The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-10-09, Page 3ree'11, 401.1'..Of • ft urs ciy, 0 ()be' U, 'ANA.DA'S LTVESTOCK INDUSTRY After the various iricisSitudeS ex, perieneed vfredent yeara, and the:being buffeted,' between 'tb.e ilnitetl, States 'and. 1[3.ritish 'Markets' acCording to the vagaries or, tariffs and , enibafeoefi, Canadian Tivesteck producer si would iieem to have reached a realization, Isat ft is a Poor pciliCy to remain' de- ••iiends'int tipowsit • Single source forthe !1sposat of.'theiriprcidnee,^Pad are seek. Ing a remedy , tor periodically recur- ringjirs in a wider expansiOn of mar- kets. In the moveineat.to go farther afield in the vending of, their products, which is markedly evident at the, .pre- senttinae, .nia.Y be foreshadowed . , . brighter and -:more stapletimes for Oanadia,n. livestock precincers, . • • in the.flrat sik'inonths ofs,1024 tan- - ada exported, 32,1'79 cattle to Great Br1- f•Iff ftfrfm*--tt brik flavor! est of all in the ORANGE ,PIEKOE QUALITY T. Surnames and Their Qrigin HOPPER Raciat Origln—Engliah. s!ourcess-An ocenpation. The "hopper" or "hoppere" of . . medieval England vva.s. nothing more • tain and 40,953 to the Milted States, or l'esa than ' a, dancer,. a Pro,fes'sloual as conipared with 30,029 head to Great j dancer, The proof is net llard to find' Britain antl 23,659 head to the United"It is found, in paseagesswhich make its States in the same period .of 1923. The, 'meaning quite clear, "Le HePPere" ap- total showan increase amotnating• to peering souPled with, 'le Damsel' in 18,991 as favor of dee ‘peeseut year, an acConnts a the great faii's, Which Plai' increS,Se of 35 Percent. The number ed such, ati importan.t'part in furniiih- of livestock marketed in England and irig annisennent to the people of that W•ales during the first -26 weeks of the age. The terms appear to' have been year amounted to 89,148 fat cattle and used interchangeablY. , , , . . 95,934 stores as compared. w4h. -via,- , In the English PraYer Book Version 867 fat Cattle and 234,804 offered dur- of the Psalms there is still to be found fng the correspending period of last the passage "Why hop ye so, ye high year. hills?" and Chaucer, who gives such Beef, Bacon, Pork and alutton. a good "close-up" of the life of the or - In additeon to 'these live exports dinarY People of his da, says' of the there were exported 10,388,500 pounds merry 'prentice,.6ne of.thie characters, of beef, of which 2,314,000 pounds that "at every lai,..id'ale would he sing' 'went ,to Great Britain and 6,307,500 and hoppe"—that is, dance: went to the United States; 51,510,300 The "dancers" and "hopperes" of pounds of bacon, of -which 50,929,400 those da,ys., however,- were a's *hard a pounds went to Great 'Britain and 228,- working crew as any professional 800 to the United '• States ; 4,682,100 dancers of to -day doing their two And pounds of pork, of which 2,935,dd0 tree turns a day on the vaudeVille pounds Went to,Great Britain and 68,- stage. They did not •riave booking 600 pounds to the United States; and agencies to eArranAge thetr tours, but 79,200 pounds of mutton, of which -20,- traveled: in band.s.•on their own initia- 300, pounds, went to the United States. tive, staging an entertainment, which . Some -progress has been Made in. the consisted of etartiPg their dances cn",°Perative' inarketing o'f. •live.stack, in whatever Public Place they happen - and the Year ending in Jerre of the ed to be as often as they believed they . operation of the ' go -operative cattle noel M.' the Unite.d.Grain Growers, Ltd., was a suecessful one from the ,sand - point of the producer. For the twelve months the profits of the ,cattle pool amounted to 520,870, which made pos- sible a distirbution of One per Cent on the value of their ,cattle to be paid to -shippers;in addition to the full market , value which they had already received. Since th,e pore w.as inaugurated in February, 1923, it has sold more than 100,000 head of-cattle,with a value of 33,200,000. Prairie Provinces Developing Markets. • New Western Canada, - particularly ' the. Province of Alberta., hes become•verY interested in •endeavcii:Ing to develop •new markets for its liveatock, and. in this connection shipmeote have. been made to Japan, Belgium, and to Call- e:fee-11a. The.Grande Prairie and Peace .River Country have 'been furnishing a, large number of -whater-fed cattle for the OM Country markets, and, ship- ments of carefully selected cattle have moved ftom Central and Northern Al- berta with a successful outcome which wonld sem to augur a profitable fu- tufe trade. The Alberta Government's experi- mental shipraent cif beef cattle to Ja- pan is especially significant. japanese livestock dealers earne from all over the country to view ,the stock, and able either tojernove or to surniount were well pleased with the cattle and It alevays peeved the Pashah when he -to the edge t4 the shining dige' particularTy satisfied with. the beet could not gthe IVIeen, he leaned back with all his dlaYet what he wanted -without Certain that its end was now under WINGH.A.14, APVANCre.TI Be can, distinguish between anneal', an and reality. ' Ile is not iiii:s•!ed by reflections of. 'the ' If lie blows bubbles for the of , , watching them, be wastes neither time nor labor in chasing theni. I lConceit i$ a Self -cheater. It fools no ope hut the ma.n wile inclulgeS it, lg..' 1 norauee is an unpardonable sin when uticottfesaed. Beware of both. You inight be, less fortunate than Abdul Tien rreWflic—you might fall into tlie cistera7S. T. Duncan-Clarls in "Sac- ces's." NORRIS. Varlations—Norriee, Norreys,,Narae. Racial Origin ---English. Source — GeorgraphIcal .and .occupa- There is no doubt the* .in a good many instances family names la this . • , groUP originated from the 'occupation 90 nurse, Or, aS it waS spell:ed. in the days when family names were form- ing, in the clays -before the dominating Northan race and language li'ad be- coine entirely merged into the English "Noryce." The nurse was not necessarily', a woinan; though most often so. Again, while women's names and occupations did sometiines give rise to ' fathily names, they did not, 'of conrse, do it so generally as men's. Both of ,these points make it likely that only in a Minority of cases., even , where the niodern family name is "Nurse," did the name come from this source. . All, the evidence points to "le Nor- reys" ("the Norse,") or "le Northern," as the origin ofemost of these family. naines. .A.pY man, coming into any part of England from a more northern place would be likely to be called "le Narreys" or "le Northern," though the term a/so had a • distinct racial meaning as indicating a Norwegian or Norseman. There was -ratheralively communication, too, between the two lands even in those days, when the difficulties of transportation are -taken could draw a generous crowd of vil- into consideration, lagers. 'Often th.ey would get engage- There are many English family ments for an evening's entertainment namei which are traceable to the at 'the local ca.stle. other three points of the conipass, too. THE PASHAH AND THE MOON A Little Lesson in Living. „Abdul Ben Tewfik 'was thOroughly convinced of his • own great wisdom. He bore himself with the digiaity that a Pashali should, and looked down up - the creatures 'of his rule with a proper contemPt. . It. was his belief that they had been created by Allah to serve him, and, in - deeds that all the beauties of the gar- den province of El -Bar -Nazar ---color, perfume, -bird -song and spangled sky 7 -existed' for Isis joyance. ' - But as Abdul reclined upon his silk- en eouch in the tool of the evening he Was not happy: The sherbet, tasted , at and flavorless; the musicians were Out of tune; even his favorite dance seeMed to lack her usual grace and abandon. The truth it that one of Abdul's cherished plans for his awn pleaSnre and enrichment -had struck an' obstacle which Abdul had, thus far, been un - in the morning. Stooping over the cistern, he looked in—wondering as to its depth—and his .chance of surviv- ing had a misstep carried him over its edge. What he beheld brought Prof)). him a gasp of dismay. There—floating on the placid sur- , face of the water—lay the Moon, fair goddess of the night sky. "By Allah and the beard of the Pro- phet h -ere is calamity!" he exclaimed. ee"The fate which might have befallen me has befallen the Moon!" His first thought was to summon, the palace guard, marshal his slaves and set his retainers to the task of descuirig the imperilled queen of the starry heavens. . • But on second thought he deci,ded to attempt the rescue alone. Success would bring to hini,the greater merit, and, perhaps, so win the favor cf Al- lah ,as ,to gain for him the removal of all barriers now frustrating his che,r- ished plan. Near -by, he spied a long pole which .he had sometimes used for poking ripe figs froin, the higher boughs. Seiz- ing it, he bent over the cistern and thfust it down w into the ater close • They are anxious to have another shill- e. 'talent made as 'goon pbisible, arld it There being no comfort for his die- weight, as if he would pry the celes- is believed.' there is 'possibility of a turbed -mind in any of the entertain- dal luminary from its aqueous setting and propel it upward to its place in the v-olurninous and Profitable trade -de- ment which his devoted slaves pro- *eloping in thie -connection between vided;'he diemiseed the dancers' con- zenith' Western ,Canada .and Japan. . . demned the cief hinusiciaThe next moment he hit the turf . . z t ,,ie be be-. . headed, and threw what:was left of his violently with 'head and. Shoulders, sherbet in the -chief britierja face. ancl ' lay sprawling and breathless—a. e f. by startled, Pained and Most . undignified Hieelings somewhat relieved 1 ' e ' • • . Pashah! this se f-cr ated. diversion, he retired o a ,.. -to his. sleeping apartment, J. riot of ettAre danced before his But the soothing magic of sleep was closed eyeS! Then, as the • pyrotech- • . • ., . , . A tiought in vain. He tozied restleseay. Tithe faded, he opened his lids. - His vision rested on the di tan t It was intolerebithat circumstances 'should balk his will.. And yet he could dome of. heaven, and there, sailing think of no way' to overcome them. .seeenely in her accustomed piece was, The thing -he wanted. ley beyond his the Moen! . q - Pulling himself together, he rose, to his feet, assumed his normal bearing of self-satisfied • eheseiness, and ex- claimed.: " "Behold' 0 Allah how great a work hag been well performed by -thy son!" Whereat he returned to- hiS 'bed— . ., and to sleep, ,e . .. And now, having pailed at the fool- * ish vanity -of ;the Pashali consider, ' , ' freend, hew many there are O leer n a than he, and whether, in some Mat: tem,' you may not be among them. Foe this is a parable of Waste 'motion— of Waste motion PrenlPted by conceit and ignorance.. Atid the world. is full of it—fill/ of Self-iinportant :little ,people miming 1 in those inoments when the organ - Co -operation. It ain't the "-catcher" or the "pitchera! Nor the individual play, I3ut close co-operation That mak,es, them win the day. It ain't the individual, Nor the "big league" as a whole, But the ,everia.stin' team work Of every bloemin' soul! Premature Burial. Fears of prematirre bprial nave re- sulted the formation of a society to effect reforms in the law of death Cer- tifleation. There Is, however., nothieg new in these fears. T . ire Egyetians kept the bodies of the ,dead under earefel sepervision by the priests previous td embalming, and until sateslied that life was ex- tinct. The Greeks were aware of the danger of premature burial and often cut off the. fingers of a person believed to be dead before .cremation. In modrn times., the fear of being buried alive has haunted many. Wilkie e in a s fear,always overnight on hie dressingettable a note solemnly enjoinhag that, should he be foinel 'dead, his suPpoeed death was to be very carefullY Miter). by a doctor. Ilene Andereon always carried a note in his pocket to the same, effect. b,0 1 ft h • doctor ten pounds to see that her -head was am- putated before burial. Edmund Yates left twenty guineas with the provision that his jugular vein was to be sever- ed. Lady Burton (the widow" of `the fa- mous traveller, Sir Richard Burton), who was subject to fits of trance, de- sired that her heart be pierced, with a needle. Premature burial is of the rare.st oc- currence, and it is doubtfulsif many authenticacted oases could be brought forward. ' • reach, bet Eiivoulcl not he forgotten. Bet and uneoinfortable, he rose from his pillows and 'waird.erecl .out into his garden. Ileeireced the pb,ths between thefragrant shrubs and -under Spread- ing palms. Presently he halted with an excla- mation of anger. Some underling had left a great cistern uncovered. He might have fallen, into it! , He reeerved to have the head gardener executed Must Improve the Hootch. . "Bootlegging is in .its infancy." "Well, eonsidering the kind of stuff It's being brought up on, do you think It will live to grow up?" " Autumn Dusk. maw above a. sea of hills A solitary planet shine, And there WaS no one, near Or tar, To icdep the world. tom being Mine. Apple-Paeking Sehool. In.structibri emirses in Modern, Meth- ods of grading and 'packing apples, are 1.9 be given to frell growers at the up- to.date ,appiepacking station Shortly to 'be Opened by the ministry of agripul- taro at COttelillam, Oainhridgeshire, Ifinglatd. rotection of ,p6a Profits. Itt Itingland W60(1 1)1601,t4 Set iii eel Merits', with the end grain eXpoSal, hove prOYed .inecessful in resisting the griMlbg o'f WaVe-driv,en grated 1 TOILET FIXTURE FRS E Bowls, tanks, wash-basinS, alio heat- ing equipment, Mcluding piping 'coils, 125 h.p. tube boiler,' used lighting eqiiipment, set& as eonduitS, Switch boxes, etc., all in building being alter- ed. at 73 Adelaide Street Wet. • This material nuist'ho yield at once. Real Estates Corporation, '1-imeted, Top Floor, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Telephone Elgin 3101. Water tube type, 125 lep„ in good cen- dition, also a large amount of plumb- ing, lighting and heating equipment. Will Sell "'entire • or in part at greet sacrifice beesuse alteratiOn8 to our property, Rent Eetetes Corporation, Limited, Top Ploor, 78 West' Adelaide Street; Terento- Telephone Elgin 3101. DAINN OF IVOMANII009 Ba3rhood DreaffiS. Oh, boyhood dre31113 are very fair, The building of the castles The sea-t•ands strew the shore, canvass filled, before the wind, The lighthouse fading far behind, To eltim the far sea o'er. The rhythmic rise aed fall of declr WIthne'er a thought rf gale or wreck, And youth lo hold the helm. Strange iieas, and strenger lands to find, And may the Fates be ever kind in distant lonely realm. The teeder mother left to Weep Will there get tboughts more near and deep Than if ne were on ,share. For hearts may cleave through span - less space When nearer they would spurn en- - - ; brace, And leave the sheltering door. The boy in dreams will shake the world, ; With banners for crusades unfurled, And stout hearts in the making. ' So, let hi hi' -glorious way, I-Iis ship will ceme• to port some day, ; Wiee many dreams abrealdng. I —Lereine Ballantyne. A Time of Difficulties When Watchfulness is Needed. Some girls upon the threshold at Womanhood drift into a decline in spite 'bf all care and attention. Even strong and usually lively girls becoro.e weak, depressed and irritable, and listlese. It is the ,dawn of womanhood—most important in the life of every girl— and prompt measures should he taken to keep the blood rich and pure. If your blood is natin a healthy condition' at this stage, the body becomes nourtshed and other ailments develop. If the health is not maintained by a sufficiency of rich, red blood, all sorts of weaknesses are likely to arise. Re- member this, Dr. 'Williams,' Pink 'Pits have se,ved thousands of girl and wo- men from being life-long invalids, be- cause of their wonderful blood -making properties. The ,value of Dr. Williams/ Pink Pills to young Women 'whose health was failing has been provedeever and over again. These pills are the naost reliable blood builder, fortifying weak nerves an.d creating the liberal supply of red healthy blood which a girl needs to sustain her strength. , Yon can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through anydealer in 'medicine, or by mail we 50c a box from The•Dr. Wil- liamst Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. First Turtle --"He's a pessiinist, isn't he?" Second Turtle — "Yes, a regular croaker." . The Perilous Organ of Other ays. There was mention a little while ago in a provincil paper of the discovery of cue old "church barrel organ," said to have been in the posSession of one family for over a hundred years- If it Is a genuine specimen of the mechanie cal 'organ which in far-off days did duty in village churches, We Metre yea - son to -believe that the congregations ef those churches, were in considerable danger of musical confusion. For we note that -while this oleurch barrel -or- gan was perfectly in order by reason of three hymn -tunes, it ale° could give out "Sim Crow," wed "Penny Tenes," not to speak of "Scots wha hae," and 'Home, Sweet Herne," What happen- around circlesis traveling far but ec ist's attention Strayed — presuming getting nowhere, expending much en - that the aforetime organists were sus- ergy but achieving nothing worth ceptible to a weagriess, not entirely un - While. They mistake aotivity for known to organists Of now—ean be imagined. A Congregation rising in ite place to sing a hynin, and hearing at the organ the Strains of ".Tenny Jones," might reasonably be eXclised for un- churchlike hilarity, while tile excite.' ment of the organiSt can easily be imagined. Clearly, to be in eonitnand ef stieh an instrileant had its trials. Then, as now, to press the weong bdt- ten Meant disaster for the organist. utility and perspiration for perform- ance. Conceit and Ignorance are the pare eras of Futile Effort. The wise man'S appreciation' of his own capacity is balanced by a sense of his own limita- tions, anti the direction of his ener- gies is governed, by a knowledge of the world in Whirl ho lives, an under- standing Of the nature .of the task to whin he sots than. Hd helieVes 111 veeational guidance and vecational ' thoOshig the job for which he is fit, and in ting himself the better to do the job, He Oiling, lila work, and works hie ovitivatitio Seaweed. Japer] is tile only country where Sea- weed lur aeltivatod Mr human eon- sumption. ' Minard's Litliment tolieialieurriatlare. • 10111ING TO EQUAL RAItY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Georges Lefebvre, St. Zenon, Que., -writes: "I do not think there is any other medicine to equal, Baby's Own Tablets for little ones. I have used them for my baby and would use nothing else." What Mrs. Lefebvre says thousands of other mothers say. They 'have found. by trial that the Tablets always do just what is claim- ed fer them. The t ablets are a mild. but thorciugh laxative :which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus banish indigestion, constipa- tion, colds, colio, etc. 'They are sold by medicine dealers or by snail it 25 cents a -box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. / *I ,„,,,hr 41 tiiii...... ....aillium i 4 7.......1 itai OA t ..t‘-.. ' A Hero. 1st Dog—"I Saved Ili/Le lives to -day." 2nd Dog—"Plow was that?" ' 1st Dog—"Rescued a kitten from drowning." A Doing It Thoroughly. The enthusiastic girl was thrilled when she Was introduced to the fam- ous author at a dinner party. She lost no time in starting a conversption and letting him know that she was one of the keenest admirers of his latest book. - ."You have no idea how very helpful I have found it, Mr. Brain!" she gush - "Indeed," replied the author. ' "In what way, may I ask" "Oh, it has taught me trate." • • "To concentrate? That's very nice. New tell me, what are you concen- trating en at the present time?" asked the author. e "Oh," replied the girl, "lots and lots of things!" A Farming People. Approximately 60 per cent., or 1,252,- 604 of the population of Western Cana- da live on occupied farms. Of the balance, 474,516 live In its twenty cities and towns of over 2,500 and 228,- 962 in 3,309 smell towue and villages Of 2,5a0 under.. When holidaying, either provide for your cat or destroy it. Do not leave it to forage for itself. to oencen- kAtipatioa 13 (11r of health Coreper the enerny coristipation id. you r01.14 artly of physical foes, incioding ligestion,'Woost heddache, sleeplessrieSS and PorvOus- taYVe BeeChaiWS boqa a World-wide favorite, for over 80 years. They oo strnight to the causo a rig, illp and remove it They act promptly, pleasantly and Parsly. P vegetiible, barrtiless, nonshabit-ferming- "'boss ti tested pills strengthen the stomach, etizaulate the liver and s.14 rywhere 'Canada The Motoltiste Saint. Some hundreds of French motorists recently assembled In a little village near Argentan, in Normandy, to do honor to St. Cheistopher-le-Sajolet, a half-forgotten saint, who is now being tehlaeirnroeaclaas, the patron of all wbo use According to legend, St. Christopher- le-Jajoiet who was of giant stature, crossed the river Jordan one dark night, when the waters ran strongly, bearing the Divine Infant on his shoulder. ,, Over 100,000 motorists, cyelists, air- men, and others are said to have formed themselves into a brOtherhoode of sportsmen whose spiritual home is the ancient church of this little Nor- man village, where rests a gilded re- liquary containing the bones of the saint. "i No Difficulty At All. Pat /decree was in search of a new house; and at last, attermany weary raonths of unsuccessful search, he found one which he thought would be just the thing. .Accordingly he went off to see the agent. That gentleman at once gave him the key and accompanied him on a tour of inspection. Looking out of one of the back Wine dews Pat reinarked that the railway ran rather elope to the houcie. "The trains de make rather a noise," the agent admitted. "They may inter- fere with your sleep at first, but you'll get accustomed to that aftr the first two nights." - . shure, Oi'll not want to get accustomed to it at all, sir," answered Pat, "'cause Oi can easily go an' slape in me aunt's house thine couple o' nights!" Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. Tokio Libraries. The great libraries of Tokio are now a thing of the past. Prior to the re- cent calamity, the libraries were stock- ed with English books. Every Japan- ese -college atuclent reads English:. French and German having been rele- gated to the realm Of second ohoice since English has been discovered to be the open sesame to Western op- poitunity. fielnard's Lirilment Relieves Palasi, Classifi Advertisements FOR SALE APPLE BARRELS, ALSO BA1113.7.1 Staves, 101111 Slab Wood, and Cord Wood. Reid Bros., Bothwell, Ontario. REV poiyi?z,1 YE holosomemaLio Rolfes 0 If you are weak, thin and nprvoui, let peer druggist supply you with Sitro- Ph.osphate. It is guaranteed to itt- crease weight and strength and re - steep energy, vigor and' nerve' force. Price 31 per pkge. Arrow' Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. Sti ? Millard's limbers up stiff j0111 r and sore muscles. Splendid fo rheumatism and backache. Tit for Tat. Visiting Spinster—"What a charm- ing little chap! How old are you, dear?" - Charming Little Chap—"Six in Ne- vember. How old -are you," House and Home. "A house is built of wood and stone, of posts and sills, and piers, But a home is built of loving deeds that last a thousand years," ' An Arabre Desert. 107(11N%ttij , Let Cuticura Help You Keep Your Good Look Nothing better to care for your skin, hair and hands. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcurrx to 'per- fume. Then why not make these delicate, fragrant en:iollients your Livery -day toilet preparations? scoo. Raab Preo by area „Addrtat anneal= Depot: ''Outtlease, P. 0. Sex 1610, Meatteet.” rpq2,_Peep Ointaiont25 end a0e. Te1met2tEe. mitm- Trr 'our new Shevieg Stick. IThe "Desert of Gobi" in Mongolia consists mostly of good gPazing lands. insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" :on tablets you are not -getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism, (2.11,"82:2,62:: e. which coiitiins proven dirictions. tfandy "payer" bthtes, of 4,0 tablets , ,Also bottles of 24 and Itio-,Prtigglatet. . , , , . lotarai As ibis tradd meek (iiegistete. d in itieradal of ireyett lifeentest, at gepereetitt . aeldeAtol' of etaltylicette Motel iinlialie idir, '14* ' • liA" . VIVitif 1 t 0 Vaal fAjf ' ,tlitit aselreateeetell Meer neernteetatte Re ii,t ttEa otuvi 4 stieletet ilefe, nt gaYer bonipeeyervill be Amapa Willi ele 0600 teed look, Ilie 434 I OU IL THE 11 E Nerves Gave Little Rest Relieved by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound thek ryour Medicine before my baby Was ladrn and it Was a great help to inc as I was very oorly until 1 started take% 1 just felt as though 0 was tired ont all the time and would take weak, fainting spells. My nerves would bother me until 1 eould get little rest, day or night. 1 was told by a friend to take Lydia E. Pinkhana's Vege.- table' Compound and only took it few bottles and it helped tne wonderrully. 1 would recommend it to any woman. axia , doing what 0 ean to publish this gOad medicine. I lend that little book you sent rne to any Ohs I can help. You earl with the greatest of tpleastre use my name in regard to the Vegetable OeMeotald if it will serve to belp Othorie" BARVEY MILL/GAN,R, t. 3o.4 narrowatnith, Ontario. 1n:a recent canvass of p1irehas00 of Lydia 'Z PinItham's 'Vegetable, Color. pound over 1064000replieeVer,e,reeeivecl ncl '08 out of ,evety- 100( tlaid• they' !hoo 011 telned by its use.: .Val,S, Medictlaai toi.,06,10 bar all dP.Iggilatlit U. 4