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14t; I 14 Or
VVINGI-JA1W, ONT.,' THURSDAY, OC"..*:T#3t/Er4. 9th, 1924
Import I. nt Notice to
etrie LIght
•Power Icons -
u ers
According to tile Pliblic Utili-
ties Act the landlord is respon-
sible for ins tenarit*S nPaid
light and power bills;
At the last •session of thiS
Ontario Parliament the Public
Utilities Act was amended to
givethe local Public "LTilities
Commissions, power tto cbscon-
tinue anylight or 'power ser-
vice if the owner of service were
in arrears to the local commiss-
ion for hght supplies or fix..?
tures, 1."
Wingham Utilities Con.
. .
AUCTION SALE --Stock' and Imple-
ments at Lot Nofth 42 Con, 8
East • Wamranosh, adjoining, Bel-
. grave, on Tuesday, Oct. 2xst. See
"liWs. Samuel Jordan, Prop., jas.
-Taylor Auct. '
,.. A SNAP—Look boys an automobile.
With 2 .new tires that will run 116
sixty for $21.no, also a Ford•totir-
jug with nearly new tires end 'shoe:‹
• absorbers running , fine for' •$I21.
• 'Crawford's .Garage.
. ,
Yorkshire Boar, recently purchased
bythe TiumberrY Bacon Hog Club,
-prize winner' 'at Canadian Nalional
,•Ex.hibition '1924.. At J. 5.,
burner in good. condition. Apply
at The'"Advance.
FOR SALE—York Sow and;' To pigs.
6 weeks. old.' •Apply to C. M. San -
burn, ;,,ot 3, Con, 4, Turnberry.
FOR SALE—Steel tire buggy, • 2,
robes, new cutter and string of bells.
Apply to Alvin. Orvis, .at Adams
Peed Sto're. - • •
FOR SALE—Extension Table, Side-
board, Six Kitchen Chairs and Mc=
Clary Wood Stove'. Apply to Miss
Jennie M. Carrie at her home
Boundary West. •
FOR SALE --A large size Quebec
Heater in good condition. APPIY
to the Advance -Times.
FOR SALE—LA quantity of• good
packing cases and barrels.. King
AUCTION SALE --Of Stockgofi
rilesday Og'tober .14t11, 1924 at 2
o'clock, at Lots N- 43 and 46, Con,
Morris. Joseph E, Curtis, Pron.,
'T. R. Bennett, A:fictioneer. -
"HOUSE TO RENT—Enquire to H.
E. Isarcl.
LOST—A childis Signet ...Ring; iftitial
B. Finder please leave at NItrady's
-Grocery Store.
LOST—A brown sable far, cape Style
between Wingham and Belgrave
station Finder please leave at Ad-
vance office or D. GecIdes„. Store,
Belgrave. '
.13IGS FOR SALE—Eight young pigs
• Apply to 5, Irwin, East Wawa -
nosh. Phone 24-620.
EGGS WA.NTED—Highest prices
paid, cash or trade at the Enter-
prise Store.
lady. General Office Work. Good
reference. Apply Box C. A.dvance,
• WANTED-- General Housework, by
capable girl. Apply at this office.
• The Municipal Council • of the
Township of Morris is asking for
tenders for the construction of the
• Nichol and the McArthur Drains.
Plans, profiles and specifications May
• 'be seen at the Clerk's residence.
• The McArthur Drain calls for clay
, Tenders will be opened at the
Township Hall, Monday, October
• 2oth., at 3 o'clock. Enclose a $50.00
good faith cheque with the tender.
MacEwen, Clerk.
Varnaer—In Whigliana on Octobea
1924, to Mr. and Mrs.,FrankiVanti-
er a daugliter—(Ethel Louise.)
McKagtie—In Turnbet.ry Wednes-
day, October 1st., to Mr. and Mrs.
• John 111cKagne, daughter.—Jean
McGilliiiray---In gliain General
TIoapital on Sunday Oct. •5th,, to
Mr. arid Mrs, Jas, McGillivray, a
Wingliani General Hos-
pital on Wednesda,y, Sept. 24th., to
IVIr. and Mrs. W, A. Walker, Blue -
vale, a daughter.
Scott—In East Wawatiosii, on Tues-
day, Oct. 7th., t Mr, mid. Mrs
Robt, 5, Scott, a daughtel.,
'Hamilton on Sept, 30.,
Alice Prescott, beloved wife of Mr.
Pete a Wheeler.
Mr. T. W. of Bent -alley,
apeatt Stmday with Mr. W. NValters
john, Strt.
Miss Gledhill is paying a visit , to
:Mrs. Elder, at Nfr. VTa,lter'a horn.
Mr, and Mrs." T, 3. McCreight Vis -1 ReM
gular October eeting Held on
ited at Formosa, • •
, , , a _'
Mrs. win, Herd. of London,.is vis- M°11daY
, , •
ising with relatives in Wingham. The regular monthly meeting of
• Mr, wm. „Nricenzi%, spat a few, the Town Council&Was -held. on Mon -1
day evening. Mayor 'Willis. was able
days last week with friends in Detroit
ot take his place' for the: first time
Miss. Annie Rae of London,' is -vis- since his recent illness, Councillor
itin at Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Beattie's. Mitchell was the only absent member,
. ,1Mrs.,- Thos. Savage df Canfield vis- The clerk read a letter from the
ited over Suriday Mr. T. R. Bennett's. Stone & Wellington. Co. in -which
• Dr, H. E. W. Tamlyn and Mi.s8 Ed_ they stated that it would the mid-
na,spent a few days'. visiting . in De -die of October' before they could
taoit. . , . • send the shrubs for the in -, ca., •ial as
they were quite green yet, 1.r 1a., .
• A communication,. from t ie Union
of Canadian Municipalities'. asking
Wingham. Council- to ,send • in theiT.
membership -fee, was ordered fyledi
Chief Allen reported a lot in town
in very bad shape with blacicknot nn
Mrs. Fortune of Sault Ste. Marie, the trees and another with rioxioas
visited with her -mother, Mrs. „Robert :weeds. He was ordered to have these
Breen this ,week. : • attended to and also asked to have
Mr. and- Mrs. Wheeler, attended the
. the waste tinibers from the fink which
ftuieral . of 1\frs. Peter Wheeler, jai are lying on a blind street •at the
. „
Hainilton..last :week: • i, south side of .the town burned.
Miss Vera McKenize has returned - Thei eiman Co. will send :leir
men to -Wingham within the next
hoirLe. after spending the Past incintli
with relatives in Detroit. . week' in order to have a few repairs
• - ' ...; '' made to the pavements. -This work
. 'Mk. Bennett ' Holmes o undas, has been delayed for some weeks ow -
spent a couple of days with his broth- ink to an auto accident in which their
er''Commissionei4, Wm. Plohnes. foreman Mr. Mitchell was badly hurt.
(Mr. and Mrs. E. Wa.dland of Sarnia • The Council had 'tile ton solicito?
&Pent a few ,clays at the home of the -prepare bylaw No. 943, a bylaw to li-
latter's aunt, ' Mrs. F: EL Roderus. • cense and regulate 'junk • shops and
• Mrs: Baxter and two Sons of De- junk yar-ds and dealers in secondhand
troit are visiting at the home. of Mg goods. The Council will charge a $r
and Mrs.'Robt. McKenzie, Dluevale Per year license -to junk dealers and
Road, , • •,•. • in this way can either grant or with-
hold licenses. A local junk dealer
11rIr. 'Ward and Miss Louise Laund.v
of Blyth, spent the week -end asithallae been keeping his yard in such a
their grandparents, :Mr. and
Airs. F. cOndition that .the council are forced
H. Roderus. • ' , •
to .compel a change, The bylaw
• • •" was -Passed on motion of Councillors
- Mr. and /Virs., McLean- arid Air;
—2.1 Bennett and Haney
Smith of London, visited, with the An account for99 square feet' of
former's mother, Mrs. Margaret Mc- cement for side -alk at -15
, a.t lerane t. , . ., cents per
Lean C I '1' :'S "•, foot was not certified to, The woak
Mr: Ben:Hohnes of Stratford;spent was ordered by Mr. Crawford, in
a few days- visiting with his brothers front of his garage and. while all felt
Messrs. William Holi-nes ofWirigham it was a good job yet it was not °r-
and David of Turnberry. dereci by the street committee. Mr.
Mrs.' Joe Barley and Mrs. Albert Fells -reported the street committee
Vanner and two daughters of Strat- ivete gravelling the hill near the
ford are visiting at the home of M. Howson • mill and had -tapped he
and Mrs, Frank Vannera •• . - springs on the road. .-;.
'Mr, -Lohn Small, *ho has been vis- Reeve. McKibbon • asked if the
iting with his brother, David in Grand council would lay a sewer to the Club
Rapids,' is visiting withins mother house on the bowling green. If they
and his brother Sam in town. • did the • public could have the use of
,the lavatories on days of celebrations
Mr, Harris Coad. 'of. Bra.ntforda ca,11- or games: Mr. Fells . opposed the.
ed on friends in Widghain this week. 'expenditure at, the present time.
He is a son of Mr. Jos. Coaid a for- Court. Smith said. he had brought the
mer esteemed ..resident .of Winghana.. lirnatte'r up last year and got the verb -
Dr:. and Mrs. Kelbt. of New York* al consent ' of the council but for
are visiting the ,latters parents, Mr. ,sorne reason it was left over and for
and Mrs. Dudley I-Iolmes, Dr. Kelly probatly the same reason it was left
is conValescirig after an operation for over this year. '
appendicitis. • - ., The assessment roll has been re-
-Mrs. C. W. Moore, , nee Florence. turned, and is complete with the ex -
Pocock and baby 5ime, has returned ception of a few incomes which can-
t& her home in Detroit after spending not- be arrived at until January. 1st.
the .summer with her mother, Mrs. Land" •230075
Elizabeth 'Pocock., . , I3uildings 807260
The scientific 'Palmist '(lady) who Business .Assess. • 91150
has reaclathe hands of many disting-
Income • 1805o
uished people :also for hospitals and ' , '
now at • the Brunswick Total 1,146,535
opulationa2421 which shows a d.e-
s p e c ial is ts,
Hotel, rporg D, will be here till Sat -1 P
nrcia.y. •. '1 , • • :• crease of 19 fi-orni last year.
Mrs. R. J. , Tindall' of Wingham, 1 • - • •
who has aecently been made president Boa goajai
of the Wingham W. C. T. U. for a*
I The. members of Wingliam": Loyal
fourth term was in. St, Catharine's
True Blue Lodge purpose holding a
last week for the convention of the
Ontario ProvinCial W..c. T. • -(I. •• box social in the Forester's Hall,
1Bel ' .a, Fridayl
gi ve, on evening, •Octo-
Mrs. Edward Jenkins of Turnberry
I3er t7th. Splendid program is being
announces the engagenient of her •
daughter, .Edith Catherine to A '
ar. Ro_ provided, Proceeds in aid of Loyal
bort A. Powell,..youngest son of Mr. True Blue and . Orange Orphanage.
Collection at the door. Ladies with
T. K. Powell o'f Turnberry. The mar- ' * Bennett will au c-
riage to take Place in October, . ib°xes free. T.
Mr, and. Mrs, Omar Westell an- ; tion the b•oxes ' - . • ; • . '
notmee the engagement of their dau-:Not Far To Go .
ghter Christena Mae Canipbell to A distinguished lawyer 'and* politi-
Lavaence Henry., son of Mr.- and Mrs..cian was travelling on the train, when
B. D. I-Iyistop, Wroxeter, Ont. The : an Irishwoman came into the car
marriage to take place the middle of with a big basket, bundle., etc., and
October. ' ' .... - - • ;sat down near him. When the conduc-
Mr. and Mrs. C.. Pyrn, and family itor came around to collect fares the
motored to Wingliam Monday visit- /woman paid her money, and the con-
ing at the home of Mr. Samuel Van- ductor passed by the lawyer without
stone, :They also called on Mrs, 5. collecting anything. The good woman
Weir, who at :one - time taught school thereupon said to the lawyer; "An -
at Farquhar. ---Exeter Adgocate.' 1faith an' why is it that tile conduc-
N1r. -and Mrs. K. A. -Siranford of tor takes the money. of a poor Irish -
Buffalo, N. Y. motored to Winglaam :woman art' don't ask ye; who same
and spent ,the week -end at the home ,to, be a rich mon, for anything?" The
of Mr,- arid Mrs„ F. H. Roderus, On lawyer (who had a pass) replied;
their return, they were ,accompanied.,"My dear madain I'm travelling on
by Miss Harriett Roderus and Miss my beauty." The woman looked at
Louise Laundy, who Intend spending him for a moment arid then quickly
a couple 6f weeks in Buffalo. answered: "An' is that so? Thin ye
, must be very near,yer journey's end"
Donation Day for the 'Hospital
Mrs. John Campbell Dead •
-On Thurs.cla.y, Oct,,, 16, the Wo-
man's Auxiliary will have their us- There: passed away irt Whiteehurch,
nal fall donation day. for the Hospital on StmdaY, Mrs. John Campbell who
fruits canned fruit, ielliosy vegetable, had been suffering from a strolce for
anyth'ing used in the hospital will be the past three months, Mrs. Camp -
acceptable and will be calle''''' d for at the base„1„1 w-Ias born on ,the 4th Con. of Kin -
homes, Kindly have year* donation '`) years ' ago. Besides liar hus-
band, she leaves to mourn her three
ready. : , kisters, Mrs, John Walters, Wing-,.
Belgrave Minister Weds ham; Mrs. Geo. LonNf
gman 'ontana,
Mis,s Olive Brandon of Hamilton,
visited' with her cousin Miss Hazel
Dr. arid Mrs. Scott of San Dusky,
Ohio, is spending a week at Mrs. -Wil-
son's on Shtitc..r St.
A marriage which is of interest t6 and IVIrs. Joe McBureey of Alta.' al-
ma:ay in this community was .solemn- so four brothers, Sam, Joe; William
ized in Livingstone IVIethodist Church and Richard Charters, all of Mom -
on Barton St., Hamilton on ThUrSC12$, tana. Jog being here at present also
October arida when Dorothy, daugh-lone son, Mr. Chester. Longman, of
ter of the late Mr. D. j. Fenton and Windsor and three daughters, Lilian
Mrs. Fenton a s53 Stirton St, Ham- of Wiiidsor, Emily, Mrs. Robert El -
{hen became the bride of Rev. Wes- :Oka of Stockton Vancouver and Eli -
ley 5, • Moores of 33(1dg-rave,' Rev, Ed- Izaa Nit's. Washburn, of Calif.
wards of Brantford, formerly oil She was always a member of the
assisted by Rev, Webster, Presbyterian Church here and was
of Hamilton, cOnducting the maariage ;buried, Wingham cemetery on Tuea
cereloorlY• • • ' lday. Rev. Jas. Scobie taking the aer-
The wedding dimier was served to vices at tite house and gaave,
about one hundred guests in the base -I, This corrimunit3t exfends sympathy
ment of the eharch. to the bereaVed husband and family
Mrs, 1\ifboaes was formerly a dea- lin their loss of a. loving wife and ino-
c.oness in onc of Toronto churches. ;ther, During her long illness • she
They will return to their home this lwas.gittended by her datighter, Mita
week after a honeymoon •spout in Liliaa who returned to her 801001 in
Muskoka arid poitts Fast. This corta,iWindsor it: Sept and then by ber cott-
munity extends congratulatiOnS and sin :Mra. Abbott of Windsor. Both
welcome to Rev. Mr, moares" and his Mr, Cheater Longman and Miss Lill -
bride, an were here for the funeral - have got. ,
• A Silver and Junior Medal Elocu-
tion Contest will be held in the Pres-
byterian Church, Friday, Oct. 17th,,
at 8 p. '
Lsts of prize winners at the •Batas-
sels ahd Teeswater rail • Fairs are
•crowded out of this issue hut will ap-
pear next week.
"We are.in a pickle," said a man
in a crowd, 'regular jam," mur-
mured another. "Heaven, preserve
us," exclaimed an old lady.
Weekly newspaper pablishers of
'Western Ontario will hold a • meet-
ing at the -Tecumseh Hotel, London,
on Friday October 17t11, when mat-
ters of interest to publishers will be
The annual meetitig of the Wo-
man's Auxiliary to the General Hos-
pital will be held in the Council
Chamber on Friday afternoon, Oct;
xo, at 3.45. All members are urged
to be nresent.
Wt'. William Paul, who has resided
with Nlr. and Mrs. John Stone, un-
derwent a serious operation in Wing -
ham General Hospital on Saturday.
We are pleased to say that he is do-
ing as well as can be expeated.
Scientific Palmitt Here Till Saturday
• The scientific palmist (lady) who
has read the hand of many distin-
guished people, also for hospitals and
specialists, now at Brunswick Hotel,
room D, will be here till Saturday.
Hours, to a. in. to 9 p. m. Terms $t.
The Rev, Samuel Farley M. A. of
Collingwood will conduct Anniver-
sa-ry Services in St. Andrew's Church,
next Sabbath. 'Mr. Farley is an able
and eloquent speaker. A hearty in-
vitation is extended to all to come
and hear him.
While driving along the ninth; con.
on Saturday, Mr. Wm. Hastie, of.
Gorrie, had a narrow escape when his
car suddenly swerved to the ditch and
crashed into a large stump. Mr.
Hastie escaped with a few minor
injuries, but the car was badly dam-
aged: • *
Lt. Newill and Lt. Stevenson will
be leaving for Toronto today where'
they will attend the Annual Salvation
Army Congress, conducted. this year
by General Bramwell Booth from
London England, assisted by Com,
inissioner Mapp, •Col Perera, a Cinga-
lese 'officer, aad. Adjutant Wycliffe
Booth •
A number' of young people gathered
at the home of Mrs. Edward Jenkins
Turnberry, on Friday evening and
presented Miss Edith Jenkins with a
miscellaneous shower -prior to, her ap-
proaching marriage: The rest of the
evening was spent in music and danc-
ing till the wee small hours.
. The West Huron Teachers' con-
vention will be held in Victoria
School, Godericha October • gth and
loth. When every, teacher in the in-
spectorate is supposed to be present.
'Matters pertaining to the profession
will be discussed. Mr. H. G. Martin,
B. A. of Stratford, Normal, will be.
the visiting speaker.
Thc- Hospital Auxiliaryis pleased
to acknowledge • thefollowing- dona-
tions—Fruit and flowers from the
Salvation Army; vegetables and flow-
ers from the Baptist Church; vege-
tables from the Agricultural Society;
flowers containers from Dr. Calder,
Mrs: R H. King, Mrs. N. Fry, Mrs.
L. Young, NIrs. VanWyck, Dr,
Ross, Mrs. W. R. Hamilton, Mrs.
McKibbon, Mrs. Herb Campbell,
Miss Fox, Miss Adams.
New $2 Bill Has Prince's Picture
Have you seen the new two -dollar
Dominion of Canada note? Although
the date of issue is given. as June 23rd
1923, there are few who have seen the
bill in circulation. The appearance
of the new bill is such to compel im-
mediate attention. A cleancut pic-
ture of the Prince of Wales occupies
a central position on bill formerly al-
located to a large "2", -while the fi-
gure donating the denomination at
the top of the bill is much enlarged.
For the first time the maple leaf ;s
included in the scheme of decoration,
and the seal of the department of fi-
nance appears oil the face, Altogeth-
er it is quite different froin the old is -
How Government Control Works
Chester W. Hogg; wife and soli left -
for their home in Oakland, Calif, af-
ter having speut a pleasant vacation
with the former's ,mother Mrs. T.
Forbes and other friends in Wing -
ham and vicinity. It was sixteen
years since Chester left \gingham,
One thing that attracted his attention,
was the* number of autos that lined
both sides of Josephine Street on
Saturday Mghts. Also the splendid,
pavements particularly the' one that
extended out the 131tievale Road
where a few years ago one trudged
through mud. The night of the Fall
Fair whereas sixteen years ago it was
a common sight to see men drunk
and disorderly now not a drunken
man was seen, All leaving for their
homes early in the evening and irt
their sober senses, which surely
speaks well for the good effect of the
0. T, A,- On the way over to Wing -
ham while stopping for a couple of
days in Vancouver 1, Ca he had an
opportunity of observing how Gevera-
merit Control worked out. • He saw
• 'Total 405—K, King 358; L. .Ross
337; V. Lennox 3/3; la Petermani 302-
N. Taylor 301; C. Deans 295; A, Vin't
284; G. Snell 287; E. MacKay 272; B.
McGee 275; • Mary Mitchell 253L
Somers 250; L. Hopper 243; NI, Lan*
243; G. Gibsoa 249; E. Lepard 248;
0. Ploinuth 242; R. Copeland 241; C.
Coutts 239; L. Smith a30; W. Gurney
227; C. Pi1012 211; NE, Redmond 198;
G, Allen 196; 'Margaret Mitchell 790;
A. Carr 554; F. Carter 150.
• Jr. IV
•Total 400, honors 300 I. Srinil 340;
13, Hannah 324; j. Tiffin 299; M, Cur-
rie 294; J. Ellacott 293; J. McKibbon
290; N. Coutts 284; NI, King 282; W.
Angus 280; B. Fox 274; V. Pilon 262;
A. Snell245; G. Young 240; M. Me -
Blain 238; H. Dickson 238; NI. Coutts
234; R. McDonald 227; N. RittOul
222; P. McCracken 217; K. 8mith 204;
E Stoakley 203; C. Blatchford 193;
L. Hayden 188; D. Miller 186; A.
Coutts 186; V. Miller 18o; C. Phair
176; J. Beattie 145; .j. Dinsley I2T; E.
Bine 112; M. 'Templeman 105.
Marks 395, honors_ 296, pass 2371.—
5. Copeland 3.53; A. Loutitt 336; j.
Carri. 335; G, Welwood 333; E. Mc-
Ginnis 324; E. Reid 321; J. Bracken -
bury 32o; N. Dow st1; I. Nortrop 3o9
J, Mitchell 309; J, Lepard 307; S.
Roberson 305; 0. Tiffin 302; R. Has -
tie 302. E. Rae 300; A. Hammond
295; W. Dow 293; S. Campbell 276;
B. Walker 271; E. I-Torn:7th 269; M.
Campbell 262; A. Stokes 265; E. Zur-
brig256; F. Skelding 251; I. Sutton
250;''P. Campbell 250; F. Hopper 24r;-
R. Harrison 238; M, Clark 231; G,
Dayidson 221; C,. Fry •221; B. Mit-
chell 2/9; M. Mason 188; j. Angus
169. •
• Jr. III
Robert Chsettleburgh 299; Harvey
Gr`oves 264; Albert Rinteul 248; An-
drew Scott .42; Gertrude' Deyell 240;
Arthur. Aldiagton 237; Dell- Walker
224; Harry Fry 223; Elaine Small
213; Roy McIntyre 212; Catherine
Vansickle Igo; Reta Forsyth 187;
Jim, Thompson 177; Fred Howson
Sr. II—Edna Stoakley 206; Willie
Lediet 200; Percy Clark 179; Audrey
Reid 177; Dimples Stewart x66; Har-
ry Brawley 164; Wealtha Henderson
157; Willie Shapiro 143; Mary Hirst
141; Herbert Fuller 140; Bruce
Campbell 131; Minerva Finlay 130;
Harry Templeman 31.-
Total 300, honors' 225, , pass 180--
Helen Beattie 252.; Alberta MacLean
247; John Cruickshank 246; Gordon
Smith .246; Murray Rae 241; Vivian
Tiffin 233; Merrill Cantelon 231;
Sneath 226; Maurice McIntyre
225; Rae Thon-ipson 225, Pass—Es-
selford Henderson 218; Fred Mellor
217; Dorothy Deans 215; Mary Hing-
ston 215; Violet Mellor 215; - Scott
Nlitehell 254; John Pattison 212;
Shirley McCracken 211; Kenneth Lot
210; jack Burginan 209; Betty Tay-
lor 209; Marguerite Ludwig . 208a
Mary Smith 206; Vera Fry 204,; An-
na McGillivray 202; Margaret Taylor
201; Billie Cruickshank 200; Donalda
Fixter 199; Charlie Finlay 195; Leah
Robertson -192; Mary Dobie 189; Be-
verley Small 185; Leila Wild 180.
Failed— Lavinia Durnin 159; Earl
Gray 142; Harvey Burgess 138;
George Beattie 129; Jim, Cloakey Ito.
Jr. II
Total 230, honors 173, pass 138—
M. Reid 204; C. McKay 196; F. Cragg
193; M. Field 186; R. Hutton 183; D.
Moore 178; R. McInnes 174; V. Can-
telon 174; ,L: Ludwig r7o; L. Haller
167; NI, Mason 164; G. Brackenbnry
564; G. King 16o; M. Fry 159; R.
Saint 159; K. Waldie 152; H. Skeld-
ing 149; M. Gibson 147; B. laBlain
147; M, Elliott 144.; V. Carter 743; A.
Chittick t4o; G. Lediet 138; L. Groves
132; H. Fitt 131; N. Lediet 124; M.
Mitchell 122; F. Saint 121; C, Waldie
tx5;--S. Scott 1,15; A. Stone 115; B.
Cloakey 115; S, Carter 91; 11: Aiding -
ton 55.
• First Book
Honors 75 p. o n o rs, Clare Pi -
Ion; Vera McInnes; Catherine Nor-
trop; Ruby Fitt; Elgin Coutts; Har-
ry Shapiro; Dorothy Forsyth; Fran-
ces Currie. 65 p, c.—Lancelot Brown
Dorothy Hutchison; Beryl Mundy:;
Preston Lediet; Percy Deyell; Doris
Buchanan; Evelyn Patterson; George
Robertson; Alvin Smith. Below do
p, c.—Leonard Bok; Frank Collar;
Tena Reid. Below 50 p. c.—John
Preston; George Mason; Norma. Mc -
Evers; Louise .Deyell; May Wilson;
Winnifred Carr; Itaymortd, Carter;
Jean McDonald; Helen Burgess; Al-
bert Campbell; -Chester Stewart; Mar-
vin Smith; Harold Finlay.
Total too, honors 75. Class A --
Stanley Henderson 93; Winnifred
Small 85; Alicia Wilson 73; Beatrice
Forsyth 73; Morrie Shapiro 72; Ral-
ph Hamiliond 60; Jimmie Hunt •64;
Norma Groves 50; }Ivry ROSS 52.
Class B ---jean Zurbrigg 78; Mar•
garet McIntyre 78; David Parker 76;
Charlie Chittick 75; Ross Howson 73;
Lepard 67; Ruth Mitchell 66;
George Carr 59; Gracey King 53;
Muriel Ross a7; CarOline Wellwood
26; Francis Olheiser 14.
Class' C—Normat Blatchford 72;
men drinking quite openly And some Lorraine C B alter 70; cremde y
staggering along the streets and. one 63; Winnie Rintoul 6t; Audrey Pat-
polieeman stated that drunkeness had erson 59; John Currie,•4'50; Billie Da -
increased greatly since Government vidson 57; Edith Finley 54; Alvin
Control had tonic into force, He said 'Lediet
that' he didn't bother arresting A drun- I Class D—Frank Angus 74; Stewart
ken man now ay long as he Was able 1 Forsyth so; Irene Mellor 48; Jean
to Walk. SO Stire1y we • in Ottario Mellor 47; Mae! :Lediet. 47; Bert Van-
wontdn't want that condition Of af- 4t; Lloyd Ellaeott 39; Edith 03
fairs and, had better hold what NVe Campbell 34; Luetta Bola 32; Maria
11111/1111';1111111111 III III
•1'1$11,b1S01,:iPtiP1/5 $2.00 per, '
11.1 1
, pea, , a.,1•4,...C41',1?°:
i;' 4
rad= Will do more towards enriching the blood and building the =-
1145 strength than any other tonic we know-, We guararitee every bot,
tle to be full of "Pep" and give satisfaction or we will refund your Pi•
Thi • k's $ eauols
A /5c Rainbow Ball and a 250
-Child's Tooth Brush
For___ odlLiho
A Ioc Hand Scrub and 2 cakes
of Lorie Cream Bath ea, ,C!
Soap ,;(04, t.,11.%;
= ,
A 350 Rexall Shaving Stick aa.= '11
• arid a 50c tube of K1 rn
• zo Dental Cream for...,., kt.PC ;if;
1: A zsc Package of Envelopes -11
and a 25c Salisbury 3E1
Our Every Day Cut Prices Save You Money
der •
',Tato tp. 64° ataa4....,,(anteo Senna ,
111 111E1/I 1101114 011 • ,
Wineharai. Ont.
iiwzm women m momm,m m immemom mem
.Ebenezer Anniversary
Another Fraud
on the citizens of surrounding towns
A new fraud is being perpetrated' • Anniversary services will be ob-
Browntown), on, Sunday, October ra,
served in Ebenezer Methodist Church,
by a young woman who is going froin
house to house accornpanied
boy. The woman is to approach the
by a RCiervc.uipt ewWillittprCea%sheasatoftithae. Ams.hfaietilda
ven yard lengths. When she has t7O30attlendmiheAseli saerrevicceosr.dially
door and make a sale of cloth of se -
gone, Inc customer, it is alleg-ed, finds .
she has received only three yards of Suriday, October ath, 1924 • .
. The Methodist Church • •
that by some sleight of hand rriethoa• -
cloth. It is extremely likely that she
will visit this town to pursue the prac-
tice of her fraudulent sales,
Gifts To The Hospital
to m,—Prayer and Praise s,ergice. , ,
It a. m.—Morning Worship, the • '••
Pastor will preach.
2.30 p.. m.—Sunday School. Let 'us .
try every Sunday to maintain the high
standard of efficiency of last year.,
The Supt. and staff of the Wing- 7 la m,—Evening Service.. The
ham General Hospital wish to thank Pastor in charge.
the members of the Salvation Army •
for their donation of fruit and flow- Whited -lurch Home Ransacked -
ers, for the patients -from their Har- A: young lady school teacher who
vest Home. 'lives near Whitechurch cashed a che-
; We also convey our appreciation gale in a Wingham bank one. day re -
to the rnembers of the Baptist Church
for a generous donation of Vegetables
and flowers. Our thanks is also ex-
tended to the Agricultural Society for
a donation Of Vegetables from ,the
Fall Fair. •
The Hospital Staff wish to thank
Dr. Calder for the shower given in
her ,apartments, Thursday • evening-,
October and., which resulted in a do-
zen flower containers for the use of
the patients in the Hospital. Our
appreciation is also extended to .the
ladies who contributed. ' .
Huron Plowing Match
A plowing .match under the aus-
pices of the Huron County Plow-
man's Association will be held Fri-
day; October loth. on the farms of
John Work and liarvey Bryans, im-
mediately North of Brussels. The
program will include:—Boys' class
tinder 16 years, in stubble; Boys'
class, under 19 years in sod; Men's
class, 19 25 years, in sod; Open,
general purpose plo-ws, in sod; Free-
for-all, high cut plows, in sod; Rid-
ing plows in sod; Tractor plowing,
for tractor owners, one acre in sod;
No entrance fee, excepting 25 cent.
membership. Each competitor will
plow one-third of an acre. A number
of entries are already in. Generous
prizes will be awarded.
cently and took considerable reoney
home with her. That night her home
was ransacked, evidently by someone
looking for this money. However
the would-be thief was unable to find
the money and was compelled to
Norman Butcher Promoted
Air. Norman 'Butcher of the Bank
of Commerce, Winpaliam, has been. , '
transferred as accountant to the .; ,
branch at Dundalk Mr. NI. C. Bridge
of Lucknow succeeds Mr. Butcher at
Wingham. We are sorry to loose• , ,
Mt Butcher, but glad to welcome ,
Mr, and Mrs. Bridge as residents of
tttttttt 11111.1111111111111101111 tttttt I t tttttt lllll 11111.11111311IIIi1Z,
A. special series of sermons a
will be given Sunday evenings on
Qs. Destbay -
as follows-
Bring your bibles and see what
God says about our future.
Special singing. All vveicoine.
llllllll llll l lllll llll l 11311 llllllll MI1111111111111;
• Only Parents Know
What School Shoes
Must Stand For!
The tramping. climbing, running, jumping and
• scuffling of School Days.
How it does "eat up" Shoes
How important therefore, to buy School Shoes of
time tested quality—such as ours have
been for years-
0 Per Cerit, Off
Regular price of Boys' and Girls' Shoes on Saturday
• Next, October nth.
lteitl 28 atioasitatiaaaalloakkaaaaaatasmaam
.1 a