HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-10-16, Page 4orld's Series ball gathes oc- pied , the limelight: in radio cirQies ;Et weelc. Play, by Play returns were .igiven out by ManY, Of the more Power rations, For the real dyed -in -the • wool fans, brief summaries with corn,. nt 'recce given every evening and out t an ding featta es of the games were described in detail. . A new broadcastiug station has opeutql 50 switeriand and as one, 6.3o in.-Dianer,.econcert by the tirsi of its f.eatares, a ses8joa of the Westinghouse band, T. f, Vastine conductor. League of Natious, was sent out, kets., 8P. ea.---"flome Lighting Effects' prePared by the Educational Lieht- ing Committee. 845 p. m, -."Six-, Recent Novels," F D. Mayer, instructor of the depart,' me•nt of English, from the University of Pittsburgh studio. 8.30 m, -t --concert of the Mac - Dowell quartet, consisting 'of Caro- line Bracey, soprano; Mts. L.. Wal- lace Old, contralto; Arthur Ray Da- vis, tenor; Clair Anderson, basso; Ly- man Almy Perkins, accompanist and director; assisted by Pierre de Bac-. ker, violinist. 9,55 p, time signals. Weather forecast. Saturday, October r8th As • this station can be hoard •in almostl P' m"-"Winnpre' the 'wanderer • d I story cap. 7.30 p, in, -Sport review by James j. Long, ,sport , editor of the Pitts- burgh. , • 7.4'5 p. m,-Unifortu Sunday School lesson presented by 0.• 0. Johnson, every country in Europe, many prom- , inent men State, that With the broad- eastnig of tue sessions •regularly, se- , cret diplomacy will bp wiped out in Europe and every country will be ou , a par in raatters (II general interest , , teacher and editor of the Christian A straw vote has been conoticteul outlook:, . by one of the leading American pa- 8 p. m. --Feature, • • pers with a view to arriving at the o opinioes of the public: at the forth- 0.30 p. m. -Concert by the Westing - aa e I house band, T, J. Vastine, conductor. corning presidential elections. -r" 1 9.55 p. m. -Arlington time signals. vote was taken only through radio , chaveels and. invitations t.o send in Weather forecast' Station WGY-386 Meters regelar radio broadcasters, Over 50, - votes were only extended through the General Electric Company 000 returns were made. •The big ma- •_. Schenectady, iotitY were iii favor .,of Coolidge, La Follette was second and Davis third. Thursday, October r6th• ., , . . . , It was "izni±icant that C°(:' 1 e led 7 p m -Dinner music. .4, returns were received. ' new books, 'William F. Jacob, librar- Editorial articles written bY Ca- kan General Electric Company, Se- nadians in some of our leading daii..1lection, "Forward," WGY orchestra. ies are quite ofteu aimed against) 8 p. m. -Drama; "The Path of Glo- Coolidge and n.any stateineuts made ',.),,e WGY players. are lamentably ign.ora.nt of the man 11.20 p. m. -Organ recital by &e and his manners, An V.' radio fan who phen E. Boisclair, from Proctor's has listened to President Coolidge' I-larmanus Bieecker hall, Albany, N. speaking could readily correct many ry.• assertions made in 'our Press- judging! Friday, October x7th his manner, through. his addresses I „ 6.30 . m. -Stories for children. one would admire the. clear straight -1 ,n m.- International Sunday forward sPeeel, of the man. It is so 4 .„,/ 1' lesson.- different from the general run of se'''7.75' p . 1. -n. - Health talk. American speeches one - hears. Most e „,,,, „r‘ , • Nation - politicians commence- their -addresses ,.3„ e. at. ---"The Darktown with a joke and keep a series ,_, c al Convention," by the Georgia Min - jokes going all the time with the r'er'•-• strel Boys. Selection, "Melody," W , GY orchestra. Tenor solo "If I suit that there is lack of real met " er- Built a World for You," A. 0. Coggee lal. When Coolidge speaks the jokes aeli Selections. ,Feoi "L'Arleslenne are erased. and one gains the impress- ''''._:','„''' -- 'I 'Ion of a genuine business -like address. " Intermezzo eMnuet), orches - orchestra, Saturday, October r8th WNUMI AVANT -TIMES 8.3o p, m. --Dance music from Ken- more Hotel, Albany, N. V., aild po- pular'. songs, football results. Station WAS -4o0 1Vieters Logiaville, Courier Louisville, Ky. Thursday, October 16th 8,3o..zo p. m, -Concert by "Dix Blnegrass Serenaders," Henry L. Di- xon. director. Contralto solos: Mrs. M. E, 1-3urchett ,of Clarksville; Tenn., ac- companied by Mrs. Harry Long. Four -minute digest of International Sunday School lesson, Four -minute welfare talk. Late important news bulletins, Official Central Standard time announced at 9 o'clock, a Friday, October 17th 8.30-10 p. m. -Concert under the auspices of Miss Grace Deppe. Four minute civil service talk by 0. A. Beckmae. LaiQ important news bulle- tins. Official Central Standard tinie announced at 9 o'clock, Saturday, October 18th 8.30-10 p. m. ---Concert by the Lou- isville Railway Inspectors' Quartet: Albert Doerer', •Andrew Anderson, Samuel Merrifield, George Haley. Late important news bulletins, Offic- ial Central Standard time annottnced at 9 o'clock. in tile. returus at every station where' . 7,45 p. ea -A few moments with tra. Baritone solos, "La.zin' Station KDKA--326 Meters d 1"Vale" Kolin Hager. Talk "Mao WstinghoUse Electric Woman iz, pari„on. c C L's Sele - !tion "Valse Lointame orchestra. _Pittsburgh, Pa. . . .Specialty, unpersoriations of the fol - Thursday, October 16th llowing: George Arliss, in the' "Green 6.3o p. In. -Dinner ,poncert by Vic- Goddess"; E. H. Sothern, as "Shy - tor Saudek's I-CDKA. Little Sympathy lock"; David Warfield as 'Peter Gr - orchestra. ., hum,' Edward H. Smith'. Baritone 7.15 p. m. -Uncle Ed visits The ra- solo, "Fair Moort," from "Pinafore," dio children. (William Fay, selection, "Fantasie," 7.30 p. m. -Talk by a representative orchestra. Three minute intermiss- of the Automobile Club of Pitts- ion. "The Darktown National „Con - burgh. - ivention" (repeated by request of WG 7.40 P- m. -Stockman reports orthe Y listeners, presented by Georgia primary livestock and produce mar- Minstrel Boys with the assistance of: kets. Miss Dotty Do -Little, Tlabama spea- 8 p. na,-Farm program, arranged by ker; Ruth Russo, Idaho; representa- the "National Stockman and Farmer" tive; Samuel Robertson, Missouri de - 8.30 p. m. -Concert by Victor San- legate; William Jennings, from Mon- deks KDKA Little Symphony or tana; Albert Ward, a' voice from chestra, andlirs. Emma Albert Dean Ohio. soprano; 'Marian Demi McDade, ac- 10.3o p. in. -Program by WGY or- ccuripaniet. chestra. Selection, "Andromache at 9.55 p. m. ---Arlington time signals. -Hector's Grave," from "The Fall of Weather -forecast. Troy," WGY orchestra, Piano solo, ar p, m. -Concert from the Pitts-• "Valse Creole," 011ie Yettru. Selec- burgh Post studio. tion, "Danse Bohemienne," from "La Friday, October 17th Jolle Fille de Perth," orchestra.. Talk 6 3o p. m. --Organ redtal by Sam- 'Queer Impressions of Salary Val - Cameo Theatre, Pittsburgh. from "II -repressions de Carnpagne," or - 7.15 p, m_ -Daddy Winkhum, the chestra. Violin solo, "Minuet," Ed - Radio Rhymster. ward A. Rice. Selection, "Dause nel Winters Elletlson playing- at the ties"; selection, `aural Wedding,'," 7.3o p. m. --"Some Questitms I3e- nalienne" from "Le Tribute de Za- Station WOC--soo Meters Palmer School of Chiropractic Davenport, Ia Thursday, October x6th . 8 p.. in.-:Sandinan's Visit. I3ed- time stories by Miss Val McLaughlin • 8.20 p. m. -Educational lecture, "Home Lighting Effects," by Carl I3alcomb of Davenport, Ia., represent- ing the Davenport I,ighting Educa- tional committee. • ro p. m. -Orchestra •program. a Ralph W. Fuller, baritone soloist. New popular songs surtg, and played by Sept and Collins. Friday, October .17th 8 p. m.-Sandrnan's Visit. Bed- time stories by Miss Val.McLaug-lifin 8.20 p. na-Educational lecture. 9 p. m. -Musical program by group of artists from Gallia, Ill, un- der the direction of Oscar Johnson. Step and Collins, popular radio art- ists. Saturday, October x8th 8 p. m. -Sandman's Visit. Bed- time stories by Miss Val McLaug-hlin, ro p. m. -Orchestra progham. The Palmer School Radio Orchestra. Er- win Swindell, 'conductor; ., featuring `Blue Eyed 'Sally," "Lonely "Pretty Soon," "Jealous," "That Swa- nee River Song," "Waltz of Yester- day," Ralph W. Fuller, baritone solo- ist. e , hristies Tea i i - ii 1•S ecial Quality Black i p i fore the Electorate on November 4" more," orchestra, selection Ro- _ Dr. Louis K. Ma.ulley of the T_Tniversi- mance,- orchestra. Clarinet solo, ty of Pittsburgh. 'Fantasia on a Scotch Melody," Pe.7 7.40 p. m. ---Stockman reports of the ter Schmidt. Selection, "March Tzi- primary livestock' and prodriCe mar- gane," orchestra- Selection,, "Jota," • ,•11 The ihe of luins. is to lay, eggs, and hens will positively lay mbre'eggs- GUARANTEED-if you put a dose of Pratt's Poultry Regulator -in the feed very day. Your dealer is authorized to give back your money if it fails. GS freal n Hen :[02! 1115 tar .gn• .rtectxemsrms...r.menass¢,--wtemer,commumsaanmennemJ `',a01';, ••PR ATT FOOD C,O. OF CANADA. LID., TORONTO rg. 65o per lb. NEVER - E have we offered such Tea Value • • as this. It has got every 131aelt • Tea we've ever sold outclassed = - • by Ise -per lb. fa• • Will Brew More Cups !LI 4_ 1•11*11M•1•0011aNe, amommem....m. ...•••••••••••••41.1.4 lill1111111111111IBIlIllill10111111111111111111111111#111111111111111151111111111111111l11.11111111#1INII.lillIll111411119111 r. li lii II 11 -. = r . _ ,,__ ar at,' in Newspaliers A ,--„,= :._.... alb = a _ Will il n _ An Opportunity tc) Win $5 000 it A BEAUTIFUL ART CALENDAR FREE • The Advance-Titnes has concluded an arrangement with: the Family Herald. and, WeeklyStar of Montreal by which we can offer !I the greatest bargain ever given to newspaper readers. The offer includes ‘'a full year's subscription° to both,' papers, an ii art calendar with a most beautiful picture subject ready for 'framing, - FATAL AUTO SMASH L, Sighted A Lynx An interesting visitor in town on Tuesday was Rev, W. James of Lion's Head, the present Rural Dean of Bruce. The reverend gentleman stands high not only as a pastor and churchman but as A man among men he is recognized everywhere he goes as the right sort, Rural Dean Jaines had the experience of eneountering a wild tiat on his way down from the Peninsula Tuesday inorning, The beast which was a good-sized one ran along in front of the car "a hun- dred Yards or so before disapPearing in the deep bush. The Dean said that if it had been a bear (which ;s a fairly common sight up there) he, would hove hurried. it along but he let the bob -cat take its own time for you can't tell which way 'the beggars are going to jump. --Walkerton Tele- 111 of Tea to the pound with better ifl flavour than most teas, and this ILLI _ fur7er.--.,reduces the Actual Cost. "_____ 1VIONEY BACK ITI , _ -11- 134y a pound and: if you don't ETA like it 'just bring„it back and we 1 a--. will cheerfully refund the Par- I Ei chase priee..„ , ili iiiiamainaliansithailaialitiatutuali $1,500 In Cash Prizes How Many words can you make from the letters in the three words, "SHEFFIELD SKIN SOAP"? $500 First Prize. Judges are:Banker, Ed- ucator and Clergyman. Send stamp for circular and, rules. Sheffield La- boratories, (Dept. so,) Aurora. Illinois Nelson Hodgkinson, aged 19, re- siding near Holyrood, died about n o'clock Wednesay night, Oct. 8th., at Kincardine Hospital as the result of injuries received early Wednesday morning in an automobile accident on the highway between Kinca.rdiae and Tiverton, opposite the farm of J. Tay- lor. Miss- Mary McDougall, who was al- so severely injured, died in Kincard- ine Hospital on Thursday. The car in which the unfortunate victims were riding is a touring car owned by Kenneth McDonald, 4th concession df Kinloss, and was being driven by Miss Mary McDougall. In it were also, Miss Nellie McDougall and Nelson Hodgkinson. The young people ha.d been to a concert and dance at Tiverton and were on their -way home at the time. Miss McDougall swung out and passed a big touring car driven by Mr. John ,Walden, 1 -le had a party in his car WEich had also been to the dance, being Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Schaefer and daughter, Miss Pauline, Messrs. William, Brick, Clarence Mul- lin and Eddie McDonald. Immedi- ately after passing Mr. Walden's car the first car in turning back into the road was seen to collapse and -turn over twice, Miss Mary McDougall who was cut about the head and face, was thrown ldirectly in the path of the oncoming car. Walden saw that he was going to run over the prostrate form, and in turning to the side to miss her his car took the ditch, ,slipping off on the wet grass. For a distance of 'nearly so yards the car held up when ;it struck a mound and. turned over -on its side. Best 1Vlarksmer1 of District and. an opportunity to win a prize of $5,000 cash. In the 'Federal Election of 192/ there were 3,1/9,306 votes cast of a total ot 4,4,35,310 names on the voters list,' f 141 Row many votes will be polled in the next Federal Election? -- a The Family Herald and Weekly Star are offering Ten Thotis- z and Dollars in. 94 prizes for the best estimates, and our arrangement with the publishers of that great weekly gives every Advance -Times # subscriber an opportunity to make an estimate and perhaps wird the ix capital prize of $5,60O. Saint person wili win, Why '11.citild it not be you? READ THIS BARGAIN The ,Advanet -Titres costs $2.0a per year, The FatitilY ,nerald and Weekly Star co5ts-$2.00 per year, ree We nakkr 'Ottr••'•dilitll years .subscription tkd bath papers, in.clud- copy of Thoi lyllerald Art Calendar and, th tiaht ba make a stirnatO,511. 'r1nlFm1tY Plerald's Election Contest, -= ALL FOR $335 !!! 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Beatrice E. Ander- son, late of the Township of West Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, School Tei,acher, deceased.- Notice s hereby given pursuant to Section 56, Chapter 121 of R. S. 0., 1914, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Beatrice E. An- derson, who died on or about the twe- nty-first day of August, A. D., 1924, at the City of Toronto, are required to send to the undersigned, the Execu- toe' of the Estate, on or before the twenty-third day of October, A. D., 1924, their names and addresses with full particulars of their claims in writ- ing and the nature of the securities (if any) heldby them. • And further take notice that after the said twenty-third day of October, A. D., 1924, the assets of the said es- tate will be distributed by the said Executor among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice and the Estate will not be liable for any claim not filed at the time of the said distribution. • Dated at Wingham this twenty-se- cond day of September, A. D., 1924. DUDLEY HOLMES, KC. Executor. ad ' titne titbScribing, nd'.no ebatifitxt. THIS OFFSCE 0111,11110illiall#4111,11111111111•111111111W11111111il , scope. Belgrave Pres, Jubilee The Diamond Jubilee of Knox Church, Belgrave, was celebrated with 'special services on Sunday, Oct, 5th. The special preapher of the day was Rev. Mr. Goodwill of Toronto and the church was filled at all the services. Special music was render- ed by the choir. In the evening the Methodists withdrew their evening service to join with their Presbyter- ian friends. • • Ahrtost six hundred people paitook FORDYCE Thursday Oetober, 1§the 1924, Another carnmyfladger is "the big 5i,x brewers ap dislitillers purtludini they" fut lad Whe 01wavs has the mesht to belave in thhiperanee an widdies wid sey at pollYtickIe inaytms, an las aa fall 'fairs, Nobody is quoite so shmart, arr so slitrong fer hayiri his own way aS this fellah, an -ye moight inebby tink him a wurruld bater if •ye didn't know tliat his lit- tle nointy potted wife -makes him go out in the woodshed to shmoke. Yis, the whale wurruld is carnmy- fladgin an if we cud shtop it tings wud be betther, an 'tis what I am af- ther throyin to do, but it is a harrud jawb an a waker man wud. become discouraged wid it. An no worldlier, whin ye see pollyttshuns, cannily- fladged to look loike shtatesinha 00 • bobbed hair, an wiclay min wearin wigs, an Winehatn, s Futilities Coin- 'inishun buildin a big addisliun to ihe pure watlter reservoir whin a lot av payple belave the 0, T. A. will be de- faY"risd. a quare wurruld, gittin to be, In the ould days if ye taught a man wits a loier an 0 thafe an ye tould bun so, aVen if wts a foi'g-litia wurrud, but now, inebby, yer wursht inimy wilt call ye a gintleman an a, scholar an a judge av slatrong drinks, not rilaYnill a wYuoriUtricsi 'ativiliii;;Ixt wake, Timothy 1 -lay. of the fowl supper which was served in the basement of the church 00 Monday evening. Owing to the very large attendance the church was un- able to accomodate all and the For- esters Hall was opened and the pro- gram was rendered in both places. Rev. Dr. Perrie acted as chairman at the church and Rev. Mf. Goodwill was chairman in the Forester's Hall. Rev. ,Mr. Ferguson of Winthrop and former ministers were welcome back. Rev. H. W. Snell's readings were very much appreciated. Mrs. Wes. Joynt of Lucknow sang in her usual pleasing manner and . the violin se- lections of Mr. George Fryfogle were much apprediated. The proceeds from the supper amounted to S26.4.5o... Mr. and Mrs Clayton of Listowel, visited at Mr. G. & E. J. Elaine's for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. R. McPherson and family of Arthur, visited relatives ar- ound Fordyce for a few days recently. The Snell Bros. of Westfield have commenced ditching on the Gerner drain, Mr. C. T. Martin is at present loa.d- ing a car of Barley at Whitechurch. Wingham's high school cadet unit has come first in Military District No. x, in the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association's competion series, having achieved a percentage of 98.17 in the "A" division and 95 per cent, in the "B" section. The Winghain cadets are one of the smartest high school units in the pro- vince, and ha.ve ', made excdptional progress inerifle marksmanship in ,the past two years. Not having a regul rifle range at fiist, the boys in the corps practised firing across a wide ravine on one side of which they fined tin can tops to trees as bull's-eyes. In practise, nuclei: - these conditions, they had only a bun eye to shoot at, If they missed it, their shots didn't count. Other corps in the district made the following percentages: Stratford C. 1., 94.33; Industrial School, Chathana 84.4; Wingliam High School, "C", 8745; Mount For - eat H. S., 86.15; Sarnia C. .1, 82.89; Tillsonburg H. S., "A", 81.7; Chat- ham C I., 79.22; Clinton C. LI, "A", 75.1; Windsor C. L, 72.6; Strathroy C. 70.72; Goderich C. L, 70.7x; Tilt- sonburg PI. S., "B" 68,3; De La Salle Academy, London, '65.2; Clinton C. I.; "C", 45.3; Clinton C. 1., "B", 41.6. SCHOOL RtPORT The following' is the report of , S. 1\TO. II, Fast Wawanoah, for the roont th of Septernber. Those ha.Ving mis- Sed one or Tribre exantinations 'are marked With a * V Class-Roberia 'Yung, Sr. IVL•Hae6el MeBurney, Att- he kdbeitson, Margaret Deacon*, Wi- lliam Irwin*, Sr, III -Marie Deacen, Sr, flobertson, Margaret Ir- win, Pr, Class, .Ploward P, Congranq Teacher, THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In the estate of Grattan B. Flani- . . gan, Authorized Assignor, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Grattan B. Flanigan of the Town of Wiagliam in the County of Hur- on, Music Dealer, did on the twenty- fifth day of September, A. D. 1924, make an authorized assignment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors and that Edmund Weld, Es- quire' Official Receiver, has appointed me to be the Custodian of the Es- tate. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the first meeting of creditors in the above estate will be held at the of- fice of Richard Vanstone, Barristee, in the said Town of Wingharn on Thursday, the 1.6th day of October, A. D. 1924, at 2.30 o'clock in the af- ternoon. To entitle you to vote thereat proof of your claim must be lodged with me before the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting Must be lodged with me prior to the meeting. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be fyled,. with me within 30 days from the date of this notice for; from and after the expiration of 30 days' time, I shell distribute /the proceeds of the debtor's estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims' of which I have then no - DATED at Whighain this Fourth day of October A. D. 1924, JOHN GIB,BONS. Wingham, CAMMYFLADG1N ;ovomixenwramagerolevememoommerimer'w•samermemorammtaaw. ............}..00,0w0,000.0mbeigrowoovos,olow..10.44•000•=mgeoli To the' Editur av the Advance-Toimes Dear Sur, - Wan day , -Soon afther me bye got home from the war, me an him wus out in the barrun lookin over tings to see if the hoired man wus doin his vvurruk soight, an whin we came along to wheer the fat shteers wus, -wan av thim didn't get up loike th risht a.v thim did. I_ shlapped him 1 1 _ While the Witches dance and the Black Cats prance Let's celebrale Hallowe'en On that night your decorations niust be startling and grotes- que, your games lively and unusual. From invitation to midnight surprise, the Hallowe'en. Party must be different. You can easily make it so. Let us healp you. 2,einfflithtroi HALLOWE'EN SPECIALTUES include appropriate invitations and favors,) decorations for the home and appointments for the table. B. ELLIOTT "Quality and Service" Ticket Agency for the Canadian National Railways. Mame.. on the ba.ck Wid me land an tould him liminasiessulanommagniseimpsiansainianawar .4 to shtand up, but he'tuk no notish av . me. "I .bela.ve," sez I,."the craythur is • silf dad,", sez me bye, "they's nothin • I3est D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, ri Coal aalin,sidzeYsio od sick, the haired man has mebby been N overfayden him," "Don't ye fool yer- wrong Wid 'the nnia» he sez, on t ye see he is chewin his cud? The oiild birrud is only earnrnyflagin," "Well" sez 1, "Ye are mebby robeht about the.shteer,but 'tis quare talk ye hev been larnin o:versays, callin a baste 2 birrud", I sez. "An what d'ye man be carnmyllagin? Don't let me catch ye usin anny av thiln new Frincli shwear wurrttds furninslit yer mot -her arr :the girruls, moiled. that," sez Whin the bye got troo laffin he sez, "Don't ye know what ,carnmyflacl-- gin manes, dad? 'Tis purtindin some - ting is that isn't, a thrick we used to play on Fritz, to hilp to win the war' sez he. "We cud fix up an mild house to look loike a Church an thin the Germans wud be sur' to waste a lot ay shells on it, whoile we wild be safe in our shelter half it mode away, cammyfladged to look loike a bare field. We cud cammyfla'ge a bunch ay. German prisoners going back from the loins to look loike a reg fl• Cheaper Fire : Insurance! Fire Insurance furnished on itifulTuarni atless with no 'premium note to sign. Why take the risk of having = to pay extra assessmenta? • it Abner Cosens N 1 Iraurince RadAtilaa mint av Canadians ma.rclun in, an. of- , . ten wid good results. Wanee whin a we had to makea quick advance to Ifi the rear(me bye wud nivir admit MI that the Canadians ivir had to rer al . trate) we cammyfladged a. let.av bar- SiltussEREREHEE rels air dynamite to book loike sour kraut an limburger cheese. We niv- ir knew what happened, but we had a good quiet shlape that noight." Ax coorse I knew the bye WilS yar- nin but I cammyfladged me face T,Il purtinded to belave him. Tis quare how brigs come into a fellahs moind. I hadn't tought av what the bye tould inc about how they used to caminyfladge in war toirne, till wan day lately. -I wus throyin to shtucly out Some way to binifit this ould wurruld befoor 1 lave it. Av coorse, whin ye call in the doch- tor, the fursht ting he does is to troy to dishcover what the thrubble is. be- foor he pershroibes a rimidy; so I began to tink what is nvolitly wrong wid the warruld„an deeoided it is the payple, an what is wrong wid the pay - p1' is canunyfla.dge, arr purtindin. Fur inshtance tlum lads down in Montreal who are throyin to bate Misliter Meighen out av his jamb, purtind they are wurrukin fer the b6sht intetests av the Tory- parthy, whin they do be throyin to pull aff some skames av theer own. Thin look at poor ould Ireland; ivirybody purtinds that he has a plan that wild bring paice an goodwill betwane the North an South; whin nobody' rayly knows what' shud be done barrin the editor. av the "Orange Shatinel, an he won't tell, We hev all known, fell - ails who hev nivir been sick a day in theer loives, hev to use fer doeh- tors, but if warm av thini happens to git a little pain.undher his pinny, lie shotialt loike. shtuck pig, an has iv- iry dochtor in town wearin a path to his (lure, But I tink the wurst hippy - crit ivir knew WuS fellail Who niv- it willt to Cluirch an; gave a tint, to anny good cause, but whin he got a crack on -his skull at a barrtm had a man droive pell-mell fer the nearest praicher. I asked him if he Wudden't hev it doebtor, an he said he wussen't goin to git betther way, ari the praiclier wud. come wid- otit an Y pay. Whin he got betther we joked biin so much about his numeness that be sould his farrum an moved to the Shtates„ Shure, 'tis -the biSlit place kr 'mitt loike , Pea' • Nut Stov,e,:z._t_gg ina If you intend fixing that old I 111'. IF roof, call 'and get our prices on Johns Manville Asbestos Roofing I The roof that lasts and can be Nt put over the old roof. 11` W MaclEAN LUMBER g & GOAL CO. u Vgingham, Ontario IIIIMEIIENINIENEEE IIMENIE111110 iiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii tettv'tzttltilt i iiiii iii i t lllll tot llllllllll tom iiiiii lll tItst llllll llllllll llllllll Intv 1111111110311011111111.111111 ll I ll 1 lll You will receive Highest New Returns for your oultry-Cream. - FROM - The Whyte Packing Co. , Ltd. Phones-Office'62w, Evening 62i. Br. Mgr. F. W. McAndlesi Wingharn, Ont. lllllllll I lll 1 l .111111M111111111111104 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 101kftilit Eggs; 1 1.,00ltt I Keen demand for your Exar tras and Firsts Your quality eggs we have handled tor you has established ourreputation for eggs in Canada's best markets. Take advantage of our market conneellOns. The United Farmers Coa0p, Co, Ltd Manahan* Ontario '1