HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-25, Page 4etrul stations ttl: present, This is duo
to the is of a greet eeel more power,
At leaet there will eventually be one
Ca -net -lien station which fans can en-
joy. CKAC wifl fatally use 75oc, watts
of power awbich will make it one of
the most powerful broadcasters in A-
merica, Last week the seleetions of
the orchestra came la very strong,
General Persbing of the United Ste-.
tes was p1ait-11Y aeard one night talking
to the !various district coimPanders, A
eoutinuous conversation was carried
on back and forth,
The \velem= to the Prince of Wales
when he approacited New York, was
given from the air by radio. A radio
equipped plane flew out end cow/eyed
the welcome as the liner bearing the
Prince erecred the •harbor.
Mr, •Hay, the anneencer of station
WLS of the Sears -Roebuck Company
at Chicago, was the fortunate party to
be awarded the. gold cup offered by
a targe radio pitblication. The award
was arrived at by a ballot printed in
each copy and radio fans sent in the
neme cif their most popular announ-
cer, Votes were sent front many for-
eign countries.
Statical KDKA-326 Meters
Westinghouse Electric
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Thursday, September 25th.
.30 pan—Dinner Concert by the K
new rado receivers are now
goarin,g on• the market, Prices on
ilia higher quality outfits are still
lugh, The tendenoy points toward tbe
mUlti-tilbe receivers, The cebinets aps
proach the phonograph in appeerenee
with lood speaker built in and cons
eettled.• Coeshterable progress has
been made toward Usa of adevice for
the tiupply of suitable power direct
from ilia lighting eirctilis. Some of
these aevicee beere been so well de -
!relayed tit at the Y are ,now incorporate
in a1ne cabinet with the re-
ceiver. This a gretteatride forward as
il des away batteries at one
stroke. The exense for electricity
would be Very small •
Many radio fanstook in the Wills-
Firpo fight at New Jersey last week.
Thecontinents of the announcer were
made in good sporting language and
the cheers of the great eroted could.
be heard very; clearly at times.
Station Cl(kl,2 of La Press, Mon-
-eel, is, a op earl no With the many pow-
ay Where Satisfaction is Gu ranteed
The skilled buyers of DOMINION STORES have a standard
soutee of supply of quality merchandise. All guesswork as to
quality is removed. Every article sold is guaranteed with a
"money -back" guarantee by DOMINION STORES. Thus
with guaranteed quality groceries at conetsteet low prices
your satisfactioe is' also guaranteed every time you visit a
Greeautlated Sugar 10 lbs. 91c 100 1b. bag $9.00
(Pure Cane)
Horseshoe Brand Saluach 1 ib tin 39c lb tin 20c
(Finest Sockeye)
BISCUITS, lis. - -ea Me
'•SAUCE e - -
(except Fels Naptha)
10 bees - -
4 -Ib. tin - e•- a
ite C
1-1.1). ear
• $ARtaiszES, 4 for -
C. & Bi FISH and
ea kinds) e -
,cRoasE & BLACK-
• LADE, 1 -ib. lar —
Beans (No. 2 quart) 2 for 25c
nd Bacon (Machine Sliced) 29c
(Tons. & Veg.) 3 for 29c
15.o...pkt. SEEDED
or SEEDLESS fiat a
RA/SINS, 2 for - -retan.
SEEDED or SEED- qc,,.
LESS RAISINS121b. attn.
2S -lb. box - thateitota
6 lb. - -aserale
1.4b, Tin DOMINION
(Ne Alum) -
FLAKES 3 for
BARS, 3 for - e
4 for - - et
MUSTARD, lb, - -detar" PICKLING SPICD.1,
OAR (Blended Cider
aa agettaaa aphis), PAROWAX
C 2 for - -
TEA, Ilte, -
Iatirs PORK & 9c
Bsitais, 2 for - -tette
MS .49c
Flour,24 Ib. Bag
FEB. 14b. tiat -
11-fiet the -
(Said ortty by Dnit
To quickly. introduce tR Juniors,
themanufaliners have furnished
us with a limited number of full
IttmOrS to be giveu without cost to our
this coupon below on the date specified.
'Chips 1Y the Old Block a new
form of the oid reliable N a tur es.
eined (lik Tablets) which has been
over 30 years as a r elief for diSeriies
etio Constipation, indigestion,
'!ol: Olt
DKA Little Symphony OleheSisa,
Vietor teatidek, eenductor. e! "
6 pen„—Beeeball scores; dinner con-
cert continued,
6,30 pane -I -Little Miss Merry Heed,.
6,4$ pan. ----Address by it representa-
tive of the Automobile Club of Pads
7 p.m.—Baseball scores; "Seggest-
ions for Shrub Groupings", prepared
by the Fruit Groefers Nurseries, New-
ark, N. Y. r
7,t5 pao.--Program areaeged by,the
National "Stockman and Farmer,'
7,40 pan—Stockman reports of the
primary livestock and wholesale pro-
duce markets.
8 p.m—Concert by the '<DNA Ida
tle Symphony Orchestra, Victer Sae -
tick, eondttctort vocal progrant arran-
ged by Edith McConnell Enoch, direc-
tor • of the Trinity Church choir of
Washington, Pa., presenting Helen
Hellen Wolfe, soprano; William L
Carson, tenor and Margaret Haymak-
er; accompanist.
9,55 pan, --Weather forecast; Arling-
too time signals; basebell scores.
Friday, September 26th'
5.30 p.m.—Organ recital by Paul
Fleeger, from the Cameo Motion Pic-
ture Theatre, Pittsburgh.
6 p.m.—Baseball scores; dinnetdcon-
cert continued. -
6,30 pan.—"The Poetry Lady," for
the radio children.
6.45 p.m.—News bulletins,
7 p.m. -Baseball scores, "Better light
for your home", presented by the Il-
luminating. Engineering. Society.
7,30 p.m.— "Organized Labor, the'
Bureau of Mines and Accident Pre-
vention," Francis Meehan of the Unit-
ed States Bureau of Mines.
740 p.m.—Stockman reports of the
primary livestock and wholesale pro-
duce markets, -
• 8 p.m.—Concert by June Call aid
'William Cook, violinists; Edith Lu-
cille Hall, pianist; Edward Call, guit-
arist; Mea Edith 0. Isysle, „reader.
9.55 pen.—Arlitigton time signals;
weather forecast; baseball scores.
• Satnrclay.. September-a7th.•
5.30 p.m, --Dinner concert by the
-Westinghouse band, T. J. Vastine, con-
• 6 pan. --Baseball scores, dinner con-
cert contineed.
6,3o p.m—'The Kiddies' Buddy."
6.45 pan. — The World's Uniform
Sunday School Lesson, presented by
C. C. Johnson. •t
7 pen—Baseball scores; sport ee-
view; by Jarnes J. Long, sport writer
of the Pittsburgh Sun.
8 p.m.---Coneert by the Westing-
house band, T. J. Vastine, conductor;
airs. W. B. Scott, ontraltos Ellsworth
Davis, tenor.
9.55 p.m.—Arlington time signals;
weather fbrecast; baseball scores.
Station WGY-38o Meters
General Electric Company
Schenectady, N. Y.
• Thursday, September .05th,
5.30 pan.—Organ recital by Stephen
E. Boisciair, organist, from Proctor's
Harmanus Bleecker Hall. `
740 Pan.—Baseball scores.
745 Pande="A Few Moments with
New Books," L. L. Hopkins, assistant
librarian, General Electric 'Company;
selection, "'Vienna", WGY orchestra.
8 pen.—Prize comedy drama, "The
Happiness Experts, • WGY Student
Players. Act x, Scene room
bit Long Island home of Mee. Ander-
son, Scene 2—Dining room :in home
of Uncle John afiller; selectitne "Dan-
ce", orchestra. Act 2, Scene e—Liv-
ing room in Uncle John's Home. See-
tee--0ffice of Tom Sanderson; selec-
tion, "Romance," orchestra. Act 3,
Scene r—Living room of Uncle Tolm's
home; selection "Httmoreske,"- orch-
Friday, September adth.
5.45—Children's story in French, by
Frederic Dulcert.
6 p.m.—International Sunday Schmid
7.40 p.m.—Baseball !results.
745 pan.—Health talk; selection,
dThe Fachanted Forest," WGY arch -
7.55 Itian.—Talkt "The State. Park
System," Coinnussioner Alexander
Macdonald, New York State Conserv-
ation Commission.
8 p.m—Operetta, "The Fire Prince"
by Henry K. Hadley, the WGY raght
Opera Company, directed by William
Fay. The cast: Grognio. King of
Pantouflia. LeRoy Pickett; Prigio, his
eldest son, the Fire'Prince, A. Q. Cog-
gesbnlit Prigio brothers, Alphonso,
William Fay; Enrico, Ralph De Grout,
the wise man,„ tutor to the princes,
James jOhlIStn1; Don Roderigo, Span-
ish Ambassador to Pantouflio, Malin
Hager; Frederic, a Pantouflian officer
• attached to the ,S.patush ernbas,sy, Mo-
rris Simmous; Benson, the airibassee
does English butler, John F. Quintero
Williain, head page boy of the embas-
sy, Harry Horst; messenger from the
wireless office, Robert MacFarlane;
Isadore, Queen of Pantoullia, Lillian
Rosenthal: nieces of the King, Lady
.Molinda, Ethel Osterhout; Lady lea-
thkena, Elizabetb Hager; tbe Duch-
essehonornry governess, Gladys Rob-
son; Rota, daughter of, the Spanish
Ambassador, Mariou irewer; Teresa,
her friend, Grace Coss" Fairchild; a4-.
les and gentlemen of the court, guests
of the Spaniels Ambassador, soldiers,
and other servauts. Mae Mc-
, Belie Pate, Mildred Fay,
Tate, Helen Richnemed, George
Id, Henry Tex -pie, William Bar-
t, Donald Lockwood, William Jat-
bsort; oreltestree
-act a -Garden a the summer pat*
Sunset. Overture, 1,-Sa'ar orehes-
,r , "The History Leeeon,'
crake company; "The Fairy-
Ducbese and ehorue;"Tta-liaala-la-ia-
, lay" Iding erad chores; "Fairies," King
and Queen; scene, "The Time au
°Corne,a Millar and chortle; son,
1 Tutor:nation," Plinio and chores;
`he Fire-Dreke," Wise rnan and deo-
eborus; "Wien
Eatbaeey. Evenittg
'tbasd;' L'e:tollsveao:11Nt'ile!dizIlftalro:v.%:s.
Act :a --B011 ro
ave Yon, Pritzio,' el:crust ficaie, "If
Spain," Rosa and chorus; scene
True." Prigl0; cut edkete'
of the an
'Coneetsation Song,'
, beg Dinah," &tea Pr.d8
Proeloneition" igo
111 'NMI I lunMinullig
iC rig
r 39c, •
as • A $5c Writing Pad, of ioo
sheets, Real Kid finish, also e
....... Packages of Kid finish envelopes =
to match, worth aoc.
'rotarValue 65c for 390
= A first clasp cup of Tea or Coffee
pex Cann '14:E
Bott)ed oods
We have been appointed sole it
agents here for these goods. ae
• They are of an exceptional high =
tri ttanrdeurn
standard we are instructed
all money for goods =
ra- that do not measure up. es
Fet.• Ask Us About Them
11111i 11104111 lal! 1110111
$11500 Cah Przes
,,How many words can you make
from. the letters in the three words,
First Prize. • Judges are Banker, Ed-
ucator and Clergyman. Send stamp
for circular and rules. Sheffield La-
boratories, (Dept. io,) Aurora. Illinois
chorus; "You Will Surely Be.e. But-
ler," Benson and pages; "The Shower
and Flower," Rosa and chorus; "My
Unbelief I Do Repent," Prigio, Rosa,
King and Chorus; fairy scene end
Prigio and fairies; finale, "A Long
and Happy Life," principals and chor-
Late Program
50.30 p.m.---MuSical program by W
GY orchestra, assisted by Giles Mae-
Intyre, 'tenor. Selection, "Les Hugue-
nots," WGY orchestra; tenor solo, "In
An Old -Fashioned Town," Giles Mac-
Intyre; selection, "Characteristic Suite'.
"Maestoso," alettet;" orchestra; violin
• "Ramanza Allegretto," ,Edward
A. Rice; talk, "Just Boy" (courtesy of
"American Boy"); selection, "Charac-
teristic Suite" "Coquetry," "Sincerity"
orchestra; tenor" solo, "Rose of My
Heart," Giles MacIntyre; selection "In
the Troika," • orchestra; piano -solo,
"Wedding Day," 011ie G. Yeltru; ten-
or solo, "Call of Life,' Cites Macho
ten e ; selection, "Nocturne," , orchestra.
Saturday, September 27th.
9.30 p.m.—Dance music.
Listowel Slander Suit
R. T. Kemp and son of Listowel,
are the plantiffs in a slander suit case
'at Perth Fall- Assizes this week. They
are elaiming $5,000 damage for sland-
er from Joseph IdetWilson alIeghig
that •the defendant had stated they
had giveueshort weight on a load of
coal. .The defendant says he bought
the load in question and found it 230
pounds shores Mr. Kemp is Mayor
of Listowel and, Mr. Wilson is chief
cif police.
Methodist Church Notes
Sunday, Sept. 2.8th. Grand Rally at
ell the sex -vice. eo a.m., Prayer and
Praise Service. .x a.m., The Sunday
School will meet in the auditorium.
The centre seats reserved for the
school, and the south section reserved
for Currie's Sunday School. 2.30, Ral-
ly in the Sunday sehooi, a splendid
programtne prepared. 7 pm., Rally
tr young people, the pastor will
eh. Mrs. McKenzie soloist from
Kincardine, will assist at all the ser-
vices. Our objective—"Every man,
woman or child connected wifh the
Methodist!• church present at all ser-
vices. 'Monday, it social evening a-
mong our young people. Wednetelay,
8 p.m., Mid -Week 8ervice.
Teeswater Defeats Rina-ey-Dinks
''"On Monday last, the Teestvater
Corairma.tion School ball team visited
town and defeated the Dinkey-Dinks,
it local junior boys team, to the tune
of 17 to /5, in it seven itminge tussle.
The visitors led tiff with one run to
tbe goot in the first, but locals held
them down, to five ions until the fifth
and piled sip fourteen tie their own
credit. Iti the last three innings,
Teeswater took ! a spurt, and pita up
twelve rens to the local's- one. As
this was the .first game of tbeFall
series neither Mara Was 10 vety goqd
trim. The cold weather also proved
oneewhat of !a.eletriment to fast play -
mg. The 'melon./ game will. be played
bit Tees -wafer OCI Monday, Sept. 29th:
The line -op: Teeswater—Miller, Blair,
Trench, Staters, Passittore, Grant,
Kittle Ibepand„ Hodgeos. Winghaissad
McGee, ,Ji -Field, adeKilebou,
Pi Scott, 'Williamson, Isfeesta,,YeangS
Lediet. tirpries,'Idlf. Christie and Ai.
Donahue, ' "
.11 I- 13111111101111" it !Ufa
• Fire
The semi -animal -meeting of Mait-
land Presbyterial Society W. ivl. S,
was held in the St. AndrevaS "Chlitch,
ou Monday, Sept. Toth,
The day was bright, the attendance
good and interest was well maintained
throtighout the different sessions. A
execetive meeting was held in the
morning. Auxiliaries were assigned
to the different Vice Presidents, -who
expressed their willingness to give all
possible aid and encouragement to tbe
auxiliaries. Asking them when arran-
ging years program to seteaside one
meeting for a visit from District Vice
President, giving preference to Vice
President to arrange date, auxiliaries
to carry out regular prograin, Mrs,
Perrie, acting for 5th Vice President,
to supervise Weigh -am, Whitecbtirch,
Belgrave, Wroxeter, Bleevale and Cal-
vin Auxiliaries. 1
The afternoon session gunned at
p. in. with the president, Mrs. Harla
ness itt tbe chair. Demi:lanai exercise
es were conducted by Mr. (Dr,)- Gor-
don and Mrs, (Rev.) McKenzie. Min-
utes of last meeting were read by
secretary, Mrs,. Carr, and adopted. A
•statement of the finance committee
was given by Mrs. Mttrdie, Leclutoev,
showing receipts Srom January ist to
August 3rst, 1924, $2680.00, atlocation
for year. $6756.00. '
Mrs. Cumming, convenor of nomin-
ating cotninittee conducted the elec-
tion of °facers to fill the vacancies on
the board. Regret was •expeessed itt
the removal of Mrs. J. A. Glennie,-
Also Mrs. (Rev.) Gomm. Letters of
appreciation, of their services to be
sent to them. Of the resolutions' dis-
cesseci the followieg were passed en-
aminous :
e. Resolved that we as members of
attaitla.nd Presbyterial now assembled,
give all posaible assistance as mem-
bers of W. M. S., as members of dur
church, as Canadian citizens, in the
forthcomieg 'Plebiscite campaign to
strengthen prohibition measures arid
retain the 0. T. A. on th,e Statute
2esolved that we as W. M. S.
members of Maitland Presbyterial,
now assembled, Will not hold ourselves
responsible for any active share of
the budget allocation, but are wining
to place the matter clearly before all
the women members of our church,
to give all necessary assistance toward
raising required budget of the church
as members thereof.
• At three o'clock the Presbytery join-
ed meeting. Mr. Cumming'Modera-
tor, occupying the chair. Aftertdevo-
tional exercises, the Rev. Dr, McIain-
noirof Halifax, Moclerator of the Gen-
eral Assembly, was called tip= to ad-
dress the audience. The large atten-
tive aodience maintained keenest int-
erest throughout address, the subject
of which was "Opportunities". The
speaker complimented the men and
women of Huron County and of Mait-
land Presbyterial on. thernettle of their
sons: As he was Chaplain of the toast
Huron Battalion, he knew of the in-
spiration and courage of those brave
defenders of the • liberty of our
Empire gave. A very pleasing eolo
was rendered by Mrs. Gray, entitled,
"Was that somebody you". Dr. Rob-
ertson of Toronto, led in prayer. Re-
siautions dealing with the question of
meeting the -budget allocetioe were
thoroughly and earnestly discussed
and gclopted. Rev. Mr. Hardy closed
the meeting with prayer.
Change in officers, Presbyterial
treasurer, Mrs. Win. Murdie, Luck -
now; Coeresponcling Secretary, Miss
Yemee,_ Ripley; Supply Secer, Mrs. R.
Thompson, Brussels; General Interest
Sec'y, Mr. 0, P. Campbell, Armow;
Convenor of Nominating Committee,
Mrs. Otemminga Si. Helens' manse,
R. R. 2, L'IleknOW...
• In the Estate of John Wetson, late
of the Village of Brussels in the Coun-
to of Huron, Retired Fernier, deceas-
iarrett-iVEcWifliams NuPtial$
The marriage is announced of laa-
thleee Canniff, detighter of Mr, and
airs, M. .H, McWilliams of 26 May-
nard Avenue, Toronto, to Clifford E.
John Garrett, see of !!!Mr. and. Mrs.
Thomas Garrett of Wingbam, . The
ceremony rhich was conducted:by the
Rev. Forbee Robertson; took place
quietly on Fridate!!Sept. 12th 5954,
The happy couple left for, a motor trip
to Ottawa.
Johnston-Scliell Nuptials.
A very pretty wedding took place ois
Saturday in St. John's Presbyterian
church, 'Toronto, condacted by the
Rev. T. A. Rodger, assisted by Rev,
A. G, Rintoul of Wingham, when Mar-
joile May, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, W. a Schell, became the bride
of ]Jr. W.' V. Johnston' of Luck -now.
The,bride looked well ie a gown of
oriy• bui:Orang
°ca dedcebreP1c0; $1 oriran'smfatti
lier tulle veil, and she carried itsbow-
er boquet of Oplielia roses and earna-
tions. Miss Victoria Scarrow, in tree
,quoise blue georgette, and. Miss Lettie
'Jobuston, sister of the groom, in Peach
taffeta, acted as bridesmaids. Little
Alma Schell, the bride's cousin, in pink
taffeta, was a charming- dottrel- girl.
The groom was assisted ,by ate Q.
Smith, Mr. K..Pittis and 'Mr. Ralph
Smith were • the ushers. During the
signing of the registerMiss Isabel
after the nceremonyAr°cttheel)ti°11hone01was held
bride's parents, 631. Broadview Ave.
Later Dr, and Mrs. Johnston left, am-
id showers of confetti, for an extended
motor trip, They vvill feside in Luck-
ieticiyst.tidDenr,t VoifetworinJgopiarimstolni gis h a s form-
and his parents reside in West
al I IN I BE 014
Best D. L. & W. Scranton Coal,.
all sizes
Nut, Stove, ' Egg and
• Pea.•
If you intend ,fixing that old
*roof, call. and !get Our
prices on
• Johns Manville
Asbestos goofing
The roof that last's and can be
put over the old roof.
WS. Annatmaamotammo=nreemnuacrammagmousrammenvz=crezraimmentesenurraarneatenscuomiescsammaater
We are ready for School
sorted stock of
Public School Readers_
Pub. School Text Book
Exercise Books
Loose Leaf Note Books
Note Books
Fountain Pens
Drawing Books
Writing Books
Examination Pads
Examination Paper
Lead Pencils
Pen Points
Pen Handles
Pencil Boxes
.Crayons, Paints
School Bags
Opening with a large ,and well as-
ts-et, roe.
Our stock is of the best quality a nd paices are right.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to •Q:ALITY AND SERVICE
Section 56, Chapter 121 of R.S.O., 5914 •
that all persons having claims against • OPPosite Queens Hotel, N Ticket Agency Canadian Natiotial
the Estate of John Watson., who di .. -ed
on or about .the twenty-sixth ch. AMMIIIMUSBOYEAVOIVERTII=IMMISOWASIMIIIIIIACCI 170,101=11400711M111=11101.119.61,1111.1158171RUMILISOALIta
July-, ,A,D„ 1924, at the Village of
Brussels, are required tti" send to the
undersigned, on or befpre the Eighth
day of October, A.D., 5924, their nem -
es andladdresses with full particulars
of elieir define in writing and the na-
ture of the securities (if any) held by
And further take notice ohne after
the said Eighth day of October, A.D.,
1924, the assets of the said Eetate will
be distributed by the Exectdors ant-
otig the parties entitled thereto, had-
itg regard only to claims of which
they shell then have :testate and the
Estate will not be liable forIny claim
not filed at, the time of the said. dis-
• Dated et Winghatn, this Eighth day
of September, A.D., 1924.
• Solicitor for OK Executors,
rsuant to Section 66 Chet). 521 of
lajraf ?ltaagiatiinos,t that
ie •
cEesat8.1d°,1;,,('IloCkaerda 0115!orE•abloitt9tXtligne etivedue-
tyefourtle day a July, A. -D. real, at
the .Town of wit,gham in the Peeve
'rice of Onti.rio are required 'to send
by post, prepaid, or to tdelleer
-Varettosta, Wingliate, Chitaliti,'' Sol-
icitor for the reeecetor, on or before
the sixth_ day of October,A. D,104
eir•,nantes and add.resses, with fa
rdoulars of their claims in writhe_
the nature 'of the securities ('
ny) held, by thetn .doly verified by
tutory declaration. .
that after the said sixth day of.'Octob-
er, wet the assets of the said estate
111 be distributed by ,the Bkteentors
wag the,• parties ' entitled thcrecs
ng, regard o»ly hi the claims et
h they shall then bass unlace, and
s te sotiiwilietal,au:tbe:
t :tiher,:ataid
A ED at Witigl 's nint
September, A.
la• wVilikosh
Sobkilor tor i1tr Exaaiit0rs
= Fite Si
M than. %maw
with wo,pre
Um Mit Iti(11)111.1101t11111t111111111.111,1”1111.11H1111111 i i ttt
ultry, Cream, Eggs
and Chid se.
Our wide market connections and minimum over-
head expense system enable us to pay the beet Pric-
. es for farm products. • We cannot impress uPqn the
mind of the producer too strongly the importance
of .produCing.the very best possible goods. We buy
all articles by grade paying as fair a price to all as
acking Co. Ltd:
uperi Saturday iti'venings • Wingham Branch
torth Y k ieglii.111.1‘11,111,11ill.Y111,111tillAtINIFItit LIS tt1111110 1111.111‘31011111t(11111101ttnitliletliffinintr111,11111111tIltlitlian'
We have, a steady demand foefeesh
chortled Creeinery Butter. Deliver
your Cream to the factory. We
ere payirig the Highest Price.
-CREAM CA—T4 tante wishing to purchase their own !Cream
ans, we can su9p17 yeti With new mule with name and address stam-
ped en at the following priqes. sgai., $4.06; .6 gat,
• it pelts to feed your hens good
lilt Jar strong feed, duritg mon t g se -
on 'they need the very best possible.
New Laid Eggs art at a premium
piyintg highest 1:Trices for strictly Fresh Eggs.
6 lre