HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-12-18, Page 4llMlll111i 111111111$11111111,1110111111111's ' 41 1 1111111111111I1 g111P14111A11{I li eih r'1^�w' ' u5i A great variety of articles, Soltab e rifts for all, a a Pf°ices are Right Christ nas Greeting Cards, Stationery, Chocolates Ivory, Ebony, The New Shell Toiletware, Perfumes, Toilets, Pipes, Cigars, Phonographs, Phono- graph. Records and many other articles at moderate prices. "Our Everyday Cut 'Prices Save You Money" b r fib. 4IS. g St re Wielzhars, Ont.. 611111111 111 111111111 111 111 "' 1111011111111101111111111M1111111111.1111111 r' 11l',+ 111 1111E111 Eek Phone 53 111>1111113111111111111121 { 11 EVERYBODY'S COLUMN • FOR SALE—White baby cutter and A SPLENDID WINDOW DISPLAY grey Goat Robe. Apply at this of- • Tice. - A window display of more than us- ual interest can be seen at Crawford's HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE All coneeniences and garage. Cor- 'Victoria. or- ' Victoria and Catherine Sts.,' \gin; ham. Apply to Satin. Mor- ton, Belgrave, Garage. The e must have been no endto the time and pains taken by lttr. T. R. Benuett who thought it out and as is usual with him, put bis thoughts into actions., The ideais:a r ^ elev er advertisement otruet f autos, -s ' PEGG1'"--Is the name of • the new and tractors, prominent on farm and Quebec' Range 1924 Model, will highway, '� burn coal or wood, takes a 2.oinch'• One can stand 1ooIw king at the e wine aur dew for h while before you.ean take stick„ evil bake perfectly. • CaII and in all in the scene. The following are see her at \.tooney's Tinsllop, a few of the many things we noticed: HOUSE FOR SALE --Splendid ser- Load of saw= -logs on Truck being en room stone cottage on B line. drawn by Tractor, large hog in truck mrd and soft uvater.f snap for being drawn to market by Tractor. Buick sale. Apply to Dudley Hct -1 tura, two -furrow Oliver Plow's, hitch- ed to Fordson Tractors at work in 40 retee., acre field; wood. lot -with slough. trees OR SALE—I baby critter, 2 shat- underbrush and stumps; Cement Bridge- over river where it flows into clYaiehnir s, brass bed, ehildchild'srocl na lake, gravel roads with cement on tra- rs, kiddy kar. A J: Ross, relied portion; Village comprising a Herdwra,re. ' Garage (replica of Ford. Garage at $ALE—x pair Starr Feather\'rngham); three general stores and FOR lodge rooms ` weight Skates and Hockey.eyt Shoes, overhead; printing office and school; gas pump in front of gar- " Good a$ new. 1 pair . Bokeia a~'e''barn with basement and cement A 'Christi -nes Tree and Entertain - silo.: house equipped with telephone Monday,-„-- lightning ,loin blade No, el Skates x pair steel hinged ankle supports. `line and radio outfit: buildings fight - Apply E. Peterman, evenings, mill, neat wire fences, ornamental WANTED AT ONCE— Energetic'trees; rabbets in bush, telephone line ratan for Grit and vicinity, along highway; lighthouse and wharf steady* work year round. Write Ce - on shore of lake, the water effect is cif: f`isia?er,� Mowat St. Stmt cleverly camouflaged by mirrors covi ftard, Ont. .eyed around the banks by earth; old "man fishing itt stream, sign "No Fisk- A€ cTif1N SALE—FarmProperty- - beg allowed”: to across strewn from back pasture tie to ac loo , Feld sig ,, Peddle at lot ,,. Comte. East Wee ds . d h d t day. afternoon, 'January 13th., coni-. • ri ay'° caws, horses and mule in field, hens o ' u7U I1�TCaIIAM ,A.DVANGE, M LOCAL. AND CERRA ITEMS. Floor Lamps, Bridge Lamps arid. Table Lamps, from $goo to $35.00. A. J. Walker. 'l'he steel work bas arrived for the new gingham Arena and. ; 'a. large gang' of hien are erecting it. The most acceptable of all Christ- mas Gifts. The ldjusto Overshoe for women. See. then} at Greer's Shoe Store. Saturday and Sunday were real snappy winter days, but the tempera tore is mild again on Wednesday. Call and look ,. through ' our stock: We can't put " everything in the window. A. 3. Walker. There are now 53 radios installed. lit Y ingltant homes,. and as many". more in farm homes in the vicinity, Travel Canadian Pacific. Secure your ticket and information, now Town Office, Ritchie Block, Phone 47• You'll: not have to worry about what to give him or her for Christ- mas, if you'll copse here for a look at Slippers. W. J. Greer.' All' members of the 33rd are re- quested to be present at the Armour- ies on' . Monday evening next at 3 o'clock. - French Ivory—the largest and best selected stock we have yet'had and prices lower than ever.. Mitchell's Drug Store. Simmons Bedding, Ostermoor Mat- tresses and the ,well-known Marshall Mattress. ` A. J. Walker. Christmas Concert and Entertain- ment at the Lower Wingham School: on Friday evening, Dec, igth. at 8.13. AdiniSSiou. 25c and 15C. Get: your Xmas Shipments ready. Prompt . service via Dominion Ex- press, Telegraph and Ticket dffice . in connection. Ritchie Block. Phone 47. ' Christmas, Footwear. Come, ,see our handsome shoes and slippers, so Suitable for_ Christmas Gifts! W. 3. Greer.. The Catholic Women's League will hold a progressive Euchre and dance in the Church Hall, Dec. 2gth... Cards from 3.30 till 10.30. Good music. Ad- mission roc. Everybody w�elcorne. What about a Eitchen Cabinet for Mother. We' have them. A. J. Wal- ker. - Gift Stationery—Because our pri- nes are right, and quality and beauty of our packages. unsurpassed our Xmas Stationery has always been a big seller. Boxes rec to $,.00. Mit- chell's Drug Store: F 22, at Currie's School, S, S. No, a, ed with special lighting outfit; wind- 'East 'Wawanosh. Good music, excell- ent programme, dialogues, 'drills etc. Admission, Adaits -'5c, Children x6,c. C. C. l ..Automobile Skates, Cham- pions choose them See them at W J. Greer's. Tuenberry- District Meeting of the Orange' Association will be held in and chattles of the late Serene ' a owe , - id l 1 f ld the Orange Hall, Bluevale, on Tues- -' ` bir to trees og crouc e. at gate, wian.osh at T o clock on Friday, it=encing at 1.3o. W. A.Mines Dis- (trice Master. Dec. 0th. J. G. Gillespie, Eve.:z-;, tor, T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer. lin barneyard,ducks on lake and river. WARNING—The person who picked Methodist Church Notes the robe up at Lower Winghaml Christmas Sunday, Dec. list., 1924 corner on Sunday, would save fur- 1d a. m. -Service for Prayer and thur trouble by leaving same at this Praise Singer Sewing Machines a lasting and acceptable gift, A. T. Walker. The .members of Lebanon Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, presented Rt. Ex. Comp. Dr. H. E. W. Tam lyn with a large easy; chair, The doctor is orrice or With the owner, John aHop-' ie a in,—‘Morning per- Sub- confined to his room and not ntaltin; •pea-.. iect `The Birth of Christ the Shad- the progress his friends would wish COMBP' ATIOr SALE —Of 20 Short'i-Iorns, consisting of Cour._, Heifers and young Bulls, to be sold at the Centra, Sale Stables; Brus- sels on .Friday Dec. loth., zgz.; coirmacing at z o'clock. The greater number of these aninmais are of Scotch Breeding, some of the coves will have calves, at foot Terms cash, or 12 months credit will be given on approved Witt notes, with interest at 6 p. c. per a;ru ora, Write T. Pierce, Brussels, foe Catalogue. R. T. Antos. Moet. �'� NTE D --I will ou rattle, tan y abx; .s beef or cher your pees ray; vw`,;.uji4 for M ;0r" as pig Be; ons and Sunshine About the Cradle", him to.' a or *.3o -Sunday- School. Classes for C amort Shoes for Grand pa all,- Grandma. Slippers for Pa -or Ma, '7 p. r:3.—Evening Service. An ill- Storm Shoes for brother Harry. All ustrated Address on the 'Life of suitable. for Christmas Gifts. Corte. Christ," The Rev', Mr. Hunniesett of see our display. W. J. Greer. Toronto writes concerning these 'Mr. Seat Abell has opened a first - `views, "They are a work of Art, and class Music Store next to Cr wiord's tie Coloring superb." We are looking Garage. He invites you to call at a very can tun ad listen t;o their radio new your stnbscription. to your daily. - �i k e a forward to a interesting ane, ra- fitabie sers'iee. special music by al phonographs or pianos and string in- 1Af1 the dailies cost you $5.00 Per, • strnnnents- Read his announcement and this paper is "aco per year, clioiu of over 30 voices. 'Come Thou \The tura together will be given to ell h C: d ' . Will d 'a Good'''. epi page .. of tilts gager. - •'l.'hursday,' Deceinbe , 1924,.. • • • 14 • •, S'@' ' �' rr O IIP ' a ° `HCl {ti. k •_., .-,..,0 pI Z). 1 t, a ;} :a • • A• .. ,lad`• • • 1111, • _ ..,-a. •_ I � ' L� S eF It ion t I �+ya.4a) .,,'�' qui • '�' ?-i-• 'd ' _ y •, ► yy"� tG M111 , {i{•¢¢11''J}} �' �1 -ixi t' tkv.' i aRya � .,j ' ,3yua ti a rc' • 14 1 • . F,'T HER tI :Bedroom Slippers" Pullman Slippers ill Oxfords Lace Boots • Overshoes Rubber Boots •l Travelling' Bags. Socks ,rt trr�rr[nr !•, 'i--1an'-''i's l e a a i• a a s SISTER Evening Slippers Hockey Boots Moccasins Goloshes Cozy Slippers Skates, Snow 'Shoes. .Hosiery prat• , IC .i; 4 , aiVl .V.,1 y ,.,tjeg f .' 1s�J _4'�1 � ,. N s fit' tI Fancy Evening . g. C7f iri�e• ,f I, 4 f, r w , z• Slippers' Shoes Overgaiters Hosiery . pl;i ; . • ( t! t' t° . 1. 4 .r',�►i 1j'r. 1 : �j . 01 t I' it • 1 ,' Cozy Felt •4 Goloshes • ` Oxfords w`. • pie `yk L�$ u1�+"#G`lit„t,,, :se ...Ai MTH • Slippers House Shoes : i?iYnYi�a7 ana•a' a iV(70,daa.i. aa •Va • r...3• .'wc•n• •pry �•M.• • ty'•np •'kVA•u•44••,•• 4 ``d*1'TH Hockey Boots Slippers Overshoes Lace Boots Skates Moccasins Rubbers Spats it• • • t• • • • • 4 tis • 4- • aYYati we• a we• •.auae xYaci67�Nrra'Y•Yril 6i• ere is somethi g useful, so .et hang attractive, somethi g sat- isfying for every member of the family to be found ,:.i Greer's Shoe Store. Cowie and 1 r ok our select' ns 'ver bei i1re making your 'a -'arch. ;ses—it will help you solve your gift problem a way $;tat vvill please your friends. See them at THEGOOD SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONT. w'ti-3a`a1'u?s'�aiyl til" .�'.r>.`"ia-Y�7il 'rlihlela a'n7•ls'7a-��'Jli ur3`a iY aa7'Y�r�l'm`Ya\ 'iYi a i&Yi?ya`l�Ya'ti `i . '1a'3Y�YaYai falx`" 47E— a hal ratera�lYaltYal3Ya\tYat'e1i a a�' 4 Macey Sectional Book Cases; Wei i have a fuif assortment, Ideal Xmas Gifts. A. J. Walker. l' Renew Your Subscription Now When renewing your'subsrrriiption I' o The Advance-'Tin3es why not -e-; st , an e Y o You oo any' of Our subsc'ibers for -$6.5o. R : .The Pastor at both serv3c�� Lots ofr moll Carriages,.. Rockers. Ye as x r a ��. newel season is here. Toy Sets, Tricycles for tile laddies, in s:c vac Per e• a; es Saantlt er hethp3 to -aloes as to Alex Nichol, tela P. 0. A. J, tib: alt.:er. :Clubbing Offer Withdrawn Forester's Hall, Bel_ . The windows of the Winghaant pier- e. five piece orreEaee. , ants are neatly- decorated for the user this reek, Dec eeetlt., the Fa - pax included. Luiiclr christtatats trade, A payee °trajeier, catty Heraad and i eekly Star and the fe eosnrer atioe with the editor. re Advance -Times will cost $3.85 instead re eizarktiti that lee iso'aaeeeei eiieved.:the bil.:w3.3z. TIYe �iThL'a:ial ofn�er_ as wi`ln-. ss, tfa. .;art Ithrmk s_ their . ri family d r d'awu on the 20t- :any Onto o dal- i n ria , 3v �evv k aper ansa The' Aulcaitce- 4 neighbboars $o e:nonnes and :41,141,- a heel 4ne*st, of any ,other tow r5 • ..i:t E,tw visits between here and Hamilton. " b. ez for 1 year For Sten' The regn- 4 er-g4'rtsl@c; `l;F'for¢ltF.Si:�' k"41 E3 i- , Pa r, , g .T,at Top Tables, Cbesterf eld Ta �+ price of the tvco f aagea being funeral of their detaart�;tl • '4 '{ Sp.n+y Ni ta?tiein ,�+eftarrately rat�iet: d hle , Gate keg Tables all so?id at- . n Ys ons .free will be 'Led , ^ net: Kees z< glean, : $.. J. Walker, wale ,o f oar Sick p'riear s' Cv pant er• tarazris it e,clr suitable for es Hall, Eelgrave, or r After so'ane ratontihs '1� attxt sent+ i Ladi:e;: Coats., �ir✓,s �oa$y�. or Bayo , sem Dec.. t rd., tamdes 6iOr rrcoat: , all at net evite "esale price. her friends and nteunb. rs -e i, aYf Baran a Methodist yon are itna atecl to conte and:. , . ,Pae ly^ both in \ • ingbazn and -other plat OTICE «xlrti>«atatati$ vaill ase r e'e'aveal s touch*mag nrd for bserilatios aos e"e bentzt is issued by the t,"orparaation o 1 ittaartatta .v, follows:.. f'nominations wt, a, tate Si et Tenn , Sinking und: o -t ;n d3a ill 7rgmais h w uet,.i Chris tion, ad' -- 'bed t" 1N -era ta�aa t5tt: tdil b.' Fwd. +�D. "a..i ie.''vi.a 13.v .wa' ei"tii„n tient Sri miss -o e., va u csaa iy Pragranune to nun- der,. Wesley Mc �rrers-is �a,ecy zriea '4°n -tend prove this for y¢tnni�eaes fort' s. di i ues, and tnu— ; y better and. at_, grat 'e61a1 to all f� u.'."na: F.ISd SC@ the t`'Si �c4b'Ai'tl' a+�Sn`intY th ,-s , a`sin short ga:say, Needhs fir Sewing tdaclaie:- their kundc ess 2M es for Tailor. Terece Perfniet u�r nca tee. T;erybad Sorel- cage A.W., �i.1`'ebster.'. he eeiss _teniae Stentbe're after 'toe s er the dr ceweek's: treatment at the Ho pitaL 'c , reported as showing improvement. lest enol Mr. Peter Doan sa., i iota 'a fair +F. . 3!i-I'Il i9Ci +a, ,, ay, . .j $ a v aa-itl,'t a t. coccrratclqn( �ll gulfs {{�• h Ti I' L sir 1 a tut • Yo L st Chance to Gell a T'1 !f ,' mf+ For Cittristmas This .coupon will not appear here again. If you haven't mail- ed or brought your coupon in yet, act quickly, for our supply will not last long, Our price, while they last, only 6904 LIPO This Coupon earl God for One Weather Pr rphet pus e temtnriimmal. aC1 Made in Canada, Guar An taceelleet. Gift Per Alt Oeeasiioits. z4 hours a et:other' reit htkt5� n ono r and tax "Thertioiolet D ekta OWS ,heed: the two children g ill b - itig, the wvxitelt will: tome o 'Xtho hygrometer wilt •tell, e tel alaly thou general Weal/litr Bead, Bird's lea etc, M'al.i da tioriselki w6 , NiYNlpdfn