HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-18, Page 8m
itilovvIrlg o rA
IN lit
.' Scratch aBch
Felt1 Fur Felts
eks Guaranteed
Borsallno,Worlds' est
P large (number of our chi t its a
tended. the Western Fair,
I After a lapse of two months the Ep-
wor,•t1i League met on Monday event-
nth- and reorganized for the Fall work.
`1 he president Miss Worsclt was in
The linyn and contents of Mr. John
Bowes, c n, S: dilorris, was complete -
i ly destroyed by fire on Saturday aft
cznoon, combustion of the grain was
the 'apparent' cause of the fire, the
loss is partly covered by insurance.
There will be a street Carnival and
tm Dance on Wednesday evening, prizes
;will be 'awarded to the oldest couple
dancing, splendid prices for fancy and
comical dress, also`. for the car that
{brings the most occupants and com-
u' ling;, the .longest distance. Two orch-
estras and the Highlanders Bands will
'supply the music.
Blyth Fall Fair combined with the
School Fair will be held on' inirsclay.
and Friday, Sept. 26 and 27,
Mr. and Mrs. John Weir of Toron-
to; spent a few clays with friends "a-
1 round here. •
number er froze this locality attend,>
El led the London Fair' last week.
nre li' Mr, Alfred Meaban has purchased.
the ditching machine recently owned
iby li/Mr. Strome of Fordwich.
ii The harvest has been all safely gar -
leered iu for another year and good
reports are beard as to the returns of
the crops:
Mr, Robt. McLaughlin returned
from 'Toronto on Saturday, where he
rind. been visiting friends.
The School Fair proved quite a suc-
r 4s_ There was a good exhibit of
,reit, flowers, vegetables and stock,
wand the games were much enjoyed.
MissOralKitchen of Toronto, spent
st week under the parental roof.
-,dr-, R, J. Rann spent last week in
Major R. C, Berkinshaw of Toron-
o, spent last' week at the home of F.
--end Mrs. Kitchen.:
Mr. Wm. Rutherford spent last
(reek with friends. in Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sanderson re -
:turned from Toronto, and Have taken
rooms in Mrs. Alex. McDougal's
,siouse: •
Mr. and Mrs. Haugh • returned to
.heir home in Listowel after spending!
few days with, Irwin and Mrs.1
Mr. and Mrs, Dickson, Miss Mar-
garet ,and George Johnson were am-
ong those that took in London Fair,
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather the Encleavor picnic was post-
Mr. Cliff Boyd of Howick, was a
Sunday visitor at Win. Breckenridge's.
Mr. Conrad Baker had the misfor-
tune to fall off a load of grain
spraining his ankle.
Miss Minnie Jeffray visited Mrs.
James Stewart and Mrs, Adam Simp-
son in Wingham on Monday.
Miss Agnes Darling spent Sunday
evening with Miss -Agnes u e oto
Mr. and Mrs. Underwood' of How-
owick, visited at Mr. Henry Johnann's
and Mr. Fleming Ballagh's oti Sun-
Miss Mary McArter and Master
Jack Waghorne, Toronto, were spend-
ing part of their vacation visiting
Morris and Hullett friends. The for-
mer is a sister to John and Henry
McArter, Morris township;
J. W. Scott had the misfortune to
fall from a load of grain and quite
severely._injured his arm besides re-
ceiving quite an ugly cut above the
eye. The cause was the: breaking of
a trip rope which threw him from the
load.Glad it was no worse.
A serious accident oceured to Mur-
ray Johnson, London, who drives Sil
verwood's truck, on Tuesday morning
August 26th. The truck was about 6
miles from London going to Seaforth
by way of St. Marys, when Mr. Jolin:-
son • heard something loose on the
truck. Telling the driver to go slow-
ly, he attempted to step from,tbe cab
to the rack of the, truck. He missed
his step and was thrown, to the road,
injuring his back. A doctor was -call
ed from London who restored .him to,
consciousness andtook hint. to a Hos-
pital 'where ht was in a serious con,
dition, but we are glad to say he is
progressing favorably noW.- Mr. Dalin-
son is a former Morrisite, son of Hen-
ry Johnson, sth• line.
Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs.
Robb of Brussels, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon.
Mr. Conner- of Mt. Forest, spent a
week. with Mr. and Mrs. M. Lake: •
Mrs. Wm. Clark, formerly of Bel
grave, now of Saskc, has been spend-
ing a few days with Mrs. Dan Geddes
and calling on old friends in this vi-
- Mrs. ;Bryant of -Millet, spent a cou-
Mr. and Mrs. Sate. Marshall, also ple of days :with ` her mother, Mr -s.
F. Timmins of. Toronto, spent Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Marshall were Wray.
few• days with Mr. Robt. Musgrove. -the guests oft i\2r. and Mrs. 'W.nr:. Nurse. Terriff of Whitechurch, was
Mr. Thos. Stewart received a car of Shoebottom of Wawanosh on Sunday. the guest of Mrs. 1°I. Lake for a few
. C. shingles this week. • 1 . Among those who took in the Lon- days last week.
Mr, Harold Holmes of Detroit, is • don Fair from these parts . last Wed' 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirkby spent a few
'home fora short vacation. Inesday were, Mr. Thomas•Hatigh andldays last week with friends in South -
The anniversary services in Metho- • sons Ivan. and David; Miss Bella Mier- arnpton. '
Mrs. Scandr-ett spent last week with
her sister, Mrs, McGowan of Blyth.
Rev. Moores attended district meet-
ing in Lucknow this week.
Quite a number from here took in
the London Fair" last week,
_tiontsgionitinIotitimnionsinoililonswifinsinuisinsitioint til
I i
Thursday, September lath.; 19414
I l I III1Gi111 11111ini till 1, itstn it ttenli 111 iillNilltII 11111 ionntittn iiminsintimin all'
Mr. and Mrs: Charlie Martin and
little daughter, Louise,: Whitechurch,
Durst: visited on Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Reuben Appleby.
era IRels,",a6„t i.n it
1 ,44, in;�'�,�;�i;
etF7lir�,. 44$; !6!;i,
el 6,t✓ lid
,dist church last Sunday were well, at-' chison; Mr. Wilfred Murchison, Mr.
tended and Rev. Mr. Clark of Brus- i Thos. Appleby; Mr, and' Mrs. Rueben
gels, gave two excellent sermons that Appleby; Misses Mabel Stokes, Edna
were much, enjoyed by all present. 1 Lincoln, Ethel Hastings, Mr, and Mrs.
Mr. Lorne Hyles has returned home A, Hastings, Messrs. Nelson Under-'
after a motor trip down East. (wood, Lance Lincoln and Elmer Breen
Mrs. Neal and son,William, of Wal -
~on, were visitors at. the home ofMr.� ASHFIELD
R. Musgrove.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Masters and Mr- „ Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Phillips of God -
And Mrs, G. Gallaher of Belgrave, erich, spent a few days last week with:
spent Sunday with, friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson.
Mr. Eldon McKinney is at Park Mr, . and Mrs, "Thomas Dickson. of
Head,relieving theAgent
there fcEr
Port Albert, called on some of their
cei.ple of weeks. relatives aroundf id Courey's Corners on
Mr. R. Johnston shipped a car of Sunday.
bogs on Saturday and F. Black a car Mrs. ,,Wm, Reid of Goderich, is vis -
of cattle, iting with her daughter, Mrs, James
.Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Procter of Alton of Belfast.
Bey rave, spent Sunday with Mr. J., The anniversary services that we° e
Mrs. Ja`s. Aitchison of Port Col-
borne, is visiting .relatives here.
IVIr. Chas. Elliott has had a neat
porch erected at the front of his re
sidence, which adds greatly to its at-
tractiveness. Mr, George Denyer, of
Winghazn; was the carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Bellinger of
Winghazn, were in Dungannon for a
few days last week, being guests with
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ryan, While here
they took in Field Day, and also God-
erich Industrial`, Exhibition.
• Engineer Roy Patterson, of :Gode-
held in Hackett's Methodist church, rich, was ,in the vicinity . on Tuesday,
last Sunday, were well attended, Rev, to go over the course of a large ditch
Hedley of Goderich, preached. on the 2nd concession of West Wawa-
The following are some of the visit- ,nosh and Ashfield, and to equalize.
BELMURE ors who attended • the •London Fair the respective shares' of the farmers
S1n alp_ kin S
Sale is
eed. the 1 = f .o \l
The Lead
� e129.
Shoe St re of .iron Con.,, „iy
1 J gi am to
r; 1 I::: 111.x11 , 119 111E111E1111).::111E1111011114AIIIi�IIIwt1I1E111E111
l�iIIR�III�III�III�lll�lll®ill�lll'(II�III Iil�ill III�,III® I.1
-There being no Encleavor on Sun- Mr, Alex. Hackett, Belfast; 'Nit—re througiiw Se lrtY the ditch has
Rtlav evening, the majority of young and Mrs. Serb, Stother s, from near its course._
e ices at
Dungannon; Mr. and. Mrs. Franlc•j Mrs, Harry Walker, who has been
'peopled ld attended services
an o 9 , here <for a few weeks on a visit with
'. Johnson, coat:• Mr, and Mrs-
Mrs. Herd sr. left for the West last Alton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin, her 'sister, Mrs. Py B. 'Pentland eft
Belfast; NVlr. Alton brought home with
week where she will visit
her 'cla,ugit !him a Ford touring car.
heSeru Port Albert,
Tues -
ter. for
byway of Wel-
,41 lei+' tri dl 1 a r�"Il�i�
Ex ce 'ti I '.nal
an'neI lt
a1u,11:�„ in 11 lines New Goods
l;, a
F vets , ,i,.res� oods, Silks, Canton Crepes, Silk a
ooi,Cre s, Shot Cre�YesV[pRSweaters,
�p� earts,� a'., n '
bo 1''�,s11, I I I�'steryt ;GI 1" es, Underwear, ear 'Wail ' ' s. P ..
11P tiE
W �l7G:01 %kw
-,rt sateen, Cria1n Goods, Tow
Moos, Linens, Table CIE*, flits and
Cottons, Sheetings, C fto' so T
k4ns, 1 it
c)rxe 8
he iHouse of Quality',
r >t~Iee Rltd
land where the funeral of an uncle, a
brother •of the late Benjamin Angus -
tine, was being held,
Mr, J. > J. (Ryan is beautifying his
home by the addition of a new veran:
dah, the base and !pillars being of cc -1
znent blocks and the upper part of the
structure and balcony, of wood. Mr.
J. Glen is doing the cement • world'
while Mr. George Westbrook, of God -
elicit, will do the carpenter work.
The ladies. served !a splendid sup-
per in the hall, which was enjoyed by
a goodly number, The concert in the,.
evening was enjoyed by a full house
and later a crowd gathered for the.
dance. While ithe
et . r e
of the day were l 1 g expenses
brought' the net receipts down to a=
bout $roo.
The annual field day was favored
with good weather, ' -but owing to be-
lated harvesting ,operations there was
not so large a crowd in attendance
for the baseball and sports in the af-
ternoon, asthere might otherwise
have been. ' Two games sof baseball
were played, viz,, Lochalsh vs, Dun-
gannon, in which. 'the, score was i-4:'
for Lochalsh, and afterwards Auburn
vs. Lochalsh, the score being 9-2 for -
11..Ililllt:insiIII®IIIIIIf i1Jllusa111
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I�il 'Inman
�l IAA,
II �:��III�IiII��IiI�Iilml.l®Ill I
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1othiiig for Falk
wl MENS SUITS of remarkable value are
priced at $17.50, 24.00, 26.50, 29.75, 32200
35.00'and 42.50.
Mr. and Mist J. T, Shera were at
Drayton over the week -end attending
the funeral'' of a friend. '
Rev. Catton 'Perkins conducted the
services in the English church. He
was born in Gorrie, a son of the late
Jas. ]Perkins.
Mrs, F. C. Taylor is attending the
funeral of her brother-in-law at Clif-
ton, Kansas.
The young people of the Methodist
church gave their play at Doe's church
last Friday evening,
Miss Margaret Ashton has "taken: n
position in the post office at Seaforth:
Rev. Mr.- Stewart of Mt:. Forest,
preached in. the Presbyteriaai, church
here on Sunday last, :exchanging with
Rev. A. Laing.
The School Fair held here on •Fri-
day last was quite successful in spite
of the rather unfavorable weather and
the fart that tate harvesting was not:
finished and 'anany farmers threshing:
Tenders will he 'received on the tile
portion of Elliott -Underwood; Drain
acid Breeches; Tenders will be recei-
ved on whole systemtenders• will
be received on the Branches separate-
ly. ro per cent, of the Contract price
to accompany tender", n per cent.
will be paid contractor as world pro-
grasses. Tenders to be itt hands of
clerk, 29th Sept,, 1924 Plans and spe-
cifications may be seen: itt Cleric's o'i-
fice, Towitship tV,il'l fur•nisbl tile if
contractor wishes, Lowest or any
toftder not necessarily aceept.cd. '' r
R. Cruikshank Clerk
SMART TOP COATS at $15.00, 18.00
23.50, 30.00 and 35.00.
OVERCOATS .frolni$17.50 to $45,00.
®' our made to measure departmeiit,lare of
the . highest standard.
Handsorile Checks and Plain. Colors with
11 and without Collars, exceptional values at
$2.50, 4.50, 6.00, 7,50 and. 8.50,
Our $2:50 Pure Wool Sweater is a winner.
UND RWEAR Cettee, ItArat•so.n's' and
silk and wool and combed cotton..
SOdKS • Fine Cashmere, Silk and 'Wool
and pure' worsteds. Special Pure Pine
Cashmere Socks, all sizes per pair 48c
BOYS SUITS Irish Serge Suits. 2 BI-
oolners 9,75. Fancy. Tweed "Mixtures
9,$10.50, 1275 to 18.50.
Boys. Sweaters, Pullovers, ` jerseys Etc.
New Fall Hats, C'� ps, tirnI hiu s:
Come lin andSee 'ourNew �iirQB0ds,
111 • Stanfie •d's in various weights of, pure wool
ear m
➢fit ' '