HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-18, Page 1Wi 'gharii. Fall Fair Mo
Single Copies, Five Cents,
eete.,,e1 ;313,133.1W
'r It
day and Tuesclay
'.AUCTION SALE -32 I-Thead of ehoi-
tie Cattle at the C. P. R.Stock Yerd,
Wirigham, at 2 o'clock on. Saturday,
Sept. 2oth, -8 Durham Springers., 4
' Fresh Mitch Cows, 20 Steers and
Heifers from 1 1:0 2 year eld, See
bills. D, E. MacDonald, Prop., J.
Purvis,. Auct.
room brick veneer house, well sit-
uated, all conveniences, barn midge -
rage, owner leaving town. Apply to
Abner Cosens,
and Peaches delivered at Wingham
•• and Belgrave stations. PhOne )4
on 621, Mrs, Jas. Bone.
• LOST -In Winghain on August 25th,
a large woollen red and black strip-
• ed Blanket. Finder will kindly leave
same at this office. ,
'FOUND -Ford lens and frame. Own-
er owes -us 25 cents for this advt.
The Advance. •
girls preferable. Apply at The Ad -
.FOR SALE -New Seed Wheat, 0. A.
C, 104, recleaned at $1.50, per bush-
el, Robt. Coultes, East Wawariosh,
Phone 4 on 629.
0ULTRY WANTED --- Highest
price paid for all kids of live poul-
try. Call 204, Winghaen, H. 13rown
&- Sons.
unloading a car of standard re-clea,
ned screenings. Lowest price. W.
C. Leparcl. •
Repairing or Plastering. See Wal-
• lace Hough, opposite the Park.
Miss Rush, 'Victoria, St,
.FOR SALE -Cuba Heater, almbst
new, burns coal or -wood, apply to
' Wm_ J. Casemore Pleasant Valley
AUCTION SALE -Of Farm Imple-
gnents and Stock, at Lot 5, Cori, 6,
3etorris, at i o'clock, on Thursday,
Sept. 25th. Alex. Cloakey, Prop.
•-VEGETABLES-All kinds of choice
Garden Vegetables•at lowest prices.
.14. Abundance of good Sage.• Isaac
/ Coles, Gardener, cornet Shuter and
Alfred Streets.
LOST - On road between Luck -now
and Listowel via Wingham, a de-
mountable wheel with Dominion
tire. Will 'finder please communi-
cate with Rev. C. W. D. Cosens,
The Blnevele School Fair was
grand success in point of exhibits, at
tendanee and receipts. The coldswea
tiler clicl mit prevent tho.se intereste
from coming to enjoy what has be
come an annual conummity eveut.
This is.the eighth year of -the Fair
there has never been a failure and th
elhibits reflect credit on the pupils o
the four schools taking part. The pu
pile number eighty and they made
total..of over six hundred entries 11
all classes, •The rots and vegetable
and flowers were good exhibits an
the calves made a fine showing. Ther
was not as much Art shown as las
year, the baking also was limited, bu
sewing ha.cl many good enteees, an
the children's Nature Study collection
were very interesting. •
During. the afternoon the pupil
from the four schools formed a par
ade, gave their school yells and a
exhibition of singing, No. 8 Morrie
work the first prize for the parade an
is entitled .to the,shield Pei- anothe
year. Their pupilswere prettily dres
sed in green and white. Bluevalewo
second prize, the colours being whit
and gold. No, 10, Morris, had a beaa
tifue banner, and quaint green cap
were. the feature of the dress of th
pupils of No, 9, Turnberry. No.
Morris, also won first prize for sing
ing, and Bluevale second. Three ver
youthful speakers entered the specc
malcing contest, the awards being gie
en ,to• Gertrude Turvey, Bert Mather
tmcl Ea Dennis, May Nicholson o
Blttevale School won the silver cu
donated by the Bank of Commerc
r -
the highest number of points, with
een Ecktnier, second, and Hazel
third. •
fter a good program of sports had
n run off, the crowd repaired to
basement of the Methodist church'
enjoy the supper prepared by the
es ,of the Wom.en's Institute.
he concert given iirethe evening
well attended, Gordon Buchana,n.'s
lie selections pleased the audience,
Mr. , Buchanan of Toronto, gave
e good violin. music. The react-
s of 'Vire, Mowbray of Whitechurch
e much appreciated. The other
formers were Miss M. Gentles and
s Morrison, who sang very sweet -
Miss H. Brandon who playedeher
t well as accompanist and the local
hestra whoseeenusic is always en-
... .
. .
, .
. ut,...,..,,,,,,.,,,,...,,,,,, 4.,,,,,,,,,,f,,A.,,,,,,,....,,,,,,,,....1.1.,1,......4m,,,,,,...,,,,.........apoo.v...4,01n,,,rn,.......44.ininorAurvwupet........110.4....,4akiloalugmoott.......0.4.1...t., '-0,•.''''....,..............wts-..,..olux...•••,....11.0.,.........{.14. '
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t. 29th , 30th. '. rks 'Pipe Band and Joyce's ' - iclwa37 ' arld. IVIO.iiry..f,,,q,-.1:..r:littlod4,:'
,WINGHAM ONT r THURSDAY SEPTMBER 1.8th 1924 . .Subscriptions ;,,,1,00 per yeale
1Vfiss P. Hanna visited with friends
in Lye:know lest week,
Mrs. J. Riaehie visited with relatives
in Kitchener over the week -end.
' Mr. Basil Blackball of IFOronto, is
spending a few days With his' parente.
Mr. Hiram Smitn,of Lower Wing -
ham, is Spending a week. with rela-
tives at:Ripley.
Mr. C. AV, Pocock of thel•Bank of
Commerce, Toronto, -returned to his
duties on Monday.
.Mr, R. A. Hutchinson who • has
'spent the summer in Toronto is .home
again looking hale and hearty. 33
inen, spare or full time --direct to
home sales plan -$5.00 to $`1,o.00
daily. Write for terms and. tereit-
ory, Mantifacturer, Box 187, Lon-
FOR SALE -One. and a half storey
frame house, with two lots, seven
rooms, with electric lights, town
water and soft water, corner of
• Victoria and. Francis St. Apply to
Harry Allen, Phone 13-601.
FOR SALE -Two young calves. Ap-
• ply to Mts. Hawkins, Town Plot.
, -AUCTION SALE -Household Fur-
• niture, the peoperty of the late Sey-
mour Thornton, at corner of Al-
bert and Josephine Sts. in Pleasant
Valley, at 2 o'clock, on Saturday,'
Sept 27th Dining Room and Bed-,
room furniture, Pandora • Range,
" Sewing mechine, Washing machine,
Lawn 'Mower, Garden •• Tools and
many other articles. Terms cash.
T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer. -
The -total receipts for the day a
ounted•-to over two hundred dolla
most of which, will be used to p
prize money. • ,
The ladiet of the sections very ge
erously assisted the Women's Ins
tute in supplying the supper, the fun
from which will help to provide stre
lights for Bluevale.
( Co litilitted On Suppl ement)
FOR SALE -A limited quantity .of
mixed slabs. Apply to A. M. Per-
due, Phone 629-14.
LOST -In town on Saturday night,
orte ear ring with amber drops set
• with brilliants. Fhtder please lea-
've at The Advance -Times,
' FOR. QUICK SALE -Seven roomed
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Shackleton
have returned to town after spending
fhe summer in 1-Itioteville, MuSkoka.
lYfoderator of the Assembly
at Witigham
All roads,led to Wingharn on Mom,
day last, Sept. 15th, for the organize -
tions in connection with the Presby-
terian ehurch whine the bounds of the
Maitland Presbytery. • The Presby-
tery, W. M. S, and Y, P's. Union un-
ited farces for the occasion. Forenoon
sessions were it which incidental bus-
iness was attended to. In the after-
noon at 3 o'clock' there was a mass
meeting in St. ;Andrews church which
was addressed by Dr, Clarence Mc-
Kinnon, moderator of the Assembly,
The moderator dealt with the situa-
tion within the church in a clear com-
prehensive and impassioned manner.
He led his hearers to visualize the
Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee Blackball task of the church at home and abroad
and children have returned to Toron- He described how the task had grown
to after spending a week at his home and developed year ',after year, Frail
here. ,
' :Canon and Mrs. Perkins. of Chate
haM,'sPent a couple of days this- week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.:,Wq J.
Greer,,, .
Mr. and Mrs, W. Scott I -reit -a and
baby of Detroit, are spending a few
holidays at the home of Mr, J. M.
Miss Irene McGee of Toronto,
spent a, few days visiting Mrs. E, Po-
cock and daughters, returning to the
city_ on Monday.
`11/Iisses 'Edna Taylor and Alba Car-.
'Belgrave SchoOrFair
• Belgrave'Sehool Fair. will be held
On Tneeday, Sept. 2316. This is one
Of the beet school fabs held in these
parts. A Scotch and Irish concert will
be held in the evening,
Barrie,and Crop Borns • e
frame house, any reasonable offer
accepted, as owner resides out of
town. Apply to 1.1r. Alex. Forsyth,
:William St., near Salt Block;
..While.M. J. Bowes was at a neigh-
bors'helphig :to thresh, his own baro,
Caught fire and was destroyed along
with the season's 'big crop, a driving
horse, some pigs, and a number of ve-
hicles, The alarm was given,' but no-
thing couldbedone to save the place,:
3Iestirance will. not cover the'' lose, ,it:
is understood. - .
Wedded' England .
Aewedding of interest to many of
the Wingham 'people, was solemnized
in Christ church, London, Eng., an
Tuesday, Sept, Oth, when Ilia§ Eva
Dawson,, former clerk in King Bros.
store, and daughter of Mrs. Robert S.
Dawson of Landan,. Eng:, was married
to .Mr. ,Harold T. Boutcher of Lon•-
3don, .CmigrattilatiOns:.
It assumed present day proportions.
We had been building up for many
years until a year or two ago when
we had. had to recall men frorn nec•d3r
homeffields, and discharge native wor-
kers from strategic posts in the foreign
field. The work had. to be cut off,
abandoned because of a deficit in. our
funds. •.-
Here, said the speaker, was the op-
portunity of today: Shall it be seized
or shall it be missed? Telling illus-
trations Were .1 used from history to
show how opportunity might be lost,
and the tragedy of such a loss. Pic -
son of -Gorrie, are spending a few tures we're drawn of what might have
days with their friend, Miss Romelda been, had the contendantsl only 'press -
Taylor, John St. / ed on a little farther. The speaker ur.
Mr 'Reg. S, Williams, manager of ged the need of eeizing the opportun-
ity and finishing our task.
Dr. 'Watters, a missiOnary from In-
dia, west a bearer'of good tidings -who
gladdened filet hearts of all as he re-
ported "the things he had. seen and
the Canaclia,n. Bank ofetommerce, Col-
lingwood, was a welcome visitor in
Wingham on Saturday.
IVIr. and Mrs. Doig of Orangeville,
motored to Wingham and, spent a few
heard".. At the evening mass meet -
days last week at the home of Mr. .ing.he transported his hearers to the
and IVIrs. T. J. McLean.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bell of South-
ampton were in town last weekewith
there daughter, who is attending the
Wingham 'Business College. was melting down opposition and ma -
Mr. .and Mrs. W. G. M. Reid and king splendid headway.
family left On Monday for a couple of Dr. J. C. Robertson from the church
weeks' motor trip to Toronto, Smith offices, Toronto, was another who
Falls and other places East. contributed valuable aid in showing
Mrs. A. H. Wilford is leaving this how we might address ourselves to
week for Windsor where Mr. Wilford. our task. Rev. N, R. D. Sinclair of
is now permanently located as pre- Tiverton addressed the Y. P's. 'Union
sident of a large Cold Storage Co. with great acceptance in the after -
'Mr. and: Mre. T. H. Taylor wish
noon, on the practical subject ofe"Ma-
announce the engagement of their king the most out of what we have."
1 The Mod.erator in a' statesmanlike
niece, Verna Me Sturdy, to Lewis F. ,,,,,,,, gave the closing message, im-
Cook, son of Mr. aind Mrs. F. Cook ' a' -`''s
;pressing upon the young, people that
of Belgrave, Ont., the marriage to take
mission field and inteoduced them to
the patients he would meet in the,or-
dinary round of duties. Showing how
the sweet wirisomeness of the gospel
Dance in the Foresters Hall, Bel -
grave, on Friday evening, September
roth, Towne's Orchestra, Every-
boay welcome.
The WOrnett's Institute of Bluevale
wish tO thank the women of the 500 -
lion who helped with the supper on
School Fair Day.
Reeve McKibbon's cottage at Khe-
cardine beach. was broken into on
Thursday night end a considerable
number of articles, were stolen,
Mr. Thomas Somerville, a noted
teacher aud preacher among the Bre-
thren will speak at the 'Baptist church
next. Sunday. Do not fail to hear
The 33rd iegunent will commence
training in Wingham Armouries 'on
Friday evening at 8 o'Clock. All mem-
bers, or new recruits,), are requested
to be present.
• Miss "Verna MacDonald who for the
past two years has been doing private
nursing here, is this year taking the
course in Public Health Nursing at
the Toronto University.
Miss M.. 1VIcCallum of Lucknow, and
Miss M. Connell: B.A., who last year
taught in the Sault Ste. Marie High
School,' have enrolled at the Wing -
ham Business College for the study of
The Women's Missionary SOciety of
St. Andrews church will hold their
September meeting on Thursday 18th
at 3 o'clock. As this is the first meet-
ing bf the Fall a :good attendance is
expected. •
Wall Paper -In the near future Mit-
chell's Drug- Store will be headquart-
ers for Wall Papers, and a large stock
of the newest patterns by Canada's
best makers is. expected to arrive soon.
Further announcements later. Mit-.
chell's Drug Store.
Strangers in Wingham
Trumpet Vines, natives of the south
are being distributed rapidly. Better
order early to secure the best plants
and to have them well rooted before
frost comes. If you do not know how
beautiful they are look at the sun
room of the Hospital or the shrubs
growing around fence posts at my
garden. Plants fifty cents each. A.
W. Webster, the tailor, upstairs over
the Advance -Times office.
• 'abetter world' was their Peculiar
place Sept. r7th.•• Itask, seeing they were going to live
Hilliard and ,in the world they were making. In
N. Ye are on the message and spirit ofjestis Christ
a \motor trip visiting Mrs. Hilliard's ithey possessed the one solvent of the
mother, Mrs, James McGee, her bro- world's '
tiler, and sister, Mrs, Wm. Ellacott, •
Votes of thanks were moved to trie
and other friends. . . speakers, the choir, ithe ladies of St.
Mr. R. S. Whyte of Toronto, paid Andrews church and all who helped
au official Visit to the Whyte Pack- to make the meetings a success.
ing Co. plant at Wingham. He is .
Very well, pleased with levelness . and Am
berley Store Robbed
Died in Manitoba •
FbIe. SALE -One bedroom stiite, set
of leather seated dinningroorn chairs There passed away at Arrow River,
Gramophone, kitchen table, garden M'an., on SePt. 3rd,,John Patterson of
tools and other small articles, .Ap- Kansas, Mr. and are. Pattersonwere
el to Harry Allen, Phone x3 -60i. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mi's.
has decided that the Wingham branch ..
will remain open this winter. The Shiell's general store at Am -
Miss Gladys VanSickle, formerly of berley was entered and the cash reg -
the Public. School Staff, and now tea- ister. removed, along with a couple of
citing in Toronto,: and Miss Nina automobile tires. The register was
Haugh. of Toronto, spent the week -end found in a nearby fled. It had con-
F1',e home of the latter's parents, tained only $2 in coppers, which: sum
was all the burglars got for their
pains. • ,
Fall Fair Dates
Bayfield -Sept. 23 iand 24. •
Nlitchell-Sept. 23 and 24.
, 1
in Hullett township, Huron, County,
' being Lot .2., Con. 13, 140 'acree un-
der, 'cultivatioand --.-..-
11 ces
— • d
Wood btish. Farm welt
and .feneed.' House is a 'double base-. They visited in Wingham. and Mor-
ment buff ,house, with ver,andah and ri's. last year. The remains were tek-
- 'Be, • 1. to Kensas for interment. Besides
Wm, Wallace when Mr. Patterson
was seized with a paralytic stroke.
His fafher li•ved 'on the end. line of
Morrie and his • wife 'was fortnetly
'Frances S. ROC, daughter of the late
Mi• arid 'Vire. John Roe of Ntorris.
On Saturday last while Mr. Mulett
of Orillia was in conversation with
one of -one townsinen, he spoke in
most enthusiastic terms of the enter-
prise and ability of Messrs. Bell and
son of Southampton, and of the ex-
cellent line of furniture which they
manufacture. .
A play entitled "What Happened
to Jones?" will be given by the Young
People's League of the Methodist
Church, Gorrie, in the Foresters' Hall,
Bluevale, Friday evening September
reeh., at 8 o:clock-, under the auspices
of the Ladies Aid of Knox. Church,
Bluevale. Admission Adults 35 cents
Children 20 cents,
A grand rally of the Temperance
forces will be held in the Town Hall,
Wingham, on Tuesday afternoon and
evening, Sept. 23rd. Two notable
speakers from Toronto have been se-
cured for both sessions. Large dele-
gatione,from the s rounding districts
are expected. Come and pack the
hall, and let us show by our attend-
ance that Temperance is a living force
in Wingham and districts surrounding,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Haugh, Diagonal
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and. Mrs. W. j. Shoebottom, Ease Wa-
wanosh, were 1Vliss Jane N. Stanley
of Detroit, Mr. andeMys. Saicntit.oenl
shall and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall
Cronin 0f
of Turnberry and Arthur Lucknow--Sept. 25 and 26.
Glanais. Wingham-Sept. 29 and 30.
Dr. end Mrs. W. James Milne, Blyth grussels-Oct.12 and .3. •
annOUnCe the engagement of their Dungannon -Oct, 2 and 3.
younger daughter, Sara Le Moyne, to
Mr. A. Murray Cole, Toronto, son of Note These Low Prices
Mr. Samuel Cole, Sarnia, the inarriag
to take place in St. Andrew's Church
on October Ise
Dr •ancl Mrs. NI. H. Moore of Lis -
balcony, also has e co .
42'66 feet, with 22 foot posts, straw
shed 241144, stone foundation and
cemented throughout. Poult ry
house 16x2.6, galvanized steel drive
stied 241150, Buildings are practic-
3 ally all tiCW, 2 wells and never fail-
ing spring ,treek. Locality a fine
one, telephone and rural mail. PO -
6 S'On. any time. Terms to suit
apply dn. the premises, or write to
Itis widow he is survived by two sons,
Jack and G:corge.
Leg Torn in Binder
Louis Frain, a. well-known resideet
of GrOY tOweship, met with a serious
accident which might. easily have pro-
ved fatal. He 'Was unhitching his
team from the binder when. his team
nurchaser For fie•ther partictuars took fright and matte a bound. Mi.
and was caught in the machine, which
knocked him clown. The divider fast-
ening itself in his thigh, dragged him
about so rods until the binder strae,k
a fence with such violence that the
tongile of the irriplenient wee brbIcen
and the team freed, Mr. Frain's leg
wee terribly torn and several cords
severed, besides otherwise badly Vied -
sed. It requited 'id stitches to close
the WOmid.
Five Lilies Flour p.9o; Superior $4.
20 cents off these prices in buyers bag.
RemeMber every bag of flour guaran-
teed or money refunded. Feed Flour
towel, announce the engagement of $1.85 per bag; Shorts $28.00 per tote;
their eldest datighter, Ada Mabely, to Bran 25.o0 per ton All these prices
Mr. Harold H. Fritz, eldest son of -Ire at the mill door. Flour delivered
Mr, and Mrs, George H. Fritz of ,is -
towel, the marriage to take place the
latter part of September.
These 4re real ey Svers
1-1 Every Article G ura led Satisfactory
$2.00 Hot Water fiottles $1.29
$1.50 Hot Water Bottles 98c
ff 50c Tartgara Fabric Stationery 29c
(linen and tinted edges)
75c 100 Sheet Kid Finish Pad
and 50 Envelopes Kid Finish 39e
15c A 10c Scribbler or Exercise
Book and a lead pencil 10c
•50c Orange Jellies a toothsome Confection 29c lb.
- 40c Salted Peanuts 29c lb.
25c Tooth Brushes 19c
• 25c Bar Castile Soap 19c
25c Rikers Hydrogen Peroxide 15c
--- our Everyday Cut Prices .aves You Money —
Frain leaped fof the reins but missed
j. H. Wheatly Blyth R No. t.
Slashes Foot With Ave -
Willie chopping. in the bush oft
day, John Rutledge, of Brussels, had
the misfortune to give his foot 3ter-
1ash with the, axe, requiting the
services of two doctore 1:o dress the
ewomid, which 'wee said to be eight
Mr. S. Mt -deft who ,has been at Sou-
thampton, and other furniture manu-
facturing towns, selecting stock for
his son's Furniture store in Orillia,
was town on Saturday and visited
SO= of his former. friends, Messrs.
S. Bennett, A. Cosens, Mayor *Willis,
and his uncle, A. W. Webster.
Mr. Peter Linklater who has been
visiting his sister Mrs. Peter Gowans
and other relatives for several months
returned to Saskatoon, Sask., last
week, Mr, Linklatel• is a sufferer
from asthma and finds that the clim-
ate of Ontario does not agree with
him as well as the dry, clean atmos-
phere of the 'West.
Buys Out Law Practise
The law firm carried on by James
L. Killoran and Dudley E. Holmes
has been dissolved. Mr. Killoran con-
tinues the business in the old Proud -
f ot office on the Square, and Me.
free and feed loc-pet cwt. above theee
prices to any part of the town. High-
est prices paid for wheat,
Howson &Howson.
Why not have a baby clinic in
Wheel -rani Fall Fair this year? Why
not take the babies into a heated tent
and have our local doctors and nurses
examine the babies and judge them
by standdd weight and measurement
of normal babies and find what really
normal babies are in our community.
Let us try to make this most import-
ant phase of our Fall Fair a marked
success, so that other towns will fall
in line and advocate free medical baby
See Our Xmas Cards;
ibbon s Drug Store
511SLXCIVA Store "
salineriusim, Ont. ,
1111111411M1111111111111 111 'III 111 1111,1111E11113•311 1111111111121111E6111 111E111
Phone 53
111 111 W311111111111 131111
' TRUCK IN RIVER ,. 11 III 1111111 11111111 III III
Theop. Finuen- Metiers' Broken •' CEMENT
• Shoulder :in Mix -Up ,
While driving along the west side
of the river drive from Weetern Foun-
dry to Lower Wingham School, at
noon on Thuesday, Frank Screaton,
driver of one of Labatt's big trucks,
kidded off the road into the pond.
The driver worked. his way through
he window in the truck and out to
M Th Finnen hitched -
Which Face?
It was lunch hour in the new build-
ing and Pat's two mates, deciding to
play a joke on him. during his ab-
sence, drew the features of a donkey
upon the back of his coat, which he
had left behind. In due tine Pat
returned' arid presently hove in sight
bearing the decorated coat. "What's
the trouble, Pat"? asked one trying
to appear indifferent, "Nothing much"
replied Pat, equally, inklifferent, "only
I'd like to know which one of yee
wipe your face on my coat.
Leg Broken at Ball Game
Mr. R. Hornieg met with an tmfor-
tenate accident ie the return game of
ball at Teeswater. In the first part
of the fourth inning he was boxed at'
dry land, r. eop.
his team to the truck and. had it just
about to the top of the bank when
he harness broke and they ran away.
The truck fell back on Mr. Finnen
h 1 nd mud
in •
Unloading to -day, car 5-
fi of cement. 0 ur
prices are the low-
pinning him in t e ewe e a
Wiragha S it C. lile III6
Fr r
Medical aid wa.s summonded and. it ' .
was found that Mr. Finnen had bones
n. his collar bone and shoulder fract-
ured. He was also badly cut and
The truck was pulled out by anoth-
er truck; little 'the worse of its soak -
ng. in the water, •
Your Remittance Appreciated.
The Advance -Times sent out almost
$1000 worth of subseription accounts
ast week. Thus far only a very few
lollars have been paid. We need the
noney and must urge that all those
having received a.ccounts call or send
•heir subscription to us within the
next few days. We really must col-
ect this money before oth
Please be good enough to settle now,
Wingharn Fall Fair
The Advance -Times is now show-
ing the very. latest Personal Greet-
ing Christmas Cards. The qualityand
general appearance of the cards ,have
surpassed other years. °eine in and
look through our samples. It does
not matter whether you purchase or
not. •
White Robin in Turnberry
'Edward Tompkins of Turnberry,
drew attention several days ago to the
presen'ee-of a white robin near his res-
idence. 'The bird is all white, except
his red brea.st, sings the usual notes
and there seems no question that it
is a robin, but no one could get near
enough to capture it.
tempting to steal home and while ma-
king a quick turn, his spikes caught
4nd being "tagged" with ball at the
same time, he fell breaking hiee, leg
above the ankle. Medical aid was
Holines w1.11 remove end take over soon mrailable and a temporary set-
derstand Mr. Cameron will turn this the leg was examined by X-ray and
over to Mr, Holines iminediately, be- properly Set, The ,break was a bad
fore leaving to take tip his duties as one and Mr. 1-lorning has suffered
• Mr. M. G. Cameron's office., We tin- tint; wits ina.de, Upon arrival in town
Jiidge of the counties of Dutharri an(
Nottlnunberland. Mr. Killoran was
continttously in ,partnership with the
late Senator Proudfoot for over
twelve years and Mr. Holmes is otie
of out clevet? tooting lawyers of pre.
misc. Ctoclericli Star,
Mr. D'olmes is well known. to many
of oar readers bcilig- a son of Mr. and
Mts.. Dudley E. Holmes of Wingliain,
considerable, His many friends sym-
pathize with hint le his accident and
hopeefoi• his speedy recovery. Palm.-
etston Spectator.
The Methodist Church
Sunday, Sept. 2Ist, 1924, to a.m,
Prayer and Praise Service. it a.m.,
7 p.m.; Public Worship, conduct-
ed by Rev. D. A. I, Brown.of Wrox-
oter. IVIonday, The Y. P. S, Tttes-
day, Temperance Mass Meeting in
Town Hall, two sessions 2.30 and 8 p.
m. Two special speakers expected
from Toronto. Let us make this a
rally. The Women's Institute will
serve supper in the council chamber
to delegates and all who desire it, P.
S. -Don't forget the /Rally Services,
Sunday', Sept, 281h. 'Mrs. McKenzie
of ,Kincardine, oloist will be present
at all services and assist the choir in
Huron County Plowmen
The .1-Itiron Comity Plowmen's As-
sociation at a meeting held in the
cormell chamber, Brussels, on Friday,
Sept :cede decided to have it plowing
match on the farms of Harvey Beyans
and John Work, one mile north of
trussele, oil Friday, October loth,
The classee will be as fOnOWS: l3oys
under r6 years in stubble, one third
acte• 2, Boys tinder to years In sod;
3, den re yew.% to 25 in sod; 4, Open
with general purpose plows in sod; ‘5,
Free for, all with ltIgh cut plows m
sod; 6, Riding plows in sod; Tractor
plowing for tractor owner, one acre
in sod, No C2 fee except mem-
betehip tickets costing 25c. A num-
ber of entries have already been plae-
ed with the seeretary E. Cardiff.
Allan Adams is the president.
Wingha,m Fall Fair will be held. on
Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 29th and
3oth. The regular prize list and the
special prize list are as good, if not
better, than other years. Joyce's Mid-
way and merry-go-round will be at
the fair this year. The attraction co-
nmittee have secured the services of
the Marks Kiltie Band for the last
day. They will put on vaudeville
stunts as well as. supply the mesic.
In the evening of Sept.'3oth that local
talent pla3r "The jienes Entertain" will
Winghatre. on Tueeday, Sept,
16th, to Mie 011:11M18, jas, 'F. Soli,
a sou,
High School Field Day
Friday, Sept. 19th, will be the An-
nual Field Day at Wingliam 3 High
Schor.d. The usual programme of ev-
ents will be rttn off and will be fol-
lowed by a basket ball game between
Kincardine H. S. girls 'and Wirigham
girls, also a football match between
Kiricardine H. S. boys and Wingham
11. S. boys. A silver collection will
be taken up. Parents and friends are
cordially invited,'
• Sold Locally
The council held a special meeting
on Monday night to pass the bylaw
to issue War Memorial Debentures
for $7209. Denominations were made
at $500 for a term of ro years at 54
per cent. payable yearly. The bylaw
was passed and the town treasurer
immediately ordered Debentures prin-
ted, and also advertised the deben-
tures for sale. Before this issue of
our paper was on the press he noti-
fied us that we couild cancel the ad-
vertisement as the entire amount of
the debenture had been oversubscrib-
ed by Wingham citizens, This is in-
deed gratifying as several other towns
issue debentures. and. have to ad-ver-
tiee for considerable time before they
dispose of them. Mr. Galbraith also
informs us that he has a local custom-.
be put on in the Town Hall, The ad- er for the debentures which will be
mission to the fair is 25c and to the issued 'to pay for the new reservoir
concert soc and 350. which is now being rushed.
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We've Shoes 42from t171:141,,Tho::;t1414'?'rice at which
anything worth buying in School Shoes can be ob-
'tained, to the better and higher priced Shoes.
On Saturday next, we will give 10 per cent, off
regular price on every pair of Boys and Girls Shoes,
FREE! Alt -Airship Balloon or a Bouncing Ball
given Free with every pair of School Shoes.