HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-11-27, Page 6�• i�';?, ;Ear i'r
'Thursday, November gethe 4
To the liaditur av the A clvanee-':Colin es
Deer Su
:.Av cootst: ivi.rybody knows now
ev the shtrong sietand Mishter Fergu
son has been either takin an the Tim-
pirince cluistion, Shure, 'tis wallav
the big evints in the hisltory av this
:1'rawvince,, so it is, but {him eyints
don't come' be chance, not he siviral
rows .av apple trees, as ,me bye wud
say.:. Theer is always some fellate be-
hoiud 'the: sanes to dhraw the cur-
tains, an turn the loights aff an on,
arr nebby prompt the,, lads •on the.
'platfoorm what to ,say,
1 ' tink I will let ye into the secret
av a little quiet wurruk that wus done
be a few av us byes to hilp Mishter
Ferguson make up his moind,
don't Wave aytineravthim wud ivir; Ltd,, B'raxtdoaz, Man, Mr, Maxwell
vote Grit, came to the West from Wingham.
\you, he talked away a long toin.c, Ont., in 188;, where for three years
(fer think fellates, wid the parthy pay- he had been. studying ' .the practical
in the frill, don't moind a little ixpiese end of the milling business. At that
on the ' tillyphone) an wudden't lave time the only mill in Western Mani -
me till I preWmised to go to Toronto, toba was operated by Archie Fisher,
Av coorse I hag] a good toiine in William Alexander and Andrew Kel•
the city, an "am sorry, me .-=paper is ly, and known as Alexander, Felly c
nearly full, so',1 can't give ye a ,con- Co,
plate account av me 'tl rip, but have In 1884, Mr, Maxwell bought Mr,
only shpace lift to say that I-attinded Fisher's interest, and four years later
siviral Ward lelaytins, an laid down the name of the company was chang-
the law putty ` shtraiglit to a lot av ed to the Kelly Milling Co, In reo
thin lads who wtis incloined to kick it was re -organized, and. the Western
over the thraces, so to shpake. I Canada Flour Mills Co:, formed. :It
havn't druv balky an kickin an run- was 4hen that the company erected
away harses all me loife widout know- the large mill at St. Boniface, a su-
in how to, manage min whin they do burb of Winnipeg, and also tookrov-
be throyin the same thricks. er the 'Manitoba & Lake Huron Mill -
I shtarted in lie' askin the byes if ing Co.'s plant at Goderich Ont.
Wan noight whin the missus wus they wanted the good ould Tory par- Since that time the company has ta-
out wurrukin wid the Wimmins' In- thy to be run be a lot av furriners an ken over the mills• owned by the
stitoot to raise money fer thin Ar-, Frinchies. Wan fellali had the chake Brackman-Kerr Milling Co., with
menial.' lads, l: wus sittin be the table to say that he didn't see much differ headquarters at Victoria.
raydin the loife av Saint ,Pathrick, fer betwane it run that way, an Navin; it In addition to his position as mann-:
the twintieth toime, whin the tiny- run be a lot av Methodies an wim- ger for the Western Canada Flour
phone bell rang, an, the girrul at Cin min, but I soon got his Angora,, as Mills Co., Ltd., at I3randon, Mr. Max-;
tral tould me theer wus a long dish- me bye wud say, I asked hint wheer well is also direotor of the Canadian
tante call from Toronto fer Mishter the Tory parthy wud be w-Idout the Guaranty Trust Co„ with consider
Timothy Hay, ('Tis the shwate, po- Methodies, but tould hifn that he nay- able real estate interests. He.has for
lite' lot av young ladies they are down den't ixpict thin to shtick wid us for- many years identified himself with
in the Tillyphone awfice). ivir. "Iviry lasht wan av thin," sez I, the social life of Brandon, ,-and is
Well, the call wus from wan av the "is shtrong fer prohibishun, an mosht widely kno.vn among trade and fra
head min av the 'Tory parthy, wan av av thim Tory, but no wan can. tell tenal circles, It is Mr. Maxwell's
intention to go to Victoria, B. C. for,
a while, where he will carry with him
the heartiest good wishes of Tris
many friends, but probably will re-
turn to Brandon next summer. All-
en Kelly, son of the recently retired
president of the company, is for the.
present acting nia.hager of the plant
at Brandon."
thim• lads who shtay in the back what will happen whin they git mixed
ground, an do the heavy shpade wur- up wid a lot av thin Prisbyterian
ruk, so to shpake, an nivir have thecr Grits," •
names arr theer pickters in the pa- I wus able to convince the byes be
pers, me argymints as ye cud see be the ac-
count av the Convinshun, but it wus
He tould me tings wus in an un-
sittled shta.te wid the part_hy, an that
some av-the byes had been raydin
me letthers, an decoided to pay me
ixpinses if 1 wud go down to Toron-
to, fer a day arr two, an hilp to put
the kibosh on some av the kickers'
down theer,' I tould him I wud have
to ask the missus befoor 1 cud.decoide,
but, av coorse, thatwus only an ex-
cuse, fer, as I tould ye 'befoor, I nivi-
let her interfere wid me harse 'thrad
in arr pollyticks. Thin are tings too
dape fer a wumman's moind. He
tould me he wud 'make it all roight
wid the misses` be sindin her a dozen
long shtimmed roses, as -a shloight
recognishun av ane valuble sarvices
to the parthy. I :ould him theer w is
C only wan ting fer Mishter Ferguson
to do, now that he had let thirty wet
gintlemin, git him into the fix, an that
wus to shtay wid the timpirince byes
in the back blocks. He :asked' Brie if
I wus shore the skarn' e wud wurruk,
takin me own town av Wingham fer
an example. I tould him Wingham
wus ail roight, an that iviry Tory in
town' wud shtick, barrin, webby, Ma-
jor Pettigrew an Jawn Quirk, an that
be raysonav the inflooince the misstts
had in the Institoot, she cud aisily,
git two: arr tree Grit wimmin to take
the place av thin' lads. He laughed,
,pan said that I `wus:. to tell Mrs. Hay
to git the wirnmin to turn. Tory, in an-
ny case, annot to worry about the
P's and Q's in Wingham, as he end-
dhroy wurruk, an afther the maytins
I wussen't sorry to hev a glass av
beer wid a few av the lads at the ho
'tel. I don't know if it wus two pur
tint arr •foive pur tint, but it wint to
the roight shpot.
f. Wan ting T wus sorry fer wus that
I didn't hev Billy Gurney, an'" Frame
'Hill, an Billy Greer an Walton Mo-
Kibleon, wid me, fer, shure, 'tis hoigh
toime some av thim young fellahs
tuk more interest in the polJytickle
Yours till next wake,
Timothy Hay.
Former Wingbarnite Retiring
The following is clipped from the'
Northwest Miller, which is published
at Minneapolis and we believe ,it
should be of interest to Advance -
Times readers, as Mr. John S. Mak--
well is a former Wingham. citizen. Al-
though he has not been home for a
number of years,: he expects to be
here next year for the Old Boys Re-
union. Their mill has made ra-
pid' progress in the last few years. It
now has a capacity of .rr,000 barrels
of flour and r0oo barrels of oatmeal
per day. They have ere elevators
throughout the West.
The following is the write tip:'
"The resignation is announced of J.
S. Maxwell, for 42 years manager of
the Western ',Canada Flour Mills Co., t
There Were Speeders In Those Days-
. In the Archives of Newport, R. I.,
there has been discovered a resolution
of the assembly bearing the date 1678
which reads, in part as follows:
"Whereas, .there has very lately in.
the towne of Newport ,on,Rhode Is-
land been very great hurte done to a
small childe by reason of exceeding
fast and hard' ridinge of horses in
saide towne, this Assembly, takeing
the matter in their serious consider-
ation, and being desirious for the fu-
ture to prevent' the 1'ike'mischief, doe
ordain ` that from and afer the public
cation hereof, if any person or per-
sons shall presume` to ride on either
horse,' mare or gelding, a gallup, or
to run speed in the streets of New-
port, -said person shall for his effence
pay unto the treasurer of said towne,
5 . shillings in money on demand; 2
shillings of which shall be paid to any
person or persons that shall give in-
formation thereof, and the other, g
shillings to remaine for the use of the
said town."
Mr. Clifford )3oyd. also Mr. Elgin
Rener, visited at Mr. R. Douglas on
TRpor= w 'SPRIN,yATu'
Guaranteed Pillar shalI
]Mattresses x t, Cushions
bean" this Trade Marl
pare witlit
Mt ::, hWeld le A f
tO 0�,
a 1LL Gil eiiil
Mat s ' Itti tzioss Coe,
heti ted
Mt; Ailie Lincoln, returned ]ionic
last .week from the West, where he
spent the past couple of months,
Little Stewart 'Jeffray, who:'hasbeen
on the sick list is improving,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Appleby, spent
Sunday' evening at the home of Mr
Isaac Stokes,
Mr, George Rutherford and two
sisters have moved to Wingham. We
are sorry to have them go, but what
is our loss will be• Wingham's gain.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, returned
from a visit with their ' sons in the
The members. of Eadies Church
choir and the members of the Turn-
berry Literary and Athletic Club, ga-
thered' at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Hastings' ' on Friday evening,
and presented Mr. and Mrs. George
Dey with the following gifts and ad-
November 21st., •19.24.
To Mr. and' Mrs. Dcy;"
Dear Priends: '
Since the .beginning of civilizai:ion
it has been the way of a man with a
maid and we were 'pleased when we
• Rrie+ i, A'ioi'�'SYFn�
;.ady Bountiful: "And did .your old grandfather's face 'light up
;wh n he got his new pi -L Y •
e,te: ' No, ma'ern rn .gni-, ' e • curd an' we soon put that o,'nt 'l
--Passing Show;
and it is working exceedingly fine.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Gardner, Mr. and
Mrs, A. Havins also Mr. C. F, Mar-
tin and Augusta Boyle' visited at Mr.
Peter Leavers on Sunday evening
saw among the events in • a column of last.:
our local newspaper, a paragraph Mr. C. F. Martin is loading . a car
of wheat atWhitechurch station at
most interestinglyconnected
present and Is paying1:4o per bush -
our names and it began to dawn up-
on our delighted understanding that
"He has taken a bride • •
To .his lonesome side,"
and furthermore, having' had no op-
portunity to extend to you our con-
gratulations for "How, forsooth, were
'we to know that. Ethel Hastings
meant -to glide away, like a ghost at
break of day," we, . the members of
the Turnberry . Literary and. Athletic
Club and the members of Eadies
church choir have gathered, here to-
night to give expression to the inter-
est we have in your best welfare, and;
to show to you the esteem in which
you are held by this community.
We wish to extend to you both,. our
best wishes for a long and 'happy
journey together,'and may the Father
of all mankind prosper r you in all
things as He may deem best, and
guide you unerringly into your desir-
ed haven and trusting that His best
blessing may follow you throughout
life's. journey, we ask you to accept
this. mantel clock from the members
of Eadjes Church choir, and this sil-
ver caserole front, the Turnberry Lit-
erary and Athletic Club, as a token
Of our good will and esteem.
Signed on. behalf of the members of
the Turnberry. Literar"y and Athletic
Club . and . - the members of Eadies
Church choir:
Nellie Gilkinson
Jean Wilton
Phoebe •Congram
Mr. Dey made a very suitable re-
ply, after which they all joined hands,
and sang for they are jolly good. fel-
A very pretty November Wedding,
was solemnized on Wednesday, Nov.
19th., by the Rev Mr: Snell of Wing-
hale, at the hone of Mr. and Mrs.
John' 'Metcalfe, when their eldest
daughter, Anne 'became the bride of
Mr. Howard Wylie, eldest son of Mr.
James Wylie of ,Turnberry. The bride
who was unattended lookedhandsome
in a gown of orchid • silk crepe-de-
chene trimmed with silver lace and
ribbon,:and entered the parlor leaning
on the arm . of her ' father to the
strains of the wedding march played
by her cousin Miss' Alba Johnston..
The groom's gift to the bride was a
gold :wrist watch and to the pianist a
gold bar pin, after congratulations
and •the signing- '' of the register, the
guests. partook of a sumptuous wedd-
ing dinner, In the evening a reception.
was lied in honor of the young cou-
ple, The gifts . were numerous and.
costly which testify to the high- es-
teem in which the bride and groom
are held.
Mr, and Mrs. Wylie left, on the
morning train for a short honey-
Moon to Toronto and Niagara. The
best wishes of a host. of'' friends fol.
low the young couple to their new
Mrs. Stewart of Howick is visiting
with her daughter; Mrs. Richard Jef-
Mr.' Armstrong of Owen Sound;
called on his daughter, Mrs. Chester
Dunkin one day recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gilmour enter-
tained . a number of their friends at
their home, on Monday evening, last
Mrs. Spackman or London, is at
present visiting' relatives in this lo-
Mrs. Robert Haines and Mrs. Geo.
McRobert, who has been visiting in.
Grand Valley ` has returned hone
Mr. Charles Mart ,u . is wearing a
broad smile these days, it's a girl,
A few from this locality attended
the fat stock show at Guelph and as
far as can be : ascertained Mr: rratk
Todd, redeived:fir'st prize for his
young ,bull.
Mr, Ca Leaver has got his radia;
Items of general interest which are
clipped from fyles, of the . Wingham
papers of November 1st,, 1904.
Butter 16 and 170 a pound. .
Pure Clover Honey Tec.
Wingham furniture factories were
all working ten hours a day with full
Dr. - McDonald,- liberal, and Dr.
Chisholm, conservative, have just.
finished a lively election campaign the
latter being victorious. It is as good
as. an entertainment to read what the
Times says' about the. Tories . and what
the Advance says 'about the Grits. It
may have been fun, but thank good-
ness these "friendly little quarrels
are over, so : far as the newspaper of
Wingham is,concerned
A. E. Bradwin, editor of the Blyth
Standard, is spending a few days in
Wingham and the surrounding town-
ships canvassing for the office of
county councillor for, this division.
Liberals received the result of the
election returns in a large room on
the third floor of the MacDonald
block while conservatives had the
town hall rented to'receiv'b returns.
All the Hurons went Tory, but the
Laurier Government was returned to
power in Canada.,
The steel for the new bridge south
of Wingham arrived here from Kin-
cardine this week. The abutment for
this bridge will riot be built un 'l next
spring, so the steel is being sto ed. It
is •expected, that work will be coni-'
nienced his week' on; the steel work
of the Zetland bridge.
A special meeting :of. the Wingham
late the scribe was "untouched,"` The'
Wingham' Times man also had a very
lucky escape. Probably the thief made
allowance for the fact that there
would be. the "devil" to pay when
these men returned . home. -Ripley
Express, It is likely that Bro.
Mooney paid the "devil" on the prey-
ious Saturday; and funds were so low
on Monday he could not attend ' the
Laurier meeting.
A number of Winghamites attended
the East Huron nomination meeting
at -Brussels on Thursday of last week.
The meeting was, rather of a noisy
nature, muck more so than previous
occasions. Dr. P. MacDonald was
nominated by then 'Liberals, with: `"
Barrister, R. Vanstone, as .his finan-
cial agent, and Dr. T. Chisholm by
the Conservatives with ' Barrister,
Dudley Holmes, as his financial ag-
ent. There was considerable trouble
in arranging' the order of the speaking
The Conservatives were anxious to
have Mr. John George, of Port Elgin,
speak after Mr. MacDonald.'" To this
the Liberals would not agree. Fin-
ally an arrangement 'was agreed upon'
and' speeches were made in the fallow-
ing order:. --Arch. ' Hislop, M. P. P;
half hou''r ' John George, one hour;
Dr. MacDonald, one hour;; Dr. Chis-
holm, one hour; and Dr. MacDonald,
fifteen 'minutes reply. Mr. N. B. Ger-
r°y, as chairman, gave general satisfac= -
John Wilson, V. S., returned' home
on Tuesday evening, after spending
two months in Manitoba ::and the
West, and he reports the country to
be in a flourishing condition. - While
away he met• with may former well-
known residents of. this ,section, and
they are -all enjoying prosperity.
When in Melita, Mr. Wilson spent. a ; ,.
few days with a former well-known
townsman, Mr. J. J. Anderson.,
Purchased Music Stock
Messrs. J: W. Hanna and Gordon'
Buchanan' have purchased the stock
of Mr. • G. B. Flanigan.
School Board was held on Monday
evening, when two new teachers were
engaged, , Mr. H. G. Manning, of
Clinton, who 'has been very . ' 'highly
recommended to the Board, has been
engaged to take the place of Miss'
McLean, whose resignation tales ef-
feet at the end of the year. Miss
Sprung, of Auburn, will take the
place of Miss Cornyn for six months
next year, as Miss Cornyn has been
given six months vacation.
Bro. Baldwin of the Blyth Standard
attended the Laurier meeting at Luck
now, where pick -pockets were at work
It` is said that the Standard man had
T ain twenty-five cents.
I am, not on speaking' terms- with
the ,butcher.
I am ' too small to buy a quart, of
ice, cream.
I am not large enough to purchase
a box of candy. -
I am hardly ]fit for ' a tip, .but—be-
lieve me, when I go to ' church on
41.2o in his purse but strange to fe- Sunday.I am considered some money! "'