The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-12-04, Page 3„"\g,erii",7c,T,Vr Ti;741iir 7174' -• '',""'TT17,7;"1'.""7".7,WirRY . `1:111,1,r.staaiY, DeeeMber zPli‘ INGHAM nvAINT0)4,4x,m GONNA RAISE \HER OWN' A bride walked briskly ' into a kinglearn groeery store, and aSked or a eonple of good egg plants. As Ile grocer was .wraPPing them up, be asked,. "How...deep shOuld rhotic )e planted to get tile best results?" "Planted?" said the'astonished grel- ery. You've not going to Plant ,bern, are yell?"• "Yes", replied the bride. "My hitsand won't eat any but strictly fresh. Pgg$ arid the stores are so unreliable. 1.. E have decided. to raise my own, 1 BUSINESS CARDS 'WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. . I Established 1840. Head Office, 'Guel,Ph, Ont. • Risks taken on all classes of insur- ance at reasonable rates. ' 1 ABNER. COSENS, Agent, Wingharn - J: W. DODD Office in Chisholm Block FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH -- . — INSURANCE . AND REAL ESTATE • P. 0. 13ox 366. • .Phone 198. WINGHA.M., -•- ONTARIO 'DUDLEY 110LIVIES •BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Victory arid Other Bonds Bought and sold. s ' Office—Meyer Block, Wingharn L. VANSTONE • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Money to Loan at -Lowest Rates. Wingham, - Ontario J. A. MORTON. BARRISTER, ETC. Winghare. - Ontario DR.e Graduate Royal College of Denial Surgeons Graduate TJniversity of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office Over. H. E. Isard's Store. W. R. DUMBLY B.Sc., M.D., C.M. • Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Surgery, Bact- eriology and. Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr Residence, bet ween the Queen's Hotel and the Bap- tist Church. All business given careful attention Phone, 54. P. 0. Box 113 obt. C. Redmiquid M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.RC.P. (Lond.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. Chisholm's old stand. ogralgeo xy* thp .6pcinish !hie ..1f7 f RAFAEL,'SADATINit, • cee7rigetee, isse. 133, Rafael Sabatini. per aftel''''.119,, '1144, arai01.111Ced, to then); than , said haste tO sele. an 16 1 .1411, ;be le thelf •ShO),114rea:ChCtra• Fleeka With. lier,„ : : Blbed an, appeal for merey, ;'. an said:the, pnet,eYed was at Once fierceand piteOus, • iatit With an,ioathe•ReCialreeieg.the eYnicism. apiohtl" , sneered 'he had, approached hip taSie,'1;he Blood :;.0,,resentlY, • haVe ed;Open.,lietiven and avert tbi attrYi'fart JiaW:SO, SWeeping our horror,. and Addressed tote,P7' ., • . .,FOr •threedaYs,' the'oia held, ;and Yet when., tbe thitd.'inight edeeeende4 upon. them they had stillr.„ 1:nade landfall, , Captain Mood Mentioned it to Don Diego, manned as we areA mustering a,,,bare ism essential to its proper Perform - It wilrl)e for to -morrow morning," twenty men, in what ease ,.are We to anee, Blood commanded ,Ogie •to•' he was answered with calm convic- fight? No, there would he only one kindle a Match and, rern:eve the leaden tion. '•way To. persuade her that all Is apron from the •toneh-hole of the gun •"I1APTA4N is!..00ta," a Vltagraph e cture vvitn watren Ker.,• Heat) hi the title role• Is an adaPiethiri of thi S navel. PARADE OF CRIPPLES cipitating mutiny. • If v,tas entirely • Armistice ])ay in France was wit-. to the fact that the Colonel was her essed by one of the most terrible uncle, although he did riot even begin. arades in history when 25,000 disab- to suspect such a cause, that he owed ed war veterans , marched throngh such mercy as •was now being shown aris and sought an interview with him. Colenel Bishop mastered -hint. - he Mayor of Paris' on the question self and rose. Peter Blood gave an f unemployment Heading the par- order. A plank was run out over the de were legless mete one of whom gunwale, and lashed down. a.„,s carried by his wife, next came a "Just take a little walk, Colonel, mall army of one -legged men, fol- darling," Said a smooth, mocking •owed by the armless and one-armed. voice behind him. ringing up the rear were the blind, Still clinging, Colonel Bishop look - •he men whose features were terribly ed around in hesitation. • He cursed. utilated, and. the' stretcher cases— thern aloud. venomously and incoher- nen unable to walk but carried along ently, then loosed his hold and stePP- y their., comrades. Thousands •of ed colt upon the plank. •Three steps people 'saw this, parade—and wept. he tOok before he lost his balance. There was no cheering. It was pr -Oh- and went tninbling into the green de - lily the most effective advertisement pths below. against war ever made.•• When he,came to tee surface again, 9 • • gasping for air, the Cinco Llagas was • , SYNOPSIS already some furlongs , to. leeward. Peter Blood, a young Irish physi- But :the roaring • cheer of• mocking cian,, is wrongfully condemned as valedie'tion from the rebels -convict taking part in the ill-fated rebellion reached him across the water to drive of Monmouth against King James. the iron, of impotent rage deeper into With Jeremy Pitt he is sent to the his soul. •• Barbadoes ,.as a slave and is bought CHAPTER X • Captain ,Blood passed or), eantent, well aboard, that we are Spaniards, so that lore Don Diego. Ihen, as the , and, went to visit Jerry Pit, his pa- tient to whose conditiot Don Diego owed his ehanee of life. • It was this same Jerry Pitt • who cast the first thought of suspicion. , A. trip •or) deck fot a breath of freSh air and his navi- gator's interest in the night heavens, moved him to point. out the North Star and tollay the position of the ship to Captain Blood, But Don Die- go's easy explanation satisfied his captor. New to the seas • of the • Spanish Main and, to the ways of the adven- turers who sailed it, • Captain • Blood still entertained illusions. " But the next' dawn was io shatter thexn rude- ly and for,ever. Coming on deck before the sturwas up, ,lie 'save land ahead, as the Spani- ard had promised. them last night. • Beating out a weather, against the gentle landward breeze he "beheld a by Colonel Bishop at the behet of DIEGO . Arabella, his niece. A Spanish galle- DON Diego de Espinosa y -Valdez on commanded by Dog Diego de Es -on awoke, and with languid eyes it ach- Pinsary Valdez slips into port under ing head, he looked round the cabin, false colors and captures Bridgetown. which was flooded • with sunlight. Peter Blood saves the life of;Mary from the square -windows astern. Be - Trill and sends Arabella" and Mary tweet, the pain in his head arid the to safety back of the town. He then confusion in his mind, he found leads his. fellow rebels -convict on coherent thought impossible. board Don Diego's ship and they cap - He was beginning to torture his ture it while the Spaniards are feast - mind with • conjecture, when the ing in the city. When Colonel Bis - •door opened, and to ,Don Diego's in - hop, whose limited military defense creasing mystification he beheld his bad failed, realizei that the ship no best suit of clothes step into the ca - longer threatens the town he. goes bin. The suit paused to close the aboard, where he is greeted by Peter door, then advanced toward the couch Blood, now captain of the Spanish on which Don Diego was extended,, galleon, with Jeremy Pitt, Wolver- and inside the suit came a tall, slen- stone and Hagthorpe 'as his aides. der gentleman of about'Don Diego's Wolverstone is for hanging Colonel height' and. shape. Seeing the Bishop to the yard arm, but Blood own wide, startled eyes of the Spaniard threatens to quit their leadership un - upon hirn, the gentlegian lengthened less his orders are obeyed. CHAPTER IX—Contirined 14s stride."Awake eh?" said he in Sp'enish. He paused. There was no answer. "Who the devil are you?" he ask - But they stood hang -dog and half -mu- tinous before him, save Hagthogpe , who shrugged and smiled wegrily Mr. Blood resumed: "Ye'll please to understand' that board a ship there is no captain So." He swung again to the startled Col- onel. "Though I promise you yo 1r life, I must—as you've heard—keep L. STE A T Graduate., .of University of Toronto; Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Physicians a,ricl Surgeons. Office in Chisholm Block 011 • Josephine Street. Phone 29. • r. IVIarg,d,reit C. Calder General Practitioner , Graduate University of Toronto • Faculty of Medicine -0ffiee—Josephine St., two doors sout • . Of Brunswick Hotel. ., elephones: Office 285, Residence 15 13 5. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS DR. F., A. PARKER • OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN All 'Dipeases Treated . Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre Street. • • Open every day except Monday and Wednesday afternoons. • Qsteopathy • Electricity Telephone 272, CHIROPRACTIC D. J. AL IN FOX Fully Qualified Graduate. • Drugless Practice, being in absolute accord. with the Laws df Nature gives • the very best resultsthat may be ob- tained any case. • Hours: so,. 12 a,m., 2 --5 and 7- 8 pgri, Telephone 195. • that she may leave • us to continue op our course,'' • • Ogle, with a bent for sarcasm, ill-, terposed a suggestion bit,terly. "We might ,send Don Diego she Es- pinosa in a., boat manned by his Span- iards to a.ssure' his brother the 'Ad- . , nural that we are all loyal subjects of .11 k‘i 't6 )0iV,.?:;:f4!)? • younger Espinosa broke into inter- ceSsiens mingled with imprecations, he wheeled upon him sharply, "Peace!" he snapped. "It is Your father's treachery that has brought us into this plight and deliberately into risk of capture and death abroad that • ship of Spain. Just as your father his Catholic Majesty. recognized his brother's flagship so •fear •death, this damned pirate; but his son may take adifferent view, Fi- lial piety's mighty strong in Spain." He swung on his heel abruptly, and strode back to the knot of inLi about his prisoner, "Here!" he shouted to them. "Bring him below." In the ward -room the three stern chasers were in positiio.n, loaded, their muzzles thrueting through the open ports, precisely as the Spanish gunn- ers had left them. "Here, Ogle, is work for you," said will his brother have recogniZed the Cinco Liagas. So far, then, all is well. But presently the Enearnacion will be sufficiently, close to perceive that here all is not as it should be. Sooner or later, she must guess discover what is wrong, and •then she will open fire or lay us board and. board. Understand this clearly; ro the first shot from the Encarnacion thisogun will fire the answer. I make myself clear, I hope?" "But, name of God, how should ;t be clear' yourig Espinosa. cried "Can Blood, and as the burly gunner carne 'you avert the fight? If you know a thrusting forward through the throng way, and. if I, or these, can help you of gaping men, Blood pointed to the middle chisel': "Have that gun hauled bac," he Ordered. When this was done, Blood beckon- ' • to it in Heaven's name, let me hear (Continued in our next issue) "Will I say% prayer for your soul?" great ship on their starboard ,bow, that he conceived to be some three or lour miles off, an—as well as he could judge her at that distance ---of a ed. "And what the devil are you d�-' tonnage equal if not superior to their ing inmy clothes and aboard my ship" own. Even as he watched her she al - "My name is Bloocl—Ciii)taiei peter tered. her ,c,ourse, and going about Blood. This ship, like this handsome came heading toward them, close suit of clothes, is mine by right of hale d. conquest. Just as you Don Diego, "There," said a soft voice behind are my prisoner." him in liquid Spanish "is the Prornis- 'And my son? 'What of my son? ' ed Land, Don Pedro." He' turned sharply to face Don Die- he- cried oat. "He was in the 'haat you aboard as a hostage for the good that brought inc abroad." • . D. 114 McInnes •cxxitoPRAC'I'OR Qualified. Graduate Adjustments giver]; for diseases of l<inds, speeis.lize in dealing with ;children. Lady attendant.. Night calls reSPorided to. •' Office on Stott St., VVingham, Ont„ • in house of the late Jas. VVS,lker. Telephone 150, isasuievekeee,newleviamsetestieeseietuke.oweicesinoeier • hones: Office xo6,' Resid, 22.4, • A.• VITAILKER. •FURNITURE DEALER — and rititsigRAL voRucirort •Motor Equipment • vvizilo1atat ONTAUX0 , Die- go, so sharply that the sly smile eves •• "'l,otir son is safe. lac.and the boats eeee.j0.er not effaced from.the 'Spaniard's 'cotm- crew,together with• your gunner and eetenance before Captain Blood's eyes his teen, are snugly irons under bad flashed upon it , ,• , • hatches." • • ' I I "What' land is that?" he demanded, Don Diego sank back on the couch, • . Will you have ' the effrontery to tell his glittering dark eyes fixed upon the tawny face above him. Be ac-;rne that is the coast of Curacao. That 'land, you treacherous, forsworn Span- cepted the situation with the forti- tilde f a fatalist.eThe light blue eyes ish dog, 'is the island of Hispaniola." played over him like points of, steed "Ah, perro ingles! You know too "You are not/afraid to die, Don , nincb," 'he said tinder his breath, and Diego?"• • sprang for the Captain's throat. "The question is offensive, sir." ' Tight -locked in each other's arms' li "Would you be willing, sir, to eart.i I:11°Y swayed a inoment, then tegetti- life and liberty—for yourself, your er they event down upon the deck, son, and other Spaniard on are the Spaniard's feet jerked. from under board?" rds' who i him 'by the right, leg of Captain "To earn it, do you say? Why., if !Bi°°d" The Spaniard had depended he service, you would. propose is one upon choking,41.1e--life out of Blood, t . .„ ;and so gaining the half-hour that that cannot hurt my honor. , "Could I be guilty of that," protest- 'might be necessary up that ecessary to bring aediptirhaet.seCialapstainh.is "Thortelaolrize at4iiaet eovuelyn II ftliaal.shli3putthaalt1 twhaast bDeoantinD*gie go had towards n .1: accomplished was to • betray himself man among us schooled ithe a of navigation is fevered, deliriotts,iWill I say a prayer for your dir- lu I coMpletely. . ct, as a,iesult of certain ill-treatMent " fahe received ashore we carried him ty soul now, whilst I am in this posi- tion?" CaPtain Blood was furiously away with us; 1 can. handle a ship in aboard' who can assist me; but .0.1 the "Who will pray for your soul, 1 im, inocking h action, and thee are one or two men higher mysteries of seamanship ati,evotder, when that galleon comes to board and of the art of findingyou know what ship a Way .over the board ''witht itis? It is the h you? D° trackless wastes of ocean, we know nothing. We desire to make for' the Encareacion, the flagship of Don Mi.- Dutch settlement of "Cutacao as guel de Espinosa, the 1..,ord Admiral straighly as possible, Will you ther. Castfla' and Don Migneris nlY br°` ther. Iis a very fortunate micotint- pledge me your honor, ' if I release er, The Almighty, you see, watches ^t out some hustling, regardliness of the Yon will navi- you' noon - earole ' that •over the destinm ies Of Catholic Spa. bellowings of Colonel Bishop, whose gate us thither? If so, we will te- , Ehere, was to trace of humoor ur- monstrous rage was fanned by terror lease you and your strviving inen up- banity now in Captain. Bloodr at finding himself at the mercy of , His these men of whose ,cause to hate him he was very fully conscious. •As they were running close to the head - and east of the bay, Peter Blood re- turned to the Colonel, who, under guard and panic stricken, had deject- edly resumed his seat on the coam- lugs of the main hatch, ' "Can ye swim, Colonel? It's a ercy for 'you I'in not by nature as bloodthirsty as Softie of irty friends here, And it's the devil's own labor I've had to preVall upon them not to be vindictive." It was the thought of Arabella Bishop that h:acl urged hint to mercy, and had led, him to oppose the natio:- al Vindictivenos of his fellow-siaves ed those who hDiego. Don ego.. -"Lash him across the mouth of it,"„/ he bade them, and whilst, assisted bY. another two, they made haste to obey, he turned to the others. "To the roundhouse, some of you, and fetch the Spanish, prisoners. And you, Dyke; go up and bid thern set the flag of SPain aloft." ' Don Diego, with his body stretched in an arc across the cannon's mouth, legs and arms lashed to the carriage on. either side of it, eyeballs rolling in his head, glared maniacally at Captain .Blood. A man may not fear to die, an.c1 yet be appalled by the form in which death collies to him. • Captain Blood vouchsafed hirn a malignant smile,, before he,, turned to meet the fifteen manacled. Spanish prisoners.' From amongst them 'a coxnely, olive -skinned stripling distill- = He lost his balance and tumbled into the sea. behaviour of Governor Steed and what's left of the fort until we put io sea." A•/ "B ttt . . ." "There is no more to bc said, gen- tlemen. My name is Blood—Captain Blood, if you please, of this. ship the Cinco Liagas, taken as a prize of war from Don Diego de Espinosay Val- dez, who prisoner aboard." The officers went, though not with- on arrival there," 'light eyes blazed: his face was set: rose,relinquishing 'the Sian - Don Diego strode away, in thoug;lit to the stern windows. "I ' accept," he jard to hi men.•"Make him fast," ' • he bade them "Truss.him wrist and. BORN . 13.uttan—In 'Howick., on Tuesday,'No- vember nth., 5924, to Mr. and, Mts. Leonard. Ruttan, a son. Deitz—In. 1-lowick, on Tuesday, Nov. sgth. to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph G. Deitz, a son, Cheaper Fire Insurancet 4 ri Insurance rnished lessondwell uthan Tgoswrilit;hip Wingham,1utuaattes— U with no premium note to sign. Fe U i Why take the risk of having to pay extra assessments?. guished in bearing atcl apparel froth 'N an anguished, cry of "Father!" Insurance cc Red Estate Writhing the arms that ma7de. 1110111N1115111N111111111111111111INIIIIIIIIIIIIINIINIR his companions, startecl forward with 1. " Abner Cosens F- CHAPTER XI heel, but don't hurt him—not so much , • 1 ' FILIAI, PIETY es a hair or his precious head." virtne of the pledge he had giv- Captain Blood regarded steadi- en, Don 'Diego de Espinosa enjoyed, ly ont of a face which, impassive, the freedom of the ship that_had been had paled under its deep tam About his, and the navigation which he had the prisoner, clamant, Mitiriated, fero- cions, 'the rebels-eonVict Surged, al- most literally 'athirst lfor Ilia blood." "Wait," Captain Blood inepteiously comenanded, •aud turning on his heel, he went aside , to rtes rail, As • he. stood there deep in thelught, he was joined by Hagthorpe, Volverstone, and' Ogle the emitter. silence they stared wit1t hird, across .the water at until he had been hi danger' of Pre- wind holds," heladitold them at sttp,, that other Shit>. ;. .1, •1111.•;.11111••••=10 undettaken, was left ettirely his hands, He took his meals in the gteat cabin With Blood and the three officers elected. to support: Hag- thorpc, Wolverstone, and Dyke:, That Don. Diego, was: not playing fair it was impossible to suspect', ItOtaticktdr; there was no tonteivahle, reason why he Should not. ' -"It this RI , 04GS fi: Each "era uGU ARANTEED—i.f you put a dose of Pratt's Poultry Regulator it the feed 444 rat.; The use of heai'41asI.is, ::olla4aIR'yeggs, and hens will positively lay more eggs— eve;:ay.::deil:r is authorized to:vtlevback your money if it fails. ,•ISIE :,,,...._Of.iitI' „Ito, ...252121-21ktt,...,.ttAT9r FOOD CO. OF CANADA, LTD., TORONTO IsCERATIRWARIMEIRECERECEIWERnExwAsAA. IDEPEr. e •WWOW101. • • •,, 1 ' ' ' • 4, , , • THE i4.2"ii 1'4 QUARTERLY DIVIDEND AND BONUS Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of three per cent upon the paid' -up Capital Stock of this Institution has been declared for the quarter ending 3Ist December, 1924, and, in addition, a Bonus of one per centonaking a total distribution of thirteen per' cent for the current year—the Dividend and Bonus will be payable • at the Head Office of the Bank and its Branches on and after Friday, the 2nd day of January, 1925, to Shareholders of record of 20th December, 1924. • By order of the Board Toronto, 21st November, 1924 C. A. BOGERT, General. Manager 45 VarleariairMaaeale nt „ RHINO Rubber Footwear is Guaranteed Letter Value Every pair of RHINO Rubber Footwear is guaranteed to be free from defects in workmanship and material. The guarantee tag RHINORUB- which goes with every BrricE:—the rubber and linings, as ciDs toughest and dis covered— pRaiiirbrxilLanr sFttoattwRellaIrN wear -re- sisting that better—in quality of - . . beiencenasyet wmelaldea.s inItthsetawliadysitthies wtWiliiccellaswioinligwasearordtilnpartyo hardest kind of wear rubber. because there is extra When you need Rubber strength wherever there Footwear of any kind, ' • is extra strain. This let us fit you with footwear is made from •RHINO. .,,,e., SR uissRet4oe ratimir GLEARikNTEED • Intl Inat.21.1, CO M.A Ft C ThC WEAR Compare the Wear" H. E. ISARD & CO. W. H. WILW '5 ;C , 15' ' I