HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-10-16, Page 5it ;!^�rtar tµ�cgir. ,.: �•,-, a ,s?ate hursday; 'Qetaber), 6the, 934. Nd sTk AD YA-> CT n.Wr 'illi■II■IaaIiimminis1**sa'ammaomminuI. * CEPTION:AL VALUE 11 ter • a ■ ■ mReal good values. in Boys' 111 prices are ■ $6.5o, 7.00, 7.50, 8.5o; xo.00. ■ ■ Men's Overcoats and Ulst- er s, lst- ers, in latest models, priced for shrewd buy- ers at _..._.:___._-'$15.00, $x8.00, 2o,00, 22.5o and 25.0o ■ Boys' • All •Wool Jerseys, ■ ■ ■ Special in Men's' Sweaters at _.__._.x$2.00, 2.50,. 3.75, 445 ■ aa• 4a ■ ' __ _$22so,' 25.00,; 28.00, 30.0o GLENANNA' 1 The anniversary eenvilees will be conducted next Sundae, Kiaetober 19th J. adie's Presbyterian ifbur ch at 11 ■ a. in. and '.3o p. in., the nt,iviccs will ■ be ih charge of Rey. Ma;,; ,Overend of ■ .Kincardine,$ Miss Bertha Marshall ;Spent last ■;vareelc with friends in Wingharx" Mrs, Bell 2,ncl.Mrs. lainder'of Mr. i ilworest, were week -end visitoa,;s of the atonic of Mrs. Richard Willem. ',vliss Belle-Murc1iiaon of Litcknorv, spirit Sunday at her home hen:. Ir. D'red Edgar and his sarerr, Miss Ederar from south of Corrie, a.isp Mr. ani'-1vlrs. Melvin Willitts and',fainily were ,Sunday guests at Win. I.1,-114a,r.- shel e Mas. .Myrtle Bennett of Lions+' k).ead visiteda con n Saturd y on the loth, Mr. Norman Muir, teacher, attend- ed - theCep cl ers Convention ent'o at Sea - forth, M1,1 x zv zn S.r i. forth, 'l:titusday.' and Friday of lash, week, -Mrs.W git t`r. of Jamestown, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Wm, H. Marshall: ■ ■ ■ El Smart Models in Ladies' Misses' and Children's i. Coats P r'i ced Low dor ■ ■ Quick Selling . . ■ Eng » A VERY COMPLETE RANGE OF CHILDRE COATS S. CHILDREN'S Plain and Fur trimmed in sizes 2 to 14 years, priced from ,$4.00 up. 1VfISSES' COATS Made in best style. of pure wool ma- terials and necolorings, fur trimm- ed, rim -ed, or self trimmed, sizes r6, 18> 2o years, See our special values at •$12.45 15.00, 'x8.00, 20.00 and 25.00. NO BETTER ,VALUE CAN BE FOUND THAN WE ARE OF- FERING IN LADIES' COATS Made 'frons high •class im- ported clo- ths, such as Velour, Burberry, Camel Hair, Duvetyns, Bolivia, Marvellas, etc., Plain and Fur Trimmed, spec- ially' priced at '$ig.5o, $22.50 $25.00, $29.00,. $34.90. MEN'S WEAR STORE Just passed into stock Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits, Sweaters arid Underwear: Inspect our. Stock and Values. We Save You0 cansM Money. y Our .Fite -Rite; Bachelor and Perfection Brands of Suits and Overcoats are winners. See them. now ,$x.go' Men's Suits—Buy a Fite - Rite Suit and be.right, big value at a • ■ ■ Men's Underwear—Best ma- kes,. including. Stanfields Watson's, Penman's Ti- ger .Brandi i-ger•Brandr Prices for all wool shirts and dra• - wers begin at ■ Men•'s and Boys' Boots and. •■ Shoes, Rubbers at Bar- u gain Prices. Overalls and Smocks, pop ■ ular' brands are Head- ■ light, Snag Proof, Bull ■ Dog. See our values at ■ _.._. _ $1.95 and 2.25 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ RE MI ■ A ..mommommmommommommm ISARD & Ft ... ■ ■ el. ... 'I'llE HYDROHYDROSHOP ■ S1 III i '. ' ooey? . 11�h •�More ■. . m ®•..For any For oldlaanp when you can bu y abso .■ ■ ' latel uaranteed H dro Lamps at ■ • the following: prices: -■ 200 Watt Nitro, clear, ... $14,25 Nitro,half frosted ....1.40 . 200 "Watt ■ ■■ 100 Watt' Nitro, clear.: .75c ■ ■ - h -lf frosted. ,., .75c i ■ 100 Watt Nftro, a ■ Nitro,clear :. . ... ,.60c 1 75 Watt ■ ted .. , . 70c ■ ■ . , 75 Walt Nitro, hall Eras ■ ■ Windham Utilities ` Pbo a li55r ■ Cravwford Block.IMMUMUUMMIIMNIMMOIN WR0XETER Mrs. Wm. Walker of London, was a visitor AL the home of Mr. Tom Walker's arid other friends in town over the week -end..' M>•sr. Tait .and Children are visiting friends near Ethel,, ":C the The -. in t ii Anniversary �Bci••vices_ Methodist : Church last. Sunday, were tvellattended both morning and even- . i being' ng, � there �ezitt� no service la the Px esbweath- er 1 d the Chetah and all that couldbe desired, 'I'1te N,. I y P I it !`l contributions were., good. Rev. Mr. White of Ethel, gave two , splendid sermons. Mrs. Pltalmcr of Smith T'a11.,s spent a few days last week at the para songe, n�` a visiti here sister Rcv. Mrs. Brown. BELGRAVE er t dau b Burkholder and , Mtg. �, 33uri�ho, >� , . Ms. Madison, 'Ohio, 'v'is- Mrs. Bolden of 'NCa , Mr it Mr. and Vis- ited for a kw day with Mrs; Will aaelly. .,� . 4 J,'44,' 1�,•.,.a4Gl'✓mrViir;�lwtFt tot One of the rtNanest men Tim Hay i Mows of is the atherwho gave his cf gv kid -another licking beeatiseelle broke his favorite cane on him in admini- stering sten the first. ut • Johnston—Morris Nuptials ' A pretty home wedding l:pok place at the home of Mr. and M. John Grasly •Morris, Blyth, on. Tuesday, when their youngest daughter, Mar- jorie Esther, ,was united in marriage to Clarence Johnston, of East Wawa-. Posh. Rev. Mr. Lewin, rector of St, John's Church, Brussels, officatecl. The laride entered the drawing room to ,the strains of the SMendelssohn wedding 'ivarch,.played ,by Mrs. Lew- in, and was charming/in a gown', of ivory kitten's ear "crepe, trimmed with pearls. Shewore a tulle veil, banded with orange 'blossoms, and carried a shower of Aphelia roses, lir ly of the valley and amaiden hail: fern. Her only ornament was a gold wrist watch, the gift of the groom. During the signing o the registerMrs. 1ii ng- land of Blyth, sister of the groom, sang, "0 Promise Me." Guests num- bering 5o were entertained at a wed- ding sapper in the dining room, and the evenisg was spent in music' and dancing. 'Mr, and Mrs. Johnston will live in East Wawanosh. Popular Insurance Mari The death occurred on Wednesday, of John A. Mackenzie, a highly re- spected citizen of Kincardine. The late Mr. Mackenzie was born 72 years ago in .the Township of. Huron, being one of the :pioneers of that district. For inan.y years he had been an outstanding figure in the in- surance and real estate business, be- sides taking an active interest in all matters pertaining to public life: He was Secretary of the Plebiscite Com- mittee, and an elder in Knox Presby` terian Church, Kincardine, and was at one time Secretary of the local Li- beral Association. Besides his widow, who was for- merly Miss Katherine Cullen,' he is survived by six sons: George of. Brantford, AIlen of Toronto,. James of Burlington, Leslie of Port Hope, and Robert and Cameron of Kincar- dine, and two daughters, Mrs. J. T. Anderson of Bon Accord, Alta., and Miss Elizabeth of Detroit. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon under the -auspices of Nor- thern Light Lodge, A. F. ar A. M. and Havelock Chapter to Kincardine Cemetery. FORD CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT The Ford Motor -Company of.Can- ada, Limited, has now been in busi- ness for twenty years. During that time 340,9¢4 Ford cars and trucks have been'built and the Ford has won a--Tnation wide reputation for giving satisfactoryice, v er s In our relations with the public as local Ford dealer we have learned that the, best advertising we get is the recommodation of a satisfied customer. Many Ford cars are sold on such -recommendations and many. more will be sold in the same way. If you are one -of the many thous- ands of Canada's farmer Ford -own- ers, here is a big opportunity for you. Three farmer Ford -owners or members of fernier Ford owners in each township in this territory will be given the privilege of taking or- ders for Ford cars, trucks and trac- tors. Only the first three to apply. for this privilege' in•each territory will be enrolled, You -can enr°oil im- mediately. Order forms and complete instruc- tions will be;supplied to all contes tants. All you are ,expected to do is to tell your friends who need . a car, truck or tractor of your own experi- ence with your Ford. If' they decide e " their order to buy,:you,take and , send•, it to the Ford Branch in this territory. • ' On all mach orders you will get, ,points at the rateof credit in ,pox 5 per cent. on the list price of the • order. The contestant gaining the highest number of.points in each Ford Bran- ch; territory will :receive, absolutely free, a ford Tudor Sedan, fully e iP _ ped, all taxes and delivery charges paid, and with 1925.license, ready to run. Next highest contestant will re- ceive, free, a Fo`i'dson tractor, fully. equipped ' with fenders and belt pull- ey, P ey, ready to work. All. contestantswho do not qualify cI y for fitst or socolid; prizes will receive credit for 3 per cent.. of the list. pri- ce on all orders .taken by them. This will be awarded it arty kind of Ford- made inercltandise or iti trash,` This contest ,closes December 3oth. Prizes *ill be delivered January x5111 Enrollment applications will be sent. to all fanner Ford -owners but if": you wish to enroll immediately in order to insure acceptance application may be liad from the undersigned, dersi ned, . A,M ,Crawfon.._i1 , W inh 1 n. �+ 4 r.ii,,�i:jlrPY ;let. .Lu L.i(1.11..a;40,. JRON .PLOWING MATCH s The plowing inetch of the eneirou� County Plowmen:tie Association held our the farms of ,idler. John Work and Mr Harvey Bi,yans, ima'nedtately north of Brussels, on l+riday. after - n6011, Oct, ipt11,',,'wee well patronized. There wad fotir prized .offered in each class viz; $1a.00, r2:oo, ro,00 and 8 oo excepting in the tractor class where the prizes were::p $20,pf, 18.00, ss,00 �r and' 10.00. I razes Wr;;i,t; aWa1'dCCl as follows; Class r., with high etet ailows,'in sod free for all, Alex. 11leKercher, R. I1'Ic- Donald, R, Bird Class, 2, General Purpose, Wooden HandledPtows, in sod, free forall, , Geo. McDenald, Class 3, Men from 19 to 25 years, with General Iua ose PlQavs it sod, W. Brown, C. Rintoul. ' 'Class q. Boys 16 and tinder 19 years` in sod, William. Mitchell, Class Boys nder 16 years, •n u z , 5 y Y , e stu bl r r ix b Messrs. Cane DWood and Leitch.' W Class 6, Single Riding Plows; in soct for men 2b years and over•, Wm. Spier Class 7, Tractors, open to men own- ing Tractors -s the'County, g c 1 inx y, S, Fox, H. McCu.tcheon.' In addition to these the foilowin}, specialswere e `e donated: B. F. Carr, Ethel, •offers a nickle trimmed single bridle for best klatch:. ed team plowin , Charlie Rintoul, John Logan, $5.rao to be divided in i6 to 19 year-old boys' class, Alex. McKercher, { Fred IIunter, a $5,00. sweater for class 2, Robert McDonald. - W. D. I-Iamel, a khaki shirt as 211 t prize in ;class 3, Charlie' Rintoul. Geo,. Mtannere, a halter in class 6. 1 run, Spier" Earl -Cunningham, 3ox3I• tire for 1st in tractor plowing and a 30x32 inner tube for 2nd. Winners to be farmers and owners of tractors, S. Fox, 1st., Harry McCutcheon and. BELMORE (Intended for last week) Rev. McLaughlin of Toronto spoke. on Temperance, in Knox Church, Sun day afternoon to a full house. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. e Peterman of. Fergus visited the:latter's mother for a few days. A goodly number from the village and vicinity attended the Anniversary services at aSlem, Sunday, also the fowl supper Monday evening, as usual the church being filled to, over flowing many were turned empty away. Mr;' Rogers of. St. Thomas conducted the. ser ices v 11liss Nlinraie Jeffray returned hoine Fr,rday after a pleasant two weeks vis- it at the Manse Tiverton, ' Thisl. Week) The Sacrament of the oLrd's Sup- per was observed in the Presbyterian. Church, ,Sabbath, morning to almost. 200 communicants. Miss ,Ellen Fleming is on the sick list this week, hope fors a speedy re - Miss Miss' Irene ,1VIundell spent Sunday afternoon' with Miss Florence Dong - las. '- Miss Agnes Rutherford entertained a. fewof her friends on Saturday. ASHFIELD Mre.r. and Mrs.: Max. Raynard, "Nel- son, Pearl and Hazel,;Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Raynard and 'Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton, motored to Ethel on Sunday and spent the day the Mrs. Wm. Baldwin, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Dave Dun- bar of Marnock, whom we ..are sorry to say is not improving, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Love, of Marn- ock, and Mr. and, Mrs. John Moss, of Dungannon, spent Sunday afternoon at the Borne of Mr. ad Mrs. Gilbert Vint. Mrs• Wm. Lane and daughter Etta, of Ripley spent the week -end with Mrs. David Hackett, loth con.: '. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin of Bel - fast made a business trip to Belgrave and Wingham last Thursday afternoon Mr. Robert Nelson of Courey's Corners, is on the sick list at present. Messrs. Herb and George Drennan and Miss Maggie Shackleton, and Mr. and Mrs. John. Parrish of Courey's Corkers, spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr, •and Mrs. Charlie Mc- Donagh of Zion; Mr. and Mrs, Elmer and family, M.r. and Mrs. Walter Alton, and Mr. Will Alton, loth con. spent a day re- cently with relatives at Pine River. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Phillips of Goderiell, spent Sunday afternoon at the home, of Mr. and rids. Thomas Ferguson's loth con. Sometimes a visiting card shoved under the door, _snakes both glad that flint was all there. was to a call. Be Well Alma Happy -=find ;you have Nature's neatest ftr Nature's r RemedyTablets) ab ) a Ni vegetable laxativ,tones the organa and relives Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headaches. aeneeing.that vigor and good feel!•. snit so necessety to behig well anis h'PPY. • -: Used for Guar 30 SreaPa QotA"d6c. >A f">�'a, Box. ✓. ®o�°`^ti� Chips the � B ii cck JI'ukfoitti akiL.ittlp The Same 10 —hi 4%e -third doses ...r S. bniidY•eo ted. ka'or cY531drertY�nd ndWl4la: i`ug ie mow #i Tour ka # +b 'trwq E. J. MITCHELL, DRUGGIST 1410* NEW ■ ■ ■ BOTANY SERGES : 2.1 ■ $ 9 ■ Wosl Botany Serge in 'a w,ery fine weave and a splendid ■ wearing quality,Navyand Ila- ■ g ■ els, 54 in wide extra va- 2 9 ■ II SILK AND WOOL CREPES ® Asplendid range ,of Silk and ® Wool Crepes in Whirlpool, Navy, Brown, n, Brown, Golden B o ,. . Reindeer, la'urrit Orange and r•,. Light Rose Suitable for Fall 1 ■ and winter wear 40 in 9 9 ■ wide a yd.,. ,; ot,Aa. El ■ ■J. A. MILLS ■ ■ Our Goods are the Best. E11���t■■111l��1111t1f11®Ittll�i1111t®1® FLANNELS Import Flannels in Checks, Pl- aids and Stripes, shown in in namou, Brown, Navy, New Blue n n and Grey . wonderful u} value 60 in wide 25O " and 2 75 at to HOISER'Y Many new lines of Fall Hose now into Woo i, ck, All W 1, Szl,c and Wool and Cashmere for ladies d sandatye mo- derate prices DRESS FLANNEL $1,69 Extra Fine Quality import dress 1 Flannels for; Fall and -Winter wear, 5a4 inches wide special a ycl ',:., a SPORT YARNS Just received a s i entnew 7 h zn a£ .1 P Yarn ,for knitting Sweaters, Scarfs, etc., all at ,new +z irn shades' 02balls eteiaaJaa z2 for WAIST' D rr ELAI E5 .mx.r o YD Fine French All Wool Delaianes anSmallPaisley leY and, Waist S at- terns 3o inches wide a t, ,;i„ yd „e Phone 89 WINGc "The House of Quality" Our Prices Right. TEESWATER FALL FAIR e Everybody .boosts for T e swater fair and it is only right to do so, The fair held last week was up to its same high standard. The weather, was very fair'. and the sun shone brightly. Below we publish a list of the prize winners believing that it is of interest to. a great 'many of our readers. HORSES Class x, unregistered Draft—Brood Marc,. foal by side, J. Robinson; J. Forster,; G. Robinson; Foal under 1 year,. J, Robinson, J. Foster, N.Dea- rer; in or filly,G. 1 dr r r• one year old e gelding , Richardson; two year old filly, G. Richardson, three year old gelding or filly, G. Reid, W. Watson, J. Doug- las; span, J.' Robinson, L, Brown, J. Forster, C. Armstrong. Class 2, registered draught—brood mare, foal by side, A. McDonald, foal under x year, A. McDonald; two year. old filly, A. Schmidt, L. Brown. Agricultural—Brood mare foal by side, A. Schmidt, 2 and 3, L. Thack- er; foal under 1 year, A. Schmidt, F. G. Moffat, G. Richardson; one year old gelding or 'filly, C. Iilerbrunn, A. Schmidt; two year old gelding or fil- ly, T. Goodfellow, C. Illerbrunn three year old .geldingor filly, F. G. Moffat, A. McDonald; span, T. Mont- gomery, W. Watson, Duncan Grant; D. McGregor; span general purpose, R. Moffat, A. Kirkland, D. Haskins; best draught or agricultural gelding,. 1 and 2 W. Watson, J. Foster; best draught or agricultural mare, J. Rob- inson, 2 and 3, T. Ivfontgoinery; brood irare and 2 progeny draught or agri- cultural, A. McDonald, C. Illerburn, boy driver, G. Kirkland, J. A. Little; best general purpose mare or gelding, R. Moffat, five' best horses, est W. Watson, D. ' McGregor, ` W. Watson, J: Robinson, J. Robinson; 2nd T. Goodfellow, A. Schmidt, T. Montgomery, T. Montgomery, Ste- phens special, 3. Robinson, 2 and 3, T. Montgomery. Roadsters—Brood mare, foal by side, 3.'Foster, 'foal under t year, J. Foster, J. E. Walker; one year old gelding or filly, rand 2, R, Trench; two year old gelding or filly, S. Thomson, E: 'Steffler. single rpad horse, W. J. Roberts, J. Farrell, W. Weir, L. Lott. R. Metcalfe, 3. Fry •fogre. Carriage—Brood mare, foal by side J. E. Walkery, foal Minder x year, E. Steffler; two year old gelding or fil- ly, E. Steffler; single carriage horse A. and W. McKague, 3. Fryfogle, A. H. McKague; 'span of road ar car- riage Robertson Weir; horses, G.J gentleman's turnout, W. J. Roberts, J. Farrell.. Lady driver -W. 3. Roberts,' Mrs,. McDougall, J. Farrell; pony in harn- ess, W. Trench; ladies hitching race, Mrs. McDougall, E. Pinnell; lady rid- er, II. Trench, L Jackson; gentleman rider, H. McKague, K. McDonald, M. Thompson. . Halter broken colt—A. Schmidt, F. Richardson' hurdle jumping, H. Mc- Kague, K. McDonald, F. Colvin. Dog in harness—F. Colvin, best de- corated auto, G, Richardson; • best. show team in harness, T. Montgom- ery. CATTLE a year old steer, W. Day, J. McKa- gue, A. 13.. McKague; i year old hei- fer, W. Day, T. Goodfellow, W, Day;, 2 year old steer, W. Day, T, Goodfel low, D. McDonald; 2 year old heifer; W. G. Keith, D. Kirkland, A. H. Mc- Kague; steer calf, W. Day, J.'•McKa- gue; heifer calf, D. McGregor, J: Mc Kague, T. B. Aitken; fat steer,D. Mc Donald, A. & W. McT;.ague, D. Mc- Donald; fat heifer, 1, 2 and 3, D. Kirkland, , Donald, Cow—J. 5. Reid, A, & W. McKague, D. McGregor; baby beef, J. Lyons, W. Piutiell grade Dow calf and Year old, 3." McKague; two grade calves, L. Walker; three stock steers, H. McKague, J. McKague, D. Mc- Donald; pair feeder steers, 0, Mc- . f. t steer, DonaD e. —rst and 2nd, 1OVld1S a J. Reid; fat cow, 3. M. Clark, D. Mc - Aberdeen Angus — Aged bull, F. Todd, C. Illerbrunn; one year old bull. C. Richardson; bull calf 1 and 2, Ih Toted, C. Illerbrunn;heifer calf, F. Todd, C. Illerbrunn; aged cow, F. Todd, 2 and 3, C. Illerbrunn; one yr,. old heifcr,tst and 2nd, F. Todd; two year old heifer, C, Illerbrunn; 'herd, est and 211dP. Todd. Shorthorns --Aged bull, W. Moffatt G. ail, Armstrong, 5, D. A. A. Stobo; One year old bull,,W. Mhcl<.euzie; bull cart, 0, T3. Armstrong, W. MoKenzie n heifer calf, A. Schmidt, mad and 3t•<1, G. 13, Armstrong; aged cow, G. B. Armstrong; two :year' old heifer, W. McK.entie G. 13, Armstrong, g> one year old lteifet, A. Schmidt, ' I -I, McDorlald, McKenzie;W. Mcle, senior herd, W. M c- l 1 c r -de Overt ke cCLARY'S Electric Oven is exceptional among electric ranges. Operates much of the time on "stored heat". Bakes or roasts for . hours after current is turned This is due to a doubly insulated oven, which acts as a fireless cooker, retaining heat for hours. McClary's 'TOR -QED" Protected Elements also 'store" heat, so that you cook on "low" most of the time. See these exclusive features of Mc- Clary's Electric Range. 16'3 jraand 74kgjo ELEMENT For Electric Sale by HYDR SHOP 1111211 10214. 0214. egesameassameastresmags i t,. creasing ��lclued rptn ITII. complete banking facilities specially adapted to farm business, this Bank is eves ready to render practical assistance in furthering agricultural interests. We encourage farmers to strive for big er and , 'better production by extending loans for e pure pose of sound development. Consult our local manager. . A. WALLACE, is, it WINGHAM BRANCH, x -Manager,, Kenzie, G. B. Armstrong; junior herd W. McKenzie. Bull and 3 calves, 2 animals ,pro- geny.of 1 cow, A. Schmidt. Herefords—aged btill, l'. D Little 2year• old bull, H. McKague; r year l d bull, F. Marshall; bull calf, T. 13. Aitken, J. D. Little, F. Marshall; heifers calf, rat and 2nd, J. Lyons, 3, D. Little; aged cozy 1st and 2r1d, J. D, Little, F. Marshall; 3 year old cow, 3,3.Rei Reid; 2 year old heifer, , 1st and and, 3. 0, Little 1 year old hei- fer, 1st and Zed, J. D. Little, E. Steff- ler; senior herd, J. D. Little; junior herd, J. D. Little; pair hereford cal- ves, 3, Lyons, J. D, Little, J. Walker; steer or heifer calf, J. 'Lyons;; best pure bred herd, any breed, F. Todd. Dual purpose cow -•T, B. Aitken, A. II. McKague; T, Goodfellow; grade dairy cow, A. H. McKague, 2nd and 3rd, T, • Goodfellow; holstein 'cow pure .bred, 'est, and and 3rd, A. W. Little; best ball on grounds, any breed, P. Todd; best steer on grounds 1'. Lyons, J. 3, Reid; best female on grotmcls, F. Todd, A. Sohmidt; get of brill co n etition' F. Todd, W. . D a Y, J•D.SLlcitofpt ,Leicester—aged, rgin, Lr. 'Brown, : �lxcarli1 G. 13. Armstrong; i g ati'l . B Cx Armstrong; b ram 7 g', Brown, G. 13. Armatronr'; aged ewe, G. 13, Armstrong, 'L. Brown;' shearl- ing ewe, G. 13, Armstrong, L,'Brown-; ewe lambs, ' L. 'Brown, G..1'3, Arm- strong; pen lambs, L. Brown, Oxford Downs --Aged ram, est and 2nd, P, Arleen Si Sons; shearling ram, rst and 2nd, P. Arkell & Sons; ram lamb, 1st and ..nd, P. Arlccll aged ewe, J. Arkell & Solis, H. Ar- kell; 'slreailing ewe, 1st and 2nd, Ia, Arkell & Sorts • ewe lamb, 1 and i 2nd P. Arkell & lamb,en�.r Sons � I', r ,p kelt & Sons. Competition boys and girls under 17 years: Calf pure bred or flrade A. M, Ka ue> K, Grant; lamb, C. Tllerbrttnit;„ ba'on hogs, 15. Rosewell, A. 'Schmidt.' Swine Berkshire ---Brood sow, J• T;, Little; sow under 6 months, P. lcell & Sons. Tamworth --Aged boar, est and 2nc1,, B. Armstrong; brood sow, rat and end:` 13, Armstrong, g, .sow under r year, tst and and, B. Artnsitio$ ix ,; :sow tinder 6 niontlit, rst and .'..2nd, 13. A r ms. tro ng;lani.wltet S year, rst and 3 Armstrong, boar under 6 months, tat and, Et. Armstrong. orks iies�� ro d h I3 0 ow, J• :Kamm, r., sow under 6 nontlls, ,tst aitul 2nd ; , T T. ,Roswell. (Continued Next weak)