HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-10-02, Page 41 s
$tation at Cleveland,
trill be. natith more powerful
than, the ptesent station Wid,V. The
neir :station will be in operation by
Christmas. • This statioa willprob-
.ably be beard in this vicinity ia day-
light hours with god volume.
By Tasuig ordinary radio amp ,
with sabable horns the public have artlsts from .\1rS. James .Steohert .iar-
g \r Iict->tr "r
titesPvaOlii t!er: atnisoa rugl de Iailnus!t'll'ettleillo' is 1-
othernise be inaudible, to persons at .9-3S m, ---Arlington time sial,
the edge of the assembly. Au outfit weather forecast-
tbis type was instaled on the grand- , Saturday, October 4th
stands at a big meeting in an American0.1.5 P. .131,,--Dituter concert by the
city ashen a fire sodd6nlY broke out WestinghOose Baad„ T. J. Vastine, di -
in the vicinity of the grandstand. I'he re"Or-
great crowd Present was terg,red from 4'18 ft'. 111, -The thilcIre
panic without a single,, accidertt due The Radio Rhyraster.
to the tise of the loudapeakers which 7-30 P- rtits-Address- •
eleariy an.aamieeda the directioasfor _p. na.-The swo_relde'sn:teudittfr cm
ass:tat:10 ' .
Sunday $C1.100e leSSOS p
an a
few days the great German Cagepih ,Jit'huston. '
will commence its flight to •••• p. na-Baseball scores; sport re -
the States and its powerful radio. vieW by James j, Loug, sport writer
eauiranout should, be heard by radio of The Fittsbargh Sam
s• so p m -Concert by the Westioa
8.32 P. 1.21.---A. S.1,C I, till.cr tlie ass
picas of Bangs t!..•SsIlalti Comp.:my, gin,
en at. Carnegie:Leath-a
9,55 la tloarAt'linSton time
Q:•1 r forecast.
sant) p. ina-Goocert.
Friday, pi:totter stti
ti./5 n. --Organ recitalby P
E. Fleegen playhor ttt the Can
Theatre, Pittab-argli, n.
7.15 O. in.---aattle am. ntl.aentertain
the children.
7.30 p. Address.
7„4o p. ra.-"Stockman" reports of
the primary livestook and arholeaale
produce an arkets,
8 p. na-Miscellaueous program.
&30 p. In. -Concert to be givenby
VVigbt.at; col pattis a Al ea'a
US, '"At Thy Feet in Adormion,'"
"Stabat Alter" male cherus, Q1
Credo "Eyre" choir,
...Friday, October 3rd
6.30 p. tia-Stories for children.
7 p.m. -a -International Sunday stbool
745 P. -talk,
7,50 p. nas-Instrumental selection,
',Neniport Belles," \VGY orchestra.
8 p, in. ----Melodrama, "Silence,"
(Special arrang,ement with Selwyn &
Act I: Scene a Reception room of
death house in a western prison. To-
Scene 2. Living room in apartment
of Mollie Burke, Twenty years earl -
Instrumental selection. Over-
ture "Abu Hassan " oreliestra,
Act II: Time----kwenty years later.
Place -The carat& of a western state,
Scene -Sitting sooni in home of Phil
Powers. Instratnental , selection,
"'Walze," oreheStra.
• Act III: Scene x. Time -Four
months later. Plate. ---Same reception
'omit, death !loose.
Seelle 2. HOMe of Phli Powers.
(Same at .At II). Time -Four days
later. Inatrurnental selection, "Sketch -
dies" "Wandering," "Contentmeat,"
/0.3o p. in. -Program by Earl Her --
mance and his orchestra, Hudson, N.
Y, Fon iron 'Dream Maker of Japan"
intervals aeress the Ati-,tttie to ass house Bartd, Vastine, 000du.ctor ton trot, 'Tine", fox trot , "sty Sweet-
, arAt.P; atg: beaus, station's
Alfred Bartlett; 'director. Teasing"• n troo "Never Aga.iint;
i-ko,<,-)irp,, the it,t• anti a double trussed quarte't front the heart ; fon trot, "Blondy"; Waltz nit)
,estnighottee tomnitanity Chorna, a -Wonderful "iVorld"; fox. trot "'Stop
cott„e also to advise as to \readier
0.5'5 p. tn.-Arlington time s.ignals,
• A number of the morepowerful
".:011(.1.1.1:10••ZiS, . • • • • • . . • . • •
Sadie; atatiotia are inalting preparations weather17°1-cast
broils:cast the World's Series BallStation WG -38o Igieters
games within ore next fen- weeks. General Electric Company
WGY Settarteetady , is offering schertectadsi,,
the play, "Sileace- on Friday even -
worth hearing, 'as this 'station bas fine us.---Orstan recital by Site-
repntation for the ancetenee of pro- plt.en Boiselair, organist, from Floc-
datetion$ offered. tar's Harman:as Bleecirer Hall, Al -
With the: approach ot the Faj ant. bans, 'N. Y.
Winter season radio will anain be at ytaa. at.. -A. Few Ifornents -with
tug...tat ztf. SOlool3.- It sh6tad anis Thursday, October and
its bets -r- Zito vres,v,z1t. r the Xv4 'BeakS „fatob, librat-
" s stir Onns-de warn-- and have hut, General, Electric Canyons:
fon trot, "Faded Butterfly; fon trot
•'Believe Me"; fon trot, "Someone
fox trot "jealous"; waltz,
"Broken Dreams."
Saturday„ October 4th
8.3o la na-Dance music and. pope -
lar songs.
•atation. WLS-345 Meters
Sears-Roeblick Company
ChicagOt 111
Thursday, October and
7:3o p. nr..-utitinight-Pine organ
1 11 111 ,11101111111111111111111111411101111141141111111111111 demand fer anuyting creates the sop -
ply, are whether the supply ereeates
the demand, arr both; loike the ottid
assasassisaassaisaagastgassgssaggssasn't" Fas.
All .For 39c
• -E
rei -
A 35c Writing Pad of roo 111
Efi sheets, Real Kid
finish; also 2 /fit
packages of Kid finish envelopes :as
""-'•-- to match worth see an=
Total Value 65c for 39c
7=--- 'IF YOU WA T
A first olass cup of Tea or Coffee
quistion We used to orgy about at traria
tui raitiais trashins as to which. wos
sinarted the hia •arr the egg.
I don't remimber now who began" the
argymint on the supply ^ an demand
subject but it makes no differ, fer me
ould frind wad be shure to take the
wrong soide, xnebby not because he
belayed in it, but Jist- fer pure stub-
bornness He is a hatred nian ter ray -
son wid, so he is, an as shlippery in
his argymints as the bice his skat-
in rink in jinuwary whin, the mercury
is • laykia oat av the bottom ay the
thermometer. •
E "I see be the papers;' he se -4 "that
A the agitate crap is ns5 million bushels
shart av the average this year an taloa
in the whale wurruld over, the supply
won't aquil tht demand," sez he; "an
that will mane hoigher proices fer our
- "Thin what becomes ay yer argy-
Ft_ mint that the demand creeates the
Fs supply? I asked. "H theer Was a de-
mand fez that math Mere whate in
as the wurruld, whoy didn't the' wurruld
projoce the whate? •-Km ye asplain
that ilow? "Tis aisy to see that the
Apex Canned., &
Bottled G ods
We have been appointed sole
agents here for these goods.
They are of an exceptional high
standard and we are instructed
- to return all money for goods
SI that do not measure up.
Ask Us About Them
imam It zit Hi it itininzitmitt tit
$1• 500 hi Cash PriZOS
How snarly words can you make
from the letters in the three words,
First Prize. judges are Banker. Ed-
ucator and Clergyman. Send s„tarript
for circular and rules, Sheffield La-
boratories, (Dept. raj Aurora. Illinois•
ecttal orchestral music; LiallabyTime 111
11161111111111111111124111 11181111111111
it io goal condition to wittiestand the 8 p. tn.-Musical prograna hy Glen kiddies; midnight request pro- El
• stornty Weather- •lets winter will no Fats N. First Presbyterian church grans (Ralph Emerson at organ), as-
40.1, 'nag ---c-v-nint- tr-eia Carl' Wesist director Ogasoino Friday October srd
radio re-aeon:ion as so many stations gran -mint Chores, 'Who Art 7.30-11.45 p. m. --Pipe organ recital, ift
an, and or„ cizeir tai 22 spites. Quartet, kiddies; farm talks Saddler's radio Wen, and Thurs., Oct 1 and 2
hare ''''T"'t« arab:a-a-. Fo-avet- Bt'asgated." from '''"Stabat Mat- orchestral music; Lullaby Tinte for -
groat deal of :morn • tor' rut- "2 -/ere Life Issidelly o play.
• on the Ca • n-sera:a ;gee • An nalom. Notisainia,"Walter la Satarday„ Octob...er 4 th i
Onartittsat Ontsts- 49:17,40 Sersitee from- .Ross, sittparand; Mrs. Clifford Hall, -8.45 p. sa.---Lallaby Tone fo - -
2 la --Saturday iciailt Mardi' =
so-rs, t'dassodisr stsfors, sazattit contrairat Charles Pollard- tenos; dies- FR
ha an astatartattas Z22:1,2 4:St- saassna ess., -a
croas- tr.
Cara$a. ,saitNar"' from ace Resiermadou Gras-
Sop:7=o zee,. '`IN'ith' asealan-re. a\Tote---This is the s.tation. from Et.
"O"Dttats-tors5 "The Creation" 'Mrs. wild& tire famoos George Hay, an- I-1
agoasse Elea...ado
- • - ,ta Sasso Chorea, Lore- la- P.
-soar sa.Z217.,,Z,T
F.lisalow Rass„ ANTgbt„, nountess He won a gold cup by
acoartstartista Charms' "0-,Savicarr of Paoltmlar vote ,of radio fans. • This sta--
" --.-•,-.Isaanoess. Hoar Pon is ;on the air every day except
asear.. hems fair women, "Parytnn 5116:dalr'S.
Carno, Destasa4- -Isom 'Noel,
ttnastated, taso.agarata- assanse, woman tn.' Cher, First Preshote."-a...aa
s,ar,s,„„sr-- N•Y. Charm.;
the Wearld„," front nlight
"in Soprano ,solo, "0
- and Fair' ts-irom 'Bora
ass- Waitea L. Ross Ce-
bn-4,ht and s o
arrei" pzinn,, I,-7r"SvTgath as to
is re:I=Ted., .4.tr -ry
tafanaadtar ,egaL, its ;son 't,n :a/an:pond save
11,•• Tans=4'.. tt.'"1
TrIEN-MS t(azordrat,) 2 for
Sotrat-taLized or Chow
Sweet l'f"tred •S`Vseet
Honiek, on Fridayl.Sept 1E.
spa-, son4, Mary 1"... Millman in her 1=
73rd. ver,
Notice is hereby given that a b3-4aw
was passed by -the Manitipal Council
tor the Town of Winghant on the x5th
tday of Septarsher, r924, providing for
3the it -sae of debentures to the amount
' t$',7-atto, for the porpose of paying for
war eraoriakand that such by-law
was registered in the registry office
,in Goderirla in the County of Huron,
on the soth clay of Severs:tier, 1924.
.Any motion to quash or set aside
e• -•,_me or any part thereof must be
rande Within three months after the
fiast publinatiort of this notice, and
maanut be made thereafter.
Dated and first pnblished, the asth
day of September, A.D., mass
W. A- Galbraith, „Clerks
In the Estate of. flabn Watson, late
' cal the Itillane ni BrusSela in the Coon-
Flura;„ Retittud Faarruer, deceas-
t Notice is hereby elven pursuant to;
• Sestion ad, Chapter 221 of R.S.O., 1914
t --Sion all persons having ciahns against
• the E;sitate of Sohn Watson,. who died
az abent Abe twartay-sinth &sato-
. nons'at the "Vitae* o
easuPe a
Adapted from Blanche Upright's
novel "The Valley of Content"'
,A• vivid story of the age of
jazzatnie and divorce.
ri. and Sat, Oct. 3 and 4
John Gilbed
"The fin e
trbtix.P.(1 0.:0;bo:
•etta Chainney, 7, W.; Dorothy Sta. "What I Would o rie Mc.
pleton, '8 'W.; Agnes Coulter, ts W.; Lean, 8W,; P. Higgins, 7 M.; Jim Mc.
Man Wightman, x3 W,; Isabel Leitch, Catena 8 W.; Jean Robertson, 8 Wr,
, A ^
A. Lullaby -Jessie Arbuckle, 9. Ws
Louise Breea 9 W.,' afac Greves,ii
Nichol, 3 Ma Dorothy Hig-
gins, 7 M. Reginald. Viatson, 3 -al.
"Oft la theaStilly Night" -Dorothy
Kerr, 9 Wo Ellen Nichol, 3 ISt.; Jean
Orvis, rx tTo May Scott, 9 W.; Jas,
McCrae, 17 W.; Beatriee Beeeroft, 7
3 AL; Elizabeth catilter, 7 Morris.
Sehdol Tsui -mita -Doris Caibett 17 M.
Annie McDowell, 8 W,; May
mau 13 aWalsabel Leitch, 3 M.; .A1-
berta McMurray, 1.7 M.; Dotothy Vin-
cent, 8 W.,
• Best' Five lb, Prints Butter-Ey-
elyn Corbett, 17 M.; Agnes Coulter,
9 Wa'Elizabeth Coulter, 7 Mtn'ris•.
Quilt Patch- Florence blethery, 13 W.
W.; Marion AfcCauley, 3 Ala Cor. "A. Farewell"- Velma Wheeler, 17--
inne ivfcLean, 8, E. W-awanasha Mae M.- lean Leitch, 3 M,; Isabel-Leitela
Coulter, 7 M.; Florenee Blair, 13 W. 3 14.; •Lloyd IVIontgornery, 17 AL;
Marjorie Hamilton, 7 M. Ruth Workman 3 MorrisanAda Phip-
. Doll's Dress -Florence Blair, 13 W.; •pen T.
Mae Coulter, 7 M.• „Isabel Campbell, Pencil Drawing of Ducks -a -Dorothy
7 M.; Marion Mcdawley, 3 M. Staolcton, 8 W. r cio,ri; Johnston, 8 W.
Hemmed Towel -Jean Robertson, 8 Doris Holloway, xi T.; Alberta Mea
W.; Marion McCandey,. 3 M. Marjora Murray, 17 T,; Velma Wheeler, 17 M.
ietHamilton, 7 M.; Louise Breen, 9 W; Jack Clarks 3 M.
' ' Scene in Water Colors -Jos. Mc- "
Gill; 17; Agnes Coultes, 9 W,; Blair
Gibbous, 8 W; Harry Jackson, 5 M;
M.; Margaret Higgins, 7. M.; Mar- Vernon Chataney, 7 W.; Mary Scott,
joriea Hamilton, 7 M.; Mae Coulter, 9 W.
7 M.; Dorothy Higgins, • Crayon Drawing of Flowers -Wes -
Child's Apron -Jessie Canapbell, 7 103r Cook„ 17 M.; Dorothy Higgins,
M.; Isabel Coulteran ala Mae Coultes, 7 ada Rob1, Nichol,
er, 7 IYI.; Isabel Campbell, -7 Ma May 3 M,; Graerne 13 VV.; Dor-
supply makes the demand. • If .theer Wightxnan, x3 ,W. Corbett, 17,,,W, •
wus 375 million more• bushels av • Patch on Girigharn.-Mary Hunter, Asters -Jas. McCrae, 17; JOhn Ste- .
wart 17. Arnold Vint, &; Olive Cor-
bett, 17; Viola James, 9.
Phlox-alay Wighttaan, 13; Mar-
garet .Cook, 13; Alberta McMurray /7,
• Zinnia -a -Dorothy Stapleton, 8; Ve-
Wightman, 13 W.' Bernice Breen, 9 inia Bone, 8 W.; Willie Grasby,
W; 2ora Bolt; 8 W. • Viletta Charnnen 7 W.
Hemstitched Dresser Scarf --May African Marigolds -Harvey AleDo-
-Wightman, 13 W.; Jessie Campbell 7
AL; Elizabeth Coulter, 7 M.
Tatted Insertion -May Wightman,
13 W.; Annie McDowell, 8 Wo
• Crocheted Insertion Agn. Coulter,
9 W.; Margaret Pullen, T.; Eliz-
abeth Coulter, 7 M.; Jessie Campbell,
7 M.; Isabel Campbell, 7 M.
Linen Table Runner -Agnes Coul-
ter, 9- W.; Artnie °McDowell, 8 W.;
May Wightmaa, 1.3 W. • -
Pair Knitted- Socks -Jessie Camp-
bell, 7 M.; Mary Hunter, 7 M.; Isabel
Campbell 7 M.
Map of Huron -Norman Coultes,
7 M.) May Coulter, 7 M.; • Dorothy
Higgins, 7 M.; Viola PhiPpen, xx .'£.;
Fred Finley, xi T.; Hazel McGregor,
Map of Canada -Jack Clark,
Harvey Cook, 13 W.; Geo. Michel, 5
M.- Calvin Robinson, 7• W.; George
No'ble' 5 M.; Dorothy Sta.pleton, 8 W.
Map of British Isles -John Stewart,
• W.• Blair Gibbons, 8 liV.; Harry
• rr T.; Margaret Pullen, it T.;
May Wightman, 13 W.; Frances Jack-
son, 5 M. "
Marjorie Jamieson, 7 W; Florence , -
air, x3 W.
Dressed- Doll -Marion. McCavyley,
= Magnificent, mirthful, dramat- sTi
TA- in romantic -that's "The Exiles"
ti with John Gilbert.
Also Tit -pedal Comedy,
yionday and Tuesday it --
7€-. 'The Feels Awakening Z
asadapted lay Tom j., Hopkins
from. Wm- J. Loc.ke's story "The yd.
Tale ci Triona". A picture fall =
f peg ;and action that will hold =
you ha suspense. -.so
1111111:11111EININIffil HEIM
whate in the wurruld it wud be cheap- 7 M.- Agnes Coulter, 9 W.; May WI-
er an more payple wud ate it,• -an theer ,ghtman, 13 W.• Isabel Campbell, 7 M.;
wad be no surplusla at all, at all." Zora Bolt,. 8 W. -•
• ."Yis" he sez "an if theer wus more Pair Pillow Covers -Mary Hunter,
payple no ate whate thin them- wad 7 M.; Isabel Campbell, 7 M.; May
be more whate grown ta supply the
demarid. 'Tis always that way," sez
he, 'D'ye duk Jawn Hanna wudJUi
„up his witadies tsid a lot av party
di:tresses if thedemand fer thira had-
rdt conie fur:slit? Theer a good sup-
ply av empty ,sates in. our churches
an not the demand fer tidal theer
shad be, whin accordin to yer way av
raySonin they thud all' be filled" he
"Tis wrong ye are, me 'bye," sez
I, "an, indade yer argymints are no
good, „at ail, at all, fer, shures it is the
impty sates that are the demand. an
the payple who are the supply,' I sez
"Accordin to- yer loine av talk ye
rnoight as well say that whin we got
foive barber shops in "town, naydin
wurruk, that the girruIs all shtarted
t.o git theer hair bobbed to supply
the demand. D'ye tink it wird be an-
ny ose to go to a fellah who wus
broke an demand. moneY? Ye inoight
make yer demand as slitrong as ye,
glazed, but wheer wad yer supply
come from. ' Ye musht have joined
the llodheration iaygue"'sez I, "fer
undershtand thins lads troy to prove
that if ye make the supply av whiskey
greater, the demand fer it will groW
less; "tis quare raraonin, intbirely, fer
sinsible min to use."
"Tis wantiherin away from the sub-
jict ye are, Tim," sez he, "an since ye
became such a shtrarig timnerance
man theer is no such ting as k"aypin
ye on the thrack, at all, at all. 'Tis
toied to the apron s.litring av yer mis-
sus ye are these days," he sez.
'Tis always the way wid„ some min,
whin ye bate thim in an argymint
they begin to say personal tings,
which is no argymint at all, at all, so
it isn't.
1-01.1TS tin nixt wake,
Timothy Hay,
(Continued from last week.)
Pen of three -Jerrie Biagdges, 17.;
Hazel McGregor:, x3.; Stanley 'Black.;
Edward Marsh, 94 Henry Finley, no
Doris M.' Scott, 8.
Pair Barred Rocks -Margaret Cun-
nington'7 W.; En:aline Nicholson,
.; Jim McCallum, a; Beryl °twining -
arra 8; Mary Wiglatman, 13; Georg
Gregg, 17.
Pair White Leghoms-George GT -
'17.; Doris M. Stott, S.; Eileen
m.ean., a; Alberta alealarray,17.;
Bruce Chamnev'8; Norman Cou1tes,9.
Pair White Wyandotte's-Noma-a
Coultes •9.; Francis Jackson.
Pair Rhode Island Reds -Han -Sr
:PPLIES VS. DEMAND'Jackson, 5. Hazel bleGres-ors rs.; Cl-
_arence Trail, 3.a Clayton 'McGr'Stgor.;
To the Edit= ay t.heAdvance-Toimes, Pals131ac.lr M'inoreas-"Faileen AfcCal-,
Tum, 8; -Garfield Finley, as.
Deer Sur,-
-;Tia --a.., as hid a a , Pair Brown Leghorns-a13.tile Yu- 1r
glans. near ae 1.- atm-
er aggin, an a start wan it sanies to ` ..;°Jint; 21/41oCattno, St Eileen Mc -
not rale hot ,
;ma &; Robert Yum, 3.; Razela
been, s.o it 'has, arid
"onderiinantsea on or barge the Eighth...,.,,1,,oaa ova, ay. than was sbpsota., - Pair Ducks --Norman. Conites, '?4 i
well,- 13 -W.
Coreopsis-Jean Higgins, M,
Calendula-Clark Johnston, 8 W.;
jim McCallum, 8 W.
French Mari golds -Verdun Mow-
bray, 17; Lloyd Montgomery, 17.
Verbena-LClarence Yuill, 3 M.
Cosinos-Ferrol Higgins, 7 M.;
May Coulter,' M.; Ruth Chamney, &
Geo. Gregg, 17; Margaret Cunnington
Dahlias -Geo. Mahe, 5 M.; Agnes
Coultes, 9; Geo. Gri,gg, 17; Roy Patti-
son, 9; Dorothy Higgins, 7 M.; Vela
ma Wheeler, 17. •
Gladioli -Jack Clark, 3 AL; Annte,
IVIcI:oawell,. 8 W.; John Ste tvart, 17;
Goldy Wheeler, 17; .Bruce Scott, 13
W.; May Wigton -tan, 13.
Home Garden -Annie McDowell, 8,
W.; Mal- Wightrrian, 13 W.; jack:
Clark, 3 M,; Agnes -.Coultes, W.;.Willie, Grasby, 5 M.; Dorothy Staple-.
ton 8. ,o
Geranium in Pot -Cleland Bone, 8;;
Robinson Bone, 8; Willie Grasby, 5
M.; John Stewart, 17; Geo. Grigg, 17;.
Jas. ,McCrae, 17.
/•-•:=11-11') MacitAlti LUV B ER
oal and
Best D. L. & W. Scranton Coal,
all aloes
Nut', Stove, Egg and
If you intend fixing that old
roof, call and ,get our
prices on
Johns Manville
Asbestos Roofing
The roof that lasts and can be
put over the old roof.
"Wingharn, Ontario
trasszas, are requiredto send to toe saeasrasai --The nussus.1
'Is ama 1fcGrearon 134 Mabel McCallum an„,„„„,„,
fla'sa" 'Ontr.telsan; A -Da, 19;94- their nam- seas amine a the 3,4„„, fellahs do be Willie Black, rso -.'"-ernctst Chamney,
' 2116. -"i's Itc
.''illr'i'll Pur"k104rs areas -ins tiaarain it no to ate atoonnt , it3...w.,t zt.saie Nince;nt, Sai Cl"arence!
. tr,zafrteltiri .cr.tse irnst.scnirsizir.:(isnanranaylbtheriaa; iait taMthithetaeleteL" 7,...1:64:1; tharae, .15 -pr tabz: Y:12DiaZaz.371.;.1.Y:ka,i4CEla,..a.zA_S-Dir.othy \Tin
a. - t ' -o
Ishure, I avna: nivir afther mayem it cents, 8-t J Cla. , .0., a...et lac-, _
:And inarther take ranse that af rt q s - - - - sa -- la Gregor,: 13., Harald 1.t incent, & Dcris ti
amoge csan '.uatt. art, tone 3..a. a , , - - • a
id Eighth ;day a)
tsorbetts ay.; Clark Johnson, 8. 1 g-•
._ saof Os -sober, ... -
.oe distribeted by the Executors am as atod asnabs s -ns, sit sornS...; George Gregg„ ry..; Les,lie 'Visa- '
pa, the assets of the said Estate
sing obatot the wars:laza Dozer, Brown Eggs- Clark. johni
..ong the prand-es enetjet1 thereln, ban-onnd. n the sates in: the par% arr cent; 8.; George Micks„ 5.; Florence
ing segand only so claims cat which te Ttownaasb.ejps, an talk; Nethery s.3." Jack Clark, 3.
, Es=e net be liable fclairm asinther comes we brase Brarna Breeng W.;
tl-eas stiss1.1 then hare notic,e -and the to n
ea an e resht rooms av the hv- Florence Nenis--ThIether-St ts3 W , .; Marjorie
cnot Ele• a at The tune orany
e of the said dis- ars. thshf.a_mes, .harraavvvre ahtorea, 1St...m.11km, 7, as.; arras c,tsaitps, v ALF,
• a,t barber shops to distress pros Doris COrbettt, 17 Mal Commie Mac -
1 natea "ftv-=i.ghltn, th.s Eighth day tatlims av tbs coor„ Lean., 8 W.
SelYtemben, A.D., "s, Wan day I was sit:tin On the vet- Dark Laver Cake -Beryl Cuutdrig-
DUDLEY 'IvirEs,, KC otaaab av ine ariaa_._,3vart taebby I ham, Sat Eileen McCallum, W.;
•815261 -al: 164- tItu -Eu'^-41-TI°3's' bata
bather not, adealn siame fer be Velma Wheeler /.7g 1141 Man Coulter.
=eight not loilke: to seat it in itould 0 M.; 1711 orence Blair, 1,7 W. Hazel
Sad to Parley/Taint, aTZ slate:len aharse, ApPlie Berai Curniinghada 8
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Marva -et Cool; Is' Allr.4 Hazel!
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TOrv. soolcato 4iing* 'dont tuather Haeal4,adn Candr-Flicarence Blair
Velma '',Wheeler„ 17 IL; Der-
by iggirts.„ 7 11.1 jean 'fligdas.4.
• Hazel McGregOS, 13 W.; Beryl
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Cabbage Sala4-telttai 'Wheeler, 17
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Vat Dorothy Higgins, O: ; Hazel
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sth ,24.4, „ltfey Wightsran, it. Wo,
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The stahsect madher, tats-
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CO.:Meth' .s7 XL:
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will receive ighest Net
Returns for y ur
- FROM -
The byte Packing Co. Ltd.
phones_office 62w3 Evening 62jr.
. F. W. McAndless Winghani, Ont.
11111/141trUi emittkilltinuttit111$11M11111110MITIAllitIlltIll 1114111111.11tIttntti tantrum l tttt iSCI.Itlittl(11111111,.
memotnimatormimandemanuwall Rearaslookneseeesc+41
We have a steady demand for fresh
churned Creamery Madan Deliver
your Cream to the factoty. We
are paying the I-Iighest price.
CREAM CANS -To those wishing tO parchase their °Wit Cream
Cans, we tan supply yon with new ones with name and address stam-
ped on at the following priees. 8gal., $425; 5 gal., 84.75.
asaas ts"ta.assat
It pays to feed 'your 'hats good
strong' feed, during moulting SeaS'
on they need the very hest passible.
Ve are tittyanig highest price.s tot strictly Fresh Bggs.
T e Uptited Fa
We are in the Market tor all
kinds of Poultry, be sure to get
(Mr prices.
oo-011, Co., Lta.