The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-10-09, Page 4AmOng Resu t tribe Fruit
Troutftmut Fiult-olvesn.
Here la svh-sTe" sterY Of the Preit
4-rreatmeat for Bbenteatisee, told by
gentleman whO suffered five yeere
with this terrible P.Mietion,
Mr. J.traes Dobs611,eof lilronte, Oat.
The Falleatetista was in reY
right hip rind Alsoulder; the pain
altnoet lanyadatrebio. After six
nioxiths Pr 4tt Treatment with.
"Frult-a•tivea",X was eompletely
leelieveci teed 16M. nOw in first,,olass.
It is a frset.-pe en by thatisaads
eases -that " uitearnives", the
Psent Treatment, bso1ute1y relieves
aheuvaAtietat, r In the Back,
tslenrola, tedaehes due to
is _ er Uvr 1oub1es, and other
fortes of Fhidecon laelaSe-
25e, and 60e, r beree-at all dealers or
Prom Frult"a-tiVes 14mited, Ottawa,
Having n over the
Repi' Shop r u n by
Geo. Olheiser 1 am now
ny make of
o uck.
Service station 1 or Presto -O -
Lite Batteries.
fr, Jolin Champ io n o ICI [Ha
ut the week-eed under the paren-
Mrs, B. isleCianaglian tied family,
sited at 1tr. James Barbour's one
clay recently.
Quite a large •number of farmers
are et present eagaged drawing out
grain, to \VIlitecburch, Mr. Fox Paid
Mr. Adams are at •present loading
cars there, '
1-rry Wells and Mr, Hart ef
Wingliam visited at Mn Peter Leav-
ers one day receraly, •
-Mrs. Thomas Robinson arid family
visited. at Seaforth oz Sunday rasa
Mr. C. F. Martia has purchased a
new three ferrowed plough.
Mr- Harry and Roy Cherapioa of
Brussels visited= their uncle W. M.
Chatepion a -fie day last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Woods and
son I-Tareld visited at Peter Leavers
on Senday. last
On Friday morning, Sept. x9tb.,
there passed away 4 the home of her
niece,. Mrs. Norrnan Wad; a highly
respeeted resident in th; personof
Mia. Mary Jane Millman, Deceaeed
had been ill for about ten'days and ot
Thursday afternoon underwent a
critical operation which proved too
much for her -weakened condition,
She was born ia East Flarnborough,
County of Wentworth, and removed
o Guelph in her girlhood She
resided for a number of years in
Wingham and for the last twenty
years has made her home with her
sister the late Mrs. Walter Sims=
who pre -deceased her 'in April One
brother remains, J. T. Millman, of St.
Johns, Mich., who was with her dur-
inn the latter part of her illness. Rev.
M7, Finlay, pastor of the Orange Hill
Methodist 'Church of which she was
a member, conducted eervice at the
home on Sunday afternoon. On Mon-
day the remains were • conveyed by
'motor to. Guelph Cemetery for inter-
•ment Rev. Mr. Jones, of Gorde cora
• ducting the service at the grave.
Mr. and Ars. Ernest Gardner vis-
ited St. Augustine friends a few days
last week.
Mrs. Beattie Gibson and son George
o of Windsor spent a few days last
:week with Mr. and Mrs.elsiark. Gard-
ner of Maple Grove.
• A number from the Grove attende
IN ROBERTSON'S GARAGE I ,ed the Dungannon Fair on Friday
• hnilton spent a few days ;with the for -
1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter of Ha-
mer's brother Jacob of 'Zion West.
Mr. John Champion. of Kincardine
and Mrs. John. Jamieson and
John Piiilhips and others visited re-
latives at Teesevater on. Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Havins of Luck -
now also Mr, and Mrs. Mark Gard-
ner of Zion visited at W. M. Cham-
pions on Sunday last.
land Mn Wellington Nixon of Staku-
Igustine spent a few days with friends
fin the Grove.
) Mrs. Ralph Nixon and Mrs. Chas.
;Ritchie are at present on the sick list
liwe hope to see them around soon.
1 Mr. Jas. Cookof- Belfast spent
'Monday last with Mn C. E. McDon-
agh caf Maple Grove.
1.1 Say ugh Here on Groceries
• to tA
Spend a Little on L-airies
just take a pencil and a piece of paper and figure out what you
add aave on this week's groceries alone. Look over the list
b . Pick out the items you need. Comuare the prices we
with those you pay =elsewhere—then note the diffeaence.
Tire margin represents what you save whet. you join. the million
thrifty honseweves who do their shopping at more than 300
ps (extol/ Fells Napt.
. --- 10 Bars or 65c
coldrres, Th. 00C CHOCOLATES, 'el
ODBIUNTER'S 541i. box - -
-IBS, I -lb., lams - - ' • ASSTD. CHOCO- 1A".
TODHUNTER'S, LATE BARS, 3 for - im‘s
"taltTE, lb. - ...0ifia r'ori Creams
BASSETT'S LICO- ltla Gum Drops, Jelly ' f
RICE, All Sorts, 11:26„ -Jae Beans, liCisses, lb. 0C
iniOrinscbgemarmeamnaavommilW ailmaisemtniamauswevealgoar
SfilGAPO 1'1
. APPLE -Mica)
(Light Syrup),
C commie
ONION% 6 Ills. -
htli; CURRANTS, Da.
4u tir0
Prize Winners at the Chanipioaship- i To the, Editer av the AdienceaToithes
Sellool Fair beld in conaeetiou with -
Winghain Fall., Fair. • 1
• 1, is le
, GP
L 51 1-.)eaneSur; -, r.
Wall day Whin the 'girruls 'revue
Grate and Corn, • faa i out on the ould ferrule the misses
Wheat quart, Elmer Johnston, Nel- E" slaarted into do a slatint et cooking
son Moulden, Thomas . Sanders; an picklin, jist to show thim whin
- they got home that she was as
Wheat, Sheaf, Nelson Moulden, El- -
mer Johnston, Tom Sanders; Oata:4--- II Fr o 39 - ii slunert as ivir yd reepiet to the
quart, Clareuce Granger Arthur Simp- es .,..,, c, - housekapin thrade.
son, George McBride, G•lene Martin, E "Tim, nae man, she sez, the fursht
°° ea ting either. breakfast, I want ye to
Oats, sheaf, Clarence Granger, Ar- as sheets, Real Kid "friniSh, sis° 2 1-11 take aff yer coat an roll up yer shla-
thur Simpsone Chas. teeefart, Glen peckages of Kid finish envelopes i''''"- vas an wash yer hands clear up to
Martin; Barley, quart, Kenneth; Krata ir"-"- to elatela Worth aoc. . = yer ilboevs, an put on- a' cla,ne apron,
ter, Agnes Douglas, Clifford. McAllis- E:..-'
TOt 1 'Value 65c for 39c E:-: fer its yer idle I am tither nayalin to -
tar; Barley, sheaf, Clifford IsicAIlis- elll a day " sez she "But ye •betther finish
ter, ragnes Douglas; Field Corn, ii- a-- 1 yer shmeke fursht, fer, shure, tis the
Stanley Douglas; Sweet Corn, Alex "-Yr." • • . N'i only wan ye will git befoor dinner,"
McNeil. • =, IF OU WANT — she sea
la• •• • •=ie.: rAv coorse, I tought it bisht to obey
Roots and Vegetables -
Green Mountain Potatoes, Jack To- fs -i- A first class -cup of Tea or Coffee 11-2 ordhers, fer faith, the missus is haft-
ce, Larne Desjardine; Irieh Cobbler -7-- DR.INK CHRie,r1-ET = ELY, Avid- the rowlin pin in more ways
Er" than wan. ?Twits a busy day we had
ner, Marjorie Hamiltou, Mildred Fel-
ai ,... : : .:
•i an aery Lag turned out -well, an ' the
missus wus as proud as a pane at
vied = noight, but, shure, 'tis no jawb, at
= all, at all, fer a full grown man -with
whiskeia to be shpindin his •tonne
ra' $11±011/11 raisins an paylin, tomatoes,
an squazni fruarjuice troo a hot id-
ly bag, whin he- rnoight be down town
plain checkers in Jawn Currie's live
er3r shtable, .
Sometoimes the rnissus •wuda tell
me to kape zne moind on me werruke
fer, av coarse, a fellah cadden't be
ixpicted to be tinkin a -v. -tinge to ' ate,
barrin whin he is at his males. The
rale fact av the matther ' 1 wus
shtudyin out someting to evroite fer
the paper this wake an whin the Miss -
us got out her risipes books the aidea
shtruck me. I know some payple
wud be afther- sayiaa. "resate books",
but me -dawteiain-law wance tould
me that risipee is the roight wurrud,
an bein as I am always open to ray -
son, loike Muldenerney's mule, I ni-
vir made the mishtake av sayin resate
since. 'Tis a foine ting to have a
school taycher in the frailly, an whin
ydeeaBetuhot1.11heerteo till* ay it; 'tis aesy to see
am wandherin away
that resate is tjee wrong ereurrud in-
toirely. Bob Currie arr Alva Walk-
er meight resate an ouldecheer fer ye,
au jarge Carr arr Clarence Armitage
vetterbe plazecl to resate a pair av
troasers whin na3rded, an 1 hey iso
doubt, 1.1ishter Editur, that ye wud
be glad to resate the accounts av an-
ny fellehs who veud call on ye an pay
up theer subshcripshuns. 1 Resate is
a good wurrud, but, share, theer is no
sinse in ma.kin it wurruk overtoime.
'Tis loike droivin a wilfin harse to
SCHOOL FAIR PRIZE LIST 111.6111161111114(1111311981110111 11111111161lIniguimilis
Chas. Keifer, Clayton McGregor; = A 35e W. ritleg Pad of 1
• Potatoes, Edward Marsh, Catherind •
Roberteon, Hughes Armstrong; Dool-
ey Potatoes, Glenn Eclemeia Georg- ▪ Apex
ina Pullen, Oryil Elliott; Marigolds, re' --
jack Sanders, Orvil Elliott, Kenneth =
Them; Turnips, Gordon Sleighthohne, re„
Beets, Evelyn Corbett, Agnes Elliott,•--
Mae Coulter; Carrots, Norman. Coul- "7-"." We have • been appointed, sole
ter, Edna ?eke; parsnips, Eis-ie vent, if agents here for these goods.
Mary Houston, Velma Wheeler, Eli-
They are of an. exceptional high
= standard and we are instructed
zabeth Coulter.; Onions, Mildred Hey,
Blair Gibbon, Margaret Simpson, to return all money for goods
Tgi Fe
Irene Grainger, Velma Hamilton. that do not measure up. •
Cockerel Trey, Irlanstock, Myrtle • Ask Us About Them
McQuillan, ail McDonald; Pullet,
Elvin McQuillan, Myrtle McQuillan, - Ulffl oflll1l111811111E1111111111111111111111111 HIER
Trear. Haustock, Elvin McQuillan,
Clifton McDonald; Pen of Two, El-
vin McQuilian, Trey. 1-lanstock, Clif-
ton McDonald. ,
Live Stock
Draft Colt, Walter. Forster; Spring
Lamb, Tom Ross, Stanley Douglas,
Wm. Parkes; Bacen Hogs, 3. Currie;
And. Douglas, Beef Calf, Cordon Ly-
ons,. Stanley Granger, Alex. Lyons,
Norman Coultes, Jr. Douglas. •
Mannual Training
Wooden' Mallet, Leonard Pelee,
Bird House, Lee Allen, Louis Fulford
Norman Coulter, Patch on Grain
Bag, Nelson Moulder', Norman Coul-
tes, Norman Coulter, Any Model in
Wood, Mervin Stephen, Stewart
Sheldon, Jack Sanders, Kenneth Far=
rish, James Farrish, Milking Stool,
Isfervin Stephen, Hector Hamilton.
Hemstitched Handkerchief's, Eliza-
beth Coulter, Nettie Aberhart, Jessie
Calapbell, Evelyn Stephenson, Cror
chet Work, Nettie Aberhart, Agnes
Coultesr Coulter, Muriel
Elliott, Jessie Campbell, Margaret
Pullen; Knitting, .Marjorie Hamilton,
Mildred Pelee, Lorena Hazen, Edith
Kratter; Patch on Cotton, Elizabeth
Coulter, Jean Sparling, Agnes Coui-
es, Muriel Elliott, Jessie Campbell,
Evelyn Stepheuson; Three Button-
holes, Elizabeth Coulter Jessie Camp-
bell, Jean Sanders, Evelyn Stephen- _
Bottled Good
1500 in Cash PriZOS
How many words can you make
from the letters in the three words,
First Prize. Judges are 13aaker, Ed-
ucator and Clergyman. Send stamp
for circular and rules. Sheffield La-
boratoliee, (Dept. ro,) Aurora. Illinois
ill III N1114111E111
Wed: and Thur., Oct. 8' and•g '
= Starring, Robert Frazer, Pat --
• Omalley, Hobart Bosworth, ,-a-
= Mae Busch and Wanda Raw -
_ The story of Marriage and
• Freedom, of Love and It's cost
• Appealing to Everybody lo
Is.• Prices zac and 35c el'
• Fri. and Sat., and
-re Shirley aso
son, Isobel Campbell; Apron or*Dolls
Dress, Elizabeth Coulter, Isobel
Campbell, Alice Robertson, Jessie
Campbell, Mae Coulter, Florence
Blair; Patch on Woolen Goods, Jess-
ie Ceihpbell, Elizabeth Coulter, Eve- = Hotter'n Vesuvius thaas South US
3.-n Stephenson, Jean Oreis. El Sea Love, Clyde Cook in =
Drawing and, earresiriz " ife "The Cytlist"e__ Cook's newest ea.
Map, and class—Norman Coulter, --ea and best 2 reel comedy. _
Fred Lewis, Mae Coulter, Dorothy It' =-
Brawn, Bessie Bere, ,Hilda Finnigan. ii , _
Alen. and Tue. epead 11
Map, 3rd class—Mary Guerin, Har- -4-- .„
vey Cook, Graham McNee, Edythe ..-- GEORGE- ARLESS E. --
Marsh, Evelnh Corbett.
•.Map, ath claae--..., e,
TB- _
i outh Sea Love'l
" Archie Cornina IN
Agnes Elliott, Meaera-y Brown, Jea
Martin, John Stewart, Alex. Pearson,
• Writing, 1st. claes--Arthar McEve-
ao, Janet Rattan, 'Marie Doig, Beth
• McPhee, Alexandra Hamilton, Ferrol
• Higgins.
Writing, 2nd class, Phyllis FeIc-e,
iDorothy Brown, Rae Nicholson Flor-
''ence Hayclene Delta McInnes, 'Dore-
'• lVriti
e11.rd class -Harold Durst,
Velma Wheeler, Margaret Simpson,
• Tom Cumming, Tome Henry, Geo.
Henry. "
Writing-, ath class—Jean Orvis,
•1 Jean Sperling, Lottie Lawlor, Blair
Gibbons, Margaret Pullen, Olive Cor-
Public Speaking, Gladys Colmar,
• Nettie Aberhart, Elizabeth Coralter,
,Willetta Chan -alley, Lyle Fitch, Chas.
Keifer; Physical' Culture, N. at, Grey
• We Bisbee; No. az, W. Waseanosire E.
oThe Man Who
`,1,11,11 etOli lath,, 5954
=4/41\l'O'UNCEIV.IlfiNT Rev, lqr• il/rei)(7 ne id of To re nt
The, Ford Motor Company of Cane
ada, Limited, hes now been io bust-
tiess for twenty years, During' that
time 340,964 Ford cars and trucks
have been•,built and the Ford has won
a nation-,:.;laide reputation for giving
satisfactory -service.
In our relations ,with the pohlic as
local. • Ford dealers We have learned
that the best advertising we get is
the recornrnodation of a satisfied
customer. Many Ford cars are sold
on such recommeudations and many
more will be sold in the same way.
If you are one of the many thous-
ands of Canada's farmer Ford -a -yell-
ers, here is asbig oanortuaity for
Three farmer Ford -owners or
members offarmer Ford owners m
each township in this territory will
be 'given the. privilege of taking or-
ders for Ford cars, trucks and trac-
tors. ' Only the first three to apply
for this privilege in each territory
will be enrolled. You can enroll im-
mediately. . I
Order forms and complete instruc-
tions will be supplied to all contes-
All you are expected to do is to
tell your friends who need a care
truck or tractor of your own exPern
ence with your Ford. If they ddcide
to bay, you take their orde,e, and
Send it to the Ford Branch in this
territory.• ,
On all such ordere you will get
credit in points at the rate of 5 per
cent. • on the list price of the order.
The conteetant gaining the highest '
nttnaber of points in each Ford Bran-
ch territory will receive, absolutely
free, a Ford Tudor Sedan, fully equip-
pederell taaces and delivery charges
paikl, and with 1925 license, ready to
run. -' •
Next highest contestant will re-,
ceive, fret, a Fords= tractor, fully
equipped with fenders and belt pull-
ey, ready to work.
All contestents who do not qualify
for first or second prizes will receive
credit for 3 per cent., of the' list pri-
ce on -all orders taken by them. This
will be awarded in any kind of Ford -
made merchandise or in cash.
This contest closes December aoth.
Prizes will be delivered January xsth
Enrellment applications will be sent
to all farmer Ford -owners but if you.
• wish to enroll •finmediately in order
to insure acceptance application may
be had from the undersigned.
- • A. M. Crawford.,
pre,aci?,od in the it? r sby terige chuech;
keg. Senility morning etad evening,
Rev, the ood Nirs,, Brown of •Tro-
fli:iietilil;des.Yiineittetowl 21.111,311..einlyd, Urs. Brown: at
the Pars °nave on Monda-y. •
jun Insa of Brussels called ox
Mr, John Dieltscen left for his home
id New York On Menday after . visit-
linn:: ilistiii:trnetelatts fitatetr,e4r, ,
J, R. 'Gibson has his eider mill
ready for operation and intends start -
Glad, Autumn has started
With sunshine' at Iasi;
The clouds have deperted
The rain is all past,
The "wet windy weather," 't
Predieted for fall
Has failed altogether,
Good thanks to old Sol.
, • •
The robins and thrushes
Have cancelled their trips,
And are back in the bustles
Unpacking their grips;
The acorns are falling
And beach nuts galore,
And the busy 'squirrel haulin
'Them off to his store,
The katydids squabble
Again at their will
For their uneettled trqnble
Is unsettled still,
Add the emelt •Iittle cricket
Comes out from the straw,
And back the thicket
Is filing his saw.
The perfmne of floevers
Is filling the air
As dry leaves in showers
Fall everywhere/
,Lolln jean we eejoy it •
i Outside on the heatb
In calm and in quiet
In spite of Bill Sneath.
• T. A. Calhoun, London,
Just To Fill Up •
Newspaper men, as a rule have but
two things to sell, space itid sub-
scriptions; and it would be just as
consistent to. asle your grocer for a
dozen oranges "jut to fill up", as to
ask an editor for a dozen lines in his
paper to boot business, or some pro-
ject whereby the promoters will r-eal-
ize a revenue with the idea- that you
are doing a kindness in helping to
"fill up" space. Try getting a free
dinner at the hotel dr restaurants
Wingham. "just to fill up."
from me subject agin loike an meld
bloind harse in a tin acre liaster field
Whin ye have a firtoile moind 'tis
lake sittin down to the table on teas--
hiu day; ye harrudly• know what to
take fursht, arr whin to shtop. How-
somediver, as me ould frind, Phil:
Barnes, •wud say, I intiridedetellin ye
about what I 'rens tinldn av whin the
missus wus shende-in her risipee
I taught they wus loike the loife
av a man, so to shpake. Near the
fursht av wan av the books "MIS WO
laves shtuck together, wheel- theer
had been someting shwate • manny
years ago, an it. bad laslited ivir' since
houldin thirn fasht troo kionds. a -s -
weather. 'Thin I tought that thim
risipees wits loike our. loives a quare -
mixture, aer shwate 'tags, an SO=
tings, yis, an. bitther tings, an spoicey
tings all shtirred tre together in such
a way as to projuce someting not
half bad to take, either all. Thin
tought too, that aven. if the risipee
win roight, the wleole ting trioight
* PI, Yed Gocr9 - alsiln be silnoiled be raatson av a cook
ho. didn't underslitand her jawb,
_ A nicture which apoeals arr al the shtove •wadden't dhraw, arr
= both young and old . -.ea. if the tillyphone shad zing an the
Al cook shard shpind too mach toirnerfal-
Prices zsc m:id 35c ' hi her adybers. Thin 1 rembri.-
- -11I111111 ilii IliEll ir. li 1111611 ililE1181111 ed that- we are iviry wan al, ZS iiSt '
loike a young leonsekavper slatartin
Tarn; BAITILRUPTCY ACT out •widont 'hepayzience, er.a znanray
In the estate ofeGrattan B. •Flard-- leai e7l." sour bread- we bake, an our iri
gain, AuthOrized Assignor- •besfit"ifforts afteri fall flat, goilte e I
in the oven Whin the cendishoos 55
tintGrattanB. PlaM-gan of the Town •I'e' not a.mgaL 'nee'rete'nles elebbY 1
•of Aliingham in the Camay of Hare we pm.129-___Fitse sugar 'la °lir cake,'" I ar•
on, Music Dealer.adid on the twenty- 221. smielt°'-'es Ise/b1.- riot ewsug'"'••• 'fil
fifth day. of September, .A... a 1924, se1:2-ettes' we warralc in leo big a i
hurry an sometedines we go ton :Allow
make an authorized assignment of an
slapindin too mach toime lookin +out
nis. property. for the benefit of his
creditors and ahat Edmund weed, Es._ av the whittles to see what cent nave
hers are doin, To Ise whin we are
li„ueiret,0130edtaltieRceterlt• ovekl'ahasn of`Pfb°eillEsted: Ilya in a cap 1±95o Taerawather arr Bele' IT
4 Lockhart; No,. /x, Tnraberry Mose i tate, green&
'McLean; No 11 E- Wawanoasa Misal " NOTICE Ig. FURTHERGIVEN' ,.171-s" ''tis a quare ID' we v/r113
Decker; .ncboca Parade, No. it Tareelabat the first meeting of creditors in ilsw-w11).': av el'shlakes an 31st wnin ''''''e
. berry, Miss McLean; No. .16 Ho -wick' the above estate will be held art theaf- be.gia to fe3nd '314 a ley's. tings, an.1.°
e and Grey; No. 1- \\ est Wawa -nosh, of Richard Vane:tone, Baaresia.„, 'know bow hale we know, then we rg•
Miss Lotkliart; No. 8, E. Wawanosh, in tare said, Town oe acea,zaaaa ans5 to go Wisteas nae bye that yeas I.
, Miss Ma:mak; No. vs, E. Wawa- Thursday-, the 16thicedny of October. aveYSa3krS wad sal', an all we lave be- 7.
nosh Miss ether; No. ire, Grey, W.•A., 0. .492,4, at zso o'clock .,111 the af ind as fer the betthermint av the,
Bislitem'Schocal coining gteatest clis-teis�om• urreld is'' MID hitther ixpayriences,
mace, N. la Grey W. Bisbee: me a lett aer good adraice that the
To entitle yo
Best. Decorated C0111.76i'aMex .1.'',C6. II/ proof of YOU r eiahat mast be tillgireagel young
8.i315-roaber trliii Liantoter,t-altakee;
%Greea W. Bisbee; -Recitation, porch with me before the meeting is held. .
thy Fear Kilvin Kr -alder; Dern, '5, proxies to be used .at the meeting- - - Thenethy Hay.
5. Winn a, A, Nardi- at be lodged wiltli trae :prior to the
Best D. L. & W. Scranton. Coal,
all sizes •
Nut, Stove, Egg and
If yoa intend fixing that old
roof, call andzei our
prices on
Johns Manville,.
Asbestos Roofing
The roof that lasts and can be
• , put over the old roof.
ililacLi.AN- LUMBER
Winghant Ontaeio
1, t
l'CritliaLL0 MIL
:sea Vanilla
Iliteb, Chow!
Thomas Dickson 13.1 Port Al-
, us iaid up with a severe attack of
leacknow fair was heki lnst Friday,
e day being fine„' there mao a very
large crowd,
Mrs. H. 5. Walker of London an
Mr: Geo, Holland of Clinton visited
Oast week with Mr, mad Mr,. Jinn at
)Lanes Store.
i Mr. sad Mrs- Walter Alton, •
:1sEpteitnett. last Sunday With
A nutnber of elaildren belonging
No. ro school section are at present
laid up witk the measles.
Dont forget tlie Atinhrersary
Lh to be held in Zion Methodist church
ia October 1t2, afternoon at 2,30 and
mitt*: service at 7 o'clecla Rev, IT
Wilkitesee of Blaevale udflleaY
of these services,
Always Ron
For One More
.AND VCRTHER TAKE NOTICE 1 was at apublac fauction th
that if you have any claim against sagatesa, bishop and a millionaire
the debtor for which you are entailed ago comeeeadon. 9gayer go
to rank, proof of such Claim must be ttra
a eaa
aen." saia the latter sbom5wbat
bled with we within ZO days from patronisingly. "Perhaps, ,you're
rt -
the date of this notice for, /nom and, -aced that, bishop. 'Yee, 1 have a
after tbe exPirwdon of So days' timeleatieed it," replied the bishop grave -
1 AO distribute the proceeds of theiIly. neje:, ;doubt you wandee why a
debtor's estate among the parties en- ,1 neeer go to rhumb," went on the a.the
titled thereto, having regard •rnaly to ea, tell you wily, biehop.
the claims of which 1 tame then no- I Tateaa, ara so trany leypaerites there"
' "Oh, dont let toe= keep you away,
id the bishop, smiling .'"There's
alv mon &roat more you
'rouritits Coming
DATED at Winzkard Sbus on,
day of •October, A. D. 8I24
•JOHN 'GIBBONS. Wingliani;•
. . . • •
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.,.%osrtr,Tstried.,13,,ItIr :5006 fr
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sd 115 :i1 51018? " lotirists, .
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You will receive r.
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Icarltest Net
Returns for your
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.tat St9.1sovistrt,t0.1131MMAtrtrutiltiNtertittitct, .. Int .... uriipitizttuillualaturninttstICI
We Lave a steady demand for fteah
churned Creamery Butter„ ,Deliver
your Cream .to the faCtory. We
are paying the Highest Price.
AM CANS—/1'orthate widiling to. puiehase.their -own Cream
8, we aai suPplY yell With new since With -name aadtPadaess Statit*"
t the follOvitg P4e0P. 88ale $4=-51 8-ati. $446,i
,It pays to feed stpur kdo,s; gOOd
411 111' strong feed, during moulting 011 they eeEdgar
thg: vereYobtelt t.proacissiibuliet;
Ighest prim for strietly 'Pre* Eggs.
We are in the Market for thl
- kinds of Poultry, be suritOE get
tit* prices.