HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-11-06, Page 4A I t [I..: • • 1.1 I d'a'deeareaaea'analleteee— eeraallareeeeeleeen.,Te WINGHAA ADVANCE-i'IMES e,e,4 Narcissus ulbs t a d owl fa..............................—,..., e.er--- We have just received. a shipment of Bulb .Bowls, complete 11-4 = Ili 11‘ Bowl, Narcissus Bulbs and Moss all ready to start. Lo. — . lai al 75 Cents up to 3.50 SOMETHING DIFFERENT ,FOR YOUR OWN HOME OR AN Ea: inE.s.1., GIFT I'm sending you a merry thought • And still a merrier srnile. They're tiny things, but just such things As make our lives worth• while. OUR EVERY DAY CUT PRICES SAVE YOU MONEY MC Winahisre, Ont. III III 111811111111.4111111I1D111 on's rug St astacaLeaaaa Stone II II re = Phone 53 =0'2 11111111 III 111111111hIllp SVERYBODY'S COLUMN AUCTION SALE—Fai•rn. Stock and TENDERS—Sealed Tenders will be Implements, Lots 5 and 6, Con.. 1, Kinloss, at one o'clock on Thur - (lav Nov. e3th. See bills. John received hy the undersigned up till. 4 P. m. on Tuesday, Nov. firth for 3o tons of egg, stove or grate coal, Mowbray, Prop., John Purvis, Auct., delivered at the Town Hall, Wing- ! ham, at once. W. A. Galbraith, AUTO FOR SALE --A, good second.; Town clerk. hand Case car, formerly owned by WANTED—Housework good cap- able girl, ,around or in Wingham pre- ferred. Apply at once at The Act:- vance. J. W. It VanNorman, can be seen at my garage. F. W. French, Dia- gonal Road. • FOR SALE—A.13ed room suite, small table and mattress in good condi- ` tio. Apply at Mrs. R. Beattie. FOR SALE—Imported Clydesdale Stallion, foaled in Igoe, imported by Graham Bros. Scotland's Premier Horse "Promoter" color coal black. This horse was kept by Graham Bros. for a time as their breeding horse. Sure foal getter and Sire of the winners. Also brown mare • foaled hi 1909 "Polly Ann" by up to time Grand Sire "Baron's Pride", supposed to be in foal to the above named sire "Promoter". Also black Stallion foal by above named sire and datn. These animals will be sold at a bargain, either for cash or time as the owner is leaving for the ecity. Owned at Lots 5 and 6 Green- ock Township, one half mile east of Kinloss village on provincial high- way. S.McComb , Route 2, Holy - rood. FOR SALE—Gurney Oxford Cook stove, with reservoir, for coal or , ii.1 wood, im first class shape. Apply to E Peterman, Main St. .14 WARNING—The party who took the coat out of a Chevrolet in front of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday night, will save costs by returning to the owner before Nov. 8th. SALE OF BANKRUPT STOCK SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to Sat- urday, the 15th day 'of November next at 2 p. in. for the purchase en bloc of the stock in trade and shop fixtures and effects of the estate of Grattan B. Flanigan of the Town of Wingham, Music Dealer, an insolvent. The stock list can be seen at the office of R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ont. Terms: Twenty per cent. on acceptance of the offer and. balance on completion of stock taking. Highest or no tend- er necessarily accepted. DATED at Wingham, November 4th., 1924 JOHN GIBBONS. Wingham, P. 0. WROXETER Rev. Dr. Brown of Trowbridge, win FOR SALE—Shropshires, a number preach in the Methodist church next Sunday night. of Strong Ram Lambs, also Shearl- Rev. Mr. Armstrong began his pas- ing and Ewe Lambs. W. G. Ross, torate in the Presbyterian Church Londesboro, phone 26-15 Blyth. Mr. Geo. Sproal returned.to Detroit FARM FOR SALE—One hundred on Monday after spending a week acres of choice land in the town- ship of Turnberry. Good building's brick house, land in good state of cultivation'about eight' acres of hardwood bush, Apply to The Ad- vance.' with his parents here. Mrs. Arthur Wearing ad son re- turned to their hornin London af- ter spending a few days visiting friends here. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Brown are this week in Toronto attending the Miss - FOR SALE—A number of good ionary meeting, which is being held singer canaries and. hens at reason- there. able prices. Apply to Mrs. Ed. Mr, David Walker returned to his Sotheran, Box 92, Fordwich. home at Niagare, Wednesday, Mrs. Walker remaining for a time with her mother, Mrs. John Gibson. ' Mr. Hugh McLean of Waterloo, called on friends in towa last week. FOR SALE -4 York Brood Sows with litter at foot. J. Potter, Low- er Wingharn. FOR SALE .OR TO RENT—Com- fortihle brick house and corner lot. All conveniences, garage, For par- ticulars apply to Wm, Isbister, Wingham. FOR SALE—Eighteen pigs, about three months old, Yorkshires. Ap- ply to Frank J. Shoebottoin, East Wawanosh, Phone 33-621. FOR SALE—Top buggy, steel tire, first class condition, will sell cheap, far quick sale, Apply to J. Mc- Michael at Gunn -Son -01a or Cath- therine St. FOR SALE—Six first class white Leghorn toasters, April hatched, from our bred to lay 0. A. C. stock price $1.25 each. 1Virs. Geo. D.'Fortune, at 3m. W. Fortune, Wingham. Wroxeter phone No. 6/2 ring 8. FOR SALE—Shearling Oxford Ram, registered first prize at Wingham Fair, age. A. Douglas, Bluevale, R. R.e1, Phone Wroxeter 60S -4e FOR SALE --Aladdin Brass Lamp and Shade, practically new $7.00 The Advance, HOT.ISEWORK, WANTED—Position at housework' by capable girl. Miss Sarah, Hobson, care of Mrs. W. 5. Currie, East Wawanosh. llllll mteinem to toitlintulto lll ss itst suslaiimmmzsaltsgtis it, BAPTI ST RURH. Sunday Night, last in series on Maul Destiny. Subject "HELL"' "There is a way that seemeth right 'Unto man, but the end thereof arethe ways of death" MI1111111 ss I ss I s illitillill1111111111111,11141$ lllll 1111$1tit1111111111 10.111111111,001i1VM111.111111/4111/1111t1 ll 1$111,111i11111111:11X11.1110!, • NOTICE • Voter's Lists, 1924, Municipality E Of Wingharn, County of Huron PINNED UNDER AUTO Councillor John Gillespie, White- clatirch Uuset in Creek On Wednesday morning, Jr, John Gillespie, Whitechurch, met with an unfortunate accident while motoring down Dickey's Hill. He in some man- ner lost control of the auto and it clashed headlong through the fence and turned over pinning Mr, Gilles- pie under it and in the cold river wa- ter. He was pinnedtere for some time before Mr, Jack .McMillan, happened along, and with difficulty raised the auto up enough to let Mr. Gillespie out. At last reports we are pleased to learn that 1Vir, Gillespie is getting along nicely. Suits That Satisfy When a mail gets one of our merle to measure Suits he gets satisfaction, prices before you sell, H. Brown & the clothing is made to fit comfort-, Sons, Wingham. Phone 204, able not too.large nor too small, bet The warerooms and office of the made to fit. We are showing the, la - Whyte Packing Co,, will close at six test in suiting and over coating. Pri- o'clock on Saturday evenings and all ces right. A. W. Webster, up stairs, week daring the fall and winter mon- over the Advance -Times Office. ths. Thursdy November 6th., X924. LOCAL AND GENERAL ITEMS come to the Connundrum Supper, Nov. /3th, Manefacturer's clearance of ladies coats on sale at Isards, big value, , Mr, Geo. Olver purchased the Tom - kin property corner Shouter and Vic- toria streets. The bid was $2,225. A Euchre and Dance ender the arts- pices of the Catholic Win -nail's Lea- gue will be held in the Church Hall, Nov /2. Admission 50c. We regret to hear that Mrs. W. H. Willis' mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gerry of Fort William are both in' very Poor health, You are invited to call and inspect our new stock of Xmas cards. .If the Prices and quality are lower elsewhere ,you are, privileged to buy where you wish. Highest .prices paid for all kinds of Live and Dressed Poultry. Get our His Salary Snoo Per Year , Mr. A. S. Radford, Whitechurch, will take in cream: every day but Sat- rectorurday. Cortunencmg Monday 27th. of St. James Church, South Rev. W. L. Armitage, the popular London, is in bad with lus congre- gation because the Sunday before the election he came out fearlessly in fa- vor of the 0. T. A. He was warned that he would be sorry if he mention- ed the vote from his pinpit. He has been notified by his wardens that his salary will in future be $noo per year. Rev. Mr. Armitage, is a cousin of Mr. Clarence Armitage, tailor, Wingham. He is a brilliant pulpit orator and a fornaer Lucknow boy. Died in West Wawanosh Mrs. Margaret Anderson who pass- ed away on Sunday, Nov, and., in West Wawanosh, was truly one of the old residents .of Huron County. She and her husband Alexander An- derson, moved to the farm, on which she has ever since resided, sixty-nine years ago. Her husband predeceased her about fifty years ago. The sur- viving members of her family are, Al- exander and James at home, Charles of Johannsburg, Mrs. (Rev.) Barbour of Franktown, and Mre. Robt. Dow - son. of Toronto. It can well be said of the late Mrs. Anderson that she was a true kindly christian lady who was beloved by all who knew her. The remains were laid, to rest in the Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow, The Catholic Women's League of Canada held a very successful meeting at the home of Mrs. McDonald. Af- ter all businese was finished, progress- ive euchre was played. Mrs. P. Mc - Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall Glynn winning the prize for games when the members of St Paul s A. Y, P. A. held their social of the sea- son. The new officers were duly in. - stalled and Miss Dora Latin* was appointed a delegate to attend the A. Y, P. A. Convention to be held in St. Thomas on Nov. /4th and 15tht The recent membership campaign which has created considerable interest amongst the members was closed oa To Victory Bond Owners The many friends in Wingham of Mr. and Mrs. L, Tomlinson will be grieved to hear of the death of' La Verne, their eldest son, who passed away at their home in Woodstock, on Oct. 29th. • Mrs, Donald Stewart, Wroxeter, Ont., wishes to aanounce the engage- ment of her daughter, Jean, to Mr, Roy Porter, Wingliam, Ont., mar- riage to take place in November. When renewing your daily paper why not renew with The Ailvance Times and we can save you 50 cents on the. transaction. Any Toronto or London dailypape r and The Advance Times for $6.5o. The Wingham Women's Institute will hold a Connundrurn Supper in the Council Chamber on Thursday Nov. 13. Supper served from 6 to 8, after which a programme will be given. The proceede will•be used for Christ- mas cheer. Admission 35c. Sunday morning at II o'clock the subject at the Salvation Army will be "Fighting Holiness" taken by Lieut. Nevill and at 7 p. n -i. "Weighed and Wanting'.,' by Lieut. Janaway, Sun- day school at 2.30 as usual. Tuesday afternoon. St. Paul's A. Y. P. A. • A large attendance was present on and Mrs. A. Pilon for euchres. Don't make a date for Tuesday night, Nov. nth., but take in the play "His Uncle's Niece" in the Town Hall that night in aid of The Wing - ham Bowling Club. Reserved seats are selling like hot cakes at McKib- bon's Drug Store for 5o cents. Bring in your maturing bonds and let me arrange for the re -investment Tuesday evening resulting, in a vic- of your savings in Huron & Erie de - tory for the "Reds," the Captain, Miss bentures. These debentures are autli- M. Plenty, having obtained. 103 mem- bers while her opponent Miss Dora Laancly was successful in securing 92 members and the banquet which will be given in about two weeks will therefore be prepared by "The Blues" A short program was given after which lunch was served and a most ,enjoyable time spent by all present. We Are Not Closing 'Early just to prove that more people than the women read this paper we sub- mit the following. Last Wednesday was the last half holiday and we were kepthustlingfinishing the town pap- ers before going to dinner, the rural routes were left over till Thursday noon. A subscriber from Morris gall- ed us up about 2.30 asking ifwe meant to kill the town entirely. Thunderstruck we asked why such a question, and our Morris subscriber told how he had just got his paper and read where we were notifying the farmers that we would not be open af- ter six on Saturday night. He sup- posed we meant the whole town. The ment by the United Farmers Co -Op - item referred to was an announce- erative Co., but the name had been in- advertantly ommitted, We thanked our friend for drawing our attention to the error and assured him that all the papers we had published thtts far was the town and we would see to :t that the mistake was torrected. Oh yes, the men read our paper too, and ladies, they don't all read it at home either, Gibbs—In Wingham' on. Tuesday, Noe 4the to Mr, and. Mrs. W. J. Gibbs, a son --(William Harry.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, • pursuant to Section 56,• Chap. 121 0± Notice is hereby given that 1'E the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that have complied with section ro, all persons having claims against the of The Voter's Lists Act and estate of William Mundell, deceased, that 1 have posted up at my of- a who died on or about the twenty-third Ike at the Town Hall, Wingham s day of May, A. D. 1924, at the Town - on the /8th day of October 1924 E: ship of Turriberry iii the Province of the list of an persons entitled Ontario, are required to send by post, to vote in the said Municipality § prepaid, or to deliver to It, Vanstoite, at Municipal Elections and that Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors on or before the second day of December, A. D. /924, their names and addresses with full parti- culars of their claims he writing, and, the tature of the seettrities if any) held by them duly verified by a Sta- tutory Declaration, AND FtIRTIIER TAXI. NOTICE that after fWe said second day of De- cernber, t924, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Exe- entail among the • parties thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate will not be li- able for any claims not filed at the time of the said distributiom DATED at Wingha.rn this third day o/ November, A, D. 1924, Van s one, Wingliaro, P. ,0 Solicitor, Inc the Executors such List remains there for in- spection, HOUSE, FOR • SAL—God saver' „I And, I hereby call upon all i.-, voters to take immediate pro - room cement house arid barn 22x30, ceedings to have any errors or also acre of ground. Apply by s omissions corrected. according letter to Box D. Advance. . to law. 1, If you have rrioved into Town a during 1924 or changed your residence from one ward to an- 71.'„ other see that your naive ; pelt,' entered on the Voter's 't list or call ftp the Clerk't office. :1 f The last day for entering coin - plaints will be Saturday NOvern,- bet Stli. Dated tine x8th day of Oct°, box, A. 1924, 7; W A. Galbraith E 2-• Town Clerk of \/Vitigiraiin uE 11111114iittOtit$11114.11i01101itrilltz LOST Pair of dark rimmed glasses, between Wingham and Ltickno-W or in Lucknow. Finder please leave at, Advante Offiee. voR SALE—Single iron bed and 2 sets of Springs. A snap to first buyer, • The Advance, OVEF.STOCX AUCTION S'ALE-3o Head of Shorthorn thoroughbred cattle at Lot a�, Con, /6, WeSt•Wa- wanosh, on `Friday, Neo, 7th, See bills. John 'Webster, Prop., John Purvis, Aria orized by the Government as an in- vestment for Trust Funds in the ens"- tody of Executors and Trustees. They earn si• per annum, payable half -year- ly, which is the rate you have been re: ceiving Gn your Victory Bonds. Ab- ner Cosens, Real Estate and Insur- ance. Mrs. Jacob WolfeDeceased Mrs. Georgina Wolfe died Friday morningat the home of her daughter, Mrs.. J. Miirr, 1x8 West Erb street, Waterlgo, in her 86th year. Mrs. Wol- fe moved from Wingham to Waterloo about four years ago, Her husband predeceased her n6 years ago. Five daughters and one son are left to mourn. her loss as follows: Mrs. J. Murr, Waterloo; Mrs. Frank Hill, '4Vingham; Mrs. Frank Bierties, Brus- sels; Mrs. Jos. Finley, Preston; Mrs, Jas, Cole, Waterloo, and Henry Wol- fe of Dungannon. The funeral took place last Suaday afternoon at Logan cemetery. Lions Dinner at Brunswick Dr. R. C. Redmond was a guest at the Lions—Club banquet on •Friday ev- ening last and gave the Lions an in- teresting and instructive talk on cess'. Mr. Ayres who spent a few days in town in the interests of the Aero Cucliion Tire Co., was also a guest and, gave three splendid read- ings which were greatly enjoyed. As an entertainer he is a peer. Mr. Brackenbury, who was goodfellowship chairman told of the lack of accommo- dation at the Wingham 1-Iigh School. The Lions passed a resolution to get behind the proposed High School by- law next title it came before the elec- tors and endeavor to carry it, as the need is unquestionable. Women's Institute Meeting The monthly meeting of the Wing - ham W. I. was held in the Council Chamber with fifty two presenp. At the close of , the business meeting a splendid program was given as iol- lows, dttet by Prof, and Mks. of Indianapolis, Ind. A paper on "A Visit to the County Home for the Ag- ed in Clinton" by Mrs, C. Garniss of BIttevale, a duet by Missea Margaret Ga.reiss and Carrie Diamond, an ad- dress on Thanksgiving by the Rev. Mr. Snell, a hurnolous reeitatiot by Mr. Herb. Jobb, All the numbers were exceptionaIly well rendered and, much appreciated by all present The ladies in charge of the meeting were Mrs. J. McCracken and Mrs. A. Salt - &ram), These ladies •presented pri- zes for the moat practical Xmas gift, The judges were Mrs. W. ti Gamey, laiss Bessie Abell and Mrs, Vance. SanderSon, The prizes were, nicely embroidered aprons. The ,ist prize, was awarded to Miss Margaret An. demon for a pair of hand knitted woollen socks, the ond 'prize was won by Mrs. 5, 5, Elliott for an embroid- ered Night Dress, Mrs. Robinson_ was appointed delegate to the Lon- don Convention, Litheli was then served and a pleasant half hour spent, Every woman that has seen the new styles in Fall Footwear that we are now showing, knows that we have a right to be proud of our display! There are Street and Dress Oxfords, Strap Slippers: and new Gore Slippers in- many hand- ; • some new models. There are—Oh, well, may we ask you to come . to see ? Prices $3.50, 4.011,41.50 up to 6.50 •' The Best Values at any stated price. PHONE23, THE GOOD SHOE STORE, Notice To Farmers Tin rush season of farm work be- ing over, we feel there will be no ne- cessity of remaining open further on Saturday. evenings. Therefore after this notice will remain open for busi ness until 6 p. m. only, on Saturdays. The United Fat -niers Co -Operative. Join This 'Radio Club Purchase your radio on easy Pay plans, You pay $1.00, select the ra- dio'you want for Xmas and start the small weekly club payments. These payments •amount to $5 a week on small machines, your machine will be installed at least three days before Xmas. This offer closes Nov. a5th. Call today and select your outfit. Prices from $36.00 up, Office at Jer- ome's Jewellery Store or phone .234. W. Cruickshank. Fortner Resident Dead Ai former well knowe resident of Wiegham passed away hat Fargo, North Dakota, on Sunday, October 2,6th., in the person of James Miller. Mr. Miller was 8§ years of age and had enjoynd good health up to a short time ago,. He. came, to Wing - ham from Holyrood in 1887 and was engaged for several years here at his trade as a carpenter. Upwards of twenty-five years ago the family mov- ed to Fargo, North Dakota. • Mrs. Miller died a few years ,ago and. the deceased lived with his daughter, Miss Mary Miller until her death in February last and he has since resid- ed with his other daughter, Mrs. Stewart Wilson. During his resi- dence in Wingham Mr. Miller made equipment which was used in the Times printing office for many years. He retained his membership in the Canadian ,Order of Foresters, having joined the Order at Holyrood in 1885. Many old friends will be sorry to learn of the passing of one of our former old and highly esteemed resi- dents. GLENANNAN Miss Jean Wilton, spent last week with friends at 'Violent Forest. , Mrs„ Oliver Stokes returned Satur- day after spending a couple of weeks at Milbank and attended. the funeral of an uncle Mr. Herron: • Miss Agnes Mitchell of -Winghana, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Breen. Died In Toronto . ,Announcement was made ein the Toronto papers on Monday of last week of the death of Rev. F. W. MA-',- thers, He had been ill with anemia for upwards of three years. The fun- eral service was lield at St. Clair Ave. Methodist Church and interment was made in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. He was a brother of Harry Mathers, ex -reeve of Kinloss, who resides on the old Mathers homestead abotit se- ven miles west of Wingham. Chief Justice Mathers of Manitoba is also a brother. "• St. Helens Boy Dies at Wingham The death occurred in Wingham Hospital early Wednesday,. morning, Oct. 29, of Frank Lapis, son of Mr. u and Mrs. Jas. Lavis. Frank who was in his rgth year had only been 11,1 about a week. An operationwas ,Eound necessary and he was taken to Wing - ham Hospital where it was perform- ed, Monday night, but in vain, The funeral at which elarge number of sympathetic friends and neighbors gathered was held from the Anglican Church on Friday afternoon to Beth- el Cemetery. • The Pall Bearers were Messrs. Cecil and'Percy Hyde; Ewart and Gordon McPherson, Allan and Earl Durnin, Lovely flowers on the casket showed the love and sympathy of his friends, Besides the bereaved parents, there are left four brothers and four sisters. This is the third son Mr. and Mrs. Levis have lost within a few years. •i‘;! NE XII ,31111111Xit 111 Eno tephen o Son I IN Jewellers and Optometrists t'T,f C. N: R. Watch InspectorWINGRAMExpert Watch Repairing ra .1/4.mpteevemseammenowaressmaimarnosserceoseausasmoreamen It is with pleasure we announce that "His Master's Voice" ala Victor Records and Victrolas are now on sale at our store. To- 1111 1'7'1 gether they stand supreme•—providing a performance unequalled, unmatched by any o,ther musical eOrribination. a- To Celebrate th, ccasion mi _ a i 01 will sencl,to your home any model FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY we 0 ai. . 00 • IN VICTROLA you choose ____ on these $ ' mil ix all a special terms-- DOWN IN pi AND ONE YEAR TO PAY THE BALANCE N , MI - a NI 11111 Now—right now—satisfy that de- NI --,-;,,,,:.i.,,,,,I,.111:1.,..ili,,„„„: .i.i,.., 0 sire to own a Genuine Vietrola— mi fainous the -world over as the NI - ';'tlitl'I. I , )11 : NI ,,, MI "theatre of the .horne." A few' a dollars a month will pay ±6r it l . II SI 'tour investraeni will yield coutit- .. IM or In less hours of joyous entertainment. MI 1111! IIM II ' MI Mi MI 11111 IIIII 1111 "Hip' Master's ItOice" Vietrolas $g7,5o $GrS,00 "1,31S Matderls Voice' Victrola • ' t ,.'", r,• • Lkli 111;,