The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-10-02, Page 5115
Thupsday, October 2nd,, x924
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IN 1030140MISNIMMILKIVERISIMONWINKNINVIIIINUNI*Ola. 00110101041,Elenderson; Chocolate. Cake, 1st by Geo. Roc1011,., Mrs.. Geo. Orvis; Pie1 lima ,)161 ''. i'.,:;;,:.,,, . ' .110i :;,•!:•',•,.,
, "ffal Mrs, •Brandon, Geo, CoulteS; Geo• '14, aPPle, '',,CheoP FP.inell; W, j•• HOld.14,- Mt • '
. .
44: , rc ,,,:,. ,,., 1,, , i ,Ceibt pc/ 1,, AbgatIgiawcout),-iilcit41. by
yip. Ms
v‘serie-11,;liJ:viesi;:1,,PuiTiLkienly,i0AAilriib.'f'Wrs,ilisooeno,. Wcni:
41' LV ,
:„ .
. Al , it PALL
,,:: ,ti. ;:. L,,
. : CoUlter, OliVex ;, Carripbell,. - S,. Vans tone, Mrs, Geo. Roberton;
W.; j• .c111.71..ei Mrs, Savage Geo, II 6vi.s,p1t,,,c:11.,irsg.1•1.n'IviI,IctsG111N;IC.ris:ce,sLc.'Gf't•Ji.1117mad.10,3,
ine Arts •
• X.
In Nev nd Wn
ter Coats
• ,
Oil Painting ---Animals grouped. or Case"1°I.e4 °at.Ine°1 C66kles' 14:rs•
Single, Mrs. Savage, Miss Livingstone V„, g G • Olvis , I /ate of
.or flOwers, .group,ed sing•le, L.oeon, Nut Kisses, Mrs, • Jr. D,,
1" BS-
siss Livingstone, Mrs, Savage; Land- crnfr, Mrs. Geo. Orvis; Short Bread,
scope or Marine, giss ivIngs1:6n°, ly, pint"; apple, W. J, Henderson,
.J. ent erson, Win. Wilson; fel-
la Livingstone, Miss Carrick; On glass, in, WI son; je y„. x pint, any other
Mrs, Savage; Any other subject,,Miss •vv ,
vnrietY, Wm. McGill,. W. A. Currie;
. .
in Mi$s Livingstone, Mrs, Savage; On ••
, Models in L
Plaques or Trays, ,NO firsf,.. Mrs, Sa2,-1-1-
Maple Syrup quart Mrs' VJm.A
vage; On Silk Satin, .or Velvet dt,rson, Mrs. Geo, Orvis" 111 Stig'-
lillisses" Chilorlren's az Savage, Miss 'Livingstone; Collection s, . e son; co ion
, a ,› lbs. W. J. Efend r • C
C fts aye WV for Miss Livingstone, Mrs, Savage. G'de, „Orvis, Mrs. McGill, M. Cart -
of Paintings, not less than 6 pieeei, Preserved frtilt, 6 varlelles, jars, Uri,
ick Selling . Mrs. Savage; Any other subject, IVIissPint
o Water Color—Landscape or Marine w.rig,a', sMsens7.1\:!..s_-ilrasdi, ebe3ovaorti.Olvtiser Tinoitralfr
I ivin t
Plain and Fur trimmed in sizes 2 t
14 years, priced from $4.00 up.'
1Vlade in best style of pure wool nia
terials ,and new colorings, fur 'triirtra
ed, or self 'trimmed, sizes 16, 18, zo
3reaes. See our special values at $r245
15.0o, I8.00, 20.00 and 25.0o.
Made from high 'class imported clo-
'di% such as Velour, Burberry, Camel
Hair, Duvetyns, Bolivia, Plarvellas,
• etc., Plain and Fur Trimmed, ..Spec-
iilly priced at •'$x9.50, $22.50, $25.00,
$29.00, $34,9o.
„, gs one, ivl s, savage; collection, o a -Tr% Mts, George Orivs,
F not less than ,6 pieces, Miss Living- WM r, s,j, GI; oen oeir.vs 1907 ; ivIr-)riacklleisc, GI; ripal3clice_,
stone, Mr, Sevag.e. ' -
DraWitxg—Pen and Ink Sketch, Mrs les, frnit, Mrs, 3 • D. Beecroft, Mrs.
o in Savage,.Miss cartick; Pencil, Miss ivGlecoG, ii? r•VIsrsl , Peelocsoraviilsy; .01tidieorares;:i
111 Carrick, IVIrs. Savage; Crayon Por -
IM trait, Miss Livingstone, Mrs, Savage; Eggs, flesh, weight and appearance
r Crayon, Landscape or Marine, Mrs, 12111sidered; R. Wilton; Butter in
la Savage, Miss ' Livingstone. crocks, To lbs, Wellings Ti
China Painting --t any other, Finnen, Mrs. Wm. Anderson.; Eutte.r,
Airs, Savage; Collection, Na first, 5, • rn pound -prints, Geo, Coultes,
ilV1111'9',S3a,vaNgoe; Savage. 1n152; dt).4e td‘ig:$88.,;01aW:B urrimtiear,y1.1odic"Iir;sinaerniell'ioti\ralel,1:WDWi.spl.laYVEy.leelf--
-' Plants and Flowers
„•••• .
n On eY, Ge0. Cottle,•Mary Cartwright;
1A:stet's, 6 not less than colors, Miss Best pair, dressed chicicens, fancy
..j. Carricic, Mrs. Geo. Orvis; Dah- dresSed, Miss Miry. Casemore, 1st.
lias, 6 not less than 2, coloxs, Mrs. S. and 2nd.; Bread nuf, I loaf, Mrs. Geo.
Young, Thos. Kew; \Gladioli, 6 not Orvis, Miss CarlYwright; Collection of
less than 2 colors, W. A, Currie, Mrs. canned vegetables 3 varieties, Mrs.
S. Young; Pansies, 6 ritst less than 2 Geo. Orvis, Mrs, , Beecroft, Mary
colors, Mrs. S. 'Young, Miss Carrick; Cartwright; Colt Meat Sauces, 2 var-
Petunias, 6 not less than 2. colors, S. ieties, Mrs. McGill; Best eight arti-
Vanstone, Thos. Kew; Phlox, Drurn- cles for a working- man's supper, Miss
mondi, Mrs. S„ Young; Sweet- l'eas, Mary Casemore, Mrs. Beecroft, .K.
best collections, Thos, Kew'' Stock, 6 Cartwright.
1 g
Mrs. S. Young; Zinnias, 6 not less Apples, five of each to be shown
--------------- than. 2 colors, Mrs, S. Young, Mrs. J. on plates, Alexander, Isabel CamP-
. Geo. H. Coulter; Floral- Design, I° 1:- si•ectly named, fa's Alton; A.
D. Beecroft, green or yellow correctly named, P.
Sweaters and Underwear. Inspect our Stock and Value;s. ' We
can, Save You Money. Our Fite -Rite, Bachelor and Perfection 1111 Mrs.• S• Young; Basket of Annuals, Davis, Jas. Alton, `Geo. a. Coulte.r;
not less than 6 kinds, Mrs. S. Young,; :Blenheim, P. Gibboys, JA'als. Nito?ril;
D. Beecroft; Marigolds, Thos. Kew, bell, O. Campbell; A, O. V, red cor-
cemetery decoration, J,
•Geo. H. Coulter; Florel' :Design, for Gibbons, W. J. Henderson;,
(just passed into stock IVren's and' Boys' Overcoats and Suits indoor decoration, Peo., Coulter; W. r,
Curric, Geo. EL Coulter; Ben
Brands of Suits and Overcoats are winners. See th"em, Bouquet, Table, Geo, H. Coulter, 'Cayuga or 20 ounce, as. ton a
Mrs. S - Youi BOu 1: 1 ncl I
Real good values in Boys'
-....$6,5o, /Arm, 7.50, 8.5o, zo.00
Men's Overcoats and Ulst- •
ers, in latest models,
priced. for shrewd buy-
ers at
$18.00, 20,00, 22.50 and 25.0
Boys' All Wool Jerseys,
now .....___.”
Special in IVLen's Sweaters
at ........-....$2.00, 8.5o, 3.75, 4.75
Overcoats prices are
ial in bloom, Mrs. S. Young; Hothouse
p e , i s on, Mrs.
IVIcC-gill; R. L. Greening, Jas. Alton;
plants, in bloom, Miss Mary Case- (a) Roxoboro Russett, Jas Alton; (b)
more, Mrs, S. Young; Foliage, Foil- St, Lawrence, O. Campbell, P. Gib -
age Plants, collection, Mary 'Cart- bons; Toirnan Sweet, Jas, Alton, R.
vvright, Mrs. Sn Young.
i ' Wilton; Wagner, jas.. Alton, Mary
- Apron, kitchen, useful not orna- Mary Cartwright.
McFarlane; Boys' two-piece Waila es, J. D. Beecroft, 'Geo Kennedy;
I.Ef table colored, Mary Casernore, D. S. bons, Miss Casernore; Pears, any
• I ; tine , ia , la/ d ca t right. Crab, any variety; W. -jY•
plants, Peter McEwen, 1\2rs, S, '2'oung Currie 0. Campbell; Fallawater,
Carrick, /4., and and.,; Geranium, nieuse or Snow, P. Gibbons, Mary
single white, alas. S. young; cartwright; Golden . Russett, W. J.
iuin, double white, Mak S. Yoang; currie, Isabel Campbell; „Gram/119i-
Geranium, single. scarlet, Mrs. S. stein, Geo. H. Coulter, P. Gibbons;
Young; Geranium., double sdarlet, Mrs King, Mary Cartwright, Isabel &nip -
S. Young; Geranium, single, any oth- bell; McIntosh Geo. Orris Geo I -I
Bbuquet, hand tender . plants; Miss mark 'Cartwright,' Thos. Taylor.; Far -
er Mrs S You G
, . . ng; eran am, double
Coultr; Maiden Blush, Jas, Alton,
any other,, Mrs, S. Young; Begonia; Mary Cartwright; Northern Spy, Geo.
in bloom VIary Cartwright; Fuchsia, orvi,s, O. Cam b In R'b t .
Men's Suits—Buy a Fite -
Rite $uit and be right,
big value at
25.00, 28.00, 30.00
UnderWear--Best ma-
kes, including S;tanfields
Watson's,Penman's Ti- •
ger 'Brand. Prices for
all wool shirts and dra-
wer g begin at
IVIen's and Boys' Boots and
- Shoes, Rubber's at Bar.
gain Prices.
OrNieralls and Smocks, pop-
ular brands are Head-
light, Snag Proof, Bull
Dog. See our values at
$Lea and 8.25
. 1
Ladies' 'Work Cartwright;, Wealthy, Jas. Alton
mental, Miss Livingstone, Miss T. Other Fruit, Five .of Each—Peach-
IN Suit, Mrs. Beecroft; Centrepiece for Pears, any other Fall variety, Pa -Gib -
McNaughton; Centrepiece for table, other Winteg -variety, Geo, II. Coulter
Currie' Dresser and Stand Covet, Carrick, S. Young; Plums ,
Gibbons,sidelyOardi, Mrs. Paddock, Mrs. Geo. er, Mrs. -McGill, first and ,second;
white, 'Mrs. Paddock, Mrs. W. A,' J. D, B'eecroft"; 'Fituns Blue L
P. Geo. H. Coulter; Drape Gibbons, S. Young; Plum's , any tP.
Orvis; Drawn Work, Miss Living- Grapes, any white' variety, open air,
stone, Savage; Dress, girls',cot- 3 bunches, S. Young; Grapes, Blue
ton, Miss Livingstone, Geo. II, Coul- or Black, open air, 3-abunches, Miss J.
ter; Embroidery, eyelet, Miss J, Carrick, S. Young.
ons, Miss Livingstone; Embroidery, Collection of. Frait---e- varieties of
on cotton or linen, Mrs. Paddocic, Apples, correctly tarried, dessert vat -
Miss Lyons; Embroidery, anelique, 'liable for export, .5 of 'each, Jas A '-
Mrs. Savage, Miss Livingstone; Ern- ten, Mary Cartwright; 5 varieties of
broidered pillow cases, Miss Lyees, Apples, correctly named, dessert, 5 of
Miss Jessie Warwick; Day pillow each, Jas. Alton, Mary Cartwright;
slips, Miss Lyons, Mrs7 S. Young; Display of Apples ally variety to be
Five o'clock Tea Cloth, embroidered displayed cone shape, Isabel Camp -
Paddock; HOMe-tilade blouse, W, J. Roots and Vegetabies
doz.. servettes, -A. Currie, Mrs. bell, Jas, Alton.
Currie, Mrs. Savage; Hand -Made Ca -Class'
misole, Miss CaseXXIV—Beans, small white;
more Miss Living-
stone; Mats, hooked; Mary Casemore •
one quart, S. •Vanstone, ,Mary Cart -
Beans lax e hit
11 Mrs. Win. Anderson; • Mats,- braided, 0. Campbella Beans' any other, one
Miss Livingstone, Mrs. S. Young; quart, Geo, Orvis, 5.':Vanstont,
Initaied Towel, r pair, Miss' Lyons, Five of Each—Beets, long red, A.
tie- 'II!
HE Eli
F-ir ny oldl mpwliten yo ea
"" Intely g r nteed Hrolr
the tollowim prices:
200, aft Nitro, ckr„ ..... $1.25
611' 200 Watt Nitro, hsU frlsted
100 W it Nitro, clear :75e
100 Nitio„ trolf frosted ....75c
75 alit Nitro, clear
75 Watt Nitr o, It frosted ....70e
ow !AI d,„ N g1 Prgi 41trob NSW
!Mt llditmtit.11,1.01,0"
Centinued' .Eradi page one
by girl tillder Oliver Campbell,
Velma Orivs; Plain Sewing, Aatha'
Coultes, Oliver Campbell; initiated
Hal)dkorchk, hand made, Jean Or.
vis, Mrs. savae; Two Guest Towels,
Geo, If, Coulter, Mrs- Savage; Gil's
Iliglitar, Geo. a Cont.,
!or, Itabel Carnpbell; Collection of
Fancy Work, not less than 6 Piees,
Mrs, Savage Cleo PI, Coutr; Doll's
!Geo: I -I, Coulter Oliver Campbell;
Centre Piece, wililte or colord, it
hy Mrs. Perdue, Isabel Campbell,
1Geo. Coultesi Honic made ciinciy cl.,
by Mrs, Wright" Jean Orvis, Velma
0rvi, Ivy Cruickshank; Best col.
(baking, consisting one loaf Bread
dozen Buns, Light Cake and Pic,
made by 41r1 under /6 years,. Geo,
Coultesk 6.00. a Coulter; One loaf'
•Bread, by girl neder c6 years, An-
drew Scieuidt, Go, Coultes; 3 lbs
Butter in lb. prints by alt! ander 16.
, , g w e, one quart,
Mrs. Savage; :Mat, fancy table, Miss Schmidt; Beets, any other, S. Young,
Carrick, Miss Warwick; Pin Cushion, Geo. Kennedy; Carrots, Field, A.
embroidered, Mrs. W, A. Currie, Mrs Schmidt; Carrots, table short, Mary
Oliver Campbell; Mitts, Man„.a.' dou-
Casenaore, A. Schmidt; Carrots, table
ble, Mrs. Wrn, Anderson, Mrs. intermediate, Miss 5. McFarlane, I.
Young; Hand .Bag, tatted, Miss Liv- J. Wright;, Mangold, Wurtzel long by
ingstone, Mrs. ' S. Ythmen Quilt, pat- •
ched wool, Mrs. W. A, Currie; Quilt,
pieced cotton, Mrs. W. A. Currie, D.
S, MeNaughton; Quilt, any other,
Geo. H. Cbulter, W. A. Currie; Bed-
rOom set, Sheet, Pair. Pillow _Cases
and Towel, Miss Lyons, Miss Living-
stone; Sweater, hand made, Mrs. Pad-
dock, • Mrs. Beecroft; Shirt, Man's
Working, Mrs, G'eo, Orvis, Miss Liv-
ingkone; Slippers, pair heme, made,
MiSs Lyons, W. A. Currie; Slumber
Rug, -Mrs, Savage; Sofa Cro-
chet, Mrs, S. Young, Mrs, Savage;
Sofa Pillow, needlework, Mrs. Savage
P. Gibbons; Sofa Pillow-, 'colored ein-
broiclqed, D. S. McNaughton Jessie
Warwick; Sox, pair Man's 'Woollen,
hand Made, ,Miss Livingstone, Mrs.
• Geo. Orvis; Tatting collectiotts, 4 pie-
ces only, Miss •Livingstone, Mrs. Pad-
dock; !Tray Cloth, embroidered, Miss
Lyons, Mrs, Beecrofti Table Runner,
Mrs. S. Young, P. Gibbons; Towels,
4 fancy, hand made,' Mrs, • Savage,
MiSs Lyons; Collection of Ladies'
'Work; xo pieces only, MrS. SaVage,
Miss Livingstone, Miss Lyons; Col-
lectioa of Knitting, Mrs, S.' Young,
Mrs. Savage; Single piece of crochet-
ing,. .colored, '11fiss Casemate, Miss
•Livingstone) Single pitc:e of crochet-
ing, White,, D. 5. McNaughtort, Mrs.
Savage; Fancy Bed Spread, Mrs, Geo.
Robertson, ,Miss CasernOrc;. Cro-
chet Yoke, Mis Lyons, Living-
stone; Comforter, hand made, D. S,
McNaughton; Ladies' House Dress,
•home made, D. 8, McNaughton, Mrs,
W. 5,
We are showing the newest style ides in Fall and Winter Overcoat%
cloths from the best import and Canadian mills and aCreasonable Prices,
'• Smart models for Young Men who' something different, Heath-
ers, Browns and Greys, at very attractive prices $r8.clo to $zs.00n
A„yery complete stock for Men in the season's newest styles of
pi Greys, Brown,s;Light and Dark mixtures, specially tailored and ,at prices
to Trieet the present day necessities at $2040 to $30,00, •
A large range of Boys' Overcoats iu new styles and cloths, sizes 22
al to 36, at prices to suit all,
011 Our Goods are the Best. "The House of Quality” Our Prices Right.
.11-4 '4; 41555 •511515.91'515
fOZZarMageapitm,.,2Lar,5040.1122017•14mcgijyergiwbMak.1046M.maprzwmpll "/4.11.astUmf0":144n4,,
Currie, Fred I-Logg• She f • •
Oats open to Field Crop competitors
Peter McEwen, A. and W. 1VIcKague,
and R. Wilton; Bushel of White Oats
from field, entered in Field Competi-
tion, R.. Wilton„ W. 5. Currie; Best
• collection of Grain and Seeds in pint
bottles, open to boys under 16 years,
A:. Schmidt, Jas. Alton; Best collc-
tion of Weed Seed in half oz. bot-
tles P. Gibbons W. 5. Henderson.
• • Special Prizes '
x. Best Butcher Lamb, any breed,
ast, $1.o; 2nd, $x.00; W. G. Ros,
Londesboit, C. Wightman & Son.
2. Best two bacon licigs; faines Al -
3. • For the best tandem team of
four horses, driven by one man,. 1st,
$xo.00, donated by Mr. j. A. MaLean;
2nd, $8.00, donated by Rae & Thomp-
son. Win. Watson,
4. Best Shorthorn Bull, any age,
$5,00, donated by ,Mr, Richard Wilton,
Henry Johann. „
. Best herd of five cattle' from sec-
tions 64 7 or 8 of prize,list, $ do -
noted by the secretary, Mr. W. T.
Booth. Frank Todd,
6. Best Colts sired by "Drumburie
Favorie", prizes $3.00, 3.00, 2.00, 2.00,
donated by the president, Mr. I. 3, ,
Wright, Gee, Ker W, J. Currie, H.
AitcAnister, Chas, Martid.
Best Gentleman's turnout in tro-
tting clas, ist, $5.00, by Mr. C. P.
Smith; 211d, 2.00 by Mr. L. Lott, 5.1
C. Currie, John Fryfogde,
8. Best lady- driver, $4•50, donated
by Mr. H. B. Ellkrtt. John Fryfogle.
9. Best herd of three heifers, $5.00,
by Mr. Andrew McKague. Frank
10. Best Itoots grown from seed
purchased from Adam's Feed Store,
Mangold, $2.00, $1.00; Turnip, $zoo,
Saco, donated by Mr. A. C Adams.
Geo. Orvis, Hugh
rr. Best loaf of homemade bread,
made Superior or Five Lilies
Flour, one bag of either of these flours
donated by Howson and Howson, —
Mrs. Theop. Finnen,
12. To the person taking most pri-
zes in the poultry classes, $2oo, don-
ated by Wingham Enterprise Store.
W. I. Miller.
13. Best brood mare with three of
her colts, set of whiffletrees, donated
by lafr. Chas, Jobb. Alex, McDonald,
14. Silver Cup, value $xo.00, donate -
ed by Canadian Bank of Connnerce
for the best baby beef. Frank Todd.
1. Best draft or agricultural team,
hitched to waon, xst, Slaw, donated
ificCLARy'S Electric Oven is
"a- exceptional among electric
ranges. Operates much of the time
on "stored heat". Bakes or roasts
for hours after current is turned
l'hs is due to a doubly insulated
ven, which acts as a fireless cooker,
• retaining heat for hours.
McClary's R -E'" Protected
Elements also "store" heat, so that you
cook on "low" rnost of the time.
See these exclusive featUres of IVIc-
Clary's Electric Range.
W • Kula' M.P., and, one pair of
r5 inch rubber top boots by Mr. W. nesmaaaaamos
H. Willis; 3rd, $3.00, donated by Mr.
C. G. Campbell, • Tel, Montgomery,
Wm, Watson, Dunc McGregor.
16, Fastest •Walking Team, one
neeleyoke donated by Samuel oung,
weight and quality, A, Schmidt; • Wrn. Watson.
Mangold, Wurtzel, intermediate by 1 17. Best road or carriage horse on
weight and quality, A, Schmidt' Par- halter, rst, 5 gallons of Motor oil val-
snips, A. Schmid, 0. Campbell Ea- 1 ue $5,00, donated by Mr, Geo. 'T. Rob -
dishes, Winter; A. Schmidt, 0. Camp.: ertson; 2nci, $.00, donated by Mr, G.
bell;- Sugar Mangold, weight and1 N. Underwood. John Fryfogle, Geo.
quality A, Schmidt, Oa Campbell; T. Robertson.
Turnips, Swede `A. and W. McKa.- 18. Best individual Mare or Gelcl-
gue; Hugh, Gilmour; Turnips, • any ing on the grotiod, 1st, $3.00; and,
other, S. Vstone, A. Schmidt, $2,00, donated by Mr. Geo, Spotton,
Potaj.oes, Half Bushel of Bach-- Tel, Montgmery, Dunc, McGregor, •
11 arty, properly named, A. SchruLdt, 59. BesS Gntleman's Turnout, pa -
Wm. Wellings; Late, correctly named eing clss, .$3.00, Stoo, donated
5. D. Ihecroft, S. Vanstone; Best by Messrs, Dudley Holmes, W, C.
Collection Potatoes, five of each, Reid and W. R. Dyer, $2.06 each, L.
correctly named, A. 'Schmidt, j. D. Ltt, Wm, Weir.
Beecroft, 2o Best pachig horse $5.00, $4.00,
Dairy and Provisions
Bread, one loaf bown, home,
Miss Casemore, Mrs: Beecroft, Mt6'.
Geo, Orvis; Brad, one lord', home-
made, white, Mrs. Geo. Orvis, W.
Wilson, 'Mrs. Wm. Anderson; Half
dzen, home-tnade butts, Mrs, George
Orvis, D. S. MeNatighori; Half doz-
zeta home- made Tea Biscuit, Mr,
Geo, Orvis, J. Renderson; Home-
Scon, Aticlemt Douglas,
'Wilson; Fruit Cake, IVrt. Adair, *Ms
Casctore, Wm. Wellings; I,ayr
Cak, light Mrs. McGill, Mrs, Geo.
ettgoll; aycr Cake dark Mrs
; ;
tesS, band, made, girl under year8 Gen„ Cnites, Geo„, H. Culter, "VV4 34 lto
Twelve 'of Each—Onions, yellow $2.00,• prizes donated as .follows, $.00
from seed in I93, A. Schmidt; On- from Mr, 1--Tyde Parker, $.00 each,
ions, red from seed of 1923, A. Sell- frm, Mesrs, J. Johston, Wit, Dav-
midt; Onions, Duth, Or Top Sets, idon, and Tho, Kew, L. Lott, Wm,
one gallon A, Schmidt; Onions, Weir. •
grown from Dutch or Top Sets, W. 21. Best pair of Hereford Calves,
A, Currie, A. Schmidt; Onions, any $15.00, $/0.00i $5•00, 50 per cent, of
other, ofic gallon, A. Schmidt, Go. prizes by the Hereford Breeders' As-
Iteneedy; 'Tomatos, large rd, scar- sociation, Jas. Lyons, Jas. E. Walker.
let or p -ink, A.,Schinidt, S. Young; 22. i3e,s1 steer or heifer calf, sired
Tomates, any other, S. Young. by Canadian Recorded Hereford Bull,
Three of Each — Cabbag, early, $W.00, 50 per cent donated by Here -
A. Schmidt j. D. Beecroft; Cabbage, ford Breeders' Association, Jas. Ly.
winter, S. oting, A, Shmidt; •Cab- ons.
bage, Pickling, .A. Shinicit; Citrons, 23. Best Halter Broken Calf, nwn-
Geo, Orvis; (a) Cauliflower, Geo. cd-anel broken by a girl or boy under
Otvls, S. Young; (b) Cucum- X.2 years, $3,00 'donated by Mr, nugh
bers, green or ripe, P. Gibbons, Jas. Gilmour, Geo, Coultes.
Alto; Table Corn, six, Mary Cart- 24, Best butcher heifer, $3.00 don-,
wright; Pumpkin, one, P. Gibbon; ated by Olver & Michell, Frank
Slinflowers, W.- j. Henderson, A. Todd,
Schmidt; Collection of Garden Pro- 2. Best five pounds of butter in
duce„‘ A, Sliniielt, Jas, Young, prints, $.00, donated by Mund'.
Grain and Seeds Mrs.W, McGll.
Timothy, quarter bushl fits. Al- 26' Best Working Mares Suppe
to, Andrew Schmidt, umbrell, 'nide Sz50, donated bY
Bushel of eah—Fall Wheat, red, Ilria C°' Mr8' Ge6• Orvi
A. Schmidt, Wm, Wellings 7. Best exhibit of Art Work, 1st,
Wheat, white, A, Schmidt jos. ,Alton; $3.00, donated by Dr. Howson; and,
SPring Wheat, A, • Schmidt, Sas A1 iss LiIVIrs, Sava c
ZOO, donated by Mr, E. Zurbrigg.
ton; Small White Peas, A. Schmidt, vingstone,
fas, Alton; Peas, any other, Ya-,, Al-
tn; White Oats, A. Shmidt, R.
Wiltn; Black Ottts, A. Schmidt, Jas,
Altn; Barly, any variety, R. Wilton,
Mary Cartwright; 'Meld Corn Dent,
6 ears, A. Schmidt, Fired Hogg; I:tat
dozen stalks Ensilage Corn V,/
le by
ur Lo
A51r...34 rw.gotta131 Uil.v.tra.41:04,b•APiakl ltVie ,Litt,111•1%
Ch, I1 TViC
I TH branches arid cotrespondenta,
throughout Canada and strong finan-
cial affiliations abroad, we are in a position to -
make prompt collections in all parts of the
world. Acceptances are quickly obtained,
payments promptly transmitted—details are
carefully and accurately handled.
Ask our 'loca manager for compiete information-
Aurr, 4 ;14tze 4,1• 2i11 ."14.•.•Ait 4102•11
• Manager.
30, )3est exhibit in Dairy and Pr
visioes, choice of $2,00 cash or brea
dish value $z75, by Mr. W. J. Boyc
Mrs. Geo. Orvis
o- Schmidt. ,
•4o, To the oldest married collple 02t
the grounds, $2.00, donated by .1.)r
Irwin.l\fr.aild Mrs, George Cottle,..
45, Get of Bull Competition, Three
best individttals sired by any pure bred,
Beef Type Bull, Frank Todd.
4 42,• For the best bushel of Oats on-
- which G„ttim's Fertilizer was used, 4,00
lbs. Shur Gain Fertilizer as first prize -
and 2o lbs, as second, prizes donated
by Mr. E. R. Harrison Wintrirtrn
branch manager for Gimns. R, -Wil-
ton, W. j'. Curi.
el 403i, 4134,ity4,6v47h,caFt,oTr titlit.leiihose,s tpbontsft:
lesocs or Corn, the same excellent pri-•
.1Z,, Wilton, W4 J. Currie; 'Wheat, Wiin
are offered xis ill No. 42,
, j, Wright, • Hugh Gihnoitr; Corn,
Tho. Gilmour, Fred. Hogg; 13arley,
1,2.1tx, lAal!Sill)doct rt'o iris; t2' n$(.31,4Sb•itlet6; uc'ftlot.°n.dalicl.IY
WIteilliiiigrs; Turnip, Chas, Carter, It.
49, 13°81 exhibit of Poulti'y,
donated by Mr, 301111 A Vtrallaoo, Vti
X- 5140,likl;e'.st Saddle 'florse, lady or'
by Mr. 1.6111,1 Weir, Geo, T, RoberlI-
son, john 14"ry5ogle.
31. Largest and best three doze
eggs, $3.15o, $2.00, by Whyte .Pathin
Co. Rich. Wilton, Miss Mary Case
32.., Best three dozen fresh eggs,
pounds of the best Tea, by Mr, J. 131"
Chriti, I. J, Wright,
34. Healthiest Baby under a years
$61515,.$4.c0, donated by Dr. Fox. Her
. Casemore.
35. Baby show, open to babies un-
der one year, ,$3.00, dnatd, bit Mr,
W F, VanSione, Tho, AbralIttril;
36, Best collectiim of Plants and
Elowers, $3.00, $2,00 in merchandise,
donated by I-1, E. Tsard
S. Young, Mrs, T. Kew.
37. For the best Shorthorn Cow,
$s„oo, donated by Mr. J. W. King,
28.• Best illaP of Ontario towns, . I-Iertry- follow),
cities arid railroads marked $zoo do 38. Best heavy draft or Agrictiltur-
Coulter, donated by A, G. Smith, y, E. Ellis,
listed by Mr, , ,, osliff. George a ° t a 3Mara ar underJ 4454°, 346,
29., Best and biggest loaf of 'tvhite Alr!' IVI:r)°tIaltt .
bred, $2.0o,, by Mr. W. A. Currie. 30. Te 11h1 Pertou mulong' tile best
shwing' in ',Grain and Sed, $2.00,
14I5-4 -"Ili" donated by Abner Casens, Andrew