HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-12-18, Page 14'."!n"iH�Nq'mNhlx�ry
k i' i I'iii r
Now in °em n
Gilts to pi se Mother, Fisher, Sister, Bro-
ther. Greatest variety at Hanna &
Ci m ILt„1® Lowest prices.
Xmas Men's Silk Neckwear,
special boxed ties
Silk and Wool, Crepes, Silks
Xmas Gloves for Dad or Bro-
ther. Fine • imported Gloves
lined and unlined Grey, Fawn,
Tan and $2:5o
Xmas Forsyth English Broad-
colth Shirts, striped and plain
14 to 17
Xmas House Jackets ro,00, x2.50
Xmas Bath Robes 8.75 to z2.5o
Xmas English Hosiery_85c, x.50
Xmas Silk Knit Ties _1.50
Xmas Hats for Men
Xmas Sweaters
Xmas Excello
Xmas Linen Handkerchiefs
_ _._4foraoo
f ” Xmas Hickock Belts L5o
Xmas Horne Bros. all. wool
checked, Mauve and Blue Blan-
kets 8 oo.
New ladies Parasols, new styles
Silk and Wool
Ladies Silk Bloomers
Silk Striped Bloomers ..........z.00
Xmas Silk Scarfs
Xmas Silk Handkerchiefs
Xmas Linen Handkerchiefs
Xmas.Kimonas, Bathrobes
Xmas Kenwood Wool Blankets
Xmas Eiderdown Comforts
Xmas Silk Blouses
Xmas Silk Lingerie
Xinas Silk Hosiery
Cali for your Ca,l ndo.r.
PIA gy ,ie3:gat aF.'u,r�,
' ASHFIBLD iday recently with the latter's brother,
Maatcr Frank and Harry Scrwood, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor, West
;ram Wilkie; Sask., are visit -.ng with a We have a nice line of low priced
their mels, Mr. ' 35 -:.in .Reid_. of ,Y'?:.. :, :n C •:lis.'. Sticks,- Book-
Lucknow, and Mr. jas Altai: of Bel- lands, AsL ',nays and Pictures. A. r
;fast: Walker.
Quite a number took in the of
tirn .dance in Luckow, last Friday
,and some went to St. Helens
�t o :, ae the play and box social,
Mr. Torii Irwin, near Lscknow,
spent a few clays in Toronto., la'z
Miss Dorothy Puckering of Wing --
liana spent a few days recently with
her mother, near Paramount.
:Messrs. Frank and Roy Irwin, near
Be'faat, arc busy these: days pressing
High Chairs, Cot Beds, Cutters, fo:
the Babies.: A. J. Walker.
Skates Sharpened-73r•ing along
your Skates, we have the most up to
date Electric Sharpener in the coun-
ty- W. J. Greer.
A Christmas trca and entertainment
wil be held in tl:e Glenannan school;
house on Tuesday evening, Dec. 33rd'
a good programme is being prepared,'
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sherwood of consisting of music, choruses, dialo-
Belfast, spat ,a day Roca ntiy with dialo-
gues, recitations, etc. Adinh ion,.
their daughter, Mrs. ;Adam Johnston, Adults 'Sc and children :Free.
of County's Corners. Mrs. Gordon aitrrc.iisou and twa
Mr. Wil: Fritzgeraid from Detroit, children of the West, are visiting at
spent a few days with his parents, ah: home of Mrs. Murchison.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Robert Fritzgerald, 6th Air. Norman Muir, teacher, span
ooh. lov.;r-the %reek -end` in Toronto, and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton, and fa>rrai ,tetnded thin "At Home".
fy, near Belfast, spent a day • this "l; Writ, Elliott, in, who spent a
week with the former, sister, 1Iis, Few mont.frs^in than West has ieturtied
:Percy Graham, near Sheppard, lnom:e
.Mrs, Richard Twanley, (sear Lane,,,,, 11,6s sniary Eadie, spent a couple
lied the sad news of the death of Rhys last w ek with Mrs. Nowa+
her brother, Mr, David. Sindtzer, ofWylie, on the 6th line.
� ucknow,, which occurred Wednesday. = firs J,S eG Metcalfe low., a
'Pt -merit was held on Friday to Green-,e;tid visitor, at the horrte of Mr, ax
i it `-cetrtetery. :.5Irs, Chas. (.lathers : .
Miss Bessie Reid, of .Detroit, catlel' Miss Edna Lincoln,
roti; s.onme of her friends and relativess i at her Born%,
..uck'iosv, Belfast and I7tittgasgti- Mr's, Riehar-d.
has baen
soil and Pert Albert. confined to her bed with an attaek'of.
Messrs. mart Jaitnieson, John Fa; , bronrlti:tis, is; improving nicely.
rish; , Lrs, John Little, . of Conrey''s ` h4ir. and Mrs. Reuben Strauss anti
Corners and Mrs, ''Vnt. McGiil of Pa- daughter Annie, spent 'F •iday with
ramoinet and Mrs. George Lane, of riendSl lin esvisl,.
Lanes, are attending tilt 'CJ. r, f). Miss Bertha Marshall, spent a, relit
wintion in "Ihoronto, •tills week : Pile Of dl.ays.,last t.aeek with 'Alfa, 11r bt.
Mrs Thbrnas Ferguson, "la in Tor- C. Weir.
onto this welt wis{t[rrg lncr sistet, We never littri a bettor Xrtmet Stecl:
wii s 'itdl ry„T lxalllls5, t•thaari we have titit year, tall and bole
4'r. dyad,Mas, Gilbert: Vint, t;pent a tb.rrs rah,, A. 7Vitalker,
'rTfrp f,rt e •
M AD'V, , l'C)-TIlMBS'
i ,N QW
1', T'.,, Pails of Chicago, is visit
ull; hl, ' anothwr• Mrs, :Rohl. (ir•alla:w,
Alr, AVm. Naylor al the .lord Gar_
;agot is able to ha batik to .vol a casn
af':<r a severe siek ess.
Mrs, 'Ruthctrford of St. Helens
is visiting her brother, Mr:. R. D}train
Mr, ]:aria*. Naylor has gone to `:Loa
onta ,to take a course in., undertaking.
An old time claiace was , lier•d in t;h •
Iowa hall, on Friday evening, Decent.-
ecent-her lath, There was a good attei:d
ane and 'everyone reports a good
At a Meeting held in the Coun,>il
Chamber : Tuesday night, Luei:now
Hockey enthusiasts,, organized for tht.;
season. Following' are the offices:
Hon. Pres., John Joynt, M. 1?. P., ".e
Pres., Neil McKenzie, Vice - Pres., g¢t
Allan Turner, Sec. Treas., Win.,
Thompson.: The 'Vice Pres. the I'r-
esident: and Sec,- Treas., were appoint-
ppoint- ' E
ed a committee to get in touch with
surrounding towns to learn their in-
tentions regarding the coming season
and to arrange if possible to have a ;:�
Junior and Senior' teaasrin the North- Ther' h`
etn. League. =
Pictures, Mirrors and Serving - regard t
Trays. All suitable Gifts. A. J. Wan -
111»11111011111111111111 111Ii21Ull lll&tU11 III 111
11 ➢111 llil ,111 INIM1'1111 INhllitg1.1
Thutsday, . Brepembex
lll�i li�l 11�1111�ti Il�ll ll$ll 11�gl llp�l I I��I IIA1111�I Il�tllli:
11I 111 11101111 1kl,
Owing tothe severe ,storm, Sunday,
there was ,no service. The Lord's
Supper.; will be observed in McIntosh
next Sabbath morning.
Irwin Edwards, went under an op- ,
eration for .appendicitis, at Walkerton
Hospital last week. It is,reported he
is doing nicel.y.
The hand of death has . certainly
been busy in the burg recently,
•Thursday last, Mr. -Wm. Fergusou,
was removed from our midst at' the
ripe o:d: age of 83 years. Deceased
had been in failing health -for some
time with cancer, but was able to go
about till about two weeks ago. Mr.
Ferguson was a pian who commanded
the respect and esteem of all who
knew him, and his death is deeply re-
gretted by a large circle of friends.
The funeral Saturday, was conducted
by Rev McKenzie, service being in
the church. The pall bearers being,
John and Arthur Fitch, R. and R. J.
Douglas, Arthur Lincoln, Thomas
Abram.. Interment in McIntosh cern
The Public School sclrola:rs, • will
have their concert Friday afternoon,
and the Sabbath School the following
Mrs. Richard Jeffray is quite ill at
aSiet00,0 0064080119
re it its time .t * get busy i s
Christrn.; s Purchases....
t k
f any kind ^t 1 ..:rtkkie that as ;,!':OP•' arL'',;n:revelat'
rest its t il: t, 'i Fu otwear.,
e',.t. for Christmas
For Wome
Felt Sty. es
C:, sy Slippers `<
u 11 ockey Sh r'es
H n ekey Skates
Film;" Shies
G u t r sshes
.5 bbers
CI t 1r a‘ S
S ll Cas • s
y vitt the Above
ani OUP St
present. •Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ab-
ram, a daughter on Friday Dec. cath. 1111111111112111114111.
r e
God. ,i,,shes
C o' tort 'Slippers
QCkey Shies.
Fine Sher, es
�Aiui''ae ers
Foot Esels
es Slippers'
CI .Bags
5: 1t C,.; yes
re Ewa',, ply rfr; prAate fills i.,, Boys
is I'"1''Wet,,4., with useful artier
tw:.,ar at Reason,,' hie Prices
e 129
111 111 111✓611111111null III:'IN
Mani i ham, i
11111111111111121111E1011 1111E111i0111111111 11 111g9111 IIIII 11E111 11a''11l;tt11151111EV11I
Many Newncl Novel '': rriv
is from
Down C . i r'rters matilert Li >i ens
hick t tat Choc se
oot CaiRut 4a,rtabges
Velour Cushions Knitted all Wool Scarfs, Silk karts, Silk or Wool Bloomers, Turkish Towels Baby Blan-
kets, Linen Table Cloths, Linen Napkins, Wool Blankets, Wool Sweaters, Wool Gloves, Stampec1 Goods.
.P.,.,, .r SPE( IAL- Pegtxran'a Pure.. .,,AmA�.e ..... ...
Handkerchiefs in Beautiful Boxes Silk Stockings61,,' Niagara `Maid "Silk Hose
~'heavy rib top, per pair $d.56, ' .
Swade Gloves, (silk lined), Cape, Skin Gloves. new Cuff; Silk or Satin Kimonos, Crepe and Velvet • Kimonas,,Bath
Hudson Seal Coats, Muskrat Coat, Fur Chokers,
Mats, Linens, Face Towels, Persian Lamb Coats,
Parasols, Silk Underskirts, Chiklrens Knitted Suits, Toques, Mittens; Gloves
Men's and'
Mens Silk Socks 69, 2 lr L25
ys' Depart”; ent
tt `r1es,.25e
Initialed Linen
Ids 50c.
thribzellas, Suspenders, Belts, Silk and Wool Crepe Ties, Mufflers, Wolsey Socks, Broadcloth Shirts, Pure Wool
Sweaters, Jaegar lugs, New House Coats," Handkerchiefs, Galore Caps, Shirts,
Boys Golf Hose, Cloves, 'Mitts, Socks.
Silk Ties
Boys' Navy Suits $9.25
Jae g r ?u'e Wool Shirts„ rig. 8.00, Spec. 5.00
Cloptlere' 'i okn
.ixitted mil d 1�e+.s",�
n�Wuf�lfh>dnm�vmaieinrcn�w (HAIR
me ani Lustrous SOc