HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-09-11, Page 8" 4,4 olete • wing Hanna: & Co. Limited announe the Fall Showinghof New Coats of the best makers, individual styles New Cloths such as Teddy Bear, Cut vel ours,'Marvellas and Fur Coats. Styles that have been carefully selected from the best Montreal man- ufacturers worthy of your inspection. Hanna 82 Go., Limited �J ttiµ'tf rsinsiltl 111 11 III111IIIIJil111111 :lill4l111: (topic, "How Jesus used sinners", was WHITECHURCH =(taken by Annie Inglis, while Mr, Wni. mi., and 1Mrs, John Rome of. Walk- '°S :s: Taylor, Salem, made a spendid press•- J Y erton, also Mr: and Mrs. Kincaid and ® dent. The.society will hold their an-A2r, Russel MacKay and his bride, = nual picnic on Saturday afternoon in from Michigan, visited at the home 5 Gordon Mulvey's field. Everybody is of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Godkin, last i welcome. 2elr. WING%IAM .4,D VAN.CE-TU.MES Mr, and Mrs. Charles Aitkens and Mr- and Mrs.' Af'clfie Paterson and. 11 family of Listowel, were Sunday Nisi- children from Lucknow also Mr. and E tors- at John Darlings. Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Raliston;sp- Furse Aitken was in London last ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor week. Emerson. • Mr. Ed, Lawrence is visiting his .. • Mr. Jas, Stein and Mr. and Mrs. mother and brother. Robt:. Purdon and children attended Goderich Fair last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Stein visited with Mr. and Mrs.- Percy MacLean, on. Monday. Master Willie and St Clair Kelly, returned to their home at St. Aug- ustine, on Sunday after spending two weeks with their grandparents, Mr,. and Mrs. Jas: Cornelius, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Inglis el -Bel- mare, and Mr, and Mr;s. Mclllwain of I; ordwich, visited on Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Fred Davidson, s n. Mrs. Alex Ferguson of Culross, is visiting with Mrs. James Wilson, Mr. and Mrs–Pete Moffatt of Lang. side, visited on Sunday with _Mr., and Mrs. Wm, Barbour. the West, where he will spend the Miss Kate McKenzie, R. N. of New Fall. York, is visiting' with her sister Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Join Smith left last Thos. Gaunt. week for the West, where they will Messrs. Duncan Kennedy, Price visit with friends. • Scott and Wm. Taylor, left for the Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Stokes were: West on Wednesday. .• • recent visitors at the home of Stokes_ NIrs, Gibson Gillespie of Lucknow, Mrs. Percy Copeland on the Wroxet attended the 'Toronto .:fair one day er gravel. last week. Miss Cora G Ikinson who spe}it ivies. (Dr.) Paterson of Lucknow, the past month at her home here, re- visited. with Miss Ida McQuaid, over turned to Gt :ce Hospital, Toronto, the week -end. where she is training for a nurse. Don't forget the Methodist Anniver- Mrs. W. Fin, Haugh is away West on sary services, held on Sunday Sept. a visit, where she will spends, some 2xst., Rev. Mr.' Cragg of W ngham, time with friends there. will conduct the services, Presbyter- ian choir will lender special music, FORDYCEE •On Monday evening a fowl supper Mr. Charles Martin has purchased be served and Lucknow talent a new Rwnley engine for plowing and iii Everybody' ane excellent program. The "newest" in Enamel ware, beautifully colored, good enough E. for a place in 1the. China .Cabinet.• McClary's. Quebec with large i oven and roomy fire box, allows, — wood to la flat, a wonderful "heater'„ and ."cooker?' combined, a fuel saver. 1 n®Bush a I lid—HARDWARE Al 3 STOVES ti McClai:3t Dealers m, is _. ili III�III�IU�9111 IIIl�1119NIIIl�lil�ill�lll Ill�l B1;I.M0RE The W. f+, S. met in the church on Friday afternoon The meeting was tepenrd by singing More love to Thee 0, Christ" scripture reading by. Mr. Mulvey, .>rayer by Mrs. Rev: Hark - ss i •offering; rea lin of.min- Ades i Ott,. , , Rip cy, reading inaiw hues of last meet by Mrs. Mulvey. address by Mrs. Harkness. Hymn. ;;;8r, Collation, $7.45, Home Helpers 1i3r65• The Warrens Institute met Satur- r :iy afternoon at the home of the :president, Miss Agnes Darling, when .bout 30 were present, it being grand- ; rothers' day. The grandmothers vier e well.represented and favored the ;to:Ilk:nee; with a sang. It was plann- ea at this meeting to serve lunch and ace cream: at the School Fair, aftar_ 'business affairs Miss Duffy gave a hu - morons i-eading, also Mrs, Gowdy; a tkuce by Miss Preda Duffy and Mrs. E 'Renick, a recitation by Miss jet - fray. 'Roll call. Recollections of my ;;ioandi nother, after which, a luncheon 43f sandwiches, pie and -cake was sery toil♦ by the hostess. The afternoon was a"l)leasaint and profitable one, The Christian Endeavor meeting on t°innday night was well attended the •GLENANNA1�' Mr. Robert .Baird of Belinorer has been stook threshing for some of the farmers in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs: John Fortune of Sault Ste. Marie, are visiting with relatives Mr.. James McEwen of the Savo, al•• so his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Ewen from the south of Turnberry, called on Mrs. \Vn. Breckenridge and other acquaintances in these parts. Miss Katie Gilmore of Winghani,. spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Rena Haugh. Mr. Allie Lincoln left last week for pressing' hay: Y y r o I NTtsses Jane and, Adeluie Mathers, visiting at I •. r Leavers' '` is is i N r fete .eav is at g present visiting.at Mr, Thomas Lea- ver's, . Mr. -Dcyeil is' at present engaged with James Martin threryzing. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Bruce of Luck - now, visited at Belgrave and at Athol truce's on, Thursday ,last. Miss Maud Leaver who has beenalters, Mr. Henry lathers and sons of Blue - vale, spent Sunday with their cousins, U.iHenry Mr. r..R W,Farrier and' n Ur. He i Paterson. Dr, and Mrs, Will Elliott of -Brand- on and his father, Mr. Jas, Elliott of Bluevale, visited oft Tuesday .twith Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Elliott. Mr. John Champion of Kincardine; Messrs: Gordon McGee and J. D; spent Sunday under the parental roof. Beecroft unloaded a car of Scottish 'Fertilizer 1 Terre on Tuesday. M's W' n'e H-' t t ° for her new home inSt L M Miss 1/Vinnie i antes is a ton. Mrs, Arthur Du Mont, left this wcelc n at extCnded visit to Hamilton. i i t , : Louis r� o, Mr. and • Mrs. A. Haines and family 1.1.S,A., afterspending 'ilio past o. visited at Fordyce on Sunday last. of weeks with her brther, rs, E couple Glad to hear that Airs. Haines sr.,gg e- who happened with; an accident by stone, falling off a chair is at present :. ,. • ving as wen, as can bei loolccd JUL. Hetes encouragement for weary Mr, Frank O'Calla -.Iran attended' gardeners: A Kansas University pro g f • i' Toronto Fx, and. visiting relatives last esso:t says t oat the key to perpetual , youth lives in the use of the muscles. MAPLE GROVE Mr, and Mrs. John M .Gee of God- erich, Mr: and Mrs. Thos. Cools and baby Rae of Lucknow; and Miss Dol- ly Cook of Dungannon, spent Sunday at Petr Cook's, Mr, and Mrs. Mark Gardner visited at Wre, T3ell's of Paramount on Sun- day last, No service at Zioti On Sunday on: aecount}'of anniversary serviceg at' Hackett's church. Mrs. Baker of Paisley, visited at Wesley Ritchie's on Si irday last, We are sorry to rep rt the accident P of 1, clic Cook. ' tt• ' Cook, �9T front of grain,breaking his collar bone.. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Niton and Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Ritchie of Zion, vis- ited with their sort, Wct,51 y J.Ritcstrew of the Grove on Sunday, NOTXCE TO CONTRACTORS The municipal councilof the Town- ship of Morris, is asking for tenders for excavating: a space at the north- end of Stone school bridge, suitable for a culvert, at least, to feet wide in- side, Also tenders for culvert for the same, either a cedar culvert or a ce- ment culvert. e-ment_culvert. Also tenders for rais, ing and •gravelling; the road, , immed- iately east of the bridge, at so much per cubic yard, The tenders will be opened and - considered at a special meeting of the council to be held at the Stone School bridge, at t p. on Monday, Sept. I,5tli, 5924, Plaits and specifications for either a cedar or cctnent euivcrt may scanat the clerk's residence or at the bridge at time of meeting. A. ii, Clerk TWENTY YEARS AGO 1+ ?GTlT t RONvERS iu, XI~NQ t Clipping From Wingharn Papers A iaieeting of the fluroi Comity coecrete rept, zgo�• Fruit'Growers" Council yuan. held -an the D znu'ttnent of Agracultuie office John Wilson, V.S. lies treated lits on 'Wednesday, Sept. etel, "•1 hes was ding and J. W,Sewers bar- the largest meeting of kits Association o a fresh Boat of,paitrt, held so far. The main treed of taus -t B. Elliott and Miss Grace incss was preparing price list for our `. returned lionie from a fetiv proposed Fair and to make arrange - t with relatives in Brandon itrents regarding details of the same,' eji, Man. Classes are being arranged fpr twenty T. Currie has about complet- ed varieties of apples on plates, five' in tt act of delivering the stone barrels and nine in boxes, along with tattdatiotr of the new Post special exhibits in'baskets, flats and ding;and people who know, hoops 'as virell as special exhibitsx front" are the finest ever d'e- producers, wishing to make stn eshlliit: Wingliam, Mr. Currie is Eight plate classes are put oe for now ing on the contract of furl- bears. nishing e gravel to be used hi the Arrangements are being • made to ort on the piers of Zetland give as liberal prizes as possible, pecial ex<jribkts Ire being ntit ori by J. Fluety of, the Southarnta_ 'Several of the Spray Machinery Com- . as well as • the Federal Fruit Branch. The Woinen's Institute Br- anch of the Ontario Department,. of Agriculture is putting on a demon - office buil bet shop.to Mrs. it Greer' have weeks visa and 1-iar tar Mr. W. ed his cora for the fa Office buil say the stones liveac.cl in ton llcacon, accompanied by Mrs, Fluety and two sons have been spend- ing a few days with) his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Fluety: Mr, and Mrs. John H, Powell De - and stration in- home - canning of apples children rettrrned to their home in De etc.. Arrangements are being niacle, a4ty troit •otr Tuesday, after spending the close of the Show, which'will be Month with Mr. 1?owell's mother and held on November 5th., to have the sister and other relatives in Turnberry, apples sold by auction. Mr, C. G. Maguire, real estate agent has made the sale of two town proper- ties this week. Mr W. F. Broken- shire's brick cottage on the corner of Frances and Victoria street has 'been sold to Mr. Rich. Anderson at $I2oo. Mrs. S. M, Hastings' house on Victor- ia Street has been sold to Mr, Fred Stricker at 075.. Through J. A. Mor- ton, Mr. G. C. Hanna has purchased the house and lot of the Norris estate, corner of Slither and Patrick streets, and W. D. Pringlehas purchased the Varney property on Leopold street. Through Mr. Cosens, Mr. Ezra Hart has purchased - Mrs. R. Walker's house and lot on Catherine Street, at the rear of the. School house. . Onef Wingham's pioneer residents BLUEVALE passed away on Saturday last, in his 83rd.' year. Mr. Holmes has,been con- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coultes of Lis - fined to his bed for some weeks, the towel, spent Sunday with , relatives cause of death being a gradual break- here. ing up of the system..: He was one of Mr. and 'Mrs. J. W. King left on the best known hien in this section of Monday for a. trip out West,: Huron County+ and cache here litany Mr. R, Johnston shipped ;a carload years ago froth Toronto and for over of hogs on 'Saturday, price $p,so. thirty-five years had: been a resident Anniversary eeevices will be held. in of Witgharn, and during that time had Methodist chttrcli, next Sunday, Sept. been engaged in the financial business. I4.th, When Rev. Mr. Clark'' of Buss Mr. Thos- Field and his sister, .Miss els will preach at It a. ni, :and 7,3o Rose Field, wlio are ill with typhoid p. iii. fever have been very sick during the Mrs, R. Hockeridge is visiting past week, and up to the time of going friends at London this week: to press there is no change in their condition. Mr, and Mrs. D. W. All The difference between the Optimist emby and Mr. John Wells, who are And Pessimist is droll, also ill with fever are. doing nicely; The Optimist the doughtnut sees, and it no other trouble sets in are in a The Pessimist the hole. fair way to recovery. Mr. Robert Groves and Mr. Iven Johnston have FORDYC..E been on the sick list for some days, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Doffs of Da - YOUR PAPER•mascus visited relatives and friends att Fordyce, Dungannon. and Goderich • Our ,lists were corrected up to date for a few days last week. recently. Your yellow label will de- Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Champion and note to yon the month and year in son. John, spent Sirnciay at Lake Hur- which your subscription expired.. For on, near Kincardine. instance, if your label reads July 23, ` Mr„ C. F. Martin has purchased a L you. owe from July the 1,et.,-19_3. The new Rumby tractor for use on the rxionth and the year -of expiration are farm -and Hay Press. noted. In neiespaperdoni, you are Mrs. Groomer and children who supposed to: pay in advance, so if you . have been, visiting here for some tune are in arrears even one month, we Chas returned home. to Toronto, expect you to pay iiia If those in at- Glad to hear that. Gregg Shields, rears for some time knew the narrow who was a little under the weather,. mai;g-in on newspaperwork, they is ,improving. nicely; not be so lie le tful nutty would g c A.Y ber of these navies will be cut off our Altogether an excellent program :is being prepared and'the Fruit Growers' Council is asking all producers of fruit in the County of Huron to look over their orchards and 'save the best' fruit' of the various varieties for this exhibition. Huron County has won- derfull possibilities as a fruit growing! section and this is one of the first steps being` taken in an organized attempt to bring this . industry back to what it should be, The Council are ask- ing for skingfor the hearty co-operation of ev- eryone to mage this event a`successful Fair, We will have something of in- terest for everyone, who can possibly attend whether they be from town or country, °Sbr'ta ill t ��(ii j; t. list very shortly. Thti, great bulk -of. Our subscribers are pronzp-t, and these we appreciate. Notwithstanding the hard times, our list each time we re- vise' it shoes- considerable gro th, de- spite the fact that we have made no effort whatever to' increase our sub script:ions. We take this as evidence that the paper is being appreciated, and for -this we are thankful. BELGRAVE The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Procter, on Tuesday, Sept.,; i6tlr at two o'clock p. iii, Mrs. Michie will give a paper, on "Is the Home Shirking Its Respon- sibilities." Roll call, sing or 'pay fine 'scents. ; ,Music by Mrs. J. Clegg. Mrs. Charles' Procter, has returned from • visiting her son, Clayton„,, at Fort Frances. Cat Mothers Pups The cat is commonly looked on as a cold-blooded creature with little af- fection in his make-up save for those providing material "comfort" for it, but it seems that, like .many other such beliefs, it is "greatly etiagger- ated,"" At least a cat, which claims the ElzeksHouso,:Mitchell as toe , as doing het bese to; prove the con- trary. ''Sh,e "has adopted two Boston bull Pips, .whose mother died, when they were less than a week old, and istrying to bring ,diem up as best she can, Not only that but .she, ob- viously is quite proud of her "ad- opted children" and gives thein much more attention than her own kittens, New Traffic -Regulations Rules of the road—Tokio This is not a joke; it appears just. as it is in Japan's largest: police. Stat ion:---; t At the rise of the hand of police- man stop rapidly. 2 Do not -pass policeman; or other- wise disrespect hint, • 3 When a passenger on the foot hove in' sight, tootle hotel;: trumpet at hint, melodiously, at f1rst;: but if he 'still obstacles your passage, tootle hint with it<igor, and express by word of mouth the warning 'Hi, hi'. 4:Beware of the wandering horse, that,he shall not take fright as you pass Rini by; do not explode an: ex- hatrst blow at' hint, Go soothiegl. .y 5 Give big° space. to restive deg that shal.l,sport in the roadway. 6 Avoid entanglements of the dog ll with the wheel spokes, 7 Go soothingly on the grease rota, as here arks skid den;otr, 8.l?ress the brake of the foot as you rali around the corner, to save col- aspe and tie -up" --Springfield .hepub- Thurslay, -'September ,r, Gosod Schoolchoo Shoes n Demand We have in stock several exceptionally good lines of "School Shoes" for Girls and Boys -Shoes in fact that can be depended upon absolutely for good wear. The lines we recommend in particular are made of • good Box Kip, Leather, double toes, good soles and heels, no shoddy or pancake in any part—Shoes in fact that can be de- pended upon" to wear well in' • every instance. Wehave lines just as described, made , especially for our trade and now in stock. The Le ,i. din ons": •x.29, 'u�SMn t Aid(" St'w. t f !G> fifilo Shoe Shore of Hun I: ratty 5111 a a'lPli3lm :mk,101115140 WV. Glad.. to hear that ivIr. John and 11Miss Grace Wightman visaed for Ldella Rintoul who have not been well" . the.past two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. of late are improving. „ EAST WAWANOSH Mr, . and Mrs. Win. Robinson, spent a few days last ,,week attending To- ronto Fair. Miss Ethel Dreahman, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Walker-. 1 Misses, Verna and Hazel Irwin 'started back to Business College in Wingham, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Shield and children of Bluevale, spent Sunday (with Mr. and Mrs. Robert"Shieli. I Miss Lizzie Young spent a few clays 'last week with her pal -eats, at Grand 1 Bend. Mrs. Wm. Rome, of Teeswater. Mr. and. Mrs. S. C. Hutchison and son Garfield, from Cavan, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Campbell. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Gibson and Mr. and Mrs, Will Gillespie and children Of Galt,spent the week -end at the home of the former's.sister, Mrs..Win. Robinson, tie Mr. and Mrs. 'rhos. Taylor and e't mother, Mrs. Jas, M•ggrrison and Mi and Nis, Smith of GI"enannan, left on Wednesday to visit relatives in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Taylor are spending a month/ in Winnipeg and other points in the West. t 1111 SI Coats of Persian Lamb, .Hudson Seal, Muskrat, d'I Eli mu ouresiumum 31111131111B11 ATS Northway Garments o f exclusive design, tailored from the new cloths as Marvella, . Teddy Bear Cloth, Bolivia,Cut Duvetyn, Cameline, J Velour, Fancy Tweeds,Etc. Fur trimmed Coats and Self Trimmed Coats in the new Fall shades, as 'African/Brown, Biege, Black, Sand, Grey mixtures. :: Prices range from... .: , $17.50 to 85.00 li„"upn"u,U",I, m,f„" 111,t„ 00101101.101 ,, llllll1 1 i„ 0111 010 ll ,i uw"01010 uuuN Ji nn Ul u,uunim ISM Ful E 1115 FURS , FURS FURS it B 111 1141 111 and Beaver, correct in style and length. We -carry the best grades only,�� and every' . garmenC, guaranteed., ., .Fall Dress Goods, Fall'Silks, Fall W�oYlens iosierY , Gloves, oves Underwear, Linoleums, Cong oleu cn;s, Window Shades. GS. ma S -- 20 pieces f re 1 4o Pure Silks of Stripes, s�t 1 e$ Brocades and plain �+ � � p aln cloths in lengths from 2 to 5z yards, and regularly arly priced from3.50 to 5.50 ,.1� yard, all at one ., p y d, fl clearing rice ... per yard 2.39, Phone 71 11m n 1 1 11001001010m somm X11 NmosommismomIrwin )w! ® 5 m INEINEMINSERZNUFAM MOW