HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-11-27, Page 1s .1, :L. • Inr in, • ' -1!""11", ' "'"'T I "'I' '1- ' ' • '1' ,1„ ‘; r fev, , t,„ , hi,6,14, ' f 1), Single Copie$, Five Cent, ‘, s W INGHAM/ ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1924 . Subscriptions $2.00 per yea.r. Fatal Auto Accident Near Mt Forest, Wrn. Mitchell Killed `the Brennan Construction• Co., of Plarnilton and a brother-inslasv of Mr, W, C. Brennan was instantly kill- ed about two o'clock on Friday morn- ing, When returning from Mount For - test. to his home in Hamilton. "The Motint Forest pavements which the Brennan Co. have recently. completed -were being, officially opened 'and, of .course 11/Ir. Mitchell who had charge of the work was one of the,gueSts of the town at a batignet which was held' that night and at which Hon. G, S. Henry was 'one of the speakers. Mr. Mitchell was returning, in 'his Ford Coupe 'and was accompanied. by Mr. Bert Rainer, also of Hamilton, when 14fr. William Mitchell,. forerna.n for the car took to a ditcli and went over a 15 foot embankment while Irnaking a sharp curve. Rainer was serious- ly injured but it would seem that Mr. Mitchell's neck was broken and that he had died instantly. A motorist passing the spot some time afterward saw the signs of the accident and climbing down the em- bankment to investigate, found Mit- chell's dead body beneath the -wreck- age and. the unconscious and bleeding body of Rainer lying some feet, away. While. the Bre'rman Co. were engag- edin. putting down the paved streets ii Wingham, Mr. Mitchell made many wrra•friends who regret very rnuch to hear of his sad accident. PERSONEL ITEMS Mr. Walter Lookridge, has gone to Toronto. Mrs. Gillespie. of London, is re- newing acquaintances in Wingham and vicinity. Mrs. Butcher is now comfortably settled in the rooms over Miss• Rush's • Millinery parlors. Mr. Duncan MeDonald of St. Hel- ens, was visiting hi; brother, Mr. John A, McDonald in town. MI'. Russell Copeland of Plowman- • ville, spent 'overthe week -end with his mother and sister in town. • Mrs. John Walters, of Whigham, is visiting. with her daughter, ,Mrs. Ro- bert Coleman, 2nd. eoncession Mr. Ed.° N. and Robert J. Arm- strong, visited Mr: and Mrs. T. C. Dunkin, Glenannan, a few. days last week. ,. • Mrs. Harry Towne, and Miss Alma Lockridge, spent the week -end with their sister, Mrs. L. Hudson, Palm- erston. • Miss Mttrdeena McSween has rt. - turned to her home in Kincardine af- ter visitingwith her sister Mrs, P. McLeod. Miss Jennie Little of Maple Grove Farm. Turnberry, is visiting with her friend, Miss Hazel Little of B. Line, Wingharn. • ' ss• Mr. Abner Cosens paid a. business trip to Toronto this week and While in the city attended the Royal. Winter 'Fair and the Liberal Convention. Mrs. J. E. Pattison underwent an operation in Wingham General H0,3- pital 'on Thursday. We are pleased to say that she is getting along as • well as can be expected. • 'Mr. F. W. French, B.A. of -the Win g - ham High School staff, occupied the pulpit of Kincardine Methodist chur- ch on Sunday and, delivered two im- pressive disconrses.—Kincardine Re- porter. " Messrs. H. W. Shane, Oliver Thompson, Dr. Ross,, and J. L. Ste- wart, motored motore4 to Kincardine on day evening and paid a fraternal visit to Havelock Chapter, it being the fif- tieth. Anniversary of Royal Arch Ma- sonry in 'Kincardine. . Mr. and. Mrs, Broci Brandon, ac- 4orepanied by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kurpz, and Mrs. fr. Brown and Mies Isobel Brown, all of Hanover, spent .Sunday at the home of Mrs. Brandon, • Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. W. G, M. Reid, East Wawanbsh. WINGHAM'S xg25 MAYOR W. H. Willis Who is given an acclamation for his second term in the Mayor's chair. Hurt Under Palling Tree While Conner Willard and John Sydafl, his brother-in-law, were out chopping down trees, in the bush on the arm of E. Friberger, about six miles from Wingham, the tree chop- ped, lodged in another tree. • Willard attempted to dislodge the tree when it broke loose, falling upon hiin. He made frantic efforts • to escape, but the tree caught him and he went un- derneath. Sydall got help nearby and got the man from under the tree, but he was found unconscious. He was taken to Friberger's house and a doc- tor hurried from Teeswakrer. Wingham's New Arena The Winghaiis Arena Limited held their •organization meeting on Tues- day afterrioon and elected the follow- ing offiee.rs: Pres.—Mr. J. W. Hanna. Vice-Pres.—Mr. A. Tipling. Dii-ectors—Mr. J. A. MacLean, Mr. W. H. Gurney and Mr, T. J. McLean. SecretarY=Mr. Abner Cosens, The directors wish to publicly ask every citizen of Wingham to get be- hind this great Community Enter- prise. With the, co-operation of the majority of the citizens it is expect- ed that the new building will be com- pleted early in the New Year, Annual A. Y. P. A. Banquet • Under Auspices of the "Blues" The 'annual banquet of St. Paul's malceth the heart sick". Community • A. Y. P. A., given by ,the "Blues" on Songs.0Eip, Etcaep, Elppa, Annanab, •this occasion, -was held on Friday ev- Yrrehc, What you. get soap in. 'ening last in the Parish Hall with There's trouble brewing' in_the' old '.•abotit two hundred' members present, home still. A city it Ceylon. ' Th•e 'The hall was very prettily' decorated "Relts" Bring a wrench. T H20, 4ith numerous streamers of ,blue and Aqua Pura. Have one 'now and fel yellow, while the table decorations better, ' Waiters Comment. a Dream sere of the same colors with a soft on, -dream on, There's nothing but glow of candle light over all. All hash. • kinds of appetiaing viands had been PrOgramme prepared and a most enjoyable time Chairman—Rev, H. W. Snell. Toast was spent by all present and much —"Our King"by the chairmart. Re - credit is • due the, losing side �f tho sponse—"Natitinal Anthem". Solo— cbntest for the splendid banquet pre- Mr. C. Templernan, Toast "Our A. Y. P, A. Guests", by Mrs. W, Vant stone; response, Miss M, Fleuty, Capt. of 'the '"Reds"; Solo, Mrs. Rev. Langfed; readings Mrs, Forbes; solo, Mr. Bert Abell; Tye P,rophet'a Ad- dress; toast, "011r Church", Rev, Mr, Jones, Gorrit; response, Rev. Mr., Layagford, Lucknosv; solo, Miss Iva Isogan; saxophone solo, Mr. Arthur • pared, The following is the menti and, pre - gram carried. aut. 1, Menu What E'veryone wants increased—, Rm olled. cornontater, Son of Noah. 0. T. A. Specials -8o sweet and kind that all you may wish. will be as (easy 1 o find at this hidden relish, 01(1 Cabs shaVed, Chopped Crooks, .‘kNay of the ungodly is hard". Shiver- ing- Charlie a la, Wilkitison.—"13e Redl" Who NvouidRow the goat took •revenge on die deferred: .? w 1Meeting Favoring Church Union Addressed by Dr. A., Gandier • The Wingham Town Hall svae-fill- it was a move by the clergy and ask- ed on Tuesday evening, to hear the address of Rev. Dr, Gandier on cbur- ch union. More than a dozen atiais- tors were on the platform, Rev. W. A. Bradley of Teeswater, was chair- man and urged. all Presbyterians, J vote on the union question prayerfully. He regretted the division in the Pres- byterian church over the question, "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name" and "Onward Christian Soldiers" were heartily sung by the audience, with Mayor Willis as , accompanist. A. male quartette composed of Mr. F. J. Hill, Mr. W, E. Hammond, Mr. Wil- fred Robinson and Mr, W. H. Willia were much appreciated, Dr., Gaudier gave a clear and con- vincing address advancing many strong 'favor as to why people should favor the ,church union. Ow- ing to lack of time and the fact that we are crowded for space, we are compelled to leave out our report of the reverend gentleman's address un- til our next issue, when we will en- deavor to report it more fully. Mr, R, D. Cameron of Luckno told of how he had been reared in a staunch Presbyterian 'home and that although a Methodist Church- was within sight of it, he had never cross- ed the threshold of that building un- til he was over x8 years of age. How- ever he had not been around the world long after that until he learned that Presbyteriass were not the only pebbles on the each and his preju- dices of early boyhood began to we.. ken. He told of a trip to the coast passing throu,egh. a pretty little village nestling in the valley and seerng couple of little girls at the station, he asked how many churches were there, The reply, was there were two char - chs, but no preacher, and thereforc no services, he thought of the nuns- erous smaller villages of Western On- tario with their fonr and five chur- ches and minsters. He said one of the arguments against union was that • Automobile Stolen From the • Town JTa11 on Saturday Night Mr, Murray Wilson's automobile there on his way up town. and he hap- pened to see Mr. .Wilson and advis- town hall and Hanna's Store on Sat- ed him to drive 'down and see if Ulla urday night., Mr. Wilson, believing would be his auto. It proved to be that the world was as honest as he the right car and the only thing miss - himself, never takes the key out of ing was • the key. ,It is evident. that his -car when he leaves it, and the re- most out of gas and decided to leave suit was that his sister, Miss B. Wil- the person who took it found it al - son, received quite a surprise when it there until they could fill it sup, as she walked over to where the car the engine was carefully covered with the blanket. The license numbers had been torn off and were carefully hidden under the back seat. Mr. Wilson ,didn't bother trying to locate the thief but purchased a new key and very thankfully drove his irs on. steed back to town and to its own when Mr. Andrew McDougall, who stable pr the remainder of the night. had just heard of the theft, remeni- It is too bad that Mr, Wilson. dis bered that a Ford auto was standing not stay in his car until the thieves in the lane just south of Mr. Gavin returned, for the sooner this kind of Wilson's property, when he passed theft is stopped the better • ed if the clergy should not be the was stolen from the lane between the ones to sponser any forward move- ment for Christianity, He was prond to know that 90 per cent. of the min- sters and elders were behind the movement, He urged all Presbyter- ians to read all the literature on both sides of the union question before vot- ing on this important question. Rev. Mr. Cummings of St. Helens, was to put some parcels in it to find it moved and Rev. Mr. Gollan. of South missing. Chief Allen was notified Kinloss Presbyterian Church, second- and the word soon spread that the au - ed a vote of thanks to the speakers of to had been stolen. the evening and also to the quartette. J-ust as Mr. Wilson was getting ina In seconding the motion Mr. Gollan friend's car, intending to drive around said that fie was a highland Scotchman the back streets in search of his ear of the old church and that he ,had vot- ed against union every time he had a chance, but like the kitten, he had now his eyes opened, anclafter going carefully and, prayerfully into the ques- tion he had found hie argunzents were chiefly based on prejudice and tradi- tion. He finished by saying, "it is be- cause I love the Presbyterian church so dearly that I ani now' supporting Union. I. do not know how my con- gregatioe will vote, they are free to vote as they wish, but 1 will advise them to read both sides of the ques- tion and 10 compare the basis of un- ion as Dr. Gandier has with the con- fession of faith". ,. • Rev. Mr. Bradley pronounced the benediction. Among the Presbyterian ministers on the platform were Rev. Mr, McKenzie of Belmore, Rev. Mr. Cumnsings, St. Helens; Rev. Mr. Gol- lan, South Kinloss; -Rev. ,Dr. 'Hark- ress, Ripley; Rev. Mr. Overend, Kin- cardine; Rev. Mr. McCallum Luck - now; Rev. Mr. Scobie, Whitechurch; Rev. Mr. Campbell, Pine- River n'Rev. Mr. Armstrong,' Wroxeter; Rev. Mr. Chentler, Walton. Rev, Mr. McLeod of Brussels was detained because of being one of ;the speakers at the op- ening services of the Brussels Metho- dist church,. and Rev. Mr. Smith of Armow, was attending a meeting in Kincardine. WINGHAM'S xg25 REEVE • J. Walton McKibbon Elected by acclamation to the Reeveship on Monday night. Cow Gets Stuck in Ditch Died in Sudbury • , • A co vs belonging to A. Vanaistyno, Miss B.sWilSon, loth of Turnberry, Will Lead Third Party got into the ditch', dug for cement, at ;received word of the death of Mrs. Hon, E. C. Drury, former U. F..0, the west end,wall of the new "Wing- !Edward Johnston, which occurred at leader is to lead. a new political party ham rink. A. team of horses had to iher home in Sudbury recently. Mr. to be named, "Progressives," and be hitched up to pull the animal to i Johnston i$ a former resident of safety. iWingliam and Turnberry. The Literary Society of the • Wingham High School composed of voters of any class, far- mers or otherwise. The principle 'may be all right, but success • Of a. - • third party is doubtful. 'Goderich Evaporator Burned The Gaderich Evaporator was t6t- ally destroyed by fire on Friday morn- ing. Shortly before 5 o'clock the building, which wasof • frame, was discovere,d by one of the proprietoes to be on fire. By the time the fire and novelists should find their means brigade was on the scene the building of expression here. Embryo• editors was practically destroyed. Two men, and, journalists will find tilt" that named Cheer and Mumby, of Toron- school paper demands all .the news- to, were asleep in the building at the The second meeting of the Wing- prove theniselves to be the mecca' for ham High School Literary Society, all the literary genius Of the High was held between three and four School population. Aspiring poets o'clock on Friday, November twenty- first. Miss Agnes McKague, vice- president presided, and Miss Dora Mitchel*, secretary occupied the plat- form with her. In addition to the us- paper ability that • they can supply. ual features on the program were the Dyed-in-the-wool politicians and suf- President's inaliguralsaddress, and the fragets wilt occasionally be given an first edition of the High School Pap- opportunity to ehhaust their eloquent er—thel Journal. • bombast on ait appreciative audience. The meeting opened by the stu- If you have ambitions' in the musical dents all singing- the community song, or theatrical line. you are here given "The Maple Leaf," accompanied by a full opportunity to expreas yoursel- the High School Orchestra. • The ves. minutes of the last meeting- were read We have here ahnost two hundred by the Secretary, and adopted as persons with from one to five years read. As a matter of business, it was experience in Literary Society activi- decided that the Literary should have ties. If we 'could only gather togeth- its first open meeting to the Public er the ideas and plans of these mem- after Christmas. •bers, and fuse them into one work - Mr, Duncan McCrae then delivered ing sdhedulec and add to this. just a hi $ Inaugural address in an inspiring little good honest effort and enthusi- The usual number of *high= manner, and a liberal synopsis • of assn on the part of each and every ratepayers were present at the nom - which is given below:— • member, I think this year's society ination meeting in the towh hall on President's Inaugural Address can accomplish great things. Monday night. Town Clerk Galbraith Duncan McCrae • As most of.you are aware; this so- presided during the nominations and 'Last :sleeting 1 expressed my ap- ciety is a society of the stadents, by at the close of the ,nominations call- preciation of the honour which you' the sisidents, and for the students. ed on the'fatepayers to elect a chair - bestowed spoil me. I am sure that We have been assured by the mem- man. • The nominations% resulted as there 'are 'others who could have en- hers ,of the stag of their desire to follc4s:- dowed the office with a gaeater• gent., help hisany Way, but in the same Mayor . us•than Myself, but if you will bear breath we are given to understand W. H. Willis by Alex. Robertson, with me' in my • mistakes, and riot that if this organisation Is to be of atd C, Shackleton. ; judge Inc too harshly, I assure you any practital benefit to us as students • Reeve that I will give. this position my best the onus rests titian us to make it so. •3. W. MeRibbon by Irwin Pattison effort, As I gaze into. your faces, 'It has been said that by faith ye and Sohn S. Morgan, . and consider that before me are as 'shall remove mountains, I believei,that Commissionet • good brains and as highsintelligence ow literary society the proper spirit W. H. Gurney by J.W. Hanna and as possessed by any High School pu- must exist throughout, or any effort ,j, W, McI.ibbon, • pils in Ontario, I would. fain request put forth will be Ili vain, And svhat • Councillors the same effortfroni you, is this proper .‘pirit? It is merely the Tho'. Fells by T. R. Garrett, and On this second meeting of the W. anibitoes spirit that accomplishes W. H. Gurney. N. S, Literary' Society fOr the,session what it sets out to preform. The A. G. Smith by Rev 11. W. Snelt 1.94-25i it is only fitting and. proper English have borrowed from' the and John S. Morgan. that we should pause a minute,and French a very nice term which stuns C. R. Wilkinson by Rev, H. W. reflect, and discuss the nature and tip the points very .well--"esprit-de- Snell and J. W. Smith. • purpose of this organization as it corte—as defined in the dictionary ' 'UJ, W. Hanna by C. R.. Wilkins in functions as one of the kivieg forces it means the ,spirit of a body which and I. Pattison, of the school. Throughout the next acts as a single unit towards the sue- *T. R. Bennett by John A/toilet: seven months these gatherings should Continued on page eight arid Jos, Pugh, Ney; toast, "Our Ceuntry,"Mr, C, Wilkinson; 'resportaea Mr. J. V. Cracken; solo, Mr. A. M. Fothea*, reading, Mis'Isterb Jobb; The Journal "0 Canada"; qAtild Lang Syne". time and both barely got out in time, as the fire spread very ra.pidly. The building was in full operation for the past few weeks, but the finished pro- duct was kept in • another' building close by. The damage is reported to be about' •$5,000 And not fully insured. An overheated furnace is presumed to be the cause of the fire. Died in Owen. Sound There passed away in Owen Sound, on Nov. is, Sarah Ann Holmes, wife of the late James Win. Armstrong 'n her 86th year. The body was. brought to Wingham, Tuesday, Nov. r8th for burial. Her son Edward accompan- ied the body to Wingham. Another son Robert J., lives on the first line of Morris, where she lived for two years. Mrs. T. C Dunkin, Glennan- an is a grand.child. The Rev. • Mr. Cragg officiated. at "the grave, the other services beiug held at Owen Sound. • - TheLate Mrs, Dawson. A, most esteemed resident of Kin- loss township, passed suddenly away in' Wingharn on Tuesday morning, • Nov. 25th, in the person of Frances Hamilton, widow of the late John Dawson. Mrs: Dawson was in her gothyear and had come to Wingharn on Monday to -visit her sister, Mrs. Peter Deans. She went to bed in ap- parently her usual health, but passed the great divide peacefully sometime in the morning. The funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon from the residence of her son, Mr. W. J. Daw- son, Lot 8, Con. i, Kinloss, at 2, o'- clock. Interment will be made in the Wingham. cemetery, Mrs. Dawson is survived by two sons and font' daugh- ters, viz., Wm. J. at home, James and Mrs. M. Hilffman in Winnipeg; Mrs. John Craig, Whitechurch, and Mrs. 0' Doud and Mrs. Grigg of Brantford. Another sister, Mrs. Gillespie of Whitechurch and a brother, Mr. An- drew Hamilton of Indian Head, suss five. • • MARRIED Kelly—Boyle--In St. Augustine Sa- cred Heart Church, on Welnesday, November 26th., Eleanor, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boy, St, Augustine, to Mr. John Kelly of High River, Ablerta. • BORN McColeman—At North, Bay, on No- vember x8th., to Mr. and Mrs. Jack McColeman (nee Eva Cowden of Winghani), a son—Wilfred John. Everybody Returned t� Office• , By Acclamation for Next Term. E. 5. Mitchell by W. H. Willis and Chas. Cooke. W. H. Haney by A. G. Smith and E. J. Mitchell. S. Bennett by W. H. Gurney and A. G. Smith. . Public School Board Ward. I—(i to be elected), Jas. Is- ard, by W. H. Gurney, T. Felts, *J. A, Mills, by W. A. Haney, W. F. Van. - stone. Ward II—Norman Fry, by T. R, , Bennett, Win. Isbister, Dr. A. J. Fox by 3. J. Mitchell, *Wm. Robertson by A. G. Smith, Jos. Pugt. Ward III—(t to be elected)", F. T. Hill, by Dr, Redmond, P, Gowans *Peter Gowans by A. "Bell, R. W, titirgess. Ward XV—(s to beelect*3 ed), Allen by W. H. Haney, 5. 5, itor,- gan. by A. 3. Walker, Jos, Pugh, J. W. McKibbon, • The names proceeded by a * have withdrawn from the running, thus leaving an acclamation for all the el- ective offies in Wingham Municipal fleld this year. Continued, on page seven