HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-18, Page 4A number of large ;broadcasting sta- tions have been off the air for a time whilechangesr f. ein,, w e e, being t, made in their stations with a'View to:improve- r_c ,l nt of the quality of transmission, A ouiuber of "openings" for the lal.l and -winter seasons 'were held last week. e a . w G Station " WIVEC" of Memphis, wpm l enn, celebrated its return t r° t o the dreg to listeners eners by t weird d program. s a " an k t10 'has z s alt v,r y � s featured a boat whistle itt the end of Selections and now they have Carried farther by Iaueching an imaginary boat with all the ceremony oiy of ther real article, Numerous steamers have made good use of ° the broadcasts froze; WW J a Detroit during . the past sea- son. The.oz'ahestral selections have been used to entertain passengers and times the ris at ' i i w. tn e for dances was :pro- vided by this means. Marconithereat wireless author- ity u ity has been carrying an experiments for some tune with ha a view to the M' i..YourDol/ar Buy More Everybody's problem these. days is to make every dollar i go as far aspossible-except when you strop at 'DOMINION STORES, where our dollar' has already bought more for you, and you get the benefit of the saving we make. Prove it on the -rent dollar's worth of groceries you buy, .m.. Spirit 13lene �. ¢� �pnit on Cider Vi>ixe=gn<........ 1 gal. 35c Do€i'aaniori or Maple Leaf Matcbes,•.3 boxes 25e PATERSON'S DICiES- QUAKER OATS TIVE BISCUITS (large package.) - (Universal Health telQUAKER OATS g4Biscuit) -waC (small package), 2 for +3%; eamsaatoavonomowen Pickling Season is Here: CROWN SS, per dozen Pints, $1.28,; Quarts, $1.35; f Gallons, $I;RS RUBBER JAR RINGS, 3 dozen ZINC JAR RINGS' Dozen - PAROWA3 2 for WHOLE MIXED PICKLING SPICE 90C Ib . _ - _ _ -25c 20c 15c GROUND MUSTARDqz lb. - 15-oz.. Pkt. SEEDED or SEEDLESS 4)C RAISINS, 2 for - CALWORNIA a� SEEDED or SEED- 95 LESS RAISINS, 2 ib. 25-1b. box - -$2.99 Pure Lard, No. 3 tin '0 lb. pail SHELLED WALNUTS, lb. - WHITE SATIN PASTRY FLOUR 65c 24 lb., For Light, Flaky - Pastry epcsia �dre 98 ib. _49c, -,-wivasaas ma :DOII+IINION BRAND BAKING ' POWDER (No: Alum), T -lb. tin -c a CAMPBELL'S SOUPS e (Tomato), 2 for - o Y TOL BUT ; PEANUT 'T`ER 21c 59c $4.25 FRANCO-AMERI- CAN SPAGHETTI 1 C (Medium) - - BRUNSWICK 9. SARDINES, 4 tins -0% KIPPER SNACKS (For a tasty meal), 5c 4 for - LILAC BRAND APPLE and RASPBERRY JAM, An 4 -ib. tin - - MAYFIELD BRAND BACON,` Machine Sliced (Growingmore in. Popularity every I week), lb. - - -Ada Richmel10 Products (only obtainable at Dominion Stores) Noted for tbseir high quality. RICIIMELLO TEA RICHMELLO (a delightful _blend), )7gi COFFEE, 1 -lb. tin 3:.c RICHMELLO i COCOA, 1 RICH Eb. i M LLt�tin 41 COFFEE (a lzi.gi7RICHllIIEILO grade coffee), Ib. tin u oC COCOA, 3/4-1b. tin A 1 C 11 11 NB awn li V`. A FTER the tires' under gigantic Y' ovens in bakeries : have been drawn,the. bakerscontinue nt nub for hours . to bake bread, pies, and cakes. ' hy?"e a � c use. the bricks G $ of the oven have retained the "flash heat of the fire and "stored" it. So" t tea, once McClary's , Y �leetxic, Oven has become thoroughly heated; theur e "off" C 1(' rlt fflc"1, be turned O� a.11Cl the oven goes merrily along baking for hours, The samerin"l p oa<�le operates in Tor.Red Protected ien-lents, found only on, e. McCia1 's Electric Range, Is abs WINGI:TAhI ADVANC',t"-TIM. control of radio' waves ,n definite c ic eGtiob, His workhasbeen closely Y g watchedandnow w ii plans •i r � � n re k? 1st be pF tried out in commercial work, Using a very lore power and short, wave of about 90 meters night transmission hasbeen sidaessfug1 Y carried out froma station in southern France to a; stat- ion located in South America, This experiment Was ' carried out every night over a period of two w8bks, When trials were carried on under daylight 'Conditions they were not suc- cessful. It was found that only very high powers could'be y gsuccessfully used in daylight, In probably no oth- er !scientific field is there so much room for research as in radio. The progress of radio development has been :so'apid:that receivers which were considered the most uptodate a year ago' are .now almost obsolete, The trend is toward the dry -cell tube and multi -tube sets. Many of the new receivers are entirely portable and re- quire no aerialwhat ever. POPULAR RADIO PROGRAMS Statioh KDRA•---326 Meters Westinghouse Electric Pittsburgh, Pa. Thursday, September x8th, 5.30 p.m. Dinner concert by the KD' ICA Little Symphony' orchestra, Vict- or Saudek,, conductor. 6 pan.—Baseball scores, dinner con- cert. 6.30 par.—Children's •3 P ,na,Cliz dren's period, Ron- ald MacDonald from the Highland, will sing some songs. 6.45 p.m,—Address by a represent- ative of the Automobile Club of Pit- tsburgh. 7 p.m.—Baseball scores; "More a- bout shade and ornamental trees" pre- pared by the Fruit Growers' Nurser- ies, Newark, N. J, 7.15 p.m, --Program, arranged by the National Stockman and -Farmer. 7.40 p.m.—"Stockman" reports of primary live stock and wholesale pro- duce markets. 8 p.m.—Concert, arranged` especial- ly for reception in, Spanish-speaking countries, presented by the KDKA, Little Symphony orchestra, Victor Sauclek, conductor, assisted by Nazar in, LaMarca, tenor. Announcements will be made in Spanish and English. 9.55 par.—Arlington time signals. Weather forecast. Baseball scores. 10 par.—Concert. Friday, Septe'er mli loth 5.30 p.m:—Organ, recital by Paul .E, Pleeger playing at the :Cameo Theat- re, Pittsburgh. 6 p.m.—Baseball scores; dinner con- cert continued: 6.3o p.m.—The children's period, a pitter-patter raindrop 15rograrn. 6.45 p.m.—News, Bulletins. q pan.—Baseball scores:. 7.4o p,in.—Stockman reports of the primary Itve. stock and wholesale pro- diace markets. 8 p.m.—Concert by Ingrain Ladies' Choral Society, assisted by Marie Ben- net„ soprano and Adolph MacLuckie,' tenor. 9.55 p.m. -Arlington time signals; weather forecast; baseball scores. Saturday, \September doth: 6.39 p.m, --The children's' period--- Gallant eriod-Gallant Taylor. 6.45 pan.—Last minute helps to teachersn o f International Sunday Sch- ool lessons, C. C. Johnston,from `The Grail Bible Lecture'. 7. p.m.—Baseball scores. Sport re- view by James J. Long, sport editor of the Pittsburgh Sun. 8 p.m,—Concert by the Westing- house band' under the direction of T. J. Vastine, assisted by . Max Kroen, baritone, and Edwin Kroen, tenor. 9.55 p.m.—Arlington time signals;' weather forecast; baseball scores. '. (Continued on supplement) Engagement Announced Alexander Saunders of Goderich, an- nounces the engagement of his young- est daughter, Agnes Jean, to Charles. Frederick Chapman, of the Bank of Commerce, Wingham, son. of Mr. 1-1. R. Chapman, of Mitchell;' marriage to take place at his residence,`"Blairgo- wrie," Nelson street, •on Tuesday, 56th inst. .• Goes Back to, College IVIr, D. Andrew, who has been as 'sistant to District Representative S. 13. Stothers for the past two or three years, has resigned and goes' to Guelph on September 15th to finish a course at the 0. A, C, Mr. Andrew has two years of his course in and he goes in- to the College as assistant dean of residence this year, a position which he should "fill with ability and ease. Clinton people will be very sorry, 'n - deed, to lose. Mr, Andrew as a citizen, as he has made many friends during his sojourn here. Both he and Mrs. Andrew- will be much missed, Good wishes will follow them to their 'new abode. Mr. J.,,B. 'Nelson of Rock- wood, is the ne4v assistant in the Ag- ricultural office and commenced his duties on Monday-- Clinton News - Record. Money Lost To i1(iinglaam Still the orders for .printing contin- ue to pour out of Wingham, on Fri- day a commercial . mai with a side- line of printing showed Mr. Thos, Kew where he had $6o worth of orders which: he was taking with him to To- ronto. If there was a 'reason for this v r l C would notkick but there is none: The Advance -Times job printing is just as cheap and the quality of paper is just as good and often better. The Wingham business man who told this traveller how we charged him $9,00 for 500 loose leaf sheets is help- ing to kill the town besides spreading untruths.' His: order was filled for $9.50. The traveller went on to tell Mr, ;'Kew how that he could have giv- en the same loose leaf sheets to this gentleman at $x3,00�per x000; to this. we have to smile for that is just what the °moo would cost if the first 56a carne to $0.5o. Its just another case of the business man who' will only let us quote hint on orders of Soo when he will talk. in thousands to the know- it-all city printer, The Advanee'.TiiXi- es guarantees as good quality and as low priced printing as can be purch- ased from any person or any place; unless 'the printing is given away. Again 'wc repeat if, Wirtghai'# otti' Zees were as loyal to their owtt citi- tens as a cottple of nearby'towos ate, we could engage another printer the year round in our office, STftft1.A NEVER CA E BACK Since Taking' The Fruit Treatment a$ e1t In �IfU 6b tta-i-� � YfaS9•! Read his letter film t e r r , : M. nx � r Pennington tonNewckl P fzi g 9 0 and, , Q. "In 1912, I was taken with Bron- dhisl Asthma; and no one knows what I suffered during the winter. ;I began, having choking spells and would just gasp for breath and could not speak.' The doctor said he could do nothing fax me. In thea spring of 1920, I started taking, "Fruit-a-tives" and soon the choking spells became easier and I bave not had one since May 7t11, 1920. It is sae a relief to be able to go to bed and d leave no thought 'of having toet is in e t' rhour r g • . la ill; , night for >j,u or more as hd all that winter, hut neer have naw, abecausetake a . t"7f reit-a-tives" tablet every night. 25o. and 50qq.:a o; ---at all dealers or sentost al by Pruit•a-rives p P Limited, Ottawa, Ont 111= Ifl : won++ Illl211l til 5 5 verllr ' d Berk - rley -„�• and Gold Ba err,,J,are 11191111g11I5lll,+=11 ,111III 1 Hl5III1all11111I tII 55 15 55 5 111 Ian 1., h i E. GARRATT of Toronto wit R e : be here on on®, : Sept. 2 If your ;piano needs Expert Attentione s nd your order in as soon asossible to one orgy p n y of the following names: Mr. W. J. Greer, Shoe Merchant Mr. II. Gibson, Baker Mr. J. H. Christie, Grocer (N.B. --- Last year's patrons .will be called on without special order.) • pp DON'T DELAY ---- - --- ORDER NOW 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Mon- ey refunded. E. Garratt. Alabama Rose at. Meaford When Mrs.qames Butchart planted a flower at the back of the..block in which she and her good roan live, last spring, she did it with a view to beau- tifying an otherwise tmbeautiful `Mary Annebackyard. Mrs. Butchart is a great flower lover, and wouldn't be happy if she hadn't < something of the sort to do,hen t W hebegat ardeu i g to come along, several foreign plants appeared among the posies, and she was, seriously thinking of pulling them up, when CharleyKliechtel, who is something of a' wag (and hacl planted them there) declared that they were a beautiful plant, known as Alabama Roses, i3eeatise he assured her .of the beauty of tliell• bloom, eii" : because of his half interest in the 'garden which' blooms just outside his window as he worlds at the " bench in Mark .Boyces' harness shop; Mrs. Butchart let them remain. As they grew it gradually began to dawn 'on her that the beauti- ful Alabama hoses were noire' other than our old friends, the• sunflower I However, she let them remain, and now one of the plants has attained practically twelve feet hi length, and is still going strong, like the famous beam stalk of history. It is expected• to reach, twenty feet -before getting tired of its job.Meaford Mirror. 11101111111I111 11811 11101111 111111110118111 111 11111111 lj 55 ea , , ..;F.re' • Insunce p`ire Insurance furnished ' on 't dwellings ; itt, Win'ghhm, at less ON than Ttrw nship 1Vluttial' rates— with no prep iuut note to sign. ER Why take the risk of 'having to ptt'y etktra asaeosan intsi' Ah 14coserks Iltsttiattce ,it Ieai Rt hte - ill R<l1tI 11111111 111 1ir111111 111.1 I111111111111101111111i1 ,•-"wu°r�=^r•,'.�w—w?„nw` u,,,ru.,,wvuy y, ..v.,aw:u,,.vM �"vL:t `"'.:' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ,The t tt it i til z i " z i c r ou is of the town- ship o 1 wn- 1 c ship of -Morris are asking for tenders for the constriction of the Miistaz.d, Drain and the McArthur ;Drain. Plans profiles and d s ecifieations and esti- mates mates may be seen at the clerk's resi- dence, The tenders will be opened at the Township Hall on Mopday, September 29th, at 2 o'clock°. Enclose a'ft Ix y dollars marked good faith cheque with the tender, ' A. MeEwen, Clerk, 1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John Watson, lag of the Village of Brussels in -the Cour ty of I-3uron,.' Retired Partner, deceas ed. I • Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 56, Chapter 121 of R.S,O., I9f'4 that all .persons having. claims against the Estatel of John Watson;. who died on or about ltl;te twenty sixth 'clay of July, A.D., xpp24, at the Village of Brussels, are required to send to; the undersigned, on or before the Eighth. clay of October, A.D.; 19�?4, their nam- es andlacldresses with full particulars, of their claims in writing and the na- ttzre of the securities (if any) held. by them: A' And further take..notice ,that after the said Eighth day, of October, A.D;, 1924, the assets of the -Said Estate will l be distributed by the Executors ani -1 ong the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing, regard only to, claims of which, they shall then have notice and the Estate will not be liable for any claim not filed at the time of the said dis- tribution. Dated at Wingham, this Eighth day of September, 'A.D., 1924. DUDLEY HOLMES, K.C. Solicitor for the Executors. r.rt xzsday, Sept her ;8th., 5924, otie fourth of the dz tinkeness that there was is i 1 . 5 1there were' a � t t I 9-1 p4 14,247 ccs f dr dei before.the es til fes a i i s police :court, in 5922 there 'were 4059 cases, In the five prineipal, Ontario cit' d,z res there were committed to jail fax j } dr n 'te u lceness i 1 5954;' 59 persons for ev" ery xo,000 population, In 1922 there were only :3o for every 1o,00o, In 59x4 there were 58' for every i0,ocio population•convicted' for crime assoc- iated with drunkeness. In- 1922 there were only x8: in every 10,000 of Ontar- io's ntar- i' o s population, The Ontario Temper- ance Act must be. responsible fax this steady improvement, Sir Wm. Hearst ex -Premier' of Ontario, says, "I am i' thankful to be able to say: that the operation of the law has come up to my greatest expectations.. " The chur- ches are unanimous hi favor of the O. T. A. and their motive' cannot be doubted, they seek only the good of all men, Rt. 'Rey. Jas.. Sweeney, Bishop of Toronto, says, I urge Anglicans to weigh the situation with the 'utmost care and take into consideration the changed conditions since Prohibition." Rev. Father' Mirzehan speaking for the Roman Catholic Church says, "Tor - NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS :ciEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56 Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontwi✓>, that all persons having claims against the Estate of ,Clara M. ,E. McKague, de- ceased,who died on or about the twee- ty-Iourth day of July, A. D. /924, at the Town of Wingham.: in the Prov- ince of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, .Oirtario, Sol- icitor for the Executor, on or before' the sixth day of October, A. D. 1924, their names and addresses, with full particulars of their claims in writing, and the nature ;of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by_ a statutory declaration. AND FURTI-HER'TAKE NOTICE that after the said sixth day of Octob- er1924, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Executors among the parties entitled, thereto, having regard only. to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate will notbe liable for any ;,claims tot filed at the time of, the said distribution. - DATED at Wingham -this ninth day of September, A. D. ,1924. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P: 0., Solicitor for -the Executors,' EAST WAWANOSH Dont forget the anniversary seirvic- es in Donnybrook Methodist Church, do Sunday, Sept:' 21st. , Rev. Mr. Moo- refield of Clinton will conduct the ser- vices at 2.30 and 7 p. iii. , The Broth- erhood choir of Westfield will supply., music in afternoon and 13elgrave Pres- byterian choir at night, Mr, Chas. Campbell returned home from" e1 M brooise on Friday, where he has been e u visiting his daughter, Mrs. Melbourne IVieDowell. Lions ;Visit Wingham A-`baker's..dozen' of the Lions Club of. Goderich, 'motored .to Wingham, last Friday evening where, at the in- vitation of the Lions Club' of that town they were entertained. at a din- ner prepared for them at the Bruns- wick hotel: There 'was a large gath- ering of;.Wingliam Lions present and a most enjoyable evening -.was had, An excellent orchestra provided ent-: ertaining music, and theevening was up with speech, song -arid recitatiaris,, The Lions of Wingham are a pretty. live bunch, and, have an_ excellent club room, to which the Goderich del- egates were invited to spend a pleas- ant hour or two after adjournment was made frons the Brunswick Hotel. It was unfortunate 'that on that par- ticular evening sol many :of. aur .'local Lions were away from town, some being in Toronto, hes of r in I;o ndoiiy and elsewhere, Chief Lion C. C. Lee, in a neat speech expressed the hope that in the near future we would have the pleasure of a visit from the Wing - ham Lions°: All 'present voted the af- fair a most enjoyable one. --Goderich Signal. . SUPPORT THE 0. T. A. The first temperance Service of the campaign was held in 'the Methodist church last Sunday morning;, ;when two of the officials of the church, gave addresses, Dr, Redmond on "The 0, T,: A. What it is", and Me; F. W. French on "Government Control, and What it is". Both of these gentlemen gave clear and concise SC iC vS On these, two measures, A bizef•synopsis of the two addresses follows,. "The 0, T. A, What it is" = ' Every Y intelligent voter wants to know if the 0. T, A. has been a success,' Let us enquire and see. The liquor interests say No, because they want to defeat. it and sedum, sale for their goods, They are seeking by every means t� make the Act a failure. Their agents are, abroad:eves- twhcre, whispering in, your cars that the O. T. A. is a fail tire,- Whys' Because if they can get you to think it is a failure, they will expect you to defeat it on Oct. 23rd. But is it a failure? No, it is a splen- did success. Government statistics show there is less liquor consumed. in Ontario, there is letissdrunl.eness there are fewer commitments to 'goal for crimes associated with drinitingk. and all of 'these have been decreasing for 9 years as the result of. Local Qp tiosi and 0. T. A. In ,5913 there' wvere. liquor consumed m' Canada for every mai), woman and 'child, In 5923 only 2 pints pci" head of population. In'Toronto the police court records sbts'tv'that there i$ about ontostr'eet;s'are very different front what they Vere 10 years ago, and i d I shudder to think what they would, be today had. we the 'same facilities for drink as we had to years ago, and l: titagreeably surprised at the Incas, • success achieved, c e wu•e of r v c, tnd`]teaticni;d to goon with the fight of winning a real Nation-wide and World-wide Pro- hibition", ,, • iControl, 7e t �(-xClYsinl Il What is it" Plebiscite -a. Unsatisfactory; b, Un- necessary; c, Expensive, Reasons for,. a, Government's lack of courage; b Government's lack of revenue; c, Pe- ople's demand, Government nntenf Coiitz•ol, " a,'This s no. new thing, has always beeunder gov- ernment cont'ro(; r', Licensed bar; 2, Duncan Act; 3 Scott ,Act; 4, Local Option; 5, Ontario Temperance Act. b, Best kind of control similar to cod- trop of small, pox, mad dog or theft, c, What kind of control is this? Drink as a beverage, Quebec's and .13. C's, kind, Proper Government Control—x, No, Profits,profits would encourage bot - legging. _T, No Advertising, advertis- ing would create appetite. 3, Local' option should be allowed, 1 6h5 a 11 Best D. I,. & W''. Scranton Coal, all ;sizes Nut, Stove, : Egg and Pea If you intend fixing that old roof,, call and 'gds otir prices oir , Johns Manville Asbestos Roofing , The roof that lasts and can be 1ti' put over the old roof. MacLEANi-,;LJMBER r ALCO„ Wingham, Ontario 112 Enna LIES We are ready for School Opening with a large and well as- sorted stock of Public School -Readers Pub. School Text Book Scribblers Exercise Books Loose Leaf Mite Books Note Books Fountain Pens Drawing Books Writing g Books Examination Pads Examination Paper Lead Pencils Pen Points Pen 'Handles Pencil Boxes Crayons, Paints School Bags Our stock is o the best quality a nd prices are light. QUALITY AND SERVICE Oliposite Queens Hotel. Ticket Agency Canadian National Rya, mew= werevremipm..monuemeneWrincelmancromm......-..... '.,1101111111+"1111111"n"L,r11111unlr,Jrrjr„V,11VII nnnlruauurinuuu„um,n11n1 n.."rnn1,rnrnlnnr r ern, n,1" Wanted ultrg�9 Cream J oney a'.;ds Chee�eo i Otx1 wide .market connections and lninirur over- head expense system enable us toay�'the best t ptlc - p y s es for farm products. We cannot impress kgess u' " the aind of theproducer too stronglythe importance the'very best' possible goods. We buy all articles by grade paying as fait a price to all as possible,, The hyte Packin Co. Ltd. Open atf.BR Clad Evenings Wingharn Branch 1111Y1l,t,l,l„1 r1n1,rlr rrlr,1r,11r1nrr11111111,I,ir,„llrtinU"frIrOH;11 ,",11,111111nrn1r11.11111 11l uUrYr, 1rr1rrtrY 1, IAIlilrtryrrlillilYttlC It is worth while to deliver cream direct to Creamery. If 3oc to 5oc per can interests you as a prodsac- er--- Get our prices befrrre marketing elsewhere. We are now having hot weather; Altr At this time of year eggl deter% ate very quickly, Wo are pitying highest priee for .quality a:gga, it ggs and sell on graded basis. l:Yrirtg your eggs pays to look after. we grade them, . The United Farm rs CO vvhighaiat at 1, um�r��ra�deaoa,qunnme�ip�hanres ;L *OM' 0