The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-11-06, Page 2; , !
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, lototit iglitto,!!tmitti+
;;; , 411, • ;0;
.Si7V X,N014,41/a.' A ii VANCE,TX111:ES . TialtrSdayt Neventitter. 6tbot. 404, .
..1..,1,1,...f0;;;,,m,r.;4.9......,!.;......4,1.;;;.;;;......9,......:,!..1".;;;1!”*.P!..,..! 1,,,,..P.,....tal...1,....,1.......,a1.4..;;;,*,;,...........,,,,mos,..,,,,trorirformtp.1;14$0111tit.tittr,P.,,I.,,r„1,,,,
: stations. ;were f:411tmcf,ed -togethni
er and i .8.:t0 p„ tt;"'Penostay,onia Itailroad M.a4arjorie Tyler, Itir. Sanborn, F k 1
' 1K ilt,,,,,, ItiNittitiliittOtrili1OSIN*0010110111011111111
greeting,s were forwarded across the 'Night" contert by talent from -various Oliocr; Robert Staulett, Edward
Atlantic- iregions of this system. $t. Louis; Luey Stanley, Rosaline"
Gimbel Bros., a Philadelphia have; 9.33 n. no ---Arlington time signals. Greene; blary Hadley, Lola Sommers; 1Iti?'0• SHOP
14 41
opened op a new hroadeastirig statioql Saturday, November Stla SPdneY Johnsclu• 'fagriee Racacil-t
iit New York. ',nit eon letters are; • Plof. Gidd* ings Edward IL Smith;
s30 p, m—Dinner concert by the
Wt3DS and wave length is 310 met; r • •
• estinghouse band T. con-
ers. One of _the most luotlern trans- NN astme Gallagher; Alice Genre Votties.
norn3 Er Harvey. Charlie•
inttters ts. to be used Intt difficulty
. •
A. t I L'b ' • I the parsonare
to tlislettleetLlimitrwial.:resrlItItIttaorts this station in this neighborhood as ; ritreicarrne* out fri trs, ISetaensitertae:i C'otcttaglie
no--Riehard, the Riddier,
UV:AY be tomstnitted bY radio and still t,Iiie. ra,:71.1e11)1.!tiktrzy or ro., that t 7..1;3,02;
TP-t7rts-Ptelgt:r 7,,PIL JP,Ttess.. nserei," Orchestra; Act III—Same os
selections, a, "Intermezzo," b, ,rrau- Fo T any aid lamplibtign you. eau buy abso.
retain their natural colors, The ma- '''.1117;,,,t\ote-,a ''' tt "h (3d:2 illitr''') 11)114,4: gnu.
c root -0
nar experineed „Nete.tog trolo 7 o. m.—Foothall scores. 1 t "W lt- 0 h
It 1 •
. ers roa tioung re- Act II, selection, "Tango," (rchestrr.
cervers will be unable to tune OUt 00.1.1 8 p. n1--•Foothall scoreS. ot 9.30 a. ne—Late !news and contrite&
thine is being demonstrated tint Eng- t
, vlat e eno.t . 8.30 p. m.—Concert hy the Westin
of the financial and commerical mor-
tal -al at the present time. inven- er ototions ottor this • . 1 -• 1
titan should have a considerable corn- " house Ba dTJV t'
otatton t‘DAF at Kansas toty sent kets:
n as me., con uctor
tottrcial value. +and Dottis Male Quartet.00 Watt Nitro, clear • - • • • $1.25 sta
,‘ great radio exhibitioa is "LOW in hi. sd„isted s -st t totes pt. no—Arlington time signais, 11,35 a. no --Ta le talk by Mrs. An -out a novel feature lately when thee
Ail the lat.' firQe d‘e‘p'artzuent‘ ofQttli‘atnelltye wl:ent let iWeather fQreeast. 200 Watt Nitro, halt frosted .,.,1.40
tun swing ia New York, na J. Peterson of Peoples Gas Com-
lutely uaranteed Hydro LampS at
t loliowi g prices „
. •
• et radio apparatus ts an VIM and It 'turned out to a fire. The run of the I station. wGy_380 motors (Late, ptogram)
am ez, of exhtbits. The shoo was op- and microphones were placed along .
' chestra- s lection The Gondolier,
ened by Marconi from his laboratory the route • that all the sounds were
:..,o a 8ehenectady, N. Y. , e ,
termezzo" Orchestra; talk, 'Just Boy'
ti ' . • b 11 it -
is zumounced that there are over two motor trucks Was especialty arranged!
General Electric Company to.3o p. tn.-Vrogratn try WGY Or-
io Loodon, Englaud. His message; Thursday, November 6thWGY Orchestra; piano solo, "Arabe IN
AN -a$ transmitted through one of the , Hie G. Yettru; selection, ' Itt. II
. et
foithfully sent out
. . Andy cup was a rent visitor to 6 p. in and stock market sque," 0
c onunerctal radio stations, In rep 3 Cleveland and sent out his tnessage 6 - ,
three of the more powerful Amencan,(courtesy of American Boy Magaziric)
thronoll station WJA_X. As usual he 1 6.15 P. -no—Report on condition of
;claims that 'as Cleveland goes so goes New York state highways„ furnishad -violin solos, 'a, "Air on. G String," b,
;the nation" in the presidentiat canooby Captain A.. W"Souree," Edward A. Rice; selection,. Brandt, state high -
Ton, co inrow A krit-vhf
To112,Tithiets stop sink caches.
relieve bilious attac4, tone anti
regulate the eliminative ot-gans,
make 700 Teel fine.
°letter Than Pills Far Liver Ws"
Station 'MIKA-32Z Meters
'Westinghouse Eleetric
Pittsburgh, Pa.
a p. m.—Mosical orogram by Glens
"A.n Arab's Prayer," Orchestra- cella
6.30 p. in.—Dinner music by Hotel sole. "Romarizat` Walter Hogben;
Ten Eyek Orchestra, Albany, N. y, selection, "A Maori Serenade," Or -
7.1.3 p„ ra.—"A Few Moments With chestrat clarinet solo, "'Introduction
;New Books, L. L. Hopkins, assistant and Bolero," Peter Schmidtoselection
ilibrarian, General Electric 'Company. "PhilUPPiale Dance," Orchestra.
November 8th
'I'hursday, NoYernber 6th.
6.3o p.. xn.—Dinuer concert by the ;Falls, N... Y., First Presbyterian church 0.30 p. tit—Dante music from Ken-
E.DKA Little Symphony Orchestra, ;choir, Cecil 'Wright, director. Oratorio wore Hotel, Albany N. Y.
Victor Satalek conductor, • prograra Chorus, "Thou Who Art For -
..11.3o p. no—Program of dance mus- Born on an old Scottish homestead
radio children. 1(ehoir of ao voices); rartet, "Here Westinghouse Electric ic by McE-nelly's Singing Orchestra, in the township .of Elcfrid on March
7,13- p, m:1:fie Poetry Ladv for the ;ever Blessed," front Stabat"Mater," Station 'WBZ-337 Meters
7:.3o p. no—Talk Ity a representative iLife Is Quickly Past,' from "Hor.a Springfield Mass. from Cook's Butterfly Ballroom, to, 1866, he shotved an. early fondness
r E._ 6 p. nit—Dinner concert by the'
b versity as a writer for grip, a. college
• 100 Watt Nitro, cle r • 75c
100 Watt Nitro, h it frosted 75c •
75 Wan Nitro,. dear
75 Watt Mir half frosted .70e
'None 15G
tof the Autornobik Club of Pittsburgh.lNovissirna," Mrs. Walter It Ross. so- Brmay, November 7sh printeld for literary work of a humorous. ne.-
740 p. na...--"Stockman- reports of iprano•; Clifford Hall, contralto;
ture while attending, Toronto Uni-
• Saturday, November 8th
produce markets. • 'bass; chorus, ' Lovely Appear," from tIVestinghlause Philharmonic
-root the Hotel Gintball studio, Spring ,IK'n'Ithall dmin.g r.°'°112; Jae. Geert•"'D- editor of the Truth a New York -week-
7.3o p. m.—Concert y the Hotel. periodicaL In later years he acted as
the primary live stock and ;wholesale i!Cliarles Pollard, tenor; George IN el -t,
O P o nood h • "The 'The Redemption Choir; soprano so- -.
- Trio
linist and &rector; Arnold 'miser,
ly, and as contribotor to the Detroit
toe ow •
7 Nfaroet report as furnished celhst; Lloyd Stoneman, pianist.
National Stockman and fanner," h 'Verdure Clad," from "The
8.3o p. ni.,-.--Concert: Part Har- :Creation," Mrs-. "dathilda B".• 1
1. , the tutted States department of 8 p., no—Recital by Lilliara Smith,
vey B. Gaol song recital by Christine lRuss. Cecil V; right, accompanist, bY
son and the, KDKA Little Symphony:chorus for women, "Part-mn Quattdo l'•
ottoekto agriculture at Boston.
"tddies, from the Hotel Kinthali stta- !Boston.
7,tos p. int—Bedtime story for the frorai the Hotel Brunswick, • studio pers. and. periodicals.
- contralto and Pant Bernardplants ,
_ .
• Some of the late Peter McArthur's
Miller Clemson, mezzo soprano. Part : chorus, "0 Saviour of the
II, Concert by Christine Miller Clem- ' hoot "The Darkest Hour," Choir; ' -
• 1 to p. ne—Concert by Elia F, Blan- books were "The Affable Stranger,"
Orchestras Victor Saudek, co-nductor..,Cerno Deurn," from. "Noel.," Vt'omen di,t SPEinglicid-
.. zrepared by the Court_ .
p, —Current book review ;shoat
the Hotel Korabad studto,:Hotd R.
Square Book)
.ce_hst, Irene Adios., pianist, from the best known. in this country and "In
i t _ violimist; Mabel M. Hopkins, "The Red Cow," by which he was
'bnball studio, • Springfield. Pastures Green" He was also a poet
1 otoo, p. m..—Arlinuton tune sal -o of Choir: chorus, Light"of the ;
Weather forecast. • iWorld," from "Light of Life ," Choir;
IT p.m .—Concert from the Pitts- Soprano solo, "0- Countly Brizin and
burgh Post studio.
Free Press, The New York Sun,
Judge Life, Harpers, The Atlantic,
The Century. and many other newspa-
11111L1181iliK111111illiflilt ..‘riday, November th
Springfield_ to..3o no --"World Ag,gie Night," of rnore than national note, his best -
"Fair," front "Hora l'stovissima." Mrs' F'ret 1
e :under the auspices Of the Alumna of known publication being "The Prod. -
7 -40 114 esson ot tour-
'Vrcaker I- Ross Cecil Wright, accom-
musical appreciation even =der the iMassachusetts Agriculture College, gal."
panistz mens c'hories, "A' t Thy Feet .
= rn.---Oroan recital by Samael auspices of the toommonweatth (n from the Hotel Kurt bali studio, Spring- After six years, during which he ,
- Cheaper Fire = .Winters Ellotson from the Cameo n ' Maqsachwietts Department of Educa-' flew_
1113 • AtdoratiortY from "Stabat Mater
Male Claortis; chorus, credo "Eyre, - • lived in London, Engla.nd, as writer
•- Theatre, Pittsburgh -
•tion with rofessor Stewart Mason of , rt, eismarm .nd his f P h and The Reviews of Re-
insurance 713 p. Rhymster, forth e ;;Choir' 4he N. E. Conservatory of Music as ;1-1 B - h or unc
-no—Late news.
Fire Insurance furnished on PI ttoto p. m.—"Stoclunan'' reports or been a contributer to The Toronto
otet ronswick Orc estra.
views, and for four years in New
ot, ec urer,
ir.3o p. m.—Organ recital„ by Ste- / t from the Hotel Brtinswick,
flarmanus Meeker Hall, Albano, o. r. P°st°11' • t York, he returned to his first home at
Ekfrid and for many- years past has
= radio children. ;phen E. Boisclair, from Procto.
o ite no—Arlinuton tame signais; peter me__Artboo Is !Dead •
• dwellings in Winghoon,„ less,11 the primary live stock and whoksale Friday, November ooth 1-Uaited States weather rePorts.;
phit_ Globe, here his discursive philosophy
se than Township Mutnel- rates;-- = .1-1'Q'dme markets- i 6 p. no—Produce and stock ma.rket' to D. no---Reatal by May Shepard-. Peter McArthur, poet author.
..=.; . . __. t8 p. no— Interriational Sunday !quotations; uews bulletins. ;.Ptayward, soprano, assisted by Haze! oasoPher beloved of Canadians as the of rural life brought him many thaws: -
Why take the risk selated by a representative of the Allen..? 7 p. na.,— Internatioual Sunday "ner, accompanist, from the Hotel died Tuesday morning at Victoria In politics he was a prominent Lib-
- at on, p. no—Health talk; selectiono, IT p. m.—Concert by Anna M. Wolf- `tion. His CO/laion hemme critical
gg Abner amens No. tt. Deferisive Ray," by- Goo M. 8 p in.—n.-Co "Only Thirty- sard Mulroney, accompanist, and the attending physicians that he would re
• wrth, no premium note to sign.
ands of raore than personal friends.
echoer esson for ovemher o, pre- 6.3o p. m.—Stories for children. Carl:, violinist. and Wilimmina Wag- of Eldrid and a friend to man,
-a' to Pay extra mrsessments? Count y Sabbath School Assort- , schoolesson.
• = •
p. no—"Football Coach," talk ,"Bluette," 1,VGY Orchestra. ;mann, soprano; Mrs. Dorothy Birch -on Monday night, hut it was hoped by
Williamson assistant Coath eioht " WGY Players The cast: Mrs.tWesthighous; Philharmonic Trio.• cover if he -lived through the night
trot Tomnrance & Real - -
- B t 'Hospital ondon fotlowing an opera- eral and a warm personal friend of
the late Sir Wilfrid Laurier, later writ-
ing the premiers biography published
soon after 'his death.
Mr. McArthur is survived by his
wife and four children, three sons and
a daughter.
-4.—,44;411124 —
cst Lmvertoty o Pitts.burfroh toothao .Stanlet, Iola Karwowska- XErs. New.o front the Hotel Kimball studio, tThe end Nca,S a peaceful one with im-
icusTarriu Irgagoogotrogomogoonotirreant, from the Universit3- studio. ,cornb, Helen Campbell; ';f•r-s-. PetersoSpriagfield. ••mediate relatives.; at his bedside.
.0 -
Wed., Thurs., Nov. 5, 6
Coo a
A Boy of Handers' I
It's just the picture
everyone is waiting for
with a perfect cast. •11
Back to his endeering
Rags in the sweet est .4
story ever told.
Mso Crainedy
Price 15c. and 36c.
i -----i
Fri., Sat., NO .
irt With Toby *the woader horse E-'1'
II I you can =me e a
riri rough Tidh
cow puncher as the own-
er of an old taffies horne
you lAwire a slight coneep•
tion of how funny Mix is
in 'Ladies to 13card*.
Also Al St. Joint in. Full
Ahead. it:
10 I
A Fiery Story of the 134esert, Screened, n Algiers and Tunis
The Rex Ingram Production of
The Successor to "Searamouche
d the "Four Horsemen".
ousauds of Arabs and Berbers ad;ipear in' the spectacular mobs scenes, as the old war:
fare of Crescent wad Cross brealc ut arteNv., Here are the fremsied Moslems crying
for stian blood, with one heroic,' dragoinan ,sta.,ding between the Amer.-
ican tsiir
ssion l a Hd dea Also Co
Malirte0:40Pdeti ' 245, Price* ••• ,20c and 400.,
and 35c
It, ;,;;;,
11 iL
Itptr, ;;."1dn4;ic .0i •