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Voter's Lists, 1924, Municipality
k Of Wingh en, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that''1
have complied with ;section to,
of The• , Voter's Lists Act attd
e' that;I have posted'up;at my of-
= rice at the Tow, Hall, ,Wingham
E on the Lath day -of October 1924
the list of all ;.persons entitled
to vote in'the said Municipality
at Municipal Elections and that
scala List remains there for in -
E. spection.
And 1 hereby call .upon all.
F. voters to take;. immediate pro-
: ceedings' to have any errors or
omissions corrected according
t. la .
If you have moved into Town
during 1924 or changed your',
residence from one ward to an
le other see that your name is pro-
perly entered on the Voter's
list or call up the Clerk's office.
a. The last day.for entering coin
plaints will. be Saturday Noveri-
her• 8th.
Dated this ,8th day of Octo-
C ber, A. D., 1924., .,
' W. A. Galbraith,"
Town Clerk of Winghain
,;v111Y11 f, 1 1 llitl,e ,11,1111[blll 01.11tlt tlllll 1 llll 11111 11.
Alteration: Sale -Still going on at
Tsard's, savings worthwhile on all
lines• of merchandise.
.A,UC'TION SALE --Choice Young
Durham Cattle at the C P. R. stock
-yards,,Wingliam, at 2 O'clock sharp,
on Monday, Nov. 3rd. The follow-
ing choice cattle, 20 head of Feeders
•Steers, and Heifers, 4 'Springers,
close to calving. D. E. MacDon-
ald Prop John Purvis, Alette-
lered Canaries, Tyrolean Warblers
and Ilartz-moulitain. All good
singers. Appl3r to Mrs. W. E..
FOR SALE—Imported Clydesdale
*Stallion, foaled in x909, ireported by
Graham -I Bros. Scotland's Premier
Horse "Promoter" color coal black.
This horse was kept by Graham
Bros. for a thne as their breeding
horse. Sure foal getter and sire of
the winners. Also hrown -"mare
foaled in 1909 "Polly Ann' by up to
tirlid Grand, Sire "Baron's Pride",
supposed to be in foal to the above
named eire "Promoter". Also black
Stallion foal by above nemed sire
.and dam. These animals will be
sold at a'ba.rgain, either for cash or
+time ae the owner ie leaving for the
city. Owned at Lots 5 and 6 Green-
ocic Township, one half mile east of
Kinloss village on provincial high-
way. S.MeComb , Route 2, Holy -
_FOR SALE—Chevrolet Touring Car,
in good condition. 'Apply to Alvin
Groves at SteWart's Glove Works,
FOR. SALE—Shropshires, a number
of Strong,,Rain Lambs, also Shearl-
Lor,desboro, phone 26-e5 Blyth.
'FOR SALE—Singer 'Canaries $5.50
each; also good organ will eell for
$3o.00 M. Carrick, Whitechurch.
FOR SALE—A number, of gOod
singer. eanaries arid hens at reason-
able prices. Apply to Mrs, ' Ed.
-FOR SALE --4 York Brood Sows
with litter at. foot. j. Potter, Low,.
FOR SALE—Cheap steel tired bug-
- gy in good condition. Apply to
Mrs. Ben Smith Minnie St.
TOR SALE—A quantity of good sol-
id head cabbage, five to ten cents
each,- ApPly te John Kerr, Lower
FOR SALE--Shearling Oxford Rana;
Fair, r924. A. Douglas, Bluevale,
R. R e, Phone 'Weoxetee
at housework by capable girl. Miss
Sarelt Hobson, eare. of Mrs, W, J.
LOST---COngoleum Rug off load of
Wingliam. . Finder kindly leave at
13antic .of Commerce.
NOTICE—Parties having cream cans
belonging 'to Winghero Creernery
with which they are not delivering
cream to us, must return SEL1110 10
the Crearnery, aft er this notice.
(Signed), United Farmers Co,-
OPerative Co., Ltd.
Head of Shorthorn thoroteghbred
cattle at Lot 26, Coe, to, West VVa-
-nranosh, on Friday, Nov. 71.11. See
bilis, John Webster, Prop, John
Purvis, Auct.
for quick sale, do cycle, Apply at
once to Reid.'s Getage.
SEE, OUR. STOCK—,Of Quebec
Cook Stoyes Heaters, your old
stove taken ae part payment, Agent
for, MeClary's atid other reliable
makes, 'Thompson & Buchanan,
WAW.CED TO RENT—A too .acre
farm. drop a card to Bon. 20/, Wing -
ham, or enquire et this office,
Mr. Fred Manuel of Detroit, spent
a few d .ys et his home here.
Mr. R. H, Rumford of'Oi•illia, is on
a visit, with has sister, Mrs, Manuel,
Mrs, Ford Cruickshank and s
UV l 1 14I 1f, ONTa',
Stable Behind Iiaugli's Shoe 'Sty
Fite of unitnoivri origin broke out
in the stable behind Jas. Haugh,'s
son, shoe store nn Tuesday alight about on Crepe,. Silk, Cotton:, Leatl erette,
are visiting her parents in Mitchell. & T f d d b e
THURSDAY, OCT0131:1;Ft 30th, 1924;
.�•; .,
Save 'money, 'stock up at IVIcKib-;
bon's "one cent Sale this week;
Dr. Harnbly vei11 be away frons his
practise from Nov. 3rd ,till Nov, s8tln,
Samaco flit—xdand painting • done
:3a. he. ire had gaine consi era 1 . and Parchment. Phone 220,
Mr. and Mrs. Tinos, Henderson and headwa ` before it was noticed and theHighest prices paid for all kinds of
Price, motered to London on Sunday, firemen are to be congratulated on the Live and Dressed Poultry. Get our
Miss Aitcheson of London, spent splendid avoid( which they did in not prices ,before you sell, H. Brown &
theeek-end with relatives ' i town, only Sons, Wingham. Phone 204.,
w in o ly saving a part of the fraxne'strue
- tore but in keeping in the fire from Meeting of all members o the t11.
Mr. Luther Ball of -St. Marys, re p g ,, • g .., ,, f 9
newed acquaintances in Wingliaiaa this spreading -to other adjacent buildings, Greys Horse, will beheld in the term-
week. the firemen made record time and curies at 8 o'clock on Friday evening,
Mrs. LTJ, ' , Mains Inas returned Will Lepard's truck looked like a Oct. eest.W, VanWyck, Major.
J e real fire
engine dashing up street and Tite var root ande
from' visiting Iter sister iia Owen t the reelands w e o m s office of. the
Sound, back with a ladders. Whyte Packing Co,, will close' at six
From a short' distance the fire look -o'clock on.Saturday evenings ;.and ale
', Mrs. M. Gunn, and Mr. A. Fearon of ed 'very' large and threatening. The
week during the fall and winter mon-
Clinton, spent the week -end i M
E. Aitchison. d
Mrs; Wm, Pattison, John St. 'has Mr, Haugh for a hen house, Most of
returned to lice home after visiting the hens were rescued. Mr. Garnet cwt. for ]Hogs, 35c to 40C per pound
with friends in Detroit. Ba1ce' lir h' 1ias' m for choice clatrybutterand 2�ic and fie
r s horse which. become �uclx d d f d
a familiar i zi the Dominion
figure x,
Mr. and Mrs, M. Nixon of Milton � ip grade;
visited at the' home of Mr. and Mt's, press service for so many years way
W. J. Howson on Sunday. so badly burned and suffocated iii its .
Robert Doig's garage, in Corrie,
was raided. several nights ago and one
ZVIrs, W. Walsh of Detroit's eitt box stall before the nen could' get itg
P out that it had to be shot to put it new tire and rim and other parts of
tli'weelc end with her sister;, Mrs. H. .the car stolen. Officer' Phi en was
Hinsclzffe and other friends, out of. its suffering.pP.
rs.., .building was owned by' Geo. Brophy ths.
an; a part of the stable was, rented to
Farmers are receiving $9.5o per,
an per • dozen O eri
n'1"ar'• � . i'T' - 4 p for eggs according
there on Saturday looking after the
p atter:
Mrs. McKuuaon of 'Toronto sent SILVER, MEDAL: CONTEST m
Sunday at: the. home of her parents; The Wingham Horticultural Socie-
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howson. One of the most interesting and ty has arranged with Mr. J. M,
ham to distributeiute their bulbs to mem-
bers who are entitled to,feli premiums.
Each niember`will receive 2 dozen tul-
ips or their equivolent'in other bulbs.
Mrs, F. G. Sperling of Toronto and profitable evening's that the W,C.T.TJ.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Leech of Detroit of Wingham, have held for some time
are visiting Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart. was their Junior and Silver 'Medal.
Miss Vera Robinson has returned to Contest, in the Presbyterian Church,
her home in Brampton, visiting on Friday evening, October teth.
with her aunt ,'Mrs Arthur Iaines. In order to deepen interest in the
Mr. A. S. 'Radford, Whitechurch,. Temperance situation, seven contests
will take in cecina every day. but Sat- were held among the boys -and girls
utday, Commencing Monday 27th, of the public and high schools of the
town. All contestants' reached a
Mr. and, Mrs. Samuel Marshall and High . state of excellence and in many
son Mervin, were Sunday visitors cases made it ,difficult for the judges
at Mr. and Mrs. William Shoebo'ttona, to' decide.
:Gast Wawanosh.Prizes: were awarded to the follow.
Miss Annie (herr of Toronto, for-;iug;
merly of Wingham,'spent a few days Junior Elocution—Kathleen Smith.
at the home of her friend, Mrs, Alex Junior Vocal—Vera Finley.
Porter, Centre St,' , Silver Medal Elocution (boys) Wil -
Miss Myrtle McCallum of Milton, lie BrawIey. •
was visiting for a few days with, her Silver Medal Elocution (girls) Yu-
uncle, John McCalluan , and cousin, vonne McPherson. -
Mrs- George Olver of town, Public 'School Essays—isa,, Ber-
Mr. and Mrs. F. motored up tha McGee; 2, Floyd Carter;
from London and spent over SundaY King -
at the home of her parents, Mr. and High School Essays—ist, Ada Cor -
Mrs. Albert Buttery, Scott St. bett; 2nd„ Stuart McKenzie; 3rd.,
Gertrude Anderson.,
Mrs. J. T. McCallum of -Milton, Mrs. Posters 1st., Olive Homuth; -2nd.,
(Dr.) Russell Hoffinao and son of Floyd Carter; 3rd., Alma Skelding.
Toronto are visiting at the home of -
their parents Mr. and -Mrs, Jo,len Kerte Mr. A. Posliff the popular principal
f the Public School was the' chair-
'. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. lVfoffat and scm+ man and acted in this capacity in a
very efficient and happy manner.
ie thanks of the members was ex -
spend] ng a week with Mr+ and Mrs. pressed for the splendid interest
R. J. Tindall. 'shown by the large attendance and to
Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Shoebottoin the judges many of whom were froin
accompanied by Mrs. Barker and son, 'out of town.
motored from London and spent the ;
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. William Euchre and Dance
Shoebottom East Whwanosh. I A progressive euchre party a
also Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and sons of
Detroit, have returned.. home after al
Mr and M .s Chas W Leach rno- daoce will be put on in the Council
tored over from Detroit t.nd visited Chamber of the town hall On Wednes-
on Sunday at the home of Dr. Stew- day evening, Nov. 5th., under the au -
ext. arid with other relatives species of the Turnberry Agricultttral
friends in-Wingham and Bluevale. Society, 'The proceeds from this so -
Lt. Col. T. C. Evans of the Royal cial evening will go to start'a building
Canadian Army Veterinary Corps, fund for the Agricultural Society.
and Mrs. Evans spent a few days in Boost Winghain Fall Fair by yam;
W Ingham, renewing acquaintances, Presence.
Mrs. Evans is a sister of Mr. C. P. Eastern Star Entertained
w. j. Boyce entertained the
Mrs. Sanderson, Wing -limn, better officere of Huron Chapter, No, 89,
known as Miss -Lola Willis, was visit- Eastern Star, at her home, Minnie
ing in town. She is pleasantly re- St., on Tuesday afternoon from 3 io
meinbered for her profitient service 6 in, honor of the Worthy Grand Mat-
in the store of her brother, W. Fe ron, Mrs, Woods, who paid her of-
VVillis, for the past few years in town. ficial visit to the local chapter on
Brussels Post 'Tuesday night Several members of
at Dundalk, Palmerston chapter of the East -
Mr. Norman Butcher accountant of the
tbe Bank of Commerce Fro Star were guests at the inspection
spent Sunday at the home of his mo- in the Parish Hall.
ther. Mr. Phil Dyer, son of Mr. and Methodist Church, Sunday, Nov. end,
Mrs. IN. R. Dyer, has been pronaoted, The Jubilee Services, which were
to cashier in the Dundalk branch from so successful last Sunda.y, will be con -
the Orangeville branch. "tinned next Sabbath. The day will
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Smith and+ son open wit a pr yer and praise seivice
motoeed.oven, from Cortland, New at to a. in, The pastor will have
York and spent a few deys with, chaege of both services and will be
Wingham relatives. Mr. Srriith's fa-' assisted by Rev. A. E. Moorehouse of
ther, 1V1r. Hiram Smith accompanied Grace Church, St. . Thomas. Mr.
them hoine.;.arid will art future reside Mooinhouse is a strong evangelical
in New York. .01ct residents are sormpreacher. Greatly beloved •, by- has
ry to see euch esteeined resi- people, and we, are sure all who hear
dent cleaving. ' 'him, will be inspired and edified by
. his services.
To Victory Bond Owners The music will be in cherge of our
13ring in your matterieg 'bonds and assisted. by Prof. and Mes.
let me arrange tor the re-itivestment ana, the sweet gospel singers, We
of your savings in Huron & Erie de- are looking forward with keen expec-
beiitures. These debentures are with -
teflon to our services en Sunday next,
orized by the Government as art in-
. Come end ioin
vestment for Trust Funds in the cus- '
tody of Executors and Tru•stees, They Evangelistic Services
tarn 5i per annum, payable half-yew...1 Special Evangelistic Services are be-'
which IS tile rate you have been re- ing held in the Methodiet Church dur-
ceiving on your 'Victory Bonds, Aln. lug this week and next. The pastor
ner Cosens, 'R'eal Estate and 'User- will be'in charge of the services, and
ance. will be assisted by the Rev. j. H, Hid -
le MA BD of Goderich and. Rev -
Mrs. McGavie. Called l3y Death Y' '
W. E. Mallsore of Loedon Ontario.
A most highly esteemed resident of Both these men arc strongl'y evarige-
Wingliam was Mrs. James M.cGavin listic and will do us all good.
and it was with cleep regret that her The singing will be in charge of
friettds learned of her sitdden death- Pref. and Mrs. Wells of Indianapolis,
while visiting at the hoine of Mr. Indiana. Both are graduates in mue-
and Mrs, Gibson Gillespie at White- ic from the John Fletcher College,
church on Saterday. She had, only fbeVe, and are adepts at leading con -
been sick for a few daye, I-Ier mai- gregatiotal singien. judging. from
deo nathe was Elizabeth Wallate, the enthusiasm neid mterest developed
and she was bereaved. of her husband in connection with the services in the
about seventeen years ago. She wee Vietoria Ave., Methodist Church,
57 years of ago, and W4S a devoted Goderich, we are dile for two weeks
member of St, Atidrew's Presbyter- of very blessed mid inspiratiooel set -
Interment 'will be Made in Chesley 'ices'
cemetery. , Her husband owned. a
hardware store in Chesley before
coming to Wingliam. Rev. Dr. Fer-
ric eondtitted the tunerel services at
her late residence, corner Patrick wad
Centre Streets ot Wednesday morn-
ing at eo
Two brothets survive viz: Thos.
'Wallace it Totemic). aed P.obeer Toroino city gave a majority of 49,-
Refoe, Sask. 437 agentst the 0, T,
The latest figures for the eatire
krovince are;
For Oeterio,Temperaece Ad. 675,120
Total Provincial" Majority 44,922
Thie in the 'face of' the fed that
New `Wall Paper A large ship-
ment has arrived at' Mitchell's Drug
Store, Patterns all new. We invite
comparison with city prices and
quality. Our store is now headquar-
ters for Wall papers. Mitchell's Drug
Lieut. Janaway of Thedford, has
been moved to the local corps of the
Salvation. Army,, and Lieut. Stevenson,
who has been in Winglaam for sever-
al months now has been promoted to
the rank of captain and moved' to.
Word was received here of the sud-
den death in Pittsburgh of Mrs. (Dr,)
Kew. Dr: Kew is a brother of Mi
'Thos,.`Kew, Mrs, Wm,' Field and Mrs:
Skeldin.g of Wingham. He practised
Osteopathic at Wingham and Kincar-
dine for a short time.
A. new piece of ceinent sidewalk
has been lead around the post office
to replace the sunken walk which lay
covered with pools of w'ater in. wet
weather. The job was let to,...Mr. Jos.
Pugh and he engaged Mr. R. Vint and
his men, and the completed job is a
credit to all concerned. .
The Annual Meeting of the Huron
County Children's Aid and Humane
Society will be held on Tuesday,. the
4th of November, at 3 p. 121,, in the
Children's Shelter, Cameron St„ Gode-
rich. Mr. J. 5, Kelso, Provincial
Supt„ is expected to be present and
give an address. The public are invit-
The Women's Hospital Auxiliary
wish to thank everyone who contri-
buted. to the recent donation day for
the Hospital which was the most suc-
cessful of any year yet. The fellow-
ing is a list of the donations received:
336 jars of fruit, pickles, etc., 3 bags
potatoes i bag apples, 5o lbs cereals,
bag dour, butter and eggs, quanti-
ties of all kinds of vegetables and
fruit, several children's nightgowns
and $4.e5 in cash.
Girl Steadily ImproVing
The little girl, Miss Mary lefeDoeg-,
all, who was so seriously injured in
an auto, accident 'between Tiverton
and Kincardine etnde-who we are sor-
ry to have reported dead, is now we
are pleased .to learn making favor-
able steps toward recovery. We un-
derstand, and 'we believe our authori-
ty this time very sure, that while her
lips and face is badly disfigured and
one eye is probably beyond seeing
again, yet she is making steady pro-
Resolutaon to Premier Ferguson
On Sunday evening after the ser-
vice in Wingham Methodst Church,
a meeting of the Quarterly Official
Board was called by the Pastor to
consider the acfion of Premier Fer-
guson in his declaration that lie
would do evetything possible to en-
force more rigidly the Ontario -Tem-
perance Act and would not consider
the requests of the moderatiou 'Lea-
gue of Toronto to give them any spe-
cial legislation. The following reso-
lution was passed.
To the Honorable G. H, Ferguson,
Prime Minister of Ontario.
At a largely attended meeting of
the. Quarterly 'Official 13oarcl 'of the
Winghaen Methodist Church held on
October 26, the following' resolution
wee moved, seconded and unanimous -
13,0 adopted,
That the members of the Quarter-
ly Official Board of the Wieghain
Methodist Church have read with
much pleasure the very satisfactory -
statement of the Hon, G. H. Fergu-
son premier of this Province.
That the Ontario Temperatice Act
will remain on the Statute Book and
that his Goveroment will itee its best
efforts to strengthen the Att and give
active and efficient entorcemeut We
hasten to assure the Prime Minister
that eve are hilly. in accord with thie
declaration ef Policy and that all- his
'etforts,to secure efficient enforcement
of file Act shall have our 'hearty mad
aetive support and, co-opeeation,
' That a topy Of this resolution be
forevarded to Premier Vergueoo and
to the local press,
Tad, teSolution was signed by
3, Currie, 1)r. Redmond id A He
Train Hits; Arthur Skiaw'e Fond
Sedan Near . Junction
w roi 11 1 UI 111r110 mu* ; }":k e
While rnotoriitg to Winghant front
Biuevale on Monday afternoon about
one o'clock, Mr, Az their Shaw, treas-
urer of Morris township met with a
most "unfortunate accident. A freight
train ,was eoining along the track
which runs almost parellel with the
load fora piece and it is evident that
Mr. Shaw did not see his danger un-
til he was right up to the crossing,
and in a despen'ite effort to tura. out'
of danger his sedan evidently turned
over on the track and was immediate-
ly struck by the train, and landed in
the ditch.
Mr. PeterT+o-wler, in conversation
with the editor, said he believed that
Mr; Shaw had not heard the train
until it whistled within a few' feet of
him and when he pulled over found
his auto upsetting and natiurally
enough tried to;pull it back on the
road, probably not realizing that the
train was upon him.
Mr, Shaw was badly cut ontheleft
hand ai�-id his face and leg, were cut
and bruised. Dr. Stewart rushed hint
to Wingham and:caressed his wounds:
The marvel is how Mr. Shaw escap-
ed being killed. His many friends
will be very much relieved to know
that he is not seriously injured.
The.wheeLs and gearing of the au-
to were badly smashed and, the se
clan .body was torn off the chassis and
turned 'completely around as well as
being badly smashed.
The Annivereary Services in the
Methodist Church on Sunday last
were very successful. The Wea.th-
er was ideal and the congregations
very large. The officials and mem-
bers tried to make the first Sunday
a Rally of old members and friends,
and they were present from Toronto,
Sarnia„ Detroit, Mich., Hamilton,
London and from nearly all the small-
er towns adjacent.
The services were marked by great
inspiration. The musia was led hy a
choir of nearly 40 voices under the
able leadership of Ms. J. I -L Chris-
tie. 'Their opening selection at the
morning service was a benediction of
praise. Mrs. W. A. Finlay was pre-
sent and rendered two helpful solos,
Mrs, Finlay was soloist in the Metho-
dist choir at the time of the building
of the present church and sang at the
opening service the same solo she
sang on Sunday rnorning last, "Just
As Am." At the evening service
in addition to the anthem by the
choir, and a solo by Mrs. Finlay, a
mixed quartette rendered a beauti-
ful selection.'
At the 'morning service the pastor,
the Rev. C. E. Cragg was assisted by
ford B. A. of Lecan. Mr. Thomson
is the son .of Geo. Tlacensou who, for
a number of years lived on a farm,
and owned. a saw mill at Zetland.
His brother Henry, is a resident of
Wingliam. Bert attended, Winghatn
High School and was a member of
the Methodist Church And Sunday
School in town. In 1895 he'was made
an exhorter by the Methodist Quar-
terly Official Board. Mr. Gifford is
the son of the late Rev. G. A. Gif-
Church in the years 1894-95-96. Both
of these men told how they were
converted in the old Methodist chur-
ch, and began almost immectia.tely
active Service in the Kingdom.
Mr. Gifford preached at the morn-
ing service. ne gave a very help-
ful and thoughtful exposition of the
letter to the Church at Ephesus,
found in Rev. His sermon
displayed much study, widd reading,
clear analysis, and deep insight into
the meaning of Holy Scripture, His
sermon will linger long in the mend
of many of his hearers.
In the evening Mr. Thomson prea-
ched. His opening remarks were
very interesting. and touching. His
sermon was based. upon the words
found in /et Chapter of John, "The
Word 13ecarne Flesh," arid it proved
to be a very helpful and practical
treatment ,of the incarnation. He at-
tempted to show the necessity for,
and the meeting 'of the incarnation,
arid succeeded- in a marked degree.
His appeal for immediate acceptance
of Jesus Christ, as Lord and Saviour,
was strong and convincing,
On Monday eveniag a fowl supper
was served under the auspices of the
Ladies Aid Society. Over Soo sat
The programme consisted of an in-
strottental seleetion by Prof, Wells,
trio by the Misses Christie and Miss
Abell, a very sweet duet by Prof aud
Mrs. Wells., (arid. judging from the
inany fasrorable comments, Mr. and
Mrs, Wells have already won the
hearts of the people), Solos by Prof,
and Mrs. 'Wells, instruinental duet by
Miss N. Christie arid Miss Abell,
Greetings ftom Rev. Dr, Perak of
'St. Andrew's Presbyteriaie Church,
and Rev. Mr. Snell of St. Paul's An-
glicati Church, and a lecture by Rev,
Duncan MeTavish on the "Luggago
of Life," The singing of God Save
the Kieg, brought a very successful
supper And concert to a conciuSion,
I6 Thurs
ru Store Mercl a
�, .� ua
f this week
You cano.ot afford to miss this great Money v1 m
~ F
Event.Everyarticle sold under a u�r�l�a.�.t,
lit. Satisfaction to you or
of quality, �a l f�.
q Y Y
your 'money refunded.
"' u s - ,'
"If ®u didn't get a Bi11`asl� u.� fol ora.,;
Re exEctiber the dates, Oct. 30, 31, and rQ
iii, _fit .,� ��"•' rug
IIIA III ' 1II 1115111151111151111 1II
li at.n u. 111 1 �+I , lir Cl li • 11111
I I &� I 1 ! 111 !(P�III li I � III.
Radio Equipment 'Notice To Farmers
What is a home without a radio?
Don't spend your evening's at your
friends, gee your own. Westinghouse
offers you a two tube set with a
range of 1500 miles ready installed at
Cruicksha.nk, Agene Phone 2,54. "Ev-
erything that's radio."
The rush season of farm, wort- be-
ing over, we feel there will .bc ino ne-
cessity of remaining open farther on
Saturday evenings. therefore after
this notice will remain open for bust
Hass mal 6 p. m. only, ou Sa3uzday .
,The United Farmers Co -Operative.,
!Morris Barn turned
While doing the chores on eatue
day night at his barn on the ytla of
Morris, Mr. Jas. Anderson's= lantern
was upset in some unaccountable man-
ner and his barn and crops with all
other contents was burned to tate
ground. We understand that he laune
the •lantern up in the stable -while he
went to put down hay and to his hoe
ror was met by a wall of flame on re
turning to the stable.
Mr. Anderson wishes to lnzblic y
thank his many friends and neighbors
whoworked so heroically to save his
The many friends of Mr, Dudley E.
Holmes, barrister of Goderich, will be
pleased to learn that he has been apa
pointed town solicitor in succession
to M.. G. Cameron, who has received
a. judgeship.' Mr, Holnads ie a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Holmes, and a
Died While Picking Apples
Truly, in the midst of life we are
in death, John R. Gibson of Howick,
was np in a tree on his farm in Ho -
Mn Mat. Sanderson when he was
stricken with heart failure and fell
deacrio the ground, on Tuesday af-
ternoon of last. -week. Mr. Gibson
had been he his usual health and. the
night before death had sang a
couple of solos at a concert in Gorrie.
His Uncle's Niece
This h; the title of a three' act farce
which will be presented ha the Forest-
er's Hall Belgrave on Tuesday even-
ing, Nov. 4th., by the yoeing people.
characters in order of appearance are E
as follows: Richard Tate Esq., A ris- 1
Francis Felton, The cause of all the .7!
Court of Revision
. The Court bf Revisioft for tae As-
sessment Roll for the year r92''5
sit in the Town Hall, on Thursday
Dated ehis' 23rd day of October-, _
Dioec.,loIc.912e4, All persons interested ,are-
x.egnested to govern thernitelves
trouble, Chas, Johnsteja; Dora Hale,
very much attached to the cause, Miss
J. Johnston; Alice Malcolm, a close
chum Of Dora's, Mrs. Chas. Johnston;
Mrs. Sarah Ann Mullen, a woman of
few words, Mrs. J. McGill; Simon F.
Felton, Frank's Uncle, -who never
makes a mista.ke, Neil McCrea; Phil-
ander Filmore, humble but wise, G.
Nethery; Timothy Haye, gardener, B.
Bradburn; Silas 5ick-lemore, constable
j. McGill. Commences 845 Admis-
Come andehear what God's
.1 Word has to say about this
„2 great mystery.
Foot P
Every woman that has seen the new styles in Fall,
Footwear that we are now showin.g, knows that
we have a right to be proud of our display!
There are Street and Dress Oxfords, Strap Slipws
and new Gore Slippers in many hand -
There are—Oh, well, inay'we ask you to come
'rhe Best Values,at any stated ptice,
VatiNorteen—Ita Mon-
day, 27th., to Mr. and Mrs', Chas.
VanNormata daughter-- Jose-
phine, Irene.
Ir 4