HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-11-06, Page 8ro
AN i
Three More. Days Only
7INGI-I; f ADV'ANd:F13.7.1ME$
This Sale Positively Ends Saturday, November 8th.
Suits, Coats and Dresses
Hennas Special Cloth, Fur Trimmed IZ
Coats m fl4.1
Watch our window for sale of ladies Suits 2 16's
3 38's 3. 40's 2 42.5 and 2 4.4's . 9 4. 1
Flannel Dresses; Serge Dresses new nov-
elties _ _ -
Watch our window for French import
ed hand made dresses up to 6o.00 4.13
House Furnishings
Congoleurn Rugs
3x3-1 •
Colored Mardas Browns Blues Orchid c
50 inches wide yd._._....
All Wilton and Tapestry Rugs less 25 per cent.
oaN.0•••{m.a.o.1,..•-main190- 2n'o.a.4.11.nV1.nmmoei®omesu.»O418eDemoa®acQ@oemnWl-a.uwCimain.60...u.1=1,04muo•m3.0.14 nc®a42•7.o®eo+c000911.i
du tions 1
gdg .Lard per ib-..:igc
I. Washboards, each ....____-.45c
Pure Castile Soap, 3 for 25c
Soda Biscuits, per ib
Oatmeal, 6 lbs.
P & G Soap, a bar .......--___7c
Corn Starch' per pkg _;_.._._..9c
•Fresh Walnuts, M.._..........59c
Cheese per ib _....._...__�2ic
.Palmolive Soap per cake 9c
Fresh Cathie .r
Peas; per Can 15c
Teas, special blend lb _ 59c
Coffee,' the best 5oc
Dates, 2 Ibs _._:: _.:_......_ . 25c
Corn Flakes, pkg ......zoc
White Wine Vinegar, gal 39c
Maple Leaf Sal. small tin 18c
Raisins, seeded, 2 lbs ...-.25c
Wagstaffs jain, large ''reg
1.50 at -.95c.
Good Reductions on all Groc.
Twi' 1'nly Mens' B1.,, ck
Mountain Goat F rr Coats,
reg. 40.00 sale . :23.75
.Mens' 100% Wool Grey Wor-
sted Sege Shits,' Witer
weight, sizes 36 to 44 re,u
27.50, sale .:. .. 19.75
.'oys' School . i frners1424
to 34, sage 51.49
Wens' Work Sweaters....1.69
oys' 7h louses a
sake... ...
d Shirts ....
Our entire stCk ^91t N.r~vys,
Fawns, Heathers ;. nd plain
Grey Overc r ats, s sale
.. 19.75 and 27.50
Mens' All Wool '.�; ebbed Un-
derwe.: r 1.19
Meas' Broadcloth Shirts se-
parate Collars, White, Tan
and Blue ... ' 2.69
Fresh Herring imported
fish a can 240
Fresh Mackerels, can
Puffed Rice, per pkg =5c
Black Cat Shoe Polish ...,__xgc
.None Such, Shoe Polish 17c
CowBrand Soda 4c
Chipso, 3 for :._ ... "50
Brooms 59c Q.
Sugar Redpath ---8.95
• .
2 for, _.. 2
M ,.
�» `t
Hrm�•nmmn®auann a•naauea.
r i
The p ol. rlamme for this meeting
eortrsisted hi the report given .by lir*.
Duffey of the 'meeting at .HQ1yiood.
A paper by Mrs. Elliott; on How to
Prepare Fowl for Table and Market.,'
Instrumental music by Miss, Irene
'Mundell, livened the raacetiog,
A'•splz;}idid meeting of the young
people was held Sunday evening when
Mr. Henry'Johann and Miss Mary
Austin had chargeof the meeting, a
quartette composed of Mr, . and Mrs.
I1Il 1111eUSIlI1 119N1111NM11111111 1111 8111
Rev'. McKenzie, Mrs. Roland i3allagh, 111
George Rutherford, rendered special -=s„hi
• Council' met on October 24th., with ii
air the members present. Minutes of
previous meeting were read anct con FE
firmed d
The Engineers report on the Dea-
eoia-Thompson drain was read to, the
parties interested and was ordered to
be referred'. back to the Eingineer for
some explanations and amendments.
The follgwieg accounts ;were -Paid; 1111
The Municipal World supplies $I.34; 911
Wm, Love, part payment on Culvert,
Con, .9, $300,; Chas. Campbell, inspec-
ting Contract 15.00; W. J. Cole, staivi
tute labor tax 8.40; R. Buchanan, se
lecting Jurors 3.00; W. Robinson,' ae IIS
- t
lecting Jurors 3.00; A. Porterfield, s+ I
lecting jurors 5,00 A. Pattison, 'cutting,
rls 40.00; IilythooFali Fair
a raria4Q 0i; Note the sollnevhat broad and yet very neat
4. e -
Thursday, November
t1 ,
ifloo i,tioI1ottiouiitwomllll ll1
Illustration shows One 01 the latest
styles in shQes for Men.
North Huron plo-Wing match • 10.00;
Wm. Brurnby,: damages through de-
fective roadway 70.00; John Taylor,
gravel andgravelling, side line 39 and
40, Con :9, 13-50; John Taylor, gravel
and gravelling side line 39 and 40, Con
io and z1 55.80; G. Johnston cuffing
hill and' widening road, con. 12. 24o.go
Sam Deacon inspecting ,contract on
hill Con, to 5.00; for gravel R. H. In
Taylor 4.5o; Chas. King. 5.55; W.
Fitzpatrick 21.45; W. Salter 12.60; W. .,
K:echnie 11.25; W `Fothergill 6.15; '1.
Ston'ehouse` 3.45; Thos. Gear 1.80 W. Iwl
Walden 2.70; R. Redmond•13.5o;•Annir.
Scott 3.9o,•. M. Bruce 7:55; Sain •Mc
Burney ; ii.xo; F. Devereaux. 1.50,
Council will Bold their next meeting
on Tuesday, Nov. 18th:.
A. Porterfield, Clerk
toe yvhich is known .as
the Semi -French.
res -
Scott 3.3o; E. Stapleton 1.80; Thos.
We have this shoe g high boots ;1 r yn ox- 1:
lords l b,lx Black arown :nd
r 66New prices" . re most
yeas ;na.blea
Mr. and Mrs. Powell of Exeter,
spent' Friday with .her brother;' Mr.
.Jos: Wilson.
Mr. Jim If offatt of Lloydminste-;
Alta., arrived here with a'•car load of
cattle on Saturday' evening.'
Miss l 'fcCurdie .of Wingham spent
the Neel: -end at the home of • Mr. and
Mis.Wrn. 'Dawson,
Mr: and Mrs. John Burchill of 'Cul
Toss "spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Lance Grain.
Mr: and Mrs: Robt. Pua'cloti andfa•-
n sly, spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Cameron of Ashfield.
Mr., Thos. Rowlcliffe, spent the;
week -end at . his home in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and
Lorna and 'Doris; spent Saturday with
Thanksgivian,• `l ay will Ite cel rated on.,
Monday ,, ext, Nov. lath.. Being
a public lnoll 1.l ay our st'i re
Will be(Dios •'d
I_ Ph
:IJI�111�!{118�1 t11�llI�I I �lll�flllffi1111�11I�I II�II1�1111
W 14 .IlS'Ugitl%VI.WL7m.Ol, 4'' nt.:.
III..IIIiINllia11111111211111111 II111E111afll,l tfl>5111I'
Mr. and 'ivlrs. Harry McClenaghan of
Bclgrave. '
Miss Laving Carrick. of Winghana,
spent Sunday at her home here.
Mrs, Chas. Gillespie of Toronto,
is visiting with her brother-in-law
Mr. John Gillespie,
Mr. Ernest Sparling of Kincardine,
spent` the week -end With his brother
Fel rW E +i +'t $fit. FA
here, ;
Melvin ' and Irwin McClenaghan
spent a few days last week vlrith their
.grax .parents; Mr. and Mrs.,.Jas, Bar-
bour, Fordyce,
Quite a; number attended the Ear-
Iow'en social in the Presbyterian char-
ch here on Friday; evening and.enjoy-
enjoy-ed a splendid• program.
It has been .; Huge Success nd we wish to thank our
many patrons for their pa.rticip 'ti n in it. ': rs- ■
1111day, Friday and Saturday will conclude this ' fl a
Big Sving Event. Everything ° educed. DI
Saturday Special
Scotch Fingering Yarns,
Newlands 1.00 lb.
• Ibex Flannelette Blank-
ets 12/4... .. .<'.2.49
'11/4..... ..2.25
10/4 ,.•.. ...1:85
Raw Silk, per yd. . .. 55c
House Dres les . .98e
Linen Towelling ... 19c
an n a
Illi EN 'r i
Cheese Cloth, 4' gor . 25e
Chintz. .....19c yd.
Flannelette, 1 yd. wide....20c
Serges on sale, yard ....59c
Coatings, 54 in. .wide. ...1.19
Raisins, Seeded, lb. .'.10c
Redpath Granulated Su-
gar, per 100 . ..8.85
■ .
I Coats,, Dresses . and..
IN Wraps
■ ▪ Many are. Fur' Trimmed and of in-
▪ dividual Style, Marvella, Bolivia, Ve-
il lours, Camelime, Duvetyn, etc., all re-
duced 20 to 3o per cent. . 0
Norah ay
gay, �. meted
EERIE I E °r, Judi
'rhe' first flurry of snow, Sunday
Nov. 2nd., reminded us that winter is
not far away.
The W. 17'.: M. S. met Friday after-
noon with an satettdanco of 14. Meet-
ing opened by singing, prayer by Mrs.
brain Darling scripture reading by
Mrs. Jas Douglas, .roll call, "Why
Should We Give to Missions?"? 33i'
bh' study by Mrs. Rev. McKenzie, to-
;ric by 111 rs. Douglas, Collection $4,45.
.lr. 'Rev. McKenzie will take charge
lot' the Anniversary Ser•vkcs at Tiver-
ton, next Sabbath,
Mr, Joint Abram ivas taken down
1 sick again last week and is now •quite
1 ilirs.. john I'ete1'n1an returned last
Iwcelc, Trona a visit with friends at
The youths of the village,, and viciiai•
tywere kept quite busy Friday even -
ling, as usual, many gates, buggies and
other implements .disappeared,
Petty thieving is again, onits
rounds. Some person or persons re-
tvently, growing weary waiting for
Thanksgiving, seized on six .,of Mr..
Weishar:s !geese, Mr. Wm. Irwin is
wird to have lost two, also,
Mr, J. I. Scott :shipped a car load
of cattic to Toronto, Monday.
The Women's Institute inet.i,n the
Community Hall; Saturday afternoon,
io remembers being present, the main,
feature of. this ,meeting, was planning'
for tate Hot Slipper to be,given in the
Community Hall,' 'Friday evening,
,t,. Dressed
Caotatt Crepe, Satizt, : Georgette,
C111az'it�ae#I; Poiret Twill, FancyFlan-
nels, . ete.,'Ildi the latest fall styles and.
colors, all redtioe4 20 per cent.
Children's Coats and firesses, many
styles from which to dllodse; all re-
duced 20 per cent.
r4•0u4soaw+,en.c”9.1“sp,-a•sw•••tl.-.nix"` 64irc
Factory Cottons..... .
Saxony Flannelette -.. ._24c ■
Quilt Chintzes :- 210 ■■
Linen Table Cloths r 3.25 ■' •
Ladies fine wool hose 68c
Heavy All Wool Yarns
All Wool Serge, reg. ,I.30% g7c
4 rd, wide Linoleum
Seedless Raisins 2 for 23c
Large , Queen Olives _.._..28c" ■'
McLarens jelly Powders 3 plsgs. 240 ••■
Special Black Tea per Ib, 63c
''Over %e1$' ••
Mens Dear. en ` ■ .
Sults, Overcoats, Fur Coats, Jell Coats, Ulsters, Sw a- N`
■ ters Shirts •Socks TiesAqVt: ffler-s and Underwear 1
■ 1
1 Everything Reduced 20' Per Cent. „ 1 ..
111 Stanfields Blue Label Shirts and Pexira an's` Fleece Shirts and Pure Wool S.ocles.4 pr for s:oo ■.
Drawers ::.... .-...f.;. .._.._....2.19 Drawers 790 Siikand Wool Socks, reg. x;oo • "■''
Our No. 88 Overalls , ,...,2,89 Petaman's Boy's Fleece ........._sgc acid x..25 .,.....-.... .--..... _. • ■
... 69c ■
ire and Save