HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-12-18, Page 5Thursday, :December r8th, 2t9„4.• WINGHAIVI ADVANCE -TIMES This is a cage where a lady having Corey,. Clinton, for $ids damages, byiiironoiiimintimitanoomm some means was taken in the Gaunt, car junipin0 over wing of at bridge on I Home es she had nowhere else to go, uoundry between Goderich and : and her money Was taken over by the Stanley township, we wt?uld recom- coitnty for, ; her keep. The solicitor's mend no action. Re account of $23.23 advice was that the county had.noth- repairs done to J'ackson ;bridge .be-' ing to do with such a claim as Mrs. tween Goderich. and Stanley town 11194111I1>gl1l s1ll il.I ail"•``iii011 IiI�IIl�flll�lil�R(Ul�illp�ilJ4�lil�pllll ,7.lbr.tha it'c, It was conceded lay the ship - this wnr1C Vvits done -voider the ,--ayam +� coiiictl'tbe a sa just clsiiin againsts ` the ;iips.rtz~,iorr. of Mr. Hanley, of Staff. g,�.-� estate of the inrnate, andif presented ley. We recommend that this he ;i: d. before the estate was taken over by Re the improvement on the north 1 the county, shoo al have been paid. sine of Brussels bridge amounting As a matter of fact, the County Honie. is not intended for persons having means for their' own support, but in Huron a " number ' of person's' have been accepted as inmates; who had some means, where the County Hoine made a convenient ,place for them to ;o to spend their declining years. The matter of adjusting quell a claim as IVtrs. Abrahams .!is now beyond.'thc jurisdiction of the council and her remedy is a suit against the estate. :This being the situation, Mrs. Abraham ` thanked the' sonnei) tor the patient hearing 'given her, and Mr. Geiger for the kindly interest taken in her case, and stated that, ori the BRITISH LION: "I've, got to'sit'•on qne of these. Tailtwisters once in a while to show rm not losing any weight." —Toronto' Telegram. THE DECEMBER' SESSION OF gible to apply. I -would like to enist HURON COUNTY COt7NCJ:.t:, the ;; .county council in helping to overcome the wrong_ impression. There is also one way to proceed to get the mother's allowance and that is by submitting an application :and fulfilling the. conditions'' ,.therein set out. These application forms can be obtained from myself at Goderich or Mr. A. T. Cooper at Clinton. Fill those out in duplicate and send then' to me with' the :certificates asked for. It is not necessary to . employ a (Continuedfrom page one.) ages for a hoose which jumped over a bridge on .the second concession of Stanley into the river, on account of the, lack of a railing. Ezekiel. Phil- 1}ps,of Auburn, asks damages "owing to .a buggy wheel ' ;being .caught_ in wire at the side of the road which re, stilted in ,a runaway, ,.and in his being dragged some distance. John T. Len- nox, of Wingham, broke an axle corm 'lawyer. The investigator visits .the ing to Goderich on :Jury azth, owing, home of the person .applying' and he claimed, to a hole in the road at a makes a report. That 'report is sent culvert,which was being repaired. to 'Toronto and the allowance grant - John Hey, of Zurich, 'had, an auto up- ed °.or refused. The investigator's set by reason of the earth giving work is very important both before away under his car, and he claimed and -after a grant is made. The uurn- daniages. A. A. Gral ant,'Gorrie, :R. 'her of mothers receiving the allow - No. a, also has a claim for auto ,dam-, ance in Huron is 37, •total : number in ages and there are :a number of the province, 3,870. others. On Wednesday, morning Mr. G. M. Elliott addressed ,,the council, ;giving through Lucknow and Wingham has ,a very full account of his, work as been taken .over as a provincial road, County ,Superintendent of the Chil- approval having been received from ;dren's tAid 'Society and the 'work of the Highways Department.. the juvenile court, of which he is the Lincoln County forwards a resole- .probation officer. tion adopted in tlieir council which The Wardenexpressed his apprec- they ask Huron County to co-operate ,iation of Mr. Elliott's work and of with them in petitioning for, that his full report to the .council, and supplementary grants be not 'with- asked Ea. -Warden W. R. Elliott, who drawn from villages of 2,000 and un- was warden during -the year the Shel- der; and that Government grants on ter was instituted, to ..,address: the rural school teachers' salaries be council. Mr. Elliott expressed maintained. his pleasure at meeting the council The jailer, Mr. Jas. B. Reynolds, re- again and 'reviewed his work in con ported: There Have been 45 prison- nection with the institution and his ers committed, as follows: 0: T. A. interest in 'the sante ever .since i6; theft 9; vagrancy, 4; breaking On Wednesday afternoon, on mo - and entering; 3; indecent assault, s; tion of Messrs. McKibbon and Beat- fraud, 3;Inland Revenue Act, 2; oom- tie, the council adjourned to attend mon assault, 2; :;reckless. car driving, the funeral; of Mrs. Knight, wife of a;., seduction, i; insane r: Cost of ex -County CouncilioryMartin Knight. daily rations per prisoner, per day, On re -assembling the Warren, on the T2zc. request of Mr. Knight, extended. his Mr. G. W. Hillman, chairman of the• thanks to the members of the council Mothers' Allowance Board .of the ;for the expression of sympathy in, at - County, gave quite an extended re- tending the funeral. R port of the operation. of the act both Mrs. Abraham, of Portland, Ore - in this county and in the province in gon, appeared • before the council with general, Of the Act, he said: 'I,t is reference to a claim against . Mrs. one of those pieces of legislation that (Thos. McKay, an inmate of the The road from Arnberley running must be administered firmliy but sym- pathetically, with a due regard to the sensitive nature of those 'women who House of Refuge, for care, attendance and travelling expenses of several trills from Portland. ' Dr. Milne;• Mr. in the majority of Gases find then.- Buchanan, Mr. Geiger, Mr. Sanders, , selves as' it were, up again b against it through MnArmstrong, Mr. H. J. A. Mac - no no fault of, theirs. To shoat we must Ewan, 1i1r. Munuings; 1VIr: Robertson, extend our sympathy and, help with Mr. Hanley and; Mr. Neeb; spoke on no grudging or fault finding, The the question. The following motion 'Act is intended for those only in need was adopted: 1Vloved-by Mr. H. J. A. of`help, hence all the more reason 1VMacEwan, seconded by Mr. Middle - for those not in need to help enfore ton, that the matter of the c1a'ins -of its provisions. But we have found Mrs. Abraham on moneys in possess - that there are some still, whb, putting ionof the county of Huron in,truet self before alt others, try to crowd for. Mrs. Thos. McKay; an inmate of out those less fortunate ,than them- the county home, be referred to a selves; 'tIt may -be 'through ignorance committee of the ;whole 000110il• and of the scope of the Act' and not self -'that we ask Mr. Petty, of Hensall, 1 ishness many act; and through a the inspector and our solicitor, to belief that all widows are egtially eli- appear before the "council tomorrow. ocam:wir w actin 6lnmlrm,lS�awloarimin umalA raoutmnwsmtlalamtlmtmoalawatipoait EPa c wawa F YOU HAVE CREAM TO SELL GET OUR l2RIC1 BEFORE, MAIRXE'rING ELSEWHERE CANS Patrons having cream carts not in use for delivering Cream, will oblige us by returning sante to the plant. 'he Unita! Ix mS HOO, o. Atari A 0,64 2a Iq advice of a solicitor, she had with- drawn any claim madeon the coun- cil."and would resort to legal action against the estate of the inmate in the case. . It was moved by Messrs. Geiger and Armstrong that in the case of all persons admitted to the House: of Refuge having money or estate, an advertisement must be inserted in the papers . of the county at least three insertions to the effect that all claims . and accounts against such parties must be sent in or reported tothe inspector by a certain date, or they will not be considered. This motion was debated at some length. Some claimed that the passing of such a resolution wbuld have no legal effect and that the .council would only be making trouble for 'it- self by passing it. yr. Geiger .asked for the yeas and nays and the motion was defeated 15 to 13. Mr. McQuoid then moved, seconded by Mr. Middl:ie- ton, that the motion, be referred to fhe county solicitor for his opinion, and this was carried. Mr. S. B. Stothers, Agricultural Representative for the; county, who was present during the session, was asked to address the council. The school fairs this year had been a great success. The fruit or apple industry was one 'that needed more attention, as there was a great source of revenue in apples: It was a great -matter of regret that we were selling' B. C. apples today in Ontario. Some progiess had been made in supplying the demand for labor for farms. 'The corn borer came in for attention and the farmers were being circularized,, with reference to this matter. Road and . bridge matters as usnal took up a good share of attention -Of the council. Some .discussion tools place as to the respective merits of oil, and cal- cium chloride for •roads and the opin- ion prevailed thatit depended large- ly on the nature and condition of the road and 'both depended on how, where and when applied. In many villages applying for oil, calciiin'i chloride had been used, and the same percentages were paid as for oil. Moved by `'Messrs. Klapp and Neeb: That county road and town- ship ownship road commissioners and county constables be instructed . to - enforce the heavy traffic motor laws more strictly as to the capacity of loads during the fall, winter' and spring. months. .The roads leading through Stephen, Hay, Stanley and Goderich townships are abused by the heavily loaded log trucks using these roads:— Carried. Mr. Hanley brought up the matter as to who owned the gravel, on tate lali.e beach. It was pointed otit that the ,general practice was to pay for right of .way to secure the gravel and in some cases: paying for the.gravel but not the right of way. Mr. Neel). gave the opinion that the party own- ing the property abutting the lake' owned the gravel. • The road and bridge committee re- ported as :follows: 00 Oct 3oth the chairman of your committee met the ohairinan of the road and bridge. committee of Perth County at Han- na's bridge and let the>a ,contract of filling the approaches to this bridge. 12e communication from the County of Perth regarding the part ,of the 1)ayrnont held back by the county on the Hanna bridge, your committee, haying gone fully into the matter, wouldrccortrazietixl. that no further payment lie ailaile on this bridge, as they find it was' net done according to contract. Rc claim of Henry to $176:80, we would. recouimencl that til' , o aa°, t OO be paid to the treasurer of Bros- '61 Bels. The Good Roads Commission re- ported meeting meeting at Robert' Cooper's farm, 'Cucicersrnith, Sept. lath, re purchase of gravevi pit, but slid` not think it .advisable to buy this pit Under the same elate they reported in part as follows: The Provincial Comity Road 'between Kippcn and Hensel is in need of resurfacing and we recommend that one of the coun- ty crusher's be placed• in this pit for this work as soon as deal is put thrcugh and agreement signed.` The bridge on Road,No. 8 at the Scott 1 '4439-1:4'r IN4 11II Our stock of books of all kinds is the largest we have ever had. The latest and best copyright and reprint fiction. None fiction books of all kinds, poets etc. Books for men, women, boys and. girls. drain, Usbor-ne, is falling down and a 'bridge its . now in course of construction topposite where the Scott drain strikes road out of: Hib herr; and a 24 -strip of 'and has been purchased off tate Hackney farm, the purchase price being $too; and the new drain will be placed off this county road allowance. A new cut'- vert, 8 -ft, spar, has been erected on the cotulty,,,, provincial roadway in Stephen just north of Centralia. The road widening approved by the county -council in June is under way. Five new concrete culverts have been completed south of Bayfield. The county concrete plant at the Hey.ock bridge is doing the excavating ; and reconstruction of this difficult and hazardous undertaking. The curve leading to south' ap- proach of Bayfield has been widened new posts planted for guard railiaig,r and the cable is ready for installing; also some of- the shrubbery his. been cut out, giving a better view to travelling public of traffic conditions on the bridge. ' South of Goderich on the provincial county road three culverts have been extended to comply with the High- way 'Act ighway'Act respecting bridges on pro- vincial ''county roads. Five culverts have been erected between Goderich and Arpberley this suinner, • alai ,ex- cellent structures. The McNain bridge is in about the same condi- tion as last spring, but is dangerous for Heavily loaded vehicles. The newavement at Blyth is an P excellent piece of road construction in every respect. The 'Prairie' bridge near Wingham is undergoing widen- ing. At Gorrie a concrete footing has been put in on the bridge abutments. A gravel pit was bought • from W. G. Strong, Howick, for $200. The work at the sink hole east of Lakelet on 'Road No. 3o has been completed. The method employed has 'been to fill in with cedar rails, with about io inches of gravel spread out to a width of 20 feet. This is about all that could be done until a drainage scheme is devised, and the work, while expensive, is an exec lent job. The committee met at Goderich 'Nov. zotli.; went to Bayfield where the widening south of the bridge was completed, 'a big improvement. The county provincial road south of Bay- field has been widened for one mile 111 to the regulation width , and re- surfaced, an excellent job. Heyrock bridge has been completed and is one of the best structures in the :County of Huron, and our county engineer is deserving of great praise for the way he has Handled this work. We would , recommend that a tablet be inserted 81 E. 881 Stal i nery • ...A choice line of the best pro- curable' in boxed stationery.- writing paper and, corresponden- ce cards Many new designs. Inspect our stock and compare' prices. Miss, Hymn and payer Books A• new stock of Bibles, New Testaments, Prayer Books .and Hymn Books. Warwick's ; ed Line This line contains many ar- ticles suitable for Christmas gifts and party prizes. Fo nit in Pens n ,t' Pencils We carry the well-known Parker Dufold Fountain Pens and regular Parkes Pears. The old reliable Waterman Ideal Fountain ;Pens and Pencils and the Wahl (new stock) Ever - sharp Pencils. Ticket 'Agency for at.a :Ill. III lil6tilll�lilin 111M 111 Ttnys, G A nice line of dressed "dolls, and Ma Ma Dolls, priced from 25 cents up 'A complete stock of various kinds of toys ,and; games. Christmas Cards .As is our custom we have' a large and well assorted stock :of Christmas greeting : cards irs single card and. folder design. Christmas tags, seals and cord, Christmas tree decorations and Christmas bells.. The well- known Dennison line of decorat- ed and plain crepe paper. Su I; seriiphilr'inis an:. fid IR We take subscriptions for any magazine or newspaper you ,,tray desire. We give you prompt service. Your trade will be appreciated and you are invited to visit our store and inspect the stock.' M You will be made welcome. "Quality and ,Service" the Canadian National Railways. 111E1121111 l.lIt III®I11.88111it5ilIIlr11E11111111 11111III'Iii®1II;tillI 11 11111111111 1!iEi'> �r8 fig •'• �.� to Erfil MEI We h a:ve' aQ est1'il, N N ` U Sera t t -,n C .al — All sizes — Nut, Sf ve5 E,, ,l r & ca, Sit QC & Coke Deliveries can b e made on shortest notice anywhere in town. t l a LEAN Lumber & Coal Co. its" 1iy' Fill 4 f '9 MI ltd ilii IF in the ,railing of the Heyrock bridge 1 We inspected the beach in Bayfie.'d and also on Bannockburn bridge. The I at the north side of the pier and road for a mile north of Grand found immense quantities of excellent Bend has been widened and the cul- -gravel suitable for road purposes, verts rebuilt to regulation width, the and there has been a fair road con - resurfacing not completed. Road lstructecl to the beach to haul. this No. 4, Stephen, has .been widened at 'material to our county .roads. two culverts and drain' straightened On the ant' we went out to Salt- to altto bring the run opposite the culvert.' (Continued on page six) • •llllll11UI lllllit+up11p11l 11911,111llll out VIII il 01111{IDIIII/ollolnlllllllll,01,111111 11l l 1llll nulel 4l lll11111,1111A11111u111111111/9N;: WANTS ItAOES,STOPPED1tOIZST ltev. Dr, Shearer, 'Chief of the Social Service Council rof ` Canada,, headed the deputation which 'wait ed on the Prime •,Allaistor at Ot taws, demanding the suppression Of race -track betting ,and thel prohibition of the publieatlo r of s racing , infor,`tnation. The Premier - assured` the deputation that the' question would be dealt with by the, ea,binet. Wanted at The Whyte Packing Co. Lada We desire to have all pottlay h'i by Monday. evening, De.:. eerziber sand. Live poultry must be starved and in a good and healthy condition, Dressed poultry must -be plucked. dry, ducks and geese only with head and tips of wings off, a Phones—Office 62w, Evening 62j. bMgr. F. WW1 McAridis WingitaI ,1111o111Cbl INN, 001111111AAV1 OOla11ilonut 111A111101100 11140611/AI11odiiin YA1111i,A1 oONIA+T�`1A,Iilll tOotptl14490ooA111A9n-2