HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-10-23, Page 6„ 'It' • , 4 r „, , r "44, • ."t • ' t, • 4.... aro ..„ (es 41, ESWATER*FALI; ;FAIR . (Continued, trOm last week) hacon logs, A. Schmidt, wheat, A. Schmidt; ebeaf white oats, 'Powl---Brahmas, ist And. 2nd, A, NI. A. Fischer, A, Schmidt; sheaf spring abb; DOriKingS, ist and and, J. D, wheat, A, Schmidt; sheaf, wheat Open tle; Barred 129els-S, 1st and 2nd W. to prize 'winners, A. Schinidt, A. Liss ; White Rocks, 1st and 2nd, cher, A, and W. McKague; sheaf oats A, W., 1,,ittle; White Wyandottes, W. open to prize -winners, A, •Schmidt, A. Miller, M. PL Vollick; Golden and W. IVIcK,-agne, j, 1). Little; display NVyandottes, M. 11. Vollick, Silver of grain on straw, A. Schmidt, 'Wyandoites, A. M. Babb; Silver Carn- Roots and vegetables— Potatoes pines, A. M. Babb Black Minoreas, rose type, 3-, Bilges, A, Sehmidt; He- ist and and W. L Miller. White '1...egs broil type G. Haines A. Schmidt; horns, J. Jeffravi M. 11 Vollick; round white, A. Fischer, G. Haiues; Brovvit leghorns, ist encl. ,and, W. L long white, G. Haines, J. Bilger; col - filler; Buff erPingtons, M. H. Vol- lection, J. Bilges, A. Ilitner; trirniPs, lick, A. M, Babb; White Orpingtons, swede, G. Haines, G. T. Fischer; turn - M, H. Vollick; ,Anconas, W. L Mill- ip, greystones, A. Schmidt, Gs Haines; er, A. M. Babb, mang;olds, globe, A. Schmidt, G. Game—A.M. Babb; A. O. V, fowl, Haines. mangolds long red, G. 5. Fis- 1st and 2n4d, A. M. Babb; Hamburg, eller, G. Haines; mangolds, aio-ve A. A. M. Babb; Bantams, ornamental, ist Schmidt; T. Gdodfellow; carrots, field and and, M. Babb; Bantams, A.. white, A. W. Little, A, Schmidt; car- vviiite beans, 4,, Bilgel•, Miss Reg; heanS. t14,0„V,? 1'4 ^ROSwell, 13orbo, 'ensilage corn, R, Ireland; sheaf fall V., ist and 2nd, A. NI, Babb; Ton- rots,•field red, G. J. Fischer, A. Sch- louse geese, Haines, R. P. Scdtt; Emden le-eese, 111, H. Vollick• ducks rowan, 1st and and, Vollick;Pekin, M. H. Vollick, A. W. Little; Indian ruarier, 1st and 251d, A. M. •Babb; Rabbits, A. M. Babb, G. Rich - al cis on. Chickens----Bratirnas,Ist and and, A. P1. Babb; Langshans, ist and 2nd, A. M. Babb; Dorkins, 1st and 2nd, j, D. Little; Barred rocks, ist and and, W: 1. Miller; White rocks, ist and and, A. W. Little; White Wyandottes, 1st and 2nd, W. 1. Miller; Golden Wyan- " dottes, M. Ii, Vollick; Silver Wyan- dottes, 1st and and, A, M. Babb; Black Nlinoreas, W. I. Miller, 14. H. ,Vollicke Silver Campines, II. Vol - lick, W. I. Miller; White Leghorns, • H. .Arkel 10.1 Vollick; Brown leg- , horns W I MilIer, A NI Babb; buff orpingtons, ist and and, A.. NI. Babb; midt, sugar beets, D. Grant, A. Sch- midt carrots, table long, D. Borho, Richardson; carrots, table short, R. Ireland, A. Schmidt; beets, long blood G Haines 'A. Schmidt; beets, globe, Miss Bell, J. Walker; turnips, table, A. PI. McKague, D. Grant; parsnips, A. Schmidt, G. Plaines; radishes, G. Haines, Geo. f, Fischer; celery, G. Haines; cabbage, winter, J. Bilger, A. Schmidt"; cabbage, summer,. A. Sch- midt, A. Fischer; cabbage, red, A. Pis - cher, A. Schmidt; cauliflower, A. Sell- midt, D. Borho; kale. rabe, Mrs. F. Benninger; sunflower, A. W. Little, J. Bilger. . Cucumbers—Geo. J. Fisdher, A. Fisher; muskmelons, Mrs. F. Benn- inger; watermelons, T. Roswell; cit- ron, A. Schmidt, J. Bilges; Hubbard squash, T. Rosewell, Mrs. Benninger; squash, D. Borho, T. Rosewell; pump - 'Black orningtons, W 1 Miller, A. M. kin, Yellow, T. Rosewell, J. Penning- • Babb; R. I. reds; -1st and and, W. I. ton; pumpkin a.o.v., J. "A.I. Clark, T. Miller; Haniburgs, A, M. Babb; Coc- Rosewell; tomatoes red, A. Schmidt, kerels for export, W. I. Miller, A. W. R. Grant; tomatoes, yellow, G. Hai - Miller. nes; onions, from dutch sets, Miss " Fruit apples—Northern spy, A. and 13e11, G. Haines; 'onions from seed, j. W. McKague, Borho; Baldwin, D. Bilger, D. M. Grant; onions front Borho, A. Fischer; King, D. Bor- tops, D. Borho; ,potato onions, • A. ho, O. P. Pennington; G. Russet, Schmidt, J. Pennington; onions,white A. and W. McKague, T. Goodfellow; from seed, T. Rosewell; onions, red R. I. Greening, D. Borho, A. and W. from seed, D. NI. Grant, J. Penning- McKague; Alexander, Mrs. A. Good, ton; salsify, A. Schmidt; collection of N. Durres; 20' eiz pippin, N. Durrer, vegetables Mrs. Benninger, A. Sch-, M. H. Vollick; Mann, D. Borho, A. Fischer; Canadian red, j. T Goodfellow; Bendavis,..A. and W. Mc- Kague, J. Bilger. Culverts—D. Borho; Wealthy, P. Arkell & Sons;, Pe. russet, D. Borho, T. Goodfellow; Snow, D. Borho, N. Dilrrer; Maidens „blush, D. Borho, Mrs. Stuart; St. Lawrence, D. Borho, T. Goodfellow; Ontario, D. Borho; Fallwater, N. Durrer, A and. W. Nfc- midt, N. Durres; collection of roots, .A. Schmidt,- G. J. Fischer, G. Haines. Dairy Produce—Box butter Miss S. Bell, Mrs. G. Reid, Mrs. A. H. Mc-- Kague; crock butter, ro lbs winter use Mrs. D. Grant, Miss S. Bell, Mrs. W. McGill; crock butter 5 lbs, Mrs. A. Good, Miss S. Bell, Mrs, G. Reid; butter in lb. prints, Mrs. G, Reid, IVIrs D. Grant Miss S. Bell; butter individ- ual neolds Mrs. D. Grant; Mrs. W. Kague; R. Pippin, D. Borho, E. Steff- sweetstakes, Mrs. D.' Grant; ler; ,a'alinan, sweet, N. Durres, D, 5 lbs butter, girls, Mrs. 5: Hoetzle NI: 13orlio; Wagner, R.- Grant, D. Borho; NIcKague, T. McPherson; home made Blenheim orange, D. Borho, T. Good- fellow;" A.„.0. V. fall apple, D. Borho, N. Durrer; collection for export, Mrs. Good, D. Borho ; Large ci-abs, Miss • Moore, D.'Borh6; small crabs,- Mrs. K. McKenzie, G. Richardson. Bartlett pears -'-S. D. A. A. Stobo; uPP av91 * • - • A. Sto e 5.. Bilges; Whiter pears, S. D. A. A. Stos Vollick, G. Haines; hen's eggs;ewhite bo, N. nits -I -ere fall pears, G. Richard- shell, Mrs. A. Good, N. Durres; hen son, D. Borho;•burbank plums,- S. D. eggs, brown shell, L. Walker, Miss S. A, A, Stob'o, Mrs. W. McGill; Lone-' Bell.,`„hardsoap, G. Richardson, Miss bard plums, J. Bilges, Mrs. NI, Mar- S. Belle soft soap, A.. PI, McKague, J. 'tin; large blue, A. Fischer; Yellow, T. A. Thompson; hard soap from Gill- Goodfelloi,ve grapes, 'blue, 0. P. Penn- etts Lye, G. Richardson, j. A. Thomp- ing-ton; grapes, Niagara, R. P. Scott, son. • - O. P. Pennington; ,collec. of fruit, D. Horne Baking—White bread, Mrs. Borho, „AL Fischer. 2, D. Grant, D. Borho, Mrs, R. Grant; Grain ---White winter wheat, D. Dor- brown bread, Mrs. Jeffray, Miss :8, ho, T. G, Smith, A, "Fischer; red wint- Bell, Mrs. G. Haines; nut bread, Mrs. er wheat, A. Schmidt; spring sw,heat, Irwin, Mrs. D. Kirkland; plain raised A. Schinidt• srnall hite Peas, G. j. ,buns, Mrs. D. Grant, Miss Bell; Mrs. Fischer, M. H. Vollick; pea..o.v., R„ Grant; black oats, A. Schmidt; white oats, A. Schmidt, A. Fischer, G. Haines; barley, G. Plained, A. Schmidt A. Fischer; flint corn, j. Bilges; dent corn, A. Schmidt; .sweet corn, A: Schinidt, T. Roswell; turnip seed, R. Grant; Timothy" seed, A. Schmidt; M Little, rs. Hoel2.10.; jam tarts, ,NIrs, 5, A. Thonison, Mrs. U,Haines; 3ohns Ay cake, Mrs, S. Finnin, Mrs, W, L,its tle; jelly roll, D. Borho, Mrs, 5, Mc- Innes; sponge cake, P, Arkell & Sons Miss Bell; ginger cake,Mrs. R, P. Scott, Miss Bell; dark layer, Mrs, Kirkland, P, Arleen Sons, Gor- don; light layer, Mrs. M. Martin, Mrs j, Ireland, Mrs, Kirkland; frith eake, Mrs. W. Buckley, Mrs. Haines, Miss Bell; apple pie, Mrs. G, Rid, Mrs. Jas. Thomson, Mrs, Haines; pumpkin pie 'Mrs. W. Rome Miss Bell, Mrs, Volliek; lemon pie, Mrs, R. Keith, Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Gordon; meat pie, E, Pinnell, Mrs. Haines, Mrs, Kirkland; cheese dish, Mrs, G. Richardson, Mrs. VsTalker; cottage cheese, Pinnell, Mrs. Irwin;' choeo- late fudge, Mrs, j, W. Hendry, Mrs. 'I'. McPherson; working man's dinner E. Pinnell, Mrs. A. Ditner. Fruits, Pickles, etc.—Canned rheu- barb, Miss Bell; canned .raspberries, Mrs. 3'. A, Thompson, Mrs. jeffray; canned cherries, Mrs. McGill, Mrs. R. Grant; canned pears, Mrs. 5, NIcKa- gue, Mrs, Jeffery,, canned plums, .N.Us. L. A. Brink, D. Borho; preserVed strawberries, Mrs. F. Benninger, Mrs. apple; preserved plums, Mrs. McGill Mrs. Clark; preserved peaches, Mrs, Dippell; preserved citron; Miss Bell, preserved crabs, Mrs. A. Good, Miss Bell; -currant jam, Miss Bell, Mrs, Clark; grape jam, Mrs, • Clark, Mrs. Dipple; native fruit conserve, Mrs. Jeffery, Mrs. Dippel; apple jelly, 'Mrs. L. Walker, Mrs. McInnes; berry jel- ly, Miss Bell, Mrs. Dippell; currant jelly, Mrs. Dippell, D. Borho; canned tomatoes, Mrs. j. Ireland, D. Borho; canned corn, Mrs. A. Good, E. Pin- nell; canned' beans,- Miss Bell Mrs Clark; mincemeat, Mrs. L. Wallee.r, Mrs'. Dippell; Vinegar pickles, Mrs. Good, Mrs. Henderson; mustard pick- les, Mrs. Dippell, Mrs, Hoelzle; sweet pickles, Mrs. Hoelzles Miss Bell; to- mato catsup, Mrs. 'W.. Little, Mrs: Buckley; green relish, Mrs. McGill; Mrs. Henderson; Mrs. McGill. Girls—White bread, A. Sclainidt, M. H. Vollick, C. Little; 'raised rolls, C. Little, M. 1-1, Vollick; 'oatmeal cook- ies, McKague; citron cakes, W. McPherson, C. Little; E. McInnes; apple pie, M. H. Vollick, M. McKague vegetable salad, M. H. Vollick, E. Pinnell; turkish delight, M. H. -Vol- lick, E. Pinnell; dessert dish other, M. H. Vollick, C. Little. cheese, Miss S. Bell, Apiary Etc—Honey in cob, 5, D. Little; honey extracted, E. Pinneil, Mrs. K. McICenzie; honey granulated; J. D. Little, Mrs. A.IG•ood; hciney dis- play, G. Pinnell, j. D. Little, Mrs, A. Good', maPle.s3rrup, A. H. McKague, T. P. McDonald; Maple sugar, M. H. Walker; biScuits, B. P. graham, Mrs. W. Little, Mrs. 'W. J. Henderson; bis- cuits, B. S. tea, Mrs. D. Grant, Mrs, .R. Grant; ,sugar cookies, Mrs. Hen- derson, Miss `iiI3e11; ginger cookies, Mrs. Kirkland, Mrs. Henderson; drop oatmeal, 'Mrs. J. A. Thomson, NE's. J. Ireland: macaroons, Mrs. W. Gor- clover seed, A. .Ditner, G. Hames; don, Miss Bell; doughnuts, Mrs. W. .• egginier and summer; don't 1.dr your, henaleaf. orjust be boarders. 'We GTJARsil ANTEE' your hens -will lay more eggs', Or your MONEY BACK fromeyour dealer. We will send you a copy of PRATT'S POULTRY BOOK FREE. Write for it TO -DAY. PRATT FooD CO. OF CANADA, LTD., TORONTO =t4 la , • , .; 1, 41,1 , ,• wiNguAlvt ADVANCT-T,I1VlES Thiirsday October 0.3rd, rt)ei Domestic Needlework—Quilt patch- ed, wollen, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. S. Ste - Wart, Nirse Hoelzle; quilt patched, cotton, Mrs. -J. S. McKenzie, Mrs. Buckley, Miss Bell; quilt, fancy quilt- ing, Miss Bell, Mrs. Dippell, Mrs. Brink; quilt applique, Mrs, Wm. Trench, Mrs. T. .McPherson; comfor- ters, 'homemade, Mrs. Wm. Trench; Mrs. Iloelzle, Mrs. Richardson; bed spread knit or crochet, Mrs. J. S. McKenzie, Mrs. D. 13. McLeod, E. Pinnell; bedspread, other, Mrs. J. S. NICKenzie, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. McPherson; house dress, Mrs, J. S. McKenzie, Miss'. Bell, J. Bilges; hand - sewing, Mrs. K. 11IcKenZie, Mrs. Mar- tin, Miss Bell; childs made over dress Mrs. G. 13. Irwin, Miss Bell; child's rompers, Miss Bell, Mrs. J. S. Mc- -Kenzie; work apron, Mrs. Buckley, Mrs., D. Grant, 'Miss Bell; knitted sweater coat, wool, Mrs. J. S. Mc- Kenzie, Mrs.. Dippell; knitted sweater coat, silk, Miss Livingstone, Miss A. Mitchell, Mrs.' Dippell; shoulder Shawl, Mrs. j. S. McKenzie, Mrs. Dip- pell, Mrs. D. 13. McLeod; socks, coarse, Mrs. Dippell, Miss Bell, Mrs. J. S. McKenzie; socks, fine, Mrs. C. Stuart,' Mts. J. S. McKenzie, Miss Lis vingston; mitts double, ,Mrs. Martin, Mrs. McKenzie; • mitts fine, Mrs. Btickley, Mrs. Dipper; darning, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Dippell; mending, Miss Bell," Mrs.; Dippell; buttonholes, Mrs. Irwin, Miss 'Livingston; laundry work, Miss Livingston, Miss Bell; flbor. mat •braicled, Miss ,Livingston, Miss Belle floor mat other,' Miss Mit-. chell, Mrs.' C. J. Thompson, Mrs. C. • Stuart. . Ladies' work fancy—Tatting, Miss Mitchell, MiSs Livingston, Mrs. D. B. 'McLeod; crochet Irish, lVfiss Living- ston, Mrs,2 McKenzie, Mrs. Brink; crochet filet, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. -Ir- win, Alis Mitchell; knitted lace, Miss. .1,LiVingstori", Mrs. Stuart; other braid, thread. lace, Miss Livingston, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs, Irwin; crochet, x 'yd or over, Mies Mitchell, Mrs'. Irwin; Mrs. McKenzie; swedish weaving, Mrs. Dippell, Mrs. McKenzie, Miss Livingston; hemstitching, 'Miss Mit- -obeli, Mrs. Irwin, Miss Bell; modern headwork, Mrs. Irwin, Miss Bell, ' Mrs. Dippell; embroidery eyelet, Miss ,• Livingston, Mrs..,Dippell; french, Mrs. 'TriViii," Miss Livingston; hardanger, Mrs appall Miss Livingston. roman cut, Miss =Li-vingston, Mrs. Buckley, Bulgarian, Mrs. Dipple, Miss Living- ston; modern conventional, G. T. Ro- bertson, Miss Livingston; Luncheon set, Mrs, Jeffery,' Mrs. McLeod, Lain- eheon set, other, Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. = McKenzie; Miss Livingston; tea = n ppor uni y o cloth embroidery Mrs McICenzie, 11 a • lriestiesi Saife 15 Collis .41 -----on One Pound of Tea We are sure you can do this by 1 using— • OUR SPECIAL TEA, at the • sante time receiving except- --es--; ionally good quality. — . • THIS TEA contains just the P. rightproportion of Orange pekoe to adjust itself to the , Li average palate. — ONLY because we know Teas and use our own blend are i we able to save you this x5c. i Our Black Tea at i 65c per lb. _ i• Is Sure Topa Notch Quality '.11 7=1 Dinner -Ware, Fancy China, Cut Glass Stationery Toys "111- = Dolls Novelties. 111 I a- ,. ,.... immmilmummuMnicsumummunsfimm $1500 In Cash Prizes - How Many words can you make from the letters in the three wordsi. "SHEFFIELD SKIN SOAP"? $5oo, First Prize. Judges are Banker, Ed- ucator and Clergyman. Send stamp for circular and rules. Sheffield La- boratories, (Dept. to,) Aurora. Illinois, • • ; A Bargain in Newspapers ! " A 0 t 't t W $5,000 • Kenzie; camisole, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. McKenzie; negligee jacket, Mrs. Hen- dry, _Mrs. Dippell; ovex-blouse, Mrs. Stuart; wrist bag, Mrs. Buckley, :Miss Livingston.; handkerchiefs, P. Arkell & Sons Mrs. McKenzie; bedroom sli- ppers, Mrs.. Irwin, Miss Livingston; tea apron, G. T. Robertson, Mrs. Mc- Leod; short dress, emb.'Mrs. Richard- son, Mrs. Irwin; slumber pillow, IP. Arkell & Sons, Mrs. Reid; carriage co- ver, Mrs. Brinkewool jacket, Mrs. Mc. - Kenzie, Miss Mitchell; bonnett,,wool,. Miss Mitchell, Miss Livingston; bon- net, other, Mrs. Buckley, Miss Bell; centre piece; colored, Mrs. Thompson, MiSs' Bell, Mrs. Irwin; ,centre piece, other, G. T. Robertson, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Buckley; table runner, emb., Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Dippell; table runner, other, G. T. Robertson, Miss Livings- ton, Mrs. Irwin; sofa pillow emb., Mrs Buckley, G. T. Robertson, Mrs. Dip- pell; sofa pilloW, other, Mrs. Irwin, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Buckley; single piece fancy needlework, Mrs. Hendry, Miss Livingston; collection, ro pieces G. T. Robertson, Mrs. Dippell; collec- tion latest novelties, Mrs. Irwin, School Children's Competition—Bird house, j. Aitken, R. Rosewell, D. Ire- land; useful article, R. Ros,gwell, J. Aitken; ' fancy article, R. Rosewell; dressed doll, M. 'H. Vollick, W. Mc- Pherson; -hemstitched article, W. Me-, Pherson, E. Pinnell; caniisole, M. H. Vollick; centre piece, emb,, M. H. Vollick; work bag, E. Pinnell, M. .H. Vollick; "wild flowers and grasses, J. Aitken, R.' Rosewell; show card writ- ing, E. 'McInnes, J. Aitken; relief map, 5. Grant, R. Rosewell, E. Mc- Innes; sheaf of oats, R. R.osewellgA, Schmidt; sheaf of wheat, C,.Litt11,9.' Fine Arts—Oil painting,' animalse Miss Livingston, Mrs. Henderson; oil painting flowers, Mrs. Dippell, Miss Livingston; landscape', Mrs. Trs win, Miss Livingston;• rnaririe, Miss Moore, Mrs. Buckley; oil painting, other, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Dippell; water colors, Mrs. BuckJey, Miss Moore; crayon drawing, Mrs. Irwin, Miss Livingston; pencil drawing, Mrs. Brink, Mrs. Buckley; pen and ink draviiing,, Mrs. Henderson, Miss Liv- ingston; sketch from nature, Miss Moore, Mrs. - Henderson; collection fine arts, Miss Livingston, Mrs. 1-len- derson, Miss Moore; hand painted China, single, piece, Miss McKelvey, Mrs. I-Iendersorie hand painted_ china, collettion,*Miss McKelvey, Mrs. Hen- derson; collection of oil paintings, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Buckley; Ama- teur photography, F. Marshall, G. Richardson, Mrs. Bnckley. Flowers— Geraniums, 'WM. Little; 111 Mts. T3uckley, Mrs. J. A. Thompson; ,1111_ A BEAUTIFUL ART CALENDAR FREE tea cloth other, Miss Livingston; • - . • The Advance-Timn es as concluded an arrangement 'with the 'I; Family Herald and Weekly Star ot Mcintreal by which we can offer E.- the greatest bargain ever given to newspaper readers. The Offer irieludes la full year's"subscriptiono to both, papers, an III art calendar with a most beautiful picture subject ready for 'framing, and an opportunity to win! a prize of $5,000 cash. . 1 1,1 In. the 'Federal Election of xo21 ithere were 3' 119 306 votes cast 1."-• out of 'a total Of 4,435,350 names on the voters list. , 1 How many votes will be polled in the next Federal Election? The Family Herald and Weekly Star are offering Tett Thous. .-T.7 and Dollars in. ,94.pri2es,for the best estimates, and out arrangement with the publfshers of that great weekly gives every Advance -Times ka subscriber an ,topportunity to make an estimate and perhaps wini the a capital prize pf $5,000. Sonne person will win. Why should it not -.M1 be you? .111AD THIS BARGAIN I • The AdVance-Timea costs $2.0o per year. The Family Herald and Weekly Star costs t$2.00 per year. • now offer a full year's Subscription to both papers, includ- ing a cdpY Of the. Pamily Herald. Art Calendai and the tight to make IP. one eStAilite iti"The "Family Herald's Election Contest, " --- ALL FOR $3.35 Estimatts tnust b Made at time of subScribing, and =no changes will be permitted, afterwarda. ORDER NOW AT THIS OFFICE lijoiloulailitlilliAit1111111111V41101111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111161111111111111111011111111111111171 '1%.• r Mrg. McKenzie, Mrs.. Henderson; Ta- ble inats, emb. Mrs. Martin, Mrs, Dip- ple; table mats crochet, Mrs. McKen- zie, Miss Livingston, Mrs, Buckley; table doyles, Mrs. Irwin, J. Bilger, Mrs. Buckley; tray cloths, Mrs. Buck- ley, Mrs. Irwin; tea cosey, wool, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Irwin; tea cosey, oths er, Mrs, Buckley, Mrs. Irwin; servi- ettes Mrs Irwin Mrs, 'Hendry Mrs. McKenzie; table napkins, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Dippell, Mrs. Buckley, centre piece, Mrs. Rorne, -Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Brink; buffet set, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. -Hendry, Mrs. Irwin; pillow slip en31). G. T. Robertson, Mrs. Irwin, Miss Livingston; pillow slip other, J. Bil- ger, Mrs. 13tickley, Mrs. McKenzie; towels emb., Miss Livingston, Nils. Ir- win, lyIrs. Dippell; towels, other, Mrs, Irwin, Mrs. McKenzie, Miss Bell; D. Towel land face cloth, I., Bilger, Mrs, Irwin; dresser riinner, -Mrs, Irwin, :Miss 13e11; pin cushion, Mrs, Buckley, Mrs, Henderson; bed' sheet, Mrs. Ir- win, Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Hendry; pair curtains, Mrs, McKenzie, Mra. Ide- Lorl ,Miss ivingstone; Boudoir lamp shade, Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Henderson; laundry bag, Mrs, McKenzie, Mias 130; fanty quilt, Mrs. Hendry; nigift lobe ernb., Mrs, Irwin, Mrs. Livings- ton; night robe, other, Mrs, Irvvin, Mts. Martin; princess sUp, Mr, Nies cWw111:111..filoiLi t 13dr110, T. Kirkland; school wthdow boxes, S. S. No. 4, 17, B, Aitken, S. S. No. 5, G. Richardson, eactus, Mrs, Robe Keith.- - Stock judging ccoripetition-- 1st., Goodfellow 169 marks; and :Henry Little t62 marks; 3rd, Gordon Stol)o, i58Fonol'ttriRc'saces—Islalf mile, WI Street,. er, R. Condy, W. Thompson; too yd; J. H.-Rol)iiison, 0, Cassidy, 5, Cassi- dy; 200 yd, 5, P1, 12.obinson; W, Waugh, C. Edwards. H,o‘rse races 2.30 ts!ot or pace, Istv R. 1 rench, Nancy Grizzle; and ls. Colvin, Victoria Hall; 3rd, W. 5, Zints merman, Tony 13. ' , 255 trot or pacee-rst, R. Trench, 1Doctor 13; ancl R. Colvin, Jim Hal, Gentleman's Road race—ist, Fryfogle, and Ang. Miller; rd Win. Weir: NEW IXPAYRIENCES To the Editrir av the AdvanceseToitnes I suppose a fellah will nivir git troo havin new ixpayriences in this ould wurrulcl. From the tonne he gits his fursht haircut at the barber's, till the dochtor tells him he can't lasht much longer, 'tis one ting afther an- other, err mebby two err tree ti at wance, so fasht that it is loike tliroyin to count the tillyplione poles whin ye are roidin in S. Bennett's car at elickshtm tonne. . What shtarted nee tinkin along this Ionic wus a quare ting „that happened Miss 13e11; colens, Mrs. Wm, Trench; Begonias fibrous, J. A. Thompson, ,Mrse.Win. T,rencli; Begonias, tuber- ous; Mrs. Trench, Don, Borho; Ferns coll, 'Wm. Little; Fuschia, Mrs. Tren- ch; Hanging basket, Wm. Little, Mrs. Hendry; Ornamental plant, Mrs. Trench, Mrs, K. McKenzie; House plant in bloom, Win, Rome, Mrs. Jef- fery; window box, Wm.* Little, T. Kirkland; Asters bompiet, Mrs. -Reid, A, W. Little; Asters display, Mrs, Reid, T. Kirkland; Gladioli bdttqnct, A. W. Little, T. Kirkland; Gladioli coll. A. 'W. Little, T. Kirkland; Dah- lias bouquet,'Mrs. Reid, D. 13orho; Dahlias display, Mrs. Reid, A. W. Little; Salvia bottquct, T. Kirkland, J. D. Little; Zinias, D. Bostic), Mrs. Martin; Roses, A. W. Little,,,, VVin, Little; Pansies, Mrs, Reid, Miss Fell; Stocks, D. 136rho; Petunias, 'I'. Kirk- land, Miss Bell; Table clecoraticm, to rue wan day lasht wake whin I talc a thrip to Tayswather. 'Tis a habit- I have av saydin out Loud, to, mesilf annyting I mroite, to see how it sounds, an whin I read that lasht sintince the inissus ,happen- wdecliunsnt:drobwe tibet°ttlignhgts shd "Wild. ye moind tellin ine now," sei she "just what ye wus afther doin in Taysevather, art- mebby I may git the impriehtm that Ye wus mixiii up wid sonic av thini''bootleggars, fer," I un- dhershtand, they loike shtronges drinks than Tay and-Wather l'ays- wather," she sez. A,v coorse, in ordher to lcape Pace in the Jaunty, I had to ixplain to lier how Iwus as .big a man as Sir Iiinry Thornton arr Mishter E. W. Beattie fer half an hour; yis, an bigger, as I will show ye whin I come to the pint. , An I am not loike a fellah who niv- ir hild a jawb av inipoortance befoor, havin beeli the head man fer the Tory parthy in nee, own pollin place les /nanny years an. Dippity Returnin Aw- flees whinivir our lads had the makin av the appointmints. Besoides that I hild the possishun av Secy-Treas av the School Boord in bur sickshunfer tin years, an 1,171.15 prisidint av.the.bafe ring ler foive years, an judge av har- scs at the Shows more toimes than hey toes an fingers, not to ininshun bein on the Grand Jtiry, aft teinnin fer the Township Council. All -thim pos- ishuns I belave I filled wid dignity an ability, an in the besht interests, av the whole payple an ispishall3r av the Tory parthy, whinivir I got a chance to prit in a wiirrud. Ye ,kin ,see thin that it wussen't fer lack av pravious honors in inc pasht loife that what happened to rite the day I wint to 'Tayswather gave me so much av an uplift, so to shpake. " Now inebby ye will nivir guess what it wus so I betther telt ye an. be done wid it. 'It wus that' ler the shmall sum av thirty foive cints fer tickit, I had a provate car from Tays- wather to VVingham, mesilf bein the only, passinger, barrin the Conductor, who wussen't a passenger, at all, at all, so he iivussen't. At fursht I didn't tinic much about that honerbein conferred to me, but sat 'raydin,a, copy av the Globe that somew,an tinlc worth carryin out av the thirain, thin all at wunce it shtruck me that I wus fer the tonne beim niebby abOut thd biggest shwell in Canad. Av coorse Mishter Beat- tie, the Prisiidint av the C. P. R., has a proivate car, but he is only wurruks in fer the Company, whoile the whole C. P. R. sislitem, wus wurrukin fer rile, an at nee dishposhal, fer that half 'hour's roide. Katie is lioxne from the, Hoshpital wjd her new baby . girrul, 'the very pickter av what "Katie wus at the same age. I am glad the choild fa- vors the Hay soide av the house, as it will mane a lot to her troo loife Katie is shtrong in her praises av the care she got at the Hoshpital. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. _111111111111,1111111111111111111,11111111111111:1111111311111:11: i Cheaper 'Fire, • nsuirance . dwellings- InsUrarice furnished on Witighatt, at less .1 than Township1ylutual rates=-- With nopremiinn note fo sign.' I - Why take the .risk of, having to pay ektra aSSesstrients? =, 4,4444-4__ -, Abner ;Cpsepor insurance & Real Ettate CAR CATASTROPHES Here lie the'remains of Percival Sapp, He drove a car with a girl in his Lies slumbering her one :William He IBielaaie, rClthe bell but had no brake., Beneath this stone lies Win, Raines Ice on the hill, he had no chains. Here lies the body of Willie:in Jay, He died maintaining hiS right of way. • Ben Higgins never would be passed, He braggejd his car's endurance He passed six cars with backward HigslaWilicfee---has his insurance. „„„,. THE BANEFUL CIGARETTE ,Cigarette smoking has become so corntnon that few parents realize hoW the habit has grown. By encourag- ing the boys of seven and eight years of -cigarette a.,t1Feettetbpateiolalgeccts, clahrdse, mja)11,1-tictfeadetoiti..1 crs have made children quite famil- iar with cigarettes before they know anything about the ,effect smoking has Amon tile growing boy. NoW cigarette ,maker, offers to send a free sarnple package of cigarettes to aft boys who haven't learned to smoke, There aught to he sOine way of pro- tecting boys, froM such. seductive tenTtatione Next thing we'll have similar offers of samples of other dopes tinder some rnisleadintesnaine. This sumnier the use of eigarettes anionest boys of twelVe and under 111/1/011111111.1101010111i0141111001 /las grOvii" rapidly.--(;..)rillia' Packet. , • , , g• . „..44...see,„alte" EirEi I 9' E.; 11 14: 0 141 )1 opip,cHoirorit,liimp IIIIIdq01,11f1H114.114411411911,1414,11,41F4, :111/0•1016r)1.1110611•PI.I., /4.76-‘414..-e•-`14' While the Witches dance and the Black Cats prance Lets celebrate Hallowe'en On that night your decorations must be startling and grgtes- que, your games lively and unusual. From invitation to midnight ' surprise, the Hallowe'en Party must be different. Yon can easily make it so. Let us help you, , . 4111/W0011 HALLOWE'EN SPECIALTIES include appropriate invitations, and favors, decorations for the home and, appointments for the table. "Quality and •Service" Ticket Agencyfor'''the Canadian National -Raillya.ys. om.o.E.O...oaoo,o.•ryl,amo.mo.woliomo,aorp.00•.••. ,•111.6111111.10. ZUS111111111111111111111111111111111111111113111111E111111111511111111111111111111111111111anal 141 • 0'- 0 . 0. 0- • mussranninammin , Coal andWood,F Best D. L. & W. Scrantori all :sizes m Nut, Stove, Egg and • ' If you intend fixing that old roof, call and ,get -our 'prices on a Johns Manville a Asbestos Roofing a The 'roof that lasts and can be a , put over the old roof. N MacLEAN LUMBER 1'- & COAL CO- . Wingham, Ontario 1111111111111111111113111111111111111111111111111111110 'You will receive Highest New Returns for your The Whyte Packing Co. Ltd. Phones—Office 62w, Evening 62j. Br. Mgr. F. W. McAndless Wirigha.rn, Ont. 111111 44 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii llllllllllllllllllllllllll [mutt... ttttttttttt ttt 11 ttttt ••••.:.• Eggs air Look.! Keen demand for your Ex- tras an#FirSts 'Your quality eggs we have handled for you has established our reputation for eggs In Canada's best markets. Take advantage of our markef ccinneetions. We have a steady demand for fresh Cre 21 M churned Creamery Butter. Deliver your Cream to the factory. t t We arc ,paying the Highest Price. CREAM 'CANS --To those wishing to purchase their own Cream Cans, we can supply you with new ones ,with name and address Starn- ped on at the following prices. 3 gal. $4,2,5; 5 gal. omnewtheLjraindcerdgfghse avreeryatbeastyptoeisnsilubrale 0 It Pays to feed YoUr hens good Iii 1 r strong feed, during moulting seas - now. We are paying highest prices for strittly Fresh Eggs, We are in the illarket for all vuuit,' ay ... Of Pbtiltry, be sure to get .....4.-..........i.....0.0...........-.......«.......,.... our Prices. w The Unit:ed Fa.rrners Co.Op. Co., Ltd. VI/Ingham - Ontario „,.. „. 'Hes ==.