HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-12-18, Page 10,Ia
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Published at
Ev'.ery,. Thursday sday Morning,
G. 'Snaith, Editor and Proprieto
$ttbscription rates -One year $e,oa,
six months $1,00, in advance,
Advertisiixg .rate's en application.
Advertisementsts without specific di.
•p4:ctiofls will tae inserted until forbid
and charged accordingly.
Changes for cantract.a:dvertiseinents
Sae in the office by noon; ,Monday:.
ti u P u Il 11ll,gAU a I1111111[11410111.1.111111111$1k11111111114,1111111111111.
1924 DECEMBER 1924'
14 15.
291 30
191 20
26 F27
.141411111111113111111111111“1111111 ll 111114111111111111.1111111111 11111
. Pres:d.ent Coolidge saved the eoun-
try $1,:98 by going to, Chicago in an.
ordinary PulIrnan drawing' room in-
stead of a private car. Canadian
Prime Ministers and other Cabinet
Ministers might try this out as one
means of reducing expenditure. Evni
Sir Henry Thornton g try it o
in, a 'whish. It is quite conceivable
that lie mr�ht Iearn More about at
road . while, travel1:ng as others do.
than he would while travelling in his
private car de luxe.
Let us forestall here and now the
private 'a car
inevitable thatobjection
is a travelling office building in which
busy men may work and journey at
the same time. Presuinab'y the Presi-
dent of the United States is himself a
busy man. o:
the farm.
Ontario's' Minister of Agr;culture, l When I began breeding White
Hon. J. S. Martin, Tells How Wyandottes T obtained the very
Hobby Developed Into Real choicest steak frown several of the
Business leading strains that' it was possible
for me to get. 1 was compelled to do
I left off teaching high school near- this because I could not find any one
ly twenty years ago, when my hobby, I strain having all the qualifications
White Wyan.dottes, developed into a that I wanted, It pays to get only
real business, which now earns thou- the best. One strain avould excel in
sands of dollars for us every year, shape, another in color, another in
I now have ten men busy on my head points; but they sill excelled in
farm, and seven stenographers in the utility qualifies. I decided that it
office. would be unwise to use a st=ain that
I now have 25,000 customers in the was not strong in utility qualities, no
United States alone, and have a big,,rnatter how strong the show quality.
business in every civilized country n These strains I gradually comb'ned
the world, and several thousand eas-
terners here in my native Dominion.
made no business of selling.
' Sometime after taking up the 13a
red Rocks, I obtained the White -Fac-
ed Black Spanish' and- kept them for
two years, adding to them the Whitt:
Leghorus, which I lent for five years.
White Coch:ns I kept during 189/-
1892; and about this ' time 1 had
Bmrawn, Leghorns also,
!' My Wiz•te Leghorns were of the
large type that laid big eggs. I de-
veloped this flock all through one hen
that produced the besft eggs, from
wh'cli 1 was able to rear about forty.
inlets the first year. After dispos-
ing of
isposing'of all the Wh'te Leghorns, 1 tried
the Partridge Cochins and the Lang-
shans, all the t=ine keeping Barred
Plymouth Rocks. Late in the nine-
t'.es, before I finally decided upon
White Wyandottes„ as best adapted
to my purposes, I kept some Golden
Wyandottes aid some White Minor-
cas. It was the fine laying of the
Golden Wyandottes that led' me to
take up the white variety.
I had started keeping Wli:te Wyan-
dottes- during the year of the Pan-
American Exposit:oti, 19o1. At the
Pan-American "a beautiful :lot of
Whte Wyandottes were exhibited.
And among the. winners were some
exceptionally fine specimens in type
color, and condition. I was one of
the many admirers of this popular.
white fowl at this great show, and
perhaps no one observed and studied
these White Wyandottes any more
closely than I did. Lookaxg back on
that . occasion, I can see wherein on
was the most momentous one , in my
career as a poultry, fancier; for it,was
there and then that ,i~decided to make
this breed my sole specialty. With
in two years the results were so gra-
tifying that the keeping of White
Wyandottes became my main occupa-
Shortly before this decision I had
quit high-school teaching and 'was in
the piano business with my two bro-
thers. The White . Wyandottes took
rule ahead so fast that I sold out my
interests in the piano business to de-
vote all of my time to poultry and
into a new one, and I called it the
"Regal" strain the success of which
of Canada. There are, between 7,000 alongboth fancy andutility lines, has
and 8,000 White Wyandottes on the become history.
the farm now.
Men who ought to know tell me
I was very fortunate• in obtaining
my foundation stock to get several'
that in the last twenty years I have hens almost ideal in shape and color
built up perhaps the most profitable at feast in those days. These hens 7
and largest fancy -poultry business iii bred to a quick -maturing cockerel •f
the world. In addition, 1 run a mix- an excellent heavy -laying strain. T to
ed general farm, over which my Wy- pullets from this mating I bred to tho'
andottes have unliinited range Dairy grand old cock bird, Regal I, afirst-
cows, pouTtry, and hogs, are any pros- prize Ontario winner. This bird prow-'
perity insurance. I have 200 acres of ed to be a wonderful breeder, and he
land which we call the Regal-Pou:'try stamped his excellence on the wholte
and. General Farm. It lies on Silver flock.. He was a wonderfully vigor -
Lake, skirting the village of Port Do- ous bird, standing very ' wide fall -
ver, Ontario, Canada. breasted, and broad in every section.
This farm and business are the real- He had a fiery -red eye and extra
izatioir of the ambition of my life, good head points,
My dreams have come true even bet- , It is to the fine breeding qualities
ter than 1 hadplanned. , When I was :of Regal I that I feel a great share of
teaching in the highs school, I used to my success is due. He was placed in
build air castles, and p''bn and hope the breeding pen in December, and
but I never reals} thought my dreams the eggs were very ;fertile.. From
would conic so true as they 'have. I this mating- a xinznber'of early chicks
=Ihave capacity for this work'because were hatched,
and zvhen the Domfi
love it; and it is capacity for work ion. Exhibition at Toronto came on
that the needs
successfulpoultryman e ds
for togo to the topwith aitlt u
R ryyo
must have more kinds of equipment
and ablity than is required in most
other lines: Thero g ram that has in a class of thirty. His plumage
l? g P
tnade it possible for the business to had a dazzling whiteness that made
succeed is this: ' other birds look yellow. 1 - named
I first laid to` have the poultry, and pini Regal- 11. At this show 1 was
p y, g
then eoizstantl to breed it better awarded the diploma and medal for
y p
while 'telling the world about it via, best display, and since that time the
the poultry shows and the advertise- name df Regal '"lias'become a familiar
the latter end of Augustthe cockerel
and the pullets were full grown., and
the pullets laying. The cockerel that
headed this pen was without :a rival
ing columns and. catalogues.
Love of the chicken business was
no doubt bred in me. I have been
told how my great-grandmother used
to take me with her to the poultry.
name to breeders of White Wyait-
L .havc, throughout my work clung
to my ideal of a stylish, attractive
cobby bird rith plenty of alio, but
yard when she went to feed, helping not ',overdone la any way.Many jud-
xite to toddle by her side with a seai•fpies and breeders have toldme they
around my chest, tinder my arms;
and she often expressed the hope that
1.would love to feed the hent : whew;
she was gone.
Being raised on a farm and always
a fancier means something in the de-
velopment of the poultry breeder.
Following your natural bent 'helps
a1y main. All ixry life ' 1 have stuck.
to the thing 1 liked best., 1 think it
anyone to do haat. Thirty years
1 ree 11hvi m5first ltre'bred•
poultry soma Light 1 ra'hrntr.s:
f8$ 5 iia at to b t h or me a trio y'��� J r" bonght .�
Barred Rocksaris
d. '1 raised thi
' a
larded" ifor.`:seventeen years, , tzst'
bobby "ori' , the l ome f txrt4 dire , C''
lYl�` VPia 4 Til: '9l!la nit�M11,!dluatra f ll
can pike out birds of Regal breeding
no matter where • they see them, 'ibay
are the sensible type, combining the
useful and the beautiful. I have stud-
iously avoided all fads -fads for the
short body and the si'zial'.t bird,; going
all for color and size aiid to disregard
shape, which fad was entirely' ;wrong,'
is shape should be the otti'standing
characteristic; of a good Wyandotte.
Some yea s sago, finding that 'fluent
tirias a lcrnznd for bred -to -lay pry . toclw.
1'.dlcc ded to make use of the trap Best'
tis get records of my gest layers, and
t. begintiystezaistie workuracil g, this
W NGi IAM l U'tr✓A' ICE- Iri11:'ES'
eee<led'in getting a wonderful record
from an exhibition pullet, She was
hatched in February began lay-
ing early ni the fax; In hee first
year's laying she made a splendid re-
cord of 241 eggs, This female 1 nam-
ed, Dorcas, and decided to•nmice use
of her to build up a flock ' of heavy
layer Site` had many outer qualities
besid ;s being a good layer., She had
all-round good exhibition tpali.ties'
splendid color, good shape, neat hued.
points, and plenty of size,
The fo.'lowing season I mated her
to a fine, vigorous cckerel, bt ed from
a female witlh a record of 205 eggs
i e exhibition
This cockerel also had fine c�.li brtion
qualites, and Was, good enough to,,
win in keen competition. In addition
to this lie gave : wonderful fertility,
eggs from his pen running- from go
per cent to 95 per cent fertile. This
was my Dorcas line develope=d.
I demand of til'e females in my Dor-
cas breeding pens, first, vigor and
stamina; second, a good egg record;
third, exhibition qualities. Tile ;'rale
birds must have a fine, sturdy, vigor•
ons 'appearance, with a record of fer-
tility back of them, and bred From
females with1an egg record of 200
eggs or better. They must have neat
heads, good eye co'or, stay -white t'ol
or, good bone, and as good Wyan-
dotte type as possible.
You know of my winnings at the'
New York State Fair over the past
seventeen years, where I have swept
everything year after year. This is
the greatest of all the early Ameri-
can. shows, and is famous for having.
the finest exhibition poultry building
in the 'United States, The exhibits
are large and competition very keen
To win at this show you must get
your chicks out in January and Feb-
ruary. It is a great test of vigor
stamina, and winter egg production,
You willanotice from my catalogues
that ray motto has always been "A
square deal to everyone", because 1
do not want a ..single dollar of any
man's money without giving hirci. fel
value in return.. I make my catal-
ogue of a practical, helpful ` nature,
and in thein give away all my secrets
how to breed, feed, and condition, and
how to exhibit.
Years ago.I established the policy
of keeping my winners at the big' ex
hibitions, making up . a :goodlyonuni
bei .of pens and selling eggs from all
these pens. One of my customers by
purchasing a setting of eggs hatched
the first prize cock at ;Madison Square
Garden, a bird worth at least $boo.
I have found that this po:ficy has
increased my business from year to
year, and my customers, knowing _rrat•
I gave them a square deal, conA back
year after year whenever they naed
new blood.
Thus have I built a profitable busies
ness out of the thing It have always
liked best to do.
As an Old Huron Boy and a Sum-
mer Resident of Bruce, I am natur-
ally interested in the arguments giv-
en by the Principal of Knox. College
to carry the churches of these two
counties in to -Union.. I cannot horse
for one tenth of the space hence shall
give the briefest statements.
r. "Church Union is settled ac-
cording to the constitution"' is his
first point, Yes, but in an arbitrary
way. .Judge Leet, Montreal, in a let-
ter to the Daily Star of that city, says
"I am the more opposed to it since
1 see the autocratic way in which the
ecclesiastical authorities are, trying to
force etc." He represented the Con-
gregational Church in the joint Un-
ion Committee and seconded the reso-
lution adopting the Basis.
2. "We gave the congregations the
liberty of voting" as to their desire to
go in or not. What he should have
said is, "We gave you the privilege of.
voting yourself out but not necessari-
ly by ballot . or during a longer poll
than one,day. In the Illouse of Com-
mons. at Ottawa, 61 Unionists voted
dead' against the ballot to 2x anti -un-
ion members 'who wanted it for the
people. In the Senate after a treme.n-
dons fight the ballot was granted
without a division, 'The -people have
never had a ballot on this important
question since x915 and the IJnioiii.sts
had no intention of having a secret
ballot now.
3, The "vision of unity which the
Westminster divines' had." Yes, and
they tried it it'Scotland. But ‘no pa-
pal idea of Christian unity succeeds
anywhere.. The glory of Scotland has
been that men for spiritualliberty
have formed great denominations.
And in that grand old country thce
are living churches under :the name
Scottish Episcopal, Baptist and Con-
gregational who are just as near to
the Heart of Christ as the more large-
ly organized 'Presbyterian Churches.
sott alltecadyreeitxs Ct athdne , sp
lendicl 'd.Uors
'�az c. s • clef ccix ,n
perste effort, to. z;.Na a o
E0 nt
r- . a 'ha e tr'oirer' ltad.
tlra.'t 't W � v
l x the
' i1 t ' az lc f t x c, o st
azsytl ng o 1? a . t r .
Ixle in CariadaW' TintQ11tr 'wlliclr
1171:lrlidaya ,Do i~elnbe 113th:;; z9 4'
3 / 4
Mtl.The ,N
Great .,
jg I,
Your. Dollar - will go farther here because we
are sacrificing stock regardless of cost to make
our first Xmas. in Wiriglxarn a memorable one,
for .the people of Winghazn and ourselves,
Witla our new prices and new goods you can.,
not afford Ito bay one piece of Jewelery without
seeing our values. Here is a sample• of some
of our values. w Wiy pay more elsewhere. Act
quickly if you want some of these bargains:
Regular $15.00 to. $2o.o0, Cut to $ o.5o.
Smartest : and 'newest, designs in Gentle-
men's Watches at Bargain Prices, the move
rnente are 15 jeweled. and carry oar guarantee.
with` 3o years' reputation behind them the cas-
es have
as-es.have the appearance of 'solid gold and are
fully guaranteed by the manufacturer.
A value sentation, a value' that has never
been equalled.
17 Jeweled Regina movement, guaranteed
gold filled cases, regular prices up to $35.00.,
Only a few' of these left.
Cuff Links, Gold and Gold Filled, Masonic
Emblem,. etc.soc to $5.00
Gold Signet and Emblem Rings_..$3,00' to 15.00
Waldemar Watch Chains, Gold and Gold
filled, many designs _. $2.00 to $xo.00
C old Scarf . Pinsset with Pearls._.,..$a.00 to • 5.00
Whateveryour requirements may be itt
Safety Razors, Walking Sticks, Umbrellas. in
the latest styles and all new goods.
Fresh stock o -Boxed Papetries 5oc to $5.00.
Months' of perparation has enabled us to
display the largest and finest collecttion of Gift
Jewelery and Art Ware °in Huron County, ev-
ery department is brimming with the newest
and most fashionable examples of eJwelers'
Art and you cannot afford to overlook tile
worth while savings that are made possible by
our 3o years' experience and buying :in large
quantities for both stores. A visit to our store
will reveal to you what wonderful values we
have provided for our customers. • '
4 "
w 8
There is no gift more' joyously received ".
and none mare treasured for its worth and
` g i ent than ' ,, 'LERY. ourJew
se tzzn a JE"t%+]' J
elery section suggests some wonderful :voltles
for Ladies.
Diamond and stone set Rings, large assort-
me'n•t' to choose froml . l to $xoo.00
Special Diamond Set Signet Rings, cut
to $4.75
The Diamond above is worth double,
Onyx Rings' set with Pearl Centres, .. $3.75
14K Solid Gold Rectangular shape Wrist .a
Watch, Cut to $x8.00.
Ordinary selling these would be priced
at many dollars rrrore,, they have our guarantee
x5 to 16 Jewel movements.
White and Green. Gold • filled Case
Wit hour. x5 Jeweled guarantee movement, Cut
to $xo.5o. These make a splendid Gift at very'
low prive. '
Green or White Gold filled cases, ad-
justable black 'silk ribbon, cut to $6.So Act
quick if you want one o fthese beautiful' Wrist
Watches .• at half the regular price,
Baby Rings, Solid Gold, Cut tio,
Faultless quality Pearl Beads, we,; carry
nothing but the most perfect Pearls in color
and shape and sought after by those desiring,
Perfection in Pearl Quality.
Our shelves are crowded with beautiful
Gifts adn present a wide and varied offering,
You will; find it delightful to- make yours selec-
tion here.
Gold and Silver eMsh Bags _..._ '.-75c to $x5.00
Beaded eMsh Bags, direct from France
Beautiful Mantle Clocks, regular up to
$r5.00, Cut to
New style Kitchen Clocks, to introduce
the same Cut to . _.__:.w..._._ _. -$3.75
Store Open Evenings until Xmas. Official C. N. R. Watch Inspector.
If your Watch needs the services of an expert, try us. You'll never regret it,
IDo y,Iu w1; MINI®®®®
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II111 {III 'tti1111111E111'IIII1,111
III .a111E111'.I'111
cite Coa
Egg,, Stove, Nut and Pea Sizer.:"
For Furnace, Stove, Open Hearth
Quality always our first consideration -Phone 240.
11111111; 11101111fiI111hl111 Ifi^It 11Il11111lll1111111ifillilll
11111111111111ll11,r111111111ouIlitili1E1111lllt1l;i 11E111III a1 ail
real ones have taken place and ought
to have the privilege but it is a pity
that Principal Gandier had not the
statesmanship hii of Sir Robert Perks
r1s in
England The latter is the'Un-
leader in the Wesleyan Metho-
dist Church in the present negotiations
with the Primitive and Free Metho-
dists, He said at theConference last
summer, "1 have no
desire to force
union upon an unwilling
not even) upon an unconvinced one,"
5 "Union is to meet a ' practical
need." That is a reasonable argue
mem because it . is a matter of
ways and means, In the Unites Sta-
tes it has been solved by the Velar -
al Council of; Churches which is now
celebrating .its sixteenth anniversary,
It has allthe benefits of orgaisic un-
ion. There are 2g denominations
working out the Home Missionary
work on that basis. InGreat l3ritain
it is We Council of. Free Churches'
who are successfully co-operating.
The truth is that it by a League of
Churches that the religious work is
to be 'done as the political life of the
world is in the hands of a League of
6. His letter is not fittislied but
probably he will deal'witlt the Fore`
ign Missionary aspect of the case.
The truth is ,that the Missionaries
have too much unionism' now, ..The
Chinese want a National Church. So
iso the. Christians Of India.' But are
the. ready for It'? It is 61 rave eon-
eon -
cern cc zx to them, lactat r
a hand,
v Jt 1,
the missionaries s .ot`t the i' r 1.
a o e n 1``relt
n l
4 .
Have c r�r4deci themselves into two.
iitatl.oni, Z"undaiiteti;tat�«
ists and Modernists. 'The former call
themselves members of the Bible Un-
ion. Our own Dr. Goforth'is one of
the leaders ` in the orthodox party..
What the missionaries want are live
churches at home. There is an in-
dependent in Hamilton which took up,
an offering lately ,of $13,000 for miss-
tate; y
He may `s ^that
7. Principal Ca-
vell, Principal. Grant and all the saints
are unionists, ' None: of these old fa- taiainient'will be ilea Tuesday -e ..
d o i z, v
ening Dec. 'a3rd. A good prograthme
is being prepared..;
ence of •the immediate friends. ''They.
left on the afternoon train for. a short •
honeymoon to Toronto., ;t On• their: -re-
turn they will reside on the groom's
farm here. The best wishes of the
friends, around here go with tlieni-and
we wish them ' a bon'" bon• oy a e
v y g
through iift together. Rev 'Mn, 111e -
Kenzie of 'Belniore, p focnted the
The •annual Knxas tree and enter•
thers of the church ever saw the 'Bas-
is of 'Union; never knew that only ,34
Presbyterian communicants ' ottt of
,every, xoo: voted for it anal never
dreamed of such a' Bill as has been
passed. Possibly if they , were alive
Ithey would be where PrincipalGor-'
, don, Judge Leet, Dr, E. IJ. McLaren;
Dr. A, S. Grant and, tii'. D. G. ,Mac-
Queen are now, These were once, the
sable kind of unionist as. Principal Ca
von but are all going to stay with the
Church of our Patliers.
Austin L,' Budge,
I ainilton, Ont,
Mr. and Mrs. George Paulin of
Wroxeter, called ori' lvtr, and , Mrs,
Thos. McMichael one day ',recetiti r,
Mr, and Ml's, Folin •Gowdy visited
friends at Mildmay one day last Weis.
Miss Sarah Gowdy taf 'Winghamxtf.
spent, a few 'days mist Week with her
btothcr Mt: joint Gowdy.
Jaelti Gallaher '' of tibia locality'
Was' united ;%it the I~H'oly, l3oildsr 'of'
triniOn • list e
cc t .
Miss A
lz bt
alfe i 1.`
e , datg rtsr o:f lvts-, and, zs.,Italph
Metc ilft, near lielnxorre, in;; 'iii pries
11, T1li ESD 6N d5'I1I 13I,R"1pl'41f-OL
c iaz f • •
i pl,1,Y , halv'p a,urxCnlxxke;md
to i ti
:of .A.rllaaral Sa+a�tt �,
S.. 11. eSf}eir �tl'Ct"neti'v� ',
o au.l7eeeoxti
:1:f'e s caxirtitxar,ildarl. 'th=e 13r11tlslu �t4ztlzd
ltlt* tl• iti ttl e batt ia1. of iutlaxiai, Ma,