HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-10-23, Page 1P.
Single Copies, Five Cents.
Prices Down
In llien'a Wear , 'tore at Isards
during alterationsasee advt. on Page 4
Narrowly Escape Electrocution
W. A. K-rainer, Richard Hotten and
ohn McNabb, electricians, had a nar-
row escape from death by electroctia
tion on Saturday -when, as \they were
'engaged in making alterations on the
electric light wires in Mildmay, the
-poaver W2S unexpectedly switched on,
41,..,1 three Merl. Sufferqd a severe elec-
n:aal shod:, but fortunately'the pow-
' WaS turned off again almost in-
stantaneously, which resulted in sair-
ing the lives of the men.
AUCTION SALE—Stock and 'mole-
, meats . at .Lot •.13s14 eoncession 1,
Kinloss, adjoining 'Whitechureh, on
I-Iniclay, October 24, 1924. See bills,
Walter Lott, prop.,. john Purvis
BULT:S FOR SALE—Hyacinths, six
c0101-.9, Daffodils arid. SacretaLillies,
bredCanaries, Tyrolean 'Warblers
aad -1-1artz-rootintain, All . goad.
singers. Apply to Mrs.' W. E•
OR SALE --Imported Clydesdale
Stallion, foaled in 1909, importedby
Bros. Scotland's- Premier
'sforse "Promoter" color coal black',
This horse was kept by Graham.
Bros. for a timu as their breeding
'horse. Sure foal getter arid sire of
-the winners. Also brown mare
foaled in 1909 "Polly Ann" by up Co
time Grand Sire "Baron's Pride',
supposed to be in foal to the above
named sire "Promoter"., Also black
,Stallion foal byabove named she
au(' clam. These animals will be,
sold at a bargains either for cash or
time'as the owner is leaving for the
city..Ownecl at Lots 5 and 6Green-
ock Township,. one half mile east of
• Kinloss village on provincial high-
way. S.McComb , Route 2, Holy -
• '
• FOR SALE -'-A number of Barred,
Rock pull'ettsalaying strain. Apply
to W. R. Gallaher, Bluevale.
Wroxeter Phone 604.
oFOR S'ALE—A large ,sized Quebec
Heater, Apply to Mrs. R. Beattie,
',John St.
'R; SALE—One • Western Oak
Heater, price $'5.00. Apply J.' II.'
McKay, Restaurant. .
FOR, SALE -LAT number of "good,
singer canaries alic hens at reason-
able priceS.. Apply to Mrs, Ea.
• Sotheran, Box 92;
.FOR SAL.1.7.—A snap, Creelnian Knit-
ting Machine, practically new, 3 cyl-
inders, will knit frOni finest to the
coarsest of yarns. Owner will de-
monstrate to parties interested, Ap-
ply to Advance -Times.
OR SALE --Pure bred single Comb
white leghorn pulletts -bred to lay
Apply' to David Patton, Bluevale.
date touring cars taken in on Se-
'dana last week. In splendid con -
&tidal and priced right at Craw -
ford's Garage.
,OUSE TO RENT—Seven room
brick -veneer house, hardwood floors
all conveniences, garage and good
lot. Apply' for turther particulars
to The Advance.
NOTICE --Parties having erearn cans
belonging. to NV -Mahan -1 Cre'amery-
,with which they are not delivering
iereain to ns, must retura same to
the Crearnery, after this notice.
(Signed), United Farmers , Co.,
Operative Co., Ltd.,
Decluclion Auction Sale of G. 13.
Armstrongls famous herd of 24
Scotch Shorthorns, Jo females and
5 males, headed by New Year's
Gift, a first prize winner at ,Toron-
to. Ottawa and London and on the
Western Circuit, 4 inaported,Clydes-
dales; so registered Leicesters, 18
ewes and 12 ranis. At Bowhill,
Farm, I..ot 3, Con. 9, Culross, on.
Tuesday, Oct. 28, at i o'clock. joint
Parvis, auctioneer.
Wo J. 131:Wee and son, Harold,
motored to London last week,
Miss Brewer, milliner with IVIiss
Rush, is visiting friends in De-
Mrs. L. C. Young and son Billie,
swpceelite. a fr da3rs In Toronto last
,IVIrs. Win. Robertson, visited a fevv
days with her sister, Misa 1)ocids, of
Miss GWendolya Snell of the WeS-
tern ..Uaiversity, London, Spent the
weeksendat her hoire here. •
..Mrs.' GeOrge ervit 'and children„
visited the• ayeek,--end with her cousin,
Mrs,' Georgejolinstono of Blyth.
gr. and Mrs.:: L E. Farrend, Resi,
dents of Sullivan, B. C., Celebrate
Their Golden Wedding
Commemorating fifty years of hap-
py wedded life, 11/11`," and Mrs, 1. E.
Farrend, well known residents of Sul-
livan, celebrated the golden anniver-
sary of their marriage at their honie
on the Johnston road on Tuesday ev-
ening. The guests, who numbered
about fifty intimate friends and rela-
tives of Mr. and Mrs. Farrend, first
sat down to a sumptuous dinner
which ,was served late in the after-
noon. Gracing the centre of one of
the tables was a magnificient wedding
cake which, together „with the decora-
Mr, and mrs, caav E, weeks tions, gave an; appropriate appearance
(Bessie Kennedy) and baby Frances to the rooms, Following the dinner,
Clare, visited friends'in town on Tftes- a socia14ime anC1 dancing Were indulg-
ed in until a late llonr, the music • or
• Mr. and Mrs. Hudson of Jamacia the dancing being supplied by Mrs.
are visiting friends in liforris, at Mr.
R. McMarray. and Mr. Richard Proc-
Mrs,.Elizabeth Pocock, left on Sat-
urday to spend a month with her Ea
W. 'I. 1-lolmes and Mrs. Mercer,
Vancouver, Mrs.' J. J. VVilson, Miss
Helen Day and Messrs. T. Day and
G: Farrend.
Testifying, tO the high esteem 'in
-which'Mr. "and 1/1rs. Farrend are held
On Saturday, Dec. 6th,, the Victory
Mission Circle of the Methodist
Charcli, will hold a sale of work, and
serve afternoon tea in the Coun'cil
.,For a really efficient Canadian made
Radio, Outfit operating with dry cells
at a price anyone can afford to pay
call up Crawford's Garage for a de-
rnonstratibn right in your own home
if you wish.
New Well Paper -- A.,large ship-
ment has arrived at Mitchell's Drug
Store. Patterns all new. We invite
compa,rison wiflon' city prices and
quality. Our store is now headquar-
ters for Wall papers, Mitchell's Drug
Hannao& Co. Ltd., are offering
great reductions at their Annual Fall
Sale which commences on 'Satin -day
morning, October 25 and .contirmes
for two weeks, Read the many bar-
gains on `their large bills being sent
out from the printing office this week.
. . .
Anniversary Services will be Con-
ducted at Calvin Church, East Wa-
vvanosh by Rev. A. L. 13tidge of Ha-
milton on Sabbath,.Nov. 20c1., services
milY arid sisters, in Toronto and.13url- a large number of lovely gifts were will be at It a. m. and 7 p. m. On
ington. - -. showered upon them by their friends the following Monday evening Mr.
Mr, and Mrs. Oliver , Thompson and relatives. One of the guests. of Budge will give his lecture "The
and family, accompanied by Miss .Rev, Ves- the evening, . F. Swan, f°r.1r.ier,17 Huron Old Boys" special music by
ta Fox, spent over the week -end in of Bluevale Ontario, who officiated
Mrs. J. W. ' McKibbon and little
at the wedding.of two of Mr. and,Mrs
Farrend'a daughterS in the East, and
Who has, been a life long- friend of the,
.0ther'griestsaiacludecl Mr;
and Mrs. 5. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
the:choir: Program.beginning at 8
p, rn. A silver collection at the door.
The following Masons of VVinghain
daughter, Mary Elizabeth, visited for motored to Clinton on Fiiday night:
a few days with friends in Tot -onto. Messrs. H. F, McGee, Oliver Thoinp-
last week. ' A
son, Stan, Halliday, J. L., Stewart
Win. o n ton n MrS. M. Stewiirt has returned to JhS , Mr' a- a sn's• I. /
Iatosh Mr and Mrs Mercer /VIr and .„.,., . . of Huron !strict,
with her cousin, Mrs. Again Johnston, ', ' ' '
Victoria, St. • Mrs. `I. McIntosh, Mr. and' Mr's. T. "1,0:t..S.. The occasion was,,the offic.ial
D. D. G, M. of South Hu -
W. I-Iolines, Mr. and Mrs. Shelly, visit of the
Mrs. C. C. Cannon of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs, Shaver, Mr. Rowntree. ron, viz: A. E. Aberhardt of Seaforth.
Ohio, js visiting at the .home of her miSa An Holmes, mr, and Mrs. G. Clinton brethren royally entertained
the visitors. ,
parents, Mrs, and IVErs, Thosa,Forbes, loarrend, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cook,
ey Mrs Hall Mr. and MrS. R Mos Alex. Reid, 3-• 0 H -1 ) 'd H j
. . a oi re an • H. .
Tofonto, after spendiag the summer , • jobb,D. D. GM ''' D.
:Diagonal Road. : Mr: and Mrs. Oleson, IVIrs.-T. Day, The Advance-Tirnes will have their,
Miss Johnson of Hensall has', res„ IVIiss Day and Mr, E. Tonikinson. excellent new alines ,of Christmas
turned home after visiting M. and Both Mr. and Mrs- Farrend are Greetings Cards and. Papetries on dis-
Mrs. Jas. Nicholson, Diagonal, Road, pioneer residents of Ontario," the for- play in a few days. You can select
Miss Johnson also attended the Dean- iner having been born at West Win- your choice, have any verse or initial
cry,' which met here last week.. - Chester in the county of Dundas, near printed on the stock and all complete
Mr. and` Mrs. 'Jas. 'Cassels of Flint, the city of Ottawa,. on March 8, 185o, for a very little more tha.n you can
Mich., Mr'. and Mrs: - RObt? Cassels Mr. Farrend was born in Turnberry buy thein, unprinted for. The saving
and'son, of. Rochester, Mich.,`arid Mr. township in the county of Huron on from what you would have to pay for
nSunday at Mr. Thos. Cassels, s end moved with his parents'ato what books is often 50 per cent.
ad Mr.s. Tas..Colley of Morris, spent February, 2,2, 18,56. In. 186T Mr. Fars- these cards if ordered from §amPle
was known as the Queen's Bush at 'a.
Miss 1V1yrtle $hackleton spent last
' - Newbridge in the Township of How- The Coming Eclipse
week.' in Aihfield and attended. the .
1.-" h his father became engaged .
re -union of pupils and teachers •at S. ick, e
in tne milling business. In -f83 Mr. •t Otiti- readers willbemore or less in -
S. No. 9, on the occasion OL openirigterested in. the total .ectinse n.f the"
itahsetnew. school building onaFriclay'larrencil• again moved, this time ' t°
iBlueva e, also in Huron county, ' sun which is: -o. be visible in this dis-
-. : / - On October 7, ,i874, he married trict. This eclipse is timed to take
Mi'a arid Mrs. 13. H. miner motored IVIISs Margaret M. Holmes, daughter place between 9,o5 and 9.06 on. 'the
up from Toronto and spent the.m
.week-'ief r: add Mrs: N.. Holmes, who morning of January 4, 1925, and it
end with Mrs. A./filler's. parents, Antos, 'were
also early settlers of Ontario. will last, for about a minute and a
and .Mrs. Robt. Breen of TurnberrY, , They were married .in 'Listowel,af- half. . At the instant of totality, St.
awd with her sister, 'Mrs. R• G. Gan- 'ter 'drivingtwenty-two miles in a Marys and district will be immediate-
rle4, °Is WinghatrI. . . ' irough wagon over. roads . which SA CTC 13' Plunged -into total darkness, just
Mrs. Geo,- j. Gregory ha's returned far from the condition of most rur- as -if night had suddenly come. -As
to her home in Win,thorst, Sask,, ,af- al thoittglafares today.- , aoorP as the moon has passed over
ter spending the:summer at the hoinel Mr. arid: Mrs:' Farrend resided, at and the time of totality has*Pbeen
of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ma-oBluevale, where Mr. Farrend Opel's completed, ,daylight will come back
son, Mrs.; Mason' accompanied her a.ted a saw mill, until 1908, when they just as instantmeously. If the sky
as far as Toro'nto. . !obeyed the call of the West and. with is clear on that day, the people of this
IL\fr. 'and . Mrs Rod Johnston 'of their family ,movecl\ol Swift Current, district will have the opportunity of
Goderich,.motored. up on'Sunday and , Saskatchewan, where they homestead- witnessing a sight which has not
spent the week -end with relatives, ed on a quarter section of: prairie been visible in this district for five
Mrs. A.' G. McDonald, returned with land. Later additional property ,Was hundred, years, and will not be vs
them she having spent a montlr with, obtained and in 1921 when they decid- ible again for five hundred more
her sister, Mrs. Andrew McDougall. 'ed to come farther west to British years.
.. . .
al Columbia,
, warns. Mr. Farrend was in poss-
Do: , and Mrs. MaddockKingsville, Girl Married At Home
erton spent Sunday at'the homes cf ession of a complete section.
Dr. Fox and. Mr. Wm, Dore. Mr & l' About three years ago they came A. quiet biit very- pretty .Autumn
Maddock is a neice of Mrs. Dore and to. the Fraser Valley and purchased wedding took place on Tuesday, Oct.
a, quarter section of land on the rath at 'Bona Vista Place" the beauti-
it Inas her sister, Mrs. ,KaY, who was'
'Johnston road half ,o, mile north of ful home of Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Max_
shot in Kincardine a Year or niore
ago. , , . ; Sullivan, on which they still reside. well, *hen their only daughter, jeal
, i
• , `..The pioneering spirit is still quite S., was united in marria'ge 10 'Mr.
Mr Wm. Grifferi, wife and familY dominant in Mr. Farrend, who de- Cdrydon G. Fagan ,of Kingsville. Rev.
of Ingersollamotored-up Friday after- spite his advanced years has been en,- J. W. Hibbert officiating. Only im-
noon and spent the week -end with gaged constantly , since he moved to mediate. relaiiv,e.a .and friends were,
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew the district in clearing his land of the present. -
-McDougall, Lower Wingliam. Mas- stumps of the huge trees that years The charming bride who'n.vas given
ter Wallace Griffen returned home
before fell to the lumberman's axe. aWay by her father Was gowned. in
with them after spending six weelcs
, l• Four children blessed the union, all. white georgette 'and Rose Point lace,,
with liis grandparents: of whom are ,still.liviag: They 'are: over white satin. She wore her rnotha
Mrs. S. Pike, Pacific Highway, Surr- er's wedding Veil, which was pre„taily
roY;. Mrs. James VSlood.rovv and Ro- draped and ornamented with, orange
bert 3. Fart -end, both of- whom are blossoms,and bandeau of pearls. She
living on the Prairie, and Chas. Cr. carried 'a bouquet of, Ophelia roses
Farrend, who resides on property ad- and maiden hair ferna. The matron
iacent to his father's holding,—New of honor. was Mrs. James Saunders
Westnainster Gazette". ' of VV'indsor; sister' of the grown, who
Many old friends in "I-lowick and wore a dainty costume of white bar.
TurnberrY, have .fond recollections of onet Satin and ,carried pinka roses.
happy moments spent with this es- The rooms were tastefully deWorated
teemed old cottple. with a profusion of autumn flowers.
After the ceremony a reception was
held. Mr. and Mrs. Fagan are two of
Kingsville most .estimable young peo-
ple and hosts of friends extend con-
gratulations. After a daintily served
limcheon the happy couple left amid
showers of confetti for London and
eastern points on a short honeymoon,
the bride travelling in a smart tailor-
ed suit of English worsted and Fox
RA1)10 FANS L 0 QIO—I-lo m c liar g
for quick sale, 6o CyclC. Apply at,
once to 12.eid's Garage.
SAMACO ART—Hand painting done
on crepe, silk, cotton, e theiette
and parclutent. Phone ;220.
• 'WANTED—Permanent position at
general houSework. town preferred.
Apply I3ox 1),, Advance.
rigs wanted. Apply to Mrs. Wm,
McNeviii Victoria St
YOUNG MEN—This is yoar chainze
to purchase something real good in
inilkirig Shorthorn' Cows: These
cows are bred to a Son Of the Seni-
or Goand Champion Bull, Robin
Signet, 135244 in tile Dual purpose
class, at the Canadian National Ex-
hibition 1924, antl are duo to fresh. -
ell in Dee, and jan. The, lierd IS
entirely free from any contagioti
.disease. Let tile. $1:10,r yoti their R.
O. P. records. Priced' td sell.
James Do‘v, R, Lucknow,
6 5 ,
BULBS , FOR SALE--Hyacmtbs, siy
colors, Daffoclits tPd Saeret tillies,
A. C. Adanis,
Paned Away At Brussels
An old and highly esteemed resi-
dent of Brussels passed to the Great
-.Beyond on Tuesda,y morning in the
person of Mrs. Thos. Lott. She was
in her 88th year. Mr. Levi Lott and
'MT, Geo. Lott of Wingham and Mr.
Walter Lott of Whitechurch are sons
of the .deceased, also five dattgliters,
Mrs. Wm. Miller of Brussels,
'Richard PalinO, Wroxeter, Mrs.
Charles 'McKay, Brussels, Mrs. 1)av-
id Farrier, St. 'Helens, and Miss Mary
at home:, Interment -will be held in
Brussels Cemetery where her husband
-This is Prof. Kenneth Well.s of In- has been sleeping for `about eight
dianapolis,'whowit h his wifd is to as- 3'e111's,
s'st'the Rev. C. Et, Cragg in a series
Of special serviceS. Don't fail to hear Powell—Jenktins Nuptials
sblentied at the Ivrethodist pa.rsona,ge,
Lions Entertain Lionesses
The Friday evening dialler of the'
Lions laelcl in the Brunswielc Cafe was
well attended. The ladies were guests
of the Lions and in all over sixty par-
took: of a aiimptuous • fowl dinner.
Chief Lion j, W, Hanna condtteted
the' basiaess part of the anceting and
Lion faes, C. Young ably took upon
himself the duties of oodfelloWahip.
an. r, Gordon Buchanan,
Misses fiazel Bran,cloin'Bessie Abell
aad. Sarah McLean assialed with "the
programme. .After leaving fg
the ainit,
hall the lions arid their gaests eajoyed
an evening at progressive euchre ha
Ilie Club Rooms.
• A very pretty but quiet.wedding was.
Wing lam, on Wednesday, October 22,
When Edith Catherine, only daughter
of 'Mrs, and the late Ed.l,varcl Jenkins
of Turnberry, becarno the bride of Ito -
Vert A, Powell, youngest son of Mr.
T. K. Powell of Turnberry. Rev. C.
E. Cragg offitiated. The bride looked
Icharming in a gowil of taupe coloured
Iduchess satin and carried a corsage
'baguet of sWeetheart roses and mai(1-
leri hair fern. The11091')'co1I9le left
'on the afternoon train for 1.'orotato arid
Palls. On their return they
'will reside son the groom's farm in
Turnberinr, This highly eateern 3d
'younar couple have the beat wishes of
ta host, of friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Fagan, will ,be at
1101 10 to their friends after Nov. 25t1.,
at their home, Pearl St. West.
Those attending from ,a distance
were: Mrs. Alex. Moffatt, Bluevale;
Mr. 'and Mrs. James Brydone,
1011; Mr. and Mrs. jambs Saunders
and little daughter, WindSor; Mr.
Lester Saunders, Windsor; Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. liosiiian. Leamington;
Miss Leila Begley, Leamington.
'The bride will be remernbered by
inany as she all Public School
in Bluevale and High School in Wing -
ham, her old home being on the Blue -
vale Road,,
Stihacriptio Se.oe
SIxtY Years ago' Methodism opened
tip preaching services Lower V,Virig-
ham and the first church built on
1110 St Stf, WaS commenced ao years ago.
Next Sunday will open the Diamond
hibilee Services' in connection with
the congregatiori. The day will open
with a Prayer and Praise Service at
io a. ros At 11 a. the Rev. G. C.
GiffOrd B. A. of Lucan son of the late
Rev. Dr. GiffOrd, at one time tiistor
of the church, preach; While Mrs.
(Rev.) W. A Finlay will sing the
same solo She saug at the o g
services of the church Just or to
day." • •
2.30 p. in. --Sunday School Session.
The Rev. A. E.OV, Thompson, M. A,
13. D., of London wtil give a short
7 ,p. m.--h'vening services, special
Preacher the Rev. A. E.' M. 'Thomson
of London, Mr. Thomson at one
time lived at Zetland and attended
High School in Wingham, and- was
a member Qf the Methodist Church
and Sunday School. Mrs. W. A. Fin --
lay will again render a solo. The mu-
sic for the clay will be in charge of
MT. Christie and his choir of 35 voi-
Court of Revision
The Court or Revisioa for the As-
sessnicut Roll for the year 1925 will
sit in tile Town Halj, on Thm-sday
evening, November 6th., 192.4. at • 8
o'cloelc, All persons interested are
rerntested to govern theMsqlves ac-
Dated tills oid day of Octol)er, A,
W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk.
Mrs. Kenneth Wells who with her
husband is assisting. the Rev. Ms.
Cragg in special services. The selec-
tions rendered by this Godly couple
are sure to reach the -hearts and the
consciences of all the hearers. The
public cordially invited.
Monday 27th—A Fowl Supper will
be served. 'Supper to commence
about 6 p. m., earlier if the people are
there. Following the supper a spec-
ial ' programme will be rendered,
greetings' are expected from the -local
pastors. Special music by Prof. and
Mrs. Kenneth Wells of Indianapolis.
Also. a leetureaby Rev. Duncan MC-
Tavish, "The Laggage of Life". Ad-
mission, Adults soc, Children 250.
Commencing on Tuesday, Oct. 28th
and continuing until Nov. gth,
special series of services will be held
in the Church in charge of the Pastor.
The music will be in charge of Prof.
and Mrs. Wells, of Indianapolis.
Both .Mr. and Mrs. Wells are very
sweetsingers and have a great gift
of ingratiating themselves- into the
hearts of their hearers. By the end
of one week they packed the Victoria
St. Methodist Church. 'We are look-
ing ferward with great expectency to
their coming. During the first -week,
the special speaker will be the Rem).
J.. Hedley M. A. p. D. of Gode-
rich. The second week the Rev: W.
E. Millson of London is expticted to
be ,present and assist Let us unit in
making all these services a great SUC-
A Four Pound Murphy
fa '
jule01111111113111011113111111 5r:474'.g'e •
0 -Narcissus
We have, just received a shipment of
II Bowl, Narcissus Bulbs and Moss all ready 'to
I oo up to
Bulb Bowls
, I'm sending you a rnerry thought
And still a merrier smile, a
They're tiny things, but just such thing
As make our lives worth while.
Our Every Day Cut Prices Save You Money
c Drug re
co plete•,
OR A34
Winethitirt. Ont.
.4-111113132111E111 111011
111M111M11151111 111011151111110111121111Igillst 11 111211E111%111,111II 1101111-12:
Twenty Five Dollars
The New Home and Ideal Sewing soCn,oiratitrca
Machines are firs -t class in every way elfec
and fully warranted besides being sold 'Utiiities Commission, who was Inar-
at a saving of from fifteen to twenty trieclNiaists LNeuclicuegal
nesclialtyrfiaost ,
five dollars, on each machine. Sold o
stairs over the Advance Times Oufp- 1 /./Marr.::r__(1 DMerrins' isf°/s\i-uEptIligallsand.
by A.. W. Webster, The l'ailor,
Married At Lucknow
Charles Elliott of the. Bluevale
Brick yard is notgoing to Ict a little,
thing like a three and three quarted
pound potatoe from the patch. of
Rohl:. Hetherington scare him « He
walked manfully .into our sanstum,
with a four Pound 'potatoe. . There
appears to be about six good sized
ptatoes growing together, Charlie
tells us the 'horses got such a jar
when the plaw 'hit this murphythat
they almost fell back .on hirn
The Partridge Season
' Howard Park Methodist Church
St. Paul's A. Y. P. A... .-was the scene of a very pretty autumn
• -vvedding 1\lyrtle, daughter of
St Paul's A. Y. P. A. was re -or -I
Mr. and. Mrs. Dennis of Goderich„
ganized on Monday evenang .for the ,becanie the bite 'of Mr
corning., .Notniart
season when the following Harper, son of " n and Mrs. 'William
officers were elected: Harper, Roncesvalles avenue. Dr.
° Patron—Rev. I -I. W. Snell. -- T. c. Scott officiated. The bride,
Hon. Pres.—H. J. Jobb.
Pres.—Miss Doris Fells. i\,1.1r-iGIVeaOstgegiNDreePII:ilAS:aYlooked b3rhet.liaarllinnicilacgi'
j, 's
Secretary—Miss Dora Latincly. in a gown of blue g-eorgette with hat
Treasurer—Miss Margaret Snell. to match of blue and silver. She
Membership Sec.— Miss Velma wore a grey fox fur and carried a
Johnston. beautiful shower bouquet of white
A contest to secure new members roseslily of the valley and baby
was arranged with Miss M, Fleuty,ibreath. Her bridesmaid, Miss Hilda
, ,
Captain of the Reds and Miss Dora AlcKenna, looked sweet in a gown of
LaundyCaptain of the Bluesthe.los-
Powder blue crepe, with hat to matchu.
ung side to give the Annual Banquet.' She wore a mink fur and carried pink
It was decided to meet on the first Iroses and baby's breath. Mr. Frank
and third Monday of the month and.
tWilliamson was best man. The wed
the next mfb eeting ebe held on No- i ding march was played by Mr. E.,
vember 3rd., will be a social evening White and during the signiag of the
register Mrs, W. West sang "Be-
cause." After a reception held at
Mrs. Harper's, the happy couple left
for a short trip. On their return they
will reside on Lynd avenue, '
Wingharn friends offer congratula-
when all the young people of the con-
gregation are invited to be present.
Box Social At Belgrave
The social held at Belgrave on Fri-
day evening last was nuich enjoyed
by those who attended. The program
included the following: Vocal selec-
tions by Miss'..Vancamp, Mr • Gordon llll aa lllllll llll 1 l M11101111$011111 llllll
Buchanan, and. Sergt. Major Islanna;
vocal duet, Mrs. Wade and Miss Bell;
whistling selections ,by Miss Deacon,
instrumental selecticins, by Messrs.
Bruce and Mrs: Bruce; Mr. John Bell
and Miss Bell, also the Hawaiian Or-
chestra of Lower Wingham; recita-
tions by ,Miss M. Fleuty and W. T.
Miller; very appropriate and inspiring
addresses by the chairman, Mr. Geo.
Spotton and Rev. Mr. Moorea. Mr.
T. Bennett, the popular auctioneer
sold the boxes. The proceeds amount=
ed to, about $28.00. The entertain-
ment -was given on. behalf of the Lo-
yal ,True Blue and Orange Home'for
Hon. Chas, McCrea, Minister of
Game and Fisheries, announces that,
owing to reports received from vari-
ous parts of the Province indicating
that ruffed grouse commonly known as
Partridge, are very scarce, it has been
decided to reduce the open StI,S011 for
the current year to eleven days. Re-
gulations have accordingly been pass-
ed making the open season from Oc-
tober i5 to October' 25, both days in -
elusive. A bag limit of ten per sea-
son will still apply.
Voting Places and D. R. O's
The following have been appointed
Deputy Retarning Of fiters for the
coming electicm in Wingham and. the
Vote will be'taken as follows:
Polling. snb-division No. r, in Geo.
T. Robertson's Gltrage, t. J. Patti-
son, D. R. O.
pla.ce NO, 2, itt W. li, L.)a-
vidson.'s Implement Shop, GeO, Pat-
terson, D. R. 0;
Polling place No, s in. the Council
Chamber of the town, hall, Allen M.
Fralick, 1). R. 0,
Polling Place No, .4 in G. L. Bidc-
er's express office, Thos. Garrett, D."
R, 0.
Polling place No. 5, in A, 11c1I'S res-
idence, jos. Guest, D. R. 0.
Evening 'Subject (L-.
1 God's Word as to our future
Come and enjoy Gospel Singing
and Testimonies.
llllll 111111010111MIIIIII llllll 030:121tIlt111(11131111111111.1g'
11.0.•••• 411•161amMancalellerniOrtinelieD07.51111•111•01111;111;1.,
. We call the Faimers attention to our excellent Shoes, built
purposely for Farin Wear.. Nothing in, them but good, solid lea-
ther which. is fully water -proofed,
Heavy, durable soles with uppers of best quality leather
111 131ack or Tan. Shoes at
$3.00, 3.50, 4.00 to 5.00