The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-11-27, Page 7ato
rl; hltrsda , November 27th.
Continuedfrom page one
W F, Vanstont, was moved to
the chair and. called on tlae speakers
in the order named here:
Mayon Willis in . a well worded ad -
dress thanked the electors for placing
hien in the Mayor's chair for a sec-
ond ter.n1,. He said how pleasant it
had been; to work with such. an agree-
able and business like body of men;
as was the 1924 council, Economy
had been the watchword duping 1924.
Two unlooked for expenditures had
Come uf during the year, one, the op-
ening up of the sewer .on Catherine
St., and the other the purchasing of ,
500 feet of fire hose to replace the reel
of absolutely rotten Bose, but even in
the face of these expenditures he be -i
lieved the council would end the year
with a surplus, as most of the Coin-
mittees had kept under their estimate
He; expressed regrets that the council
lead been unable to get,the, CanadaZ
Furniture Manufacturers to open their{
factories here, but said he trusted that
they would. be sold to firms who
would. have them running before an-
other year came around.
Reeve:McKibbon briefly thanked
the electors for the splendid vote giv-
en him last year and for again return-
ing hint by.acclatnation. He mention-
ed Having served as chairman of/the
Special Committee of the County
Council and having been instrumental
in having the prairie road,.just south
of the town fixed. This road was in
a terrible condition and he believed it
was now a .credit to the town. It was
gravelled at 2, cents per yard cheaper.
than the estimate given twenty years
ago when Mr. R. Vanstone was May-
or of .Wingham and Mr. Wm. Isbis-
ter was reeve of Morris. He believed
that was the last time that an esti-
mate had been asked for on - this.
work Mr.McKibbon said, this was
the 13th Jime he had offered himself
for election before the ratepayers and
he was doubly pleased to be returned.
this time by acclamation.
Mr. W. H. Gurney said the com-
mission was in good.. financial shape,
the store was paying its way and the
receipts derivedby the commission
were taking care of the entire liability
He complimented the town on the
excellent services rendered the com-
mission by the Superintendent, Mr.
H.' Campbell.
A full account of the receipts and ex-
penditures is published herewith.
The councillors were called` on in
the following: rotation and .each ex-
pressed a desire to continue to serve
the town for 1925 to the best of their
ability: Mr, Thos Polls, chairman of
the street committee; Mr. A, G.
tamith, chairman of the Finance Com-
mittee; ' Mr, C. R. Wilkinson, chair-
mani of the Fire Committee Mr. W.
I . Ilaney,
chairnian of the Properry
Committee; Mr. E. J, Mitchell, chair-
man of the Cemetery. Committee,
Each, spoke briefly of the work ac-
complished- by his "'committee and
without exception each paid his word
of praise of the. very. excellent manner
in which the books' of the town are,
kept by the clerk and treasurer, Mr,
'W. A. Galbraith.
Mr. T. R. Bennett : and Mr...J. W,
I-Ianna retired from the field, leaving
the council as last year,
Mr., F. J. Hill, chairman of the.
Pulilic School Board, read the follow-
ing financial statement .for the board:.
Receipts of Wingham Public School
Board for year 1924.
Bal in bank from 1923 $ 1x5'88
Levy on town treasurer 8000 oo
Fees .from Zion-residental pu. 47 00
Total Receipts .$ 81.62 88
Taxes levied, not rec. in full 10567 13
Receipts to date from town:..-. 8000 o0
Bal owing school bd, Oet. 31. $2567 13
Expenditures of Wingham Public.
School Board up to Oct. 31, /924
Teachers salaries $6589 92
Othersalaries53o 00
Fuel and Supplies . 556 4.
Repairs ....,. _ .._........ _.196 .
Equipment 226.08
Insurance, water and light _167 35
Printing and Stationary 84 7
Total Expenditures $ 835o 42
The following recapitulation of the
receipts and expenditures; of the gen-
eral department of the Town of Wing -
ham for the year 1924, may be of in-
terest to our readers:
Taxes $'
Poll Tax •
Arrears of taxes
.3358? 46
330 :21
264 00
Weigh Scale fees 179.47
Rents . • 387 o0
Fines _ 53.:a
Licenses 732 75
Debentures, face value 6997 14
Interest received - 482 34,
Loans :33200 00
Sinking Fd., Prin. and Int. . 1.806.90
Value in,
inter Coats
Prices Away Down
In all lines of Ready -to -Wear
xo Children's Coats, sizes 4 to
8 _ years, good all wool cloth and
lined : throughout, reduced 'to...._
.:.... .- $3.95
15 , Girls' Coats, new models, ;si-
zes 8 to 14 years, to clear at
...._ ..._.._ 86.95 and 8.75
12. Ladies' Winter Coats, well
lined, self collars, your pick for
Special purchase of Ladies' Fur
Collared Coats, all new models,
and lined throughout, best mak-
es of cloth.
Lot No, x, on sale at -......$x7.50
Lot No. 2, they go at
Lot No. 3, your pick for -$22.5o
® .
Just received a range of Flainnel
Dressers, pretty styles and easy
prices, see our special at._045 '
® --
New Clothing Store
A busy 'place these .days. There's a' reason. Com-
plete stock, Big Value and Best of Service.
Everything in Men's and Boys'
Wear from head to foot. '
111 maimunmeamattosemmenommerrwitmarmasaustaanianurnanamemateammato
*Men's Overcoats and Ulsters, Alert's Shirts and Drawers, plea -
IN : made in good style of the Best vy all wool ribbed, reg. $2.0o
Cloths,see our values at. ,..,. value, now-:.:�.,_:-T.:--.- -$x.Gg 1
_� $x7.5o;' 2o.00, 22.5o and 25.00
in ...
xo Men's Suits on sale at a say-
1111 ing of $5.00 a Salt, they go at
ill ,_. - ww $16.50 .A good strong Band Sleigh gi..
with Boys' Ov-• 11N
yen ]Free vvi every, y 111
FREE TO THE to'srs !1
IIIN g Boys' Suits to clear at
Cemetery 1869 96
Annisement, tax 99 95
Repayments by U't corn.:. 385 13
Marriage liGe:
eS I x2
Sale :of '.Cite 93 25
Com on pay phone 3 61
Tran, frdin Good Rd, Fd. 1455 3o
Int. etc., rec., Gd, Rd. Fr165' 64
Money rec, for sidewalks • 197 00
High School' Board zo1 08
Sale of Machinery 90 00
Farmers' ,'Fertilizer' Co, 400 00
Commutation of Taxes ,..:. ,47:a0
MIS eellaneous 83 4(e
$ 83198 59
W. H. Gurney'
His was the only mune mentioned
for Water and Electric Light Com-
missioner to fill the vacancy for 1925.
He has twice been chairman of the
Ex. of Elec. and Mun, Govt. •$ 53 93
Sal:, Allowance and Coni 268 20
Printing, advt.,:' postage 'stat. 517 96
Insurance 140 12
Wiring .town. hall 593 .48
Heat, light, care of building 641 42
Street lighting 4329 68
Fire and water 2476 72
Law Costs, including sal. 7 oo
Roads and bridges 2322 49
Grants 883 35
Public school board . ...... gsoo 00
Debentures paid, principal 5323 16
Debentures paid, interest .:_°' 11954.40
School debentures paid, prin 25 a'8
School debentures, paid, int 14 as.,
Loans retired . 1651.1 00
Int. on loans and overdraft 8o6 45
Sinking. Fund 2617 66.
Bd of Health, including sal 5 53
Cemetery ..... '059 30
Sanitary Department .....• 1176 70
Public Library Board 400 00
High: School Board 7224 00
Telephone 317 96
Rebates of taxes, lic. etc, 124 79
Amusement:.. tax ,tickets ...... 202 25
Sidewalks 197 00
Marriage licenses m 8o ou
Monument ...' 7098 22
Excise Tax. 73 56
Transfers of Funds 107 5.7
Miscellaneous _._ 206 49
$ 80674 33
Cash ; on hand and in bank-$ 2524: 26
Cemetery acct. outstanding_ 424 85
Gen. acct.. outstanding _.._. . 118 47
High School Board loan ..... 2100 00
Town band instruments 1200 00
Amusement tax tickets on hd 247 25
Marriage licenses on hand 12 JO
$ 6626 83
Notes held by Bk. of Corn $16689 00
$ 16689 00
Electric Department
Residental lighting - $ 7364. 89
Commercial lighting 645014:
Power 10137 84
Street i
Suppliesand Lamps r_w... 7119 78
Interest on Victory Loan .. 275 uo
Express .... 2 ;38
Gravel 84 39
Sale of engine µ 2797 00
$ :•37824 43
'Construction Account 1796 46
Pow par. from Id,E,P.0 14203 33
Dis., ` operation and main....,._ 3187 26
St: light, op. and main; 163 71
'Ad. and Gen. expense __-....- 1193 25
Fixed charges, int. overdraft 4893 05
Supplies and lamps .. 6659 95
Truck maintenance .. 26 82
$ 31624 83.
Cash on hand: and in bank. ..:.:$ 1483 39
Victory loan 1934, (face vel) 50oo 00
Accounts unpaid . 3652 63
Amount due for mer.,..._..,w. 2128 93
Stock on hand .Hydro shop . 24.89 76
NM WM 111111111111110111 Is onNiumilit"
payable _.... $
4754: yr
545 5
54;3 .52
wool 'heavy winter coatings in'
Tweeds and Heathers, suitable,
for ladies and children's coats.
exceptional value 58 in 9 b
wide, half price, a yd...._.
Rose and Sand Misses Sweaters
with colored striped collar and
cuffs, in an ' all wool quality siz-
es 32 to $6 reg values
$5.00, Special:...__.:..-_...__..
Children's Sweaters in Red or
Blue„ sizes 24 to 32, specials at
$1.5o and $1.95
Our Goods are the Best.
d ladies wool sweaters
of assorted colors and styles,
regular values 6,5oto
8. 6o , special......_ eci l.......
p a
GREY SERGE $,.5o YD -Ex-
tra fine quality Grey Union Ser-
ge, a quality that will give ex-
tra, wear, 56 in. wide °
reg. $2.5o Special a yd
dozen bath ,towells assorted col-
orings.and sizes, counter soiled
regular values $1.25 and 70
x.50 Special each_____
Phone 89
"The House of Quality"
Mr. and Mrs.' G. Gallaher, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Proctor and Mrs.' M.:Mac
ters spent Stinday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur, Ferguson; Auburn,
Mrs. John Imlay of Wingham, is
spending a few days with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Stewart Proctor, •
Mrs. Chas. Proctor spent a few
days last week with her daughter,
Mrs, Wesley Kerr, Brussels.
Mrs: Harvey Watson of Ingersoll,
spent a week with her sister, Mrs. W.
Dunbar and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon and
Mr. Daley attended the funeral of.
Jessie Horner. at Zurich on 'Wednes-
day last.
Mr. Morley and MissGladys Jordan
of Clinton, /spent Sunday` with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordan.
Mr. and. Mrs. John Cole" attended
`the funeral of their brother-in-law,
Mr; Lawrence Wheeler of Grey, he
was for years a resident of 'the fourth
line of Morris.
Ii1r. and Mrs. Parent, Badax,, Mich.,.
and Mr. and Mrs. Heart of Detroit,
spent a, few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Brandon and, Mr. and' Mrs. Dailey last
Miss Winnifred Elliott.
friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Schell of Toronto,' is visiting
at the borne of her daughter, • Mrs.
(Dr.)' V. Johnston.
Mrs. Rathwell is spending " this
week with friends ,,at Varna.
Mrs. Murchison. and Mrs. (Dr.)
Bean and little sonare the guests of
Mr. and Mrs: F. T. Armstrong.
Miss Mary Connel left for Toronto,
last week.
Miss Frances Webster returned to
Toronto after spending a couple of
weeks vacation at her home here.
'A very interesting meeting of the
League was held ' Monday evening,
Mrs. (Rev.) J. Cousens lead the meet-
ing. The scripture lesson was read
by Eldon Reid. A:chorus was sung.
by members of the primary class and
Misi Mabelle Alain, . Miss Gertrude
Treleaven and`Miss Mildred : Treleav-
en sang a trio. The feature of the
evening was a contest on the "Life of
Paul", which proved very interesting
and instructive. Meeting next Mon-
day evening i5 ,try = charge of the Devo-
tional Committee.
is visiting
Mr. Fail Ball spent the week -end
with friends in Toronto.
The convention which was held on
Thursday afternoon in the Methodist
church was fairly well attended, those
who availed themselves the pleasure
of being here were well repaid, for
splendid addresses were given by sev-
eral of the ministers who were fron'i
a distance,
L. -G. Hemphill has installed an en-
gine in , his elevator for elevating. the
The nomination for Reeve, Coun-
cillors and School Trustees, will be
held in the Council • Chamber, this
Monday night.
A number from this vicinity attend-
ed. the Winter Pair at Toronto.
Dr, W. James Milne, was in Lon -
dot on Thursday and purchased a
new Hudson car.
Mr. John Emigh and daughter have
returned from visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Emigh at Grand Valley.
I. 0. O. F. members and their la-
dies held a social evening in the
Lodge Rooms, Friday evening: Mrs.
Stanley Chellow, won the ladies prize
and Mr. N. Johnston the gcntlemens.
St, Andrews Young Peoples Society
tire having a fowl supper and. Scotch
Concert on Friday evening, N'ov, w8.
COMFORTERS $3.45- Lar. e
Bed Comforters made of fancy
Chintz, Lir.t Chiwith filled
batting, well quilted, _• �
reg $4.50 Special . _._ ._ m `.•
all wool blankets, large sizes, itt-
white, with blue and pink bor-
ders, very soft quality 'arid hea-
vy quality at $ir.00 and $z3.00
per pair
wool Heavy Ribbed Hose, 'made
from fine Scotch' Fingering siz-
es 8 to xo, regular $i.00 c
Special_____.____ -...;-
l®121 111•11RMEM
Our Prices Right.
Miss Porter, R. N. of "Turnberry,
visited last week with Mrs. Jas. Men-
Mrs. Jas. Dow, sr., sustained a Hain-
ber of broken ribs, when she fell
down stairs on Friday evening.
Mr. Clayton Robinson ,left on Mon -
clay for his work in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. David Scobie and
son William of Lttcknow,'spent" Sun-
day at the manse.
Master Roy ; MacGregor, . spent the
week -end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Henderson of Paramount.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Laidlaw and
Luella visited .on Sunday with Mr.
and. Mrs. David Farrier.
Mrs. Cook, who has.: been visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Mc-
(Clenaghan, left last week for Elora,
prior to going to Kingston, to spend
the winter with her daughter there.
1 Mrs. Dawson sr., spent Saturday Margaret :Ferrie.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cornelius and
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Steele of'Dungannan.
Miss Ida McQuoid visited for a
few days last week with friends in
l Lucknow.
.Mr. and Mrs. John Mowbray, spent
Saturday, with their daughter, Mrs.
Wesley Leggatt of Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barbour visit-
ed on Friday. with Mr. and Mrs. Har-
ry McClenaghan of Belgrave.
Mr. Jas. Ross of Kinlough, is vis-
iting his sister, Miss Catherine Ross.
Mr. Harold. Sperling visited on
Sunday with his mother, . Mrs. Ed.
Browning of Kincardine.
Mrs. Robert McClenaghan is visit-
ing this week with relatives in Toron-
Miss Johnston of. Blyth, is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Archie Radford.
Mr. Wesley Tiffin was operated on
in Winghans Hospital, last week and
is getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore and Mil-
an visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Leggatt of Bluevale.
Mr..VJ. R. Farrier, visited on Sun-
day with his cousin, Mr. David Farri-
er, who 'sustained a broken collar
bone and several broken ribs, last
`week, when a load of poles, swung
around on a -knoll and some of then
struck him on the side.
Mrs. Allan McTavish and son Ca-
tneron and Harold of Wroxeter, visit -
a, last week' with her brother, Mr.
Gordon Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison and fa-
mily visited with relatives in Ford
wiclr on Sunday.
Messrs. Harry Godkin and Fred
Davison left on Tuesday to attend
the Winter Fair in Toronto;
Mr. John McQuillin was' in Toronto
. at the Royal Show for a few days,
this week.
Mr. Earl Gaunt is home from the
Mr. J. D. Anderson went to Milton
on Tuesday, to attend the funeral, of•
his brother-in-law, Mr. Roby Ellis,,
Mr, John McGuire who has spent
the summer at Dodsland, Sask., has
returned Home.
Messrs. Gordon McPherson, Jim
Durnin, jr., Wilbert Durnin and :Har-
ris Pardon, .motored to Toronto last
meek for the show.
Mr. Lloyd Phillips, who has been
at Yellow Grass, Sask., for some time
has returned home.
Mr, and Mrs. S. Avery of Ripley
were visitors ,'this week with Mr, and
Mrs. J. R., Webster.
Mr., Frank Todd is to be r.oiigratu-
iated upon his success at the Royal
Show, two of his Poll Angus cattle,
"Ebony of Burcrest" and "The Pride
of St. Helens" each winning third.
Mrs. George Lane and daughter,
Melda, of ' Lanes, spent last week in
Miss Mary Phillips of. Toronto, is
at present visiting her sister, Mrs.
Thomas Ferguson, loth. con.
Mr. and, Mrs. Roy Alton and chil-
dren" of 'Belfast spent last week in
Toronto, visiting relatives - and taking
in the Fat Stock show.
Dr. Walter Hackett, and Mrs. Jos.
Hackett, motored over from Detroit,
on Thursday, to see their mother,
Mrs. Jas. Hackett,. sr., whom we are
sorry to say is sick, at her daughter's,
Mrs. Will Lane, of Ripley.
The convention of the Leagues and
Sunday. Schools, that was held in
Hacketts Church last Tuesday, was
a very good success..
Mrs. Joseph McLaughlin of Kings-
bridge, was in . Goderich last . Friday,
to see her father, Mr. Joseph Griffin,
who is in very poor health at present.
Mr, and Mrs. John. Hamilton, boun-
dary, near .Lucknow, entertained their
neighbors and friends to a dance, all
report a pleasant time. •
Mr. and Mrs. Zinn, of Wroxeter,
has returned home, after visiting their
son, at Lane's store.
In loving memory of 1Vlargueret E.
Jackson, beloved wife of Ed. N. Arm-
strong, who died Nov. 24th., 1918.
You are gone dear Mother from our
,There will always be that vacant chair
That longing of the heart
Till we meet to part no,more
Till then, rest on, we would not call
you back.
Father and Hazel
1 In loving memory of Lance -Corpor-
al William Percy Moore, who died
for his King and country, Monday,
November 27th., 1916.
He is not dead, but only iieth sleeping
In the sweet refuge of his master's
And far away from sorrow, toil attd
He is not dead but only taking rest,
What though the highest hopes he
clearly cherished,
All faded gently as the setting sun;
What though our own fondexpecte,
• tion perished
Ere yet life's noblest labors seemed
O glorious end of life's short day of
sadness, : 1
O blessed course so well and not 0
O home of true and everlasting glad-
O' crown unfading and so easily won.
Tho tears will fall, we bless Thee, Ca
our Father,
For the dear one forever with the
And wait the Easter dawn when thou
shalt gather
Thine own long parted to their end-
ndless rest.
Mother and Brother
While it has been reported through
the country that I, the undersigned,
was discharged from the Wingham. Ge.
neral Hospital 1 wolld like it under-
stood I was not. I left about ten o'er
clock in the morning' while the tnat.
roil was still in bed, The reason be-
ing that 1 refused to apologize for
signing', with the other' girls, a pad -
tion to the 'board for our proper train.
ing. If at anytime when a change is
made and could re-enter 1 will fin-
ish -nay training with ''pleasure. Until
then Ii intend to continue private ma..sing'.
Janie- Ketchabaw,
•L neknow, R. R, No