HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-12-25, Page 4Vlilllitltllliillfiiltm'
11 sut1 1mitil nom
r 1 .f10 of your goon
it we wish y e i ys of
the Christmas .ass n,
e enter the New Ye
:man interest that you will never tire
of looking at it, In addition to the
calendar and picture, the Family Ilei-
aid :offers to each subscriber an op-
portunity ste win as mach as five,
thousand dollars in an easy and inter-
esting contest.. A catalogue of, rata
The calendar to be given liy t
Family Herald and Weekly Star of
Montreal to subscribers whose sub-
scriptions are received in time, is a
cost beautiful work of art. The fig -
tares of the oalendar are easy to read'
and the picture, entitled "Tile Sale n
OW Dobbin is a masterpiece r col-
ors, suitable` for framing. The sub-
ject of the painting is so full of hu
it [ a 'Ci eted.`.in.t
tl oltil to excels ur past efforts to
lease yo m whose Erie , i diy
business f s helped
m.,.l;ke ours sue-
cessi' l0
scsehsea. Ont.
III map i111111111111l311110111
se :able articles which are given as re-
wards for new subscriptions can also
be obtained free from the publishers
of the Family -Herald. 'The Family
Herald as an interesting journal car-
ries everything before it.
rags ctL .Stone
Phone 53 El
1111l iiM ;gII11 (ll ilt1!rilIIliUllltisuMMAIli fllD�+ IIII>>llll®Iil���111151111®
CASH FOR LOGS—We are prepar-iDavidsou W. S. IticKercher, of the
ed to pay highest prices for all ;Library Board, filled the position of
kinds of first class logs, delivered ' chairman very creditably and gave a
in our yard at Wingham. Mac- !short sketch of the history of the
Lean Lumber & Coal Co„ Wind,- j Library since'1864 and which now
ham. •contains over': 6,000 volumes. Be-
tween acts, solos were sung by Thos.
HOUSE TO RENT OR. FOR SALE Gibson, and Jas. Allan- jr, The latter.
All conveniences and garage; Cor -also contributed very pleasing violin
Wer Victoria and Catherine Sts., solos. Mrs. T. G. Hempheill was the
Wingham. Apply to Sarni.- Mor accompanist for tlh,e evening. Pro-
ton, Belgrave. , ceeds amounted to $83.00.
HOUSE FOR SALE-Splendidsee--
en room stone cottage on B line. Skates Sharpened—Bring along
Fart' and soft water. A snap for your Skates, we;have the most up co -
guide sale. Apply to Dudley Hol -!date Electric Sharpener in the coon-
mes. ty. W. J. Greer. .
The annual Sunday School Enter-
LOST—Father Goodrow's: Fox Hound tainment of St. Paul's Sunday School
I'iiversdal'e, Warne "Prince". Large will be held in the Town Hall, on
black and tan, tan paws, lower part New Year's night. Come and bring
legs, muzzle and around a two-inch
White patch on chest. Black ears, your friends. A good programme is
tail and rest of body. Reward`fiveivaranteed"
dollars, 1
LOST—Large grey dog part • wolf
hound and' German Police. Infor- (Advertisement)
elation will be gladly received by i. To the Editor of The 'Globe; There
the owner Alex Casetuore, Phone' was a meeting of the members of
-60', Wroxeter line, Knox Church, Briercrest, Sask., ,held
:in'that church on Monday afternoon
WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE— of this week, the purpose of which
The undersigned offers his 25 ac- `was to consider the questions "Shall
re farm., iSe miles South.' of 13rus- we continue our present affiliated re-
sels, for sale or exchange for oth- nations with the Methodists of this
er property. Cheap for quick sale. town?" There was a large percent
Get particulars as to price, etc:, "age of the congregation present .$e-
from Alex Nichol, phone 566 or sides the members, Revs. Mceigan of
Brussels P. 0, "St. Andrew's, Moose Jew, and David-
avid-'son of South Hill, were there as re-
Wishing ail my customers and presentative' of the Presbytery to BLYTH
friends, A Merry Christmas and .Hall -'watch proceedings, RevGeorge Evidence produced in Police Magi-
p3- New Year. A. W. Webster. MacArthur•of Regina led the Presby- strate Reid's court at Blyth, brought
'terians. Mr. MacLachlin, Methodist out the inforixiation that on Saturday'
The annual Sunday School Enter -minister and pastor, occupied the night Inspector Pellow took to Gode�.
taiiunent of St. Paul's Sunday School chair. , The question under review rich James Maritt and Victor Glrz-
wil be held in the Town Hair, on' was discussed from all angles, and al-: donning, Point Edward, on a charge
Nevi Year's night. Come and bring though. the feeling was intense yet of illegal sale of liquor. The .disposi-
your friends. A good programme is wonderful calmness prevailed all the
guaranteed,tion of the liquor was not entirely
i ay through. By a vote of nearly two ` profitable, however, for they had par;.'
to one, they decided to withdraw . of it stolen and were fined $300 and
WROXETER from a Union with the Methodists, costs for selling and transporting
Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus +n, who which began about two years agv: contrary to the 0. T. A. The fines
has spent the past few years here left They -vent into the union with an al- were paid.
on Thursday for Montreal, where they most unanimous vote. Now they are
intend to live. Mr. Ferguson niada withdrawing from it, as stated above.
many friends in Wroxeter, who were s Mr. MacArthur is asked to supply BORN'
sorry to see them lease and wish the pulpit untill other arrangements Beaton -In Chengtu, China, on Oct.
them success in their new home, are made ytb., wee, to Rev. Kenneth J. and
Miss Margaret %:niton, who spent, This action on the part of the Brier- Mrs. Beaton, a daughter.—Mary,
the past three months in tia,katclae=.'crest Presbyterians is unique, in as Ruth.'
wan, returned home last week. much as it is the first withdrawal 1Rozell—In Clinton Public Hospital,
on Dec. 6th., wee, to Mr. and Mrs.
Elton: Rozell, a daughter.
The CatholicWonien's League will
hold a progressive Euchre and dance
in the Church Hall, Dec. 29th. Cards
frons 8.3o till 10.30. Good music. Ad-
mission 50c. Everybody Welcome.
C. C. M. Automobile Skates, Chain-
pions choose them, : See them at W.
J. Greer's.
Ten of the large insurance compete,
ies doing business in Canada, each.
Have $loo,000 invested in Huron &
Erie Debentures.
These companies are satisfied with
the security behind their investment.
Let us arrange a profitable invest-
ment for your nninvested funds.
Applications for Huron & Erie De-
bentures are accepted at any time by
Abner Cosens.
We - wish the /Advance, and its
readers, A Merry Christmas and a
Happy and Prosperous New Year.
A number from these parts took in
the Xmas tree at Poweli's : chool last
Friday night.
Miss Letitia Robinson of the West
is visiting with friends in these parts.
Miss Mary Haugh,_ teacher to Tor-
onto, is spending the Xmas holidays
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
Miss Elva Metcalfe, spent .Saturday
with her sister, Mrs_ Howard Wylie.
The bodyof the man who had giv-
en His name as William Gilmour,
while in the employ of Lindsay Nee
land, farmer of Hornby, and who had
taken sick and died in Guelph Hospi-
tal, was identified in Turner's morgue
Milton, as William Galbraith, aged 33
of Gerrie, Ont 'He has a wife, and
his parents and brothersalso live a:'
Gorrie, to which place the remains
were taken for burial.
Mr. Wm. Sanderson, who has been since Church Union plans began In
very poorly is able to be around Canada. Evidently the exodus has
again. begun.
Mr. Ashton Morrison of St. Ceilnw Regina, Sask. One Who
crines is spending the Xmas holiday sent,
with his mother here.
Miss Elva Hupfer of Sudbury, is. Hockey Boots—See osnr lines 'be
spending the holidays at the home of ,fore you buy. We are showing the
her father, Mr. R. Iiupfer. best in town. W. J. 'Greer,.
Mr, Gordon Gibson, who had ;.
charge of the skating rink last ariit-
ter, will be manager again for the No Better Gift
corning season" ; •A business education
A union prayer meeting will be held dends every -working da,
New Years morning, in the Presbg year.. What about your daughter'.
terian Church. lfuture? A'small present now of leis
,lir. and Mrs. Toni Hoperaft, spent 9 than One Hundred Dollars will ;guar -.i get over it.
Sunday, with friends in Fondw'tclt. .iatttee lien an annual Incotzte of from When Pa 'went to church Christ-
hristThe both anniversary —Diamond ;Fifteen Hundred to 'Three Thousand ( vitas the choir sang, "Peace on earth
Jubilee -of the organizatiotn oftheiDollars, throaigh all her future yeats, to men' good will."Pe thought •'it;
well ituown Wroxeter Public Lib- l when you are net here to protttet her, ended, "Too many' good bills."
as fittingly observed Friday:This business education may be had Ma got a fur coat, Sis got a neelt-
in the Town Hall, when a'''ia six nionths at the Winghann Busi- lace, Brother got a racing car and
:end representative audience tress College, or Canada Business Col-ilit.tle Willie got a set of trains. But
d to witness the '3 Ant play Ilege, Toronto, tar may by taken - at: Pa ought, not complain. He got a
necktie and a box of cigars.
lea rraa3 'not get as many Christmas
cads es the rest of thein, but he has
ry $ thie heaviest snail wheys the first
rrta be- of the month rolls aroustd:
1 When Little i ?illie `vett dowst; to
was Pre-
Folks: Let me drop a few yule
thuoghts. Christmas is . coming: Yon
don't need a calendar to find this out;
look at the 'mailman's face. ,
'When Little Willie is bad they tell
Taint that unless heis a good boy
1 Christmas won't come. Pa wonder
it this is a threat or a promise.
Christmas is an important day. It
akes the family three months to pre-
pare for it, and it taken Pa a year to.
r ge
Light", which was suc- ihont'e through the Spotton. Corr•espo
iged by the - following, ' dence Schools. If you are hitt:teste
rs. Weai'ring, S. and Mrs. 'in insuring your daughter`
Mises Scott, Ran n glad I write to -day: A position,
Arnold Edgar, This ,ivortliy gsadliate. Wire er t
3vol inson and Gavisn Fgi ns l4landey, Janunxy
Thursday, December
:1 RAY{1t,Ct, 7[
VA' hit •nkrA'!
•Eve °y Member of Can
and Crucial Games for the Word's Cin
a's Olymple vac
el Team lin the Mai
ship use
e at
e carry a e:kmpleie stock ft is famol s skate in
WEel,mer's, oys' and Girls' sizes.
the good kind—for the least money.
SKAT}ES SHARPENED— }. Fin y,,I;llllr skates
sharpene right.
ere and ill r ve t to
>, r� : Win �r-h7rnfiiS4 iiflrt�r!rinritvhR
• •aY-Ci uY�s YlSfil3YiYeYil a • • • • • • • • • aoYa\ Vitt • : • 114~ a it-'iMittritliitiscaroYdrivi
the stores to see all the toys he asked
for everything he saw. "What do
you want—the world with a. little red
fence around it?" Pa asked him.
"Well, let me see it," Willie said.
For parents Christmas brings many
problems in the selection of toys, in -
chiding the juggling of the family' fi-
nances so that each child may be re-
membered, and, yet the firm remain
With a view of aiding and abetting
late shoppers in selecting unappropri-
ate gifts for their loved ones, this col-
umn makes the following suggestions.
Father-- Knitting needle, subscrip-
tion to The Advance -Times, powder
puff, bracelet;: talking doll, electritc
iron, rattle.
Mother --A box of El Horribles,
subscription to "Scientific American,'
meerchaum and humidor of tobacco,
copy of one of Alex Coates Rules' of
Soft Ball books, necktie.
Son (age r)—Copy of Wells' "Out
line of History," package of Little Ci-
gars, hair ribbon, toy cooking outfit,
book of Amy Lowell's goems. '
Daughter (Age TS)—Boy Scout
manual, baseball, cuspidor.
Baby -Copy of Boccacio's "Decam-
eron Tales," silver flask, smoking jac-,
ket, membership in the Modere Wood-
men. •
If a woinau : of your acquaintance
happens to pass you by one,: of these'.
clays with an absent stare in her eyes
and without speaking,do not hear an-
ger for her. She is more to be pitied
than censored. She is just :a victim
of that disease known as the Christ-
mas lope.
He came in late—it was very late.
His unsteady steps landed hint against
something whieh caused a tinkle and
trash of ornaments. Oh yes, ; the
Christmas tree; it was Christmas eve,
the woman again. Toros row would
be Christmas and he must get his
girl a little something even if it
would be sizes too large, He did and
t was. Holidays passed but the daze,
would not passfor him. Carne New
`.ear's he turned over'a anew leaf, but
ail it said was "Co -tinned."
MORAL—The wages of kin is gifts.
Dien't stop until you've given the
Muskoka Hospital Christmas seals a I
good; licking.
Abut this time of the. year., arises
OA poetic problem of finding some-
thing' to rhyme with Christmas be-
sides isthmus ...
Enter the pest of the Cirristrnaa
season, the ;one who writes a Santy
Claus letter to the paper and signs
some grow -up person's naive to it.
on. can't pick a look with a pickle„
ou can't cure the sick with a sickle',
Pluck 'figs with a figment,
Drive pigs with a pigrneet,
dor make a watch tick -with a ticltle,
rots can't, make a innate of year retiat y.•',
You eaii''t get a este from a crater,,
at.clt sitoles with a molar,
Fake r ills with a roller,
it get a wait frose a waiter.
S Merry
• h rist a.
it Fl ors
I wish to thank my many pat-
tons wlio bought flowers from
me during the year and to say
that orders this Christmas will
be much appreciated. also..
A Merry Xmas To All
Phone 142
The following teachers and stu-
tits are home ofr the holidys; Miss-
es W. D. Rutherford of Timmins,
May Cameron of Toronto, Margaret
Miller' of Cetre Dunimer, Beatrice
McQuillin of Holyrood, Gladys Webb
of Guelph, • Clafa Woods of Guelp: s,
Winnifred Woods of Galt, ` Dorothy
Webster of Dungannan, Vera Todd of
Stratford Caroline Webb of Toronto,
Irene Woods and Gertie Aitchison of
Lucknow, Annie, Carnpbell of Wing-
hani and Mr. Alvin. Woods of Wing -
Mr. Alex, McGregor of Grannure
Alta., is a visitor with, his sister, Mrs.
George Stuart:.'
A meeting of the C. O. F. will be
held on Monday evening, Dec. ngtli
All' members are •requested to attend.
The funeral took place on Saturday-
aturdayDee. eoth.,• of the late Mrs, Fred F.
Phillips formerly Miss Nina Woods
of St. Helens. . The'funeral was held..
from. the Presbyterian Church, Luck -
now, the service being conducted by
Rev. R. McCallum of Lucknow, and
Rev. C. Cumming of. St, Helens,". In-
terment was made in Greenland ceme-
Hydro Lantos
are built to a
standard : -- Not
to a price.
There can be no
second grade
dfydro Lamps at
a lower price.
Quality Fares and iwa
A11 Hydro being s before b
� ing gassed '
by our experts aud labelled ,with the
hydro label of quality must come up to
the Hydro standard of efficiency ,and life.
No others will be accepted.
No others cant bear the Hydro label*
xrixs loin&rig
your; n4t,nn-
[oo of .first
Lao for it,
Ask or if, on
the ;amps
you boxy.