HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-12-04, Page 6ttt E VINE q1 ADVANCE -DIES atpublished ING [] ONTARIO ' VY ,4�V. LTJe J.A�) Every Thursday 1VJ:orning A. G, Smith, Editor and Proprietor H. P. Elliott, Associate Editor. Subscription rates—One` year $2.Q0, months $Loo, in advance., Advertising rates. on application. Advertisements without specific di- rections will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly.., Changes for contract advertisements be in the office by noon, Monday. I11t ,1111111»uw"""1"1,,,11u11,,,,,,,,," 1111nnm 1111111" 111 1924 DECEMBER 1924 I Su Mo TuT� Fr Sa 2 3 4 MI6 718.9 101102113 rr �14115 16 17118 1 J12O1 ��_ � 12122 23i24l252_6_1127 28029 3�C31i i1 try,,e,••••7•00,M Xmli%•1%IW%NWN!�4 tion, including The Advertiser turd The Free, Press. . The Mayo is ti very o teliai} busine,ss num,, but hz. has hi:, friends) •and the More bitter a contest grows tl.galest aiY;v individual ie gets, the enpathetie to•• rt, and • the more knocks more. people be cae ward trim. }„1„1111 p p11„1,,,,. 11111111 1,,1,111 11111//1 11111111.11111111 11111,. x x No paper can be' published without 1 home patronage,': atnd every man is interested in keeping upa home pa-' per. If a railroador factory is want:, ed, the newspapers are„ expected to work for ita If a public meeting is wanted for any purpose,' the newspa- per is called upon for a free notice: W,ZfiIGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES but in this .perti ul case kt was not thus brought about. Jesus used this i,ii S condition to proclaim. l' iuSelf the tlT oi the : World. } 1,'laviug thus settled the question for thq disciples, Jesus :proceeded to show them how 'every sutrei•er, should be treated, He Jat once proceeded to give him help. He must, he said, work the works of him that sent him, way, 1 - ' any tient to hel�tna a e So when i 1 }} }, p less,' we do the 'work ,.of God. We are not to wait until we can 40 some great thiaag for him, but to be eyes to the blind or feet to the lame. "Our Lord was not a great orgauzcr, He did not busy himself with form. If any of the societies have a supper ing societies for this;that, and the or reception of any kiucl, the newspa- other charitable work; but "as he per is expected to give the necessary passed by ” he saw one blind man notice. The newspaper must puff and judged this a call sufficiently ur- the schools and everything else to ad- gent." (The Expositor's Bible). le vance the interests of the business , The man born blind heard this talk men of the town, and then give then about himself. At once he was all a handsome notice when they ,pass attention and as the words, "I am the away. And yet some ,of them do light of the world" fell upon his ears nothing to keep up a home paper,— a sense of, expectation and awe would Simcoe Reformer. ,take possession of him and he mire- r sistingly would receive the, treatment "" from this stranger's hand and at once — follow his bidding, " He submitted himself, he obeyed and was +healed eeeer eeem e em He, on his return front washing in As the old Scotch woman said "It's I heard the voice of Jesus say, the pool in Siloam, became an object tlie.littles mak' the tnucicles" and the "I am this darkworld's light; , of much interest. To the neighbors saying is well illustrated by a, untome, thymorn shall rise, he had previously been just one who sold..3 g lid .of the school penny bank which�T oon ltla da be bright." sat and begged, but now his identity study And a y y Ys" disputed, so great a change did the looked to Jesus, and. I found touch of the. hand of Jesus make in. I In Him my Star, my Sun; his countenance. And in that light of life I'll walk " Verses r3-47— Confession. e iou Bank in that town when the week Iy deposit of the kiddies was being Till travelling days are done. , It was not enough that his neigh - made and the manager told him that (Horatius Bonar) bors should wonder and dispute over ;deposit averaged around $4o every -:'rias been inaugurated at Wiarton Pub - "lie School says the Wiarton Echo. The Editor happened to be in the Un - :Monday morning. Just multiply that by say, 4o school week in the year and it will give you an idea of the amount •nf money that can be ,saved, wasted was lost , we beseech thee to be pre - 'acre spent unprofitably by the young- "scers in the course of a year in a sent in thy power in thy church in town like Wiarton, say $roo.00. The this our land, Show forth thy corn - saving of a little money each week by Passion to the helpless, enlighten the 1 the kiddies is a good thing in itself, ignorant, succor those in peril, and , but the great benefit of the thing is bring home the wanderers in safety that it instills the habit of thrift, to thy fold; who livest and reignest something that is sadly lacking in the twith the Father and the Holy Spirit 1 modern generation, in fact the word is one God, world without end. r Amen. m g (Selected). almost obsolete in our vocabulary, ` S. ct s z . and in its place we have acquired a S. S. LESSON FOR D 7 9 41 very intimate acquaintance and faniil- . Lesson Title—The Man Born Blind. waste. While iarity with debt .and beaching thrift to the kiddies it would the a great thing if coincidentally we ,.could instill an abhorence of "debt", our forbears t had pretty well dinged 1 why and wherefore of human suffer into them. x x x The re-election of G. A. Wengie as, Mayor of London for his third term 'by the largest majority ever given a mayor in that city is probably the disciples seemed a verdict of the people in answer to one ition asked by thep of the wildest municipal campaigns foolish one, amounting to "could a ever launched, not by Mayor Wengie, man sin before he was born?" Je- ibut by those who opposed his elec- sus in his reply did not deny that PRAYER the chane, They must make tt a public. matter so they brought him 0 Lord Jesus Christ, thou good Shepherd of the sheep, who didst come. to seek and to save that which'; Lesson Passage—John g:.: 13-17, 26-38. Golden Text John es. ' The disciples were troubled in their td rt and the devil", something which 1day, as many are to -day, about the ing. Why is it that some of the most saintly people endure constant suf- fering and are deprived of many of life's good things? Are these the' outcome of their •own•or some other person's transgressions? The ques- to the Pharisees, They _questioned lural and be toiid the same simple story of his b , Ie put clay �. on untie eyes, and 1 gashed, and do` see." They could not dispute the fact, so they resorted to the olcl ex- clue that Jesus could not be what he claimed 'to be or he would keep the Sabbath Day, Sinning in this way how could he perform such a mir- acle? Again they questioned" the Iran and., out of an enlightened mind through, having experienced the good- nese of God, he' answered, "He is a • prophet. The Jews, ..however, did not yet be- lieve in this miraculous cure, and so they called his patents to, give tes- timony. They claimed hila as their son, and that he was blind froni his birth, but gave no further informa- tion other than to say he 'was of age alad could answer for himself. Ii'i this way they `"avoided angering the Jews and saved themselves from being put out of the synagogue: In the case of the son, fear of man was absent, ,for his ;new found joy eclips- ed all else. Verses 26 -34 -Excommunicated. Agait he was aske to relate the method of the cure,: but this he• de- clined to do, asking instead;` and in the question, declaring himself a disciple: "Will ye also be. his disci- ples?" 'This angered them, .and they vehemently " proclaimed thetiiselves folle'e ere of Moses and disclaimed any knowledge of• Jesus. The fear- less nature of the loan sprang to the. defence'' of his benefactor and he re- buked them for their ignorance. Nothing, that they could say could rob him of the inestimable boon that this man whom they declared to be Ha sinner' had conferred on linin. then uttered his final argument, "If this man were not of God, he could do -nothing."'This presumption en the part of a former blind b'eggaa in- censed them sb that they, exclaimed "dost thou teach us?" and. they cast him out. Verses 35-38—His Reward. As he came to himself he could not biit feel his position keenly; but lie was not left long to brood over his loss of caste, for Jesus hearde.and sought hien, out. He had been caste out of the visible church only to be received into the fellowship of the Soirof God. He experienced the bles- sedness that follows from sacrifices made for Christ.' He became a true believer in the one who gave sight to his blind eyes. To him he was hence- forth the Light of the worldand he worshipped hien. .v y ' a.. - M e Aaa'fy Q MISVMMa...,YYVi 1 e 1 f TM is t'i4ffere,}.t �Jfjl�lea�� from all other laxatives and -reliefs for Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action of Nature's Remedy (P11 ' Tablets) is more natural and thor- ough. The effects will be a revels - tion --you will feel so, good. Make the test. You will. appfreciate this difference. Used For Over Thirty Years Chips off+he Old Block ^Ntl ,gypgtgQR .Uttlo•IS�s The same h'r'+ ^ in one-third doses, ., candy -coated. For children and adults. SOLO BY YOUR .IIRUPaGIST E. J. MITCHELL, DRUGGIST r 114 MESIMOSSA ther rRADI; wSHR SPsIN� MARK" Guaranteed Marshall Mattresses & Cutshiens bear this Trade Mark OANWITARY VENVELAVE r ma A sa 'It.Y Ub�I,�''N ak+Nf' :-....t ' '""..,-.4--, JaliltialigilinaltiOnfliNagininiliiiitii RN Illfit 61NI,�fl • ,eautifill Holiday Goods ▪ r Y. ., i' PRICE REtDUC`T'UO S FOR S'�'� , �l\i�x 1P�1�.IC • EARLY XMAS BUYERS Thursday, cember 4t 4 0 Y1��'1�* 1G+�p � spu JE }"r ELER Some extra special prices in our Jeviel.erY Department re nt with h. many delightful suggestions, that may help to solve that Xmas 0 � - - problem ---What Shall' T give � Diamond Rings, see our extra special Xmas Diamond Rings $25.00 Others from • $x5.00 to $x5o.00 11111 Diamond Set Signet Rings, while they last, $7.50 o ,. Onyx Rings, with Pearl Centres ., $2.50 to $4.00 IN Baby Rings,solid gold... 8sc Brilliant Set Bar Pins, some are Sterling Silver oc to $2.00 CUFF LINKS—If you make your selection from our bright and new stock they will be sure to please special ,` prices 'for Xmas from $z,.00 to $6.00 N RLS ■ $6.00 to $4.0.00 .. . `. ■. ®. BLUE Is the Peer of all Gifts There can be no gift more joyously received than Pearls, others from - $2.5o to $15.00 LA. ►..!ES' WRIST WATCHES High ,Grade Ribbon Watches, fitted with es Jewel Lever Move- ments, .Green or White Gold filled cases, reliable time keepers ,Regular price $15.00, Xmas Special $g•75 Other Ladies Wrist Watches In Green and White Gold from ........e $6.25 to $45.o0 All Our Watches Are Guarantee of Course ®. OUR GIFTS PRESENT A. WIDE AND. VARIED OFFERING, ® ; BEING ALL NEW GOODS, YOU 'WILL FIND IT DE- ' 5,n :LIGHTFIJL TO MAKE' YOUR SELECTION HERE ow ® Sfl-verwar ., Clocks, Cut Glass, • Ivory, iinx® ' brellas, Funtain Pens, aperctes, Mesh ..a g, Chiina ;,rad Leather Goods, El We urge you to come and see our new goods and bargain prices its to your own bestinterests to do so le le Select what you want and,'it will be reserved for you till wanted upon 'payment of a small deposit 0 0 ■• 0 Stephenson Jewelers and Optometrists i C. (. R. Inspectors., Markdale and Wingharn g® vel and pay for gravel $49.65; G. A. r ``Motion of Sanderson and White Gibson,fixing sidewalk and putting in that the clerk be instructed to call base for, guts` at town'; hall $2i;80. i for tenders for managing the skating Account of John R. Gibson Estate rink for the corning season—Carried. and contract act, laid over,4 l Motion of Wright and. White than Motion of Leckie. and Wrig-ht that adjourn to meet at regular meeting or accounts be paid and orders drawn at the call of the Reeve.—Carried. on the treasurer for same—Carried. i . 'Fred Davey, Clerk. ewe -wee MAPLE GROVE Mr. Robt. Helm ' and Marshal Gib- son, left last week for New Ontario to engage in logging for the winter months. • Mr. and Mrs. Uultitude of Zion are visiting friends at Laurier. Mr. and Mie Wellington -Hender- son ofLucknow spent - Sunday with Richard Gardner Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Gardner of Ma - ply Grove, Miss Pearl' and Hazel Ray- nard of Paramount and Mr. Jack Champion .of Fordyce` spent. Wednes- day last with ,frieinds in Wingharn and Calvin. . • Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Andrew cele- brated the fifth anniversary of their wedding last, Wednesday, to a num- ber of friends and .relatives. . " Mrs. 'vV. M. Champion and Harry of Fordyce and Mr. Charles. Lever 'of Calvin, spent Friday last with, Zion friends. The ` executive ofeL. 0. L, eo44, wish to announce the regular Decem- ber meeting and electionof officers for the ensuing year, will be held Fri- day evening December 5th. Mr" and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie en- tertained a number of the young peo- ple of this burg' on Friday evening, BL,UEVALE The regular meeting of the Wo - linens' Institute -will be held Thttrs- iday afternoon, Dec, xxth,, at the home' of Mrs. J. Wesley Leggatt. The girls of the. Institute will have charge ,tif the meeting and a good prograin •s expected, Roll Call will be answered t by the donatidn' of gifts. to the chil- 1 dren's Shelter at Goderich. At the present time there are hi the home five girls, ages t41 12, 9 and 4, and three boys, ages; 52, 1Y, 8. Ladies are cor- dially invited to attend the Institute meetings. But IJy chi;' other .� i ;'5 st>.14 • 2.1, rzloattes Mirk s sated 114alNMliilt ihtiN.INyt, 66 itt• WROX'ETER Nov. arst., 3924 Council' met in regular meet t*g on above date, present' Sanderson, Witiie, Nright' and Laolcte; Reeve S•Ienne- berg in the chair. Minutes of last regular an special meetings' read and ori motion of 'White and Sanderson were adopted. Accounts ---T. G Hemphill, power and rent for Oct,, 18 nights ` $29.50! Municipal World, Supplies $2.53; J. Yoting, digging drain and tile $12.00 P. S. Milil;an, dragging road and draw - hip; gravel .$14.:50; V... ;Stocks, putting glass in. hall Sc;5Jos., , Lovell and A. i :cT�avi•sil, worn 011road, drawing-gra- •�j}+' 'T %'3IS CATIVIDA98 LA1 a,ii til TAIL'OC; .I Lookit t1 � ' _Iunte s - You will' ' always find' an extra bargain suggestion- on the counter "of your DOMINION STORE. All items are low priced, but these counter specials will save you even more. Look there first after making your selection from the following CRANBERRIES.:°. .. ib; 20c Choice Messina LEMONS ... doz. 29c eekist"Pure Clover HONE'', 5 lb. pail 79c CALIFORNIA' S 15 oz. - 611t %f. It lits. -. te, 4 DELICIOUS FOR''!OUR PIES • ,.No.3 PML 1 it.�, TOY PAL _._l PATERSON'S FANCY'. asseOnerassessosserati 4 Ila. GLASS JAR (CHOICE MEAS TOR$$�y Its Goori COOKING ' cITM i IGS 311,05. H a, icI 1V NC E . o �C'1TRON59,01h.„, 29e SLICED ��; ARr e { M �'•"5 of t as ,.ASSTS 1 D OAKVILLE BRAND ORANG''E jM x ALADE SHELLED WALNUTS LARes ASSOg.TiVIENTCAISIDIES Ib. MEDIUM SIZESl,1ZE . E;NYE:,NEW45, rzi'e � CHtESE11 � M1mm k A'Y'. avitR, cYNTM 1,9(c "OL T.PAPRITEcooDE,90,, 841.60R li g HOPS RS irns�+ar �lth,till Mite ,e6,w{ %r.w�,i,Mmt•1,.6.,, x�usw+L,,. t -Jt. � ..