HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-12-04, Page 8i it
AM Alp VAN E.,r,T11Y.,fES
BLVD' V ALI' ! 111 1110111E1111101119111110111 X111 9111 1111E11141111
X110 The Willing Workers, will meet at'FL-
II the home of Mrs; H. • Bosnian •on E.
la Thursday of this 'week.'
' Ladies Aid of Joltnston's Church,
lili. held their regular Monthly Meeting P
'piv r t ng
Satur ay
ays f ,t ae Wi: t iR'r Sale
the heist r as ush
a�le L ss
11 111E111:y' I 11111E111®III II!!': 111111115111121111
11 111E111
aim !!trmoan mom lam !!tlawman= IIIPdilllmeths RI
ghter of 1'r en's Suits
nd Overc its
Men's and - }^ Meir 9s OYirercots and Sludts, B,r;:ys' Suits a
'Tinter Overt its, all to go in Three ays 20 t 50% it
Penn's Velour Felt I:.is_ .2.95 English, Br adc] I th. Shirts ...2.59
Ever7tlaixng in Men's Store Less 20 to 50%m C. i.ristms Silk
s, Suspeu-
Shirts, Gi ves, NeckWe;, r, l;iressing Gomer
ders, lts, Pyja. as, dose, C
uul�nl 14111 s'tl11 11 illiE111 111H5111MIIIIRlIli9111=•+I1fE111111111YI! III s!11111111111®IIh911ittillli•J111E111 111111I11if]lllmlll
Lard per lb.._-_..._.._.-----._:_...xgc
Washboards, each
Pure Castile Soap, 3 for =5c
Soda Biscuits, per lb •- 5
Oatmeal, 6 lbs.
P & G Soap, a bar
Corn Starch per pkg. 9c
Fresh Walnuts, ib.
Cheese per lb -- -- -- 2zc
Palmolive Soap per cake __9c
Peas, per can :.._-----_—•-x5c
Peels, per lb —.-------35c
Coffee, the best - 5oc
Dates, 2 lbs
Corn Plaices, pkg
Maple Leaf Sal., small tin ._i8c
Raisins, seeded, 2' lbs
Wagstaffs jam, large reg. 1.5o
Fresh Herring, imported fish ,
a can .. _ .._.... 24c
Fresh Mackerels, can
Puffed Rice, per pkg rsc
Walnuts per lb .
Corn, 2 cans -•.-25c
Black Cat Shoe Polish t=gc
None Such Shoe Polish s7c
Cow Brand Soda 4c
Chipso, 3 for •25c
Brooms - ,-•- 59c
Sugar per xoo
Macaroni,' 2 for ..... _._. - •2$e
Teas, special blend, ib -•..59c
White Wine Vinegar gal _..•.ggc
Sugar per cwt. 7.95
Every =11, an ent muss g =1; in `II' < I. ree lily; :. ys, 20 to 50% OIL
Silk Un L' rwear, osiery, C
resses, �'lauaa-,�Is, Skirts,'� Il:,:,Ilnses, �Aai,•, Scarfs, Suitable Xa�ans
sets, Gloves, Sweaters, P . n°asoIs,
iIltsm =Il';. Ilse . I vault ge ;di o r bargain prices,
M a Iv? !1a
at the poste of Mrs. John Fen on
Mr. Geo Patterson, wife and babe
spent 'S,uildayafternoon at the home
of Mr, Geo:' Thornton.
Sorry to say Mrs, John Patterson,
is not improving, as her many friends
would wish.
• lir. and Mrs. Will Cunningham of
the seventh line, Morris, spent tate
week -end at the home of Mrs, Wm.
Nicholson. ,
Air. and Mrs: H;' Watson and
daughter also .Mr. Robert Peacock of
Capac, Michigan, visited with friends
on the boundary and xst line, they
came by auto.
Mr. Arthur Wheeler > met with a
painful accident while cutting wood ;it
Mr. Morrison's with the circular saw.
by loosing the first finger on his
right band,
Ivtrs. P. 1VIcDougal is visiting her
brother at Bay. City,' 1Vticlz,.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Thornton,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
Cathers, Howick.
Mr. Joseph Breckenridge, spent a
couple of weeks . with his brother,
near Iron Bridge,°Algoma,.`
Mr. Robert Yeo is suffering from
blood poisoning in his handy
While Mr. Jaynes Vancamp was do-
ing the morning chores on Saturday,
the lantern fell off the nail, burning
the barn to the ground and the sea-
son's crop. The barn belonged to w' "
Mr. Leonard Ruttan, ist, line Morris. E
Mr. Garnet M.cFalls of Exeter, is a
holiday visitor at Robt,. Messer., a
Thursday, Deeember itth., x924
111E111 II1111111I0I11111111141111 IItI 111 11i2I112111 t 11161111IEL
e1 , Y
Made in NVi gbam-
We are headquarers for
this line of g 1 odes tor,
Men and.: oy,s
g variety of kin
1 u I t an ',i1 and it w
the kind yo
4 , n;Else iIll
s and qualities lways
do ,rt hpippen to h.I ve ,®
esire in st 1 ck can
em up:.inafew
We I;1<n1 'I er soles on ,. Yl kinds 1l gallf.ber
boots, ,;,Iso on omen's Go&:1=shes—
Satisiacligu..,raF;ftee r,
ivIr. J. W. lysing, M. P. received a
telegram that his brother, Thomas,
was seriously ill at. Winnipeg and lie
left for there by first train.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaines Masters spent
Sunday with relatives at Wroxeter.
Mrs. Harold Jewitt is -spending' ,a
few weeks witli relatives at Newton:
On Wednesday evening a :large nu-
mber of friends of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Hammond, gathered together in the .
Therefore we ask you to accept this and Mrs. Roy Porter on Friday even
C. 0. F. Hall and spent a very en-
joyable evening together and present- Library Ta.Ule as a .small token of the ing and presented them with a lis
ed them with a beautiful library table respect .and affection in which you c:ellaneous shower.
and the following address: are held by your 'neighbors in Blue- Muss M. Stokes, spent over the
To Harold Hainmond, Esq. and Mrs. vale and surrounding country.' week -end with her friend, Miss Jean
. In conclusion we would say how Wilton.
pleased we are to meet, how sorry to Mr. an Mrs.: George Day of Wing -t
part and 'how happy to meet again, ham spent Sunday with the latter's
sometime, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hasting.
Mr. Hammond replied thanking Mr. Wilfred McFaddzean spent thus
them for their kindness, etc. week -end at the home of Mrs. Will
Mr. and Mrs. Hammond have'inov-' Haugh. leby, has installed.
Mr. Reuben App
the radio in his home.
x,gve quick s rvice in our rep ,.c it depart-
menet-Bolto s seweiei, „lion heavy rub-•
ers on short notices
pho:'.e 129.
Wi n.gharn, Ont® i
Ifl lIl iiIMII1®IIIut5I1
1l l®III®I I ISI I ISI I ail 1 1®I I l�tlil®III®II ISI I t1111I®111s1B1! ISI I ISI I I®I I Ilii 11611 I®IIIs
Dear Friends:
It is withmingled feelings of plea-
sureand sorrow that we meet you
this evening, pleasure at being given
the opportunity of expressing our sin-
cere respect for you' andsorrow that
ed to Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
as '.neighbors and 'friends we shall l.om,bs the new proprietor has mov
shortly be called upon to separate as ed into Mr. Thos. Stewarts House on
you have decided to persue life's join-
ney in other parts of our prosperous the hill and Mr. and. Mrs. Cooper
country. o our r' have moved into tate rooms at the
A2r. Gordon Higman offLambeth,
T f rend Mr Hang-
®mond we would at once eulogize.him factory We welcome their . to otir who was visiting with. his cousin.
village, George Lackie, returned to his home,
as being one of the most industrious p on Friday
1. gentlemen who Lias come, into char Mrs, Fred Davey of Listowels int ..
midst in some time. His has been a few days -With
tier mother Airs. IvEr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson and'
Gannett. son Edward of �Viunineg, arrived on
honest, efficient , and persistent iu ' Friday nighl and intend 'Making. their dusty. . He brought our factory out home here for a time.
] are ringing on ho went
as one of the most prosperous butter Wedding bels g b tz visit his - son in Toronto, is at pee-
factories m this, part of `Ontario, but Boundary. tin +n sent very ill.
he had atbis side one�of the best par- Miss Edna Lincoln is assts g �, Mi -s. David Walker ware, has been:
triers in life a marl couldhave' in e 1 B. amore
Oliver Stokes spent spending the past few weeks with her
LUCKNOW `few weeks in' Toronto. ;
rned t Mr. and Airs. Matt. Shackleton, of Quite a pleasant surprise took place
Miss Anna Archibald, has rein I Sunday visiting friends
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Halliday
-to her home in Toronto, after spend -:Crewe, spent S y � fan 'Wednesday Nov. 26th ,
ing a couple of weeks with Mrs. Jas. in Mafeking. _ evening of the 26th ARoss Street. t Mrs: A. McQuoid and daughter Ire ' tvherr elle Horne Helpers
Miller, y men's Missionary Society of lino.
Mrs. W. S. McLeod is visiting with 1 da, of Crewe, spent a day recentl with..men's Mrs.
'her sister, Mrs. E. Millson. at Miiton,IArlr. and Mrs. Jas, Little, of Courey's •Church, Belgrave, presented
Toronto vis -Corners. Halliday with a Life Member Certifi-
ASrs: R. H. Burrell ofI Anderson- zead the al -
mother, Mrs. Robt. Graham, I Mrs. Wm. Hunter of Lucknow is ,cate. Mrs. O,
'ted her
week. ivisiting with her .daughter; Mrs.Ale. )dress and. Miss Sara McDougallpre-
Mrs.,¢litring the �'
Jas. McBride of Carlow, spent `Hackett, who has been laid up with (seated the certificate.
g , Address:
a with relativestown.'the cold- for a ton time .but is irn�
few weeks wit t to
The many friends of Mrs. John Joy- proving, Dear Mrs. Halliday—It`is with feel-
•nt• will be pleased to know she is Mr. and • Mrs. Melvin Raynard,
;somewhat recovered from a severe at- Boundry, Paramount, spent last Sun -
tack of neuralgia and neuritis. day with Mr. and Mrs. Watson, near
A number from Lticknow attendefi the Nile
the winter fair in Toronto last week. I The U F. W. O. and U. F. 0, of
Mr, William Henderson and family Courey's Corners, held a social time
have moved into the residence he ;in the Club House on Friday evening.
purchased recently on Campbell stref..t 1 The parties who were saying we
belonging . to the late Mrs, Wesley ,were going to have an 'open winter,
Morse. • . •by finding• snakes, frogs and puce,
Miss. Mabel Coleman has returned should be in Ashfield, where we are
to her home at Varna, Ont, after vis- having lots of snow and severe winter
long fora week with relatives in tweather and good . sleighing at pres-
irgs of very great pleasure, that wa
address you upon this occasion when
we wish to honor you as one of ou:
oldest •Home Helpers. We are told.
to give 'honor, where honor is due;
and we are endeavouring to fulfill
tlis command when we seek to shoe,
respect to -one who has been so faith -
ditties as• a member 'of our
Missionary Society. We the. Horne
Helpers of the W. M. S. of Knox
Church, Belgrave, Wish you to ac-
cept this certificate of Life Meritber-
ship of.:otir Society 'and we hope it
will bring' to you the feelings of plea-
�er�e and satisfaction which one enjoys
who realizes that their work has beers
a benefit to others and .so such has,;
been appreciated, We also pray tai .t
in this the autuiitn time.of life you re-
ceive sufficient grace. anti strength to
continue your work as a Home' Help-
er and that God's richest blessing.
may rest upon you, •
Signed on behalf of the Honie :Help-
ers: Mrs.',0. Anderson, 1Vliss •Sa.-'a
Mct7 ugttll, treasurer.
town. lent.
Anniversary services will be held l
Lucknow Methodist church, on, Fi3R775iCF.
Sunday Dec.ryth. On Monday event -1
ing, Dec, 8th., the ladies aid will serve{ The young .people. of Fordyce will
a. hot fowl supper, and a good pro- present a 4 act play entitled "The
gramme will be given after Wards. Ad- Cornets Store" on Friday, December
mission 35c and 5oc. 112th,, at 8 o'clock in St. Helens Hall.
The death occurred at Belfast on i Good programme between acts. Bow.
J1'rv. 22nd„ of Miss Mary A. Alton, Social after play. Adults 35c, Chit -
who had been in very poor health for I dren Zoe. Ladies with boxes free.
a number of months. The funeral I Proceeds for school phonograph,
was held to Dtingannart cemetery an ( "A few from this locality spent. an
Monday, Nov. 4th,, from the home 'enjoyable avenin ; a't ivlr. A. Havrus
of her brother Mr. Albert Alton. of Lucknow, on Thursday evening
' until th wee small hours, and report
of the rut of decay and is leaving it the Mr. William Sanderson, vv
1 th 'Cho genera store e 1
person of Mts. Hammond and. he will Mr, and Mrs. O tier's father` entr. mother, Mrs. • Jno. Gibson, returned
pardon rias, if we say, she willbe a . h .1
f •d, Ho rale' to her home at Niagara on
Morrison is Visiting
ll' t Mrs.J H i Smith being
a . as ping tan what .hors gathered Air: t of about 55.
function was taking place
1 s Sunday wit the a , Saturday.
much missed in" Bluevale and vicinity Wats. Crawford, w with her Ahenday• was a livar town
as he himself, in her kindly and tinas.- Mrs. election day for dayave: ohn
toolin lend he she was always willing sister; neigh- Henneberg was elected by a majcri-
1 ' band' d to ever • A number, of the friends and g .
I d at the
Askt xFLIh
am. who
eturned' home after sponuu s rt has been'visitin'g` his brother, L,
month with her daughter; Mrs, Wt Haines has returned to her, am.
fred Hoffman, near Dunnville, tgain
Miss Beryl Johnston, teacher near James
F`ordwich, spent . the week -end with 7
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
ciloston of Mafeking.
Mrs. Wm. Stoth.ers of Ma f eking
and Mr, Isaac Andrew, tt con, near
Lucknow, received the sad newt of
the dead, of their sister, 'Mrs, W. Wiles
ton, of l.l.agarst�ilIe,
Mr...lfr.ed Andrew is sl�crtditrg a,
.a grand nitre•
Mrs, Wrtr. Blake, of Mafelcing, ltas havingir, A. Haines
of vVingh
home of t y
Mr, Hoi7ry Woods held a very'. sue•
cessful sale, Friday last,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Coupland:and
Mr, and Mrs,, Wehstcr. Willits, visited
et borne Lairds, Friday last,
t . Martin is just finishing Mr, and Mrs. Dicic Clegg, vi i cid
up bis season's threshing. He is at pre- in Fordwich Sunday.
ent at Mr. 'John Martins, Mr. and Mrs. Joltit Wright, trade a
Mr, and Mrs, A. Navins"and (laugh flying vi:;it to Witigham,
ters, Jean, and Lena also Mr, Welling- Orattgehill Church, held their, An-
ton Nixon of St. Augustine, visited liversary Services, Sunday last.
at Wart. Champions on Sunday last, Mr. Oliver Gallaway' and Carl New
Mrs, Spackman o1 .1:.on.doii, is at ton brought down two fine deer from
jnose11t visiting at 1'eter T en'nrs, t'11. mortar,
i I
®lki ®
Nam pm
Pre -I- celiday Clearance of
Shape Keeping1
f a ..
Models are mostly Fur Trimmed, but there are
some without Fur.
2,6 in the Lot
Regularly priced $37.50, 45.00 and 55.00.
All at. one, Sale Price .
A rare opportunity to get a good Coat—CHEAP
Furs! urs! Furs!
y of Coats, Na.
If o . want the Best—Buy Here. Persian T,,alnb Coat., Hudson Seal Goats
y Coats, Newest stylesand highest quality.
t�r�1. Coon Coats,: Muskrat�� �,
Muskrat Coats at $96,00, Every Garment Guaranteed.