HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-10-30, Page 5ly; Inkier sorb.; x9.24 q•• IgARD'S IN IN 99I. BRINGING 91 19 and J Secials •; z a Fall and i,,'t anter Ne] s Offered at Prices It•elow Normal Hose, Children's Ribb- ed Wool Hose, now..,_..: t Boys Heavy Ribbed • 5 pieces wide English 63 in ms now... ... �ha g a . Shirting Flannel, wide es ro Saleaaorth Striped Flannellette " goo value.._._________ 1ue _ 50c Fine Grey Flannel our C price..._ Ends of Heavy Cotton Shirtings White Flannelette Sheets, large 79 Fine quality White Cot-9ton, 35 in.now &Av Corsets, clearing. Lines 1 now J lle le Wool : sweaters odd . lines to clearat , $1.95, $2.25; $2.50. WINTE COATS m Ladles, Misses' an'Ir Chit re , ; ". Coals -at Bargain "'I ices Children's Coats,. A11 Wool, Girls Coats ` sizes 8 so 2 , . x , 14 al Cloth and Lined all through, years, prices $5.75, .$.50• $7.50, • prices d.own to $3175, $4.50, $8.00, $9.90 A large range . of Women's Coats, have been', put into stock at cut prices, best models in Bo- livia, Velours, Marvellas, Ca- 11 mels Hair Cloth, and, Cu( Duv- yten, see our values at $16.75, $18.00 $18.5o, $19.75 and $25.00 ®: Dress Goods Department Complete With , All the Latest Dress Fabrics at flee ®: Month End Special Prices 1 MI ®: Misses Coats in Latest 1VEodels, ■ made of Fine Quality All Wool Cloth; best coloring, lined` throughout, some real values at ▪ $11,50, $12.75, $13.50, $15.00 OLUMN One of the Chicago daily papers :has adopted the newest radio' scheme. It is called the `'radio-photogue," To- ward the end of each week a series of pictures are published in this paper. showing various scenes : in certain foreign countries:, On Saturday even- ing; an address is given over radio by an authority on that particular coun- try.and With the phones; on the head and'. the paper handy the addresses covers all the pictures shown, thus giving tile listener a'good travelogue lecttbr•e in combination•, with a series of good photographs. This scheie should prove very popular with own- ers of radio sets ara riwoiild° tend to boons tie sale of the newspaper as Station WLW operated by the Cros ley Radio • Corporation at Cincinnati has been greatly improved recently. It now ranks as one of the ,most pow- erful for listeners in this district The British broadcasters expea:,to have .arrangernents completed so that they will be able to rebroadcast Am- erican concerts >fo'r the benefit of lis- teners in England during the coming Winter. Station WCBD •.at; Zion,,: Ill., is on tile air on- Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays each week. Their programs are' of a very' high quality. This sta- tion has perfected a new ;musical in- strument called "Celestial Bells.'' It is very similar to chimes but the mus- ic has a mtich softer tone and some wonderful effects are obtained. Station WJAZ at Chicago has been off the air for sorne time. , The man- agement decided to build one of the largest and most powerful station "pos- sible. As has been found out before, some locations ate much better for broadcasting/ than others„ This con- cern has therefore mounted a broad= casting station on a large ti ick and this outfit has been touring the Chi- cago district with a view to finding by actual experiment, the best loca- tion for the new station. This port- able station is using the call letters • WJAZ. Station KDKA-326 Meters Westinghouse Company Pittsburgh, Pa. Thursday, October 3oth 6,3o .p. m. -Dinner concert by the KDKA Little Symphony orchestra, Victor Saudek, conductor. 7.15 p. m. -Daddy' Winkin a has .`a Halloween story for the radio chil- dren. 7.,o p• m• -Talk . by Representative of the Automobile Club of Pittsburgh. 7.40 p. 111. -Stock an reports of the primary produce Md _livestock mar- kets. 8 p. m. -Program ',arranged by the "National Stockman and -Farmer, 8,30 p. m. -Concert by the IKDK l Little . Symphony ` orchestra, Victor Saudek, conductor, and Christine Mil- ler Clemson, mezzo soprano in a pro-, grams of songs by Harvey B. Gaul, Pittsburgh composer, , 9.55 p. m. Arlington time signals: is p. m. -Barn dance from the Weather forecast. Stockman studio. Friday, October 31st 7.i5n p, m. -Uncle Ed visits the ra- dio children' again. 7.30 p. m. -"Why Take the Tro£r- ble to Vote" Senator David A. Reed. 7:40 P. m, -Stockman reports, of the primary produce and livestock mar- kets. 8 p, m. --Address by a representa- tive of the Republican National com- ®. roc) yds, fine quality an,. Pongee Silk now ._......-._.. so pieces, 54 inch Plain 1 cog Sport 6 sport Flannel_....._.._ All Wool Serges, wide 07 ourrice..._ ...--..._ . • C P 5o yds Plaid Home- 100 spun, now _ 8 lengths plaid and stripe Flannels 2,50 for * 3 Patterns in Fancy Plaid Skirting, r onlY:.- 14)50al aI Silk 'and Wool Crepe a) min reduced to Ad 4 5 length of Heavy coating; good colors novo . Ng 9 Ng 1111 IN ■ ® Economy yrices in . Groceries oll m Matches, best brand 3 ,boxes 25c SI Fresh *Currants, per lb ...._.....15e a,•• lbs best seedless • Raisins 25c ® 2 shredded wheat for. .._....__._25c ▪ Laundry Starchper lb ioc sro so bars Laundry Snap for 63c II 3 lbs choice Rice for - 25c Corn Starch _..:roc Large box Castile soap ,.1.8c Corn Flakes ioc !:der , ti a.1'n Sal1 rites in Men's We:.=r Stare * . Men's Heavy Overalls 1.95'. Boy's Bloomers $1.5o, Y,65, x.95 si Men's Heavy Smocks' 1.95 Men's Heavy Grey .Socks 3' :Men's Heavy Work Shirts 1.39 Men's,.Heayy Wool Ribbed 51 underwear .. 1.5o Men's Fleeced "tined Shirts ▪ and Drawers 85c Boy's Fleeced Lined Shirts * and Drawers, ..:-:..5oc and 6oc al ■ Boys Sweaters at $i.5o, • $x.75, orm• • $2.25 and $2.50 • a Mures Strong Wearing Pants Boy's Wool Gloves 5ac Boy's Overcoats at cut prices Men's Heavy Overcoats now, x5,00, 18,00, 20.00' 25.00 Boys' Suits, Serges and fancy • patterns, real value at ,._.: $3.75, 6.75, 7.50, 9.00 so rd 'Men's Suits, Fite -Rite and Irl Perfection Brand Tailored MI Suits, see our values at .,_. IN -. $19.5t1; 22.5o and 25.00 ■ 1 BARGAINS IN BOOTS1 Is Boars' Strong Wearing Boots. it sizes xx,': x2, a3,111 at .. M-. $2:50, 2.75, 2,95 Boys' .School Shoes, sizes x to 5, real value at $2.95, 3.25, 3.5o Mattel Men's Solid.' Leather Boots at specialprices, see them • N at -$3.591 3.75, 4.00, 4.50, 4,95 111 See out. Values 'in! Dominion and X Rhino. Rubbers,. 1w sis no ofolo All yy� l.. � i ill y� �1 I I le11111410111114MM IN itleeess ft MINI IDiel At. Windsor �'e Mrs. Ines l a vvs of the death of J Johnston, vvhicli occurred at Windsor ort her , 88th birthday, has been recel'v- X 1 y mei here with deep regret, Mts.•,rohn- sttali, formerly Miss Alen Howe, the i t t ti or. �u o .. t oleiso f w d qtr 0f the late Ja lies J , mann/' ,'ear"„` a merclratrt at Whigliati„ ill NH onoimiliiivontmmineJtormerat Ston. She is survived b; one brother Robert W illtarn'',,Hwvc, of Cot t aru; one daughter,�r,. W. A. Clarke, Palmerston, and two sons, Fred. J. Johnston, M. A.' Toronto, and Prot, A, J. Johnston, of Victoria College, Toronto, 'ss bon/°iyi• t,:.'aritori County, iiD x836, Two-thirds For S t A i l,x M of xno, o , i"at P r. t. or resided a DX e e rCSAj rs she1 40.D"a Is';;;,,,lij'I " e'; • �, a41h�r "Erl.til. `fD rte" o roil co ti sl I' 815 p. m, -"Health Tall*." -"Pre- ventative Medicine from the Layman's Standpoint," by a member of the fa- culty of University of Pittsburgh stu- dio. ' 8.30 p. m.-Clianiinade Concert Company program broadcast from the Carnegie Lecture Hall, Pittsburgh presented by Irma Louis Carpenter, soprano; Mary Jane : Paul, reader; Eli- zabeth P. Coles, violinist; Adalaine 1lerrill Biddle, acconij,anist and di- rector;,- 9.55 P m. -Arlington time signals. Weather forecast. Saturday, November xst 6.3o p. in, -Dinner concert by the Westinghouse band, T. J. Vastine, conductor. 7,15 p, sm,-"Wimblo the Wander er,' for radio "children. 7.30 p. m. -Sport review by. James 5. Lpng sport editor of the Pittsburgh 7.45 p. m. -Address by a representa- tive of the American Red Cross. 8.00 p, m. -"Inside Movie Gossip" Sam Comiy of the New 'York "Even- ing Morning Telegraph" by W. C. Mayer, Pittsburgh Representative, 8,x5 p; in. ---Feature, 8.3o p. .m. --Concert by the Westing- house Band, T. J. Vastine, conduc- tor, assisted by Grace Smith, soprano; F. Robert Coe, baritone, P. Zahner, violinist. 9,55, p. m. -Arlington time signals. Weather Forecast( Statioiir`'"WC�'�-x-3801 'Metet;s . General Electric :Cotnpany ' Schenectady,- N. Y. Thursday,' October ' 3oth' 6.30p.� zn. t i tner Music, by, 'Hotel Ten: Eyck Orchestra; -Albany, NT Y,' 7.45 p. -in `'A; Few M'oili.ents With • New Books, 'William Z`:_ Jacobs, librai lair, General . leetrie Coriipatty, 8. x' -Mu i p n , s cal program: Selectror. "Stradella," WGA• Orchestra,' pialio solo, "Folli Song," 011ie G. `etttu; selection, "La Serenade," Orchestra; violin solo, ":Romance,„" Edward A. Dice, clarinet solo, "Romana and Pcylaeca,,': Peter -.Schrn•idt; . selections, "Suite 'As You Like It," "Evening in the Vorest," "Country Danee," arches. tri. 9 ptit,--S sortprograIn of songs bv Wendell Idall (composer of "It Airy t. Gonna Rain No Mo' "),' cello solo.. " ,tessian Chant," Walter Elogben; sew lection, 7 LrTraviata,",, Orchestra. tr.30 p. rn.,--Crean recital by. Ste- 13lic.n13oiselwizr, ft-o:I;Di Proctor'sNarmantts, Sleeker Hall, Albany' N.Y, WIINGII'AM ADVANC WIN'TER'S COL IN (Written'` for the Advance -Times) Talk not ,to me of "winter wild," Of "frozen brooks and fountains," Don't tell me of the "snow drifts piled In heaps, as high as mountains," Don't try to frighten me to death 'With tabs of "comforts stolen From homes by winters chilling' breath," I'got got m y Winter's coal in. When prophets tell me we are in For soave, old storm repeater, I. always think about may bin, And closer hug the heater, Let others seek a:stmnny land , With flowery fields to stroll in, I have rn �;:;,,comforts here.: at hand With .an xray •winter's coal in. When friends collie :round and talk of • ease " And recommend a transfer To sorne warns climate over seas I give them all this answer,- Reserve your words fora foolish guys. For I can bless my soul in The; happy thought that T was wise And got, my winter's coal in." I know of some with empty bins And other •comforts scanty, Who wait until the wind begins 'To whistle round their`shanty, pBut ere tiie whiter cam this way I thought I better roll in A little for a stormy day, And so I got my coal in. T. A. Calhoun, London. North Huron Vote In x919 • The result of the vote as taken in North Huron, Oct. 2oth„ 1919 on the Ontario Temperance Act was: Yes No Ashfield 191 979 Blyth s"' 74 284 E._,Wawanosh 55 686. Howick 141 1297 Morris S05' 907 Turnberry 82 768 W. Wawanosh 95 772 Wingham 170 892 •W roxetef' 23 170 936 6761 SALEM Mr, and Mrs, Thos. McMichell and daughter Miss Eva and Mr. and. Mrs. Jacob Cathers, spent one day recent- ly with friends near Corrie:: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer called on friends near Bluevaleone day last week. A- arge irumber,frorn this neighbor- hood attended the funeral of the late John Gibson of Wroxeter last Satur- y :Mr, Edwin Bennett is at present doing a job of gravelling near Wroxe- ter. Mr. Graham Wray has purchased. a Ford touring car.' i(r te,..s.aar.�ror ,•p -(•AB LETS 1t•.tVjW. '�/gNSC/S .'�•�Y Get2a �� eys{ 4 oe yr„}25 B .."? rox,, +� This is Different from all other laxatives and reliefs. for Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action. of Nature's Remedy (t' • Tablets) is imore natural and thor- ough, The effects will be a revela tion -you will 'feel so good. - Make the test. You will appreciate this difference. Used For Over Thirt' loam Chips off The Old Block NT.2 JUNIORS.- Little les The .same ie -in one-third - doses, candy -coated. -For children and adults, litsuan, SOLD 3Y YOUR.YRUGGIST E. J. MITCHELL, DRUGGIST. IIIIaIIileIIIMIIIERI1l)ll0illl'rtIII11111111111 V is isF 1 Wed. and Thur. Oct. 29 and 3o I tro 'bear ' The Wonder Dog in "The Love Master" The story of Strongheart's battle with a giant snarling wolf pack to save his mistress from their tearing jaws Prices x50 and 25c Fri., Sat Oct. 31., and Nov. 1 Dustin Farnurn IN. i .. "Kenluck y. Days" ontyA'stlaw, ory When the gen% was the ! JA►ls'o Clyde Cook iii "The = t"-1 ll brpha,i.,, All jp Prices t5c and 250 wll arsh Mon. and Tue.; Nov g and 4- ae . in Rte 1est'T1ltl.lnp" Death took her fathers debts swepk' ttwa5rher `borne raid the 55 .tnara she loved was loved by hex sister; But Paddy's nottrage and F nimble braiti solve the problems Aj(;#CD Comedy til ices :rye and 35e mi AA iA I1tT m m 1111111111101011131111 101111111111911111 1111 11 es IN DRESS FLANNELS $x.69 --Extra Fine Quality 1' All Wool Dress Flannel in Navy, Copan, ;Scarlet, Sand, Fawn and, Brown, 54 iii wide spec- 1 gal; a yard BOTANY SERGE •$2.19•--AI1 Wool Botany Serge in a fine even weave, exceptional value for this splendid quality, Black and Navy 54 in! 43. wide, Special a yd s:. .,.,..._.,. ,dam ior IN SATIN ROMAIN $2.49 --One of the most Point- snit' lar silk for Fall Wear, with a lustrous satin finish. Whirlpool, Cadet, Gold and Champagne ,r� y,l 36 in, wide specially priced` a yard.,:,...,...,.. e �!M FANCY SAi"EEN, Ogc-Art Sateens for Comfort tens and Coverings, good weight, and splendid patterns, full 36 in, ide, reg value r;oc 1p Special a yard ,a ud' HOSE 95c -Ladies All Wool Cashmere Hose, Plain or Ribbed, J3rown, 'D1aok, Fawn, Coating, reg. $1,.25 and $1.5o special pair J. cv MILLS Our Goods are the Best. ommailiam l_41\1Z TOW'EIaI,ING.J�c - ing, plainwith z'e;i or bine bor,,,.,. u''at this low price z6 in. wide s a yard _. _ _.:. OVERCOATS -Man's V�;reil the best makers at specially. $11.50 to $25,00 SUITS. ---Men's Suits, at greatly red from 4 ,50 to HOSE 49c-1Vfen's Brown and lilacl Cashmere Sox ro?i and xx 'a pair...:....„. Fine Silk' Hose and Sox in assorted color: regular 90c Special a pair.... SWEATERS --Men's Heather Union OW: laced' Boy's Wool Sweaters •.. , one 'I :r " "The House of quality" Our Prices m VOTE! BY MUNICIPALITIES HURON For O. T, A. For Control for 0,: T. A. Goderich 1x49 896 253 .Clinton 713 280. 433 Seaforth :..... ..... 652 300 ' 352 Wingham 832 262 570 Hensall .:;.._.:: 330 ' 89 . 241 Exeter .,: 762 188 • 574 B1ytl.274 71 •203; Bayfield _..-, 132 Brussels 379 .. 113 Ashfield ... 783 208 Colborne 538 65 Goderich Tp 645 126 Stanley. 557 iso Hay" 521 428 Stephen - • 864 311' Usborne 794 89 Tuckersmith 797 x65. McKillop 497 255 242 Hullett ..,:..... ......._, 808 153 655 Grey .. 96o 123 837 Morris.- 765- - 148 617, Wawanosb, •E ... 714 52 662,: W awanos i1, W......, 665 121 544 Turnberry _, 630 133 497 Howick 1162 184 978 Wroxeter .:.,_: _ .__-- • 172 35 137 58. 266 575 47;1 519 407 93 '553 6332 BRUCE AlAlbemarle ..� 3308 - 49 259 Arran : 4 91 186 Brant :_..__ 692 381 316 9 381 31 Bruce '8Lion's Head ........:1 132 - 43 0 X89 Culross 455 359 90 Eastnor 257, Elderslie _ 597 Greenock 399 409 Huron ..:_..- loo8 137. Sex (Kincardine Tp, 648 147 501 Lindsay .. 73 45 28 Kinloss .. 526 130 396 St. ,Edmunds ` ..... 115 29 ' 86 Saugeen 95274 878 Hepworth 84' .77 7 Sullivan . 597 210 387 Lucknow ,__ , 480 73 407 Carrick 44o 1067. Paisley Port Elgin ...-..... 366 42 456 228 228 229 50 179 Teeswatei ..._.,...... 327 , 217 Tiverton , • 133 20 'SI13 Chesley 668 228 q.q.o Southampton 388 227 x61 Kincardine Tp- 597 358 239 Walkerton 547 614 WClifford iartori ..: $15 267 248. �- 5a 324 JAMESTOWN There passed away quietly on Oct- ober 18th,at his late home, Lot, x, Con. A Turnberry township, the spir- it of Francis C. Wright. The subject of this notice was born in Scotland and cache to Canada 80 years ago, at. the age of 4 years, Fainily resided at Harpurhey for sonic years, moving to the homestead, on which he has lived, when it was unbroken bttsh. Mr. Wright had been ailing for some time with compensation of the heart and the end was not unexpected. There is left to mourn, the widow and 5 child- ren, Walter and Fred, Dysant, Sask, Frank,Wilton Grove, Ont.; Mrs. 13c:nsoa Wheeler, Brussels, and Jim at home. 4 children are deceased, Hil- ton, dying in infancy, Archie died in 1916, William in 1917 and Mrs. C. G. Wood in x922. The subject of ,this notice was married to Margaret Smith at Flainiltou 47 years ago. The sym- pathy of the community is extended to the bereaved. Funeral took place Monday afternoon to Brussels cemet- ery. Rev. J. P. McLeod conducted an appropriate service. • Mr, Wright was an honest, honorable man who was highly, respected in the community. DIED Garratt -In Gorrie, on Sunday, Oct. 19th., 1924, Ernest Garratt, in his 59th year. Gibson -In Wroxeter, on ' Tuesday, Oct. 21st., /924, John Robertson Gibson, in his 62nd year. Chevrolet Came To Grief A new Chevrolet touring car Owned by Mn Wm, Hastle, drover, of Gott die, came to grief one day last week, while being driven by the owner along the ninth, con., o Howick, Ho is c ' , aust westof that village. The machine turned completely over, the top, one wheel, wired -shield and other parts being de- molished, Hastie escaped with a few minor injuries, This is the second car accident he has figured in during the past few weeks.-Pordwich Gaz- ette. A Present ;For The Bride Asasuitable lft to g a bride a'fitst tclasa sewing machine is both useful and ornamental. Then the price la moderate, A good deal lower than the city department stores charge, The New acute and Ideal' Mairhitin3 are fully warranted, A. W. Webster Agent, up stairs o`trer The. Advance. Tithes 'Office. Cas ur ictoiY B i , ICTORY Bond Coupons V at any.,B.ranch of this Bank. Open a savings account at any of ourcic.Tx. s and deposit the proceeds. Your bona _t; teee t: will then start immediately, to earn rnore money for you.' The • Dominion Bank safeguards your savings s by the prudent policies of .its experienced management. z:, THE WINGHAM BRANCH, J. A. WALLACE, '.i There is economy' in numbers as well as strength and, in order to `:fittingly celebrate the opening of our three hundred and thirty-third store, aspecial listof real bargains for thirty-three cents is listed below. Remember, too, that all orders of $3.00 or more will be delivered free. Beekist Honey, 5 lb. pail . 79c Pinic Hain, per lb. , • .12 c Cooking Onions, 10 lbs... .. . 2k Dominion Baking Powder, 11b. tita( 16c (Contains No Alum) .White Satin Pastry Flower, 24 lbs $1.05 GINGER CRISP BISCUITS, 3 lbs. LTBBY'S PORK & BEANS, 3 tins TRISCUIT 3 for .. •. BULK COCOA 3 lbs. e - 1/2 •"7b. Tin RICHMELLO W COFFEE AUNT DINAH MOLASSES, 3 for 1/2 -1b. PINI SALMON, 3 for 5't FANCY -9X BISCUITS, lb. ,, TILLSON'S JI„ OATS 9 ROLLED C OATS, 6 lbs. POTTED MEATS, 4 for JUTLAND SAR- 9 DINES, 4 for , 99 JELLY POW- jejC DERS, 4 for PUMPKIN 1 ' FX JAM BISC>»TITS lb' ,. MARSH- ~ VALENCIA 'CAIKE MALLOWS b, - c BREAD Small Loaf RAISINS 2 lbs. - AC011 113,,. RICHMBLLOW C TBA, 1b .. PI'NEAPPLE, Safi • -410'16 pore, Sliced - 137 SEL amen The use of hens ir i s to la 1 eggs,positively >., S gg , and harts will lay nevi,, t lr GUARANTEED -if a put a' dose f Piatt's the You o 1 iatt s �'blslt,ry 1.tx.gttia.ror in tc, every day. Your dealer is auth oorirr d to; gewe back your money if it ;frtu t7.. fir' Pl h tll,,as 1;4 ,