The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-25, Page 83M
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J1JI IlJ iII IUI Ilf I11iB11dl-'?IJ, Ilf �d>d�I1�fUJf1�i 111J�IJIJ�III�i 11 3�1 ! I
very man looks
his best, in blue
serge, especially i
the fashio able,
easy -fitting
RernarkabIe va
Cam* in and
try . it pa
Meet Us at
WinghamViingharn Fall Fair
e welcome you to our store. Make this store
your headquarters.
pecial Display of Ladies.
New . Fur Coats -5.
g ' of. Furs will 'be on display Fair Days
. dame vaxiery I� Y
Hudson Seal, Electric Seal, Muskrat and Coon.
Also Neckpieces —
oats, Suits, Dresses -Opening Day of the Ready -
to -Wear Camelhair Coats, ear Season - New Silk
and Cremaline Cloth Dressess.
air Day Specials
ens' and Young Men's Navy .Bene and Brown
Herringbone Suits $18.00.
Boys' All Wool Sweaters, "roll and V-neck, regular
$2.00, Special 98c.
Men's Broadcloth Shirts with separate collar,
white or blue. $r3.00.
Stanfield's All Wool Underwear, for Men, Women
and Children. '
to: i:A3.iru•
'iP LE
BIa'lTE A,
111rs, Belle I1'IeKellar of Sta'at,hroy;'
is visiting her mother, `Mrs. J. B. 'I'ay,
lo P,
lir. and Mrs. M. W. Telfer are
away.=thele vacation.
The Street Masquerade Carnival.
and dance held .on Wednesday night
was a most enjoyable social commun-
o imun-ity event: • The Highland Bud, of Sea-
forth, and the Towne orchestra of,
Wroxeter, supplied the music for the
Miss Madeline Stothers left for To-
ronto this week where she will attend
the Nor•riml School, r
Ms, John Taylor is renewing old ac-
quaintanoes in townafter an abscence
of twenty-three years. Hence he finds
many changes.
A good porportion of the electors
of Blyth met in, the Methodist church
last Friday evening to organize for
the approaching .0.,'T. A. Plebiscite.
After some discussion of the situation
and a careful examination of the Vot-
ers Listto whicha lengthy list of ad-
ditional names was recommended, the
following officers were elected to di-
i-rect the campaign, Chairman, Mr. A.
B. Carr; Vice Chairman, Rev, A. Tif-
fin, Mr. S. A. Popplestone; Secretary,
Rev. G. Telford; Treasurer, Mr. Jas..
Moody;' Council, Mrs. 'Bender, Mrs.
Meehan, 1Vl,rs. A. Elliott; Mrs, J. Arm-
strong, Miss E. Metcalfe, Mr, C. Fing-
land, Mr. E, Bencher, Mr. J. Rogerson,.
Mr. J. Smith. , ,
In St. Andrew's Church, Blyth, on
Sunday evening a vigorous and sweep-
ing indictment of conditions in. Brit-
ish Coltisnbia under Government Sale
of liquor was delivered by Rev. W \Ar.
Peck, Secretary of the Prohibition
forces in British Columbia. Beginn-
ing with a recital of " the promises
made by the Moderation League prior
to the establishment of the present
law, he showed ina convincing way
that not one of these promises had
been kept, hut that on the contrary,
conditions today were infinitely worse
than they 'could be under the most
loosely enforced prohibition laws. it
was promised that bootlegging would
automatically cease when Government
sale was established. Today it esti-
mated that there are six bootleggers
to one during prohibition and the il-
legal sale is the despair of the Gov-
ernment, The bootlegger can .under-
sell the Govermnent store and his
hours of sale are subject to no limit..
As a consequence disrespect for law
is widespread, and increasing. The
Attorney General of British Columbia,
has stated that the present moderation
is nowhere respected or enforced.
It (vas confidently asserted that un-
der Government Sale taxation would
El necessarily decrease owing to the
great :profits which would necessarily
adcrue from the traffic, It wt's, the
old fallacy that people could -drink,
themselves rich and the province IS
discovering the folly of it. Vancouv
_ er finds that to get- one dollar profit,
izel it must spend over thirteen for liquor
and in spite of this ,so called ,"profit"
taxation is steadily on the increase.
Mr. " Peck had his own tai: paPers.
for his home in Vancouver showing
that on the saine • assessment a city
tax of $68 for 1919 a prohibition year.
had risen to $14o in x923. It was
claimed moreover that prohibitionwas'
attracting many undesirable'.. citizens
and that under Government Sale this.
would cease and a higher type of rim-
migrant: come to the province. Today
however, the ,papers report a large
increase in crime and feature almost
daily' cases of housebreaking and safe-
blowing. Home life has beeminvaded,
B, C. has today much the highest di-
• vorce rate of any pvovince in, Canada.
Immorality has greatly increased. Bus-
iness -conditions are deeply affected by
the enormous drain of money for liq-
uor over twenty-nine millions of dol-
lars from June 1921 to September 1923
and business failures have risen from
42 in 1919 a prohibition year to. 162
in 1923.
fie The same pror'nises and statements
made by the Moderation League in 13.
a C. are being made today in Ontario
Abundant proof is available that prom-
ises of better conditions under Gov-
eminent Sale are quite vain and illus
ifs ory and even the poorest enforcement
of the present O. T. A. is infinitely
preferable to the deplorable conditions
which are`.certain to follow Govern-
ment Sale.
The 66th, Anniversat'Y of 1 ne
Church, Bleevale will be observed on
Sunday October sth. The Rev. Dv.
a ti' Toronto Secretary
of the Home Mission Board will plea,
ch at rz a•m. and 7 pp. All are in
-cited. to come and join in these . An-
niversary Services,
I r. and Mrs., L. H. Bosnian spent
the week -end with relatives at Col-
Mr, Albert Walker,put up a new
garage this week.
Mr, W.F, Vanstone shipped a car-
load -of cattle from here on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Anson Thorntgn spent:.
Sunday' at the horde ; of Mr. Wrn.Tho-
Mr. Eldon McKinney is relievingJas, Masters this week while' off on
Mr,; Wm. Elliott and Mr. Thos.
Henderson o£�; Wroxeter spent Sun-
day with frier here,
Mr, and Mrs. actin Farrow of Col-
lingwood spent Sunday with. Mr. and
Mrs. "Robe Musgrove.
Messrs, Black and Johnston ship-
ped a car of cattle and one of hogs to
Toronto Saturday,
Rev. Mr. Wilkinson gave a very fine
talk on the Temperance question ori
Sunday morning,Mr. Ding McDonald left on Mon-
day morning to attend Normal, at '10-
Mr. John Bosman returned to Un-
iversity at Kingston on Monday.
Mrs, .G. Snell: spent a few days with
her daughter'1Mrs. Coultess atListow-
Miss Mabel 'Johnston • left Monday
to attend Normal at Stratford.
Mr: Buchannan of Toronto spoke
on the Temperance issue in Presby-
terian church Sunday evening and was
much enjoyed by all present.: -
The ' funeral of the late Mrs.°Jos.
Underwood was largely attended on
Wednesday afternoon to Wroxeter.
Mr. Edgar. ,McMichael of Kitchener
was home over the week -end. '
Mr. and 1VIrs. Wm. Underwood of.
Wroxeter spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. John Hall.
J T- 1 x tson of
BELIWORE 1111 111
Those who attended the Young Pao -
plats Rally in 'SM,inghai», Monday, were
'Rev. and Mrs,; Me1'.enzie, Mrs. Met; rifil
calfe Miss' It+Iar g'aret Dickson, Miss
The Man who. Said:
"A man's at his best
when correctly
saw himself in
Smartly tailored, smart
pattern. The greatest
value we have offered for
many a season
The body of Miss Annie' Pickering
who was drowned on.Aug. loth, in a
suberb of Detroit, was• recovered on
Wednesday last, the remains being for-
warded here for burial from the home
of her Mother., Mrs. John Pickering
T1111111111111111i1110111111111811110111111111111111111111111All 111 11111111 11111111 111E111 MI10111E111 111111111110
Mr, and Mrs Will Falconer and Er-
nest of Blnevale, spent Sunday with
his untie, Mr, Sohn Falconer,
Thos Henderson. and family spent a
few days last weak with his sister,
Mrs, (Dr) Jamieson of Barrie.
days at Paris, and' with las sister at
rampton talting his work in his
'abMseill:sc. Alia Alexander of St, Angus -
'am, is Visiting with MrS. Andrew Fox,
and Mrs, Fred Stanley of Luck -
:now, spent last Thursday with Mts.
Duncan Kennedy,
Mr', and Mrs. Duncan :MacGregor
id family of Teeswater, spent Stitt-
4tY with 114 parents here.
Misses Annie Armstrong and Alba
Vox Spent a few days last week with
Miss Isabel Vox of Galt,
Mr. and Mrs, IR,obt, Mowbray and
family sperit Stintio,Y with Me, and
Atrs„ Dan 'McKenzie of Teeswater.
Mt, and Mrs, Weeley Leggatt and
children ,of Bluevale, spent SundaY
with ,11r, and Mrs. facpittes,
Our chick,en thief l$ agana at large,
's time they Pleked tip six of Mrs.
a. matte fine turkeya,
childien. spent Sunday With her par,
eras, Mr, and Mrs, Andersoa of St,
HeTlhelels'Anniversary Services held in
the Methodist church here on Sunday
were a great success.
Mrs, Orser and Mr, and Mrs, Geo,
Orser of Goderich, also Rev, and Mrs.
Cousens of Lucknow, spent Sunday
wily*Mr, and Mrs, Fred Mowbray,
Mr. and Mrs, Ilerson Irwin, and'
children spent Sunday with his uncle,
Miss Elaine Bossenberry of Grand
Bend, spent a few days last week with
Miss. Robena Young.
Mr. and. Mrs. jas, Young and Don-
ald were it Detroit last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dow and Mr,
and Mrs. Simon Dow front Hibbart,
are visiting with the former's neph-
ews,. Mrs. Wellington and fames Dow.
Miss Thurso. and Gordon MeBurney
of Teeswater, spent Stmday with their
aunt, Mrs. joint McGee,
Friends atidneighbort id this com-
munity sympathize with Mr. and Mrs,
Ellsha Walker and Harold ,in the hes,.
vy loss of their barn and 'driving shed
&mg with season's drop which ,Was
all wiped ont by fi're on Saturday last,
Irene Mundell, Miss Agries, 1Zet,h0r�- ford, Roy, Eleanor and Minnie 5effray
The afternoon, meeting was held in !li-
the Parish Hall, with. Angus 1VfcKay, , r
Wlaiteciiurcb, presiding,
Rev, and Mrs• McKenzie, Mr. and
Mrs, J. R, Douglas and Minnie Jeffray
motored to Tiverton on Friday. SI
Miss Pearl Douglas and Mr, J. !'.1-1@
Scott were ai'nong those who took in
the Mildmay Fair on Tuesday.
Those who failed to hear D. Mc-
Kinnon in 'Teeswr Prebyterian. I g
church on Sunday mateissed a rarestreat,
Mr. Win. Mundell was taken down
last- week with an attack of lumbago. ii.
-Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hudie and
son, Harold, of Seaforth, were Sell -
day visitors at Mr. and Mrs. N.' Mc- i'
Neil's and Mr. EImer Rine and sister, --•
Miss Maggie of Walton, also were
Sunday visitors at N.McNeil's,
Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur Wilsota of
Wingham, were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr, and Mrs,-John'Metcalfe,
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Appleby ;left
last Tuesday for Iowa, U,S., where
they will visit with relatives'there for.
a few weeks.
Misses Annie Metcalfe and Mary
Eadie, also Messrs. Howard Wylie and
Eldon Renwick were• the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie, Cathers last
da ,'
Mr, and 1vtrs, Andrew Gamble of
Salem, visited at the'horne of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Muir.
Harvesting; in this ]3urg is pretty
well finished all report a good crop„
Mr. John Wright and son were
down near Harriston, ,helping his bro-
Mr. Henry' Woods is this . week go-
ing through an X-ray -treatment. '
Mrs: Clare Pritchard has been very
sick, under the Doctor's care,
Mr. and Mrs. „George Baker v ere
calling oh Mr. Robert Baker on Mon-
day last -
The St. Augustine' Women's Insti-
tute will hold their regtilar monthly en - .stet
meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Me.
Allister On. Wednesday, Oct.• est. A ,
paper will. be, given by Miss Annie' 2 •PI .ou
5�l '
111 NI :III iimm IIpUNI umiiIN 111
husstla , e t;�rnbez 0$th.,.;'19241,,!
ti X11'Il0Il1 1d1 111 11101tl dll ll11011011t Ili III hila '
" our MI ',.r:•' your hea quarters.
E'''rie yi ur r . ps •, ud meet
yo , r friends here.
e le In
t 3
e Le
of Paramount, the, funeral being held ,Robinson and music furnished by Mrs. l
on Friday afternoon to` Greenhill ce- W. Itenihan. A good- attendance is
metery. Services were conducted by requested,
Rev. R. McCallum and, Rev. Mr. Har q
cly of Ashfield. The floral' of er ngs
were very beautiful. Much sympathy
is extended to the bereaved.
Mrs. Dave Thompson is away on a
trip to friends in Saskatchewan.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas: Stewart and fa-
mily visited. friendsinStratford last
tail, spent a few days recently with
her daughter, Mrs. Melvin Raynard of
Bora—To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ja-
mieson neat- Paramcntnt, a son. Con-
gratulations. .
Mr. and Mrs, W'm. Lova Item Mar-
noch, called on their rela,,ives on the
Toth con, Thursday afternoon.
'The W. M, S, of the Ashfield Meth-
odist church met at the home of Mrs,
Richard Johnson, oth eon.. Thursday
afternoon. It was Well attended,
Mrs, John Emmerson of Kinlotigh,
spent -a fe3v days with her father and
mother, Mr. and Ralph Nixon
of Belfast. .
Mr. Jim Henry of Fleshed:on, spent
a few days with his parents,--M-r. and
Mrs. Robert Henry of Belfast,
We are sorry to report the sextons
ilfness of Mrs. Robert Ritchie of Lail -
Mr. and Mre*Will Baldwin, Mr.
Gilbert Vint and daughter, Mary, were
over to Marneeh on Sunday to see
Mrs. D,'Dlinba.r. We are sorry to s8y
She is not improvieg as we would like
to hear.
Mr. Thomes Taylor and. son, Har-
rison from 9th ton, West Wawanosin
spent Sunday afternoon zit the borne
of Mr, Gilbert Vint's. "
Mrs. James Cook and son, fohn,
motored to Toronto, and are -pending
a few days there. '
The Rev, Mr, Ferguson Miller, 13,
A, of Penticton, 13, C, spoke on the'
present Temperaece issue in the East
.Ashfield Presbyterian church en Stm-
day afternoon,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Irwin, Toth eon.
spent Sunday in Lucknow with then:
uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Wm
Mr, and Mrs,
n eek,
Mr.. and-1VIrs. Ed: McQuillan And
family have returned horne from a mo-
tor trip to Hamilton and Grimsby.
Miss Edna Rivers has gone to New.
York where shewill complete her
course in nprsing at. Bellevue Hospi-
Mrs. F. Cole accompanied her sister
Miss •l/.f,attie Ferguson, R.N., who has
visited'her for a couple of months, to.
her home in. Woodstock.
Mrs. Robt. Mullin visited last week
with friends in London and Koniolca,
Miss Belle Murchison spent the
week -enol at her home at Glenannan,
Miss Verna McQuillan comiienced
her deities as teacher' in a school- at
Chippewa, on Monday of last week.
Miss Jessie ; McLean of Kincardine
and Miss Pearl Campbell of Ripley,
visited friends in town) last week.
Mr. and 1VIrs. Jos, Thompson and
son, Robert, of Pickford, Mich., visit -
e& friends at Wingham, Lucknow and
Ashfield'last week.
Mrs, Tarltonand Miss Woods who
Spent. the past month with :heir par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Woods ie
turned' to Detroit last week, they were
accompanied by Dr. Woods and fam-
ily who motored up fdr• the we`ek• end.
Mrs. Alex, McCarroll of Lucknow,
spent the week-end,with Mrs. W. S.1
Mrs, Henry Gardner and'
son, Lane, spent Sunday with Robert
Ritchie,s' at Lanes.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Spindler of tuck -
now, spent Sunday with Mr. Leslie
McKeith of Zion West.
Mr. Irwin of Luck -now spent
the week -end with Thos. Hackett of
Maple Grove.
The anniversary of Zion church will'
be helcl on Oct. r2th. Rev. Mr,.Wilk-
noon.and evening.' A hot fowl supper
will be served in Zion Hall the Mon-
day evening following with a grand
Mr. and Mrs. Martin EarroW of
Collingwood, spent alew days visiting
among relatives and friends,
Mr. and. Mrs, Bert Tasker of Blyth,
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. 5,
Mr, Henry Mathews spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Owens,
Mr, and Mrs,* Murray Johnston and
children spent the week -end with Mr.
Harvest Home services wore held
in the Anglican church on Sunday, the
church was nicely decorated with fruit
and flowers. The church was filled
to overflowing and a splendid sermon,
was given by thc rector of Brussels
Anglican church. The thank offerieig
ambutited ovet one hundred and
sixty dollars. "
Mrs, Isabella Patterson wishes to
thzink all who have been so kind" in
bringing her lovely flowers and all,
otlie.r ince tokens, in her long illness,
We are Serry to say Mrs. Patterson is
not improving as her many friends
would wish. .
Miss Mal twain spent the week vlSit-;
*ng boundary friends,
Miss Mabel fohnston has gone 10
the Norrnal at Stratford. Success, 011
, And Mrs, Dotoss Taman and 110
children or Blyth, spent Sunday at the 1111
home of tee Breckenridge,
Sorry to hear that Mrs, liocietvvood
, died in the Mritighatrt
11 '1111E111P
tug Sh
Hsu 11
record, eh! The jubilee services in connectiori
0,, visited- friends here last
program of voca/ and Instrumental near Bluevale, spent Sunday with Mr.
music in the church. anmd Mr. tsa.oAd„ ;aril. Higgins of
Mr. Jas. Ritchie is at present thres
ing for the farmers in the Groves,
is Mr. Ritchie's 35th season,
with the church held -here last, Sun- t
Mr. and Mrs. John Fortune of the
Soo, are' at present viiting with Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Mines and other
friends around here.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fralick visited
friends near Teeswater last Sunday.
Mr and Mrs, Harold Weir of Clif-
ford, called on the former's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. D. L. Weir last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gallaher from
day men n g aa even n we
.attended, The Rev. Mr. Cragg -of
Witigham, preached two very able and
eloquent sermons. The choir also ren-
dered very appropriate selections. Tki.
is the son. anniversdry connecti.
with;the church.
'The Epworth League aud Sabbath
School will hold services next Sunday '
Sabbath School will be withdrawn du-
ring these services.
It 1
While at the Fair make Our Store Your Headquarters
a s
Your demands shall have personal attention. The newest and best Fall
1Viercha.ndise in every department -and ready for your inspection.
NorthNvay Garments!
Dresses of Crepe Satins, CanIon Crepes, Wool
Crepes, Flannel, Etc.
Coats of Cut Duvetyn, Bolivia, Velour, Cameline,
Teddy Beak Cloth ZebelMe Etc.
Fur Coats-Lrersian Lamb, Hudson Seal, Natural
Coon, Muskrat, Electric Seal, Etc.
Fur Choke.rS and Scarfs—Fox, Coon, Hudson
Seal, Fisher, Etc.
Each Garment Fully Guarahtee
' Silks, Velvets, Silk Xnits, Broadcloths, Satins, Canton, Crepe de Chene and
Canton Satins, New Fall colors, Exceptional values.
Everything for Your Fail Needs
New V(ibol Crepes, Poiret Twills, Tricotines, FlannelS, Suitings and Serge