HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-12-04, Page 2° !•:•!z '7774. ' F17.1r,F7r,•7.•. '7.1," WINOIIAM .4.1-.)vAl\fc1ia:attiE$ Thursday, December 4th •0 x924 ,443.110.4314,0,0 4,Ensix. tRocin. WINQT-i„A SCHOOL REPORT Illig11102111 Iyell 232; Lanee Browne Dorothy •WITOEIED IN 1)/iitIK BII0E ' • g i ch Total 550—V. Lennox 460; K. 445; G. Snell 429; E, MapKay„ 415; id B, McGee 395; N. 'I'aylor 575; L. noP-' per 361; Ross 356; L, Smith a45: ONLY THREE WEEKS TO 3 0. lionit,th 337; C. Deans 336; Mary ; lea 320; T. Gibson 314; MargaretMit- Ea `44 — Mitchell 329; M. Redmond 328; G. Al-' 40 a ti ao 1 II as oti 21 Ilutehison 227; Chester Stewart 226; cbell 310; R. Copeland 3o; L. Peter- _ man 303; F. Carter 299; K. Sorneri - This is the Xmas Gift Store. .'".7 293; W, Gurney 238; Mary Carr 276; We have all kinds of useful arti- E. Lepard 256; C. Pilon 25x; Car- Eccles at Reasonable Prices; there- El' men Coutts 245; C. Carr 236; A. Vint ES for the moderately fined purse 224; R. Sutton 178; V, James ixo,—A. - will go a long way. Whether L. Posliff, Principal. 2. or not you purchase here we 1V Dept. Total 55o, honors 41.2.—N, Coutts 486; 1V1. King 486; I. Smith 477; M. Currie 461; J. McKibbon 453; M. Mc - Blain 451; 13. Fox 447; K. Smith 443; P. Hannah 436; J. Tiffin 436; W. An- gus 427; V. Pilon 426; A. Snell 407; H. Dickson 399; G. Young 399; J. El- lacott 39S; 5. Dinsley 381; j. Beattie 345; L. Hayden 33o; R, McDonald 328; C. Phair 317; C. Blatchford .3o5; M, Templeman 3o3; N. Rintoul 3oo; A. Coutts 296; E, Stoakley 27o; E. Blue 267; M. Coutts 266; j. Thomson 254; P. McCracken 162,—B. H. Rey- nolds. Sr. .HT Marks 50o, honors 375-5. Copeland 493; E. Reid 425; J. 13rackenbury 409; I. Nortrop y86; Louttit 79; E. Zurbrigg 377; G. Welwood 376; Ti' jersey is such an. attractive ma - trial that each season seams to find ia certain amount of call for it. Many of the French houses showed mart jersey frocks in their Winter The model sketched here is an. import developed in a lovely shade t of gray -blue jersey. There is no , belt and inverted •tucks serve to give the narrow line through thee The trimming is composed of zig- zag lines of stitching in dark blue. These flank narrow lines of round buttons, covered with the lighter( blue jersey. EAST WAWANOSH Mr. Milton McBurney of Windsor, spent a few days of this week at his horne here. Mr. Andrew Shiell left on Monday, to spend a week with friends in Listo- wel. • Hoinuth 374; McGinnis 367; N. Dow 366; S. Roberson 366; j. Mit- cli 849; R. nestle 333; T. Carr 332; J. Lepard 33o; A. Hammond 329; I. Tiffin 316; E. Rae 308; M. Campbell a , 297; A. -.)tolces 294; S. Campbell 292; W. Dow 291; F. Skelding 287; P. Campbell 286; C. Fry 267; R. Harri- son 265; M. Clark 264; J. Angus 263; F. Hopper 246; G, Davidson 241; I. Sutton 216; B. Mtichell .t.a)5; B. Walk- er 204;, M. Mason a8r.—C. J. Farqu- harson. ' Jr. III - Total. 400, honours soo, pass 240. Honours— Maurice McIntyre 341; Jack Burgmah. 338; Harvey Burgess 333; Vivian Tiffin 327; Esselford Henderson 327; Sc'ott Mitchell 324; Alberta, MacLean 318; Marguerite Ludwig 317; John Pattison 312; Bill- ie Cruickshank 300. Pa.ss—Shirley McCracken 295; Leah :9 5' 59 99 '4! ,yrir A ra-smiite So Received N If you want to enjoy the wealth of entrancing melody as N clearly, sweetly and true as it sounds in the broadcastisg studio— NI make sure you get a DEFOREST-CROSLEY RAD1OPONEI We are authorized DeForett—Crosley agents in this district/ Come to us with your questions about radio. We will gladly an- Swer them and show you how wonderfully easy and simple it will be for you to enjoy satisfaction right form the start. 'adlophone" for Every Home ds, Prices $22 to $450, YDR 11 s Ere Oi OP . ;a. 4•Z, Alvin Smith 221, Class 13—Total 270, honours 203-- Whinifred. Carr, 205; May Willson 205; Norma McEvers 184; Helen Blirgess x68; Jean McDonald 167; Marvin Smith x56; Ray*iond Carter x53; Al- bert Campbell 125.—R, E. Sothcran. Primary Top' 200, honours x5o, A Class— Ralph Hammond 182; Winnifret1 Small 177; Jimmie Hunt x69; Morrie Shapiro x59; Stanley Henderson 157; Norma Groves 148; Alicia 'Wilson 147 Beatrice Forsyth 125; Harry Rqss 68. 13 Classe—fea,n Zurbrigg r8o; Ruth vite you in to look around, WI IMnehell 164; Caroline Wellwood 15o; --=1 Margaret McIntyre 142;' David Par- ker x41; Charlie Chittick 13z; Billie Lepard 128; George Carr 115; Ross Howson 64; 'Gracey King 40. FA C Class—Edith Finley .163; John Currie 163; Norman Blatchford 'r6a; Lorraine Carter 142; Audrey Pater- son 134; Billie Davidson x27; Bernice Mundy 113; Lister Sliiell los; Alvin Lediet 99; Winnie Rintoui 84; Will- ie nutter 46; Francis Olheiser 32, D Class—Lloyd Ella.cot 156; Bert Vansickle 125; Hazel Lediet 123; Ed- ith. Campbell "118; .7rank Angus 108; Stewart Forsyth zo8; Jean Mellor rot Irene Mellor9g; Luetta Bok:99; Marie Reid 82; Herb Hunter 35.---J. Parker, CHANGED THE WORDS . To the Editur av-the:Advance-Toinies ;OP -N EVENIUS: T is IL n-1 - ' We would again remind you • that our stock of these is very large. You've only to see them to be convinced of the • Ge we Values Pr. Offered — lSc, 20e, 25c, 30c, 40c, 50c and up 0T0 7 i.*.• = Wbat About Fruits FE When you buy your Xmas Fruits, etc., at Cliristies you are guaranteed fullest satis- faction Isn't That Worth Sonitothing?. Hw AbO1lt turner 4-1 Set for Xmas? You may need a dinner set, — 1/0 fo- ea or maybe only part of one. We can make you up one any size you wish.—..Our stock composes rfA_ over Four Thousand Pieces of FA China and 4Semi-Porcelian din- pfii ner ware and for daintiness of ia design and ;shape will stand = comparison With Any NICK NACKS We have quite E girrul said in the Chautauqua tint biga assort- = ment of knick lasht summer.. Theer nivir is, arr knacks but vous, a man so shmart but he will could not buy mate his match some day, aven in a. space elleugh harse thrade err pollyticks, to list thein. Mishter E. Guss Porter, tought Perhaps we have the very thing' a you're looking for. :41cucid.en't be defated in Wesht Has min mon t,itisminitionciimminnaliirtgs, an look what.a mess he nia.de a rings, givin the Grits the fersl Deer Sur, --- 1 am sorry in wan way that we, put in all the ould war harses be ac- clamashun this year, lavin no chance far me frind Jawn Stevenson. an rue- silf to be elickted, t all, at all. Meb- by 'tis all fee, the bettlier, but I hope none av thim lads !will be afther fink - in that they wits anny shrnarter than the resht av- the citizens av Wing ham, be rayson av havin no opposi- shun. Shure, 'twas all because the paypie didn't' want another elickshun soon afther the plibisoight, an theer .. is no rayson at all, at all, fer anny, av our Town fathers to git shwelled heads. 'Tis a silly way to- be, as the CRCSS WORD PUZZLES Cross Word Puzzle Key to Crags Word Puzzle Horizontal 1 Bird's dwelling. 4 Little devils. 7 Reptile. .9 Here.. 11 Raw mineral. 12 Parent. 13' Grain. 15 Rodent. 16 Wrath. 17 Seed. 18 Girl's name. 20 Darling. 2.2 No good (ab,) 23 Liable to.. 25 Railway .(ab.) 26 Concerning. 28 To wait on. 29 Rielieci- Vertical 1 Close, 2 Stesinship (ab.) 3 Railway in Northern (ab.) 4 Nickname. 5 Myself. 6 Chair, 8 Boy's name (ab.) 10 Act of fastening; 12 Pulpwood product. Epoch. 15 Tear. ,18 One. 19 Monkey. 21 Covering for a wheel spelling). • 23 Conjunction. 24 High Explosive (ab.) 26 Article. 07 Towards, of Revision closed, Another by-law appointing place of Nomination, -places of election, D. R. 0. and Poll Clerks, was alse read and passed. Councillors Scott and Coultes along with the Clerk were • instructed to e make arrangements for the purchase t_ of a filing cabinet or something of v that nature for the Clerk's Office. Theollowing accounts -were paid: Robertson 295; Merrill Cantelon 286; Rae Thonapsa 283; Dorothy Deans .= 282; Anna McGillivray 281; 'Charlie NS Finlay 281; Vera Fry 279; john si Cruickshank. 276; Violet Mellor 272-, ▪ Donalda Fixter 270; Betty Tay/or 262 311 Gordon •Sinith 258; Mary. Smith. 256; Earl Gray 254; Mary Dobie 252; Mar- jo ray Rae -2.5o; Margaret Taylor , 244; M George Beattie- 243; Kenneth Lott 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 AGE momin MEM 4 4 Nial 4 ny old lamp when you ea buy bso- lutely guara teed ydr Lamps t the f wwino prices; • '11 m no 8 200 W Nitro, clear, $1.25 in 200 W..' ft Nitro, half frosted ....IA') • 100 Waft Nitro, clear .......75e 01 100 Watt Nitrt, half frosted ....75e $ Watt Nitro, clear ..........60e 7 Watt Nitro„ half frosted ....70C 4 4 4 1 8 ngham Crawford Mock. PhOlite JIB& Failed—Beverley Small 238; Helen Beattie 235; Lavinia Durnin 227; Lei- la Wild 226;'Fred Mellor 224; Jan Cloakey 195; Mary Hingston 185; Lii Ilan Sneath 179.—Elma. G. Hernbly. Jr. III Marks 350, honor a 26s, -pass 210 -- Dell Walker 238; Harvey Groves 231;. Robert Chettleburgh 199; Andrew Scott 199; Roy McIntyre 194; Arthur Aldington 19r; Catherine Vansickle x9x; Harry Fry 179; Fred Howson 177; Jim Thompson i69; Albert Rin - chance they hev had to blow thee barns in tree years. Aven me Quid frind an naybe Sandy Banks, shtarted to crow ova me wan day in Charley Lepard's resh rooms. He said a lot av tings don't remimber, an some that 1 don want to renihnber, aven goin sa fa as to show me some verses he ha been afther wroitin; about the wursh shtuff it has ivir been the rnisfortun to rade. What/ wud ye tinle av th; fer a sample av murdherin the King' English? 1 .copied it down, wurru fer wurrud, jist as he had written it bad. shpeIlin an all. "0' a the mony pairties who.' dwell free East tae West, The graund auld Leeberal pairty is the greatest an the best, Gie us four year§ longer, an watch what we'll be daein, An nae one then deur pick a fent, not even Mr. ' Meighen." touki Sandy +1..,+e hwas a-shmart- ✓ Thos. Bradnock, gravel $15.6o; Thei. Taylor, gravel $13.59; WM. Fitzpat- rick gravel $4.5o; -J. Dingwall, gravel •$6.75; Annie Scott, gravel $7.33; J. Bell, tile Sz.so; L. H. Bosman, tile $ro.00; J. J, Henderson, tile $io.95; Chairman Board of Health, services rendered in 1924; $92.00; 5. W. Me- Kibbon fumingators $4.00; the Wing - ham Advance, printing $6.5o; J. r, r t 't d t e Stonehouse, rep culvert Con, 5, $1.5o; s Wm. Love, balance on, contract cal - vert, con, 9, $125,00; R, Snell tile for 4 roadway, con. 3, $5.00; R. Bentley, , part payment on contract con. 3, $5o.00; J. Dingwall, graielling on Dingwall's road, con. 4, $9.o9; R. 'Wil- son, putting in culvert con, 3, $6.75; Thos. Congram, underbrushing on toul 16s; Reta Forsyth 140; Elsilc er man thau his rhymes wud lade Small 98. Sr. II Marks 375, honors 280, pass 220 -- Willie Lediet 256; Dimples Stewart 254; Edna Stoakley 248; Mary Hirst 238; Harry Brawley 238; Harry Tem- pleman 23'5; Willie Shapiro 220; ously, Fur inshtance 1 tould him. I Audrey Reid 220; Herbert Fuller 220; wud make the verse I gave ye to go Percy Clark 211; truce Campbell 191 ioike this: Minerva Finlay 183; Madeline Lille- "0' a' the' mony pairties, wha dwell crap 179; Katherine Lillccrap 158; frac East tae West, Wealtha HenderSon 145; Willie Bunn The so called Leeberal pairty is the 104. --Lilian Howard. biggest in the chest, Gie them four years longer, an watch Total 280, honours 210, pass 168— what they'll be daein M. Reid 268; G. King 256; M. Field Then what is' left of Canada they'll 247; R. Hutton 244; R. McInnes 235; R Cragg 225; V. Cantelon 216; M. deed to Mr. Meighen." "Ye see, Sandy," sez 1, "how ais, Gibson 214; L. Ludwig 208; G. Brac- it is to make mishtakes. Ye wussen't kenbury 205; C. McKay 203; A. Chit- so far wrong afther all, inn bye, fer 1 tick 202; R. Saint re6; L Clarke /0; hev only changed a few wurruds an M. Mason 194; M. Aldingban 191; S. luk at the differ wud regard to both Scott x9o; M. Elliott; 186; L. Groves 183; V, Carter 179; M. Fry /77; m. threth an Rgethry,,, 1 sez. IVIitchelI in; 8. McBlain' 173; L. Hal- I am hopin Sandy will deroive some bi ler 12; H. Skelding /49; A, Stone tifit frum what 1 touldthini, but he „ _ is Scotch an shtubboru, an ye nivir HAtx 148; H. Vitt 129; F. Saint 128; . kin, tell. Lediet mo; B, Cloakey 112; S. Car- ter mi.) D. Moore 108; G. Lediet 107. Yours till nixt wake, . _Y.:leen DOre, Thnothyllay, First Book EAST WAWANOSH Class A—Total 320, honottrs 240— Minutes of Couricil,Meeting held on George Robertson 296; Elgin Coats Nov, .2nt, Members all present, 2944 Vera Mann" 42; Catherine Minutes of previbus theetitig were/ Nortrop 279; Frances Currie 43,' Dor- read, and confirmed. is Buchanan 272; Harry Shapiro 264; Court of Revision on the Deacon. - Preston Lediet 262; Clare Pilot 256; Thompson drain was opened accord - Ruby Fitt 241; Prank Collar 235; ing to notice. The, only appeal to be Beryl Mundy 232; Leotard tOlt ,220; considered was that of P. Gibbons, Louise 1)eyell 216; George Ma.so.t who claimed his assessment 'was qi f'' wan to suppose, "Ye spud shtick to the facts, Sandy, me bye," sez 1, "Ye cud improve yer verses wondherfulty in that way" I sez. I suggisted some changes an am. hopin he will take me advoice sayri- Jr. 11 • Ontario ' . . Mpg. Answer to Puzzle 01111....111=0.1.1011,0 cons. 12 and 13, $8.5o; Win. Anderson putting hi culvert con. 13.$8.00; A. M. Perdue grading $5.0o; R. H. Scott, gravel and gravelling, $47.ro; J. Breen repairing- road cons. 13 and 14, . $4.50; G. Johnstorta„gravelling con xs and 14 $35.ro; George Coultes, gra- velling 10 and /x $44.8o; Walter Mas- on, repairing washout con. 3 $3.00. Council adjourned to meet accord- ing to statute on Dec. isth., at To o'clock. A. Porterfield, Clerk. alsasomasocatontagetemsawannmememmorloomnImPla AUNTY (explaining how it happened): "Yes, constable, and .dhel walked straight up and took ray niece s arno ME CONSTABLE:* "That's all right, lady---'e'n be searched at the police-stationl" 0111.1.11.1..19M111.11M1M1109,91. —Londort Opinion. 213; riiiil lreston ./94.; Harold Pm. sreorlactronotermammma. ownsitaramnromeammimeMI VERY.:EgtIliimtm40.4t,$ • sc::,?-••• 41E0'444 15. lay 189, CIIARLES liANNA, excess brofmansYoidbednreaflitt' thCabt ulul6i1wh6oti:vd- Heuso ao-rnrn)/ls aastings In tile Dominion parria. GOBS PORTER Liberal, is tho now Noub,r of the Consorva,tivo, Who repreSented wt Class B—TotaI 320, laonours A6-• ever ugs. 1VIT. fr'r1;".' intlat fOt' tl ,narter ot een-, RvelYti Patteraoll ,'455; DorcallY Tor: ises°e1Silsintectentct) allItl,altctl-taelly;1-11aalw15d'as'in Jre' ayor laa)lara, a ita, 1 ill the 1)70'4 101111111111$110$11111111110111$111MONIMOOMMONSINI1011101101110110111 syth 252; Teta Reid 244; ri(rtY. itow. rtatt was PaSsed ab,(1 ..the Cour.t. "` "aal:flat.a;•"4 ,a; • , 1 1k,4