HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-25, Page 7^ Fee ',I go. wan,A,/vx agrese.- Ellardnate the Now -Producer. money you spent, but to diseOver What ess Side �f Hosekeeping you get aor what you spent, Keep , very simple aceoinits under the same BY ceaaRee, INGRAM JUDSON, „ Often vae speale of home making as budget alWAYS Seern to have a re aomethiog of a job, but we seldom for just such emergencies, else the word in the sense that ho nie Supppse you were going to bx. making is a position a economic im- house this SUrraner. You, being o portance-a real business. ed to Plan -Ding -budgeting-- w Yet home maltiag is actually the call a contractor, and say, $'1'm•g biggest business in the world Elnd it to build a !louse and I want yo . . is for homes that all other econsuoic make the Irving room big enoug enterprises are conducted. To be sure onlan cora or a e. aim the e b serve down figures only, unless for some . reason you feel you would like a talon' of additional information. Dees 'goat; It takes very little tifire. Some days you will spend nothing; eome days u xlto you will he.ve so many items you may h t decide to set them down on a scratch ,headings used. in your budget. Rave a line across. fot each day arid set °, pad first ------- - k • ' everything ,before you start the home is not a business run to fireplace large enough for those fine; plll'utteihrg them in, your book. I logs in the back age:idiot and be stir Make money, It is run to make happy and efficient people. To a large extent the housewife is the manager of the home business. You know we live in a day of spe.ciel- ization. and we attain great skill by assigaing to each person a definite job and then deinanding of him leis very best work. ' So it has come about that men have the principal responsibility for pro- viding the income and women the task if administrating the home. The two jobs, divided in that way, make a fine working partnership. Now this job of manager of the home concern has many disadvan-' tages as well as advaatages and it's not surprising that the disadvantaiges may sometimes seem pretty big. For one thing, there is no direct re- lation beteveen the home manager's increa.sed efficiency and an increase in her pay --indeed some home maxi- agors have hard work finding a sal- ary, to „say nothing of an increase! Another big disadvantage is the lack of competition in the job. Don't you know how itis -the very minute absolute essentials of living; there to save up pentiy by pennydime c I ,At the end of the month, add up all to catch the sunshine." to have the paritry wiadow face south the columns and put the totals Your Yearly page at the back of the He would look a little dazed at such, book. If you are slow at figures as 1 e rambling instructions and he'd rePlY, I am, it may take you an hour, but "But where are your blue prints?" I You, mug opposed to .. plans, Would] think it an hour well epent. i i when you see th It will , , I answer, "Oh, we're not having any, i You earl see your mistakes -of plans for this house. 'You just begin, course we all make them, but once we t and from time to' time as I think of See them down in' black and white, a things, I'll tell you and you can put' we don't make the same mistalee-;, them in." twice, Indeed, no! • You couldn't, let a contract like ow there is one objeetion to all t Probebly the greatest hindrance to the profiteble keeping- of poultry on the ordinary farm is the retentipn of a lot of fowl that are poor layers, due either to their being too old or of type to produce meat rather th: eggs. The production of eggs is the en of the poultry business in which th poas:itypr:fitprcoadniKbinegmtyaic)lee, issothtehatytp e g that is .best suited to ordinary farm coeditions. Generally speaking, the pullet yea is the nmet profitable period of a hen's ie. It is advisable, therefore, either to, mark the chicks when hatched, us - ng a different mark for each year, or to band the pullets when tliey are put nto winter quarters, so that at mill ng time the age of the different bird may be seen at a glance and onl hose that are required for breedin urposes retained after the firs ear's production. For the careful breeder the use o he trap -nest is the logical means t ull the flock but the ordinary farme oes not use trap -nests so that reli nce must be placed on ,physical char eteristics. The high producer will le otind to be of an active disposition arly off the rodst in the morning an ate to go to roost at night and al ays busy.- Her head will be clea 'ft, face smooth and free from rankles, with bright proxninent eyes kin soft, pliable and of fine textur nd a general appearance of health and vigor. a FARM WORKSHOP PAYS. There is no part of the farm, equiP- d alent will? has a greater- share in aittilYewaecril'n_d•Veine;e0t:elidrile inlaept,itisff a t(htie(mLanParrio prosper- ity "shop" I do not mean an alley - r way to the pig Pene or corn crib, or an old shed in which are thrown all the odds and ends of the farm. Nor does the term suit xne when applied to a room some 10x12 feet, more or less, which has a few tools hung on the walls, a bench or table on one side .which is so loaded with nondescript s left -overs, dirt, etc., that one indis- y tinctively. plaies away from it; while g the floor is filled, except for a path extending from the door, to some- where ie the room, by barrels, f boxes and discarded pieces of wood o and inetat Can you picture the place? ✓ Of course, there is no such shop on _ your farm but you can visualize one on --)S farm over across the river! e . Such a hop vein serve as a catch- , all -a place where search may be d made for son. bur, bole, odd scrap or- _ piece of repair material, but it falls ✓ far short of a real farm "service station."' ' , MOST SHOPS TOO SIVIALL. e Some farmers have shops vehicle, while they lack several of the essen- tials of a real farm 'shop, serve a very useful purpose. For example, I re - recently visited a farmer friend. One of my auto tikes caused trouble while there. My tire tools were too blunt to- suit ney host. said: "Just let me fix those tools for you."' His shop wee only a few steps away. Kindling was .ready to start a fire in the forge. In just a few minutes the tire tools had been heated' and drawn out to the desired thinness just as well as any blacksmith could have done it. But to speak of his shop. It is a one -storey building about like a single garage, fairly well equipped ,with bench, vise, grinder and forge,. is in orderly condition, but is too small to e of the greatest service. It has only I 1C that! . ' this budget -making business and it's a c We don't do tha't planless way even real objection nota:little trumped-up d thing as making a drese. in such a relatively unimportant one like h V- „a Yet in this very important business it, Pm going to And because I know how te get around a of epencling mon,ey-the tusinees we drag it right out on f the page and tell you about it. le well know is going -to affect our hap - There are folks who don't like to piness and development -We say, set down every, nickel spent. To w 'Oh, what's the use of planning?" the truth, we're all a little that way,' c But once we have tided planned spend- It isn't that we spend foolishly or w ing, we would no more live without a wickedly. Rather it is that we event s budget than without food. It becomes something to epend just as we like a a necessity. ' , with, no questions asked or details a 'START WITH THE THREE ESSENTIALS. publiSheCl: • I W lack 0 he malting a biedget, figure first the After all, I ask you, is it Much flint vi;Cull all bird .tba gor, a eluggish lazy disposition, a cox -se rough head With overhanging somebody wants something you have, are three -shelter, food and clothing. by clime for a family treat and then' eyebrows an inclination to break you value your possession; the more? We are interested not. only in hav- have the family open the account book, dew, behind, or that show heavy de - The mere matter of a spring hat is Mg -a roof ov,er our heads; we want and say "Oh that cost 49 ti • • quickly decided if the next customer begins eyeing a hat you had hardly noticed -376u want the thing the other woman hankers for. But where is the competition for dishwashing and cooking? It does not seem to exist! THE LUCKIEST WOIVIAN OE ALL. But when we consider the advan- tages -we could list a dozen had we the space! e Tehe freedom— "Now. don't talk to me, about free- dom," exclaimed one -Woman, as she vigorously interrupteclef,alk on my Pet hobby one day. "How can you sug- gest such a thing when we are eo tied down every day?" I wonder if we are any --different from. 'other folks and their jobs? Isn't -every man or woman tied. down to doing. the seine thing day after -day -whether it be in office or factory or kitchen or farm? And as for freedom, do you know otanyone who may be so free while doing her daily tasks as the woman who lives ob. a farm? She is free to plan. her Work aeshe pleases, tucking in a bit of recreation hrn aud there if she is a skillful lannet; she is free to enjoy fresh ir and a view as she works; .she is free to sing and to think as she works, and to pack infinite variety into her day's work -cooking, house- keeping, gardening and poultry tend- , . . . . ing are mixed in with sewing and marketing. . As we .study our job we find that we have only tw-o things to work with - the family income and our time. And the success and happiness of family life will depend upon, our skill in gets ting fullsvalue out of this dual capital. It is a bit easier to organize the in- come because it is something we can see and handle, so we will talk about it nett, The first step in organizing the 'money part of home making is to find the amount of income. Sometimes this appears so difficult that many well- meaning people stop right there and aoaeoever get any farther in lonae organ- ization. The firmer has has good and bad seasons. Fortunately the law of averages helps over this difficulty, We may not know what weniave this year, but we can find out what we made last year and the year before that. Go bacic feve years if you can -never take less than three -and. add to- gether all five incomes. Then find the average. In case of doubt, esti- mate too low rather than too high; it is always easier to epend more than to cut down carefully made plans. And be sure to remember all the various side lines of business and count in all the butter money. the chickens, garden teuck and the like. , Count in all sources of income -it pays to know. The probable income determined, you can now consider the spending. • A plan Sge spending money is called a budget. Some people think a budget is a list of percentages, and as they dislike Arithmetic they let budgets alone, Others think it is a household .ac- count, which of course it isn't. Some plan their' spending in their heads and ate quite unaware that they are fol- lowing a budget. Of course a marital budget is better than none; but a vriteen-clowe. budget is best, for when figures are actually ort paper they tom be carefully stu-clied and con- sidered. Sometimes people say, "What's the use of malting a budget? No sooner do we get started than Susie gets the measles and theee's a doctor's bill. Or Johnnie wears Out hie shoes. I'll epend money when heve it, and when it's gone, we'll de without --- that's all there is to it!" Of eisurse the budget didn't cause the measles and Johnnie woeld have ly0111 out his eliciee, anyway -boys ekwaye do! do that's no case against „--iidget., And one cannot help but notiee that families who operete on a that place warna and light and c fortable. So under the general he mg we include. fuel, light, telephone, household supplies, repairs, taxes and all the many expenses that are .nec- essary to make a house a. home. A. instead of calling it shelter we call that operating expense, for it all money needed to operate the home. Under the heading of food we chide. all money needed to feed household. Doubtless some food, p haps considerable, will be taken fr the home.garden and will not be paid for in cash. It is a wise thing to keep a fairly accurate record of such home- grown food; also an estnnate of market value. This record will sh how the garden pays and will give courageniene to the gardener: In allowing. the clothing mon figure a separate sum for each me ber of the fan -illy,' and, as soon possible,- lee the children inane their own clothing fund. A separa clothing account balks to encoura more careful persona and to train t more careless members a the fan -illy. • It is a very good idea to have a double budget for clothing, one for the least you can possibly manage get along on and one for a more ge erous income. Then if this ye doesn't prove to be veryd, can manage to get along on the low income; but if it is a good year, you have already decided on a fair di- vision so that all may enjoy the great- er prosperity. - . These three necessities planned for, we must make provision for food, shelter and clothing in the future. That means we must set aside some money for investment. In actual practice, this investment money shoed be planned for first of all, because w are much more likely to save if w save first. , Those four departments of living important as they are, do not includ all of life. , ,We want to be wiser, better peopl for every year of living. So some o our money must be spent foe- advance meat. That means we must allow money for doctdr and dentist and va „ cation -that's for physical advance- " posits a internal fat, as evidenced leY onie other night, didn't it!" We to ad- keep a little something to ourselves n a thick skin b o en that is and an a d • harch,and firm- to the touch. In con- . NO' QUESTIONS ASKEn. treat te this the heavy layer will have t So a our houee we have personal skin that is fine in texture and the ad: allowances paid monthly' to each mem- abdomen Will be &eft and pliable. Thiel. an I her of the family. Each person re- last feature- is one on which great as! ceiving an allowance keeps his or her weight should be placed, but in cullingl own private account and then reports reliance should be placed on a corn - in_ to the family bookkeeper at the end bination of features ' rath'er than on the of the month, giving the totals only' any one feature. er- " 1 of moneys spent. These are set clown! ---,--e om under. the proper columns and 11° How to Start Bee -Keeping. b 4, S. A. f t But rny husband would never keep S A Strong. Huron wishes. A REAL womesHoP. an account," said a wciman at a meet- Itn"r how he should start bee -keeping. 1 By writing to the Publications Now let me tell you what are the ing two ears ago, " 1 ld 't d , - its that" - Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa, essentials of% real, honest -to -goodness he can secure several publications re- maximum profit-making farm work - OW "Oh, yes you could," I assured her. en- "Keep an account of all you 'know af-e3r,r4i,iBagess thereunto, but Bulletin No. shop. abOut• and simply charge the rest to and How to Keep Them,"le '1. -It should be a separate building °Zs' him. Don't bother him aboat it. 'Put by C. B. Gooderham, Dominion Apiar-I -a: distinct unit of the group of faem "L- down all the main expenses as you ' ist will give him all the instant in-lbuildings. It should be placed where as -know them. That will give you much formation required. No charge is' it will be most convenient to ba.rns, g2 more knowledge about your home! made either for the bulletin or poet -1 tool shed, hose, and where it will, age. Incidentally it enight be stated produce the least fire hazard, ue biesiness than you now have, and with ge that start yob. will find the way of do- that Mr. Goderham gives the follow -1 2. -It should be somewhat larger he ing better." i - ing equipment as necessary for mak- than a double garage with plent f ques ions a e 11 door entrance. to sms Two colonies of bees in modern where the cars would stand. The most rushed up to me with open arms. • lift works, the cried happily, it hives , two hives complete with of this space should be devoted to a nt! Works just rffine and we're getting; increase; for these two hives 2y2 and power plant, whether it be motor, frames; floor boards and covers for work bench, stove forge' drill press , a start with two colonies Of bees: space, say twelik feet, in front of This spring.' saw her again and she -I ing along wonde ullY. I pounds . of. light or 'medium 'brood farm electric or gas engine. a.• al. I knew she meant a budget, for of . oun a ion, one No. 1 bee smoker; one or course a budget works .when it's given' be veil. one pound No. 28 tinned a a c ance. To Feed Soft Corn .Safely. Sick pigs and soft corn are twin troubles for a lot of farmers. They 3. --There should be a lineshaft overhead and placed so that the tools wire; one spur or electric wire ern- my occupy as little space as possible, beddor; one -hive toot yet still be convenient for work. a Six deep or ;twelve Shallow For extracted honey production- 4. -There should be a few feet supers more width to the building than is fitted with frames; seven and one- required for a double garage. - cannot avoid having soft corn, but a few precautions wi. lessen the half pounds of light brood foundation; 5. -The floor should be of concrete. ' '11 tveo wire queen excluders; two bee 6. -The walls, roof, doors, etc., Chances for sick Pigs. escape boards fitted with bee escapes; should be as nearly wind -proof as pis - To take a pig off pasture or sound one -----hontracto "th 12 ' ' y e. t would be very superior if the d grain and throw him into a soft -corn 18 -inch baskets; uncapping knives. walls were of hollow building tile. ;e field. or throw soft corn to him ie to For comb honey production e Eight Regardless of what the- materials invite disaster. He should :be accus- comb honey supers; about 300 sec- used are, the point to be attained is tomed to this new and, to his waY of tions; four pounds thin foundation; to have a shop which !nay be made thinking, meet likeable feed slowleh two wire queen e 1 d , . q xc u ers; two bee , Better give him a two-thirds ration escape boards fitted with bee escapes. - of oats or learleY with one-third ,, soft -Manufacturer's catalogues giving a corn far a few days, grach1-1131' ..'inh pricee can be obtained free on appli- - creasing the corn and decreasing the .. . cation. f lighter grains. And at. all times keep a mixture of salt, soda and lime be- . . • fore him. A' lettle care along these nes will save many a pig. And how. ey do grow and fatten on soft corn, meat; fox- books and music, maga.zines and radio, higher education for the tankage and alfalfa! children and farm and home clubs for Haphazard spraying s o ei not grow in a patch which is allowed the grown -ups -that's mental ad- Little or no benefit, .usually ' to become a 'mass of plants. ' vancement; money fdr church and -It is not so much the work we do, as that we bring to something all, our best. Strawberries and raspberries can - ch arit ye-th at s our material expres- sion of 'spiritual grewth, While the children are little a is TRIkINING OiJR CHILDREN ..•••••••••••••••••••,•• an excellent plan to „start an educa- tional fund building up tow •d th days when they, will be ready fox. col- lege, A reserve fund is a big help and even a small aanual saving Will count uP delightfully. MONEY FOR FUN. )3ut even all that is not the whole of living, for all work and no play make Jack and 3111 very dull neigh. hors; we want to lay aside sonae money each year for fun. Budget makers usually call that luxury money and they don't mean sealskin coats and diamonds -either. They mean movies and trips end social pleasures and any sort of fun one wishes. But remember this, fun money must be as well spent as any other; it must give us relaxation, pleasure, and a zest for going bacle to work. Otherevise it's wasted. At bur house we make a budget -on New Year's Day With every member of the family gathered around the dining-roni table ready to offer an opinion or suggestiora But if you hate never made a budget, don't wait till next New Yeale-to-day is badget day foe you. And be stiee to let everg member of the tirnily sit in on the conference. By this time someone has doubtlese started to say, "Ali that sound ,e eesy. But after the budget, is made --what happens then? How eat you tell' that the budget is followed?" 'fliat'e easy tee, You keep o system- atic actount---not to tell bow much The Difficult Parent We read and hear of the difficul hushand, the difficult wife, and chil deka that are diffietilt, but who eve heard of a difficult parent being dis cussed. Still there are pletty of them A child is a human being, even' a BY Helen Gregg Green t Jimmy's mother hurried the trem- bling child off to bed, while I, troubled r by the 'incident, started home. - My first room -mate at college, who • now has two small daughters, one 8 seven, one nine is another exaraple you and I, although we sometime impose upon thildren simply because WO can, I wee invited to dine with a young attorney arid his wife not long ago. Jim phoned, asking us not to wait dinner for him; he had been. in court all day and Would be late. As we finished dinner, he sauntered in looking tired aid glupx, He threw his hat on the davenport, giving hia wife and six-year-old son a perfunc- tory kiss. He ate hurriedly; then joined us, As he entered the -roam, his eyes turned towards his son, playing on the davenport. Suddenly he blustered, "James, Jra you're sitting on my hat!" In a moment he completely lost his self-conteol, his teMper flared, and Shinny, Jr., 'received a SeVere scolding. S of such a parent. She is high-strung The • child turned white,and tetras atarted &ern' his little cheeks, "Daddy, I'm eorey.. 1-aea.‘" "There, none of your tear e and excuses, ;vexing man. Yolfre . a fine specimen of cai.elessnesS!" Again the unjust 'anger of the father Was heap- sa Upon his child, all because he'd Oat his ease in eoart that deed and fussy, allowing and encouraging trifles to worry arid irritate her. Her children pay the price for these moods. Naturally they, too, are developing a first-class set of "nerves." One day I met them skipping home from school. "Oh, gee, Aunt Cassie, we do hope Mother is in a good hue mon She's such a dear when she's happy," anima/aced the older child. "Yes," hesitatingly, "but I tell you, she's awful unreasonable, when -- she's cross," offered little Midge,„ "And, do you know, ehe gete cross at xis over the funniest things!" The little brows puckered. Strange, 1st t at, that parents fail to realize the danger of alienating their ehildeen's affections when indulging in these diffieult and uneeasonable moods/ , Plow we all love the person who tiaderetands our feelings and dialike the one with whoin We Must eilwaye bo guarded! 111 them lie becoineS a bore. And, after all, thildeen are clot like ;us, , X think theY Mime feel the same Wily, don't yen/ comfortable for work, in winter Hen I7. -There should be an abundan , of windows so that light may b ' plentiful on all sides of any piece o work that is being handled. 8. -It would be entirely possible to place the feed grinder in one side of the shop if the farm does not use the shop as a garage. 9. -Drawers, shelves, hooks, etc. should be planned and placed so as to keep all tools, bolts, nails, screws, ma- terials, etc., etc., in convenient places, , xes, e c., for special uses e. ce should be labeled. This will aid great- ly in keeping things in their places. 10. -It is not necessary to furnish plans and specifications for such a building. The size and shape may be varied somewhat. It may be built of the finest materials and have the drawers, etc., made by a cabinet maker. Or, it may be made of rough lumber by a hammer and saw car- penter; A rough lumber shop may be made very serviceable and also very attractive by covering with a heavy, three-ply slated roofing nia- tenial, strip• g ,up and down on siciewalls and stripped at laps and midway between laps. This makes a good fire -resisting wall, too, REASONS POR LARGE SHOP. Why dal urge a large shop? There are Many reasons for it. 1. -Perhaps the foremost teaser' for it is that it gives room to work in shelter tied protects from the winter's blaete or summer's rain, A big stove May be put in mid the shop made per- fectly comfortable for many days a Winter work. 2. -It enablea farmer to do many of his most expeneive jobs. It costs money to hire a garage man to over- haul a tractor or automobile. Most jobs of fitting Up ferret tools having broken parts are aegieeted becauee of the heavy cost of taking the machine to town for w,ork. 8 -opportunity is given to Make use of power in euntsing totals. Palen- ers who have -hooked the grindstone, drill pike.% and other toole ttp to, motor or engine DONA' Are the onds who eealiy appreciate the advantage& of Whig engine grease rather than (Abe grease. Such power tools aa .can b Rat into a good shop are great labo savers. They add much to the ef cieecy of the farm. The number and quality of such labor-saving equip- ment are limited only by the resoorce- fulnees of the faviner, ' 4, -Opportunity is given to capital., ize idle winter days and rainy days for all kinds of repair work and the construction of many aew things which may be used to great advan- tage on the farm. If you take your car to town to be ovethauled--and nearly every auto should be overhauled each winter - you will pay $1.00 to $1.50 per hour for the time of the mechanic to do the job. Why not make money by doing the work yone.self in your, own shop? 5. -With large doors any farm Ma- chine can be taken into the shop for work. A hay or other reek, etock crates or large pieces of farmequip- meat may be made by the fire in win- ter. Painting or other jobs may be done. Horses may be taken into the shop to have their feet trimmed ca shod. MOst industrious farmers can make such a- shop pay for itself in one year, Nle. re y farm neiOtborhood • free from friction., 'It various causes, Soreeti 11 - MAY REARRANGE BUILDING. On many farms there is already a building or shed -maybe an old house or one end of a tool shed -which can easily baremodeled into a good shep. Just a small amount spent in build- ing or 'remodeling a shop in which the "mechanics" of the farm can be centred, may be Made the means of saving the faem-or adding to the net incorne--over $500 per year. If you have a big boy with a me- chanical turn of mind give him the job, with your friendly suggestions and supervision, of planning„and put- ting the shop on the farm. Then pay him good wages for overhauling all machines which need overhauling. You will soon discover that the boy is more interested in the farm! Crops in Eastern Canada. In a report dated August 21 on the state of crops in Eastern Canada, the Dominion Seed Branch at Ottawa notes that, generally speaking, the situation in the Maritime Provinces is fair, although in some districts, principally in New. Brunswick, drought has been experienced with lightcrops as a result. An average crop of hay is promised in all three provinces. In Quebec, forage crops are good excepting corn, and hay is up to the average. --Dairymen are stocking with a supply of feed for some months, in anticipation of high- er prices for feed concentrates. In some districts of Ontarip haying has „suffered from an excess of rain. In portions of south-western Ontario a phenomenal 'crop ,of fall wheat is re- ported, runuing from 30 to 40 bushels per acre. Prices per bushels are around 80 cents higher than last year. Prices of other farm 'products have also advanced. • LITTLE BROWN BUNNIES. "Oh, little brown bunnies, come out and play!" Cried a child at the close- of a sum - neer day, As she wandered over a moorland wide, Where under the bracken- the rab- bits hide; • "I've left my terrier -'Spot' ---at home, So along with me you can safely roam! I've brought you a cabbage, all fresh and green - A finer one I have never seen t" "I've got fresh clover and lettuce too, I think they will be so 'nice for you - 1 know that bunnies don't care to eat The sweets and cakes that I think a treat!" Then the merry brown bunnies came ,out , to play When the twilight shadows were gathering gray, And they ventured close to the maid- en's side, And cabbage, and 'clover, and lettuce they tried. 1: They frolicked about in the falling And the little girl watched the funny crew, But footsteps were heard, as they leaped and played, • And the pretty butnies were much afraid With a flash of tails, soft, fluffy, and white, in an instant they all had. taken And the child just whispered, "Good- bye! Good-bye 1" As Site went towards her home, 'teeth the sunset sky, -Maud E. Sargent. Jack Prost, nature's sheriff, will soon put his crisp seal on the door of Mother Earth, for she 18 not earning so much heat these days and has very little to spend dining the longer, cooler nights. Perhaps, indeed, there Will be a couple Of rainy days when Mother Earth will earn no heat at all; then if it eletat off hi the night Jaek will each het surely. ciI lino fence that Cal/SUE:I the trPUb10. ,Again, it is district school alTairs, ar drainage problems, or Tr7/01.11).d01.814-141d- ings about sviro is to thresh tiret, or just plain incompatibility. Very cloe0 to one hundred per cont, of these differences are petty. The g a21":11:hdSiidillpr R'6eqicliuchcedthteoy tIaierier j3elams;-d lest terms,- any advantage gained is invariably outweighed by the bitters nese that accompanies it. Selfishness is a trait of human nature. Gener- osity is a counter -trait to it. It is a very easy thing to find fault. It is ;lust as easy, and much more enjoy- . able, to see and talk of the good things about others. The people we like best are these we know best. Friendliness and understanding will overcome frietioo; they often meek the dividing line between selfishnese and geom. sity. These thoughts are brought about by an ice cream party that has mark- ed the Wind-up of operations of the threshing ring in one of our good neighborhoods. This particular neigh-, borhood has not been without its rather serious ,as well as petty differ-- ences, but at the close of a successful threshing season they all got together and spent a very pleasant evening in friendly confab and neighborly sot debility. The effect on this particular neighborhood is at once noticeable and is like oil poured upon troubled waters. THE SCRUB HEN STILL EXISTS, In spite of much agitation and education on the subject a pure-bred fowls the scrub chickens continne to give worry to the progressive farm ers. Of course, a man, may keep hens producing thirty, to fifty eggs yearly •11 he wishes, but the old Bible truth, "No man liveth to hiroself " surely is true on the farm where neighborly traditions are strong and where peo- ple will bear a good deal beforesoing to law for their rights. I well remem- ber years back when several rieighbore would trade eggs for hatching with my mother, bringing their little, ill - shaped product in exchange for her Inc large eggs. It was good luck to trade, they said blandly, and she was too neighboely to remind them that she had to sell their eggs at a loss or eat them because her awn were selling at an extra price for hatching in a large hatchery. Now many people did say at that time, and would to -day, that it was Jan owp fault if she al- lowed herself to be ixnposed upon, but such people have never lived in a country community where work must be, exchanged and people depend upon each other in emergencies. And another thing is the trouble the ranging chickens make. You can hardly fence against the wiry, tiny scrub hens and roosters. I saw a hen displayed for sale the other day that In her best estate could mit have weighed more than two pounds. Wiry, scrawny, tough, and with not a bit of yellow fat anywhere visible, she had 'been contributed to a Grange ex- change. Such a hen can, and clam, creep through a knot hole. One of our corn fields used to be over-een with ozens of these wiry fowls always ating and never getting enough, and he owner said truly that no fence ould turn them, but still he clung to he belief that it was expensive busi- ess to start with pure-breds. If yeti re buying a neve farm it is well to eeifyour nearest neighbor keeps rubs. But the most serious trouble about O scrub hen is that it discourages e women and girls on the farm and ekes them wish to move to town. hile the neighbors are going with erflowing baskets and full crates, d getting top prices, or are shipping red to the city, the owners of the rubs are humiliated with low pro- etion and the poorest market. There small incentive to a boy or gild to ke an interest in chickens when kinds and sizes and colors are in e farm Yard.. It doesn't coit much get rid a the scrub roosters, get me pure-bred eggs and put the ub hens to work to raise little ick s if you cannot afford an incu- tor or brooder. One season with illy good fowls will convince the st Skeptical that the scrub is hardly to be oaten, much less to be a gone - rola' asset on the modern farm. -d a sc th th ov an di Se du Is ta all th to SO ser eh ba re ma flt rne The eggs and poultry market must not be, despised by the farmer who wishes to succeed, mid there should be no place left for the scrub fowl in any community.-1111da Richmond. S ks1,1:-011.31)i` arl ;u hYul le1181(6ve a 6 Sha -"])o 1 yotilglel)otltort" letee-"Burel If you stay at One 1!) these hotelyou'll be done good .ai t. The Origin of diatite Iverd "Naito" is of. Potato 4t orIglu,egnifYing InItity of blood. ,7•4