HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-10-23, Page 2. fr,r,•.;o1F7,`, aaa'• 1.1! '7,"aaaleae:;:aga:::talearpaai..itaaalayeer)Ftrrip717.7"Feter7117 ""-"Ineareleark . 'a a , hif Ita -•'4" OttaRXIO kallMta.1 , mornino a_MaT1-1,••Ealitor and Broprietor. H. B. Elliott A.saoeiate dLt -eattaseriptiaa ratesi. Oala Year. atic lut,not, *A.,,O0' iaftkfuliO4IL 411k4vtiti$16g ruthis on aUplication. AdVextliwatueuts without special) di- aectlerts will be inserted until forbid and ea:erased eceoraingly Char/Weil for ceatract advertis4. meets be it the office by uoon. 11:0111- , BIJSINESS CARDS Wellirigton Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Established' 1840 Head Office. Guelph Rieke taken on all, classes of Maui. Pace at reasonable rates. ABNER COSENS. Agent. Wingham J. W. DODD Oface In Chisholm Block FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND Hal -LTH 'INSURANCE AND- REAL EST -TE . P.O. Box 366 Phoue 198 WING -HAM ONTARIO DUDLEY .110LIVIES zoaRRIaTER, EIOLICITOR. CUL Victory and Other Bonds Bouuht and - Sold. • Office—Mayor Block, Winghem R. VANSTONE itARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Money to Loan at ,Levvest Rates. WINGHAM J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Etc. Catarlo F1OVV 1 LAID A GHOST' By R. S. l_lete / at the end of waich were the steire leading to the uPper story, .• • ••.:H•••• ."• •••.• !•• • •• ,111. WZ$GIZATA ADVAWCZ:-TINIVa, the other apartments en the Barrio floor, I At 'a glefiee, we could, Bee that the idea, seggeated was imprataleaale, and it \yea abeadoned viatimait further seareh. )1 We visited all the room, in eteeh of °.° 111:14n$I1610 October rn di.AND TI,IE WORST IS YET TO COME ChIldrata in the Dar. e aa .0 n • marked olot 41Thilis at tlie,idest tit•the death Of . One morning I reeeived meseage• which left a email light burning, flaw from a friend, seeking me to meet him that the windowe were securely fee - in the event*, his family haying been teued, and went back to make an in - recently disturbed by certain IllYge• aPectien of the groutd floor. terlaus respeetina which ,he All beiag eatiefaetory, and Mr. IL \visaed. to flak my advice. z waited up- assured that I wailiat needing any - on him at the time appointed, when be tiara &se, he handed nee the kaye, told me be bad only been in the house and, wisting me &access in my under - about a week, having but recently pure taking, bade Me .4ggood-nioht," and left chased it from its former occupant; me alone to meet the ,ghost. Nothing-etre/age had been, noticed for Atter his departure, my first bael- the first night or two, but about the nees was to make the 'policeman on third morning lila wife was aroused. duty in the neighborhood acquainted early from her sleep by a noise as if with the eircurnstancee, ef the case; some one was in pain. • and got him to call in, two or three Thinkin.g it wee, prhapa, one, of.the times during the night, as it might caildret ill, he went to their ratan,. but be I should require sonic, assistance, they wait), sound aeleep; neither did Having' done • this-, .ena, aegaled my - it proceed from the servants' apart- eelf with the refreshments provided, II Ments. On returniag he found ale seleoted a volumsi from tae b,00leeese wife greatly terrified, at the :presence and repaired to the haunted chamber. of some one in the room. It was the first week in September DR. G. H. RO Graduate Roya' College of Dental Surerrhe Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry - OFFICE OVER H. E. 'BARD'S STORE L W. R. IIAMBLY 9.Saa' -M.D., C.M. _ Special aftettion paid to dieestses of Women and Children, , attiring taken Agraduate Work In Surgery. Bala teriology.,and Scientific: Medicina, Office' in the Kerr Residence, betvveen the Queen's Hotel .anciehe Baptist . • Church. J.11 business 'given careful attention. Phone 54.. 111I , and the day" had been vera warm, so I She had not seen anything, but had heard the reaataa as et*, isaats areas, threw one of the windows op -en, drew After waama...tar a few momenta in aan easy -chair' to the table, both of silence, he heard the same noise, which had -been brought in for my :con- venienee, and -commenced the perueal which-s•ounded to him ae if a' female of my book. I depended On the lights bad passed. from the dressing-roora, for euffIcient warnath in the cool hours throne). their own, and along. the cor- of the morning, as the heat of a fire alder to the stairs. There. was nothibg might induce me to sleep while -a was vieible, but the sweePing af the dress waiting aor the visitor. and the pitiful in,oaulng were distinct - 1 had been reading about half an ay audible. . - • hour when my attention was attracted In -vain did he sea,rea the house, for by a low, plaintiff moan, several times he -could find no explanation of his repeated. It sounded as if it proceed - !mysterious phenomenon, until, at last,. ed from a wardrobe standing it a re- very Much- against his will, he was cess between the ehlinney and win - compelled to acknowledge that, if the een. house was not exactly haunted: there "a"' _ _ , I went very silently to the spot and was soraething he 'could not make out. placed My ear against the door. Yes! -This conviction had been strengthen- it certainly:came frau there. I turned ed the next day by one of the servants the key and repelled it, but discoiered calling his attentien to a large stain nothing, I move the wardrabe a little On one of the floore at the top of the forward at ate eta to see, if there was house, having the appearance of blead, anything at the back. • ' of which a great quantita must have No! Perhaps it came from the next been spilled, as it formed a large patch room, so I made my way there, but near the Gentre, and ran in several di- with like result. In fact, I couad not rections toward the side of the rooin. Dr.Robt. C. Redmond 141.11.C.S. (Eng). L.R.C.P.- (Loral). PHYSICIAN, AND ,SURGEOre ilar. elmieholm'a old stand) DR. R. L. STEWART • Gimduata Uataersity .of Toront0. ractilty of Medicine; Licentiate ca. the Onterlo College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office Entrance: OFFICE IN CHISHOLM eLOCK JOSEPIIINE STREET PHONE 22 Dr. Margaret C. Calder General Practitioner Graduate 'University ..6r Toronto. Faculty of afedicine. - • fliee--aossiplarta. St, two deers south ef Brunswick Hotel. Telephoaese-Office 281, Residence. 151 Osteophatic Physician even hear the sound. -Unlike most cases of ghosts- he had came aaaisi but m my absence., the heard Oa the noises continued in the naoaning had ceased; eo, with nothing day -time as wall as night; and so to guide me, had to wait for its re. frightened were the domestice at the currence before I could attempt any disturbance that it was with difficulty etaceeeT7. they weld be induced to remain in the I had determined to pass the mid - place after he had sent his wife and night hour .in the room where the children awaY. blood had beenfound, and just before We went over the- house together, twelve laid my -boale aside and repair - and carefielly inspected : the ea:rime ea to that, aparttnenalawhich was Mi- . roome—particularly :the one in which mediately overhead. . • . - .. • the stain appea.red, and. the bed -'room Atter waiting haft an hoer, I took whereemost of the noises were healal., a turn through the house: anatimany After we had oompleted; ear survey he came back to My 'old quarters, having. asked me if I &auk' Offiaa* any aldafall met with no success.. - as to the cause of the annoyance. : . - • • .. another hour passed, and still no re- ali-1 , a • alauatahont: the Fleatli-of France on . The. that areeeteas .Itieelf :to anboou IS one -of aviol-etiee and. , w „ . , aa-eirized Aa Matter ,few itleas, gire alone errozieotia, 'Mos , wild.animals die • qui eta". ,Betheanittals and, 'birtlis-disliae any. thita enusual; .thea 'tolerate •,' the deformed, ,alitirriefl or crippled, . ee that tab ee au animal feels- Any ulaisitiii eyreptcans, .inetinet neakes Irina steal away tram ais fellows. 1 -le goes' as • All, Soul's Eye every grave is by a Heated le,iftero). nn, "Not unless I hear it," I answered. suit. I. began to think the haunting -"I hp.ve in several mwas' aver for the night, and my -watch- nieets sueeeedea in, Itting a stop to sach things, arid, If ing had ended in failure, but, juet as you are willing, I Will spendea night the morning was breaking, the same here, after which I may, perhaps, be cry reached my ear,- accompanied by a la a position to . say something more sound- which might fitly be described about it. • • - as the rustling of a dress. DRF A PARKER OSTEOPATHIC- PHYSICIAN Ail Diseasee Treated. Office adjoinlag residence next Anglican Church on Centre Street. Opea every day. except Monday and Weataselley afternoans. Osteopatha Electricity Phone 272 li D4tLESS rmrsIcIANs CHIROPRACTIC DR. JP AUVIN FOX Fully Qualified Graduate. Drugless Practice being a.bsolute Still Stiit proceeded from the same "II you think you can in any way give us peace and quiet° said he, "the place, and again I examined the ward - house with all it contains is at your robe. Thea I opened the door at the service, because if it should get top of the grate communicating with abread that it is 'haunted,' its yalue to the chimney, to see if anything was me will be nil, for I cannot live here there. No, nothing was to be seen, myself, and how could I expect NOW it sounded as if in the room others?" above, but a journey there proved as "Do you know if the former occu.- fruitless as before. pier was in any way disturbd?" When returning, however, the noise "He says not." - ' seemed nearer and Louder than I had "How long did he live here?" , heard. it, as thaugh the ghost Was in "Some Ave or -six years, 1 believe." the room I had recently left, an then "Do you know whether there have I remembered Mr. 11. had told me it been any eetualaints from any one be- was in the early morning his wife had fare he came?" been first alarmed. ' "Have you said anything to him about the blood?" "I asked him if he had seen it; but he knew nothing whatsoever about it." "Did you. show it to him? "No; la) said he would call in, some time and have a look at it" "Can you make arrangements for me to be alone in the house to -morrow night?" , eat what time?" "The whole" 'night, from—let me see! I will be here at about eight o'clock." "And do you mean to stay in the house all night by yeurself?" "Yes! Why not? If there were more than one, the ghost Might be afraid to allow itself." "I would rather it be you than I, then. But, if you wish it, you stall have it so." .aecordingly, at the time aPpointed on the following evenitg, I found Mr. Von- quietly reached the foot of The lielleide greveyard all the 'eight Racks with a- flieleering sheen of light, 13ecauee tile living people grace , With ciamiles every, irting-place, I wonder if the weary men That lie there walcen up again And gremble, an their ,coaellea deep, Because the" light diaturbs thoi s1eeii f8eire 7eolaiensgaibel,c)ein, :snaovteale,nbili-lels,,teanian lie Tiiinaipg, far just a moment, they retired a place aa he caaaind. A lethal -- Must work through yet another day. feelolifi5r,esoibinsoteyaewsakiiiirtivieealul:y Hiza;least110 ua..t I wonder if the women there, With dust of lilies. in their hair, 1111811t cross his eol'felevIleariatian7 assolnieelia0s1 Keen tight their lids agairi-st the gleam memory "would be Lest it should clrive away their dream. But I ani sure taa.t there are those To whom the lantern -candle glows With -all the gladne.es. of The little ahadren that are dead, They 'feel they bave been long abed; • I have not theleast hesitation in sea. "latafeSa" ing that you. wotael not 'have attached . in Recreation. any importance .; to the „stain on the• floor in the upper roolia which I find now is due to•the upsetting.of a bottle of turnituae and not to anrinur- der you had- an idea. had,. been cam- mitted. Tale was , the poirit • upon which I was wanting. infor.mation and' whioh.I have satisfactorily proved. Aa 'to the •cause of the, noises,,as the.morna Mrs. Nina Moore jarnieson, the well known writer, who was one of the speakers In the Women's Buitdirig at the Canadian National Exhibition, made a striking appeal te parents to recognize the importance of -right play in. the lives .of their children, , "I wish you would all make time to provide recreation ,for your boys and girls," said the epealeer. "In almost ing was breaking, after one 11115110- every farin house there is a room cessful entleavaa to discover it, I open- where the threshere are given th&r ell the door of the grate in your room, dinner. Now any room that is aig and while I was up stairs, the ghost enough to hold tables_ at which sixteen cle.scended the c'hininey, where it had hungry men are fed, large enough been -confined from the commencement to be a social centre for the family. of your alarm, and when I returned to There are two kinds of entertainment, the room I found, not the shadeeay the kind you btu for a dollar and the ghost of the human form, as you had kind you get for nothing, and the last believed, but, in veritable flesh and is a long way the best. Clean out tlae blood, I beh,eld—a pigeon! I gave it a . . a-aueer of water and serne bread.,vvb.ich wag greedily devoured, •and after a short tirne growing stronger, and always dionnewilieoitdhiertihee. tide et life is running low often fly „out. to sea, and; close, their eyes in laating sleep be- fore their tired bodles touch. the e dear, spark clear ch ildren greet each wIntelhrelilixdt1 nteb;reat.lih.lasieloyorflawntlinhai :feu il'rsuyee'totaeutgere rwaoenysi:lt.ellBec•iasans' yalnyy„:4;nat;tdtahi. ttulehmiset3 \ Even captiye bred, canaries feel that -ad. With sdnairliltee, for children dread tae. Kauff"asleep." -- Most birds of prey have --Reginald Wright man. their own hunting grounds and do not , Words That Make Us- - • Wonder. Have you ever woncle,red 901118of the queer words and expreesions we too heavy for a tired body. Lower and use to -day arst came into the lama- lower he sailed, dropping elowly at paa,cla on.their .fellowsa.ground., An eagle had long beenlen,own round about a certain mountaindide, One ,day Le was soon to sailing down- . warae. on outstretched but las .• head 'drooPe d :untamally, as if It were • • uage?- The expiession "raining , cats and dogs" originated in the days when sea- men use -a to refer to waves - on. the water betore a etorm. as "cat's-paws," lae-t into a quiet weed.. There -he .was :found the next day .by bey:Who:had watchati him fall: J. bird -lover' cmce noticed a little songster eititing „silently on a 'freed • • whilst the dog, afts always been regard- of evergreen over a little stream. lie ed in northern mythelegy as" symbolic was old, for his fea,there were streaked. • of wind. Consequettly, when a heavy -with grey and he had' wrinkled:scales- rainstorm was a.ccompanie,d by high on his feet. He showed notear of the winde, sailors would say "it was coin- man, -who -often visited the -place; pre- " leg down cats and dogs,sently he eettled on his finger and - We shall use tlie expression "big &asset hie eyes. rHe teak a arop of wig," althoagh these articles are a fas- water. fram a finger Pe if glee el the hion of the past.. In other days-, how- friendly a,ction„ and. then the man put aver, •a person's importence was him back on the evergreen.n judged, by -the size of the wig he Wore, A day later the masaw him hang - and therefore the highest in the land ing from a spruce root, his feet holding *ere known to the less fortunate as on firmly, his beak- teaching the water, "big wigs.", plateas dead—asleep and at peace, . "Piiienoney" is an expression that There are, of • couase, tragedies in serves to reminds ef the days when a.riimal lives; the lion and the deer, the pins -were expensive, and husbands' al- .fax and the mouse, the hawk and the lowed their wives ,special sum•s- for ,spaarow. But we are wrong in imagin- their purchase..Later on the expres- iag violent deaths of this type to be sten was si.palead to a wife's packet- painfel. The -agony is- mental, and ea rnone curs laefore the attack, *hen we suf- fer in anticipation. In other words, we suffer beca'use of our brains. ' The majority of the aninials, how- ever, pard in natural slee13,---Eanest gets no further. pollution and have an lug ,origin is "leanicap." This is prob. dirty pend or stream and see -that it Another word that has- an interest - old swimnain' hole. Seyeral dirty] ably derived from"hand in the cap," pond.s near us have been cleaned up, ' as in former times it was -the custom manife,sting .a desire to be free, I and now, when I miss the soap from to draw lots from a hat oe cap. Clarke. opened the window and it escaped." the kitchen sink, and the towel from ea a g , .. ____ 'Phtla looked at me in astonishment - .... as I finished niy -story, and could - the rack, I know that some boys are ,-- . ' - scarcely believe that such a trifle kad. having the time of their lives. Those 'ponds will be rinka in the winter and caused them so much alarm. - , 1:_then it will be 'Mother, can we have "And is that really all?" asked Mrs. ' , the horse and Scraper to clear off the I -I' I snow?' apd I'll say, as usual, `Go and I ask your Dada And the next. thing I "All, madam," I replied. "I can as- 1 - - sure you that is how I laid the ghost." ---- --e-- ate can have the lemae and scraper to . II will hear will be, Dad, Mother thinks ; &ear off the pond.' After a -while I I Will mise their father and enquiring —will be told that he, too, has gone to 1 the pond. At night thybun people - , of the neighborhood will, gather, and someone will build a Ere and roast sausages --or smolee them—it's all the ,same to them—and I will talee them. dawn a kettle of cocoa. It 'will all be 1 ,.'simple, but it will be a great pleasure. Then there is dancing --the room that . does for the threshers will do for the 1 ' dancers. It is time that the ordinary Stock Easily Moved. • pleasures were not considered as be- lst Business Man— Bo, we can't 1 ing outside the farm life.. As to the hold a candle to t13,e kind of goods You - radio—it will not only keep us from sell? Itlast be easy to keep your stock isolation, it will give us a vision of the j the 'stairs and passed along to the' door, , mOving :their?" • • . • • • 1 2aid Ditto—allaould be if you heid.'a.1 candle to it—we-sell gasoline, . „ Below the Belt. - She was .newly *engaged, and was confiding an her deareet friend. "Do you khowe dear," •she said, "Tam: and lunderstand each otleer:perfectly. Be towards the door. Slowly it moved he knows, and -I thing come from the bottom of the becal tells and made no. uoiee but .tire,low pitiful wail, as though in greet tumble. • keeping on the opposite side. of the conadar, so as to shield anyeelf as much as possible by a;voiding the glare of the- lights.. Still there was nothing, visible. I entered' the room, and Wald dia. Uncap hear the moaning, but the ghost did not appear. I turned oittalie lights and then in a few moments saw some.. I spoke, and immediately it stood still and looked. round as though lin- ploring my help, but apoke nota 1 ap- proaehed, bat it -stood its ground, anti talihim everything I letow, tee." . "Really" :exclaimed tbeefriend in• -sarcastic tones. "And dirt you some- times. find. the silence' rather oppres- ' • The total nuenber of typhoid cases allowed me even to touch it. "ate were during' the -Great War was less than neither of ue afraid. -of the ether. the deaths from that, disease. during Th lese than half -an flour I had the Boer War. learned as neuell' I.ceuld of its sad ..aaaa tered lef its comfort as far as I thee' world beyond our own horizon." Mrs, Jamieson urged that both boys _and -girlie be given an opportunity to earn their living on the ho "A thousand occupations are now open to girls," she eaid. "If a girl can live at home and at the same time be inde- pendent, she has, achieved the ideal form of living. She -will be better off and the home will be better off foe having her there." On a Boston street car the front 1 sign _reads "Dorchester" and the Side signs "Ashmont and Milton." aDoes this. car -go to Dorchester?" "Yes, lady; get' right on." "Are you sure it does?" "Yoer lady; get right on." "But it says 'Asimiont and Milton on the side." "We ain't going sideways lady; get right story, having, in the meattime . .• . the verY best teaulte that may be ob- H. himself in the haus& The ser- couldaafter whieh it vaniehed froen my 1 Early in the tem -ping :Mr. H. an - Hours --10 - same 2.-$ and 7 - 8 pale my comfort daring- wateh, had accord with the Laws of Natare,giVes an - tined in any catte.• valets, after proViaing everything for sight never more to haunt that house., Tame , teeten their departure a saort time be. flounced himeelf_by good pull at the tore. , bell, being anxious to know the remelt , - , - "aleve you heard anythirig further of my: labore, ti n4. . stTrr ince I was bere?" 1 . I told. him I had seen the ghost, and, 'Yes, several titles dwritg the day; haat% learned its story, tad succeed- Oleave beet wondering then a full eaalanation. inasertrell as CHTO IROPRACR but the noise la tot'aearla so Iota as ' ad in laying it; coag but I ld net ttalified Graduate it was at area ire there were stilrone or two pointe Adjustments' given 'far diseases. of whether aaY One 'can be e°°11-aea in lip that room teeretly. I have heard cf On "which I needed to be satished. I all kinds, spociallze dealing with thildreiL Lady attendant- Night calls people having been built in recesses Pram • responded. to, , alive, and the nimming seeme to be like of a Week I -would tell him all r knew. aama oa scat sta. ae legaam, ama one gradually growing weaker, and Befere that time had expired, Meg. (in hease of the late Jas Walker). that 'Weald account for Ita hearing the II. aria the thildren retereed home, Phone 150. naiees tile daytinee as Weil as at anti had almost overcome the alarm. raa'' "aae may soet aseertain if sech a aetill Very iffipatieut for tie to go emoDea cam ape, thing ha e been dont," I replied, "by and tail them What 1 bad discovered. 17-esiclence; 224. making it Cereal' examination of the 1 At last the Ilea arrived, and I met room, to zee. whether there is space Mr. and Nara H. alai their two eldeet . for the carrynig eat of stele a per- eaildren. A WALICFR latTIZNITURE DEALER pose." 1 Tbey first aseurea ate, on their part, Alia We went nn Ibe room, wield was that thy lied not heath the leael, die- aggetaneae„ Sittaited At the front of the Lamle, At. tterbariee ,ince had left the "Muse, ehti or it Was the aressieg-rooin, neither by day nor night, alator. larettiareerit , WIlatialAM - ONTARIO t ' the course UL - the ghost bad catreed them, butearere Atter gee -years of service, one of the veteraris af the LoncimaParls pas- alretely Ineraioned. el the atlier Wa6 a nein, I wifl give yo • • Secohd bedeeein, and aletg the side Of etora, Willab is very eleort, itdoott, aervice haS haea l'at/red" III° great 131"01 Wh1•ah the °Mast - t. It ran the 43Orriata earnrailnionting with it ma beet for the nalsee in ,aollt roalle, an ' a a aaa ' • , the refits) waa giveri fitter -al teremony Cleavitaa reeeetaa, Here is said to be one of the oldest homes in Scarboro, Ontario, -,eatcli has been standing for over 100 years. Por many years it was used as a school house for the children of pioneers. School Children and Their Hurrah! School is in full swing again! And \vhat of the health of the, boys and giale? "Keep a child robust'', and sound in body uhtil he is eighteen" say medical experts, "mid the -chances are he will remain so 'throughout life." How important then that its health -1 should be maintained. A. word to :parents: Are aour children free from frequent atade, enlarged tonsils, aden- oids', -decaying 'teeth?. These are seri- ous hindrateee to their health. Are they free froin eyestrain? Do they hear well? Are they pound in body and luna? If. not. then In eehool they Luse a golden opportunity. "Maeda it Land of Oppartunities!" we say, and yet in this laed, are we breeding a race that -shows appalling sighs of deterioration? Statistics show an average of one physlcAl de - feet for each echo& child in tho Unitea States, Fully twenty-fivei per eent. of the nation'e children are be- lOw par. Hew le it With Canada? Are your children under -weight? Tieing underweight does not necessarily mean being undernourished. Our sehoole aim at \vh-olesome eitizen,saip, and Whether your boy goes into profes- sional. life or industrial life, sound health is essential to his eueeese. What then can we do to make our boa and girls fit far the \volt of life? Medical examination In the &alma. Is net a feta It is based on Medical regearch and 'confirmed by e*Perience. When the war !vela! ma, (Veer twenty- five per cent. of Mir boye were physi- cally anilt. We mast not repeat that tegieet to the rising geteration Sys- tematic medical seperVisien lia.ust be given to Mir childrenalnririg the years they are at, sclio. Carafel meelical examinatioa sherild be given Omar taild enteeing the scheol. And the mother :should be present to hear what the doctor has to ',stay, alai 1.21 tarn to aea gireatione for the benefit of tild child- EePecially so, ia the case or non -Anglo-Saxon mothers. Thies they Will Come to understand . that the eche ol doetor is trying, to help their child. Aid the mothers' intelligent co-opera- tion is needed. t -o ettain. the best re- Duiang ,selfool age, there are adet- olds and -diseased tensile to be watch- ed. There are ear-aelies and eye. - strains to be relieved, and. teeth to be treated. There are skin tenet scalp dis- ereges, spinal curve and weak feet, all of which ean be helped and' et/Treated if treated in time. A d-elicate child is no longer looked upori with pride. In sa far as we are eager to be healthy, ashamed ta be linhealtly; we ere awake to the ideal of our generatieri. What of tae child's teeth? It teeth are lost, rood cermet be chewed, if they are dereotive, disease, genies lodge in them, if teeth ead gums are diseased, ,polsoii invaare the se -atm .1 :be:1:4;111:1111;e' jiy. ;1171 001;1i:frt. suffers pain, and no lone can be at Pis , What •of your &gat LID (1 E yeatra ° (i.e. otive , vielou maa cause hes (I- aclies, nausea, lose of stepotife, hot in- , freqkzently blinduese. And deafness, starting 'with -ederioias. aaraening wax or a cold, :May become imposeible to remeaje. inllese taken at the' beg"liallag. Is amer child to be under a handidap? Eye and ear defects ore in a large measure re,epon,sible for in.:attentive- npie,esien,dbieoda, diSailaine and failure to be It all conlee to this. WO eorieider our tlee'.fee reputation Secure if they eorne from. ear echaols with needless -pliyea cal dafeete and ha:edit:ape. evara boy and 'girl in Caritida be given a fr. ' ( ,,, aeaela ,11.:11, la ,1 a • , cliental lo be p sarong. ,o.i'TdhifeAnclalitthy,te l'ette eerie over the Ilia • 4)41 aeia548 .04.5 to?