The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-11-13, Page 4`,hLS; i�y�yJ ilAu�il I;I�) 1��111�111�111M.111�111�111M „fg11tN1�¢1t 1.0,1111r1U X"�'��I tl�l1IMP91>WCI I�11►rlI I��I hili Ir 111111i141Y Pf1AfA1Fl llllq it 111111A 'fi4) 04;11,rillrµ1iuo11,,1111.11111}' 1Y' • A1A1llf111,1111111111111,�111111A111111.Y ust arrived a fresh stock of the new Internat- ional" "Animal Regulator and Conditioner 75c and $1.'.50 _® GIC Contains 100% Pure . Medicine. Positively Free from Filler. SPECIAL ti o 1 CattIe-Salts, 8 lbs,. for _---._.zsc Sulphur, 7 lbs. for _.._ .-..--_esc E!I II, Salt Petre, s lbs. for _... -.•._.-.35C in OUR EVERY DAY GIST PRICES SAVE YOU MONEY II W. 111 F F•_-- - ort s DrugStore — McIr�b�a , ®Iti. 71!9 Stare Wt5iat[hata. Ont. Phone 53 llIK 1ie111111IB1111111I•I I Ir111■11111I111111B1111111d111111111111111I11A111411I®Ig11114118111I11111I IdI N®CII®II 111 EVERYBODY'S COLUMN AUCTION SALE—Choice Polled An- gus, Herefords and Durhams at Lot. 39, Con. 12, East Wawanosh on Tuesday, November •, x8th. ' See bills: Thos. Taylor, Prop., Jas. Taylor, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE—Farm Stock and Implements, Lots 5 and 6, Con. 1, Kinloss, at one o'clock on Thurs- day Nov. x3th. See bilis. John. Mowbray, Prop., John P .rvis, Auct. AUTO FOR- SALE—A good second. hand Case car, formerly owned by J. W. K. VanNorman, can be :seen at my garage. F. W. French, Dia- gonal Road. AUCTION SALE—At lot :s3, con. 2, Culross, on Monday, Nov. 24, • con- sisting of team of young horses, fu11 line of Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and miscelaneous articiee. Usual terms. J. Purvis, Auct., W. F. Morris, Prop. FOR SALE—New • and second 11and Baseburners, Ranges and Heaters. Apply A. J. Ross. FOR SALE—Shropshires, a number of Strong Ram Lambs, also Shearl- ing and Ewe Lambs. W. G. Ross, Londesboro, phone 26-15 Blyth. FARM FOR SALE—One hundred acres of choice land in the town- ship of Turnberry. Good buildings brick house, land in good state of cultivation, about eight acres of. hardwood bush. Apply to The Ad vance. FOR SALE -z5 feet, II inches of us- ed 4 inch Belt. At your own price at The Advance. FOR SALE—Quarter Cut Oak China; Cabinet in perfect condition, Oak • Mantel and two Oak Sliding Doors complete with track, lock etc. Also three Electric light fixtures. T. C. King. HOUSE FOR SALE -Good seven room cement house and barn 22x30, also acre of ground.. Apply by letter to Box D. Advance. FOR SALE—Single iron bed and 2 sets of Springs. A snap :to first buyer. The Advance. SALE OF BANKRUPT STOCK SEALED TENDERS :will be re-* ceived by the undersigned up to Sat- ' :urday, the xsth day of November next at 2 p. m. for the purchase en bloc of the stock in trade and shop fixtures and effects of the estate of Grattan B. Flanigan of the 'Town of Wingham, Music Dealer, an insolvent. The stock list can be seen at the office of R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ont. Terms:1 • • Twenty per cent. on acceptance of the offer and balance on completion of stock taking. I3ighest or no tend- er necessarily end-er-necessarily accepted. DATED at Wingham, November. 4th., 1924• JOHN GIBBONS. Wingham, P. 0. _0.6..1111,1 1ltir11,1111111UI,IIf 1,,,111/n 11,1,111,",tl111"111114 Sunday Etrening Subject:', - ``HEAVEN Our Citizenship is in Heav- 1 en from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lbrd „"estits Christ:' Y,tllk1tli1111f11111f,111111111:,11,111:111 i,Y„i15111U11r„[IYtl1,i11 TENDERS Tenders will be received on the the portion of Elliott -Underwood Drain and Branches. Tenders will be recei- ved on whole systelnor Tenders will be received on the 13ranehes separate - 1.0. per eent. of the Contract price to atcorilpaay tender, i5 per cent.;; will be paid contactor as work prow; gr'esses. Tenders , to be; in (hands of, clerlr, =rid Nov, -5024, Plans and spe- ificatiotts xttay be seen in 'Clerk's oI- Itee. Lowest or any tender not rleces- A "ROLLED" OATS STORY A new arrival from Ontario was hired by a prominent farmer of the Weyburn district a few weeks ago to help with the harvest. He finished the first day's work satisfactory and retired to bed about 10.30 p. after cleaning up on a bunch of chores following supper at dusk. At 4 o'clock next . morning„ when the roosters had just commenced their clarion calls to their harems and the first streaks of dawn .were streak- ing westward over the land, the far- mer roused the new harvester with the remark: "Get up. We are going to stook today," "Stook,", enquired the man, "what are we •going to stook?" "Oats replied the farmer. "Are they wild.' oats?" further enquir- ed 'the native of Ontario. "No, they are tame oats," came the answer from the hustling farmer, who was 'disap- gearing down stairs by this time. "Well if they are tame oats, I guess I can sneak up on them in the day- time," concluded the harvester as he rolled over for another forty winks. GENEROUS GIFTS The immense value offered by The Family `.Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal this season is meeting with the success the publishers deserve. Their large calendar for 1925 with the beautiful picture -"The Sale, of Old Dobbin" is proving , a very popular premium, while the Ten Thousand Dollar Election Contest' is .a record breaker. .For those Who raise 'clubs of new subscribers, there is a cata- logue of some very handsome ande use- ful rewards. The Family Herald :s securing thousands upon thousands of new subscribers by their generous gifts, added to the super excellence of the paper itself; in fact few homes I will be found without that great week- ly when Two Dollars will secure so much. Wil SLANDER 'AND .SEDUCTION OASES AT- ASSIZES Chief Justice R. M. Meredith Presid— ing at Ve+urt Nouse The Huron assizes are being held, at the court house this week,' Chief Justice R, M. Meredith presiding The court opened Tuesday after- noon, the . first ease tried being that of Johnston v Jacklin, an action for seduction. John Johnston and Ed- ward Jacklin,;'plaintiff and defendent respectively, are farmers residing in. Morris township, and the claim was that defendent had seduced plain- tiff's unmarried daughter, Pearl John- ston. The jury brought in a verdict for plaintiff for $700, to which His Lordship added costs. J, •M., Best (Seaforth) for, plaintiff; 11 B. Mor- phy, K. C. (Listowel), for defendant, Lowry v. MacMath was an action for slander, and was . tried before a jury. The plaintiff, Percy B. Low- ry, now of Toronto, was formerly the teacher of the Holmesville public school. At a meeting of the ratepay- ers of the school, held for the pur- pose of hearingcertain complaints xnade against the teacher, it was al- leged that S. R. MacMath, a trustee of the school section, made state- ments which were, interpreted as meaning that the plaintiff had com- mitted an indecent assult upon the defendant's nine year old daughter, who was 'attending school. The plain- tiff lost his position as teacher of the school and asked for $5,000 damages. By way of defence it was held that the -words spoken by MacMath were wrongly interpreted and were not actionable, The verdict was for the plaintiff for $126 damages with costs: J. M. Best and J. M. McAvoy, K. C. (London), for plaintiff; J. A. Mak- ins, K. C. (Stratford),1 and R. Cock- burn Hays for defendant. Gaynor v. Little et al, was another action for .,slander, A. S. Gaynor, farmer, of Wawanosh, being the plaintiff, and W. J. Little, a Luck- now merchant, and R. J. Moore, a constable, the defendants. In Nov- ember last, at Lucknow, it was al- leged, Little accused Gaynor of hav- ing taken from his store a ,,bag con- taining $85 in money, and Little and the constable searched defendant's clothing and his wagon and threat- ened him with arrest. The same day Little found the bag of money which was supposed to be stolen in one of the drawers in his store and went out to plainiff's farm and expressed regret for the occurrence, also paying Gay- nor $5, which Little understood was accepted as satisfaction. The plaintiff 'asked for $io,000 damages. ' The judg merit was for $loo and costs against Little. The action as against. defend- ant Moore was dismissed with costs. J. M. Best for plaintiff; J. A. Makins, K. C., and R. Vanstone (Wingham for defendants.—Goderich Signal. QUEER WORK AT FORMOSA A story is told about. the Deputy Returning Officer at Formosa in, the electoral district of South Bruce which, in the referendum of 1921 only record- ed 1 clry vote. While engaged count- ing up the plebiscite votes on the 23. the D,R.O,, after calling out a long list of"wets" finally carie to a ballot marked in the dry compartment. Passing over another long list of "wets" he came to another "dry." Stopping and looking at those he the booth, he exclaimed: "Hang it! That sucker must have voted twice!" It is -worthy' of mention that Formosa. :ac- tually recorded four votes fqr 'the 0. T. A. EAST WAWANOSH Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker and Howard, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and, Mrs., Wm. Humphrey, Don't forget the Anniversary Ser- vices at eleven and seven, at Brick Church on Sunday, Nov. 16. Rev. J. J. Durant, a former minister will prea- ch and the concert on Monday even- ing, given by Mr. Gordon Buchanan. of Wingham and his splendid concert company. Everybody come. Mr. and Mrs: Joe Thompson and children of Seaforth, '"spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson. Bride—"I've had a terrible dream, dear. I dreamed that you were about to desert me." Groom—"Holy Smoke! I've mar- ried a mind reader.." NO WORK, NO EATS A tramp asked a farmer for something to eat: ” One day as he chancedthere to storm:. The kind-hearted 'farmer went out to the shed; And gave an axe, as he feelingly said: "Now just help yourself to a chop.'' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant to Section' 56, Cliap. 121 of :the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the estate of William Mundell, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-third day of May, A. f).1024, at the Town- ship of 'Turnberry in the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone,” Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors onr r o before the second day of December, A. D, 1924, ,their names and addresses with full parti- culars of their claims in writing, and! the nature of the securities" (if any) held by them duly verified by a Sta- tutory Declaration. AND FURTHETAKE N'OTIC'E that after t-f"ie said second day of De- cember, 1924, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Exe- cutors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the ciahns df which they shall then have notice,, and the estate will not" be li- a ,Ute for any claims "riot filed at the time of the said r distribution. DATED a `Wi D , t - n at•n this third day of 1°ioveroller, 'A, D 1924. T. Vanstone, ft.rily accepted. ; ; i. R. Cruikshank, WxnShailtt, 5 C1erl. Solicitoro far the titxs*i 11111111111111111113111311113111311111111113111111113111311151' = LYCEUM THETE Wed. and Thurs. Nov 12 ,and' x3 WI) oieen Moore 11 in "The Huntress' I) Something new and different = refreshingly original story ;of, an 14 • Indian ,Brea white girl. who yearning for a husband, kidnaps -' the first youth to cross her path P.-4' Also Pathe News Prices xsc and 25c r. - Fri. and Sat., Nov. 54 and 15 w — John Gilbert A Mans Mate ,1t A picture gripping with every E. day life, full of excitement and ■ thrills • i Also Sunshine Comedy "The Income Tax Collector" N 11-1 11-1 SPECIAL Ii1 11 - Mon, and Tue., Nov. 17 and 58 11-11, Th_hnnfin�1 01? :Dan 111- Mr.trtw-1 IS ONE OF THE GREAT- 13 REAT 13 ▪ EST PICTURES ANYONE 11. I EVER SAWANYVirIIERE, ANYTIME. -�B B TSA ' .ARY2 .., C�ST AR A'k�A LEW COD'", Ma ?11 tuS' CT -T,' PERO' M,, ,IRMO I'T' ;Prieto occ and 35c• 1Il1 111 11161110111 1111 11II 1iliiil iiillka11 111 Dv.NNoE-T2141 s LOCAL AND GENERAL ITEMS 1 Get a good ,supper; in the Council: Chaniber on Thursday. night. Only.' 35 a„„ents. :['-adios were installed in the homes of Reeve Mcl.ibbon and Mr, Albert Loutitt this week. Miss h 3, Walters, R, N. returned to Toronto, after spending her holi- days at her homein town. The last rain Wingham had:was on. the last day of the Fall Fair,' Sept.' 30, until Friday morning, "Nov. 7111. Millinery at reduced prices, ready to wear hats, half price, trimmed hats. one third off at.11vfiss "Reynolds. Mr. Joseph McBurney of Hanna, Alta., visited for a few days at the home. of IVIr. and Mrs. John Walters. Read every page of the paper. We are now printing it all in our own of- fice, .Everybodys column willbe found on page 4. Patronize' the Women's 'Institute Conundrum Supper on Thursday ev- ening, Only 35c for : a good meal. Fowl and everything.. ' Programme after. , You are invited to' call and inspect our new stock of Xnas cards. If the prices and quality are lower 'elsewhere you are privileged'tobuy where' you wish. The Euchre and Dance in the towt hall, on Wednesday night netted The Turnberry Agricultural Society $ioo. to start a building fund. A good time was reported. ` Our stock of Xmas Papetries and Xmas, Greeting Cards are priced so low that we will be . sold ,out before Dec. 75th for sure. Now is the time to get yours while 'stock is complete. Conundrum Supper in the Council Chamber on Thursday evening of this week, When renewing your daily paper why not renew with The Advance Times and we can save you 5o 'cents on the transaction. Any Toronto or London dailypape r and The Advance Times for $6.5o. The 'Winghain Women's Institute will hold a Conundrum Supper in the Council Chamber on Thursday Nov.. 13, Supper served from 6 to 8, after. which a programme will be given. The proceedswill be used for Christ- mas cheer. Admission 35c, Millinery at Reduced Prices, ready to wear hats, half price, trimmed hats one third off. at Miss Reynolds. The Oddfellows euchre in their lodge l rams on Friday evening, was, swell patronized. Winners of prizes were: Mr. W. E. Hammond, Mr. An- drew Hardie, Mrs.' Earl Groves and Mrs. R. Bloomfield. Mr. Earl Groves and ,Miss E. Lyons won the consola- tion. - Ladies!—What nicer or more ap preciated Xmas gift can you buy than a handsome box of first quality writ- ing paper and a dozen Christmas Cards with your name neatly printed below a most appropriate verse. Call at The Advance -Times office and ex - 'amine our stock, note the quality, and price and buy where you like. Bring in your maturing bonds and: let me arrange fqr the :re -investment of your savings in Huron & Erie de- bentures. These debentures are auth- orized ''by the Government as an in- vestment for Trust Funds in the cus- tody of Executors and Trustees. They earn 5 • per annum, payable half -year- ly; which is the rate you have been re- ceiving on your Victory Bonds. Ab'- ner."Cosens, Real Estate and Insur- ance.0 Durikig the, last two or three weeks The Advance -Times -has sent out a large number of subscription accounts. Although the individual amounts are small, the aggregate runs into a. very considerable sum, and if each and ev- ery. subscriber; would. see that his date is marked in advance it would, make '• — Thursday, November x3th.1. MO AA 0.10115.1110,1011.11.111.111 You simply cannot afford to .experiiment, when you can buy "Reliable Footwear" at these prices, Fall, and Winter Oxfo ds' Brogues in browns and ,blacks with double weight, soles and rubber heels, also French Toe Oxfords lin plain°leathers, Suedes and Patents. Pi'iCeS ° $ 3 o . o . 6.Q 7 Q:o® to MEN'S .WORK SHOF,S That are guaranteed solid leather in black or brown. $3.50, 4.00 to 1.50' PHONE 23. G;''E • THE GOOD SHOE STORE. ea .01 / se / / / / rm• ' yr, ®®W! El FOREST SLEY / - • ® : ®. There's a 'Radiophone"r• foEver Holme. :Au So immensely popular are our DeForest Ctosley Radiophones that large production permits low prices! The DeForest .Crosley Radiophone has five -tube volumed—but it does 'the work• with three tubes. The most efficient set ever of- fered in radio for the money—and the most economical to •operate.. We have a whole range of such remarkable values to show your Come in! Talk it over with us. We are always glad to an- swer your radio questions. Six New Models, Prices $22 to $450. 0 REID'S GARAGE -la TimmeraBuis mingling ''`®^ ® ®i®c!!,®®M®®MMIMM®®I: 111®1111111114111®II113111 illi®11113111®III®III311116111+ III>E111®III III®1113111®Ill1111lli®1111 111®II111111111113111' - "n . Cutting 1 'Large Casting Preheated and Wielded �a NO job loo small—No fob too largo RI' 191 I -$ave your work done with our up-to-date equipment. much. easier.' the task of financing. To those who have already kindly .re- sponded to the "reminders"- which have, been sent out the. thanks of the management are cordially rend- ered. endered. They Always Come Back Satisfied customers come back and bring' others with them. This has been my experience in dealing with men •who want a good article made to fit well, and who know a good tiling when they see it, and get it and are willing tq pay foetid 1 can show you the Latest and Best Goods in the market .at very modest prices. A. W. Webster, the tailor, up stairs ov- er The Advance -Times Office. COMMUNICATION To the Editor: Will someone please explain why all Wingham's Military Church ser- vices_ are held in the Anglican,chprch? The writer has nothing but the kindli- est'feelings and respect for that cher- ch, but why year after year it is the only church to receive the patronage of our local military units is a ques- tion many are asking. Canada has, no state church; and no one church hi Canada claims a mono- poly of patriotism, why not then pass the honor around to the other chur- ches in town all of which would glad- ly welcome a visit from the . boys in khaki. Civicus Victor Records We carry a complete range of an the latest selections for your approval. Colne in and Flay Theist. Over. tephensoo & Son Ask for W. Styles, Manager Repair Dept._ 111 . Robertsons Garage I .. � am •1[1''::IIIaIIIII51lhllIwIII'.tllil'IilmllllllMl;ll,nlll®IIIIIIIII®111M111111M111MOM ll�llld!III®111�111�51f1' TRY A WANT AD. Dorothy had been praying each ev- ening for .a.'baby' ;sister. The;other day her mother, while reading the pa- per exclaimed: "I, see Mrs. Soandso has a little daughter." "How do you know, Mamma?" in -4 quired Dorothy. "1t says so in the Advance -Times, dear." "Read it to me, please." Her mother read: Born on October 28th, to Mr. and °Mrs, Soandso, a daughter." Dorothy pondered„ for a moment and then said: T know what I'm gao- ing,to do. • I'm going to stop praying and begin °'advertising. IN MEMORIAM. Finley --In loving memory of our dear mother, Mary Galbraith Finley who died November 17th., 1923, One year has passed, our .hearts are sore, As time .goes on we miss her more,' One of the Clearest, one of the best, God his mercy, took her to rest, Bidding tis sorrow and weep noi ore For we all will meet on another shore 'They miss you most, that loved you best, But we know dear one, your soul's rest. .—Son ,and;, Daughter � ilrI loving 1 e y xt n1 elnory ' of Mary Galbraith'Finley, My beloved wife, who depat;ted this life Nov. iry, tgq23 The ha home we both -eny "o .ed How sweet the rrtettlory stat But death has left a, vacant; plane; The world will never fill, 14usband. Perhaps if the sewing machine had' a gas tank attached, sisterwouldn't. mind running. it, —o— Sign over general delivery window- of a postoffice, "BIessed is Inc who ex • - pects nothing, for he shall not be,dis- appointed, Advertising' S •. eci P adiy SALE$lVIAIOT If . you want Jo grow with the most progressive and.fastest; grow- ing advertising•ealendar and novel- ty house in America, get' in com- munication with as at once,. The Louis F. Dow Co., are now creat ing for. x9255 in their new half anil- ron dollar plant, the •greatest calen- dar line ever produced in"America,, also complete hailing card and blo- tter service, many new and original paper specialties; metal desk househotild and pocket advertising specialties; celluloid advertising sp- ecialties; art signs in paper and cel- luloid; pocket knives; tthe,•celebrat-. ed Venetian Art Leather ' line and the fan'tots Dow' Pencil, ,Every item created and 'tnanttfa.-- tared in their own plant and sold only by the outs F. nowCo, Es- tabiislted cottnectioit. s n„Cartada but opening for several e1perienc-- ed 'salesmen., where not now repre- sented. Waite `Canadian had- perieace, references, ete quarters, givingivigivinglull particrilars, e�w Addres o-saies Manager , OUTS tiOW Coo Wititiipeg, 1