HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-18, Page 9BLUEVALE SCHOOL FAIR
(Continued from. page e..)
Class 1—gain
Oais, sheaf — Alberta Shie11, May
Nicholson, John Nicholson, Elsie
Thornton, A'Vilson Thornton,
Oats, pint —. Belle McTavish, May - Doreen Eckinier, Mary Campbell.
Nicholson, Gordon Hamilton, Earl 'Zan-lies—Doreen een Eckmier, Alan Gar -
Hamilton, Alberta Shiell, Harry Go11,
Wheat sheaf—Alberta Shiell, May
Nicholson, Elsie Thornton, Wilson
Thornton, or-nton, John Nicholson.
Wheat, pint—.;elle McTavish, Elsie
There:toe, Gordon,, Hamilton, Raym-
ond 'Henning, Earl HHIarpilton, Leon-
ard Higgins. •
acvibe irelb,
African. Marigolds — Doreen Eck -
:Infer, Alan Garniss, May Nicholson.:
Sweet Peas—Lenora tax gins, 11/1047-
ic Mines, Elizabeth 'Wear, Oliva; Gar-
Dahlias—Olive Garniss, •A.lan Gar-
niss, Carl Johnston Hazel: Mandell,
Barley, pint--Belle-A'IcTavislx, May
Peas,pint --Hazel Mundell, I -high
111itndell,,,Goa'tlon llaniilton, Earl Ha -
Milton, Harry Goll,• •
Corn, White' Cap—=Hazel Mundell,
Iugh mdell.
Class 2—Roots and Vegetables
Potatoes, 'Green Mt,—Belle age -rav-
ish, Elizabeth Weir May Fralick, Earl
nils,, Dorothy Aitken, Elizabeth Weir,
Belle McTavish, Raymond Henning.
Cosmos—Rob Master, Doreen Eck-
mier, Elizabeth Weir, Raymond Hen-
ning, Marie:' Mines,
Gladiolus=—Doreen' Eckmier, Oli've
Garniss, Alan Garniss.
Petunias—Doreen lacknzier,
House' Garden Boquet-Alan Garn-
iss, Olive Garniss, Vernon ' Hammond,
Marian Grail, Elizabeth Weir, Velma
Writing ,
First Class—Yvonne McKersie, Le-
nora Higgins, Jean Wheeler, • Jean
Turkey, Helen Eckmier, Alma Bos -
Second Class—Mary Fraiicic, Daisy
1-lamilton, Elsie lhor,iton, Daisy Ilii Nicholson, Wilson Thornton, Lela
cholson; _..Leggatt, . Alvie i-liggins, - Elizabeth
Potatoes, Cobblers—Mary Fralick, Weir.
Ross t\brahana,, Gordon Hamilton; Third Class—Doreen Eckinier,
Kenneth Aitchison, Rob. Masters. etta Smith, Dorothy Aitken, Elsie
-Potatoes Dooley -Gertrude Turv- Thornton, Freda Mustard, Melville
ev, May Nicholson, Noble Greenaway, Mathers.
Fourth Class -Doreen Eclentier; Mar
Geo. Peacock, Leslie Greenaway,
Hetherington. ie Mines, Beth Barnard, Hazel Mutt-
Mangolds---Leslie Greenaway, Goa- dell, Maribclle Bolt, Mary Campbeil.
-don Hamilton, Donald Robertson, - Art
Earl 'Hamilton, Marie Mines, Beth: Water Colour,' Little Miss Muffet—
larnard, . Velma Ecicniier,-Dorothy Aitken, Lois
SwedeeTurnips-Marie Mines, Nor'_ Prast, Adair Prast, Alan Garniss, Mara
man Barnard, Geo- Peacock, Belle Mc-;• isle Mines.
Tavish, Harry Goll, Leonora: Higgins. September -Calendars — Beth Barn-
,)Nhit'e. Turnips—Melville Mathers ard, Velma Eckmier, Mary Campbell,
Beets—Alma Bosman, Donald Rob- Noble Greenaway, . Dorothy Aitken.
ertson, Velma' Eckmier, Geo. Peacock, Pencil Drawing, Sugar and Cream
Norman Barnard, Charlie Johnston. Set -Mary Campbell, Doreen Eclentier,
Parsnips—Gordon Hamilton, Don Beth Barnard, Alan Garniss, Noble
ai.d Robertson, Geo, Johnston, Earl Greenaway, Alberta Shiell,
Hamilton, Belle McTavish, Elizabeth Crayon Drawing, a Horse—Donald
We' Robertson Norman Barnard;' Lela
Citrons—Eva Dennis May Nichol- Leggatt, Iliigh Nlumdell.
wash— Donald I obertstrn Y'.rCrayon, a Pig'- Lenora Higgins,'
onne McKersie, Mary Van
Beans -- Elizabeth Weir, Gertrttc'lc Relief .Map, S. America -Beth Bar-
Turvey: nard, Stanley Vanstonc, Gertrude Tur-
Cucumbers — Donald Robertson, vey, Bob. Weir, Maribelle Bolt, Velma,
'Wilson Thornton, Gordon Hamilton, Eckmier, ade=Doreen Eckmier,
Earl Hamilton, EIizabeth Weir, May - Map of Canada
Nicholson. Dorothy Aitken.
Carrots.—Mary Fralick, • Marie- Min Map of Huron—Wilson Thornton,
es, Elsie Thar- nton, 'Wilson Thornton. Alvie Higgins, Mary Fralick, Donald
Belle McTavish, Gco. Peacock. ' . Robertson, Glen Eck -leder, Hugh' Mun-
Pumpkin—May Nicholson.
Toruatoes - Elsite Thornton, Allan
Garniss, Doreen Eckinier, Gordon. Ha-
milton, Earl Hamnilton,
Cabbage - Elizabeth Weir, Hazel
Mundell, Eva Dennis, Hugh.'Mundell,
Velma Ecke itt, Geo. Hetherington.,
Bantam Corn Laurel McKersie,
.Nary Catepleell, Alan Garniss.
Onions, Danvers—May Nicholson,
Carrtne i'1Ietherington,'Hugh Mundell,
Elizabeth Weir, Elsie Thornton Will
son Thornton.
.Onions, Dutch Sets -Gordon Haiti-
ilton, Marie : Mines. ,
Best: collection of Apples — Belle
McTavish, Leonard Higgins, Alberta
Sliiell, Melville Mathers, Glen Eck-
Best-collection of Vegetables— May
Nicholson, Doreen Eclat -tier, Donald
Robertson, Elizabeth Weir, Eva Den--
Class, 3—Poultry
Barred Rock Cockerel—Carl John-
ston, May Nicholson, Russel Barnard,
Adair .Prast, Norman: Barnard,
Barred Rock Pullet—Carl Johnston,
May Nicholson.
Pair Barred Rock- Rob. Masters,
Ronald Vaneamp, Carl Johnston, Afar
Nicholson, Adair Prast, Lenora Ilig-
White Eggs—Gertrude 'I`urvcy, Vio-
la Goll, Velma Eckmier, Donald Rob-
ertson Z: Marie ;Mines, ; Edath Warwick.
Brown Eggs Alma Bosnian, Ray-
mond Henning, Doreen, Eckmier,
,berta. ShielI, Mac Warwick, Donald
Pair White Leghorn$—Hugh Mun-
White Wyandottes—May Nicholson
Rhode ]`$land Reds— Lenora Hig-
gins, Hazel Mundell, lvlay Nicholson.
Ducks• .'.'.msec' Barnard, Hazel :Mun-
dell, Lenora Higgins, Hugh Mundell,
Allay:Nicliolsou, Howard VanCarnp.'.
Geese ---May Nicholson, xlugh Mun-
dell, Hazel Mundell,
Rabbits .= Alan Gartuss, HOwner
VanCainp, Ronald VanCamp,
Cats—C..hatlic Mathers, Rob Master,
Vernon Hammond, Elsie Thornton,
Marie Mines, Lenora Higgins,
Dogs •-- Bloevar•d VanCamp, Adair
.:`rest,: May Nicholson,
Class 5 -•-Flowers
Asters—Alan Garniss, Marie Mines,
Iyenneth Aitchison, Helen Ecltnaiei•,
..mora I-Iale:are l;li.abc•tli 4ilctir.
Nasturtiums—Olive Garniss, Velma
F.c-k tier, Elizabeth Weir, Carl John-
storr,,1, cnrara. 1•i trainer
Pansies r\Pari Garniss, il1ary Cattip-
bell, Olive Ga' ails.
fainalrron `Luau old. --Alan Garniss,
Olive Ganits, 1)onahlalaobel tion.
]',hlox1;U ruthy i"( Cicet1, ,flan Gar-
1^rea h 'Marigolds ---• Alan Garnit'
:Rob, alaater, Jlorotlry Aitken, Inlay
Nicholson, leerneth: Aitchison, Dor-
othy Eckmier,
Nature Study
Collection of Wild. Flowers—Adair
]'rest, May ,Nicholson,
Insects—Gertrude Turvey, May Ni-
cholson, Alvie Higgins ,
• Weed. Seeds — Donald Robertson,
May Nicholson.
Leaves -Dorothy Aitken, May Ni-
Woods—Donald Robertson, Noble
Greenaway, Olive Garniss, Hugh,
Mundell, May Nicholson.
Manual Training
Book Ends—Hugh Ivltinclell, Gert-
rude 'Purvey, Norman Barnard.
BirdHouse—Hazel Mundell.
Xammer•Handle—Norriian Barnard,
Donald Robertson, Wilson Thornton,
John Nicholson.
Paper Chair—Mary Vanstone,, Yv-
onne McKersie, Lenora Higgins,
Memory Gem :Book—Belle McTav-
ish, Doreen Eckinier, Gertrude Tur-
vey, Glenn Garniss.,
Collection of Coins—Ala Gentles.
Collection of Snap -Shots -- Glenn
Collection of Stamps—Glenn Gern-
iss,'Dorothy Geenaway, 'Bob Master.
Essay, Surnnier on a Farm -Olive
Garniss, Gertrude Turvey, Beth Bar-
nard, Mary Campbell, Doreen Eck-
tnfer, Alberta Shiell.
Essay, Threshing — Marie Mines,
Belle McTavish.
Bread—Hazel Mundell, Velma Eck-
ii"rler. •
11'lufns—Geo, Hetherington, Doris.
Aitchison, Elsie Thorntoir, May Nich-
Spice Cake—Hazel Mundell, Elsie
Tiornton, May Nicholson, Belle Mc-
Tavish, -
Raisht Pie—Hazel Mundell, 13elle
McTavish, May Nicholson, • Doreen'
Eckinier, Alma Bosman.
Tarts--14:thy Nicholson, Hazel Mune
Velma, Eckmien, -
Peanut Brittle—May Nicholson, Do-
rceu Eckmier.
Potato Salad --Hazel Mundell Car -
main Hetherington, Doreen Ecicniier,
Elsie Thornton, Lois Prast, Dorothy,
13uttet--Cai•rnart Hetherington, Geo,
Hetherington; Velma Eckinier, Edith
Doll's .Dress, girls over ten—Gel•t-
rude Turvey, Olive Garniss, Marie
Mites, Belle lale'I'avish, Doreen Eck-
mier, ]Ielc.rr Fckniier,
Doll's Drees, girls to artd under—
Mary I r'tlit:lc, Dela 7 er ecitt, Laurel
Mcl:(er•sie, Eva Dennis, Eleanor"Prast,
Dorothy Goll,
I>oll't; Scarf, girls ro and under —
A1'ary Fralick, Doris Aitclricon; 'Edith
Warwirlr, 'Lela 1':,t'ggat1, Eva Dennis,
Daisy Nicholson;
Quilt Block, boy't----Johrt ttcTavisit,
Ratyauoud 'leaning, Geo. Johnston,
Harry Gall, Donald Robertson, Char-
lie Johnston.
Doll's 'Dress, boys Harry Gall,
Donald Robertson. '
Crocheted Yoke, =ethers—Mrs, 1,.
Weir, Mrs. Ed, Johnston, Mrs. R, F.
Garniss, ktrs. Wm. Robertson, ,Mrs,
Lloyd I-Ienning, •
Boy's Trouser,ss, Mother's competi—
tion—Mrs, Wm,(Robertson, Mrs, Win,;
Nicholson. •
Guest Towel, girls under twenty—
Lizzie Robertson, Beth Barnard,
Table Runner, girls under twenty --
Beatrice Thornton,
Speech Gertrude Turvey, Bert Ma-
thers, Eva Dennis.
Singing—S: S. No, 8 L'rowntown,
Blnevale School, S. S. No. 9, Turn
berry, S. S. No. ao Morris,
Parade—S, S. No. 8 Morris, Bine
vale School, S. S. No. to Morris, S,
S. No. 9 Tu'rnberry.
Relay Race—S. S, Nu. 8, S. S. No,
Teachers' Nail Driving Contest --
Miss Waddell, No. S; Miss Brown,
No, to, .Mrs, Aitken, No:4-
Highest Number of Points
Silver Cup, donated by the Bank of
Commerce May Nicholson, Doreen
Eckmier, Hazel Mundell:
To the Editur av the Advarrce-Toiines
Deer Sur,—
Somewan has said that if ye tuk
the toime to examine iviry lafe on a
tree ye wuddent £oind two ay. thim
just aloike, nor in the whole 'forest
ayther, fer that matther.: An 'tis the
same wid min, no two ay thim look
jilt the same. Aven twins inay look
alaikc to mosht payple but they cant
fool'theer mother, fer she can tell the
differ in thim across the shtrate. Yis,
iviry maihas somcting about hint
that no other fellah has, an, 'shute,.
'tis'bettltet- so, arr we wuddent have,
been built that way, but no rnatther
whether a -man has red. hair, arr black
hair, arr no hair at all, at all, arr bow
legs, . arr ,wooden waits, arr whether
he is married arr single, arr whether
he votes Tory arr Grit, ye kin giner-
ally depind on wail ting; that he has
too good an opinion av Himself, an
takes himsilf too sayriously. As me
hind, Mishter Iipliirg, wid say, mo-
slit min have too ,much ego in theer
cosmos, which: Mishter -Posliff tells
ine manes, in plain English, that .they
have too much consate in thimsilves.
I don't moind min-takin loife say
i- ously,- fer it, is a sayrious )business,
so it is, an rnosht rainmake a bad
jawb av it, but I wid be villin to
shpind the resht av me days taken the
consate out av min, •
T minslrunned . sonleting loike that
.to the misses wan noight, an asked
her what she tought about. it.
"'Tis foine- idea, -Tim, nae man,
sez she, "an I tink ye shud shtart otic
at wance, wid yirsilf," she sez.
"I (Joli'- Link it nicissary in me own
case darlint," sez I„ "fer, owin to yer
prolonged laborite void ine, an the vol ,
unies av • good advoice I have had Eregebung, Leonard W. Grant. .rt�
from that sltivate tongue ye have it' strumental' selection, 'La Barcarolle,'
yer head, I don't belave I have enough
consate lift in: the to fink I cud run a
whalebarry along p. Loire fut walk
widout gittin ail on'the grass," I sez,
"Mebby that's the- rayson", sez she,
"whoy all thine shtones, an tin cans,
an impty bottles are poiled up in a
corner, av the back yarritd," she sez.
"I tought ye said it wus be rayson
av yer lumbago, but now ye tell me
'tis because avaack av •consate in yer-
silf, but me oimn proivate opiiryu;n is
that it is jusht plain laziness that pre-
vints ye frum Lapin the place dacint.
an crane as it spud be,"
'Tis n0use argyin wid a wununan,
so I what out an got the nhalebarry
an clamed tings up ginerally, but to
git even avid the missus I picked up
half a dozen-,av her flower pots, an
some bulbs she had droyin in the sun,
an hid thing. in the shtable, an whin
she wint to,look" tsr thine I tould her
they mtisht hey gone down to the
dump wid the resht av-•the rubbish.
D'ye trotish" how some av our byes
down in the city av Montreal do be
troyin to put Mishter Meighen out a�
the laydership av the Tory earthy,
'Tis a bad piece av pat•thy manage -
mint, be me ower way av .tinkir•i, alt
givin thing Grits a chance to laugh at
us. In a big war, share, 'tis no har-
rum to lose a skirmish arr two, so
long as, loikc the British army, ye al-
ways win the lasht battle, I can't un-
dershtand what all the fuss is, about
annyway, fer, Shure, the Grits only
hilt]. what they had befoor, an didnt xi p nt Contralto solos, Sylvia
the )vitt a sate "from thin). in Nova Gcisictl, Elba Da\ie.s, piano. Temple
•Scotia an wan_ in New Brunswick,
not so long ago,' Mishter Meigheri L- brotheas male quartet, Ralph, Carl,
the shmartest: man in theaparthy to- Edward allyl Willardton.
day, an I intind to kape roigltt 00
shoutin Ler him, until some other fel-
lilt takes his place. 'Twas the same
whin the "nesht av traitors" pet Sir
McKenzie out av his jawb as layder
av the Tory, par•thy, at1 put Sir Chas.
'.'upper in his 'place, all be ray,srrneav
the change we losht the rlickalrun in
'1896, but, avcoorsc, ye young aellalis
can't xenrimber thim.-ould tonics.
• Yours till nisi wake,
Timothy Hay,
(Continue from. page 4.)
Station !'VV 'Si'•--�,8o Meters
General Elect= Company
Schenectady, I T, Y,
!Thursday, September mSth.
5.3o p.m.—Organ recital by Steph-
en E. Boisclaur, organist, from. Proct-
or's Harmauus Bleeeber ITali,;,
7•A5pan.— A: Few Moments with
New Books," Wiliam F. Jacobs, Lib
madam, • General Electric. aCompany,G
8 prim,—Musical program by WGY
Orchestra and St+ rs. Carroll G. Brown
pianist. Instrumental selection, "A
Sketch," .1VGY chestra, Piano solo
`Nosturne in ,' Mrs. Carroll G.
Brown Instrumental selection, Bac
claanale;' orchestra. Instrumental sel-
ection, 'Because,' orchestra, Piano .'
solo: (a) 'To A Wild Rose,' (b)' `To A Water Lily,' Ars- Carroll G. Brown:
Address: `Crime the ,Court and the
Public;' Judge John Alexander. In-
strumental selections,' 'Dance of the
Payaderes,' (soaring), Airs. Carroll G
Brown, Instrumental selection, 'Mus-
ical Scenes from Switzerland,' (a)
'Rustic Picture,' (b) `Peasant Dance,'
(c) 'Alphorna (b)`Lander,' (c) `Yod
ler' orchestra.
Friday, September rgth,
5.45 pan. ---Children's story in Fren-,
each by Fredric Duclert.
ti p.m.—International Sunday Sch-
ool lesson.
7.45 p.m —Baeball results,
7.45 p.m.—Health talks,
7.50 p.m ---Pr. gram by Blue Rib-
bon Entertainers, Edwin A. -Traut-
man, director:; Fax trot, `Bringlrt
Home the Bacon,' Blue Ribbon E•a-
tertainers. Fax Trot,.`Cairo Land,'
orchestra. Walt; `Waiting:. for the
Rainbow,' orchestra. Trumpet solo;
'A Perfect Day,' James McGibbon.
Fax Trot, 'Never Again,' orchestra..
Fox Trot, 'Blue Evening Blues or-
chestra.'- Saxophone solo, "A Song of
India,' James R. Rogers, Jr. Fox
Trot, 'Don't My Girl,' orches -
ra. Fox Trot 'After the Storm,' or-
chestra. Fax rot, 'Blue Rose,' or-
chestra. Fox rot, `Forget -me -nota
orchestra. Xylophone solo,-
of Mine,' Roland A. Horpt, Fax
Trot, `Churls,' orchestra. Fax Trot,
`Spain,' orchestra. Fox Trot, 'Lover's
Lane is a Lonesome Trail,' orchestra.
Fax Trot, 'Did You Forget,' orchest-
zo.3o p.m. -Musical Program by
AIrce Conrey Slade, soprano; Leonard
W. Grant, baritone, and WGY or-
chestra: Instrumental selection, 'Wan-
derer's Hope,' WGY orchestra. liar-
itone solo, 'The Blind Plowman,' Leo'=
nerd. W. Grant,- Piano solo, `Noe-
turne,' 011ie G. Yettru: Vocal Duet,
`Calm as the Night,' Alice Conrey Sla-
de, soprano: Leonard W. Grant, bay -
hone. Soprano solo, `Villanelle,' Alice
Conrey Slade- Violin solo, 'Serenade,'
Edward A. Rice. Baritone solo, sel-
ections front the song cycle,;`Elilancl,'
(a) `Stiller Lied,' (b) 'Rosenwcig,' (c)
orchestra. Soprano solos, (a) The
Last Rose of Summer,' (b) 'Carry Me
.Back to Old Virginia,' Alice Conrey
Slade. Vocal Duet, The Enchanted
Glade,' Alice Conrey Slade, soprano,
Leonard W. Grant; baritone. Bari-
tone Solo, `Hear. Ye, 0 Winds and
Waves,' from the opera `Scipione,'
Leonard W. Grant. Instrumental sel-
ection, 'The North Star,': orchestra..
Soprano solo, 'Memories,' ,Alice Con-
rey Slade. Instrumental selection,
suite, 'On Jhelum River,' (a) 'Intro-
duction and Boat Song," (b) `Song of
the Bride,' (c) 'Will the Red Sun Nev-
er Set?, (d) `Ashoo at Her Lattice,'
(e) 'Only a Rose,' (1) 'Kingfisher
Blue,' orchestra,
Saturday, September zoth,
9.30 p.m.—Dance Music by Ken-
more Hotel Orchestra, Albany, N. Y,;
popular song"s'"by Frank Davis,
Thursday, September z8th,
Station W JAX-3go Meters.
Union Trust CO..:,
Cleveland, Cl.
8 p.m. -Hotel Cleveland orchestra,
direct from the Hotel Cleveland; stud-
ents program by the Liddicoat Banjo.
Club, with vocal selections and instru-
mental solos.
xo,3o p,m,—Organ recital by Vin-
cent H. Percy.
Station WSAI—gog Meters
U. S. Playing Card Co.,
Cincinnati, 0.
Station WLW-4 9 1V.ieters
Crosley Radio Corporation,
Cincinnati,; 0.
ST pini, --Concert program by the
4-lihuii Inetrumcnlal Trio. .(Courtesy
of the 1i;Lilnor• Electric. Company, Cin-
cinnati.) Thici program will include
standard solo;,: trios and caperis from_
p011111ar nnrsiral comedies. 'Popular
pioe,rani and entertainment by the
Doherty Melody Toys: