HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-12-18, Page 12WING zIAM ADVA CE-TI1VIES
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The Store Worth a Visit --overflowing with goods most suitable for Christmas Gifts, for every
one both old and young. Never in our fifteen years bush ess have 'we assembled such
a complete stock, Your gift selection need not be costly as we offer many
hundreds of pretty and useful gifts which do not cause you to get to the*
bottom of your pocket. ften the Cheapest, Always the Best.
Should you de-
sire to send by
Mail or Express
our service will
pack and box
and have it on
the way the day
you desire.
• 1111111111111I611nllln4llnnnllntIlIlll 111111111111111t161116111n11111n111111 IIIIIl11111'tl4l 11111161t Iltlllllllf ill
rist Watches
Dozens of pretty and reliable Wrist Watches --
fitted with rg Jeweled High Grade Lever Movements.
The cases are all newest shapes in White and ' Green
Gold and Gold Filled
Priced fro'. $8.50 to $50.00
Other Styles from $5.95 to $xo.5o
u lllm1111111111nlllll lllll1111llllllnntll lllllllllllllr
Leather Goods
Fine imported Eng-
lish Hand Bags and
Canadian. Goods, $2.00
to $xz.00
Gents Collar and Tie
Bags, Key Holders,
many styles to select
1101(IIt1161It11uttllllln((IIsll(((t$1111 tltllt lt,t111�.'
llrlllillll lll111111n1l1IiltItIt111111llllll111111lll 11111I
F,a1, Wahl :.I exits
Waterman, Parker,
Swan and Pen and pen-
cil sets for Ladies and
Gents. Many Styles.
Also school pens soc
1161 llll It ll 11..11(,llllltllnnl116lll. 1lltt111111 I
The lT a milton
guarantee is
"your protection.
Gifts seat from
here .are a de-
light to the re-
cipient. This
service does not
appearin price.
.1111 llllll It ltl l 111 null 666;666 ll1111111116111 n1311111161111111111661111161116111111 lll ,'lilt 111111.1 lll 1 lllllsllII:
en's Pocket ` ': tches
You will be pleased at seeing so many new and
select styles of cases and inside the cases are fitted
reliable movements of several grades, all are timed and
tested by us, before placing them in stock. Watches
for boys and men;,
reed $2.00 her+ 10.00 a
$8.00 to 45.00
null 11.111 lllllllw1111111w111111111111tn 6 mlu11 t11111r1611llll•nt llltllllltllll1lu1111 turn l,lw tunlnu
Jewelery for ladies.
Ladies Fancy Finger Rings' ,,,_ _$i.85 to $2o.00
Bar Pins (dozens to choose 'from) .._ _soc to $25.00
Pearl Beads _$3.00 to $so.00
Bracelets, fine collection of the newest stylets
and priced from to "$8.00
In Many Makes and Styles
Earrings all styles and'shapes ._ soc to $s.00
Barrettes, Fancy and Plain _.. _.:35c to $a.00
French Steel Beaded Bags, Silver and' Gold
Mesh Bags, Vanity Bags $Y.so to $2o.00
Baby Rings, rok and r4k 65c to $4.5o
Girls Rings, solid gold _ ____._:: _ _ -_._.$x.00 to $8.00
Gents' Emblem Rings, all lodges and styles
from $4.50 to $zs.00
Gents Signet Rings _:._ $3.50 to $14.00
Waldemar Chains __-.:..._. „� .__._$z.00 to $I2.00
Tie Pin' $150 to $x5.00
Cuff Links (dozens and dozens) 5oc, to $ro.00
Knives for end of Chain lllllll$x.00 to $5.00
Gents Emblem Buttons to $2.00
Tie Clips soc to $2.00
Iuuoinu.nllnwulullmmlllllu 661 6111lulllulu6111116iuniulnmuuluuunul1.i ll1ll,lll1
111 1
IIIA 11111111111111IIt1111111/1111111111111111111111111g11t 1111[11n111111111111111111111111111tllIs1111111t./1111111111 twos '
ur , ;lar ain- Table
A new feature of the Gift Shop. Every article
on this table is at a discount of '
20 to 50 r''er Cent.
and; will be added to each day with. articles taken from
all over the store and will incude Blue Bird Pearls,
Regent Pearls, China, Siverware, Cut Glass, Jewelery,
in fact something of everything. Real genuine values
not to be duplicated, Watch this table it will save you
'i..,.. ll1 lllll 16111 s111111111t11t111111111111111111111111111111111111111161/,1111111111111111111111111t11111111111 I III11I111.,
211111111111111,111111111llllllt 11111611111111111n1611111111111111i1 1111111111 l 6111111111011111111111161111161116111111.11
Dial nd Rings
Hamilton's value in Diamond Rings has become
widely known' and we have dozens of rings priced
$zs.00 to $275.00 and settings are most pleasing as well
as the value of the stones. See us for diamonds.
Fancy Electric tratnps, Candle Sticks and Wax
Candles. 9
i11111111111,11,11istinnwleq,nlnt/savantswa,XtltYs 611,1611161,111in111161111611111/1161.61611111611.1 Its
birettas a
C • ones
Fine New Lines $2,5o
to $8.00
Gents Cane,s $r.00 to
iE $12.00
SIA : a e China
Hundreds of, odd pie-
ces of China most suit-
able as gifts. f Dinner
sets $24.00 and up
^11611141111111111111111,1111161111(1111. nIn I1/1111161nn111111tu11s11n,s1li1tt111t1I111tllltltlltlrl lnnlnll It ll
Did you ever see such full cases of Silverware in
Wingham?' Hundreds of pretty and useful gifts for
Mother, sister and the good wife,articles as low as
$i,00 and up to many dollars
Silverware Cabinets, Knives, Fors, Spoons .
etc.,, $7.00 to $175.00
IItl.III11 nwll l IIl1111111/1111116 ll 1111111111111111111 Ill116616111411111116611161 llll 1 Ilu lnit t1111n/lnn1n1111
nult6ttnn411t61n nnnllunitlinn 1111 u
If qfl Ill lllll111111,Illllltlllllly
ry and Cut Glass
In new and pretty pieces also several items in iv-
ory at reduced pxxces,_,saving you 20 p. c. to 35 p. c.
So much Cut Glass we have not space to show
it all. Sherbets as low as $a,00 for silt, Bowls, Vases,
Water Sets, Tumblers, , etc.
i l t/ 1 til t 111 ti t 1111111 r r 116616/6611116116616111616601161111116116611111111116 ll 11 l 1111111619:11111111116111
e e{' e'er
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iing !,
E If �1� P
litutron C t 1,161417's Finest JewelleryStore
et' 119 '� they Rave the ` ioet "
x kaursd'ay, De4e bea
(Continued froii'i page,, s1x)
of E, lj, Klopp and C. A. Robertson
that this county council pass a by-
law in conformity with '12,S.Q,'399s,sl
72,' regarding stock running at large
on public highways we recommend
that this be done, and the clerk have
a bylaw prepared to present at the.
January meeting.
The finance coniniittee reeouanaet d -
ed the payment of a number of ;ac-
counts; that the account of A. 'White-
side for telephone exchange; amount-
ing to $27, be re;Ecrred to the Board
of Criminal Audit; and that the ac-
count of C. A. Reid for stenographic
'service, amounting to $462, be refer-
red back ,and that Mr' Reid be asked
to furnish an iteinized statement' of
the work in his department;
The executive committee reported
as follows: °Re request of Mrs. Grif-
fin, Nov. 26t11, for $51o,33, we re,com-
mend no 'action, as this Matter., was
fully discussed and disposed of at our
June session, and that this.account be
sent to the Province with pzplana-
tioti, Re motion of H. J. A..12acEwen
and Mr.. McNibbon, favoring a gra it
of : $70o to the Children's Shelter, we
recommend that a `grant of $soo be
given. Re motion of O. Ginrt and. J.
Hayes that anallowance of $120 he
made • to the Mothers' Allowance
Board for Huron County, to be divid-
ed as follows: Chairman, $45; secre-
tary, ` $3o; and three. members $15
each, we. recommend -that this a:llow-
anee: `be given.' Re motion of A. I-1,
Neeb and W. D, Sanderson that the
warden and clerk having.', attended
the Wardens' Conference at Toronto,
recently, be paid their .fare and ex-
penses, which amount to $35, we
recommend that the same be. paid, Re
motion of J. W. McKibboir and Thos.
Inglis that $zoo be granted ' our
county treasurer to assist at this
time in securing extrahelp required
we recommend that $5o be given.
The property committee reported
as follows: i. We` have inspected the
office and vault • equipment of the
local court registrar Mr. D. Mad-
Donald and we find that the vault ar-
rangements are lamentably in-
adequate for the filing and storing of
the rnany valuab:h legal papers,
books and documents which have
been. accumulating for many years
past. In case of fire, these books
and documents could never be re-
placed, and the loss and inconveni-
ence in such an event would be in-
calculable. We therefore cannot too
strongly urge the council to obtain
the advice of a competent architect
or expert in vault and fireproof equip-
ment : and, have plans prepared for
increased accommodation in .his -re-
spect, at the earliest moment possible.
Re request froin the matron of the
Children's Shelter for some additional
`linoleum and neededrepairs, we rec-
ommend that the request be granted.
We would also commend Mrs. Wil
-son for the splendid condition in
which we found all matters at the
Shelter. Her good judgment and
-discretion is _ much appreciated. by
your committee, Re report of the
jailer, we would like to express our
appreciation of the very satisfactory
reports which: have been presented
and the economical manlier in which
all departments at 'the jai:i are being
managed. Your committee made a
very thorough inspection :.of the
building and find everything in ex-
„cellent condition.. The rooms and
cells are spotlessly clean and the
heating and cooking arrangements
are, particularly good, while the satis-
factory ventilation'. is especially noted,
A 'letter from. the Red Jacket Coal
and Coke Co., re supply of coal in
the county buildings here, we would
recommend' that, as our storagecapa-
cap a-
city is So limited, we continue to btty
from local coal merchants so long as
the price and quality are satisfactory.
We would also ask:that your com-
mittee be empowered to make some
needed repairs at` the registry office
as _requested ' by the inspector of
registry offices. Also that some
small repairs to locks and furniture
be made in the office of the cotint:y
judge. 'We also recommend that ail
old chairs and junk be removed from
the petit jury room and that proper.
ventilation, of this room be arranged
Qrt reaching the head df unfinished•
business at'the Thursday evening ses-
sion. Mr. Hanley was moved to the
chair and after a few we,l chosen.
words with reference to what ; he
deemed the ditty of the council at;.
the closing meeting of the -year, he
called upon Mr, Neel), who' re^icl the
following compihnentary address to
the Warden; the Council standing
meantime, The address was aceoni.
partied ' 'by a beautiful gold -headed
ebony cane..
To A. Erwin, :Es -
Warden, County of;Ilttton...
Dear; Sir,- We cannot let tZ7rsY the
esti meeting of the year, come to on
erId without expressing in' a taligi)te'
way our appreciation.' of. yotiz• Services
ais warden during the ,year now t16s•
ing,.: and also of your many yeat•s:'of
faithful service as county councill'or
The position of warden of the
County of 'Iuron is; an honor eagerly
sought after by all members and we
congratulate you on attaining that
coveted position, and.we.'wish •to ex•-•
press our appreeiatior of the courtesy
yota have ;always :showh your fello •
members in the'discharge : o your
ditties as warden.'
During your tern'' of office w,p have
noticed yotpr faithfitlness in the• dis-
charge o fyour duties, your unfailing
gond whip : gone 'far
togoaaialcefellooj.irsnaeetiwhii€gsich both 'pleasa.nt
and 'profitable, While this year ,has
had no ,groat difficulties to be cou•
_tended with beyond the ordinary
routine of the Wardens duties, such
difficulties as you, have had have
been, dealt , . in .a gen.tlerriarily
manner, and your "administration ' of_ 1
the affairs of the county has been ,.
marked by watchful care and faith
fullness very commendable as head; of
oor council'; and in such a way as to
meet with uniform approv'a1 and
As you retire from, office, with all
the honours attached to such a posi-
tion, you carry with you our respect
and best wislhes for your future pros-
perity, and you may rest assured
your fellow councillors will always
cherish the, warmest recollections and
appreciation of your services. 'We
extend to you and your partner in life
our heartiest best wishes for contin-
ued good health .:and prosperity,. and
as a'smal:l`inemento of our esteem
and. good wishes we ask you to
accept this cane, which we trust will
always remind you of the excellent
feelings weiave always cherished
towards you, the 'many years• you
have sat at the council board in the
county of : Huron.
In conclusion, as we say to you.
goodbye, beassured that we wilt have
many opportunities of meeting , you
which has. always : been much ap-
preciated, and as ;you retire from, the
position you have .filled!`with credit
and honour, we trust your future :life
either private or .as a public citizen,
will receive the sante . commendation
as you carry ,with. you from your
fellow • members of this council.
Signed on behalf of the County
The Warden asked a tittle time to
collect his thoughts to make a suit-
able reply, and Messrs. H. J:'A.'Mac-
Ewan, Geiger, Sanders, Inglis,: Arm-
strong, Johnston, Robertson, Beattie
and Baker all made brief addresses
expressing appreciation of the War-
den and complimenting him on the,
affable and efficient manner in which
he had filled the Warden's chair dur-
ing the .past year.,
The "chairman then vacated the
chair, and the Warden, having res'urn-
ed the gavel, made a very feeling and
fitting reply, thanking thearnernbers
of the couriciii for their kind words' of
appreciation and splendid gift.
The work of the December rneet-
ing having been concluded about
noon Friday, the Warden addressed'
the council thanking the members for
the courtesy extended to him during
tbe year, and wished all good health
and prosperity and ;.t MerryChrist-'
p P Y
mas and a Happy New Year.
The council then rose and sang the
National Anthem ,and, on motion; of
Messrs. Hays and McQuaid, adjourn-
ed to meet as per statute,:: on the
fourth Tuesday in .January, r94.
Your best girl hasn't inistrnsting-
eyes, just because they look at each:
People who live in new suits should.
i bottles open intik, bo ties wilh their
There's where the rttb comes, sale@
tbe Wingham draftsman, as he fum-
bled for his eraser.`
GENE11,Ax, C. HM M'XTC]H5q .31
of Toronto, wri.s 000 of the Cain
filar ,repr eeentativee alt Wtt iizigto
ort 'th.o d'ttitxt ,Futxgineerlug 5 oar
which has teaolied, an, 64tootiotit o
tiro proposal to deepreti'tho Stt Daeti
to200,IUver, 4t.foxq #0g0tUdne tit