 121 years ago and is the oidea$ Wooden ship of any size in the world still afloat 31l IDS 'p4. WL'+.WtM00,n ides 31. 1 NM j°" lei Eli • ..i tdo 1(10 r, Tinge FOOD r h.:ese CI.a ' �o e-- ' oIue-.>Nn Easy T� i -o1 int . 1 this. t,a . , i ss". set inN of a Idelwm.minh ,It H IIAI IINA i 1 hJ'i'i''' �, 1�i A1lV.I �If�A71RENN Ii�� h u - enty show .1 air ShopOtt t11� rill T ,t1 r 30:11.. talo rl!ytfii 8.15 i). 11, ,-''Read Aparna fifth 1u tin. He -ries of monthly dt.. u s ions of current literature by Frc;dericlt P. ,)layer, of the department of Eng Gish of the University of 1'itlsburg'.ix, from the 'University of Pittsburgh siudin, 8.3o p. m. --Program arranged. through the courtesy ,:.of the Rieck- i;eJunitin Company, Pittsburgh, 9,751 p. m. --Arlington time signals;' weather forecast. Saturday, February asst 6 p, ,m.- 7Dinner concert by the Westinghouse `\Lancfi, T. J. Vastine, conductor.. 7.3o p. ni.-\Nimble, the Wanderer. 7.45 p. m. -Last minute helps to Bi- ble school teachers, Carman, Cover Johnson, 8.30 p, m. -Special program: 9.55 p. m.-Arlingtontime signals weather forecast. Station WGY-38o Meters General Electric Company Schenectady, N. Y. Thursday, February i9th 6.3o p. m. -Dinner music by Hotel Ten Eyck Trio, Albany. 7.30 p. m. -Weekly talk on new books, by W. F. Jacob, librarian, General' Electric Company. 7.45 p' m. -Talk, "Manors of New York," Ernest C. Brown. 8 p. m. -Concert of the Mendels ' it 41 n a First" Sohn Club of Albany, under the direc- tion of Dr.: Frank Sill Rogers, from Chancellor's Hall, Albany, also broad- cast by WJY x1.15 p. in. -Organ recital by Ste- phen E. Boisclafr. Friday, February Goth 6.3o p, rn,-International Sunday School lesson. p. m. -Mark Strand. Theatre Or Chestra, Albany, N. Y. 7.30 p. m. -Health talk. ' 7.45 p. ni.-Address, "Some. Com- mon Faults in Spoken English,' Theodore Baird, department of Eng- lish, Union College. 8.15 p. m. -Radio drama, "Har- vest" by Henry Hamilton, presented by the WGY Players: io.;10 p. m. -American Trio 'and Lil- lian Rosenthal, soprano. Saturday,February -zest 9.30 p.in.-Dance music by Roma no's Orchestra,, from 'New Kenmore Hotel, Albany,' popular songs. The latest wavelength assignments: Wave Length and Call Letters -286.2, WNAC; 282.8, WOAN; 285.5, WR - E0; 285.5 WE:MC; 285.5 WKAR; 288.3 KFKX; 293.9 WEAO; 293.9 WBAV; :1p6.9 KFRU; 299.8 WPG; 302.8 'W'TAS; 302.8 WJJD; 305,9. W.J- AR; 309.1 KDKA; 315.6 WANG; 315.6 WGBS; 315.6 KFD112; 319.o WGR; 322.4 'KOA; 325.9 WMH:; 325.9 WSAI; 333.1 WBZ; 336.9 WSAC; J36.9 ,KFMX;' 336.9 WCAI:; 340.7 WKAQ; 340.7 KSAC; 344,6" WLS; 344.6 WCI3D; 348.6 KOB; 348.6 WTIC; 352.7 WWI; 352.7 WJAD; 361.2 WHN; 365.6:: WHB; 365.6 WD AF; 370.2 WEBH; 370.2 WGN; 374.8 KTHS; 379.5 WGY; 379.5, WHAZ; 384.4 WMBF; 389.4 WTAM; 389.4 WEAR; 394.5 WFI;" 394.5, WDAR: 394.5 WOAI; 399.8 WHAS; 405.2 WOR; .405.2• WIY; 416.4 WCCO; 422,3 WLW; 422.3 WMH; 428.3 WSB 435.5 NAA?, 440.9 WDW 440.9 WOS;>447.5` WQJ; 447:5 WMAQ;. 454.:1 WJ,,; 461.3 WCAE; 468.5 WC AP;468.5 WRC; 475.9':WEEI; 475.9 WRAP; 475..9 WSUI; 483.6 WHAA; 483.6 WOC; 491.5 WEAF'; 499.7 WMC; 508.2 WOO; 508.2 WIP; 516.9 WCX; 526.0 `WNYC; 526.0 WHO; 526.0 "WOAW;' 535;4 , KYW; 535.4 WHA; 545.1 K.S11;, . 545.1 KF - TIO. b The factory . cannot par. antee us another allotrnent of Trirdyns. Order now. Save disap- poimttnent I Think .'of getting the beauti- ful mahogany Trirdyn with five - tube volume, but with only three tubes to triatlage {Cross -conti- nent ranges'I Acute selectivity. ldarvelious-result; Alttiost all that radio can give you at a frac- tion the usual cost I (Owing to tremendous pro- duction° If your are the least bit interested in radio, aact now 1 This chance may not come your way again' l W. C. Reid, -Wingha.na II� Mr. Russel Nickel of the 17th,, call -,Thos. Nickels. ed on his brother Thos,, last week. Mr. ; Wm. Underwood of Wroxeter, Messrs. Elden Galbraith and , Mel- called in the burg last week. vin Greenly, are cutting wood for S. Miss Hartwick teacher of No, r; S. Burke of Wroxeter. S., spent the week -end at her home II/ Mr Earl "Underwood,. visited his Kincardine, cousin Bert, last Monday. Weareglad to report that Mr. Ir - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Siramons, vine Edwards is able to,, be around, spent Wednesday evening at IVir. again. x2 CON. HOWXCK Mr. and Mrs., Janes' Sherer of Gor- rie, were visitors at Mr. henry Woods. Mr. and Mrs. David Dane,'were the guests of John Padfield. :Miss Zelda 'Cochrane •of Drew, is; visiting, her aunt, Mrs, Henry; Wood. Mr: Wilfred"Br'own was a visitor. at,, Mr: James Stewart, TORY CORNERS Miss Lillian Dane is spending a few days with her cousin, Mrs. Leslie Harkness of Carrick. We understand the, McIntosh and Delmore congregations have decided to go into union without a vole, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Finlay and family spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Boyd on the 13 Line. Mr, Jas. Anger was the guest of his uncle, Mr. Hugh Wylie last week:. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Dane and fa- niily spent Friday .last at Mr, Waldo lAteirs, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trimble, st'cnt Friday afternoon with their niece, Mes. `11. A, 1.aylor, C,t .14. ,D s LARGEST ES 16 `AIL G OCE Where Else Ca You Get So Much For So Little • "Bargains" are one 'thing, economy another. You cannot.' save; on, j yqur groceries unless the prices are based on a standard that is consistently low. A complete order at your DOMINION STORE will quickly prove to you how xnuch. you gain byshopping there. Saving a little on everything is true economy. Peal -neat : Back Bacon ........ ` . 40c 24 lbs. WhiteSatin Pastry FIoui.,. $1.39. EXTRA SPECIAL AYLIVIE, IVE, , S! E TIN $1.75 Dozen TIN A .SUGGESTION PANCAK S :WHITE PANCAKE SW" FLOUR 2 P.KTSa 25C lilt - SUP `,41 c SYRUP YR� S IIRRIFF'S PURE ORANGE MARMALADE JAR TIS A S rl•QGE TION MACARONI AND CHEESE CHEESE MACARONI lb. r LARGE BALL PACK PEAS t. PKGS. I AU iDRY C STARCH 19c ]tt iii 'need N rn]u,.s brodifmti ;gym /171I I3 t }li Ifi r'12VOtF;tt 4 P{t�3',�753 i(. N ST RR