HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-11-27, Page 3Thixrada,y, Novembor %9g4 • mr.M.0.70*P1r#: GONNA RAISE HER OWN A bride walked briskly into a , Virigham groecry atore, and asked or a couple of gooda•egg plat, As . h4 grocer was -wrapplag them up, he asked, "How' deep shoUld these pe planted to .get the hest reaults?" "Plahted?". said the astonished gro .ery, You've not going to plant hem, are you?" 'replied the bride. "MY hus- , 3'arid won't eat any but atrietly •fresh. cin zggs and the stores are so tun -enable, trel f have decided to raise my Own, Mt a. BUSINESS CARDS de wfi --r— ..... WELLINGTON' MUTUAL FIRE Ki INSURANCE CO.. , vie Established 1840, be . ' Head Office,;Guelph, Ont.:, rn3 Risks. taken on all classes of insur- co mice at reasonable rates, wl- A.BNER COSENS,, Agent, Wingharn pu Cc J. W. DQDD de B1 Office in -ChishOhn Block FIRE; LIFE, ACCIDENT a ' AND HEALTH PC INSURANCE — 111.' --- AND REAL ESTATE nc P. O. Box 366. , Phone 198. st, 'El WING -HAM, - - ONTARIO11. DUIFLEY HOL% ',ES tr •BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. S Victory and Other Bonds Bought and fa sold. fo , .Office—Meyer Block, Wingha.m R. VAS',TONE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. of „. • Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. tl Wingham, - Ontario h --- JA. '' 0 ".''' Tr" N ir BARRISTER, ETC. Wingham, - Ontario a P • DR. G. H. ''' OSS ti • Graduate Royal College of Dental t' Surgeons t Gradua.te University of Toronto , e Faculty of Dentistry. e Office Over H. E. Isard's Store. t W.- R. HAMBLY , S BSc., M.D., C.M. ' • Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken € ,postgraduate work in Surgery, Bact- eriology and Scientific Medicine. , Office in the Kerr Residence, bet- ween the Queen's Hotel and the Bap- tist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone. 54. P. 0. Box 113. -tr. Robt. C. t cell ,i,nd M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P.. (Lond.) PHYSICIAN AND -SURGEON Dr. ChishOlm's old stand. • DM . im". L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. . . Office in 'Chisholm Block Josephine Street, Phone 29. Dr. \ art; aret C. Call', er General Practitioner Graduate University of 'Toronto Faculty of Medicine Office—Josephine St., two doors sottth of Brunswick Hotel. , , _ •-,aa,- ...0., daamaaaa T T - , e e , DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS • DR. F. A. PA HE OSTEOPATHIC 'PHYSICIAN All Diseases Treated • Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church, on Centre Street. Open 'every day except Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Osteopathy Electricity Telep ione 272 .,.„ • CHIROPRACTIC DR. J. ALVIN FOX *Fully Ottalified Graduate CopYrighted, On. by Rafael pabatinl. ' "CAPTAIN BLOM)," a Vitagraph picture Mtn J, Worrep Ker. Piano tItle role. is an Adarrtation of this thrilling novel., SYNOPSIS into him, wildaeyed, her unbound hair eter Blood, a yOung •Irish phYsi- streaming -behind hen'as she ran. A•f- MIS44Ye41;;4're,.'.:Arn-ze4"'..4.S'Sh'01 C1'40 '001Y..t1'.i',Oq...O :the MOnthiat horize';. apPoUrit Sank tOtotibtes,.•04i?.,o•,,ii*p. bdard; the entire tWenty-,6f. i.011,tfO.z.1.04, to. give prOof,,Tara ea. ''• *04' Of: 't'eSterdaY,„ S -ShadoWS,' o 't,the,:ciOattataaCk: their.' beats fleW' into. SPlinterS..'aS -:it..01,j,e!. one VerituredO'langb, Couchin low, raged rebels tbeY. 0144 SPahlards.Went'his th4, ' h • rail and thence slipped thout sound.. touehec tlle wharf, and its rerm• Ate vened,tho rawnynas down into th wai$t, In the vessel s waist theyhunig. • awhile, until • Mr. Blood had eafisfied ,himself that no , is arrested and charged with ter her, laughing and eursing in a son &trillg the battle between breath, came a.heavy-booted. paniard.S nrnotithia rebels and the soldiers Almost he was upon her, vvhen. Sad - King fames, He is sentenced to denly Mr. Blood got in his way. The th 'by Lord Jeffreys after a trial doctor had takeri a sword from a dead hick is a mere travesty of justice. man's side some little time before and, ng James, however, orders the con- armed himself with it against an ted: rebels sent to the colonies to emergency, sold as slaves, arid Blood and Jere- • As the Spaniard checked in anger Pitt are mit into the detachment and surprise, he caught in 'the dusk isignecl to the Barbadoes. There, the livid glealn Of that sword which en'they a,re inspected by would-be Mr. Blood had quickly unsheathed, rchasers, Arabella Bishop, niece of • "Ah, perro ingles!" he shouted, and lonel Bishop, the military con -man- fltmg forward to his death. r, 'draws her uncle's attention ;:o "It's hoping I am ye're in a fit state ood. Upon learning. that Blood is to meet your Maker," said Mr. hysician, Bishop ,buys him for ten Blood, and ran him through. the body. antis. Later Arabella arid 13109c1 Tie did the thing skilfully; With the et, but Blood's bitterness at his ig- combined skill of swordsrifan and stir- ble position leads him to wistmder- eon. The man sank in a hideous find the character of the girl. An he'ap- without so much as a groan. gliah ship brings in wounded Span- 1'1r. Blood swung to the girl, who h prisoners and while treating their leaned pantigg and sobbing against a und$ Blood , learns ,of Arab ella's wall. He caught her by the wrist. tie charity. A few days later a They sped down an alley, and white anish galleon slips„ into, port under faced, physically sick, Mr. Blood drag- • lse colors and opens fire on the ged her almost at a run. up the hill rt. • , i1Jg towards Colonel I3ishop's house. He • CHAPTER VIII—Continued • knocked, but had to knock again and With the ,crashing roar of that 'se- yet again before he was anewered. nd broadside, Colonel Bishop went "Who is there?" The voice was •Drugless Practice being in absolute 'accord with . -the Laws of Natiire gives the very &est results that may beob- • tained in any case. to - 12 a.m., 2-5, and 7 8 DA. were bitried under a Shower of loos-, ened masonry, ' The rnyatery of the' succour that had come at the eleventh bonr to wreck vengeanee 'upon the Spaniards, and to preserve for the island the ex- tortionate ransom of a hundred,thotts- and. pieces of eight, remained' yet to be probed, That the Cinco LlagaS was now in friendly hands could no forward with two companins,, leaving\ but that inconvenient fellow in the prow. Their first attention must be to him. Mr. Blood, himself, crept other aentinel, showed above decks thc; others in the charge of that Nath- aniel liagthorpe whose sometimecom- mission in the King's Navy gave him 10riget be doubted after the proofs the hest title to this office. • it had given. It remained to ascer- • tain the precise identity of these mYs- •,, terious saviours and do them fitting • ' honor., Upon this errand went Co- fonel Bishop as the Governor's depu- • f at the double, despite his bulk and Miss BishoP's, .a. little tremulons, „but e neat hie negroes trotting after unmistakeably her own. im.• •"It is I—Peter Blood,"he gasped. 'And then' into the stockade, pant- "What do you want?" g and. Sweating, came Kent f011ow- At the sound of her •voice, the girl by the best part of a score of plan- Mr. Blood had rescued peered up tion workers, a,rrned with muskets through the gloom. d hangers and some of them. equip- • "Arabella!" she called. "It is I, ed with bandoleers. By this time Mary Train." e rebel -convicts were coming in, in After a brief pause the door gaped os and threes, having '• abandoned wide. Mr. Blood strode in, followed heir work upon finding themselves by his distraught companion,- who, •nguard.ed and upon scenting the gen- falling upon Arabella's slender bosom ral dismay. • Kent paused to fling' an order to hose slaves. "To the woods!" • he bade them. Take to theT woods, and • lie close= here, until this is' over,, and vire've utted these Spanish swine." The slaves would have obeyed hin, n the instant but for Mr. Blood. A/45.4.04..1:2 .--.4°:!-------:---, ----_..,4 r itr•• a" --•- ,,,,,,,„-4 41 • 111L1illi ty, attended by two off.icers. As he stepped from the ladder into A courtly gentlemen met Colonel Bishop. the vessel's waist, the Colonel beheld there, besid the main hatch, the four oue-,eyed Wolierstone, less mercifully, disposed than his •more gentlemaply, , fellow-conviet. "String hin-i up front the yard,-arni:' he cried, Mr, Blood turned. "If you please, Wolverstone," Said. • he, "I conduct affairs in my own way. That is the pact. You'll please to remember it."• 1 -lis eyes looked along the ranks, making it plain that lie ad- dressed them all, "1 desire that Co-lonel Bishop should his life. One reaspn is that I reguire him as a hostage. • If ye insist on hanging him, ye'll have bo llang me with: hirn;or in. the alternative Ill go ashore," (Continued. in our next issue) Hobo --"Please lady, can you help treasure -chests, the contents of oneof which had been coritribtited almost entirely by himself. Ranged on eith- er side, athwart the deck, stood • a 'score of men, in two well -ordered fil- es, with breasts and backs of steel, pol- ished Spanish motions on their heads, overshadowing their faces and mus- kets ordered at their sides. A courtly gentleman advanced to greet hirn—a lean, graceftil gentle- man, dressed in the' Spanish fashion, all in black with silver lace, a gold - hilted sword -dangling beside him fiom a gold embroidered baldrick, a broad castor with a seeping plume set above carefully curled ringlets of deepest blatk. • Mr. Blood's absence was- brief. When he rejoined his comrades there was. no watch above -the Spaniards' 'decks. Meanwhile the revellers below continued'. to make merry at their ease in the conviction of complete security. Suddenly out of an uncouth pack of savages that beset them, stepped a surrendered herself to a passion' of slim, tall fellow with light -blue eyes tears. "Whom have you here with you? in a tawny face, eyes in which glinted What servants?" he demanded shal-p- the light of a wicked humour. He e ly. The only male was James, an old addressed them in thpurest Castilian. "You will save yourselves pain and trouble by regarding yourselves nay prisoners and suffering yourselves to be quietly bestowed, out of harm's. negro groom. "The very man," said Blood. "Bid him get out the horses. Then/away With you to Speightstown, or even farther nort• .h, where you will be safe. via3r." "Name Here you are in danger—in dreadfalName of God!" swore' the gunne, canger.The deviltry's •only beginn- which did no justice at all to an ' my amazement beyond expre-s-sion. ing. In God's name, mada'.m, take word for it, and do as I bid you." "He he saved me," sobbed Mrss Traill. • "Let that wait," snapped Mr. Blood almost angrily. "Will you please call James, and. do as I say and at once!" rebel -convict who paced the quarter - “you are very peremptory » deck in Spanish corselet and head - "Yes, yes,”, the girl cried; shudder - piece, a Spanish musket -on his shoul- pity•s der announced ing. "Do as he says—Oh, for . the approach of h boat. • , It was Don, Diego de Espinosa y + " a. them, for in addition to James who was to act as her guide, Miss Bishop treasure -chests, containing each twen- fir :ty-five thousand pieces of eight, the had her womati, who was not to be iran-s°°1 delivere to him at dawn by left behind. , t Governor Steed. He was accompan- weight lied by his son, Don Esteban, andby Mr.t Blood lifted the slight lsix men who took the oars. Don Diego mounted the ladder and stepped upon the deck, alone, and en- tirely unsuspicious. Before lie could even look round,• and survey this guard drawn'up to receive him, a tap "If you please," said Mr. Blood, and thereupon, those gentlemen of,Spain -were induced without further trouble. beyond' a:: musket prod or two to drop through a. scuttle to the deck below. It was soon after. sunrise that the h sake Arabell dez coming aboard. with f01.11' great The horses came at last --four • D 1 1 . D. H. 'Mein es ' CHIROPRACTOR •, Qualified Graduate • Adjustinents given for diseases of nil kiiids, specialize in dealing with Lady attendant. Night calls • responded to. „ , Office on Scott St:, Wingham, Ont., itk tiousc of the late Jas„ 'Walker, Telephone 150. O.frict 1t6'sia. 224, • .,101i121.41TDRE, DEALER attd VtINERAL DIRECTOR-. • . Meitcit EqUil3aterit '• ONTARIO', 'aitiiii'lotillopOintoillsilpont0;i4N'imie4104041001.0044,1ymintt411, "It's hoping I am ye re fit to meet your Maker." "What need for haste, and in this heat?" quoth he. • He was surprising:, ly cool, they thought. "Maybe there'll be no need to take to the woods at all; and, anyway, it will • be time enough to do so when the Spaniards are masters of the town.", • The landing was contested by the militia and by every islander ,cap- able of bearing arms with the fierce resoluteness of men who know that no quarter was to be 'expected in de- feat, This Spanish conlmancler knew his business. • Having gained the ad- vantage of a surprise blow, his guesi turned now upon the open space be- hind the mole, where the incompetent Bishop had marshalled his men, tore the militia into bloody rags, and cov- eted the landing. parties' which -were • of Mary Traill to her horse, then turned to say good-bye to Miss Bis- hop, who was already mounted. He said it, and seemed to have something to add. But,. whatever it was it .:e- mained unspoken. He went off brisk - h w' thehead with a capstan bar oi- ly in the direction the stockde, 'over in deep anxiety and some hope. him ;fieently, handled by Hagthorpe put }him to sleep without the least fuss. • where his fellow slaves awaited "Be welcome aboard the Cinco Lla- gas, Colonel, darling," a voice rvagae- ly familiar addressed the planter. "Peter Blood! Was it you then?" "Myself it was—myself and these, I my good friends and Yours." "Gad's my life!" he crowed on a note of foolish jubilation, "And it was with these fellows that you took the Spaniard and turhed, the 'tables on those dogs! As Gad's in,Y life, you deserve well for this." I, "I am entirely '.of our opinion." said Mr. Blood. "The question is how well we deserve, and how grate- ful shall we fiiid your Lady --"Can you saw wood?" 'What grammar! You mean. can I • see 'wood. * • . ' was carrie•z1. a,way to his • cabin, • CHAPTER IX iwhilst the treasure cllests, handledby THE REBELS -CONVICT the men. he had 'left in the boat, were There were, when the purple being hauled to the deck. That being gloom of the tropical night descended satisfactorily accomplished, Don Est - upon the Caribbean, not' more than chart. \and the fellows who had manned ten men on guard aboard the Cinco the boat came up the ladder one by Llagas, so confident were the Spani- one, to be handled with tlp.e same ards of the complete s'ubjection of the quiet efficie• ncy. islan• ders. As a matter of fact, whilst- With Colonel Bishop at their head the main body of the SpaniarES feast:- and gout-rid.clen Governoi: Steed sift- ed and rioted ashore, the Spanish gun- ing on the ruins of a *all beside him ner and his creW were feasting on the surtvors on shore glumly watched gun -deck upon the wine and the fresh, the departure of the eight boats con - meats fetched out to them from taining the weary Spanish ruffians ashore. Above, two sentinels only who had glutted themselveS with rap- t -flaking the shore in their own boats. kept vigil, at stem ands Nor murder and violenees unspeakable . . L'y sunset two hundred and fifty were they 'as vigilant as they should The boats pulled away from the Spaniards were :masters of Bridge- have been, or else they have ob- shore, with their loads of laughing town, the islanders were disarmed, served the two wherries that 'under jeering Spaniards, who -were still from the wharf, with • welt-gtpased their stirviving victuals. They la GEN. SIR LEE STACK 1 Sirdar of the RgYptian Army and, Goverrwr-General of the Sudan, r, 4to was murdered by assassins in t - Cairo. The Egyptian Pre'mier, Za- ghoul Pa,sha, offered a reward a $50,000 for the a.pprehension of • the pertiains who made the attack. Plenty of eggs, -winter and summer; don't let your hens loaf or just be boarders. We GUAR- ANTEE your• hens will lay more eggs, or your MONEY BACK from your dealer. We 11, will send you a copy of PRATT'S POULTRY BOOK FREE. Write for it TO -DAY. , LPRATT FOOD CO. 01? CANADA, LTD., TORONTO , eovc the darkness came gliding flinging taunts across the water at and at Governinent HOuSe, Gover- nor Steed; supported by Colonel Bis- hop and s'Ome lesser ofOcers, was ha- irig, informed by Don Diego, of the stun that would be required in. ran- soin. For a hundred thousand piece's of eight and fifty head of cattle, Don Diego would forbear from reducing the place to ashes. Ana what timc that 'suave and courtly commander was settling these details with the apopletie British Governor, the Spani- ards were smashing and looting, feast- ing, drinking, aitd, ravaging after the hideous manner of their kind, ar. Blood, greatly datitig, ventured • down at dusk into the town, What he 8aW Was' fetching iri haste and White‘ faced out di that hell agair4 rowlocks, to bring up m once under come midway between the -waif and the great ships quarter. the ship, when suddenly the air .was Prom the gallery aft still hung the shaltdil by the boom of a gun. A round ladder by 'which Dori Diego had des- cended to the boat that had takenharn ashore. The sentry on guard in the ste111) coming' presently mem& this galliery, was ,suddenly confronted by the black s'harlow of a malt" standing before him at the head of the ladder. It was Peter• • , • Tilt. wooden tiffran was'.a low one, and, the Spaniard was taken com- pletely by ,surprise, San.. for the splash he made as he Strtick•the ter, narrowly. misSing One- Of the trowdedheats that waited tinder th0 . • • 4.464,.11,,R4' 111,41,1rla 4,11,1,...0.111,411444 ristrn sices shot struck- the water within a fathotn 0.t the foremoat boat, Sending"a*shower of spray over its Occupants. A second shot carne to crumple one of the boats into splinters, flinging its crew, dead and, living, into the water, The resolute Ogle was making ex- cellent practice, ,..,and fully justifying his claims to know something of gunn- ery. In their consternation the Span- iards had•simplified task by hucid-, ling their boats tOgethet. • If the Spaniards Understood noth- • ing of all this, the forfOrn islanders whsn zi .a; narrow Street., a girl litirtled counter, not sot:Lod atait,ninced, his share ttji,4rst�dd ttt1 1q8s, tiatd •r!'",4 . We sell Drafts, Money Orders and Cable Re- mittances on all parts of the World at lowest rates. Quick Service THE WINGHAM BRANC J. A. WALLACE, . Ct / ;In 44 Manager. '.."4,1'/A'..n??1,!/;/ For ud and, Slush You Need These Rubber B ots 4, Every farmer--cverymember of his family -f -every man who works out doors m alfkinds of weather=needs the dry, foot - comfort given by -RHINO boots. • For use on the farm, RHINO Rubber Boots are easy to wear •'trecause they're ounces lighter in weight. This footwear is made from RHINO Rubber= -the toughest "Compare • and most wear -resisting that Science has yet drscovereci— which will wear up to twice as long asordinary rubber. RHINO Rubber Footwear is built for long wear otherwise the ironclad guarantee couldn't be given with each pair. We stand behind it because it means full value for your money. The next time you need rubbers ask us for a pair of RI-TXNO. The Wear" • H. E. ISAP.D & CO. W. H. WILLI:, !.../ , ............