HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-10-02, Page 2he 0, 1.004. REEN nes green t produce in ,,At-B4t, for a trial paeltage. "E SiMPILEot GRE & UPON REQUEST. "SALUDA," TORONTO • VINC-liAtt ADVANO1'041101 7747.7 By ELIZABIE1Tri YORK MILLER 011TRIIIIIRMANII".111111111161S11.1111 /004/*.11 corantanal, Froun mkt& the sa#00 0440,sollfripo depart?' eseseenosee, »I tie e ie nein ,e aHAPTg.R, xxxiv,--(co t'a ) 1 Tito who had followed them o The little man, came out from his ' course, was very busy licking one of refuge, a queer -looking figure in the his master's hands. moonlieart. lie was breathing quick -1 "No, thanks be to the good God, he ly, and his pinched face gleamedis not deed," said old Guido. "I myself coldly white like a ghost's, A grim,have seen death often, enough to know, embarrassed laugh broke from his and it is as the Signora says. He is lips. , )but unconscious!' . Then he crossed to the big poo1,1 They carried him in and te1epl4 took off his hat, rolled up one of his , for the doctor,wbo arrived surpris- sleeves, arid, lying flat on the wide ,ingly soon considering the lateness of fished successfully for the cigar ithe hour. He was the English doctor end Gaunt had cast away. It Would 'i who had atten ded Hugo during his have been ench a pity had the goldfish attack of influenza. suffered through Hector's careless -1 His presence and authority helped ness, , to steady Jean's, nerves. After this Hugo waited until a light 1 It was nothing rpore serious than shovsed from Jean's room. But when shock, he said. No broken bones or fractures The vine bad saved Hugo SUCCESSFUL ROAD -SIDE, I and see the savoriness which is added. b.e tried to return by the way he la , MARTMTING, Catsup made from 'green tomatoes is come lie found the window locked. from anYthmg. of that seTt• But be Two V.:ear:1 a'go I had a surplus ofi eoenpeecially adapted to the above. Chop Her: was a nice, predicament. He NsvcrasanesiZgan" 'ctilIndaawfletuardrurnisgentebefeeorn.; around and looked up at his jettibliess, ens, easuxed fraita and Vege- peck et green tomatoes and • one- eee ealnaa, • • eine the household settled down again. t ee ad taken •oedea„-is that sum), half peck of onions, add three ounces. e-m-hlow--er-e-EJIM4filteahr saWkplsotratrhilag pi= Jean rolled herself in.a blanket and mer /rem e few felends arid tried tofeof mustard seed, one ounce each ot jars. mieo rolled ue, his dressing- lav on the couch in his room. She waist made no a,ttemeA to sleep. „ eau a few jare OVer tald. above eaeli- salt, cloves, allsr ice, eelere" seed and gown, and -made it secure' at the ,But Huge. slept, groaning a httle order an mY own requirements. llamas pepper; one pound of brown' withehis girdle., ,b . . . 1 n, easily from tense to time. Tito, • distance of several towns. on Labor' taxcl. Cover with vinegeu-, bring slow- ri weight?- He 1 unrebuked, nestled beside him, arid We live en a highway withal easy. sugar and half a pint of mixed mus- taisi .you. like • Dee I eat out a crude stand end cov-* Is to boiling and simmer two hours, scarcely thoeugIllantev.boult that hetook whenever Hugo groaned Tito whined. hold and began to eeramble up. Tito' Jean lay auletY watching ther•re barked furiously, and Hugo called. mit ,her tired eyes fixed almost constantly ranged ray shining jars nad glasses es and bottle and. seal when very het. . to hire in a hoarse whisper not to he on Hugo's face. Sn.ppose lie had been ered it with \elate cotton Mote I ar.. Strain through a puree sieve, reheat attractively- as possible and made a fool. The little dog whined and 'killed? Smrieh°W.f 1113FtY" at the Plea many sales that firet 'day, i PROTECT YOUR WALL PAPERsesniffed. , of Poor Hugo' s hie did not seen pae- I ticularly attraeteve. She. was. e•lad ta Ons•e a -week after thats until my f The attractiveness of wall paper is shut up,. can't your' know. that she didn't desire bis death. goods were gene, I put alit my envie:I.:Preserved and the tendency to fade i asPoer Hugo .7. was getting pervous. It had he been doing out on someone suggested that e sea and mildew tounteracted by giving ;lassileajtelr. °,14 ar;;.-111:1°116' 11 al'iSe alnelnsp- Is 1 that hbaaticony? Leaning over too far dadlen eaedwiehee; so 1 had a sive. the wall one eeat ,of „white shellae ing "grab for them with one hand.1 and thus leang his balence? Perhaps it in frout ------ y stred. It ie surpris-; Outside walls in stone houses often iage, a shriek from Hugo, and pande- a rending Of fol- . Hector was right, and they ought to ' get an attendant for him, but poor painted and nailed to a board and put before the papering is done. There was a crash, hie hew meaty I sold_ e „„I niade them! discolor the paper in a. short time /none= from Tito. I Hugo wouldn't like that. After all, sa-ne people have deeen known to have did or what happened to him on his sed eaeh swede -ices in, a pieee a eereea The coat of shellac on such Walk ' middle of a .stroke, listened with a swift sinldng of the heart. That weird suPPesed madness. One couldn't deny r‘aper. i N.,,,$ gmarcals "Aith •,.sty hate, has prevented this damage and eaved cry, that furious barking of the dog ethat he WaS a little childish and grow- t-er end ehereea. • US much labor and es:perise that we ,What did it mean? Perhaps _someone • . . . mg everse, but he didn't need -a keeper. ihave been doing to get snch a fall was evait for fre.ehly Made eandwiehesaieneee Hugo was the ouly man on the prem- . ' -persistent. Some people would sit in their tee — /lees. and the Villa Tatina contained - I I When he woke up Jean asked hen • , ma. but ie. iv liked ae- saell CARE OF SMALL RUGS. Ie. great rnany e.rt treasures. ilea Hee- _ . 'and at first he evaded the question. , . out and sie on settees or chains. on" .., PIP' are bNeiy allY ° ° - ' • - - • e d t the key Into its usual hiding pi e , e "Oh, Pm terribly stiff," lae groaned . alld eat th ' 111' -- '-' ''' Small - - • • t I se tor aore-otten to lock, the gate and slip We also seu our garden and orchard - - . - ,tee agars were on, then, oven- Ouch! Get off my foot, Tito. When I faul rugs in ads condition I as'a little' IWho let that dog on my bed.? When's the ends by heating and shaking. a, surplus. ,. . , . . . arecessien hove into view felt vagu • verything ready in the house te en-", 1.-°°11-1 remains as fre h s an a - CHAPTER XXXV. d t I waYds dot bel blaming- Whatever Hugo ou eeople celled ear them had, lie the paper ert the other walls of - caeca. en s. t was rathee shanae ale hie me to weraefekkey,. and I wrapi tractive as when first put on.• I Jean, her hairbrush arrested in the eeeed that 'maee -wee glad: to.' want others to benefit by our experlwas trying to break into the house. . 1 Yet the question of what he might the aewe. end rest a while.• their sizang an ecame eraye She went into the hall and sew that! ae ' 1"I feel as though I'd been 'beaten all ithe doctor coming, again? Do you • fruit arad vegetablee to attract the infir or some hear7 piece of woolent -• "Oh, Maddelina," she called downeAldilk he'll allow me to get up.? I'd ' 'eladdelina who had lived for ears imename slaws Jost euouz.h. eine' tee tatayed ends with sleet bind- eomereted, • ,hke a ceouple of poached eggs with my eye, We keep veiy little of ff'ff geods- Before whipping, the binding "whe.t is the matter? What has b. breakfa ' " ked ahead, and often the eus,tomeia uown, small metal. washers are in- pealed?" "Hugo how did. you fall? Whet e into the .e . were you mug- Jean repeated ag- aead to eta. his enra serted at the eorners, then the ruas Ve niter to eell fruit and vegetables,- - • that ',she did not know. eiurid her,1 don't know." Ile blinkecl at her are backed face downward on R. fiat a- ehalmie s.tate. ei fear Tetarsdi.;leginering his clumsy site -tracking ta.c- 7 - t • tO elitla a small quantity of dissolved foilowmg. dose, were tee two otliet,J,,,ob, near the me...«.aa 7r0.1.7:2L-Ke trace I do ache so --I" int° house servants. Louisa.—of the Filial "But you must know how • it hap - tine Iles been added„ its brushed gouda- eureace and a medium -heavy sterch., burgla,rs, replied quavtaerin s tien la on en • pened," Jean persisted. "The doctor e the fabrics Charmil—and Clementine, the parlor- • e and *sold as The rags- are allowed to, dry in tbisnuaid. AD were in hastily improvised will be sure to ask yom He asked me." dropped apples.% nettry to sell - eoei-ien then the treks are- eemoved attire, and 'a -idea's costmee was angel "It's clean crone out of my heacne merited by a. beautifully embroidered ar,Id the face or the rugs is brushef3 Huao cenfesseil blandly. Then he re- with mgateep tied =de_ her c m wl membered that he ached, and began theln for A1'..e. h' When our corn was had a will. pa.ste made of corn meal arid . sign made. sweet Cote peeked wane gasolme. This should not be donels°aarluesttrN3.,hilnIaitnsa" oreent " Jean rail te-gliai„ n. and struggle 1-V to Waite TWeetty-fiva Cents a nozen. near a fire' This removes all grease. along the corridor to Hugo's .roorn' stn.. mat do you want? 111Tau imshand did mails, but, tie, and grimn e and the rags are aesain:swite-lied on the light, and looked hast it for you," Jean said. ;ref:AY for serviee and look- almosike-tily about. The bed had not been :ge i "I wa.nt some hot water and -my eacoo. ap- seat- hiealffast and please get out of my eele t hut Huae's 'clothes lay cern dark. is dee:Irak to ecia to a stand, a pmehing epace cars Irma. Ravadside taseeke Itered over it- Tito ceased his barking room. late to dress.. spite iof protesta ion he tattered to les 'DAINTY TOL-CHES BEDROOM; and began to whine.. and scratch at hei. sem e -a ARE INEXPENSIVE. e. • He had f "P. right I guess, This fthe lona balcony •-avdeav. th light se le. if they block tractile. i , Jean opened the windoa, an he don't let it take a held 0.0 me. where An eri dotted Swies dress- made in, - . . d }stiffness vi, ll pass off in time, a. 1 ar dea,,geri.a.,,, het « les, skirt, -,seas rescued from the attic,:to the balcony and started barking my glasses? Oh, deal. -1 had them in try selling homemade :cake- -" - ,bounded at her skirts, then ran back are hresd zi-e days of '''fi've breadths" to the . wee -lied, ripped and pressed. The afsein interspersing his clamor witt,on when that blessed vine gave way. one reder business, it is rather S - - a . 5., , . No, I hadn't. They fell off and I tried. aincerbrdei env aventaer. 1 esve - - e e Ito catch them. They'll be broken, and ee- .• e e .',8wree- hae a dainty leer and mselana plate/bye whines. made etras'hiee cea-",se oa a Sathedey s°1-,,a'Y... daareanre:ndrufarreamasiii.o,„M., gseiziJeu-bedi.:.1Th'eerer(g°071.. eartsh"ehad Htigo gnat'eetealit"-`e- II "haven't got -another pair. Ob, what ti them Whole or he the pieta eve`N€ -- r 0 - em - .'shall I do! I, cah.l't see en inch with - ad 'have mede car cakes amd fros-te3 - - --- bedroone "Where is the . - she,, °,,f. the ,out them." e een.a.er sear& „d bands for new Maddebaa cense .te the d„0,31- serise certains. ram really proud of . . Signor,.f4 t. But his eye -glasses were miracu- Tbay went went 1 always,. sold 'n - - "-- - asked an her quavermg, a a Cile.remtine tray, lrouagn1 •tnomn al seesked ana s,otnetianfas peassed ra-V, •dai--k7 hedrrern hangings an voice. ri-h elle''11-.11.1e:ilYupinwItthe some coesideratior- he railed again-24E11g°, where . nicely sheven and breakfasted and If the fringe ar seallops en a bed yea?" are,, ems settled in a long ehair P -on the balcony, happily eugaged in sneele wear oat au-st. trim off and Tito got up en his hind legs and ___ ._ _ _ , - , .- ' zap a narrow hem ail aroued, or, wi te acratched_at Yhe• parapet, still' keeP- making a new pie,His t-reae refl airetenst°PeStinvrati.76,1;car;Tibelee fo, 'tidy cotton. ' erashes a &thee troche , n-7414nP Ins rlisermselat'e reiw- ' one had soreeliav, ana.ged to Udis- Ivan appeared, otsly to jean about herself litigo 'oaten y, was a rig itirag piace JUST -by soaking -the clothes in the suds or this new soap, dirt is gently loosened r • 1. . , and dissolved. - Even the dirt that is ground in at neck- bands and cuff-ede.es yields to a light rubbing with dry Rinsd. .Not a thread is weakened. The mild Rinsos suds work thoroughly through and through the 'Clothes without injury to a 'single fabric. es FEE bin Rifige is made by the makers of Lux. For the family wash it is aswonderful as Lux is for fine -things. A11 grocers and department stores sell Rinso. • R.4-514, 'LEVER BRO.THE. RS LIMITED, TQ. RONTO Thoughts. - Think truly, and thy thought Shall the world's faraine feed; Speak truly, and thy e-ord Shall be a faithful seed, Live truly, and thy life shall be A great and noble_coreed. ce• sorensuutosvmmaneasen,nan raturs . • Only An -Empty. Huge New X -Ray. youngster, was on his firet visit to his tlinibereeallee bitesene.ffieacvteliviteendassvshichanisXs-raaitlY uncle's farm. At breakfast he heard, eadiate five or six finies as many the his uncle's Jers-ey cow had been to stolen during tho night ' curative rays as ordinare tubes. Thus "That's a good joke on the man who stole her," was Freddy's aomment.' "Why?" asked his uncle. "Why, just before supper last night the hired man took all the milk out of her." Beans,: a Peat Send Samples—State Quantities Morrow &„ Co., 39 Front St. E. phone,: iVrain '1738, Toronto, Ont. • 'oder tho. rOi41U10.14 ItUw51,011,e Ozer" 'wanted it thing lebell, Warated it, and It WOO Solna 040'0 eXtrOMOIY ir )gent blisineSs to bee 'diet be had its and bad it fan time. Mr, LeapOld Atiera le a, reeenf Valente or re,ralnisceneee, relatee, that Wean be litableetein , • had arrapged progseumne or 'concert to be. given bY the 'oe,er ' honor or a visit:lug monarch. tbeeewere dismayed to find that "Davidoff:- the court vionnoellist„ whom an im- portant •part lead been assigned, Wes absent without peemission• on •cert tour in Finland, °emit Alder,. »erg, tee enieleter at the imperial bovershold, forbade tbem to abaege their arrangements, ProMising a trifle grbely that the missiug rausicien ehould return in tene. He did. retain; though only just -botore the perform- ance. aroused in his DOOM at., Viborg, near the frontier, at nve a'eloclt •in the morning. Going to the doorehe,found the chit of police, who asited he' ' Were CharleseDavideff, violoncello solo- ' 1st to the czar. He admitted that lie was, and the official ordered. hien to- dress, pack his belongings and come. He had pet the. least idea why or where, but it is riot wise to resieft a.r- rest, and he went. dle was eSeorted to the railway, station, 'where an eee gine and a, eingle car etood waiting, and was ordered' aboard. The .ollicee thee , .vvsa,thluictatedreaancid, handed him a telegra,ra, "Telegraph order from the Minteam , of -the Imperial_ Household to His Ma- jes-ty the Czar: To all, chi-efs polies . in Finland: Hunt up at once an -dr find His IVIajesty's soloist, S,haeles,, Davia off and retu.rn him immediately. •per special train to Peter -hoe" • . ' Special trains.in et:lassie Were seldem u.sea except for royalty, and daring ' tee journey Davidoff was diaided- iie- tween apprehension •of punishment for being absent without leave and amuse ment at seeing peasants, 8.M:fliers and:- earlway employe°s. along the • route hastily fall into line and salute witn. profound reepect as he shot by. ' Long before the days. of railwaye a much more arapericms ruler of Blissia than the late czar,. Cathexine the Great, once sen.1 tor a. missing singer who had slipped away to coart a sweet- heart it a tlista.nt towii. It was ter, and he was brought back by eleigh • at great speed by relaysof horses and with no pauses far rest. "When tee poor man arrived he was nearly dead • with fatigue. He was hurried at once ' into the, presence of the empress and the court circle, but in a few minutes before it came his tarn he f.ell asleep so soundly that when he slipped fierra - his their and landed upon the Roar' with a fond bump he remained there in a -snoring heap without waking. The empress, who when she was not angry - was very good-natured and often down- right jolly, was greatly a.musea "and made a kind of ganie at trying, and en- col:waging the courtiers ta try. to find ." a way to awaken him. Anything in the way" of noise was allowable, but Pulling, pinching and slapping were barred. They whistled., " shouted, banged pans and rang belle; the up -- roar was terrific, and half the court... became helpless with laughter .while the other half shrieked theurselves hoarse; but the exhausted musician He told e.uer that he been Six-year-old Freddy, a city -bred Te reduee the mist of treatment and pr.". eake• 'fbeat 1 bad neade,,'sPreal The saving:. to% was worth,' "I delft know," Jeat replied. T ilenewhen tae doctor arrived Hugo, all er the . CATST:PS. s eor wee entirely around or, bay mn.inexpensive".. joanecalritt b•l• bere swnewilerea•" aPPear- theut the housewife Inas, ad"re a 'Pl.,' fainge and sew on the edges ,lhe .1 Afterwards the doctor talked seri- have too greet a srarrety otiolerfatdedelinat._ white twa er-ely nehre the sewing machine and .Clententine,-'--" a- rather cold -blood- ' tl ht. cl'Enga t•lhe °•2#7 371' possible. You'll be -surprised lame ed young womare—asserted her con& revise utebtain "bl. 4 "Ton look very tired, MTS. Censer' , ordittary dash at ,baettx may be, tne comm. sate "A coati! of ..11,113fs,/ -side fle.Wri ou it • Let them burn and' .- ,,,e" much longer the spread will lase I•dent belief that the Signor had been .., t cr,oss herself mad_ would do youe4 a lost ee geen. they will be clear as new. Use a pair Canada's National Song. A. Canadian writer has been telling, recently, lae-w--Canada's national song, "The Maple Leaf," -came to be writ- ten. The composer, Alexander Muir, who wee. also the author of the Werde, was waltang one day in his garden, f 11 on his coat. Despite '' the time of expos:ere iS cut down. An- other erocess is being perfected te ex- tend the use of the X-ra.ye to internal cancer. when a le e his brushing of it, the leaf etfick to hia coat, a fact. which led him. to "think oil, the lines he aterwards wrote'. And when they were written he went to a musie store to look for music likely to fat them baA Could not find any, Se he a them.. The song became popular at once, and hes remained so, . TO CLEAN THE OIL STOVE• ' WICIKS. , , When the asbestos rings of the Mg stove become bard and the oil fails to seek up through them, light one of amess.......comecnomosog. wEosTE G.ETOS PARTS and SERVICE Auto Starter and Generator Repair 559A Yonge St. . Toront is.ismssammumismoss ismalmsammalgstamm BETTER THAN • EVER s t dow;x. and wrote his own tune to s tb burners and turn the rings up -I 'actarn bed ebeets may be converted murdered by the burglars. Louisa beiia bed - nd said snel t tek them off so as riot the ehildrenee beds:. If net teo badly J thanked ra a f irentstab tsarp„ e try a 'fiebth L ot• worn they may be torn down the mid- i; its molted remove to h f ,tnastoons of ,t.,'rt11.13-, lide, the outer edges sewed together eteoees, and the_ 1:07It edges hemmed and the e.orts;10. the seetp:',.ian, sheet evnl be giant a new lease on life, grov•":, as it is the middle of the sheet that eliettee, the , wears, thin first.—G. 5. 811 r e • into erib sheets. or pillow casee for &Tina, like an eld and Vtl."V beautiful elm _ e Madonlaa evith her severely paxted would. try to lie down e little in. the d a * seresed 'seder tee bed. f But that isn t what I mean. Give i bent lower, inuaging perKonsise over ngers en her wrist, andsalthough he dbet.:tarliathyeeepat:cattrea hed ri si .... vt hee:„ y.' Tpiameitavip brightns tez. i sti-Ulde:b7oha ilihaj:t h3eletri wereei eodtaithw8ilealisce iioedn:;°10u.crtli:hyl;11akdes arnh in:les:a 184diget%Thferuer:1133rIcia dduerrililre.arrsI bsatlimetilliltel tlillag.asnlirrellsoyf adsisesgentiseefareat,i6eurid dralel'et. I worry about your brother. He mach d "" ff nearly all the fat and '1 egg SES FOR SANDPAPER. Sheets of sandpaper of eeveral • grades eherild be kept in every kit - 1 . Nothing aids so mach in clean- t ing the inside of a burnt- agate or iron 1 kettle ea.,' little square of .rather of pliers o e , • never' stirred. At last, brea.kilie-ber own rule, Catheiene herself jerked • and pulled the man to his feet; he 0 rou.sed. for* a moment, hat his bee ldropped upon his breast before he had - finished stammering an apology. She then oraerect the other musicians, to play a familiar lullaby, all pre.eent ' joining in the chorua as a tall guards- man at a sign from her picked am the sleeper RS if he were a babe and eaa•- ried him off to bed. A Bath of Blood. It is. considerable of an "tmeasion" when a piece of electrical apparatus is dismantled in India in order to • be superseded by nia.chine of laege ca- pacity.. Having observed, with muck wonder and admiration, the first cella- , ing of electricity, the -natives appar- eu.tly never get over their sense. of awe at the apparatus whirls proalutes the magic, current Henee, when it beeatne neCeSaary to take out of eformalesion a generator. rated at 'MO kilowatts, which 'was to be replaced. by a 3500 -kilowatt gener- , ator, due to enlargement of the elece tvical plaht maintained by ilia govern- -anent of MySore, the na.five coolies alio were called ulion ro ito the wor showed interest in an unexpected mare That le the seoret of the wen- derful "demand for "PrInte Edward" Fax Wire. MOST DEPENDABLE FOX WIRE IN THE WORLD Shipments receiveti regularly t from our Mills in England. Write or wire for Samples and lateet Price List. R. T. HOLMAN, Lhulted, to bur. n the fingers. NiIrshaejje tried this Sales Alients8lilerrfl'ITtC;fraZadr%"--P.E.. hair and p'laits, opened clapboards ars 4, 1 and at svoi-ks . . H. a Ruthven ,I, M. MeGallivray Alliston Pricerillo Miners:Pa ainimera Heals Cuts, asszegsslesesistesesseeseesea, asseletreasees Tf mmlight could be bottled and ad- , i vertised as a etre for eonsumptionn the-rf consumption would disappear. 4'14 C. W. Saleeby. leer. the Si snot! Quick. we mast ge own. e e.eted to lied bite Gt et"t-ST' id nit - Oli, there's Go uov 1 The smaller machine. which news of Hugo s agt e rea . been in serVice to tv enty-tv‘o e, • ed Geanit an Iris eva.y down merkee had been giving tunfoinils geo se , gardener, and he came renting alortg eratere.."Gnid.o, the Signor' has falsere take lino and was ateut eau en hen he met -Guide in the Old II \lee, 'alt1101:10.1 working und,er, he path from CI:ist7t4ge' 42311.11:12F that morning He had promised to 11 1 to . I think. Look to him, ' I - comae grade, rubbed smartly ham and , forth. The finer ante do not harm other teeking utensils and can he ueed 'en earthenware and heavy elinan. When throngb dyeing, aaways, gata ' the pan a geed rubbing with :end - aper te the little bits Of lagErt VII in the pores sereeleyer, ereaehed by thr diehcletle With the atid et n rubber eov.., the inside of lavatory be: grew wittite and c:can when 3 ublied with a coarse sandpaper . The bowl will also re- pand and tire 'tub itsell, but a erne grade should be czed for these. • When the clothesline has been kft itt the rain, rub a piece of sand - along it std rest assured titcl, eat •s wit tot be nlarkett 5iseth up the sadirons whrn atirks by running over im shesi the a dpaper-taeked to the stand. o btrio. BEAUTIFY IT WITH come at ence-' In a moment or bending over the whlchI:Mr Rages deft 'Gnifier's lantern stPL white face. gle is dead" as t erted C1111 1411 1.0113... the poeri. poor Signor!. cried, 7.1datidelina. "Help Me lift him tip," Lan said grimly. PI don't believe he's dead, Only' stunted, t think.. "Not deadl" 'Clententiee'S voice held elight edge ,atiSapppittraroat ttult • ra of vines it _ tii:Ygwee:et: was embed - Town and heard what lmad ba!ppl He sent his boy an 'alone to Inerkete and hurried up to the Villa 'retitle. Hugo was delighted to sce him and full of sea -importance; also fright- fully disappointed at not being ab.e to enjov his proinised treat- •' "You'il stay with rrie," be Pleaded. shc s�.I can't ,get around very and Je.en is ,lying down. How she an seep so rriuch 1 don't kto-w She's always lying about, and 1 liivird ,the doctor encoura&g her. She's a good woman, Jean—but just ast inclined to give in too eaSily. Look st me.:15xce$ for aching all over, 'al as right as rain- I was the. one at bad the ittentrIAnet jean. ,Yet, led ablest (To be coat d.) inging op• children k the most rEisgt itopett,ant bliSinesa, in all e. werld,aeldre, DeePlade, Pres. of Vreedotti Leag;t1t4 t WJtIa as Adliki Y.t, 017 "tweet ' 0:414%; 0Urt lWW,, i5d rtticotti t twit* atitiltisi,itt 40510 't -1 ittc. ml1lottiiklAr'#11110,144k actS:itivontotof Iftoi*;irSi I" Ils lltr*014 OileJtotittiOlittt, 1 44.,,4.414119 ' "DIAMOND DYES! Perfect home, dye - 'Mg, and tinting is • 41. Plit• rodati Dyes Just dits / cold water to tint;,, delicate shades, 1 boil to eye ?telt, 1 ermanent eolotS.i, Belch IV-eett package,- ceutatas directional se eirapiel 0111 mat 'can dye Or feat; ri'b- te, tires•see, coatki Venters, deaperies, cotere bale, stooking , ittpsinge, everytbilug .'.teletheod Dree---ikta ether kitit ye:ar .dragglet whether thdi dotteriol: State to abler di. tt,cot•:,cor,i. de' linen • 111 is)? neati, 112teoKrevvisilrhWeaartMeveeirry,,tio-- ,.rodni ItiyOur hotaset. It la, eogt811:rt4)hbetiP:i:Ate:Oridthco°;„ts loss -for filial than tany Heats both smail etid larAto beeteetrilth equal satisfaction waive; PAtkilcut.AVS OA MU tp al 3 'AlLIA111`.1)1,A NILO, oar. I overload conditions. It had (.4.cine" to be regarded ns part, of the °facial fninily , for years nast.. Anti tiie coolies wctill ' oot allow it to be taken cut, stetil. :they had performed !`puja.” • They had X•,o r. Will a slit -bp or a goet Mel spriekle 1,11/1 ' • bleed cra the machine. aqa,aar ileal. lied been' done, they set t4;•work ta die, mantle the apparatus itn„1 install the new one in its tine, The Roilloky Ronk. • Duce there was ,41, lIttio ro. elt ,• A-settlif on a hill I With nothily elso tit aii to 6.0 i Ut ,10t -keep tiettin still;, ; 13tit. 'soon a man sat on tbat yea ,- 1 A big a)id heavy ehap. . • 1 An Limn a girl ,sat down on h 'flight pb,nalp into his lop. 1 They said and suiti such runny thi 1gs, 'white they were $.:,ettttv sup Th.nt, r,opl JeSt ItUcked With latigitin' , An' ILO 'all roiled" doWn the la! , ' ' -Frederjek lIdet'Oti,,, . ,.