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-- teevereterreeteerere;
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!.hitt $15 be paid on aecountof Credi- change in the inaneer o{ making the
tan Rural 'telephone Co. for alloying requisition as per chapter 82, SG4„ 6,
poles aad wires. That one half the , Statutes of ()Mario, 1924, which reads i
Hay Tp, teeplione System's cost of as follows: "Tcl 86 per centum o[ the
moving poles on Lake Shore , oacl, be total amount expended for peruia-
paid.' And that the county pay 40 neat' nnpr•ovtatients. (inc.'udine' am -
per cent. of the cost of calcium chlor- ounts expertded inpaying for the �
ide and oiling on county roads'in iarterest payable on such debentures)
hamlets and villages, shall be added the total cost of main -
At the Thursday morning session • tenance of the high school; the
Mr. Robertson brought up the rnatt:er • amount apportioned out of the legis -
of an accident wench occurred' in latiorl grant and any sums . received
the 'Township ofColborne on the for fees shall bedividedby the total)
county road. The question involved number of •days' attendance of all '
was as to the responsibility for stock pupils at the school during the neat
running at large on county designat- preceding three' years, and the result-
ed roads. It was pointed out that a ing.amount shall be multiplied by the
township bylaw i forbidding stock on total number of days' attendance of
township roads did not affect the county pupils during the same three
running at large of stock on a county years; and' to the resulting amount:
'designated road. Mr. Robertson said there, shall he welded the share of the
his object ha bringing the matter to cost' of education of county pupils
0 0
ny old lamp when y sou cabny abso-
lutely uaranteed Hydr,,n Lamps at
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75 T all Nitro, clear 60c
75 W:r;it Nitro, hall $r s'sted ....70c
Cra. for 11, ,1~:lock.
igVi5 RR
m a �
7.119.2, .2, :i560
the notice of the county was to which the town, village or township
secure uniformity in the county. The which constituted the High • School
question was further discussed by district paid to the County during
Messrs. Neeb, Hanley, Sanders., Mid- the preceding year as ieeluded if the. •
dleton, H. J. A, MacEwan and Barker rates levied by the county council
and it was decided, on notion . of according to the $, relative equalized
Messrs. H.J. A. MacEwan and Neeb, value, and thetotal amount so
that the solicitor be requested to re- ascertained shall be, the sum payable
port at the January meeting of the by the council to the board,
cotinty. The education committee reported
In response to an enquiry from as follows: Re request and accounts
Mr. Geiger, Mr. Coates gave the in- of` Central ' Collegiate . Institute of
formation that the pay sheets of the London, 'also South London accou•rt,
Good Roads Commission for the year for Huron County pupils, amounting
amounted to $479.75• to $860.53, we rer;oinmencl that these
At the- Thursday afternoon session accounts be not paid, as our solicitor
iVIr. Irwin, district engineer, was thinks the Act was never intended to
the apply to the pupils passingout from
present and was asked to address
council. He said :that mare money ( their adjacent High. Schoolts and as
should be spent on maintenance of .a matter of convenience going to
the roads and that this should receive Haigh, Schools in. adjacent counties.
first attention. It was a serious 'alis- We further recommend that, in case t
take to allow the roads to become these outside points are upheld andl
surface -worn too deep or broken U. that parents are allowed. by the Act I
The' grants to towns and villages he to select, a costly, highly equipped
thought money
well spent and that,Collegiate or High School and"charge
good results were accomplished... He this up to the county, it becomes high
went rather fully in .Highway Dever- time for ,this council to memorialize
opulent in. Ontario since its inception the Legislature to have this act
and marked the great progress made. amended, as' we contend the act is
In. answer• to a question by Mr.' Han- only applicable where ,a pupil is more
ley he said that the ,gravel and water accessible to an. outside County High
privileges . on the lkake shore were vest- School than . to one situated in his
ed in the Department of Marine and :own comity.
Fisheries, unless purchased by the far- We recommend that the following
ricers or those, owning the land in, be paid to Blyth Continuation school.':
proximity to the lake. Mr. Johnston Permanent Improvement debenture,
asked what would be the most'feasible>
plan to, tax the tourist traffic and Mr.
Irwin was of the opinion that ,a tax
on gasoline would serve the purpose..
In answering Mr. Robertson'sques-
tion as_ to contro'lting stock rt. -inning
at large on the highways Mr. Irwin
skid the municipality should pass the
necessary bylaw.
Moved. by Messrs. Johnston and
1 Coates that the county engineer be
requested to furnish each member of
the council with a statement of the
1 amounts expended on county desig-
nated roads in each municipality up
to. Dec: iSt,, 5924, the same to be sent
out on or before Dec. loth. -Carried.
'THE DECEMBER SESSION OF and John T. Lennox, Winglian,.$3.85,
HURON COUNTY COUNC broken spring in'automobile, $3.85,'
av `Iwe recommend no action. Re renewed
(Continued from page five) !claim of Patrick Moran, Ashfield; for
ford bridge. The county engineer broken wagon reach pole, we recom-
has had the abutments' all repointecl mend no action. Re claim of Ernest
and these abutments are now in first ,Blake, Ashfield, in regard to dump -
class condition. We went out for ing rubbish on county road opposite
Nile and then to Dungannon. On his farm, we do not approve of rub -
this road north of Nile Mr. Irwin is bish being dumped on roads, and
claiming damages amounting to $377 when he furnishes committee with
for a car accident, and also on behalf the name of the party who did it,
of Miss C. Pentland. We find this. we wilt take action to have said nuis-
road of an average width over culvert'ance removed. Re claim: of E.
and at both sides for a considerable Phillips for damages to buggy and
.distance. We examined road No. himself at Auburn bridge, we recorn.
:27A, Ashfield, and would recommend mend no action, Re drain assess
:some maintenance if the expenditure 'anent;' on County Road No. x4, Mc-
is not now over our estimate. We Killop, $253.60, we recommend that
-went from there to Lucknow and this be paid to the treasurer of Mc -
over the new Provincial County, Road Killop, Re drain assessment on road
to Wingham, Eriroute examined . No. 22, West Wawanosh, this ac -
the bridge at the foot of, Dickie Hill. count has been paid through Patrol-
1We would recommend a new con -'roan Gillespie.. Re motion of Messrs.
create arch " culvert or bridge 66 feet Middleton and McKibben asking for
long and x2 foot span' and that the! a supplenentary grant for Clinton of
hill he crit downand widened, and if $1,449.94 for County Highway con-
found practicable, to have hill-cuttiugrnecting link, we recommend- said
commenced. during the winter.. A ,grant be made, ' Re motion of
narrow strip of :and will have to be Messrs. Hanley and Hays for the
bought on both sides over the. hill money received for old timber of
top to get the, required width to Bannockburn bridge, sent to the.'coun-
grade. We would ask the engineer ty treasurer to be returned to the
toe arrange this matter. We find 'the treasurer of Stanley, we recommend
new road constructed last year. be• ' that this be done, Re motion of
tween Whitechurch and 1vVinghain ,Messrs; McQuaid and McCutcheon
equal to or superior to arty toad ina,'that the boundary road between Mc
the County of Huron. Killop and Grey be designatedas a
We visited the Prairie road. This county road, we recommend that this
work has been completed and is, in Abe granted.
•our opinion,'. a first-class job. It, We recommend that, a further
would, in ottr opinion, '.be advisable grant of ,,$x,275.60 be made to the vie
5t.0xt year to widen the culverts, and lage of ',Brussels and that an agree -
when this is done, it would be a'ment be entered intowiththe villages
t infect road. The committee rccorn- whereby they re-irnburse the 'county.
mended. purchase of gravel pit front to the extern of the amount ,not coy
5/1r, R. M. Young, Colborne, for $500, ercd by the Government grant, viz.,
and reported: We recommend that $765.36, ''We'recommend that a 'fur -
ail accounts on county roads pertain- ther grant of $2,205.50 be made to the
fng to the Workmen's Compensation village of :Myth in accordance with
Act or any other accottnts pertaining agreement cratered into with the via
to. Good. Roads shou"d* go through lige, The rroacl•from Anlbeeley to
the . County Road Superintendent's tete easterly limits of Grey has been
office so that they could be verified approved as a Comity Provincial
cl tele " statutor grants 'obtained on road and this hae been the only coun-
sazrtc. ° ty provincial road granted by the
Rc claim of (acorge . Irwin, Dun- 'Highway :Dcperlrrleut iii Ontario
gelation for dainagee to ear, ciotlun;. '924. We recommend that $9.57 be
Medical assistance, $403,_ we ednra no paid on the ae.couet of McKillop
liability read take no action. Re claim 'Telephone, Sy hent or $xti.45, for wire
Of A, A. Graham, Howiek, for See, and iitovirit+, Ttitrlttr! on Road No.• r2.
8o per cent.,, $701.32, to village •treas-
urer; maintenance account, payable to Wroxeter. Continuation school receive:
secretary -treasurer, of , school board, 1a grant, of $1,654.23, according to re -
4711.56; maintenance, total of $2, Iport submitted, which we find co,
2.88.. We recommend that Clifford
4x 1
rect. We recommend, on the advice
Continuation_ school receive ' $6o7.47 of the County solicitor, that an future
providing the :list of Huron :'County all payments on Continuation School
pupils be furnished and that this debenture account, amounting to 8o
aount is found correct after list of per cent. according to the Act, be
ntipils is .received by elle clerk. We made payable to the treasurer of the
received the claim of Lucknow Con- .municipality affected, and not tobe
tinuaton school for $x,453.r1, but the secretary of the school board. We
report has failed to show tlie. names; recommend : the adoption of , the
and number of Huron County pupils. forms submitted as . used in Oxford
When this is furnished,. if found cor- county as, with a few .changes, they
w applicable to Huron
'Thursday, December
STOCK SHOW owned by the
"Chief," champion heavy draft Clydesdale (gelding)
Manitoba Cartage- Warehouse Company of Winnipeg; and a Shropshire
Ewe owned by J. W. Gurney, Paris, Ontario, were among the Cana'
dian stock", -winning championships.
Canadians ,won some of the most
and Grain hors at the Inter-
national Live Stock Exposition and Y
from the Dominion, competing with the. best exhibitors' from the
United States could produce, won a goon share of the championshipu
and blue ribbons.
One of the outstanding victories from 'a Canadian viewpoint,.was
the winning, of the, world's wheat championship by J. C. Mitcb•eil, of
Dahinda, Sask., a victory he had scored' in. 1919 and 1920. He won
this championship in both entries with a ,:bushel of Marquis Spring
wheat. The prize nets him $675, of which
$500 is
given by the Wn-
nipeg Grain Exchange, $150 by the S
$25 by the International Show. Canada has won the world's wheat
championship thirteen times out of fourteen, The' international com-
petition began fourteen years ago.
above amount. W e recommend that
Moved by. Messrs. Robertson and .
Klopp that the Good Roads Commis-
sion consider the advisability of talc-
ing advantage of the reforestation
scheme with a view of reforesteriug
out waste spots in the county. Re-
ferred to the Good Roads Commis-
At the Closing meeting of the ses
sion, on Friday morning, IVIr.: Patter-
son gave'' a verbal report of the work
of his department covering the past
The Departmental gents to the.
various High Schools. and Co:•legiate
Institutes in the .county as reported
by the Educafion Department are as
'follows:. Wingham, $i,533.17; Eaxe-
ter, $x,399.05; 'Seeforth, $1,574; Clin-
ton $1,491.50; Goderich $1,538; total,
$7,336,22. On 'Thursday evening a
session was held, Mr. Robertson'
spoke of the change in the law re-
garding the matter of high school
levies, The clerk explained the
rest,` we recommend, . payment. of on
ld b� very app rca e
In addition clition to being re-elected
to the presidency of tete Ladies' Oar••
tari'n Hockey Association, Misa
Janet Allan 'leas been further hon-
ored by being appointed represen-`
tt,tfve to the A.A.Ttof C. Coin-
mitt:oe on Women's ,Athletics. Miers
Altai), is a xtreteber of the Aura Loc,
ladles' hockey: team. o1: Toronto.
county, and if adopted, would sim-
plify the accounting re continuation
schools•very much. We would recom-
mend a universal. form for all the
schools, as this would be a time saver
if universally p
'The special committee reported as
Follows: Re resolution from Lincoln e
county asking that supplementary '••,
grants on teachers salaries to urban
schools and schools in towzrs and vil-
lages be continued, we recommend
that this council . concur with sante,
and that the grant should include
town of 2,500 and under. lie niotior+s
(Continued on page twe'kre)
8 88s j Oki ,s4
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